The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

The Twelfth Sunday
after Pentecost
16 August 2015
P ea ce wi t h Ch r i s t Lu t h er a n Ch u rch
A congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
1412 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
Reverend Richard Pierson, Vacancy Pastor
We l c o m e t o P e a c e w i t h C h r i s t
We’re glad that you’ve joined with us today to receive the gifts of
God’s grace given in his Son Jesus Christ. It is our sincere hope that
these provide you spiritual refreshment and strength, confirming you
in the promise of eternal life that is ours in Christ, both now, and in
the age to come.
Since worship involves substantial things, you may wish to prepare
through personal reflection and prayer, as many in our congregation
do. To facilitate this, we intend that the pre-service time within the
sanctuary be a quiet, tranquil environment, and we do appreciate
everyone’s considerateness in this regard. The time before worship
also offers an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the order of
service, which is detailed in the following pages.
If you are a guest with us today and would like to learn more about
our congregation, please ask a greeter or an usher for a copy of our
welcome packet. Also, if time permits, take a moment to speak with
our pastor; he would love to make a personal connection with you.
Jesus Is the Word and Wisdom of God,
Who Gives You Life and Light in His Flesh
Jesus is the divine Word by whom all things were made, who has
become flesh and dwells among us. He gives His flesh “for the life of
the world,” not only as a sacrifice for sin but as “the living bread”
from heaven (John 6:51). Eat His flesh and drink His blood (John
6:54–57), and no longer walk in the darkness of sin, but walk in His
light. “Arise from the dead” and live in Him, because you are “light
in the Lord” (Eph. 5:8, 14). Being filled with His Spirit, confess Him
to “one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody to the Lord with all your heart” (Eph. 5:18–19). Fear,
love and trust in Him, “and serve him in sincerity and faithfulness”
(Josh. 24:14). For He has brought you “out of the house of slavery”
by His cross and resurrection, and now He does “great signs” in your
sight (Josh. 24:17). Indeed, He is the divine wisdom, who has built
His house, prepared His feast and set His table; He bids you to recline
and eat His bread and drink the wine He has mixed (Prov. 9:1–5).
O rd e r o f D i v i n e S e r v i c e
Setting Two—Lutheran Service Book, page 167
Confession & Absolution
Opening Hymn
“Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten”
LSB 914
~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross
as it is processed into the chancel.
Confession & Absolution
S e r v i c e o f t h e Wo r d
Psalm 34:12-22, antiphon v. 11
~Chanted responsively between the cantor and congregation.
Come, O children, lis- | ten to me;*
I will teach you the fear | of the LORD.
What man is there who de- | sires life*
and loves many days, that he may | see good?
Keep your tongue from | evil*
and your lips from speak- | ing deceit.
Turn away from evil | and do good;*
seek peace and pur- | sue it.
The eyes of the LORD are toward the | righteous*
and his ears | toward their cry.
The face of the LORD is against those who do | evil,*
to cut off the memory of them | from the earth.
When the righteous cry for help, the | LORD hears*
and delivers them out of all their | troubles.
The LORD is near to the broken- | hearted*
and saves the crushed in | spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the | righteous,*
but the LORD delivers him out | of them all.
p. 167
He keeps | all his bones;*
not one of them is | broken.
Affliction will slay the | wicked,*
and those who hate the righteous will | be condemned.
The LORD redeems the life of his | servants;*
none of those who take refuge in him will | be condemned.
Glory be to the Father and | to the Son*
and to the Holy | Spirit;
as it was in the be- | ginning,*
is now, and will be forever. | Amen.
Come, O children, lis- | ten to me;*
I will teach you the fear | of the LORD.
Hymn of Praise
“This Is the Feast”
Salutation & Collect of the Day
First Lesson—Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18
p. 168
p. 171
p. 172
p. 172
Rom. 11:33, 36
~Chanted in unison.
Fear the Lord, | you his saints,*
for those who fear him lack | nothing!
Many are the afflictions of the | righteous,*
but the Lord delivers him out | of them all.
Epistle Lesson—Ephesians 5:6-21
Gospel Responses
Gospel Lesson—John 6:51-69
p. 172
p. 173
p. 173
Hymn of the Day
“Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us”
“Making the Most of Every Opportunity!”
