Curriculum Overview for Year 3 – Autumn 2015 English In Literacy we will be reading & retelling traditional tales, beginning with Tales of Wisdom & Wonder by Hugh Lupton and then looking at traditional Native American Tales Our learning will include dialogue and story structure Art & Design To support the children's writing we will be concentrating on VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) and dictation In the second half of the term we will be looking at poems, preparing for performance Other genres to be covered will include nonfiction writing, looking at explanation texts in particular The Guided Reading groups will explore a range of texts including poetry and explanation text Art will be linked very closely with our Topic on Native Americans. We will be looking at pattern work, focussing on collage inspired by Native American rugs. We will also be working with papier-mache to create sculptures. Artists to be studied are Georgia O’Keefe and Frida Kahlo. Design & Technology Mathematics This term we will revise aspects of place value and developing strategies for addition and subtraction The children will be encouraged to develop their fluency and reasoning skills We will also focus on one step word problem solving based on measure We will look at a wide range of mathematical investigations and continue to apply our mathematical skills to solve these problems Mental maths skills will be practised on a regular basis; including timestables, number bonds for each number up to 20 and addition and subtraction skills Science Please don’t forget to do your homework each week and practise your times tables, especially your 10, 2,5,4,3 (8,6) D&T work this term will involve textiles and in particular weaving with a variety of materials We will also be producing props and costumes for the Year 3 performance Computing We will be creating folders and files. Programming with Scratch using algorithms to make characters move Creating databases Geography As part of our cross curricular learning, we will be looking at the geography of North America and considering how the varied landscape impacted on the lives of the Native American tribes Modern Languages Music Comment ça va? Introducing yourself An introduction to recorder playing and reading musical notation Learning songs for the topic based show. Numbers up to 31. Counting in tens L’argent de poche History To be polite At the shop: buying toys In Science we will be learning about Animals including Humans and investigating Forces and Magnets. As well as fair testing we will be considering the importance of repeated testing, and begin to look at conclusions Key Vocabulary: fair test, observations, predictions, conclusions, skeleton, muscle, support, protection, movement, diet, balanced, predators, prey, forces, poles, attract, repel, magnetic As part of our cross curricular learning, we will be looking at the culture and Physical traditions of the Native Americans Education Swimming will be on Tuesday mornings and we will work on water confidence and stroke development In outdoor games we will be focussing on athletic and cricket skills In PE we will be focussing on gymnastic shapes Dance lessons will be linked to our topic work on North America Religious Education In RE we will be focussing on Harvest, comparing traditional Christian and Jewish celebrations We will also be looking at stories about Jesus' life and the festivals Hannukah and Christmas