7) C3 Further Trigonometric Identities and their Applications Questions

C3 Further Trigonometric Identities and their Applications
June 2011
June 2010
(a) Show that
sin 2θ
= tan θ.
1  cos 2θ
(b) Hence find, for –180° ≤ θ < 180°, all the solutions of
2 sin 2θ
= 1.
1  cos 2θ
Give your answers to 1 decimal place.
Jan 2010
(a) Express 5 cos x – 3 sin x in the form R cos(x + α), where R > 0 and 0 < α <
(b) Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation
5 cos x – 3 sin x = 4
for 0  x < 2, giving your answers to 2 decimal places.
June 2009
(a) Use the identity cos (A + B) = cos A cos B – sin A sin B, to show that
cos 2A = 1 − 2 sin2 A
The curves C1 and C2 have equations
C1: y = 3 sin 2x
C2: y = 4 sin2 x − 2 cos 2x
(b) Show that the x-coordinates of the points where C1 and C2 intersect satisfy the
4 cos 2x + 3 sin 2x = 2
(c) Express 4cos 2x + 3 sin 2x in the form R cos (2x – α), where R > 0 and 0 < α <
90°, giving the value of α to 2 decimal places.
(d) Hence find, for 0  x < 180°, all the solutions of
4 cos 2x + 3 sin 2x = 2,
giving your answers to 1 decimal place.
Jan 2009
(a) (i) By writing 3θ = (2θ + θ), show that
sin 3θ = 3 sin θ – 4 sin3 θ.
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, for 0 < θ <
, solve
8 sin3 θ – 6 sin θ + 1 = 0.
Give your answers in terms of π.
(b) Using sin (θ – ) = sin θ cos  – cos θ sin , or otherwise, show that
sin 15 =
(6 – 2).
June 2008
f(x) = 5 cos x + 12 sin x.
Given that f(x) = R cos (x – α), where R > 0 and 0 < α <
(a) find the value of R and the value of α to 3 decimal places.
(b) Hence solve the equation
5 cos x + 12 sin x = 6
for 0  x < 2π.
(c) (i) Write down the maximum value of 5 cos x + 12 sin x.
(ii) Find the smallest positive value of x for which this maximum value occurs.
Jan 2013
Jan 2013
C3 Further Trigonometric Identities and their Applications
Questions ANSWERS (82 marks)
June 2011
June 2010
Jan 2010
June 2009
Jan 2009
June 2008
Jan 2013
Jan 2013