Word document.

If you could create the perfect reading
tool, how would you want it to work?
 AppReader is great as is, but it would be nice if it would
read PDF files. I have not yet had a chance to try the fix
that was in your blog.
 Natural voice, one I could train on pronunciations of
common acronyms or words used in my job.
 A mix of ZoomText Reading Tools and voices from OS X
Voice Over or the voices from InfoVox.
 I'm afraid I am not very helpful here. ZoomText Reader
seems to be the answer for me.
 Be able to read other documents besides documents that are
on an email selection. A clearview camera w/my computer
while reading a book. Ideal would be a convertible to carry
xy table w/lightweight camera attachment so I could read
books “off site” using my computer as the viewing screen
instead of using my clearview machine. ie; take to library
for research or on travel trips.
 I would want it to read graphics and diagrams and license
agreement to software and the like.
 An intuitive reader that can organize and figure out a way to
read any web content.
 If I could create the perfect reading tool, it would have an
option to copy the menu items to the clipboard and have it
read in the zoom recorder for you. It would also allow for
one to read aloud CAPTCHA those letters and scrambled
words that one has to fill in to verify whether or not they
are human. This needs to be done for people who are hard of
hearing and visually impaired or blind and hearing impaired,
as the audible version on the site itself is distorted with
background noise and hearing aids do not screen out
background noise too well. This is the perfect reading tool I
would create if I had the chance to.
 Would like it to be able to tell how to read "lead" and other
such words in the context of the text, not always as "led",
for example.
 Starts where I want and not jump around.
 Get AppReader to work on not only on Black Background
with white letters get it to work on white background with
black wording as well
 I'm pretty satisfied with my current experience with online
reading using the AppReader and Background reader.
 The AppReader is great but I would like it not to repeat
what it just read.
 I mostly use contrast and text size features, so don't feel
qualified to suggest.
 It would be helpful if there was a keystroke to have
ZoomText read the Dialog Box contents in Tab order, since
the App-Reader and the Doc-Reader don't.
 Improve the SpeakIt Tool so that it worked easier. Perhaps
I do not have the latest ZT version, but I have constant
issues when attempting to have my email read, many
websites will not be read by ZT v9.10. I also believe that a
hybrid program incorporating ZT and Dragon Naturally
Speaking/Dictate. A headphone and mike could certainly
speed my work up. More color choices would be useful for
"contrasting". I'll think of some more.
 I would have it so that I do not have to go click on the "z".
As it is, I have to stop reading, go click on the rad app and
then go down and click where I want to start. Trouble is half the time it's like the thing has mind of it's own. It starts
reading from the upper left corner and the cursor
disappears. I have to hit the space bar or click the mouse to
get it to stop. Why don't you make it so that it underlines or
highlights everything that has been read? Then, in one click,
it stops; you can look back up and see where you left off.
This would be really helpful if you are starting and stopping
and referencing items in the article. You would know right
where you are / left off. It should take one click to start
again. As well, a person should be able to go back and
highlight an area they want o read without reading the
entire piece again.
 I use ZoomText at work and it makes the print larger and
that helps a lot. Increasing all fonts, of desktop, MS office,
internet, etc. I thought about buying it for home but it costs
too much.
 sounds more humanic voice, and simplier short cut keys
 Have it as much like natural reading as possible. See each
word and hear it. Want to re-read phrase, sentences or
paragraphs as needed. Slow down and pause to think about
what I have just read. Be able to just listen when my eyes
are tired. Portability. Don't want to sit still in front if the
computer. Need it wherever I go. Be able to underline or
highlight important information, especially when I am
reading technical material that I need to learn or reference
later. Zoom the size up and down easily without a mouse. Be
able to use at work without having to deal with IT. Able to
listen with earphones that are cordless so they don't get in
the way of my keyboard. Can read protected documents or
image PDFs. Works like my eyes used to work. :)
 One that allows you to very simply enlarge and highlight
texts at different levels- ie. be able to switch from word, to
sentence, to page etc. A tool that allows even very young
students (maybe with visual symbols) be able to
independently access reading material without significant
adult support.
 I like for the reading tool to easily move to the area I want
read without using the mouse.
 Do what you’re doing now but in all the reading tools have
it lower my music's volumes when it begins to read text.
Also better performance on DocReader in Adobe Reader
when reading a PDF, meaning continuous reading instead of
having to manually scroll down each page.
 It would recognize voice commands.
 The ZoomText reading tool works very well for my needs.
Perhaps more voices.
 Web reader that I could set to just read what I want it to.
