DOMAIN 2 – Early Asian Civilizations TEACHER GUIDE

DOMAIN 2 – Early Asian Civilizations
Lesson 1 – The Indus River Valley, Pt. 1
Change Fragments into Sentences:
Directions: Change the fragments into complete sentences, adding
correct capitalization and punctuation.
1. the indus river
The Indus River is beneath the Himilayan Mountains.
The Indus River was important because it helped people grow crops.
The Indus River is in Asia.
2. fertile soil
People needed fertile soil to grow crops.
Fertile soil was left behind by floodwaters.
3. civilizations were
Civilizations were formed near water.
Civilizations included cities with buildings, different jobs, and some form of
Lesson 2 – The Indus River Valley, Pt. 2
Change Fragments into Sentences:
Directions: Read the words on each line below. Write an S if it is a
sentence. Correct the capitalization and punctuation. Write an F if it is a
1. S - The Indus river is in ancient India.
2. F - leaves fertile soil
3. S - The Indus River could flood and cause damage.
4. S - There were many jobs in the civilization.
5. S - Sanjay’s father collected grain to sell.
6. F - The Indus River was helpful because
Change the fragments to sentences.
1. The Indus River Floods and leaves fertile soil.
2. The Indus River was helpful because it gives people water for crops,
helps them transport or move goods over long distances, etc.
Lesson 3 – Hindus and Hinduism
Change Fragments into Sentences:
Directions: Change the fragments into complete sentences, adding
correct capitalization and punctuation.
1. the indus and ganges rivers
The Indus and Ganges Rivers flow down from the Himilayan Mountains.
The Indus and Ganges Rivers were important to the ancient Indian
2. the ganges river
The Ganges river is a sacred place to Hindus.
The Ganges River is a sacred place because Hindus believed the goddess
Ganga lived there.
Hindus went to the Ganges River to wash away their sins.
3. gods and goddesses
The Hindus believed in many gods and goddesses.
In Hinduism there are many gods and goddesses.
The gods and goddesses represent Brahman.
Lesson 4 – The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal
Asking or Telling?
Directions: Write a question mark if the sentence is asking something. Write
a period if the sentence is telling something.
1. Who was the trickster in this tale?
2. This trickster tale is fiction because animals don’t talk.
3. Who did the jackal fool?
4. The Brahman agreed to let the jackal out because he felt sorry for him.
5. The buffalo and the tree think the tiger’s decision is just.
6. How does the jackal fool the tiger?
Lesson 5 – The Blind Men and the Elephant
Directions: Capitalize and punctuate the following sentences.
1. which animal did the blind men touch
Which animal did the blind men touch?
2. one blind man said the elephant was like a wall
One blind man said the elephant was like a wall.
3. the blind man who touched the tusk thought the elephant was like a
The blind man who touched the tusk thought the elephant was like a
4. which part of the elephant resembled a snake
Which part of the elephant resembled a snake?
5. the ear of the elephant resembled a fan
The ear of the elephant resembled a fan.
6. what did the blind man think the tail resembled
What did the blind man think the tail resembled?
Lesson 6 – Diwali
Directions: Write sentences using the following vocabulary word or any of
its forms.
Vocabulary Word
. Statement
Diwali is an important holiday in Hinduism.
Diwali is celebrated for five days.
? Question
What do people do during Diwali?
Why do people light candles during Diwali?
! Exclamation
Diwali is a Festival of Lights!
Firecrackers explode during Diwali!
Lesson 7 – Buddhists and Buddhism
Use a Word and a Conjunction – “because”
Directions: Use the following words and conjunctions in a sentence.
Rewrite the complete sentences on the lines.
*Students should rewrite the complete sentence on the lines!
1. Siddhartha Gautama wanted to help people because he saw so many
people suffering outside the palace walls.
2. Siddhartha studied with spiritual teachers and asked questions
because he wanted to overcome suffering and achieve happiness.
3. Asoka helped spread Buddhism across Asia because he preached,
taught, carried food and medicine to help people in need, built hospitals,
Lesson 8 – The Yellow and Yangtze Rivers
Use a Word and a Conjunction – “because”
Directions: Use the following words and conjunctions in a sentence.
