150902_Specification of ESS CMS Pumps for liquid hydrogen

Fakultät Maschinenwesen Institut für Energietechnik
Bitzer-Stiftungsprofessur für Kälte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik
Technical Specification of
the Hydrogen pumps for the ESS Cryogenic
Moderator System (CMS)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425
Zentralinstitut für Engineering,
Elektronik und Analytik (ZEA)
Engineering und Technologie
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Bitzer-Stiftungsprofessur für
Kälte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik
Marcel Klaus
Yannick Beßler
Originator/sub-project leader
Project leader
(FZ Juelich)
(TU Dresden)
Mail (letters)
MMail (parcel)
Technische Universität
Technische Universität
01062 Dresden
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting address
Section A, room
118 b
Münchner Platz 3
01187 Dresden
The European Spallation Source is a neutron science facility funded
by a collaboration of 17 European countries currently under design
and construction in Lund, Sweden. The ESS accelerator will deliver
protons with 5 MW of power to a rotating metal target at 2.0 GeV
with a nominal current of 62.5 mA.
A key feature of ESS is a tungsten target wheel, which will
transform high-energy protons via the spallation process to fast
neutrons. A moderator-reflector system then transforms these fast
neutrons into slow neutrons, which are the final form of useful
radiation provided by the neutron source. A key feature of the
supercritical hydrogen at 18.5 K and 1.5 MPa to reduce the energy of
the neutrons before they reach the instrument lines. The neutrons
will deposit significant amounts of energy into the hydrogen that
shall be removed to maintain the hydrogen at its nominal operating
temperature of 18.5 K. The target moderator cryoplant (TMCP) will
provide the cooling for the hydrogen cryogenic moderator system
(CMS). The heat deposited into the hydrogen will be removed via a
heat exchanger in a hydrogen circulation coldbox that will transfer
the heat from the hydrogen circuit to a gaseous He circuit operating
at approximately 18 K which is connected to the target cryoplant
The system described herein contains the hydrogen pumps that
considers necessary for the duty performed by the CMS. However,
contractor is encouraged to propose modifications in the design
the tests to be carried out if they improve the performance of
system and simplify operation and/or reduce investment costs.
This technical specification defines the requirements for the
design, manufacture, inspection, tests, transport and installation
of the ESS Cryogenic Moderator System hydrogen pumps.
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Cryogenic moderator system
European Spallation Source
Forschungszentrum Juelich
Low Voltage
CE Certificate following
directives for the product
CGA S-1.3-2008: Compressed Gas Association CGA Pressure relief
device standards Part 3 – Stationary storage containers for
compressed gases
EN 10204: Metallic products - Types of inspection documents
EN 12517-1: Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1: Evaluation
of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by
radiography - Acceptance levels
EN 12517-2: Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 2: Evaluation
of welded joints in aluminium and its alloys by radiography Acceptance levels
EN 13445: Unfired pressure vessels
EN 1435: Non-destructive examination
examination of welded joints
EN 1779: Non-destructive testing – Leak testing – Criteria for
method and technique selection
EN 287-1: Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1:
EN 288-3: Specification and approval of welding procedures for
metallic materials - Part 3: Welding procedure tests for the arc
welding of steels
EN 30042: Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys Guidance on quality levels for imperfection
EN 439: Welding consumables - Shielding gases for arc welding and
EN ISO 14731: Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities
EN ISO 15614-1: Specification and qualification of welding
procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part
1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and
nickel alloys
EN ISO 17635: Non-destructive testing of welds - General rules for
metallic materials
EN ISO 3834-2: Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic
materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
EN ISO 5817: Welding – Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel,
titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) – Quality levels
for imperfections
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EN ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems - Requirements
EN13480: Metallic industrial piping
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO 10438-1: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries
- Part 1: General requirements
ISO 10438-2: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries
- Part 2: Special-purpose oil systems
ISO 10438-3: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries
- Part 3: General-purpose oil systems
ISO 10440-1: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural industries,
rotary-type positive displacement compressor-Part 1: Process
ISO 2372 Group G: Mechanical vibration of machines with operating
speeds from 10 to 200 rev/s - Basis for specifying evaluation
ISO 2954: Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating
machinery -- Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration
ISO 3740: Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise
sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards
ISO 8573-1: Compressed air
PED: Pressure Equipment Directive PED 97/23/EC with Annexes I to
EMCD: Directive 2004/108/EC on electromagnetic compatibility
ROHS: Directive 2002/95/EC on
certain hazardous substances
Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery
SPVD: Directive 2009/105/EC on simple pressure vessels (codified
ATEX Directive: Directive 94/9/EC33 on equipment and protective
systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
- Part 1: Contaminants and purity
restriction of the use of
electrical and electronic
ATEX 137 / Directive 99/92/EC - Minimum requirements for improving
the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk
from explosive atmospheres (15th individual Directive within the
meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC
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4.1. Environment conditions
Typical environmental conditions at ESS, Lund Sweden are listed as
Outdoor conditions
Ambient temperature: 250 K to 310 K
Relative Humidity: 10% to 100 %
CMS room conditions (cryostat with installed pumps)
Ambient temperature: 250 K to 310 K
Relative Humidity: 10% to 100 %
The outer parts of the pump have to be designed for outdoor
conditions. The CMS room is equipped with a swing door wall to open
to the ambient in an emergency case. Temperature and relative
humidity have to be expected to be the same like outdoor conditions.