 More updates example: I have to upgrade to a completely
new version to read programs such as iTunes. The program
only reads words in control programs or help windows one
at a time not the entire line.
 It would read everything.
 Maybe have a dictionary which could look up and read
words in the program – locally installed or through internet
access. Some of the low vision clients I work with are in
school, so if they hear a word or come across a word they
are unfamiliar with, or the word is not pronounced right,
they have to open up another browser window and go to
dictionary.com etc. to look the word up by copying and
pasting. If this process were more streamlined somehow,
that would be great! Also a similar all in one app for
iDevices or Android devices.
 I would love to be able to click on the first word of a
paragraph and have the whole paragraph read to me without
having to go into the zoom reader menu.
 I don't use the reading tool, because I still have vision. I
noticed though when I put on the reader to check it out, it
still sounds like a computer. Like HAL in 2000 Space
Odyssey. lol
 A reading tool that is as thorough as JAWS but with ability
to track/manipulate items visually. Similar to your tool but
with a more consistent screen reader.
 I'm pretty satisfied with ZoomText as it is. Continue to
work on pronunciation.
 It would come on when you opened your e mail
 I really think AppReader is close to the mark. I have found
the BG reader helpful for some things, mostly because I use
my middle mouse button as a hot key so a quick triple click
to select a paragraph and then the middle mouse button is a
fast way to get at some text.
 Have it read the whole screen like the doc reader. Whether I
am in a document or on a website. I don't really use the
AppReader maybe that is what it is for. I guess I need to
refresh my zoom text training if it does. If not though, a
reader that reads websites word for word starting where
ever the user wants it to start. Just like in the DocReader.
 It should be able to reformat text from web pages or
documents in such a way that difficult portions are
accessible, like objects in Word. It should also be smart
enough to detect columns in poorly-OCR'ed PDF
documents, or let the user specify if the doc has 1 or 2
columns, etc., and then the tool should properly regroup the
text in logical pieces.
 Upgrade the follow-the-cursor feature of zoomtext as fast as
windows magnifier.
 Customized highlighting, adjustable rate, pitch, voices and
accent. Ability to repeat words, sentences and paragraphs,
spell difficult words.
 A new function in AppReader to have the choice to magnify
only the word, the sentence or the paragraph which is
reading. A dictionary to enter new words and pronunciation
in the vocal synthesis. More efficiency and speed while the
text stay more intelligible. A function where the reader say
if there is a cap/min letter. Use the same keys to manage the
AppReader and DocReader Pause Play Speed.
 As well as ZoomText reader.
 I would like to be able to create macros to work with all my
companies applications.
 I would like the perfect reading tool to read the text inside a
MS PowerPoint document, a PDF document and every page
on the Internet. I find that many pages on the Internet is
not read and that I have to select the text, copy the text,
paste it in MS Word or into a New Email and then only I
can read the content.
 Click on a word or beginning of a sentence and it must read
it instantly to you. In image mode, websites everything.. like
the human eye.
 Just like NVDA.
 Yeah, do you have tutorial of ZoomText with Voiceover for
iMac user? Because I used the touch screen mouse wireless
with iMac.
 The perfect reading tool would scroll the page when it is a
long document and be able to be paused and un paused
without having to use more than one key, such as a tap to
pause and a double tap to start again. it would allow me to
highlight while it is reading-give access to my normal
cursor functions. This blended with some of the features of
app reader or Background Reader would make a great tool.
 I would like to have a variety of human like reading voices. I
do use Magic from time to time, but much rather prefer
ZoomText. . .
 I like the word-by-word highlight and the ability to read
back what I am seeing on the screen. That is one of the
things I miss most when I am strictly using a screen reader
- I cannot see a highlight of what I am reading like I can
with ZoomText. I like the highlight and the options to
choose between DocReader and AppReader.
 I prefer print to audio. I used to use keystroke echo, but
that's not available in Broadview, which is what I have.
 I am a Lotus Notes Domino Designer. Although reading a
line word for word and/or character by character is nice, I
would like a reader that could read lines of code, break it
down, then read it back. For example, to read: "@If(status
!="Open";CompletedDate="";"") Zoom Text would read it
as: "If status is not equal to open, then completeddate equals
blank, else nothing." I understand that the above is Lotus
Formula. However, it would be advantageous if it was made
for popular languages, like Visual Basic, Java, C++, etc.
Maybe even make these into modules that could be sold
separately. Finally, this could branch out to other modules
for math, science, doctors, lawyers, court reporters, etc.
This would be so helpful for those wanting to pursue those
professions, or, those who already are but might be on their
way out the door because of vision loss.