Rewrite the complete sentences on the lines.
*Students should rewrite the complete sentence on the lines!
1. The Yellow River was yellow because the soil, sand, and clay from the
mountains make it a muddy yellow.
2. The Yellow River was called “China’s Great Sorrow” because when it
flooded it could destroy surrounding cities and cause the people great
pain and suffering.
3. The Yangtze River was called “China’s Rice Bowl” because the fertile
soil and climate are good for growing rice.
Lesson 9 – Paper, Writing, and Calligraphy
Sentence Combining
Directions: Combine the following sentences into one sentence.
1. Chinese writing is different from our writing.
Chinese writing uses characters instead of letters.
Chinese writing is different from our writing because the Chinese writing
uses characters instead of letters.
2. The Chinese writing has survived for many years.
The Chinese wrote on bone, clay pottery, and bamboo.
The Chinese writing has survived for many years because they wrote on
bone, clay pottery, and bamboo.
3. The Chinese invented block printing.
The Chinese wanted to print more books faster.
The Chinese invented block printing because they wanted to print more
books faster.
* Which conjunction helped you combine these sentences?
Lesson 10 – The Magic Paintbrush
Use a Word and a Conjunction – “but”
Directions: Use the following words and conjunctions in a sentence.
Rewrite the complete sentences on the lines.
* Make sure students write the complete sentences on the lines.
1. Ma Liang helped gather firewood for his family to sell but what he really
wanted to do was paint.
2. Ma Liang wanted to paint but he did not have a paintbrush.
3. Ma Liang did not have a paintbrush but he drew using twigs, a wet
finger, and pieces of burned wood.
Ma Liang did not have a paintbrush but he had a dream in which an old
man gave him a magic paintbrush.
4. “That’s enough wind!” shouted the emperor, but Ma Liang kept drawing
a storm and big waves that broke the boat to pieces.
Lesson 11 – The Importance of Silk
Sentence Combining
Directions: Combine the following sentences into one sentence.
1. Silk is a fine, light cloth.
Silk is very strong.
Silk is a fine, light cloth but it is very strong.
2. The trade routes from Europe to China were called The Silk Roads.
The roads were not made out of silk.
The trade routes from Europe to China were called The Silk Roads but they
were not made out of silk.
3. Moths usually emerge from cocoons.
Chinese women baked the cocoons to stop the moths from forming.
Moths usually emerge from cocoons but Chinese women baked the
cocoons to stop the moths from forming.
* Which conjunction helped you combine these sentences? but
Lesson 12 – China’s Great Wall
Sentence Expansion
Directions: Expand the kernel sentence.
They built the Great Wall of China.
1. When? long ago
2. Who? Soldiers, peasants, prisioners
3. Why? to protect the Chinese from invaders
Expanded Sentence: Long ago, soldiers, peasants, and prisoners built the
Great Wall of China to protect the Chinese from invaders.
Lesson 13 – Confucius
Change Sentence Types
Directions: Change questions to statements and statements to questions.
1. Confucius was from China.
Where was Confucius from?
2. Where did Confucius believe peace should begin?
Confucius believed peace should begin at home with families.
3. How did Confucius believe people should live their lives?
Confucius believed people should live their lives by treating others how
they wanted to be treated.
Confucius believed people should live their lives by respecting their
4. Confucius believed people learned by example.
How did Confucius teach others?
How did Confucius believe people learned?
Lesson 14 – Chinese New Year
Sentence Combining
Directions: Combine the following sentences into one sentence.
1. The color red is good luck.
Dragons are good luck.
The color red and dragons are good luck.
2. People prepare by cleaning their homes.
People prepare by buying new clothes.
People prepare by cleaning their homes and buying new clothes.
3. People set off fireworks.
Fireworks scare away evil spirits.
People set off fireworks to scare away evil spirits.
4. During Chinese New Year people hope for prosperity.
During Chinese New Year people hope for good fortune.
During Chinese New Year people hope for luck.
During Chinese New Year people hope for prosperity, good fortune, and