4.2. Cooling water
If necessary, cooling water with a controlled supply temperature
between 288 and 305 K will be available
4.3. Electricity
Low Voltage (LV) switchgear at 400 V, LV UPS power and cables
to the contractors LV power distribution and control system
220 V AC, 50 Hz
24 V DC with battery backup for measuring instruments and logic
control circuits where necessary
Earth connections
4.4. Instrument air
The instrument air will be available with one single interface point
in the CMS room. Instrument air quality supplied by ESS will be
accordance with standard ISO 8573-1, Dust content class 2 oil
content class 2 and moisture content class 2. The supply pressure
will be 7 bar (6 bar gauge).
4.5. Helium
ESS will provide helium with a purity of 99.996 (Helium grade 4.6)
for leak tests, commissioning and acceptance tests.
4.6. Nitrogen
ESS will supply nitrogen gas that might be required for installation
and commissioning of the pumps. No liquid nitrogen will be supplied
by ESS.
4.7. Magnetic field / Radiation levels
Magnetic fields and radiation levels in the CMS room will be
negligible. The equipment will not be accessible during hydrogen
operation of CMS as it is proposed by ESS right now.
All pressure values in this specification are given as absolute
This chapter specifies the required hydrogen pump performance.
The hydrogen pumps shall be designed to reach the operational
reliability as specified in section 5.4. Operation shall be stable
for the specified values in section 5.2. The contractors proposal
shall include a set of two pumps fulfilling the specified
The liquid hydrogen control system shall be designed to fully
automatic operation in all steady state operation modes as listed in
section 5.2. Furthermore, the control system shall be capable
handling all transient defined in section 5.3 with minimal operator
The specified performances are considered as achieved when they have
been proved in acceptance tests as specified in chapter 10.
Nevertheless, the specified values shall be achieved also during any
later operation within the warranty period (see section 5.4).
5.1. ESS / CSM hydrogen pump operational modes
FZJ has defined two categories of operating modes: Normal operating
mode and abnormal operating mode.
Normal operation mode:
Steady-state operation modes
Nominal design mode (full flow, two pumps in series)
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Nominal low power mode (full flow or adjusted flow, two pumps
in series)
Nominal turndown mode (full flow or adjusted flow, two pumps in
Natural convection (no pump operation)
Transient operation modes
Cool down (max. possible flow, two pumps in series)
natural convection (no pump operation)
Warm up (full flow, two pumps in series or fixed pump shaft)
Switching modes/beam trip (full flow or adjusted flow, two
pumps in series)
Maintenance mode (no pump operation)
Abnormal system operation
Loss of utility power (go to mode warm up)
Loss of Circulator (unreliable pump to be stopped + bypassed by
closing a valve)
safety critical event/loss of vacuum & leakage (all pumps to be
stopped, open valves)
Abnormal Target Station operation (go to mode warm up)
From a pump service point of view this modes translate into specific
ranges of temperature, pressure, mass flow and the circulated fluid
itself that the pumps shall accommodate. Sections 5.2 and 5.3
outline in detail the requirements for the hydrogen pump operation.
Figure 1: Simplified flow scheme of two hydrogen pumps in series.
5.2. Steady state operation modes
Nominal design mode
This mode will occur with neutron beam on and should be the most
common mode seen at ESS. This mode features the highest LH2 flow
rate (= cooling capacity) needed accompanied by highest pressure
drop and temperature spread at full flow. Two pressure levels are
foreseen: on above the critical pressure of 1.28 MPa and one below
as it can be seen in Table 2.
Table 1: Nominal design mode requirements.
Operation mode
two pumps in
Single pump
Pressure level Power Mass flow, g/s
Pressure, MPa
Suction Discharge
Temperature, K
> 800
> 800
> 800
> 800
The pumps will circulate almost incompressible liquid above critical
pressure or subcooled liquid far away from the boiling curve as it
can be seen in the phase diagram or figure 1.