 The only change I would make would be the manner of
activating the proper reading tool. I do have the ZoomText
keyboard, but I still can't read the various reader buttons.
Perhaps it could done on the screen. For instance, a right
click could show DocReader or App Reader, etc., then click
on your choice and click at the beginning of the text you
want read. Then click when or where you want the reading
to stop.
 I would have it change colors
 I prefer AppReader. I'm not sure what DocReader is for.
 I would create a reading tool that would tell me how to spell
each word and also tell me what it means so my sentences
would make sense.
 It would work just like AppReader as it works in MS Word.
It is wonderful. It would bring an interesting improvement:
it would detect text language and switch TTS engine
automatically, like MS Word does on spell checking.
Regarding reading in PDF and Web my dream reading tool
would bring cool improvements. It would be smoother in
launching and pausing actions. It would distinguish all
columns in complex layout webpages, thus it would not
puzzle text, aid and menus. Besides, it would allow to use a
cursor as it happens in word documents. Thereby it would
be possible to stop AppReader in a web page and resume
from the same place, with no need to use mouse. Besides
user would be able to use arrow keys to read some words
with eye and switch to AppReader from the same point.
 A reading tool that works always on all web pages, all text
in each article, or document. There are still too many areas
that ZoomText reader will not read.
 My dream speech system would be one that, when you turn
on the computer it says "hello, how can I help you". I then
say, please go to ie, go to word, a specific file, or whatever.
It goes to what ever I asked and it reads it all. This would
also refer to the Internet. I would love ZoomText to not
only speak to me, but for me to be able to speak to
ZoomText without having to type it out. I use to use Jaws,
ZoomText, and Dragon all together. Then you came out
with ZoomText that speaks as well as zooming the screen. I
also have trouble typing, I have hand problems, I have M. S.
as well as being Legally Blind so I use Dragon and it has
always been a problem. It would be perfect if all three needs
would be all in one. Answer to question one there should
have been a choose of all of the above I use them all equally
so I just tapped one. Thank You, Rose
 I would want it to not have to read every word. I would not
have it so mechanical. I don't like when it reads every
punctuation mark and stuff like hyphens.
 The existing features are good, just give more options on
the voice.
 For me the perfect tool for the 1 that would allow me to
highlight either a word up to a page even and click 1 button
and have it read back to me. One that I could just highlight
a sentence or a news story, or anything that I want to have
read back to me and with the push 1 button have it read
back to me.
 When I use the reader it sometimes jump all over the place
and I have a hard time finding where it is. I would like to
manage it better. Maybe like select the portion I need read
and it read that part without jumping to some other part.
And when just using ZoomText without the app reader; I
would like to change light colored text to black when I am
on any internet web page.
 Something where logical commands (i.e. P for Paragraph, L
for line, etc) were used - especially on a Braille keyboard.
 First of all it would be handheld. It would be easy to scan to
the portions that have fallen off the page and the brightness
would be virtually nonexistent.
 Have a more natural voice.
 Since I don't use an audio reading tool* yet, this doesn't
apply to me. *Some day, I may need it. I'll let you know
them. As for visual reading, I'd love a device that will show
me the entire page I'm reading, rather than just a small
portion. It can get tricky trying to move print material
around under the ZoomText cam while trying to read and
type at the same time.
 I'd like to launch it using the keyboard and mouse; that is, a
keystroke (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, etc.) and a RIGHT or
LEFT CLICK. When looking through a document or web
page I don't like to move my hand back and forth between
the keyboard and mouse.
 The reading that ZoomText does now is fine for me.
 It look’s worke giute good for me. But in fact I don’t need
this "stuff" very often. I have only use Zoom Text 10 for
seven month (before I used Supernova), and I must say that
Zoom Text is much...much...better working in all situations.
Thanks for this excellent program for us sight handicapped.
Best Regards from Roland in Sweden.
 Instant response, including with page turns. Don't read
across side by side pages. Quality multi language capability.
Bookmark with memory.
 Have the magnifier follow along word for word.
 I have used ZoomText for several years without the reader.
I have just begun to use the reader. I am not sure I can offer
suggestions at this time but may have some as I become
more acquainted with the software.
 I love it the way it is .... if only it could read everything on
the internet too as well as docs.
 It would read whatever and wherever I wanted it to without
any glitches.
 The continuation of shortcut keys is most beneficial. The
compatibility of ZoomText 10 is patiently waited for.
 It would be as close to normal speech as possible. I listen to
many podcasts and audio books, and the presentation is
often essential to understanding and enjoyment.
