519.05 Substantive Change Policy

519.05 Substantive Change
Jefferson Davis Community College
Substantive Change Policy
Reporting Substantive Change:
The College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges (COC) of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS). As a standard of accreditation the College must notify the COC of
changes in accordance with the substantive change policy and, when required, seek approval
prior to the initiation of changes. (See Commission policy Substantive Change for Accredited
Institutions). The purpose of this policy is to establish institutional procedures for recognizing
and approving substantive change and ensuring timely notification to the COC.
Under federal regulations, substantive change includes the following:
Any change in the established mission or objectives of the institution
Any change in legal status, form of control, or ownership of the institution
The addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure, either in content
or method of delivery, from those that were offered when the institution was last evaluated
The addition of courses or programs at a degree or credential level above that which is
included in the institution’s current accreditation or reaffirmation.
A change from clock hours to credit hours
A substantial increase in the number of clock or credit hours awarded for successful
completion of a program
The establishment of an additional location geographically apart from the main campus at
which the institution offers at least 50 percent of an educational program
The establishment of a branch campus
Closing a program, off-campus site, branch campus or institution
Entering into a collaborative academic arrangement such as a dual degree program or a
joint degree program with another institution
Acquiring another institution or a program or location of another institution
Adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach-out
program for a closed institution
Entering into a contract by which an entity not eligible for Title IV funding offers 25% or
more of one or more of the accredited institution’s programs
The institution is responsible for notifying and/or reporting the specific types of substantive
changes as noted in the Substantive Change for Accredited Institution of the Commission on
Colleges Policy Statement. The Policy Statement indicates the procedures for reporting,
whether prior notification or approval is required, the time frame for contacting COC, and
documentation required for submission. Specifically, the following changes must be reviewed
and reported based on information in the Policy Statement:
 Initiating coursework or programs at a different level than currently approved
 Expanding at current degree level (significant departure from current programs)
 Initiating a branch campus
 Initiating a certificate program at employer’s request and on short notice (depends on if
using existing approved courses, at a new off campus site, a significant departure from
previously approved programs)
 Initiating other certificate programs (depends on if using existing approved courses, at a
new off campus site, a significant departure from previously approved programs)
 Altering significantly the mission of the institution
 Initiating joint or dual degrees with another institution
 Initiating off-campus sites (including high school programs) (depends on if students can
obtain 50% or more of credits toward program, students obtain 25-49% of credit, or 24% or
less of credit)
 Altering significantly the length of a program
 Initiating distance learning
 Initiating programs or courses offered through contractual agreement or consortium
 Entering into a contract with an entity not certified to participate in Title IV programs
 Initiating a merger/consolidation with another institution
 Changing governance, ownership, control, or legal status
 Relocating a main or branch campus
 Moving an off-campus instructional site
 Changing from clock hours to credit hours
 Altering significantly the length of a program
 Initiating degree completion programs
 Closing a program, off-campus site, branch campus or institution (depends on if institution
to teach out its own students, to contract with another institution to teach out students)
 Acquiring any program or site from another institution
 Adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach-out for
students from another institution that is closing
The College has developed and implemented the following procedures to ensure that the
institution stays in compliance with the Commission on College’s Substantive Change Policy:
1. The President, Deans, Directors, and Division Chairs have a fundamental responsibility to be
generally aware of the substantive change policy, to inform the College’s SACS Liaison as
soon as possible of proposals that may be considered a substantive change for the College,
and to provide when requested by the SACS Liaison all data or a prospectus necessary to
comply with SACS policy.
2. The following serve on the institution’s Substantive Change Committee: Accreditation
Liaison (Chairperson), College President, Dean of Instruction, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean
of Business Affairs, Director of Workforce Development, Financial Aid Director, and
Institutional Effectiveness faculty member.
3. Proposed changes are reported to the Chairperson of the Substantive Change Committee.
The Substantive Change Committee meets twice each year, or as needed, to review the
Commission’s Substantive Change Policy, to discuss any possible changes planned for the
College that might be substantive in nature, and to examine the institution’s current
offerings and operations to make certain that the College is in compliance with the
Commission’s Substantive Change policy.
4. Proposed changes are reviewed by the committee to determine if they are substantive. If
any of the changes are substantive, then the committee also determines the specific
procedure for reporting the change to the Commission.
5. The President is responsible for notifying the Commission of any substantive changes.
6. If the Commission requires the institution to write a prospectus or prepare additional
documentation beyond the notification letter, the Accreditation Liaison, with assistance
from the Substantive Change Committee, is responsible for preparing the documentation
and for organizing any onsite substantive change committee visits. Additional committees
can also be organized to assist in these tasks.
7. The College’s Substantive Change Policy is published in the institution’s Policy and
Procedures Manual. In addition, the Substantive Change Committee shares the policy
and/or any changes to the policy as needed with all of the college’s administrators, faculty,
and staff.
Unreported Substantive Change:
The Principles of Accreditation requires an institution to comply with Comprehensive Standard
3.12.1 which reads as follows: The institution notifies the Commission of changes in
accordance with the substantive change policy and, when required, seeks approval prior to the
initiation of changes.
If an institution fails to report a substantive change that requires prior approval or prior
notification and that unreported substantive change is discovered during the off-site or the onsite review, the committee will take the following actions:
If discovered during the off-site review. The Off-Site Review Committee will mark CS 3.12.1
out of compliance. The institution will be able to address this in its Focused Report and
before the on-site review.
If discovered during the on-site review. The On-Site Reaffirmation Committee will mark CS
3.12.1 out of compliance and write a recommendation. The institution will address the
recommendation in its response to the Commission.
Non-Compliance with Reporting Requirements:
If an institution fails to follow the substantive change policy and procedures of the Commission
on Colleges, the accreditation of the institution may be placed in jeopardy, the institution’s case
may be referred to the Commission for the imposition of a sanction, and the institution may
lose its Title IV funding or be required by the U.S. Department of Education to reimburse it for
money received by the for programs related to the unreported substantive change
SACS Compliance Certification Document
Substantive Change for Accredited Institution of the Commission on Colleges Policy Statement
Unreported Substantive Change Policy Statement