faith friend manual

Faith Friends
Franklin First
Welcome to the Journey
- The Confirmation Team
Thank you for embarking on this
spiritual journey with our young people
through becoming a Faith Friend to one
of Confirmation Students. Confirmation
is an important step in the life of a
Christian. It is a rewarding but very
challenging process.
Confirmation is the process of
confirming your baptism, or in some
cases understanding your upcoming
baptism. Students will be challenged to
struggle with difficult questions, push
through tough issues, and learn and
understand complex concepts.
These young people need to love and
support of their family, friends, and
church. The role of a Faith Friend is
invaluable. You will fulfill an important
role in helping Franklin First UMC live its
vow and commitment to raising
Whenever a young person is baptized,
the congregation makes a pledge to the
young person. We state:
With God’s help we will proclaim the good
and live according to the example of
We will surround these persons
with a community of love and forgiveness,
that they may grow in their trust of God,
and be found faithful in their service to
We will pray for them,
that they may be true disciples
who walk in the way that leads to life.
Thank you for being a part of this lifechanging experience. Enclosed in this
manual is all the information and the tools
you need to be a successful Faith Friend. In
addition, our youth staff and Confirmation
Team are available to answer your
questions and offer advice and help at any
Your commitment and dedication to your
Confirmation student will make an
enormous impact in his or her life and faith
journey. Thanks for being a part of it all!
Confirmands enjoying the Spring Retreat
Altar Building on the Spring Retreat
There are two retreats as part of the Confirmation
experience. These retreats allow the youth to form
lasting relationships with one another and the adult
leaders. Students also are able to engage in meaningful
learning experiences such as altar building!
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Faith Friend
Faith Friends serve as a mentors and
guides throughout confirmation and
hopefully for years to come.
As a Faith Friend, you pledge to:
 Pray for your friend. Pray daily for
your student to deepen his or her
relationship with Christ. Pray also
for understanding and wisdom for
your student and that your student
will grow in their relationships with
the other students. Finally, pray for
the Confirmation Team and staff.
 Be an encourager. You student will
have ups and downs during this 16
week experience. Confirmation is a
big commitment that may cause
stress in an already busy life. Youth
also encounter many difficulties at
school and home. Be present, listen,
and offer words and tokens of
encouragement along the way.
 Spend time with your friend. Few
things say that you care about
someone more than spending time
with them. Work with your student
to schedule time to meet outside of
class. This will be very meaningful to
the student, and no doubt to you as
well. Some ideas and tips are
included in this manual.
 Share your faith. The Faith Friend
relationship offers you a great
opportunity to share your faith
through your conversation and
actions. Ask questions about what
your student is learning. Share
stories of God in your life. Do not
feel like you have to be a spiritual
giant or have all the answers. Focus
on sharing about how God is active
in your life and about things you
have learned along your journey.
 Be present. You are invited! Make
plans to attend class occasionally as
well as a scheduled outing or two.
Being present at these things shows
your student that you care about
them and the confirmation
 Be open to God’s leading. Be open
to where God takes the relationship.
New for 2013!
Adult Classes Offered
Franklin First is committed to equipping
parents to be strong and confident
spiritual leaders for their families. We
are launching a new ministry for parents
as a part of our Confirmation program
for 2013. Adults who are not currently
active in FFUMC are strongly
encouraged to attend these two 4-week
programs that will equip you with
important tools, connect you with
others, and plug you in to this faith
community. Although these classes
target parents of youth, they are open to
all adults, (Faith Friends) including those
who are not a part of FFUMC.
These classes coincide with our
Confirmation program. We plan to offer
these same experiences in the fall of
2013 at 10:30 am so everyone has the
opportunity to participate.
Raising Teens in an Almost
Christian World
Feb 10, 17, 24 and March 3.
9:00 a.m. in Room 308
Parents are the greatest influence on
teenage faith. This resource uses research
from the National Study on Youth and
Religion and offers participants a chance to
reflect on how the church and parents can
address the findings of the study with their
own children.
1. Becoming Christian-ish
2. Faith that Bears Fruit
3. Passing on the Faith
4. Testify by Word and Action
5. Transformation through Disorientation
6. Hope for Tomorrow
Each lesson is discussion based and gives
practical resources to help parents address
each week’s topic in their own family in a
variety of ways. This study will help you pass
on your faith and encourage families to
embark on journeys to know and love God.
A Look at the UMC
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 2013.
9:00 a.m. Room 308
This series will cover many of the topics
youth are learning through their
confirmation experience. You will be
equipped to have deep conversation with
your youth about faith and the Church.
1. History of the United Methodist Church:
Explore both the history and traditions of
the UM church and also of Franklin FUMC.
2. Theology & Sacraments: Understand the
theology of the UM church and the
Sacraments of Baptism & Holy
Communion. We will discuss topics such as
the reasons why everyone is welcome at
the Communion Table and why the church
Baptizes infants.
3. Social Principals of the UMC: Discover
where the United Methodist church stands
on important social issues such as
abortion, homosexuality, gambling,
capital punishment and others.
4. Structure & Organization of the UMC: An
in depth look at how the United Methodist
church is connected and carries out its
mission in the world. This class also
discusses how Pastors, District
Superintendents and Bishops are
appointed to their positions.
Training and
Background Checks
In order to maintain a safe environment
for both our students and our Faith
Friends, Faith Friends who are not Safe
Sanctuary Trained must complete the
 Pass a criminal background check
per our church policy. Franklin First
will conduct and pay for this check.
