BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE BA from the Department of Foreign

BA from the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation
(Ionian University, Greece)
MA in “Middle East Politics”, (University of Durham, UK)
Ph.D. from the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and
Interpretation in Economic Geography. The Ph.D. thesis was focused on the
Organisation of Islamic Conference’s role within the global political system and
Turkey’s relation with it.
CURRENT POSITION: Associate Prof. in the Department of Foreign Languages,
Translation and Interpretation (Ionian University, Greece) in the core subject:
“Turkey: Literature and Civilisation”.
English, French, Turkish
I have worked as a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Defense Analyses
which is related to the Hellenic Ministry of Defense as a coordinator of the
cluster “SE Mediterranean and Balkans” having as main duty the drafting of
policy papers (September 2004-December 2005).
I have participated to the Program «Fulbright American Studies institute on
US National Security» belonging to the thematic cycle American Foreign Policy
Formulation in an Era of Globalization under the auspices of the US State
Department (January 2004 at the University of Delaware).
Since January 2002 I am member of the Laboratory of Geocultural Analyses
which is attached to the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and
I have worked as a Researcher (1997-1998) at the Institute of International
Relations which is attached to the Panteion University (Athens, Greece).
1) The majority of the articles that I have published focus on the
contemporary reality concerning Turkey, and are treating subjects such as:
internal politics issues, the “Deep State”, nationalism, security in the SE
A certain number of characteristic articles are mentioned below:
“The assassination of Hrant Dink and some ‘oily’ coincidences”
[ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΗ (STRATEGY) magazine, August 2007]
“How a Black Sea ‘storm’ causes ‘tsunamis’ in the Aegean Sea”
[ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΗ (STRATEGY) magazine, March 2008]
iii. “The abolition of the Protocol for Intelligence-Maintaining Order-Mutual
Help and its connotations with reference to the conflict between the Justice and
Development Party and the secular elites” (HELLENIC DEFENSE magazine,
March 2010).
iv. “Turkey in search of a ‘new image’ – Public and Cultural diplomacy in an
era of global transformations” (HELLENIC DEFENSE magazine, August 2010).
“Society and literature in Turkey: the names and the book titles as a
‘mirror’ of the social reality” [Dictio (Yearbook of the Department of Foreign
Languages, Translation and Interpretation), no 3, 2010].
vi. “Elif Safak’s Bonbon Palace (The Flea Palace) – The representations of
dissension within Turkish society through literary portraits” [ΠΟΡΦΥΡΑΣ
(PORFYRAS) literary magazine, 2010].
2) The most recent conferences to which I have participated and presented a
paper are the following:
“Frontiers: Space, Separation and Contact in the Middle East”: a
conference co-organized by the University of Manchester and the British Society
for Middle Eastern Studies (Manchester, 4-6 July 2009). The title of my paper
was: «The importance of the ‘Aegean Corridor’ for the Greater Middle East at the
Beginning of a New Century: A Geostrategic-Geopolitical-Geocultural Approach»
“Muslims and Political Participation in Europe”: a conference organized
by the Centre for the European Islamic Thought of the University of Copenhagen
(Copenhagen, 6-8 October 2010). The title of my paper was: “Is political
participation of Muslim communities an end in itself or is it a means to an end?
The case of the Greek Muslim community in Thrace”.
iii. “31. Deutchen Orientalistentag (DOT)”: a conference organized by the
German Society for the Orient of the University of Marburg (Marburg, 20-24
September 2010). The title of my paper was: “A Comparative View of Women’s
Creativity in Turkey: Literature and Politics”.
iv. "14th Anniversary Mediterranean Studies Association International
Congress" organized by Ionian University. The title of my presentation was:
«Today’s Turkey through Elif Safak’s The Flea Palace (Bonbon Palace)» (Corfu,
25-28 May 2011)
In addition, I have given lectures to meetings and seminars organised by
scientific clubs and various Armed Forces’ schools.
3) The subjects that I teach on a BA Level are:
“Turkey: Country and Civilisation” (I & II)
“History of Turkish Literature”
“Modern Turkish Literature”
and I also offer classes for the studying of Turkish language supplemented
with basic notions regarding the social reality in Turkey.
The subjects that I have taught on a MA Level are:
“Topics pertaining to the literary translations in the Mediterranean region
– The influence of culture on literature: the case of Turkey” (for the core subject
“Translation of Literary Texts” assigned to the MA program under the title:
“Translation and Teaching for Translators and Interpreters” – Spring semester
“Modern Turkish Literature - The influences on the selection of the story
topic” (for the core subject “Translation of Literary Texts” assigned to the MA
program under the title: “Translation and Teaching for Translators and
Interpreters” – Spring semester 2010)
“The difficulties of translating the cultural aspects in a text. Possible or
not? The translation to Greek of Elif Safak’s The Flea Palace” (for the core subject
“Translation of Literary Texts” assigned to the MA program under the title:
“Translation and Teaching for Translators and Interpreters” – to be taught in the
spring semester 2011).
4) The most recent speeches that I have given are the following:
“The social profile of the modern Turkish writers – A range of influences
regarding the selection of topics” (as pertaining to the series of academic
presentations “Days of Literature and Literary Translation” co-organized with
the MA core subject “Translation of Literary Texts” assigned to the MA program
under the title: ““Translation and Teaching for Translators and Interpreters” – 27
May 2010)
“Democratization and Human Rights in Turkey under the light of the
latest Constitutional Reform” (for the “Turkey: Human Rights and European
Perspective” day organized by the Society for Corfiot Studies and the Corfu Law
Bar Association – 25 January 2011)
5) Besides the above mentioned magazines I have also contributed to various
magazines focusing on foreign policy and economic issues, such as: ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΑ
I have published four books: 1) The Organisation of Islamic Conference and
Turkey 2) A Short Political Guide to Modern Turkey (both on Livanis Publishing
House) 3) Coming Nearer to the Turkey we don't know 4) Bilge Karasu's "Night"
(both on Oselotos Publ. House)