 It should be quick and easy to select only the content to be
read from beginning to end, ignoring any links, icons, or
 Like Doc Reader but would always pick up at the start of to
document. I always highlight where I want to start but it
never starts there. Sometimes way down the page
 I would create a typing tool that it will speak the words you
say then type them to the document that you want to create.
 For my eyesight condition, I am still trying to read as much
as possible. I mostly use Zt to read long emails, long web
content, long Bible passages.... you get the picture.
 Read with less repeating
 I wish it could somehow manage to follow the main content
and not get confused by columns that aren't straight and
have advertising inserted in the middle of the content.
 Seamless integration into the system, almost like naturally
talking to a real person.
 Take away robotic voice.
 I like AppReader but it does not work well with PDFs,
Adobe reader or writer, I use the background reader it is
less problematic. I like using the speak-it tool for complex
web pages. I rarely use DocReader anymore. I prefer
AppReader but use speak-it tool or Background Reader
when there are problems with AppReader.
 I don't know. I am not familiar with all the tools ZoomText
has. I just enlarge the print, it talks and I love it!
 I am generally satisfied with Zoom. I would prefer that it
begin reading as soon as I open a document. I find that I
have to play with mouse to get started.
 I would want the ability to change voices on command. I
would like the option to switch between a variety of voices.
 Realistic voices.
 I would like it to work property and a totally black selection
large pointer would be great. It use to be there. What
happened. Also, text is broken...solid letters would be great.
 I could talk and the program could do what I said.
 I would want it to be versatile to read all documents
including PDF documents.
 An easier way to start the reading application for instance
just click one key and it starts reading until you click the
key again.
 Highlight the line and have focus box over word when it is
read. Be able to select text and only have it read that
portion (so combine the speak-it tool).
 That the voice would not feel so computerized.
 Happy with the present.
 Have various modes of speech.
 I just use ZoomText magnification.
 Click to highlight a section to be read, without needing a
split screen.
 I have no idea. I only use the magnifier.
 I really love AppReader as it is, and look forward to using it
with ImageReader.
 I would want it to be easy to use with little to no training
required. I would have it have multiple voice options with
differing pitches and speeds.
 Yours is nearly the best. But still has problems. V.10 does
not speak all things well, and some not at all, though it's
finicky, not constant. Also, it IS constant in misreading the
lines of Outlook Express e-mails. I use 12x with speech, and
the highlighted line is far too often NOT the one being read
by ZT10. I'll be looking at the highlighted subject line on
my screen and it'll be reading another line, which the cursor
is resting on, I have the cursor set to read the line, yes -- but
this should NOT overrule in e-mail. It should read the
highlighted line first & foremost, seems to me. It's a bug,
and I hope you fix it soon. ;-)
 A tool that can read all digital documents without problems.
 Voice commands... such that speaking the command 'Select
All' / 'BgRDR'... and other speak initiated commands as well
(this is just an example).
 I would want a document reader that would work every
time it was called on. I would want to be able to access a
link while in DocReader mode. I would want to be able to
flip to another window without DocReader closing. I would
also like to be able to advance the text spoken by word or by
line within a document.
 I could not create a better reading tool then the AppReader.
 I would create what’s called Master Reading : it can Read A
full length At About a Whole Paragraph.
 I would like it to include voice control so that I could simply
say "read", "read from top", "stop reading", "slower",
 It would be similar to DocReader.
 Available as a right click menu read from this point.
 Possibly allow me to utilize some type of voice recognition
where the computer will respond to me asking it to stop and
repeat the word or sentence.
 It would have the ability to read continuously or word by
word or letter by letter within a word.
 Respond to my voice for commands.
 A tool that would read EVERYTHING. Pop up windows
also to overlook or tell me if I am in an "edit box" and allow
me to skip over it. Have it be operated by hotkeys and
mouse allow me to jump back and forth line by line,
paragraph by paragraph or page by page.
 Smoother voice, better pauses for punctuation, possibly a
different voice for certain applications?
 On a touch screen I'd like it to read whatever I touch,
whether a section or word.
 New user, not quite sure.
 The tools should provide different settings for
configurations and be able to provide magnification with
voice output. Additionally, it should provide the capability
to read the information as if it was and would-be in a book
but also be allowed to have it read with screen reader
capabilities when you need to know everything which is
 It would read everything. I know this is not possible, but
that would be great. I have to use, AppReader, Background
Reader, DocReader and SpeakIt at different times to get
most everything read. But still there are things that none of
these will read and I resort to a magnifying glass in front of
my computer to read. Also, I would also REALLY like the
ability to use the mouse while AppReader is going.
