- SASTRA University

26 - 27 July 2013
Green Process Routes to Enhance Process Efficiency
K. S. Rajan1, P. R. Naren2 and V. Ponnusami2,*
Anusandhan Kendra, SASTRA University, Thanjavur 613401
School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur 613401
* Corresponding author: vponnu@chem.sastra.edu
Participants are requested to use this template for sending abstracts and advised to strictly
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title. List of authors should be typed in Times New Roman 12pt with 1.5 line spacing and
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should be of single paragraph and max of 300 words for the main body of the abstract.
Abstract should essentially convey the objective of the present work, methodology
adopted, operating conditions investigated in the present study, key observations and
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keywords. Use Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic font for the keywords separated by
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append page no. in the footer section.
Keywords: Green Technology, Process, Efficiency
SASTRA University