GRIFFIN GUN CLUB Amelia Road Griffin, Georgia PRESIDENT - GLEN WEBBER - 471-2704 TREASURER - ED KLONOSKI - 770719-0724 PAST PRES - JOHN NEEL - 228-2904 SECRETARY - RONNIE GARRISON 227-3881 MEMBR SEC - ROGER SNYDER 770-467-9072 HUNTER SAFETY - VIC STENSON - 227-1724 HOST - APRIL PRUITT GUN SHOW - BEN MOORE - 358-2289 RAFFLE - ERIC MOYE - 228-7555 SAFETY JERRY BURFORD - 228-2664 SKEET - KEITH SCRUGGS - 228-3408 BUILDING - JERRY LADD - 504-0131 GROUNDS - DAVID GRIFFIN -678232-4089 SASS - BOB BODRON - 461-7503 RIFLE & PISTOL LEONARD JOHNSON - 770-233-9346 JULY 2014 NEXT MEETING Next Meeting - Monday – July 14 - 6:00 PM – Get your bill and info on new gun laws Board of Directors - Monday – July 28 – Jerry Ladd – did you and Eric swap months? UPCOMING EVENTS Budweiser Skeet Shoot – July 19 – call Keith to help Steel Challenge Match - 1st Saturday each month - Next match – August 2 - At least one range will be open. Black Powder Shoot - 1st Sunday each month - Next match August 3 - All muzzleloaders welcome, in-line with scopes, too. Can you beat the guys shooting traditionally??? Cowboy Action - - 2nd Saturday each month - next match August 9 - this is the annual match! Skeet and Eat - 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month – July 24. If you want to shoot 5-Stand let Jerry Burford know in advance so it can be opened USPS Shooting - 3rd Saturday and 4th Wednesdays each month – July 19 and 23 - First four bays on right going to the ranges will be reserved for these matches. Police on Range - Sheriff’s Office - -They will use the ranges each 3rd Wednesday the Sheriff and Police Departments will have open range day - they will work with you if you want to shoot. Buckarama – First week in August – Eric needs help DUES BLLS Bills will be available at the July meeting and mailed to those not picking them up after the meeting. Please pay by August 1. Gate combination will be changed and the new gate combination will be on your new membership card NEW MEMBERS Ten new members were approved at the last meeting! Welcome them to the club. Sponsors make sure you go over the rules and help them with problems and questions, like getting keys to the club. Don’t forget you can get four work hours for sponsoring a new member - help the club grow. Be sure to turn in your hours when you sponsor a new member. WEB SITE is our web site. Check it out. This is being done by a new webmaster now - you need to add your email address. MEMBERSHIP BADGES Please wear your name tag when shooting at the club. Remember that the combo is on them so take care of them. If someone is shooting on the ranges and not wearing a badge, ask them if they are members of the club and check them out. PRESENTATION AT MEETING Probate Judge Pam Ferguson will be talking about the new gun laws which took effect July 1. I am sure everyone has read a great deal about the new laws and have questions about them , this is a great time to get them answered. KIDS ON RANGE Your gun club membership is a family membership but NO children are allowed on the range unless you are with them. CUT THE GRASS FOR WORK HOURS David reports all mowers are working - bring some gas and cut the grass for work hours. David needs help with ground work – call him to get in some work hours. SHOOTING BAFFLES AND POSTS Apparently we have some members that want to be expelled from the club. Someone or several someones keep shooting baffles and posts intentionally.. Anyone caught doing this will be expelled from the club. CHANGE IN ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The new AOI have been approved. WORK HOURS IF YOU DON’T TURN IN WORK HOURS THEY CAN ‘T BE COUNTED! Since bulletins are not longer mailed, each month a list of completed work hours will be posted at the clubhouse at the meeting. Please check it and let Ronnie Garrison know if it is wrong. Check the date on the list - if you turned in work hours within two weeks before the list was printed they won’t be on it. You are required to do 12 hours per year and the number on the list is the number you have turned in. If you don’t turn them in they can’t be counted. You can get work hours helping set up for competitions like the Skeet Shoots, Cowboy Action, Black Powder and Steel Challenge matches. Contact the chairs of those groups to help, or directors listed at the top of the bulletin for ways you can do work hours. Some suggested jobs to get work in - mow grass - sign up sheet in the clubhouse - empty trash on ranges - put in dumpster - weed eat berms, especially on top move targets to houses - contact Jerry or Keith - paint sheds and covers - contact Jerry Ladd plug holes in gutters and clean them out. MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICTIONS We accept new members as active members. We do not have any special classifications like youth memberships since all active membership includes family members. We do waive the initiation fee for law enforcement but not other groups. Those not paying an initiation fee are associate members and do not have a vote. COO58O3J NOTE - IF YOU SPONSOR A NEW MEMBER, THEY MUST BE AN NRA MEMBER. PLEASE HAVE THEM SIGN UP ON LINE OR THROUGH THE MAIL, NOT SEND A CHECK TO THE CLUB SO SIGN THEM UP. Please put this number on your NRA renewal - the club will get $5. If you sign up a new member, get them to use this number and the club will get $15! Don't forget it. GUN SHOW Ben is hoping to have a gun show the second weekend in December LOCK THE GATE! Please lock the gate behind you when you are shooting during the week. The gate should stay locked even when you are there on week days. Weekends and during matches it will be left open. IF YOU ARE THE LAST ONE TO LEAVE MAKE SURE IT IS LOCKED! LIABILITY WAIVERS We have new liability waivers in the clubhouse - be sure to sign one and leave it on the clipboard. You need to sign an new one each year, and before shooting any match. BULLETS LEAVING THE RANGE CAN GET US SHUT DOWN One of our new members discussed the problems the Moultrie club had - we can get shut down if bullets go out of our ranges. Follow the rules and good sense or we will lose our club. If you see someone doing something dangerous stop them and report them to a board member. POLICE YOUR BUTTS!! Please don’t thr0w cigarette butts on the ground and expect someone else to pick them up. Put them in the trash! MEMBERSHIP CARDS NOTE - we are putting the old gate code and the new one at the bottom of each card. Gate combo will be changed after the September board meeting so make sure you have paid so you will have the new gate code. Life members will get a post card with the new number on it. CMP Our dues are paid so you can use your membership card to buy through them. ALSO - you can get a discount through Creedmoor Sports at through our CMP affiliation. KEYS TO THE CLUB Jerry Burford is handling keys for new members - if you need a key contact him. .LOCKS With our combination locks like the one on the gate you have to set the code and push in on the lock to make it release. After doing this spin the numbers so the combination does not show. When you lock it back make sure the combination is not set or anyone can open the gate. We have had problems with access to some of our buildings by members that need it but we have also had a theft problem with targets that we now try to keep locked. We are searching for a solution that gives members access but keeps equipment safe. EMAILED BULLETINS I get many undeliverable emails bounced back. If you change your email address, let me know! Note my email change - Starting with the July bulletin, all bulletins will be emailed unless you request that you keep getting a mailed bulletin. You must call or mail Ronnie Garrison to continue getting a mailed bulletin. Send me your email address if you want to be added to the email list - email or SEE YOU AT THE MEETING MONDAY NIGHT!!!