Sometimes a webpage /story is multiple pages and you have
stop AppReader click on the 'next page' button, then start it
up again. There are many examples of how being able to
pause the reader, then click on something, then start it again
would be very cool.
 The best tool would be a good reader on an android
smartphone because the phone is the tool I always have with
me on my pocket and is always to hand. Being able to get it
to read any document in front me wherever I am would
really improve my life.
 I'd have it work on ZoomText for mac. I love having yellow
rectangles track words as the Paul voice reads them to me.
When had a PC I used AppReader to read back internet
articles, word documents and PDF files. Being able to have
PDFs read back to me is a must have as that is how I get my
school textbooks. Having ZoomText reader for mac is a
 For my purposes, ZoomText reader works fine. I am hard of
hearing as well as visually impaired so I rely far more on the
ZoomText aspects than the reader.
 I really don't know how the reading tool works but I would
like it to begin reading what is on the page once I open or
go to a webpage.
 I would like for it to read with every email program and
every website. Currently, Mozilla Thunderbird email
program, ZoomText will not read to me my emails with
AppReader :( Not all websites are compatible with
AppReader either. Oh, I forgot, my bug-a-boo. PDF files,
AppReader will not work with most of them :( So I would
like it to work with these things which I need to read.
 Have the availability to switch back and forth from block of
text to word by word.
 I would like the option of tracking by word, sentence,
paragraph, etc. so the user can choose what they like.
 I enjoy how ZoomText works now; once I figure out what I
think you are referring to as 'Background Reader' I will be
even happier.
 Voice activated commands awesome!!
 No improvement necessary.
 In web browsers, with flash.
 One that includes OCR from PDFs.
 So far I don't use reading tools, just magnifying.
 I like the way ZoomText works now.
 Better in Adobe reader XI Follow the TAB programming.
 It would be able to read any kind of PDF document--even
one with a newspaper article embedded.
 It should read seamlessly from page to page. Still have
trouble with it reading PDF files.
 Thank God I do not have to use the reader, so I would not
even know what to suggest.
 I use Jaws and ZoomText together but I have enough vision
that I can use a mouse for a reading tool what I want is to be
able to put my mouse at the beginning of a sentence and hit
one key to start reading highlighting the word and a key to
stop it when I want the ability to high light text and read it
all the other stuff is just stuff I do not use.
 At times to be able to shut the reader off without gong to
the ZoomText interface.
 The 3 readers offered by ZoomText meet my needs
 I would work on the cadence of the speech.
 See my text customization paper, "When One Size Fits One"
submitted for the W3 Text Customization Symposium, Nov,
2012 E R Ley
 Voice command reader on demand - start and stop by voice
 Add more ZoomText camera text and background colors
such as pink and purple so that there are more options to
pick from and to meet what each users preference is.
 A more sounding voice would be the only addition I would
 Would be able to turn off "background" of the windows and
only pickup the words in the text and not ads.
 Its okay as it is I don't see why you would want to change it.
 A reading tool that could keep up with fast typing. A
reading tool with a locator.
 Have various voices. Being able to "lasso" a group or block
of text with the mouse for reading.
 I show people how to use ZoomText.
 I would like to see something that focuses on my document
only, leaving desktop items alone. Then when I am in my
desktop I can hover over icons, folders, taskbar, toolbar, etc.
I currently have this feature in ZoomText, but only in a
certain size - the magnifier box bothers me, and I would like
to see something that doesn't have that for everything.
Unless, of course, I can make it be whatever size I want it,
with handles… and everything outside the box can be just
regular size...
 A simple repeat command.
 It would work quickly and be very easy to align and start
 It would be you current AppReader, I just wish there was
some way for me to know were in the page that I am
reading... some sort for navigation overview.
 I couldn't provide feedback on this, as I only use
magnification and other features of ZoomText.
 AppReader: The ability to use the mouse wheel or cursor
navigation keys (while reading), to scroll the screen up or
down. DocReader: A uniform scrolling motion that would
keep the current line somewhere near the middle of the
screen. Speak It: When activated a keyboard option to
specify how much to read. Maybe arrowing down, and the
lines of text would become shaded to indicate that they will
be read, then another simple keypress to begin reading.
 I'd like to have a single key press to begin App Reader type
function. Rarely use speech would like it to start on the fly
using preset options. Like the model FS is using with Speech
on Demand for this one.
 I am early in my diminishing vision journey so I have only
begun to research low vision aides.
 Make sure that it has a big zoom
 An excellent language manager. I spend much time adapting
readers to text language. Hotkeys don't always work.
Couldn't the reader tool detect language itself?
 I am happy using DocReader and AppReader.
