Carbuncles When furuncles spread and form multiple tunnels Collection of connecting furuncles If become uncontrolled may lead to severe infection, sepsis, and possible death Prevention: hygiene, hand washing with antibacterial soap, and do not “pop” them Impetigo Common, contagious, superficial skin infection Highly contagious in children Streptococcus and staph aureus Starts on face and around mouth. Lesions have pus and form curst. Easily spread to other parts of body by pus May itch, not typically painful Treatment: topical antibiotic ointment, isolation Associated with kidney failure/problems A THLETE ’S FOOT Tinea Pedis Fungus can be found on floors, socks, and clothing Thrives on moist, warm skin (feet) When the skin is injured by the fungus, bacteria can invade and cause cellulitis Symptoms: itching, burning feet, skin may peel, crack and bleed Treatment: need to make the area less suitable for growth and antifungal meds Equally distributed in males and females Ethnic link: Caucasian Usually starts between ages of 15-35 years old. Predisposing factors: stress, skin injury, strep infections, and weather will all trigger psoriasis E CZEMA P REVENTION Moisturize frequently Avoid sudden temperature and/or humidity changes Decrease stress Avoid scratchy materials Avoid harsh soaps and detergents Avoid environmental triggers Prevention: does not need to bathe everyday or use too hot water If has eczema need to look to respiratory systems due to link with asthma and allergies Felons “fingertip infection” Infection in top portions of fingers, in the pad of skin above the first joint Usually the thumb or index finger (fingernail bed) Staph aureus Causes: bacterial or viral infection that enters skin by wound Treatment: MD examine/ if abscessedincision and drainage/soak fingers 3-5 times a day, antibiotics, 1-2 weeks to heal T INEA C ORPORIS AND T INIA C APITIS (S CALP ) Fungus causes a characteristic lesion with clear center and a rough, scaly, circular border Causes: contagious/spread through infected pets or through direct contact with infected individual Treatment: antifungal meds (topical 1st), unsuccessful then PO Treat the source (infected pet) Capitis is common in children, can cause scaling and bald patches. No sharing hats, combs, brushes. D ERMATITIS Nonspecific irritation of the skin Cause: bacteria, fungus, parasite, or foreign substances such as detergents, perfumes, certain materials Contact dermatitis- allergic reaction to substance that comes in contact with skin (soap) Atopic Dermatitis- “eczema” chronic, itching inflammation Stasis Dermatitis- “eczema” of legs” caused by poor circulation Chronic dermatitis can cause thickening, change in pigmentation, and scaling Acute dermatitis presents as red, itching area of blisters and oozing Treatment: removal of offending substance and corticosteroid ointments P SORIASIS Chronic and non-infectious Patches of raised, reddish skin covered by silvery-white scale. Skin usually looks very thick with different texture. Elbow, knees, back and scalp, but can be anywhere on the body May itch, scratch, and bleed No cure- have flare up and remission May develop “psoriatic arthritis”- causing inflammation of joints Treatments: topical-mild, phototherapy- mild to mod, systemic (orally or inject) mod-severe Incidence: 4.5 million adults in the US 150,000 new cases each year 20% have moderate to severe cases S YSTEMIC L UPUS E RYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) E CZEMA General term encompassing various inflamed skin conditions, “atopic dermatitis” Chronic, relapsing, itchy rash Non contagious No cure 10-20% of the world population is affected by eczema. Usually appears during childhood- may clear or disappear with age Dry, red, extremely itchy patches on skin Chronic scratching leads to leathery skin What makes them itch? Triggers include rough or coarse material, soaps, detergents, dander, stress…) Chronic inflammation caused by autoimmune disease (pg. 1065)` Body produces abnormal antibodies in their blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign infectious agents. Internal organs are involved Can affect skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, and nervous system More women than men (worse prior to menstrual period) female hormone link Usually 20-45 years old when diagnosed Ethnic link: more African American and Asians Causes: genetic link, viruses, drugs that stimulate immune system, UV light exposure) No known cause but associated with allergies Have increased risk of allergic rhinitis and asthma S YSTEMIC L UPUS E RYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) Chronic inflammation caused by autoimmune disease (pg. 1065)` Body produces abnormal antibodies in their blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign infectious agents. Internal organs are involved Can affect skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, and