A. Approved FY 2014 CAPS, Associated ProTracts Subaccounts and General Descriptions Practice Code Conservation Activity Plan Name Associated EQIP subaccounts General Description 102 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “GOMI” or “MRBI” A comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) is a conservation plan for an animal feeding operation (AFO) that documents how nutrients and contaminants will be managed in the production and land treatment areas of the farm to protect animal & human health, and the environment. 104 Nutrient Management Plan 106 Forest Management Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “MRBI” “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “LLPI” “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” Nutrient management plans are documents of record of how nutrients will be managed for plant production and to address the environmental concerns related to the offsite movement of nutrients from agricultural fields. A forest management plan is a site specific plan developed for a client, which addresses one or more resource concerns on land where forestryrelated conservation activities or practices will be planned and applied. A feed management plan is a farm-specific documented plan developed for a client who addresses manipulation and control of the quantity and quality of available nutrients, feedstuffs, and/or additives fed to livestock and poultry. 108 Feed Management Plan 110 Grazing Management Plan 112 Prescribed Burning Plan 114 Integrated Pest Management “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “MRBI” Integrated pest management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that is a sustainable approach to manage pests using a combination of techniques such as chemical tools biological control, habitat manipulation, and modification of cultural practices and use of resistant varieties. 118 Irrigation Water Management Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “MRBI” The objective of irrigation water management (IWM) is to control the volume, frequency, and rate of water for efficient irrigation. Measurements of soil moisture, plant water use, and climate provide feedback to decide when to irrigate, and how much water to apply. 122 Agricultural Energy Management Plan – Headquarters “FY14 On-Farm Energy” An agricultural energy management plan – headquarters (AgEMP) is a detailed documentation of energy-consuming components and practices of the current operation, the previous year’s on-farm energy consumption, and the strategy by which the producer will explore and address their on-farm energy conservation concerns, objectives, and opportunities. 124 Agricultural Energy Management Plan – Landscape “FY14 On-Farm Energy” A landscape energy plan is a detailed report/audit documenting the energy consuming components and practices of the current operation’s on-farm field energy consumption involved in the cropland, pasture/hayland, range, “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “MRBI” “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “LLPI” A grazing management plan is a site-specific plan, developed with a client to address one or more resource concerns on land where grazing related activities or practices will be applied. A prescribed burning plan is a site-specific plan developed with a client that addresses one or more resource concerns on land through the use of fire. and woodland activities with recommended strategies to conserve energy resources. “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” or “MRBI” The objective of drainage water management (DWM) is to control soil water table elevations and the timing of water discharges from subsurface or surface agricultural drainage systems, allowing the opportunity for crop use of the subsurface water and nutrients. 138 Conservation Plan Supporting Organic Transition “FY14 Organic Transition” A “Conservation Plan Supporting Organic Transition” is a conservation activity plan documenting decisions by producers/growers who agree to implement a system of conservation practices which assist the producer to transition from conventional farming or ranching systems to an organic production system. 142 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” A fish and wildlife habitat plan is a site-specific plan developed with a client who is ready to plan and implement conservation activities or practices with consideration for fish and wildlife habitat. 146 Pollinator Habitat Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” A pollinator habitat enhancement plan is a site-specific conservation plan developed for a client that addresses the improvement, restoration, enhancement, expansion of flower-rich habitat that supports native and/or managed pollinators. 154 IPM Herbicide Resistant Weed Conservation Plan “Conservation Activity Plan (CAP) – Planning” or “Organic Initiative” Integrated pest management herbicide resistance weed conservation plan is a plan with emphasis on modifying herbicide use for suppressing weeds on cropland. 130 Drainage Water Management Plan Practice Number and Name 309 313 314 315 316 317 324 Agrichemical Handling Facility 462 Precision Land Forming Waste Storage Facility 464 Irrigation Land Leveling Bruch Management 468 Lined Waterway or Outlet Herbaceous Weed Control 484 Mulching Animal Mortality Facility 490 Tree and Shrub Site Preparation Composting Facility 500 Obstruction Removal Deep Tillage 511 Forage Harvest Management Forage and Biomass Planting Livestock Pipeline Conservation Cover 512 328 Conservation Crop Rotation 516 329 Residue and Tillage Management – No Till/Strip Till/Direct Seed 521A Contour Farming 521B Pond Sealing or Lining, Soil Dispersant Contour Orchard and Other Perennial Crops 521C Pond Sealing or Lining, Bentonite Sealant 327 330 331 Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane 332 Contour Buffer Strips 521D Pond Sealing or Lining, Compacted Clay Treatment 338 Prescribed Burning 527 Karst Sinkhole Treatment 340 Cover Crop 528 Prescribed Grazing Critical Area Planting 533 Pumping Plant Residue Management, Seasonal 548 Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment Residue & Tillage Management, Mulch-Till 550 Range Planting Residue & Tillage Management – Ridge Till 554 Drainage Water Management Sediment Basin 557 Row Arrangement Water Well Decommissioning 558 Roof Runoff Structure Dike 561 Heavy Use Area Protection Waste Treatment Lagoon 575 Animal Trail or Walkway Waste Facility Closure 578 Stream Crossing Diversion 580 Streambank and Shoreline Protection Roofs and Covers 585 Stripcropping 374 Farmstead Energy Improvement 587 Structure for Water Control 378 Pond 590 Nutrient Management 380 Windbreak/Shelterbelt Est. 591 Amend. for Treat. of Ag. Waste 381 Silvopasture 595 Integrated Pest Management 382 Fence 600 Terrace 383 Fuel Break 601 Vegetative Barriers 384 Woody Residue Treatment 607 Surface Drainage, Field Ditch Field Border 612 Tree and Shrub Establishment Riparian Herbaceous Cover 614 Water Facility Riparian Forest Buffer 620 Underground Outlet Filter Strip 629 Waste Treatment Firebreak 632 Waste Separation Facility Grade Stabilization Structure 634 Waste Transfer Grassed Waterway 635 Vegetated Treatment Area 342 344 345 346 350 351 356 359 360 362 367 386 390 391 393 394 410 412 422 Hedgerow Planting 638 Water and Sediment Control Basin 430 Irrigation Pipeline 642 Water Well 436 Irrigation Reservoir 645 Upland Wildlife Habitat Management Irrigation System, Micro-irrigation 647 Early Successional Habitat Development and Management Irrigation System, Sprinkler 660 Tree Pruning Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface 666 Forest Stand Improvement Livestock Shade Structure Seasonal High Tunnel for Crops 441 442 443 Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery 717 449 Irrigation Water Management 798 450 Anionic Polyacrylamide (PAM) Application 447