 I still use the read from clipboard feature heavily. It would
be nice to be able to keep a history of the last 10 items read
from the clipboard.
 It would not be a computer-generated voice. It would read
contractions as contractions instead of spelling out each
 I think it would be cool if when using the reading tool that
you could do as you do with Kindle. Double click the word
you want to look up and get a definition for it.
I usually
use mouse echo when reading the screen and do not know if
this is considered the SpeakIt tool but would like it if it read
everything. Some web pages have different texts and it does
not read it all. So a mouse echo that worked all the time
would be nice especially when you open up your browser. I
use ZT 10 and mouse echo does not read the tabs or buttons
in Firefox. So if that worked, it would be an improvement.
 I would have it reading columns. I would love to scan our
community newsletter and have it read all three columns.
 Leave out reading HTML codes when desired.
 It could be customized to each person's needs, since
everyone has different issues & adjusted accordingly for each
individual document.
 I would have to think about it
 it is better
 Select any text and read automatically
 Like in ZT 8. I ran ZT 8 for a couple of years, before
switching over to ZT 9. On ZT 9 I experience some
problems / difficulties, after 2 years not sorted out yet. with
ZT 8, I had no problems.
 I only use speech when I have to read a great amount of
material such as a longer web article, several pages of a
document, etc. A more robust and better tracking speech
engine would be great. While the AppReader does well, it
gets confused on some websites and doesn't always work in
some Word documents. I don't need a lot of bells and
whistles but just something that will read clearly and yet
have the ability to back up and navigate. The box that the
AppReader uses is nice for being able to visually see where
the cursor is at when reading. Thanks.
 I would have it change colors.
 Work with all programs i.e. word IE and everything else
and be very easy to use.
 Nothing better than DocReader!
 Like AppReader but with an active cursor to jump forward
or back.
 I don't really know. I do have trouble with the DocReader
and have basically quit trying to use other readers in ZT, I
have 9.1.4.
 At this time, I make minimal use of the reading tool and
therefore think it is fine as it is now. Voices are much better
than earlier "reading" programs.
 My "dream reader" would apply to the following: web site,
WORD doc, Excel file, PDF or simple text file. I would
LOVE to be able to highlight a block of text then right click
and select "read it". That would be an incredible tool for me.
How bout it? Let's get those developers working! ;) I'll even
be happy to go to bat for them and try and get them a raise!
 I like how the iphone does assistive technology. Most in
particular, how VoiceOver reads webpages aloud by using
the roter tool to read text then switch to links then switch
to headings, etc. I like that method for web page and email
reading because then I don't have to set the zoom level so
HIGH and thus have more screen real estate. Right now I'm
using window-eyes along with ZoomText for that very
reason. However, it would be nice if zt's speech options
would mimic a voiceover roter tool that way I wouldn't have
to run 2 different screen readers at same time anymore.
They told me that feature would be available on zt 10, but it
wasn't, so I was disappointed in that. I have found most
partials tell me if they’re going to have speech at all, they'd
rather have it behave more like Jaws or window-eyes does in
that fashion. Ya know like when you’re on a webpage, press
L for links, X for text, etc etc. Even for partials it helps
especially when your like me and have to zoom in 10-12x to
read any kind of print on the screen, which doesn't allow me
to multi-task well, ya know but with jaws or W.E. I can get
thru pages and other apps on screen boom boom boom as
well as any fully sighted person in iT can, so I never end up
using the speech tools at all for that very reason and then its
expensive to purchase licenses for 2 different screen readers,
upgrades alone are usually $200 a piece, and W.E. and Jaws
both don't have low payment plan options for upgrades, who
has $400 all at once ya know? and VR never covers
upgrades they have a policy against it, so would be nice if
the speech tools were more like Jaws or W.E. Both Jaws
and W.E do screen reading the same way & ZT's screen
reading should do that also. Even if its a separate product,
like freedom scientific has its Magic screen magnifier but is
available bundled with Jaws, so least that way your not
buying 2 different licenses for 2 different screen readers,
then with a low monthly payment plan for upgrades, makes
that option available to anyone.
 The perfect reading tool would have a robust dictionary that
allowed me to indicate which syllable had the accent. It
would be able to pronounce the word correctly according to
context (read/read - present and past tense are different,
wind/wind - verb and noun are pronounced differently). It
would also allow me to access links on a page without
having to exit the tool. There should be an easy way to skip
forward or back to repeat. And, of course, it wouldn't have
any bugs and quirks! I think that last one I'd vote for first.