nervous system More women than men (worse prior to menstrual period) female hormone link SLE ` Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Usually 20-45 years old when diagnosed Ethnic link: more African American and Asians Causes: genetic link, viruses, drugs that stimulate immune system, UV light exposure) Have low blood clotting factors so they have a high risk of excessive bleeding Butterfly rash on the face Fingers become white due to lack of blood flow, then blue as vessels dilate to keep blood in tisuues, finally red as blood flow returns (Raynaud’s syndrome) A CNE V ULGARIS Treatment: no permanent cure the goal is to relieve symptoms and protect organs by decreasing inflammation and/or the level of autoimmune activity in the body Mild- Intermittent anti-inflammatory meds Severe- corticosteroids Increase rest during active disease May use NSAIDS for pain (ibuprofen, Motrin) antiinflammatory “common acne” Inflammatory condition of sebaceous glands of skin. Results from excessive stimulus of the skin by androgens (hormones). Red, elevated areas on the skin that may develop into pustules and even further into cysts that can cause scarring Common in teenagers because of the hormonal factor A CNE T REATMENT Dietary: no support for chocolate or iodine in diet in clinical research Topical: (mild cases) astringent lotions, oil-removing pads, acne soaps, clean skin often to decrease the bacterial count Oral: (severe) oral antibiotics Accutane: form of Vitamin A that decreases the amount of sebum (oil) released by the sebaceous glands. Avoid Accutane if pregnant or could become pregnant for 1 month after taking because it can cause severe birth defects. They need to avoid sunlight. H ERPES Z OSTER “shingles” Caused by varicella zoster (same herpes virus that causes chicken pox) Decreased immune system makes you more susceptible to Herpes Zoster After infected with chicken pox, the varicella virus remains dormant in the sensory dorsal ganglia. Years after the initial chicken pox infections, the virus become inactivated. Childhood chicken pox- dormant to sensory dorsal ganglia along sensory nerve fibers, reactivated and travels from ganglia via sensory nerves to corresponding skin dermatone area. N EVUS “moles” Benign (not cancerous) overgrowth of skin pigment forming cells called malanocytes on the skins surface Present at birth (congenital) or appearing early in life (acquired) Check any changes in the skin. Use the ABCD rule. SKIN INSPECTION INTERVENTION H ERPES SIMPLEX “Fever Blister” or “Cold Sore” Caused by 2 types of Herpes viruses: HSV1 and HSV2 Transmission is by direct contact with lesions Lives in nerve ganglia, triggered by sunlight, menstruation, injury or stress S/S: burning, tingling, erythema, vesicle formation, pain Vesicles-pustules-ulcers-crusting Healing time is 10-14 days for the exterior portion and then grows dormant May cause systemic reactions such as fever and sore throat Herpes Zoster Begins as papules and then develops into vesicles with erythematous base unilaterally on face, trunk, and/or thorax. Stay for 3-5 days and then erupt, crust, and dry. Recovery takes 2-3 weeks Pain is associated with lesion eruption and it may stay after the lesion is gone because nerve ganglia had been exposed Treatment: Acyclovir or Famvir (antiviral agents) topical, oral, Parenteral. Pain=over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or prescription pain meds. Infectious until lesions dry and decreased risk if never had varicella ABCD R ULE A. Asymmetry; one-half of the nevus does not match the other half B. Border Irregularity (edges are ragged, blurred, or notched) C. Color variation or dark black color D. Diameter greater than 5 mm ( size of a pencil eraser) W ART T REATMENT Skin: salicylic acid “Compound W” Liquid nitrogen- freezes the wart off Burning the wart off Assess ABCD Look for any parallel growth around surgical incision Vertical growth- determine metastasis and treat accordingly Genital Liquid nitrogen Chemical treatment Laser surgery Interferon injections to the site W ARTS “verrucae” Caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) Can affect the skin or the mucous membranes Most warts in the non-genital area are benign, but most genital warts are precancerous Transmitted by skin contact 3 most common types I. Common wart: skin/mucous membranes and grows above skin surface II. Plantar wart: on feet- extend deep into skinpainful III. Condylomata Acuminata: (venereal wart) moist areas, cauliflower-like appearance- pink purple color. 