Personal Information Name: Hamid Reza Maleki Date of Birth: March 5, 1965 Place of Birth: Shiraz/Iran Gender: Male Marital Status: married Language: Persian, English Religion: Moslem Mobile:+98-09177038918; Phone(Official): +98-0711-7261392; Fax: +98-0711-7354523; E-mails:;, Education 1971-1976: Elementary School /Amir Kabir / Shiraz /Iran. 1976-1978: Guidance School /Hekmat / Shiraz /Iran. 1978-1981: High School /Payvand /Shiraz/ Iran. 1981-1987: B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics/College of Science /Shiraz University/ Shiraz /Iran. 1987-1989: M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (Operational Research) /College of Science /Shahid Bahonar University/ Kerman /Iran. 1994-1998: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Operational Research) /College of Science /Shahid Bahonar University/ Kerman /Iran. Ph. D. Thesis Supervised: 1. Topics in fuzzy mathematical programming, Zangiabadi M., Kerman University 2007. 2. Fuzzy linear programming: A geometric approach, Safi M. R., Kerman University 2007. 3. A goal programming approach to fuzzy linear regression, Hassanpour H., Kerman University, 2008. 1 Ph. D. Thesis Consulted: 1. Fuzzy linear programming: Single and multiobjective, Mishmast Nehi H., Kerman University, 2003. 2. Ordinary fuzzy linear programming and fuzzy interval linear programming, Yazdani Peraie E., Kerman University, 2004. 3. Some contributions to multicriteria optimization, Yaghoobi M. A., Kerman University, 2005. M.Sc. Thesis Supervised: 1. Selection problem with quantitative and qualitative data, Yaghoobi M. A., Kerman University, 2000. 2. Multiobjective and fuzzy multiobjective linear programming problems, Solimani Damaneh K., Kerman University, 2000. 3. Fuzzy linear programming, Ghobadi S., Kerman University, 2000. 4. Fuzzy shortest path, Agheli B., Kerman University, 2001. 5. Ranking functions and their applications in linear programming with interval and fuzzy numbers, Solimani Garmabaki A. H., Kerman University, 2002. 6. Multiobjective programming and solving by interior point affine-scaling algorithm, Mohammadi M. H., Kerman University, 2002. 7. OWA operators in decision making, Sadabadi S. A., Kerman University, 2003. 8. Multiobjective transportation problems and solving by fuzzy programming technique, Nazif H., Kerman University, 2004. 9. Fuzzy linear programming based on statistical confidence interval-valued fuzzy set, Salmani G. H., Kerman University, 2004. 10. Fuzzy linear programming: A geometric approach, Zaiemazad E., Kerman University, 2004. 11. Fuzzy linear programming and its application to approximation of fuzzy functions, Sabeghi N., Kerman University, 2005. 12. Multiobjective geometric programming: Fuzzy and goal programming approach, Bordbar S., Kerman University, 2005. 13. A method for solving fuzzy assignment problem, Judi S., Kerman University, 2006. 2 14. A study on some solution methods of multiple attribute decision making problems, Rivaz S., Shiraz University of Technology, 2008. 15. Decision making in intuitionistic fuzzy environment, Khalesi R. Shiraz University of Technology, 2009. 16. A survey of the moltiobjective transportation problem, Khodaparasti S., Shiraz University of Technology, 2009. 17. Traffic assignment problem & optimization of some parameters of urban road network, Shirvani M. J., Shiraz University of Technology, 2010. 18. A method for solving multiobjective fuzzy linear programming problems with fuzzy decision variables, Hozhabri M., Shiraz University of Technology, 2010. 19. A study on some methods of fuzzy linear regression, Akrami F., Shiraz University of Technology, 2010. 20. A new approach to optimization for intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment problem based on linear programming, Abolhasanbeygi M., Shiraz University of Technology, 2011. 21. A fuzzy optimization model to water quality problems of a river system, Hassani M. Y., Shiraz University of Technology, 2011. 22. Estimation of urban traffic conditions using an automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems, Rahimi A., Shiraz University of Technology, 2011. 23. A survey of covering location problem for emergency services, Salkhordeh S., Shiraz University of Technology, 2011. 24. Optimization of some parameters for decision rate of pedestrian and vehicles delay in urban traffic network, Takhtabnoos F., Shiraz University of Technology, 2012. 25. Investigation some of fuzzy risk analysis, Nowzari R., Shiraz University of Technology, 2012. 26. Group decision making: a fyzzy approach, Mohebbi S., Shiraz University of Technology, 2012. 27. A LP-based approximation algorithm for capacitated facility location problem, Hazeghfard S., Shiraz University, 2012. 28. Signal control based on multiobjective programming and fuzzy logic in urban junctions, Fazeli L., Shiraz University, 2012. 29. A dynamic traffic assignment model for the assessment of moving bottleneck, Moghaddas F., Shiraz University, 2013. 30. Forecasting urban traffic Flow by SVR with antcolony, Sadatpishe S., Shiraz University of Technology, 2013. 3 31. Capital rationing by using fuzzy sets, Abbasi A., Shiraz University of Technology, 2013. 32. Stop location design in public transportation networks, Najibi N., Shiraz University of Technology, 2013. List of Journal Publications: 1. Maleki H. R., Tata M. and Mashinchi, Linear programming with fuzzy variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 109(2000), 21-33. 