Workshop 2 - Betafactory

Workshop 2
Workshop : Business opportunities for students
Starting point is the triangle Business <-> Student <-> Lecturer/Course
The communication triangle when it comes to improving relations in the Oil & Gas Industry with
An Introduction is given by CB&I:
 Gertjan Hortdijk (Plant Design) Presentation “WHO is CB&I ?”
 2 former University Students, now working for CB&I, introduce themselves:
o Emma Eggink (Process)
o Marco Roth (Civil/Structural)
 Nissrine Kohen (HRM) Presentation “BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT CBI”
Exploring opportunities
Every group works and discusses from their own perspective.
After this discussions as shown below, we came up with the following results to start working on:
Top 5:
1. Help to keep the curriculum up to date (i.e. by being member of the Advisory Board)
2. Provide (inter disciplinary) case studies, including guest lectures
3. Internship for teachers
4. Give application training
5. Open up the building/department floors for students to look around (playground)
Results of the discussions:
Group talking about the relation Students and Business
What would you want to achieve?
Student: know more about the company and its role in business through
Talk with (former) student (alumni).
Company: know what students are capable of: your knowledge and skills through
Guest lectures;
Graduation projects;
Trainee programs
How would you like want to achieve your goals?
Student: Find out what you, as a student, like and also what you don’t like through
Searching for opportunities;
Out of the box thinking;
Daring to be creative;
Being innovative
Daring to ask, to contact the company.
Company: Find out what you (the company) need to know about what a student offers through
Field trips;
Having department heads providing case studies to determine possibilities
Giving application training for students: Resume and ‘the talk’.
What do you expect from your partners?
Student: Find out what the company offers you through
Casually exploring the company;
Personal information, face-to-face talks, informal, no strings attached.
Company: Find out what the student offers you through
Opening up the building/department floors for students to look around (Playground);
Giving information / application fair for process technology and chemistry.
University vs. Business
What would you like want to achieve?
University/teacher: know more about the company and students role in the company by
Getting the schools more industry focused than of research focused;
Acquire more information about different companies;
Having easier access to jobs/internships.
Showing yourself (company) from the start. Sponsor the introduction camp, prepare cases that
students can do during their studies.
Company: like to know what the university/teachers are capable of through
Getting more graduates to apply and to become a top 5 favorite employer in The Hague Region.
Getting to know students, get in touch with them in their early years, not just when they are
More specific studies for O&G branch
How do you want to achieve your goals?
University/teacher: Find out what the university wants through
Getting more guest lectures from companies;
Internship for teachers;
Come up with more company related cases for student to work on during their studies.
Company: Find out what the company needs from the university through
Being more open and specific about the competences students need to have;
Arranging excursions;
Organizing Mini internships, field trips;
Being involved in education & research not only financially;
Attending more career fairs, improving brand awareness;
Having department heads providing case studies for students( very important);
Giving guest lectures at company/industry
Improving relationship professor/business
What do you expect from your partners?
University/teachers: Find out what the company offers you through
Being aware of mutual interest;
Curriculum developed jointly with industry;
Students need to have an industry mentor;
Company: Find out what the university/teachers offer you through
Working together in university courses;
Setting up industrial R & D projects;
Being part of the university advisory board;
Helping to keep the curriculum up to date (very important!).