1) 2) 3) Basal Cell Carcinomas: most common form, any area that has constant sun exposure, does require treatment, stay out of the sun, slow-growing and rarely metastasize Squamous cell carcinomas: Develop in the middle layer of epidermis Can spread Life threatening if not treated Malignant Melanoma: Abnormal growth of melanocytes Most aggressive cancer with faster growth rate Much greater potential for metastasis if untreated Fair skin at most risk P EDICULI S CABIES 3 T YPES OF L ICE L ICE T REATMENT “lice” Parasite that live on blood of animal or human host “louse” living parasite “nit” is the un-hatched egg laid by female louse on hair shaft. Pearl-gray or brown color. Not sharing clothes, hats, coats, hair accessories, especially with children i. Pediculosis Corporis: body lice *live on clothing and bed linens *bites cause macule and itching Pediculosis Capitis: Head lice *Common behind ears, nape of the neck *transmitted by contact (hat, comb, coat) Pediculosis Pubis: pubic Lice *spread through sexual activity or contact with infested clothing or linens *skin irritation and itching ii. iii. B URN C LASSIFICATION BY D EPTH 1. First Degree: damage to outer layer of skin. Pain, redness, swelling (superficial) “itch mite” Between fingers, inner surface of wrist, elbows, and belt line Small red-brown burrows- 2mm in length Puritis- always present especially at night Highly contagious- wear gloves with care to clients RID: Over-the-counter Pesticide in the form of a shampoo/gel/home spray Safe Lindane: prescription Pesticide Potentially neurotoxic Not recommended for 1st line treatment 2. Second Degree: “partial thickness: 1st layer (epidermis) burned all the way through and some level of burning to dermis. Bright red skin, blistered, swollen, and moist- very painful! Superficial partial thickness burn- involves the entire epidermis Deep partial thickness burn- involves the entire dermis plus hair follicles, dermis is damaged o *pink skin with blisters* Extremely painful. May leave permanent scars Treatment: Do not break the blisters. Don’t try to remove stuck clothing Use cool running water for 5-10 minutes (no ice) Elevate above the heart level Keep clean to prevent infection (may cover with a clean sheet) Depth and tissue damage- may need burn center care or wound management 3. Third Degree: “full thickness”- extends into hypodermis, causing destruction of the full thickness of skin with its nerve supply (numbness). Leaves scars and may cause loss of function and/or sensation. Will need hospital management Will need to monitor for I&O, infection, pain, and respiratory problems May not be painful- nerve endings are destroyed Skin will be white, brown, black , or red with no blanching Look at color of urine, may be dark red or ruby colored, this is caused by muscle breakdown. The myoglobin is excreted through the urine. Life threatening depending on % of body surface injured `Will have to look at possible skin grafting. The skin will not regenerate when damaged down to the hypodermis area. Graft site- burned area covered with skin graft Will need dressing for 2-5 days Donor site- unburned area that was removed to cover burned site, “skinned knee” Dressing for 1-2 weeks INFECTION C ONTROL AND B URNS Infection control begins at admission and continues until grafting is complete Use reverse isolation Septicemia can occur at any time during hospitalization Z T YPES OF SKIN G RAFTS Autograft: transplant of the client’s own tissue. This is the most successful. These are considered “permanent grafts:. Immobilize area after grafted. Xenograft- skin transplants from animal species to a human. Not very successful. Pig skin commonly used for temporary coverage for a massive burn. Homograft: fresh skin from a human cadaver- may be a precursor to an autograft. C LASSIFICATION BY SEVERITY Age: less than 4 or greater than 60 years, higher chance of complications and death from severe burns. Infants: poor antibody response and fluid requirements can be very tricky Older patients: may have underlying complicationscause exacerbations and complicate situation T HE R ULE OF N INES % of body surface burned Each leg=18% Each arm=9% Front torso=18% Back torsos=18% Head=9% Genital area=1% *Not used in infants (larger head to body ratio) *Not good with short, obese, or very thin individuals *Don’t need to remember actual percentages C OMPLICATIONS AND B URNS All burns result in complications Common complications Septicemia Renal failure Pneumonia P ARTS OF THE B ODY AND B URNS Head, neck and chest: risk of respiratory problems Neck: prone to contractures Perineum: very susceptible to infection P ATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND B URNS Immediate effect is destruction of protective skin area. This leads to disruption of homeostasis, diffusion of vascular components into extra-vascular tissue, electrolyte imbalance, and diminished blood volume. Can lead to multisystem trauma. 