 Allows the use of different voices to differentiate program
items (menu items) from content (data) – reformats what's
being read so it fits within the visible window, instead of
exceeding the monitor borders – when reading a
complicated page, allows the stitching together of individual
highlighted segments (to bypass inline ads, for example).
 Better pronunciation.
 I would like it to read continually and everything on my
computer. My ZoomText will not read some documents and
some title bars such as submit on an order. And often takes
long breaks before it starts reading. But I could not live
without it.
 More voice options. After so many years with the same
voice options in ZoomText I would like something different.
If there is even more of a human voice that would be great.
 It should read my mind & the authors mind & give me just
what I want. Short of that: It should: 1. Figure out format
(columns) 2. Pick reasonable colors for titles, hiLites, URLs
in ticker of DocRdr. Then go back to my set'g. 3. Prepare
next page for reading b4 finishes current page. 4. Work
with browser to get next page thru link to Continue NEXT.
5. Smooth scroll Ticker. 6. Work in more doc. Email, &
 The perfect reading tool would probably include
functionality from app reader doc reader and text reader.
Using app reader as the base, it would be nice to save a
magnification setting for when app reader is started e.g. if
my magnification level is 2x to orientate myself on the
screen and I am only able to read at a 10x magnification
then it would be great if zoomtext would change from 2x to
10x when app reader is started. When reading in app reader
and then pressing esc to exit app reader then it would be
great if there was some sort of indication as to where app
reader ended off. This would be for example if I were
looking for a specific paragraph in a passage. It would also
be great if instead of using text reader with the mouse to
identify which text you would like announced to have a hot
key to announce the text on a dialog screen. ctrl + alt + m
does not always suffice. when in doc reader it would be nice
if the text could be copied.
 I don't find the reading useful. I can see it faster than I can
hear it, so even though I have the reader version, I've
disabled reading.
 I think it is just getting the speed right of read-back, when
multi-tasking or just needing a quick answer, to make it
most useful for timing.
 I would have it to read everything starting with when the
computer turns on and reads each Icon on the Desktop
when the pointer is on it. I would have it set up so the
person just has to tell ZoomText Reader to go to say
Outlook and then tell it to read what's in the Inbox and to
read the emails I wish to have read by telling it to read the
ones from it told me was there. I would first want it to take
voice commands then tell it whatever I want read to me. No
matter what it is I would want it to read to me even when I
go to the start menu. Everything and not just certain things
no matter what I want it to read I just tell it to do it. I
would even give it more voices to choose from make it
sound like a person from Texas to New York even from
England. I could go on but I guess I’m over doing it.
Thanks. Susan
 My ideal reading tool should be able to accept spoken
commands, not just keyboard hotkeys. I should be able to
tell the reading tool to speed up, slow down, repeat last
sentence, pause, resume, stop...
 I'm happy with ZoomText's reading capabilities except for a
few areas. My perfect reading tool would read text
embedded in images right along with the actual text. It
would also be able to read a PDF right in the browser. For
my job, it would make things a lot easier if it could behave
the same for a computer I'm controlling remotely as it does
for my own desktop. It would also be nice if it worked in a
Windows command prompt window. It would work for all
dialog boxes, pop-ups, and alerts. I love the reading of what
is under my mouse, but it should read all the words in a line
and not just one word when the setting is for all words.
 Use AppReader but able to suspend the reading tool with a
click of a button or for example the right mouse button and
reinstate the reading tool with the left button or a double
click so you wouldn't have to go to the Interface and restore
the AppReader.
 Both the app reader and doc reader work with standard
Windows text, but would like it to read documents that are
pdf and xps formats.
 I didn't know I could use zoom text reader for the menu.
Will try it out now.
 My first requirement would be that I could access it easily.
I've had multiple times of trying to have DocReader read my
longer papers so I can a sense of the flow and development.
Many times, I haven't been able to get it to work! My
second component would be being able to choose to have
words, sentences and paragraph options for reading. I
might also have it stop when a word is misspelled so I could
correct it on the spot. Ditto when two words (actually the
same word twice) appear; it would be very useful to be able
to delete the extra word on the spot rather than trying to
remember in my head that I had to go back and correct
these errors. An option to choose the colour of the text as
well as of the reader-locater could help us read along if that
was important. Another option might be to have an option
that the Reader speak out the formatting/fonting found,
again so that I could remedy any inconsistencies. Thank
you for this opportunity to describe some wished-for
 Would not change it at all.
 The perfect reading tool would read text in all documents
and webpages. DocReader and AppReader do not always
work with certain programs. The ability of the reading tool
to read in the background, but stop when needed (at the
press of a button or keystroke) and resume reading when the
keystroke or button is pressed again. The ability of the
reader to spell a word or define a word with the press of a
specific keystroke.
