March 11, 2013 Meeting Summary


ACT on Alzheimer’s


Held Monday, March 11, 2013 from 10:00PM – 11:30PM at Wilder Foundation


MEETING PARTICIPANTS: Bobbi Cordano, Olivia Mastry, Peggy Roy, Emily Farah-Miller, Morris Goodwin,

Vanna Owens-Hayes, Lili Ugaz

Guest: Greg Owen (Wilder)


• Greg Owen—Family and friend caregivers focus groups (request for participants) for State survey

• Additional tool kit guidance for St Paul and other communities

• Identifying next area of interest for the ACT on Alzheimer's Initiative

• Articulating what the Cultural Linguistics group is trying to do and identifying success outcomes between now and June

• Identifying what we need to do between now and June to achieve those outcomes

• Leadership Council representation


Greg Owen shared information about an upcoming opportunity to participate in family and friend caregiver focus groups and asked the group for suggestions as to who should be invited to participate.

Feedback was provided on contacts for participants and increasing the effectiveness of the communication to encourage participation.

Additional tool kit guidance for St Paul and other communities: Olivia asked the group for guidance on how to blend and get perspectives from a particular community (faith, ethnic etc.). The group encouraged her to add a question to the interview that will look at whether culturally appropriateness of care is being provided to the care recipient and the caregiver and draws out information about their sensitivity to understanding unique qualities of different cultural and linguistic communities. (E.g.,

Who is represented in the communities you serve? Have you modified your services for any of these populations?)

Identified next area of interest/drill down for the ACT on Alzheimer's Initiative: Deb Paone, ACT on

Alzheimer’s evaluator, will be invited to the next meeting to present the evaluation process and follow- up on the group’s discussion around the benefits of completing the interview questions as they relate to improved or increased services offered to cultural communities. The group will explore with her whether the evaluation will determine if tool kit implementation results in a positive change in the area of dementia related services in our cultural communities and whether what we are doing is making an impact?

Articulated what we are trying to do and what success outcomes for this group might be between

now and June: The group agreed on the following as the key function of the group: o Input and Planning (Area of cultural need or impact) o Facilitating and Bridging Relationships (via tool kit implementation) o Influencing Policy Development

ACT on Alzheimer’s will report back to this group the process and outcomes/impacts of the work this group has done. The goal is to have this work be visible and measurable.

 Identified what we need to do between now and June to achieve those outcomes Leadership Council


representation: The group decided that it would be premature to determine representation on the

ACT on Alzheimer’s Leadership Council. Rather, they will continue to learn more about each area of the initiative, possibly resulting in representation within the leadership groups. Representation on the

Leadership Council will be revisited by June.


Summarize results of meeting (this document)

Mary Ek will send SPNC March 19 th information to the group

Mary Ek will doodle new dates/times for April-June meetings.

Olivia will initiate the inclusion of the feedback the group gave regarding tool kit interview questions (community specific)

Check in with Economics LG on informal caregiving among communities of color.

By Whom By When

Mary Ek

Mary Ek

Mary Ek




Olivia Mastry completed

Emily and

Economics LG