1st 24 hours: protect airway- airway edema leads stridor, hoarseness, wheezing (usually on inspiration), and mental status change. Position for airway intubation and correct fluid loss. Heart failure/disease FLUID S HIFTS With exposure to heat, capillaries are damaged and become permeable to fluid. They let fluid leak out of the capillaries and into the interstitial spaces resulting in edema and blister formation. The resulting fluid shifts are directly proportional to the depth and extent of the burn. Treatment- fluid therapy is going to be directly related to the severity of the burn. Really watch intake and output Really watch intake and output B URN SEVERITY Severity is based on: Size of the burn (expressed in % of total body area using Rule of Nine’s) Depth of the burn Past medical history Part of the body that is burned They will lose a lot of plasma through burn surface. Urine output is going to decrease drastically. FLUID R EPLACEMENT AND B URNS Parkland Formula- 4mL X wt/kg X % burned Use rule of nines for percent burned with no decimals Physician will determine and nurse will check behind If possible, give half the calculated amount over the first eight hours from the time of injury and the remaining half over the next 16 hours. C HILDREN AND R EHYDRATION P OST B URN Dehydrate more rapidly than adults (increase ratio of body surface area to weight, increased metabolism, and thinner skin) Need more fluids than adults Use formal and add 1,500 mL of LR per square meter of surface area, and adjust this based on urine output monitored hourly Keep child’s minimum hourly output at 1 mL/kg/hr FLUID O VERLOAD Edema, dyspnea, neck vein distension, ascites, weight gain Must continually assess for these signs and symptoms They may be weighed twice a day 1 ST 48 HOURS Monitor for shock (<BP, >HR, pale, clammy skin, blue lips,…), monitor electrolyte and protein loss (caused by volume shifts from intravascular to extra vascular compartment secondary to > in capillary permeability) Any partial thickness burn over 9% can cause shock. Immediate < in BP treat for shock. Prevent shock with LR and Albumin 48-72 hours: eschar (scabbing over the burned area) formsinitially is sterile, in absence of topical antimicrobial, bacteria will colonize. Primary source of bacterial infections secondary to burns is the intestinal tract, whether from vomitus, diarrhea, etc. Should not have anything PO for first 48 hours due to N/V. After 48 hours and free from respiratory problems and shock, then can give small amounts of fluids (1-2 ounces an hour). If unable to tolerate, will switch back to NPO. T OPICAL A NTIMICROBIALS AND B URNS Goal is to reduce bacterial count, not to sterilize Sulfamylon Acetate- broad bacteriostatic action against many gram negative and gram positive organisms (pseudomonas). Easy to apply, but tends to be painful with application b/c it burns. Must pre-medicate with use. May cause acid-base imbalances and should not be used on large areas of the body- use on ears and nose Silver Nitrate- Liquid, used to kill antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Not used much anymore. Cover with moist dressing. If allowed to dry out, further burns site! Turns everything brown. Silvadene- (topical crème) antibacterial/antifungal- wear sterile gloves and use sterile technique- easy to use and painless. Do not use if allergic to septra. Betadine: broad spectrum antiseptic- used for > 30 years. To prevent and treat wound infections. Active agent providone iodine (prevents infection and does not harm wound). Neosporin and Bacitracin- used commonly on 1st degree facial wounds. Antimicrobial effects. C LIENT M ANAGEMENT AND B URNS Pain Management: NSAIDS- minor burns. Morphine for more advanced burns. IV preferred (SQ, IM not well absorbed) Pre-medicate before dressing changes. May be on a morphine drip or PCA. (Make sure that respirations are at least 12 before administering morphine) Nutrition: high calorie (metabolic rate triples), high protein (wound-healing) not including high fat. Vitamin C assists in collagen formation. Environment: temperature should be greater than 84 degrees, air currents will cause tremendous pain. Positioning: prevent contractures- change position frequently, don’t bend at joints for extended time, encourage ROM, Supine- flat Don’t use Fowler’s position which promotes contractures. Do not use knee gatch or pillows Follow order with splints and exercise programs initiated by physical therapy. W OUND C ARE Exposure- “open method” – mainly used with 1st degree burns. Not used much for advanced burnsdries out surface, and impeded delivery of nutrients to skin cells. Use an occlusive dressing: works by excluding atmospheric oxygen while promoting growth of new blood vessels. Advantages: Decreased dressing changes and decreased cost Disadvantages: adhere to skin- pain, and can’t control wound discharge and odor Wet Dressing: prevents scab formation, and debrides wound. Needs to be sterile Hydrotherapy- dilates blood vessels, removes wastes from body tissues. May do mechanical debridement during hydrotherapy. Do not use for more than 30 minutes to prevent metabolic stress and to keep the client from getting cold.