Data Compression What I`m going to do in this talk about data and

Data Compression
What I'm going to do in this talk about data and how we, computer scientists
deal with data, but in this lecture will be about data compression. [Slide 1] But
the overall issue us how do we store data, how do we transmit data over
computer networks and how do we do this both reliably and efficiently? And
reliably means we're worried about errors that might occur in the storage. We're
worried about errors that might occur during the transmission of that
information and also in the third lecture, we're worried about how we do that
reliably in a sense that it's secured and so how we can protect our data.
The three lectures, this will be about how we compress data to get it down to
hopefully the smallest number of let's say bits of reader storage or transmission
and one of the first distinctions we want to work with is that data is sort of the
raw form. It's a bits and bytes and ... but it's ... what we're really interested is
information. We want to make a distinction between data and information
because the key to compression will be how we can reduce the amount of raw
data to a smaller amount that just contains the information that we need.
And what I won't talk about but I should at least mention is that there's another
level, there's really a fourth part that where we way well what about working
with large distributed databases? How do you deal with things that are stored
either multiple places like when you might back your information in the cloud or
you have a very large database and multiple people are working on it.
[Slide 2] The first part is this ideas about what is information and that
information is not the same as raw data. And a standard example is the weather
and the idea here is that we get the most information when something happens
that we can't predict and we don't expect.
So here's a good day, I'm sitting here in my office in New Mexico, it is a beautiful
day outside and I look out and say, "Oh gee, that's a nice day." But it's almost
always a nice day here. If I tell you it's a nice day in New Mexico, you're really not
getting very much information out of that. But if I say "Oh, it's snowing today"
then you get a fair amount of information out of that or if I say something like
that's less, like "There's a tornado outside," then you get a tremendous amount
of information out of that.
How can we use that basic notion that that information is somehow coupled to
our expectation or the probability that something is going to happen?
Let's look at a very, very simple example [Slide 3] where we have just 2 things
we're trying to say transmit. I have a very ... say I have a very simple transmitter
and all it does is every once in a while send out a 0 or 1 and the 0 says "Oh it's
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sunny outside" or if it's at night at least that it's clear and one if it's cloudy and or
it's not sunny. You'd expect overtime to see a long sequence that would have
mostly zeros in it and occasionally there would be a one occurring that would say
"Okay, nice day, nice day, nice day, nice day." And then "Oh, not a nice day, nice,
day, nice day" and so on.
We say well if I'm going to send that information, I'm sorted away wasting a lot
of the bandwidth or if I'm going to store it, I'm wasting a lot of storage by just
storing a lot of zeros at an occasional one.
I noticed that this example is almost identical if you consider what happens
when you try fax a standard page of texts, that the page is mostly white and
occasionally there's black that corresponds to the text and if I were to digitize
that page to a very high resolution which is what you do in your fax machine and
zeros stood for why one was black, then I would have a long, long sequence,
typically a fax machine might digitize this 300 or 600 bits per inch that were
mostly white and all black and I would be mostly sending or saving zeros.
One very simple way to go about it just to give you some feeling for this is to go
back where we're going to look at the sequence up here and [Slide 4] say "What
if I re-write it?" And this technique is called run length coding where we say is we
know there's mostly zeros, why don't I just tell you how many zeros there are
and then there's a one and then how many more zeros there are and if ... it
would ... I could re-write it something like at least in English as 13 zeros followed
by one. 13 more zeros followed by another one and then 6 more zeros and I
could encode that in a very simple way of just saying 13 13 6 because I know that
the run will end when there's a one and if there were 2 ones in a row then I
would encode it as say 13, if we would say 13 zeros followed by 2 ones, I could
just do 13 zero 13 6 and so on.
And that ... I identify then take this decimal representations and encode it in
binary, you have very, very compact representation. For example, if I use base
16, remember we talked about representing numbers in different bases and
base 16, that means you'd get 4 bits for each of the run lengths then I'd need 4
bits for the first 13, 4 bits of the second 13 and then 4 bits for the 6, then I'd be
sending 12 bits instead of the 34 bits in original sequence of zeros and ones and
in fact that's the basis of how fax transmission works that you use a little more
sophisticated but still it's the idea of run length coding and that the information
is where the ones are and not in there's essentially no information in those
In fact the first example of that that was widely used [Slide 5] was Morse code.
Morse code was dots and dashes where what they really meant was short and
long when somebody was sitting there on the telegraph, pushing down on
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telegraph and because the lines were very, very slow in that day and you also
had people that had very limited speed into transmit, what they did was try and
encode the ... well first the alphabet into sequences of dashes and dots and or
zeros and ones where the most probably letters were encoded with the shortest
messages. If you see that the E there is encoded as just a dot and let's look at
something else that's fairly probably, the T is the probably second most probably
letter in the alphabet that was a single dash so you can think this one is a zero
and the other is being a one and the least likely things that you would see for
example an X was encoded with 4 bits or a dash, dot, dot, dash.
