Walworth Fontana Rotary Club 2012 Scholarship Program 2 0 12 Wa lw orth Fonta na S c hola rs hip G ui de l i nes Scholarship Awards Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants based on need and achievement in both their personal and academic lives. Eligibility Requirements o Applicant must be a graduating senior, have graduated from a Wisconsin high school, or have been home schooled and be 21 years of age or less o Applicant must be a resident of the Walworth Fontana Rotary Club’s service area, which is defined as Fontana, Village and Town of Walworth, Williams Bay, Village and Town of Sharon, and the Town of Linn. o Applicant must be pursuing a full time course of studies at an accredited college or university or state operated vocational/technical school o Applicants accepted to one of the government military academies are not eligible to apply Selection Criteria o o o o o o o Scholastic and academic achievement Financial need and family circumstances as expressed in the applic ants statement Ability to articulate career plans Extracurricular activities Community involvement Other work experience Demonstrating that they have lived their life by demonstrating the Rotary 4 way test: o Is it the truth? o Is it fair to all concerned? o Will it build goodwill and better friendships? o Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Awarding of scholarships will be the responsibility of the Walworth Fontana Rotary Club Scholarship Committee, or a separate committee appointed for this specific purpose by the Board of Directors. Selection of scholarships shall be at the sole discretion of this committee. All applications will be considered without regard to the applicant's age, sex, race, religion, handicap or other protected categories. All applications and judging records are confidential and are the property of the Walworth Fontana Rotary Club. Information about the award decision process will NOT be made available. Granting of awards is dependent upon receipt of qualified applications. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 2 0 12 Wa lw orth Fonta na S c hola rs hip G ui de l i nes (c onti nue d) Completed applications must be postmarked on or before April 20th, 2012. Please send completed applications to: Walworth Fontana Rotary Club Attn. John Ring P.O. Box 368 Walworth, WI 53184 Phone 262-275-6175 Email: jring@dalcometals.com 2012 Walworth Fontana Rotary Club Scholarship Application Please type or print all information Applicant Information Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Email: _______________________________ Father’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Father’s employer & occupation:________________________________________________ Mother’s name: _____________________________________________________________ Mother’s employer & occupation: _______________________________________________ Number and ages of siblings living at home: _____________________________ Number of siblings attending post-secondary school: ______________________ Academic Information High School Name __________________________________________________________ N/A for home schooled students Class Rank: ________________ in a class of students _____________________________ ACT or SAT score:_________________ GPA: __________ on a scale of ______________ Post-High School Plans List the colleges and/or technical colleges to which you have applied in order of preference: 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ Estimated cost of school for one year: Do you intend to live on campus? _______________ How do you intend to pay for college? (circle all that apply) 1. Parent/guardian assistance Personal savings Scholarships 2. Student loans Grants 3. Work during school (include estimated hours/week) _________________________ 4. Other (please specify) ________________________________________________ High School or Post High School Work Experience – (Include additional pages as necessary) Employer(s): ______________________________________________________________ Type of work: ______________________________________________________________ Hours/week: ______________________________________________________________ HIGH SCHOOL OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES – (include additional pages as necessary) Activity _________________________________________________________________ Years of Participation _____________________________________________________ Honors/Awards Offices Held _______________________________________________ Please provide the following information along with this form: 1. A one page, typewritten essay of 250 words or more, specifying reasons why you should be awarded a scholarship. Include information regarding the following: a. Career goals and aspirations b. Academic achievement c. Financial need/elaborate on any extenuating family circumstances d. Work experience e. Extracurricular activities/community involvement f. How you have incorporated the Rotary 4 way test into your life. 2. A copy of your academic transcript of high school credits through the most recently completed semester of study. 3. A completed recommendation letter from an authorized school official (principal, vice principal, guidance counselor. The form may be mailed directly to the Walworth Fontana Rotary office by the school, or included with the main application. All sections of this application must be completed. Incomplete applications will not be considered. By signing this document, I attest that all the information provided, as part of the application process, is complete and accurate. I agree to follow scholarship rules. I understand that awards are granted at the sole discretion of the Walworth Fontana Rotary Club. I acknowledge that all records and the decision process itself are the confidential property of the Walworth Fontana Rotary Club. Signature of Student Applicant Signature of Parent or Guardian