2. Maleki H. R., An algorithm for a selection procedure, European Journal of Operational Research, V. 128 (2001), N. 3, 674-678. 3. Yazdani Peraei E., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., A Method for Solving a Fuzzy Linear Programming, Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math. Vol. 8 (2001), No. 2, pp. 347-356. 4. Maleki H. R., Ranking Functions and Their Applications to Fuzzy Linear Programming, Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 4(3) (2002), 283-301. 5. Mishmast Nehi H., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., Multiobjective Linear Programming with Fuzzy Variable, Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 5(2) (2002), 155-172. 6. Mishmast Nehi H., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., Solving Fuzzy Number Linear Programming Problem by Lexicographic Ranking Function, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics N.16 (2004), 173-182. 7. Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., Fuzzy Number Linear Programming: A Probabilistic Approach (3), Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, V. 15, No. 1-2 (2004), 333 -341. 8. Yaghoobi M. A., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., An Integer Programming Model for Promethee II, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics N. 17 (2005), 171-182. 9. َParchami A., Mashinchi M. and Maleki H. R., Confidence interval for fuzzy process capability index, Wseas Ttransactions On Systems, Issue 5, V. 4, May 2005, 546-551. 10. Zangiabadi M. and Maleki H. R., A method for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems, Wseas Ttransactions On Systems, Issue 6, V. 4, June 2005, 796-803. 11. Mishmast Nehi H., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization model and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, Wseas Ttransactions. On Information Science & Applications, Issue 7, V. 2, July 2005, 868-873. 12. َParchami A., Mashinchi M., Yavari A. R. and Maleki H. R., Process capability indices as fuzzy numbers, Austrian Journal of Statistics, V. 34(2005), N. 4, 391-402. 4 13. Mishmast Nehi H., Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., A canonical representation for the solution of fuzzy linear system and fuzzy linear programming problem, J. Appl. Math. & Computing V. 20(2006), N. 1-2, 345354. 14. َParchami A., Mashinchi M. and Maleki H. R., Fuzzy confidence interval for fuzzy process capability index, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, V. 17 (2006), N. 3, 287-296. 15. Zangiabadi M. and Maleki H. R., Fuzzy goal programming technique for multiobjective transportation problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, V. 24(2007), N. 1-2. 16. Zangiabadi M. and Maleki H. R., A method for solving linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters based on multiobjective linear programming technique, Asia-Pasific Journal of Operational Research, V.24(2007), N. 4, 557-573. 17. Safi M. R., Maleki H. R. and Zaeimazad E., A geometric approach for solving fuzzy linear programming problems, Fuzzy Optim Decis Making, (2007) N. 6, 315-336. 18. Safi M. R., Maleki H. R. and Zaeimazad E.,A note on the zimmermann method for solving fuzzy linear programming problems, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. V. 4(2007) N. 2, 31-45. 19. Maleki H. R. and Mashinchi M., Multiobjective geometric programming with fuzzy parameters, International Journal of Information Science and Technology, V. 5(2007) N. 2, 35-45. 20. Hassanpour, H., Maleki H. R. and Yaghoobi A., A note on evaluation of fuzzy linear regression models by comparing membership functions, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. V. 6(2009) N. 2, 1-6. 21. Hassanpour, H., Maleki H. R. and Yaghoobi A., A goal programming approach for fuzzy linear regression with crisp input and fuzzy output data, Asia-Pasific Journal of Operational Research, V. 26(2009) N. 5, 587-604. 22. Hassanpour, H., Maleki H. R. and Yaghoobi A., Fuzzy linear regression model with crisp coefficient: A goal programming approach, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, V. 7(2010) N. 2, 19-39. 23. Khalesi, R. and Maleki H. R. , A new method for solving fuzzy MCDM problems, The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, V. 1(2010) N. 4, 435-438. 24. Hassanpour, H., Maleki H. R. and Yaghoobi A., A goal programming approach to fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy input-output data, Soft Computing, V. 15(2011) N. 8, 1569-1580. 25. Fakharzadeh J. A., Bozorg O., Maleki H. R. and Mosleh Shirazi M. A., A Fulence map optimization in intensity modulated radiation therapy for fuzzy target dose, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. V. 8(2011) N. 4, 93-105. 26. Zangiabadi M. and Maleki H. R., Fuzzy goal programming technique for solve multiobjective transportation problem with some nonlinear membership function, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. V. 10(2013) N. 1, 61-74. 5 27. Fakharzadeh A., Khosravi S. and Maleki H. R., Cutting-Plane Algorithm for Solving Linear Semiinfinite Programming in Fuzzy Case, TJMCS V. .5 (2012) 2 N. 3, 212 - 218. .28حسن حسن پور ،حميد رضا ملكي و محمد علي يعقوبي ،رگرسيون خطي فازي با استفاده از برنامه ريزي آرماني ،انديشه آماري٥٩ ،)١٣٨٦(٢٣ ،ـ.٥٠ List of Research Projects: -1تعيين شدت بهينه در درمان بافت های سرطانی ,شورای فناوری استان.1386 , -2کاربرد بهينه سازی فازی در پرتو نگاری ,قطب سيستم های فازی و کاربردهای آن.1390 , -3تخصيص ترافيک وبهينه سازی برخی پارامترهای شبکه حمل ونقل شهری در شهر شيراز ,سازمان ترافيک شيراز .1391 6