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critical pt.
Pressure in MPa
boiling pt.
Temperature in K
Figure 2: Phase diagram of hydrogen (parahydrogen) from 0.01 to 2 MPa and 10 to 45
Nominal low power mode
This mode will occur with the beam on, but operating at less than
full power. During initial operations in particular, neutron beam
power could vary from approximately 2 - 10% of nominal design for
extended periods of time. The hydrogen pumps shall be capable of
supplying constant full mass flow rate and considerably less mass
flow rate (e.g. by using a variable frequency drive) to guarantee
operational flexibility. The contractor shall provide information to
which degree the mass flow rate can be reduced and in which
timescale this shift is possible.
Nominal turndown mode
The mode will occur with neutron beam off. The pump remains at full
mass flow rate or decreases to less mass flow rate because less
cooling capacity is needed. The contractor shall provide information
to which degree the mass flow rate can be reduced and in which
timescale this shift is possible.
5.3. Transient modes
The contractor shall supply all instrumentation and equipment to
enable all transient operation modes of the hydrogen pumps. This
includes transitions from one steady state to another as specified
in section 5.2, as well as the modes specified hereafter.
Cool down
The contractor shall provide pumps that can circulate not only
liquid hydrogen but gaseous hydrogen, too. During the cool down of
the helium refrigerator hydrogen gas has to be circulated through
the connecting helium hydrogen heat exchanger to cool the CMS down
to nominal operating conditions. The pump has to accommodate
relatively high mass flow rates for gaseous hydrogen from 300 K down
to nominal design conditions for liquid hydrogen (above or slightly
below the critical pressure of 1.28 MPa). Around the critical
temperature of 33 K the pressure will be above its critical value of
1.28 MPa to avoid two phase flow.
Warm up
In cases of longer shut downs and/or maintenance periods the pumps
have to be able to circulate hydrogen at elevated temperatures
warming the system up to about ambient temperatures. The pump has to
accommodate relatively high mass flow rates for liquid (above or
slightly below the critical pressure of 1.28 MPa) and gaseous
hydrogen up from nominal conditions up to 300 K. Around the critical
temperature of 33 K the pressure will be above its critical value of
1.28 MPa to avoid two phase flow.
Switching modes
Beam trips
The mode will occur with unintended and unexpected neutron beam shut
off. The pump remains at full mass flow rate or decreases to less
mass flow rate if a longer beam off period has to be anticipated.
The contractor shall provide information to which degree the mass
flow rate can be reduced and in which timescale this shift is
Fault conditions
Loss of utility power
If there is a loss of utility power to the CMS, a battery based UPS
supplied by ESS will power the hydrogen pump control system. If the
power loss exceeds 5 minutes, an ESS supplied generator will be
brought on line to power the CMS control system and instrument air.
However the hydrogen pumps shall react in a manner that is selfprotecting and will not result in a risk of damaging any equipment
even at complete loss of electrical power and instrument air without
backup systems.
Pump malfunction or vibration of shaft/impeller
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If the pump shaft starts to develop vibration to a larger degree
than acceptable by the contractor (provide that information) the
pump rotational speed has to be reduced or the machine be stopped
Due to redundancy, the remaining second pump has to take over at
least 80 % (800 g/s) of the nominal mass flow (1000 g/s). The goal
of 80 % has been set arbitrarily from an application point of view.
A higher flow rate in the single pump operation is favored. The
contractor may evaluate the highest possible flow rate and
simultaneously ensuring highest possible reliability/availability
plus efficiency of serial and single pump operation.
5.4. Testing and commissioning
During the initial tests at FZJ and at ESS nitrogen gas, helium gas
and subcooled liquid nitrogen may be utilized for testing the pumps
and circuit functionality. The pumps have to be able to circulate
highest possible mass flow rates with the following alternative
The contractor shall provide the characteristic curve / field (for
different revolutionary speeds) for helium gas circulation from 300
Operation with cold nitrogen gas:
The contractor shall provide the characteristic curve / field (for
different revolutionary speeds) for nitrogen gas circulation from
K based
Operation with liquid nitrogen:
The contractor shall provide the characteristic curve / field (for
different revolutionary speeds) for liquid nitrogen circulation at
from 65 to 75 K based on a suction pressure of 1.43 MPa.
5.5. Additional design
The type of sealing between cryostat flange and mating flange of the
pump may be proposed by the contractor. In comparable systems
significant cooling of the mating flange due to unexpected pump
behavior (internal circulation) occurred. The contractor shall
decide whether rubber o-ring made or metal gasket with CF type
flange or maybe an alternative sealing type is the best solution for
the hydrogen pumps.