Nicene Creed
Prayer of the Church
The offering is received
LSB 851
Ephesians 5:15-20
p. 174
~During this time, you are invited you to sign the Record of Fellowship
as it is passed down the pew.
p. 176
Service of the Sacrament
Preface & Proper Preface
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord’s Prayer
The Words of Our Lord
Pax Domini
Agnus Dei
Concerning the Lord’s Supper
p. 177
p. 178
p. 179
p. 180
p. 180
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in this congregation in the confession and
glad confidence that, as He says, our Lord gives into our mouths not only bread
and wine but His true body and blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of
sins and to strengthen our union with Him and with one another. Our Lord
invites to His table those who trust in His words, repent of all sin, and set aside
any refusal to forgive and love as He forgives and loves us, that they may show
forth His death until He comes.
Because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood in an
inappropriate manner do so to their great harm, and because Holy Communion
is a confession of the faith confessed at this congregation’s altar, any who are
not yet instructed, in doubt, or who hold a confession of faith differing from that
of this congregation and The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are asked to
refrain from receiving the sacrament until they have spoken with the Pastor.
Hymns during distribution:
“The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord”
“The Lord, My God, Be Praised”
“Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng”
Post-Communion Canticle
“Thank the Lord”
Post-Communion Collect
Recessional Hymn
“Rise, Shine, You People”
LSB 634
LSB 794
LSB 813
p. 181
p. 183
p. 183
LSB 825
~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross
as it is processed out of the nave.
Welcome & Announcements
Divine Service, Setting Two from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Reprinted with permission.
T h i s We e k
Sunday, August 16
8:00 a.m.—Divine Service with communion
9:30 a.m.—Education Hour
10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with communion
12:00 p.m.—Hands In Harmony
Broadcast Articles Are Due
Sunday, August 23
8:00 a.m. —Divine Service with Communion
9:30 a.m.—Education Hour
10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with Communion
1:00 p.m.—Preschool Open House
Bible Readings for the Week
Psalm 71; Nehemiah 4-6
Psalm 72; Nehemiah 7-9
Tuesday: Psalm 73; Nehemiah 10-13
Wednesday: Psalm 74; Esther 1-3
Thursday: Psalm 75; Esther 4-6
Psalm 76; Esther 7-10
Saturday: Psalm 77; Job 1-3
Next Week’s Bible Readings
First Reading: Isiah 29:11-19
Eph. 5:22-33
Mark 7:1-13
On the Air and the Net
~The Lutheran Hour is broadcast locally on Sunday mornings on:
KOA 850 – 6 a.m., KFKA 1310 – 9:30 a.m., or KATR 98.3 – 8:30
a.m. Sermons, devotions, and other resources are also available on
the LHM website:
~The Peace with Christ Radio Broadcast can be heard on KCOL
600 on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
~The sermon from our radio program is available on the church
News & Notes
Weekly Figures
Attendance—August 2
Worship: 8:00 a.m.—104, 10:45 a.m.—115
Education Hour: Adult Bible Study—48, Sunday School—13
Financials—As of June 2015
Expenses: $252,514.77
Net Income: -$9,389.29
In Our Prayers
Those ill, hospitalized, or recovering
Daniel Cerman, Mackenzie Cheuvront, Rev. Perry Copus, Patrick
Those unable to attend church
Marjorie Brannen, Lorraine Buchleiter, Vern Carlson, Nancy
Drage, Dorothy Gordon, Esther Kent, Shirley Norman, Shirley
Poppe, Patty Price, Richard & Jeannine Salisbury, June
Schwarck, Leora Snyder, Betty Walters, Jan Wergin, Jack
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
• Fragrant Sacrifices and Offerings is the theme of LWML's Fall
Rally to be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Greeley on
Saturday, September 12th. The cost of $8 includes coffee hour and
lunch. A flyer with the day's agenda is posted on the LWML board
along with two sign-up sheets: one to attend the rally and one for
those interested in carpooling. RSVP is requested by Saturday,
September 5th so please sign up soon if you plan to attend and
Christie will RSVP for our group.
• Our August/September Mission Project, aligned with the Fall
Rally's Ingathering, supports the Weld County Food Bank. They
request nonperishable items and canned goods. Your gifts may be
dropped off in the Sunshine Hall's basket before September 12th so
they can be delivered to the Rally.
