Scientific Computing

Department of Mathematics,
NIT Calicut
Department Summary
No of Programmes Offered:
PG – 1 M.Sc. Tech in Mathematics and Scientific
Computing(in take -20)
 Ph.D.
No of faculty members – 15 Permanent + 6 Adhoc
Number of supporting staff - 1 Permanent+3 Adhoc
Areas of specialization:
Stochastic Modelling
Stochastic Processes
Operation Research
Time series Modelling
Queuing Theory
Reliability of systems
Singular Perturbation
Areas of specialization:
Fuzzy Structures
Fuzzy Topology
Multi set Theory
Soft Sets & Rough Sets
Fuzzy Graph Theory
Fuzzy Optimization
Areas of specialization:
Scientific Computing
Algorithms & Complexity
Biocomputational modeling
Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing,
Numerical Analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Areas of specialization:
Pure Mathematics
Operator Theory
Harmonic Analysis
Algebraic Graph Theory
Fractal Geometry
Chaos Theory
Functional Analysis
Department Summary
Doctoral students Produced (since becoming NIT
in 2002)
Ongoing Ph.D.
Number of completed sponsored research
Number of ongoing sponsored research
Value of the completed research projects
0.65 lakhs
Value of the ongoing projects
20.59 lakhs
Name of faculty
Area of specialization
Major Areas of research
Queuing Theory, Risk Theory
Dr. M.J. Jacob
Stochastic Processes
Dr. Jessy John C
Time series Modelling
Dr. Chithra . A.V.
Operator Theory
Dr. V. Narayanan
Queuing Theory
Dr. Sunil Jacob John
Fuzzy Topology, Multi
set Theory
Dr. M. S. Sunitha
Fuzzy Graph
Time series Modelling and Statistical Methods for
Quality Management
Functional Analysis, Graph Theory
Queuing Theory
Non compact Convening Multiset topology Soft sets
Fuzzy Discrete Structures
Optimization, Data Envelopment Analysis
Dr. C. M. Sushama
Sri. Lineesh. M.C.
Fuzzy Optimization
Time Series Modelling
Time Series Analysis, Wavelet Theory, Neural
Name of faculty
Area of specialization
Major Areas of research
Sri. Sanjay. P.K.
Harmonic Analysis
Dr.Satyananda Panda
Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Modeling &
Scientific Computing
Dr. Krishnan
Algebraic Graph Theory,
Algorithms & Complexity
Dr. Sunil Mathew
Fuzzy Graph Theory,
Biocomputational modeling,
Fractal Geometry
Dr. Mahesh Kumar
Applied Statistics, Reliability Bayesian Reliability & Regression, Reliability Test
of systems
Dr. Suresh Kumar
Dr. Ashish Awasthi
Numerical Methods and
Scientific Computing.
CFD, Modeling and Computing
Graph Theory, Combinatorics Commutative Algebra
Graph Theory,
Bio computational Modelling,
Fractals and Chaos
Numerical Solution of PDEs using finite difference
and finite volume methods
Numerical Analysis, Singular Perturbation, Numerical
Numerical Analysis, Singular Methods for Differential Equations
Sponsored Research Projects
Computer Aided Time Series Analysis and Forecasting(FRP), Dr. Jessy John C and Mr. Lineesh
Multi sets and its Applications in Information Retrieval(FRP)Dr. Sunil Jacob John
Sponsored Research Projects
On going
Research on Fibre Dynamics, Porous Media, Asymptotic Analysis & Magneto – Hydrodynamics
Fluid (FRG), Dr. Satyanada Panda
Applications of Partial cutsets in Graph Networks(FRG), Dr. Sunil Mathew
Bayesian Reliability, Estimation, Prediction and Test plans for Multi component Systems,(FRG)
Dr. Mahesh Kumar
Cluster analysis using Fuzzy Graphs(NBHM), Dr. M.S.Sunitha & Dr. Sunil Mathew
International Collaboration
Surface temperature reconstruction from free surface data in
thin film on a stretching sheet
Investigators: Dr. M. K. Abeyratne, Department of
Mathematics, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
and Dr. S. Panda , Department of Mathematics, NIT Calicut
Funding ----
Indo-Sri Lanka Foundation
Conferences and FDPs (last 5 years)
Conferences Organized - 2
Faculty Development Programmes - 5
Journals - 107
International – 30
National - 26
Scientific Computing Lab