Honors College Parents’ Advisory Council Meeting
Saturday April 18, 2015
Regent’s Room; Mass Media Technology Hall
Call To Order
Co-hairs Kirby and Angela Kemble called the meeting to order at 10:03am
Families Represented: Zimberg, Pruitt, Gaiko, Phillips, Harney, Kemble, Breidenich,
Pennington, Gaiko, Beasmore
Honors College team present: Dr. Craig T. Cobane, Allison Smith, Jenny Wells, Brian
Approval Of Minutes
Minutes approved (Pennington, seconded by Lorie Richey)
Student Presentation
Brooke Barber, (Pre-Veterinary Advisement, Bowling Green) the student who was to present was at vet school orientation at Auburn University and could not attend.
Director’s Report
Building Update: WKU Planning Design and Construction (PDC) liaison Kerra
Ogden is out of town for family reasons, so we are unable to tour.
New Business
Committees met and discussed plans for the upcoming year.
The original constitution was discussed, led by Kirby Kemble. The Following issues were noted:
The term of the co-chairs is not the same between the constitution and the co-chair description
Several offices (e.g., treasurer and secretary) described in the constitution do not exist currently.
The Constitution describes elections and terms.
A motion was made to have co-chair appointments made by Executive
Director, term length 2 years, and reappointment at Executive Director’s direction. Motion made by Lea Beasmore, seconded by Bruce Harney.
Motion to remove secretary and treasurer from constitution, make by Vicki
Phillips seconded by Lea Beasmore.
Membership requested that the above revisions be made and an updated draft be provided to members this summer and discussed at next meeting.
Committee Reports
Dr. Cobane requested input on ways to make the committees more effective. o Asked committees to create committee descriptions for dissemination.
Recruitment Committee:
o Bruce Harney reported that there was no activity between meetings.
At the last meeting the committee finalized a mission statement and clarified goals. Those items will be forwarded to Dr. Cobane and Jenny
Pyle. o Allison Smith gave committee cards to be sent to parents of students who have not yet made their decision on attending WKU. Committee discussed appropriate content for letters. May was set as the target date to send out letters. It was planned that this project would become an annual event led by Allison Smith.
Fundraising Committee: o Steven Breidenich reported that the committee discussed the low rate of return (approximately 30%) on Parent Association Forms. o Committee agreed that the HC-PAC membership can/should help with increasing the return rate similar to how the recruitment committee reaches out to parents of student applicants. o Committee made the following recommendations
HC would provide a one-page sheet of talking points to use when reaching out to families (e.g., value of being connected, upcoming HC-PAC events, etc.).
HC would provide members the Parent Association Form as a
PDF and as a web link, so families have the option of filling out a online form or a PDF and sending it to the HC
It was recommended to make the form as brief as practical o Focus of HC-PAC funding would be annual giving, but each member should make the HC team aware of endowment level prospects.
Social Committee: o Pyle reported that committee discussed the low response rate on the
Parent Association Form. o Committee developed three strategies to increase response.
Provide forms to parents at H4 check-in and Richey’s will encourage to parents fill out immediately and on the importance of staying connected.
Upon received completed Honors College-Parent Association
Involvement Forms families will thank you response and additional information.
Actively engage responders at Parents’ Weekend Brunch. o Spring fundraiser was discussed. Jenny Pyle reported the issue of a gaming license and the need to change the “theme” of the event. o Jenny Pyle was to bring date options to the next meeting and to continue discussion with committee over the summer.
Kemble asked for volunteers to chair the Special Events Committee and interested parties should contact the Honors College Staff.
Announcements and Reports
Kirby Kemble offered congratulations to parents of graduates and a thank you for their service. Brenda Pruitt will be rolling off. Vicki Phillips has elected to serve an additional year.
Dr. Cobane will provide the graduating 2014-15 graduating classes profile.
Kirby Kemble requested that their be more presentations from students, who receive funds from the HC-PAC.
Kirby and Angela Kemble offered closing remarks regarding their experience as Co-Chairs of the PAC before passing on gavel.
Kembles passed the gavel to Jeff and Lorie Richey, who offered remarks about their excitement, wanting to work together as a team, and valuing everyone’s opinions
Dr. Cobane addressed the collaborative endowment information in packets and the form that was included to see what people fill out
Richey adjourned meeting at 11:55am.