 Faith Friend Training. Sun. Jan 20th
11:45-12:15. This is a modified Safe
Sanctuary training that will give you
the basics of safe boundaries. We
also plan to offer this training in an
on-line format. If you would like to
get the full Safe Sanctuary Training,
you can contact Sarah Carty. The
next class is Jan 13, 2013.
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Sunday Mornings
9:00-10:00 am.
January 13: First Class
Class will not meet on
March 31 – Easter Sunday
There are two Sunday
Night Classes that will
meet in conjunction with
our Youth Group program
from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Dates
Students are allowed
three misses.
Student Requirements
All Confirmation Students will be required
to sign a covenant that outlines specific
requirements and expectations. Students
must meet these in order to be confirmed.
Knowing these requirements will help you
to encourage and support your student as
well as hold him or her accountable.
1) Attend class faithfully, missing no more
than three confirmation classes.
4) Participate fully in all class activities and
5) Treat everyone with respect and as I
want to be treated.
6) Attend the Confirmation Retreats:
January 11-12 and May 4.
Field Trips
9) Attend worship regularly at FFUMC as a
* Jewish Synagogue
* Confirmation Day with
the Bishop.
Confirmation Service
Sunday, May 5th 6:30 pm
Who is God?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
8) Secure a Faith Friend to serve as a
mentor and meet regularly with my Faith
* Catholic Church
History of the UMC
3) Read scripture a minimum of three
times per week.
Spring Retreat May 4
Start – 1:00 pm
End – 7:00 pm
* 61st Avenue UMC service
project and worship.
The Social Principles of
the UMC
Who is Jesus?
Opening Retreat Jan 11-12
Start – 7:00 pm Jan 11.
End – 3:00 pm Jan 12
The following trips are each
equivalent to a class period.
Dates are to be determined.
What is a Christian?
2) Pray daily.
7) Attend two required Sunday Night
Youth Group Programs (dates TBD), one
Wednesday night program, and two
additional programs including: Sunday
Night Youth Group, Wednesday Night
Live, Middle School Overnighter, Warmth
in Winter, 30 Hour Famine.
Attendance at retreats is
10) Engage in two hours of service. (This
can be through a church ministry or in the
community – but cannot be in conjunction
with a requirement of another
organization such as school, Scouts, etc.)
11) Schedule and complete an interview
with designated staff member of FFUMC.
that the church, and each of you will
embrace Confirmation as a first step, a
springboard to Christian Discipleship.
The Apostle’s Creed
Spiritual Gifts
Church Membership
What does it mean to
be in ministry?
How will I contribute to
the church?
Vows of Confirmation
May 5th 6:30 pm
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Tips to Being a Great Faith Friend
The Faith Friend relationship is one that is
important during the Confirmation Process,
but also long beyond. A recent study found
the number one factor in youth remaining
active in a church community post-high
school was having meaningful relationships
with at least three adults in the church other
than their parents. You get the awesome
opportunity to have a lasting impact in the
life and faith journey of a young person!
Knowing what youth like and how to connect
can be a challenge. Below are some tips and
ideas to help you grow and maintain a
healthy relationship with your Confirmation
Faith Friend.
1) Attend Class: Pick out 2-3 classes that
interest you or fit with your schedule.
You are always invited.
2) Go on a Field Trip: We have three
field trips (dates TBD) to a Catholic
Church, Jewish Synagogue, and to 61st
Ave. UMC. Serve as a driver and/or trip
leader for one or more of these trips.
3) Help on a retreat: Prepare a meal,
lead an activity, or even spend the night
at our opening or spring retreat.
4) Attend the Confirmation Service:
You play a huge role in the service on
May 5th. Plan to attend. Also, please
consider giving a gift to your Friend.
Focus on meaning over price. This can
be as simple as a letter or a small token
that expresses your friendship.
Faith Friends
Franklin First UMC
143 Fifth Ave. South
Franklin, TN 37064
1) Use Social Media: Use Facebook,
Twitter, or Text Messages to send
words of encouragement, scripture,
and to check in with your Friend.
2) Go Old School: Call your Friend
every week to check in. Ask about his
week and how you can be praying for
him. Youth love to receive mail. Send
your Friend a letter or card.
3) Food Never Fails: Take your Friend
out to lunch after church or invite her
over for a family meal. Teaming up
with other Faith Friend pairs for meals
might be more comfortable. Go for it!
4) Group Outings: Youth love being
together. Partner up with 2-3 other
Faith Friend pairs for a fun excursion.
Go bowling, to a sporting event, or
host a board game night.
5) Coffee (or ice cream) and
Conversation: Meet up at a coffee
shop or ice cream shop.
6) Check Out Your Friend’s Events:
Go see your Friend’s team play or
attend a performance. Most youth are
active in some club or sport. Show up
to support her.
7) Invite Into Your Life: Let your Faith
friend see what you do. Take him to
work with you. Do a project together.
Teach your faith friend a skill or share
in a hobby you enjoy.
Below are upcoming Youth Group events.
Encourage your Faith Friend to attend as
these are great ways for youth to feel
connected to the youth group.
Warmth in Winter: Jan. 25-27
Middle School Overnighter: Feb. 8-9
High School Retreat: March 8-10
30 Hour Famine: April 12-13
Middle School Mission Trip: June 16-22
Beach Retreat: July 18-22
STAFF: Hank Hilliard, Helen
Lombardo, Sarah Carty
VOLUNTEERS: Paige Esch, Beth
Jacobs, Chris Hamblen, Randy
Mauldin, Laurie Mauldin, Kathy
Harrison, Katie Burt
Please contact any of us with
questions or if we can help or
serve you in any way!