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Jessica Bisbee: 9B Spanish 1
Clark University Master of Arts in Teaching Program
Learning Activity Plan
Content: Today we will continue our studies and practice with regular AR verbs and
conjugating them in the present tense. This will involve introducing new verbs and
practicing with different verbs and working more with subject pronouns. If time allows
we will begin to look at the irregular verb “ser” and how to conjugate it using our new
subject pronouns in the present tense. We will then use “ser” with the preposition “de”
(from/of) to talk about where people come from.
Learning Goal(s): Students will be able to conjugate a present tense AR regular verb
using all steps of their verb chart or six pack which is an organizational tool we utilize.
Students will be able to utilize the different subject pronouns in Spanish. Students will be
able to use subject pronouns and conjugated verbs to make complete sentences (subject
and predicate). Students will support each other in their learning and trying new Spanish
activities. If time allows, students will be able to conjugate the new verb “ser” and
describe where they are from.
Rationale: In this new unit, we are expanding on our foundations. Now that students have
a basis in Spanish we want to investigate more complex grammar and be able to learn
more vocabulary that is pertinent for the students. In this unit, students are working
towards understanding subject pronouns, conjugating AR verbs, conjugating the irregular
verb “ser” and being able to use “ser” to describe where they come from as far as
grammar goes. They are also building on their conversational and language skills by
acquiring the vocabulary necessary to describe what they like to do and do not like to do.
This lesson helps students to become more comfortable with AR verbs which is one of
our unit goals. By practicing collaboratively and individually students will have ample
opportunity to grapple with their new and at times confusing knowledge.
Assessment: Students will successfully make large verb charts for our five new verbs.
They’ll be able to recall their meanings mostly on demand, but perhaps referring to their
notes. With the verb charts, students will have the opportunities to find errors and make
corrections. Successful verb charts both individually and as a group will help demonstrate
Personalization and equity: I will present the new material in a variety of formats. For
instance, the five new verbs will be shown via slide show so that students may take notes
on the verbs and their meanings (a more kinesthetic activity), see a visual corresponding
to the word (visual learners), and finally I will say the word and students will repeat
(auditory learners). To make learning the new material a less stressful experience
especially for easily overwhelmed students we will utilize a variety of small group
activities which will allow students to work collaboratively to further their learner. This
can also clear up confusions students may have without them having to ask in front of the
whole class. We will also slowly move away from the teacher guiding each step of the
conjugations to students working and monitoring each other’s work.
Revised 5/15/13
Jessica Bisbee: 9B Spanish 1
Clark University Master of Arts in Teaching Program
Learning Activity Plan
Activity description and agenda
Starter: Open response on a
separate sheet of paper to be
Total Physical Response:
Subject pronouns
Activity 6 page 38 in
textbooks & Review
Group Conjugation
5 new AR verbs
(introduction & slides)
In small groups/ repetition
of vocabulary
Conjugation practice
Conjugations Charts
Revised 5/15/13
“What are subject pronouns?
Why do we need subject
pronouns? Why do we need
verbs? How did we begin to
use both these elements in
yesterday’s class?”
Extension: Describe
conjugating. What does it
mean to conjugate a verb?
Have students indicate using
their arms to motion towards
others the meanings of the
subject pronouns we learned
yesterday. (Example: If the
teacher says “yo” motion
towards yourself)
Write the pronoun that
corresponds to the image.
(six images) review answers
as a group.
Finish conjugating the verb
“llamar” as an example (we
need to add the endings).
Then walk through “dibujar”
Show images with new
verbs. Say them once aloud,
count to three, and students
repeat as a whole quickly.
Students in groups of 4-5
will practice the new verbs.
One student begins by
saying the English. The next
says the Spanish equivalent.
The students keep
alternating until they go
around the circle twice for
each verb.
Individually fill out the
conjugations for each verb
on our handout following all
steps on our conjugation
check list.
In groups of four, students
go to a poster with a verb
chart on the wall (one for
5 min
5 min
7 min
10 min
3 min
5 min
7 min
5 min
Jessica Bisbee: 9B Spanish 1
Clark University Master of Arts in Teaching Program
Learning Activity Plan
Group Review
Wrap Up
each new verb). They need
to use a marker to fill in one
slot of the verb chart. Then
they will be asked to move
to the next chart and do the
same. This repeats until they
land on a fully filled out
chart. At this chart they need
to make any corrections.
With students back in their
seats, turn and look at each
chart. Go through the
conjugations (they can
correct their own sheets/fill
them in). Do we agree with
the conjugations? (Thumbs
up) Do we disagree with
something on the chart?
(Thumbs down)
Briefly review what we
looked at today & hand out
homework exercise sheet.
5 min
Remainder of class.
a. I anticipate that students will still be struggling with conjugating verbs because it is
unlike anything we have seen or done consciously even for native speakers.
Therefore, I will use groups so students can support and help each other learn and
make corrections. I also anticipate that each of my students learn differently so I am
using a variety of tools to convey and practice this new vocabulary (listening,
speaking, seeing, and writing).
List the Massachusetts Learning Standards this lesson addresses.
a. Linguistic Comparisons
b. Presentational Communication
Please see reflections document.
Revised 5/15/13