Merged Rubric

AP Scoring Rubric
9/8 These papers demonstrate sophisticated, persuasive, clear, and consistent analysis with
minimal or inconsequential errors. Such papers
persuasively address the writing task with a clear Thesis and Topic Sentences
supply logical, specific supporting details (quoted material) embedded in effective elaboration
provide persuasive analysis of devices or text with insightful commentary
offer logical and effective organization that creates clear connections between Thesis and points
are distinguished by effective, sophisticated word choice, varied sentence structure, and
compelling voice
demonstrate consistent and effective control of standard written English grammar and
mechanics although they may not be completely without errors.
7/6 These papers demonstrate reasonably consistent competence although they may have
occasional errors or lapses in quality. Such papers
effectively address the writing task with a thesis and topic sentences that adequately address
the prompt and demonstrate understanding of the text
supply effective supporting details (quotes) which are accompanied by appropriate elaboration,
although the elaboration may be inconsistent
provide a reasonable analysis of devices or text with effective commentary
are generally well organized with a flow that allows reader to focus on content
contain word choices and sentence structure that effectively communicate meaning
demonstrate effective control of standard written English grammar and mechanics although
they will not be completely without errors
5 These papers demonstrate inconsistent competence with occasional errors and lapses in
quality. Such papers
adequately address the writing task with plausible thesis and topic sentences that at least
partially define the author’s message and tone
attempt to supply some supporting details and attempt to provide elaboration
contain inconsistent commentary that may be sparse or lack depth
show inconsistent organization that requires the reader to work to focus on content
display generally adequate word choice and sentence structure; some words could have been
chosen more carefully, and some sentences may break down
demonstrate adequate control of standard written English grammar and mechanics although
they may have several errors
4/3 These papers demonstrate developing competence. Such papers may contain one or more
of the following weaknesses:
Inadequate understanding of the writing task as demonstrated by a weak thesis or topic
Inadequate details that are either too few or poorly chosen; such details may be also be only
broad or vague generalizations
elaboration that does not contextualize the details
commentary is superficial or thin; there may be minor misreadings evident
organization reflects a lack of logic in terms of how your ideas progress
sentence structure and word choice are ineffective
recurrent errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or usage
2/1 These papers are seriously flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses.
serious misunderstanding of the writing task as demonstrated by a thesis that either is unclear,
does not address what the prompt is asking, or seriously misinterprets the text
little to no details provided; details are seriously misinterpreted; details do not support the
writing task
no elaboration provided on the details
no analysis provided; commentary either repeats quote, seriously misinterprets quote, or fails
to address the directive(s) of the prompt
lack of organization makes it difficult for the reader to follow the ideas of your paper
sentence structure makes it difficult for the reader to follow
word choices may be extremely vague or words may be used incorrectly
serious errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or usage that interfere with the reader’s