What you see in that picture is what's called the International Morse Code. [Slide
6] Now how that's used in practice is as we've said, fax machines, there is
something called Huffman coding which solves that problem mathematically
correctly which says ... well what that says is that if you for example had a bunch
of ... let's generalize this a little bit, and we had a bunch of symbols. For example
[Slide 5] in Morse code, here we have a whole bunch of symbols that we want to
transmit and we would first start of by first trying to figure out what the
probability of each one was and then figure out what's the best code for those ...
that set of symbols with the probabilities that I measured [Slide 6]. Huffman
solved that problem quite a while ago and it is the basis and has a very nice
algorithm for coding that, but that's the basis of zip file. Most of you use zip files
to transmit things and a zip file is something that uses a dynamic Huffman code.
But the real compression occurs in things like images and we're going to be
talking about that in a minute or so. But tiff images that some of you may have
seen one form that tiff images are routinely stored in as is using Huffman coding.
But if you look just at Huffman coding and all you’re going to do is the alpha …
standard alpha-numeric characters or the ASCII of characters, you’ll get a little
compression but not really the kind of dramatic compression you’d like to do
because what really happens is if you look at … start looking at English words and
sort of playing a game where you try to guess the word, given the first couple of
letters or as people like me, the side readers do, we just figure out what the
word is most of the time by looking at the first few letters.
You notice that if you have a T, well the probably if you see an H next, that’s a
fairly high probability event but a T followed by a Q has essentially no probability
of happening in English and so you say “Well, why don’t I encode pairs?” And
then you could argue I want to encode triplets and get a better code and in fact
that’s where the real compression would come if you would try to compress a
compressed text.
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But let’s talk about images because images have … are larger, a typical image
might have … color image might be 3 or 4 megabytes of raw data and I’d really
want to compress those kinds of data and we’ll get at the end, I’m going to talk
about single images first but really to notice that most of the compression and
that’s what you see for example in television now that has gone digital is most of
the compression actually happens because things don’t change much frame to
frame but let’s at least start by talking about single images.
[Slide 7] The idea is that there’s a lot of redundancy. Well redundancy is the
same as this problem of saying it’s a nice day, it’s a nice day, it’s a nice day. It’s
pretty much the same and we see that in images as we said when we go frame
to frame or if you look at the background and if you take a picture of a person,
you may not … you may put the person against the white or simple background
and there’s nothing much changes in the background but you’re interested in
the stuff where it’s changing, where the person is.
And the second thing is that whether you do a perfect reconstruction or not, that
if i take data and I use this idea that there’s redundancy to get a better code and
the code is … the code takes out that redundancy, but I get a perfect
reconstruction and I might want to do that if I’m say encoding a book, I might
want to get all the words exactly right. But if you’re dealing with an image, you
can deal with small errors in the reconstruction because your eye is not going to
really pick them up and if you allow for some loss of data, you can have much,
much more efficient algorithm.
If you look at the ones [Slide 8] that you will probably see if you use the web,
there’s a couple that are fairly standard, a gif image is … what it does is reduce
the number of colors saying “Look, if the colors don’t change very much
[inaudible 00:12:18] going to pick them up, so if I can use just a reduced number
of colors and then recolor the image that you give me and use a table to say
“Well, at this pixel, this is the point, the index into the table for that color, I’ll get
an image that in most applications but certainly not all, but in most applications,
especially where you’re not trying to do say a photograph, you’re just trying to
get some colored information. Out there is gif images can give you a tremendous
amount of reduction.
If jpeg is the one that is fairly standard for doing single images and what that one
does is divide the image up into small blocks like the 16x16 blocks and then tries
to compress each block by using actually 2 schemes. 1 is to try and just find the
most important parts or the most important parts of that image and allow a little
bit of loss, but second it actually uses a run length code to encode that reduced
image and as you’ll see in the next example, you can get a lot of compression at
a jpeg.
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And mpeg is really based on jpeg but it adds frame to frame compression and as
I’ve said that general sequence of images when you’re watching television or a
movie that you don’t see much change going from to frame.
Now one way you might notice jpeg and mpeg is if you’re watching say a movie
from a DVD or if you’re streaming a movie down and there’s some sort of a small
error, you’ll see a little block up here on the image where there’s been an error
and there’s been a mistake made, but that doesn’t occur very often or
sometimes you can notice on mpeg images where you have a very … an image
that … or a sequence in a movie that’s at night and you’re watching it from a
DVD, you’ll see in the background as if you have a very gray background, you’ll
see the little blocks, little blocks of gray rather than seeing it as being smooth.
But again it’s an acceptable image for your eye and once we allow a little
compression is look at this example [Slide 9] here that if you look at this … on the
left is a tiff image and that’s a tiff, there are a couple of forums in tiff. This ia tiff
that was Huffman coded and has no compression at all, so we can say that’s our
starting image and I think it was something like a 512 by 512 and be there is a
jpeg compressed image by a factor of 18 and the one on the right is a jpeg
compressed image by a factor of 37 and I think it’d be pretty hard press to see
visually the differences between even the image on the right that was
compressed by a factor 37 and the image on the original image on the left. And
that is true for most images that we deal with.
[Slide 10] Is there a limit? Well the limit generally is … memory used to be the
limit when memory was extensive and computers didn’t have much memory.
That’s less of an issue than it was before because you have things that are now
measured in gigabytes and terabytes and you don’t worry too much about single
images. The real issue is sending things over the internet because not the rate of
which you can send things over the internet reliably which is what we’re going to
talk about in the next segment ...
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