please Use this template for your final paper

Author 1 / Author 2 / Author 3 / …,
Affiliation author 1 / Affiliation author 2 / Affiliation author 3 / ….
e-mail address corresponding author
This document presents guidelines for KSDS15
camera-ready submissions. The maximum length of
the abstract is 200 words for a full paper, and 100
words for a short paper. A full paper submission is
3000-5000 words of text, and a short paper is 20003000 words of text with even pages up to 12 pages.
Keywords: Please supply 3 keywords.
Please follow the instructions below when setting up
your document, or preferably, use this document.
This document shows how the camera-ready paper
should look. It has been created in accord with these
guidelines; you can use it as the basis for your
document. Several text styles are available in the
formatting palette to help you preparing your paper.
The standard font to be used for the KSDS2015
camera-ready submissions is Trebuchet MS.
The styles part of the ‘Formatting Palette’ contains
predefined styles for each possible section in the
KSDS2015 paper. Select the text you want to format
and click the appropriate style in the Formatting
Palette to apply that style to the selected text.
The slash-line at the top op the first page, and the
logo plus descriptor at the bottom are part of the
template and should not be altered.
All text is left aligned. The following list presents the
components used and corresponding styles:
 Body text is 10pt, line spacing exactly 15pt,
aligned left. Style ‘Normal KSDS’.
 Paper title is bold 15pt all caps, line spacing
exactly 15pt, centered. Style ‘Title KSDS’.
 Author names are bold, 9 pt, line spacing exactly
Tip: with the MSWord option Edit/Paste Special/
'Paste as Unformatted text' you can copy/paste text
from another file without having to readjust the
font/style settings every time.
As this template shows, the title and authors are in
1 column layout (indentation both left and right
1,5 cm; the rest of the paper is in 2 column layout. A
10pt, centered. Style ‘Author(s) KSDS’.
 Affiliations are 9pt, line spacing exactly 10pt,
centered. Style ‘Affiliation(s) KSDS’.
 Abstract is bold, 9,5pt, line spacing exactly 15pt,
align left. Style ‘Abstract KSDS’.
 Keywords are bold 10,5pt, line spacing exactly
15pt, aligned left. Style ‘Keywords KSDS’.
 Header 1 is bold 11pt all caps, line spacing
section break is used for separation.
exactly 15pt, aligned left, space before 22,5pt,
The paper size adopted for submitting papers is A4
after 7,5pt. Style ‘Heading 1 KSDS’.
(21 x 29.7 cm). The document margins are set to:
top 2 cm; bottom 2 cm; inside and outside 1,75 cm;
header 0,75 cm; footer 1 cm. The text area is 17.5
by 25.7 cm.
 Header 2 is bold italic 9,5pt all caps, line spacing
exactly15 pt, aligned left.
Style ‘Heading 2 KSDS’.
 Header 3 is bold 10pt, line spacing exactly 15pt,
aligned left. Style ‘Heading 3 KSDS’.
 Captions are italic 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt,
aligned left. Style ‘Captions KSDS’.
 References are 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt,
aligned left, space after 5pt.
Style ‘References KSDS’.
 Bullet lists are body text, hanging 0,5 cm, space
before 5pt. Style ‘Bullet list KSDS’.
Pages are numbered in the footer as shown in this
On the first page, give the full title and subtitle in
Please do not number (sub)sections. Hierarchy should
arise by using the provided text styles.
Section heads use style ‘Heading 1’; Trebuchet MS
bold 11pt all caps, line spacing exactly 15pt, aligned
left, space before 22,5pt, after 7,5pt
Subsection heads use style ‘Heading 2’; Trebuchet
MS bold italic 9,5pt all caps, line spacing exactly
15pt, aligned left, space before 15 pt
Sub-subsection heads
Sub-subsection heads use style ‘Heading 3’;
Trebuchet MS bold 10,5pt, line spacing exactly 15pt,
aligned left, space before 15 pt.
the font style and sizes shown in this document
(styles Title an Subtitle). In the final paper that you
must upload after the blind review of your paper
replace the lines in this example with author(s)
name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
(styles Author(s) and Affiliation(s)).
Figures and tables can appear within the text, left
aligned and fit one column (8,5 cm or less). Larger
pictures can cover 2 columns (17,5 cm or less).
Make sure to place a 2-column illustration either at
the top or the bottom of the page to prevent
Figure 2. Example of an Illustration over 2 columns. The picture and caption are placed in a separate textbox to help control placement
and manipulation. To replace his picture with your own, just drag the file on this textbox, it will be appear above the original picture.
Delete the original picture and adjust the height e of the textbox if necessary. Replace this caption with your own.
awkward text jumps. By placing these larger
pictures, together with its caption, in a separate
textbox, positioning and manipulation becomes much
easier. Format the textbox to be 18 cm wide (height
is not specific) and set the textbox inside margins
to 0, accept for the left one, set that to 0,5 cm.
The textbox position (layout - Advanced) should be
set to: Horizontal - Absolute position -0,5cm to the
right of column; Vertical – either Alignment top
relative to margin or Align bottom relative to margin
depending on where you want the box to appear.
Of course you can also copy-paste the textbox in this
In the references section at the end, please include
references to all works cited in the running text
organized in alphabetical order. Do not include
works that are not cited in the text. References
should follow the formats shown in this document
below. For citations, use the formats in the
remainder of this section.
The reference list shows examples of a journal
article (van der Lugt, 2005), a journal paper
(Sleeswijk Visser & Stappers, 2007), a book by
Norman (2002), and a book chapter by Andreasen
When citing a website (if at all possible, please use a
journal or conference paper instead), don't forget to
enter the date you last viewed it, as URLs are prone
to changing their content.
The references are 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt,
aligned left, space after 5pt. Style ‘References
To avoid problems due to opening MSWord files on
Figure 2. Illustration placed within the text. Apply style ‘Picture
in text KSDS’ to ‘show’ the whole picture (line spacing; single).
different computers, we would like you to submit
Figures and tables should be enumerated and
Once your paper is finished, use the ‘Save as…’
referenced: (Figure 1) or (Table 1). Captions and
function to convert it to a PDF. Check the PDF file
table captions use style ‘Captions’ (Trebuchet MS
thoroughly. If the file is correct, use the upload item
italic 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, aligned left).
provided on the KSDS2015 website to upload your
your paper as a PDF file.
paper (PDF).
Captions go under the tables and figures themselves.
All figures and tables are aligned to the left of a
page or column and appear either on the same page
Van der Lugt, R. (2005) How sketching can affect the idea
generation process in design group meetings. Design Studies,
Vol. 26, No. 2, 101-126
as the first reference to the figure or table or on the
first page after the first reference.
Event 1
Event 2
Event 3
Event 4
Event 5
Table 1. Important event
Sleeswijk Visser, F., Stappers, P.J. (2007) Mind the Face. In: I.
Koskinen & T. Keinonen (Eds.), DPPI 2007: User experience plus,
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Designing
Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, August 22-25, Helsinki,
Finland, 119-134.
Norman, D.A. (2002) The design of everyday things. New York, NY:
Basic Books.
Andreasen, M.M. (2003). Improving design methods’ usability by a
mindset approach. In: U. Lindemann (ed). Human behavior in
design – individuals, teams, tools. Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerVerlag, 209–218.