 One that reads words out loud, smooth transition between
 Sometimes the speak it tool does not read or work properly
with some applications. I like to have it work with all
applications universally and wherever I move my mouse
that has text, I want it to read it. Like in skype, Wordpad,
notepad, chrome, firefox...
 The reading tools read very well when they work. I can't
think of a way to make them more perfect except having a
tool that doesn't crash my computer. Also AppReader does
not work in my IE 8 program It causes the computer to
crash. It works fairly well in Firefox.
 I use the i-loview but would like a larger version that might
be able to see the whole page without moving the device.
 I am happy with what you are doing right now.
 Easily compatible with other AT including Dragon
Naturally Speaking "play that back" and "read that".
 Very satisfied for many years, so maybe I'm too old to
change habits.
 I would have a control on the speed that it reads. I would
also have a control on the frequency that it reads in.
 One that just reads the web article that you want to read not
jumping all over the page.
 The highlighting of words are VERY important from a
cognitive standpoint. It helps those with any useable vision
to comprehend what is being said as well as being able to see
it zoomed. This is how I am able to survive college, the
second time around! If it wasn't for ZoomText, I would not
be able to do the things I do for my university studies.
 I think AppReader is pretty close. I like the flexibility to
move the cursor to any point to begin reading. I like being
able to pause, then have ZT spell the word. By the way, that
function is not working well in Firefox now. When you click
to pause, AppR jumps back to the start of the page! As a
bilingual user, I would like if it were easier to switch from
one voice to another. Not exactly on the fly, but if I want to
read a piece in Spanish, I wish I could change the voice
quickly, then change back just as quickly.
 Simple to control. Perhaps one tool for complex reading and
one for simple reading.
 To make the software easier to shut down if it is on 5x it can
be confusing for a non user.
 The reading tool would be able to read Adobe Flash content.
The tool would be able to OCR an image and read the text
if, for example, there was PDF that was not accessible. One
problem with ZoomText readers now is that they have
really obscure abbreviations built in such as FF being read
as "French Francs". The reader would be able to
automatically identify the main article or content on a
webpage and just read it when you push a hotkey (not
reading all the miscellaneous junk or ads or menus).
Another suggestion is that the reader should be able to
navigate menus in an application simply using arrow keys if
someone does not want to drag their mouse down the menu.
It would also be nice if the reader would always read the
state of checkboxes correctly (ZoomText does not - it will
say "checkbox not checked" when it is checked). Another
thing about ZoomText and the capslock key is that when
using "capslock s" for background reader the state of the
capslock key toggles every time and hitting the capslock key
by itself one time does not reliably change the state of
whether capslock is on or off. Fix this please. Another idea
is to be able to select multiple emails or webpages or
documents easily and get the reader to just read them. So,
for example, if I wanted to select my ten new MS Outlook
emails I could maybe push a hotkey and the reader would
read all of them BUT I should be able to set how these are
read. For example, From, subject, and the part of the body
that is the new part of the email (not reading the whole trail
down the email chain).
 Effortlessly
 Since I don't use it would be hard to say.
 For short to medium-length email messages, I prefer the
mouse/cursor echo functionality so I can control exactly
how much to listen to and when. It's more of a pain to turn
on AppReader for anything less than a couple of paragraphs.
The ideal reading tool would give me the control I get with
the mouse/cursor echo functionality but would allow me to
quickly ask for an entire document or section of a document
to be read. By "quickly," I mean one click. The ZoomText
keyboard gets me close to that, but I still have to click my
mouse a lot of the time to get it to start, and frankly, it's hit
or miss whether I can get AppReader to read a document or
web page.
 Read all of the time.
 Using a single button on the mouse to turn on/off the
reader which would read in the voice of a real person.
 Where you didn’t have to change between AppReader and
DocReader and the speech is more natural not
 I have cone dystrophy and I am legally blind and love Zoom
Text...I couldn't use a computer without it. I do find it
difficult sometimes finding what I am looking for on a
screen (ex: enter button, contact us button, etc... they often
change the screen setups and I find that frustrating). If there
was a search engine that you could type in what you are
looking for on a webpage and it would move your cursor to
that point...I would Looooove that! Also, if there were a
ZoomText mouse that you could place items under to
identify color, that would be wonderful...I craft and being
color blind it is often hard for me to know what color paper
I have...or if I want to match my craft design to a picture or
designer paper...being able to identify the color would help
 Pure mouse over that can also be used like a normal screen
reader plus highlights.
 Really not sure because I don't use any of the reading tools.