• LWML's Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Soup & Pie
Luncheon is Saturday, November 14th, only 3 months away. Have
you thought about your contribution yet? Still plenty of time to test
a new recipe or start a new craft project! Proceeds raised from your
time and talent support men and women who are pursuing a
Lutheran vocation. The three students we voted to support this year
◦ Claire Hoy- studying at Concordia University in Seward, NE
with plans to teach math in a Lutheran High School
◦ Kyle Winter- attending Concordia Seminary to become a
Lutheran pastor
◦ Joshua Vanderhyde- studying to become a Lutheran pastor
• LWML's Executive Board: Break-time is over ladies. We will
meet Monday, August 31st beginning at 6:30pm in the home of
Christie Peebles. If you've been brainstorming fresh activities,
projects, or craft ideas this summer, bring them with you!
Pastoral Nomination Forms
The official District forms will be available August 2nd. In addition
to the name and congregation of a pastor, you will need to provide a
short justification for your nomination and sign the form. The forms
will be available on the small table in the narthex or you may request
one from Paul Rubel. You may return the completed form to the small
table or Paul Rubel. The due date is August 30th.
Baby Shower
Mark & Emily Geisler invite you to our baby shower at Peace With
Christ Lutheran Church at 2:00 pm on August 22nd. We will be
having twins expected December 5th and wish to celebrate with
church friends and family. A gift card will be raffled to those who
bring diapers. We are registered at Target and Babies R Us.
Please have RSVP by email to
PWC Fourth Annual Pie Auction and Ice Cream Social
Sunday August 30th from 2-5. The best pie makers in northern
Colorado are again dusting off their rolling pins to again provide us
with beautiful, scrumptious, and mouth-watering delicacies of all
varieties, sizes, and price ranges. Perhaps you’ll be the lucky
purchaser and choose the special pie that contains a cash surprise.
Festivities will start at 2:00 on Sunday August 30th with pie delivery
and viewing, followed by live entertainment, the thrilling and
suspenseful pie auction and the ice cream social to round out the
evening. Please let us know if you can attend by signing up on the Pie
Auction/Ice Cream Social poster in the narthex.
We hope you’ll mark your calendar and join us for lots of fun,
frolic, and fellowship. Proceeds and contributions will be used to
continue the improvements to the church building that you’ve
requested. If you’re not able to attend but would like to support the
fund-raising efforts, you can drop your donation into the offering
plate or give your donation to an elder or to a committee member.
Please mark “Long Range Improvement” in the ‘memo’ line.
Thanks again for your support,
Your Long Range Improvement Committee
Things are coming together very well for the 3rd annual Peace With
Christ golf tournament at Mountain Vista Golf course on Sept. 19.
Mike at Mountain Vista Golf course has indicated that if we can get
60 players signed up that he would let us use the entire course for our
tournament and would not allow any other golfers on the course until
we have complete our tournament. With this challenge, we are asking
all golfers to please consider signing up to play. You can sign up as a
4 person team, threesome, twosome or as an individual and we will
put together the teams. Talk to your friends and see if they would like
to play with you in this tournament. We would be happy to have
more people from outside of our congregation playing.
There will be prizes for the 1st and 2nd placed teams in both the
men’s and mixed flights as well as drawing prizes and a lunch is
included with the registration fee.
Sign up flyers are available at your church that provides more
information about the tournament. Remember that if you sign up
before Sept. 6th the cost is only $65, but it will cost $75 after that date
and the deadline for signing up is Sept. 13th. Come and play with us
and have an enjoyable day.
S e r v i n g To d a y
Guest Book:
8:00 a.m.
Starr Parke
Donna France
Betty Keeney
Ray Kaiser
Claude France
Ken Keeney
Dan Krueckeberg
Chris Dunker
Karly Petago
Rylie DuRant
Ron Pichel
10:45 a.m.
Marcie Walter
Starr Parke
Wes Nierman
Chris Dunker
Ernestine Munsey
Julie Frank
Howard Walter
Jana Black
Sandra Vanatta
Matthew Vanatta
David Nierman
Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for
Marina Rohlfs & Myah Boehnke’s Birthdays
Serving August 23
Guest Book:
Marcy Petago
Marcie Walter
Michael Rohlfs
Claude France
Karen Carlson
Howard Walter
Brian Lacey
Caleb French
Logan French
Ron Pichel
Eunice Nierman
Rob Kingsley
Wes Nierman
Ernestine Munsey
Julie Frank
Chris Dunker
Kay Rubel
Melissa Mueller
Katelyn Mueller
David Nierman
Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for
Krissy Petago’s Birthday