NominationForm The form/s to be lodged with the Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM which is to be held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 (by 5:00 pm Tuesday, 09 August) To be elected are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and six Committee members I nominate ...................................... for the position of ..................... Proposer ............................................... Seconder ........................................................................... I accept the nomination .........................................Date ..................... Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting if none are received by the nomination closing time. If more than one nomination is received for any position, an election will be held. Secretary B&DGC PO Box 122 BERRY NSW 2535 T: 0413 893 508 NominationForm The form/s to be lodged with the Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM which is to be held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 (by 5:00 pm Tuesday, 09 August) To be elected are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and six Committee members I nominate ...................................... for the position of ..................... Proposer ............................................... Seconder ........................................................................... I accept the nomination .........................................Date ..................... Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting if none are received by the nomination closing time. If more than one nomination is received for any position, an election will be held. Secretary B&DGC PO Box 122 BERRY NSW 2535 T: 0413 893 508