Furthermore the contractor shall propose and deliver filter elements
to protect the pump of debris. Which filter(s) has to be applied
where protecting the sensible rotating equipment?
The flow scheme in figure two shall be evaluated and be optimized by
the contractor in terms of fulfilling the specified requirements and
an optimal control strategy of the two pumps in series. In principal
the utilization of the control valve V4 and V5 downstream of each
pump and the check valves to bypass a pump should be evaluated.
Proposals for appropriate valve sizes and types shall be provided.
By not actively using the pumps at nominal design mode temperatures
and pressures and during cool down due to geometry of piping a
thermosyphon could be effectively used for the ESS CMS. What
pressure drop over the impeller would occur for a fixed pump shaft
at flow rates between >0 and 200 g/s hydrogen?
5.6. Availability and reliability
The hydrogen pumps shall maintain the flow in the CMS continuously
for 24 h/day, 7 days/week during normal operations. Scheduled
operational interruptions at ESS are planned two times annually
(once in summer and once in winter). The planned duration of these
scheduled down times is approximately 14-16 weeks, during which time
the hydrogen pumps may not be required to operate. During normal
operations, the availability should exceed 99% without counting the
utilities failures in order to contribute to the overall goal of 95%
of the ESS. This value includes scheduled and unscheduled down time.
For the purpose of this specification, availability shall be defined
as follows:
Availability = MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)
Where MTBF is the mean time between failures. MTTR is the mean time
to repair, including the mean time to identify the cause of a system
failure, locate the failed line-replaceable unit, warm up and gain
access to the unit, replace it with a spare available on-site (or
repair interconnections, as applicable), restore and cool-down the
system and resume operation.
The availability goal shall be considered after operating the
hydrogen pumps for two years.
Therefore a warranty of 24 month of operating time after
commissioning at ESS, Lund Sweden, is inquired by the contractor
The design and construction of all components of the hydrogen pumps
shall consider an operation lifetime of at least 25 years.
ESS will take responsibility to assess the plants availability based
on the input data given by the contractor and reasonable engineering
The contractor shall propose a list of spare parts considered
necessary for reliability requirements and lifetime operation of the
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hydrogen pumps. All spare parts are in the scope of delivery. The
following amounts of spare parts deemed necessary by ESS for
efficient operation and maintenance:
one maintenance kit for each pump (bearings, impeller etc.)
Besides these spare parts required by ESS as part of the supply, the
contractor is invited to submit a list of all additional spare
parts, which he considers necessary for operation of the hydrogen
The contractor shall propose a control strategy and necessary
hardware for the pumps at all specified operating conditions.
Requirements related to instrumentation, monitoring and control
All electrical equipment shall belong to Group2 Class II,
according to ELSÄK-FS 1995:6
The pumps shall be equipped it with instrumentations needed for
automatic control of the machines
Adequate alarms shall be set, to monitor and control the system
All surveillance and control shall be managed in a PLC system
interfacing ICS
Analogue output and input shall be connected to the control
system via:
o Either 4-20mA DC connection, in 2-wire (twisted and
shielded) mode protected against polarity inversion with
galvanic insulation and an impedance lower than 500 Ohms,
o Field bus connections: the accepted standard is PROFIBUS
Digital output and input signals shall be connected to the
control system via:
o Input 24V DC;
o Digital Output 24 V DC;
o Field bus connections: the accepted standard is PROFIBUS
For temperature measurements outside of the vacuum vessel, PT100 sensors shall be used.
For temperature measurements inside of the vacuum vessel,:
o At above 50 K: PT-100 Class A sensors, according to
IEC751, shall be used, the accuracy shall be better than
±1% for the whole scale and the long-term stability shall
be less than ±0.1 K;
o At between 2 K and 50 K: E.g. Cernox sensors shall be
used, the accuracy shall be better than ±0.5% for the
whole scale and the long-term stability shall be less
than ±10 mK;
o Each sensor below 50 K shall be supplied with its
calibration data and serial number versus physical
location and external pin connection;
o Display unit: K.
All sensors shall be cabled with 4 wires to a precision
transducer, using a low measuring current according to the
sensor data sheets.
Requirements on electrical power supply
All electrical equipment shall belong to Group2 Class II,
according to ELSÄK-FS 1995:6
Power for pumps shall be provided to a connection box in the
perimeters of the equipment
UPS will be provided for instruments and control system
7.1. Overview and Control strategy
The hydrogen pumps control strategy (see Figure 9) shall be based in
EPICS in order to provide monitoring and operational capabilities
for the CMS. Configuration tools and operator applications (synoptic
displays, alarm displays, archive viewer, etc. ) shall be
implemented as plugins of the Control System Studio (CSS) framework
following the ESS Standards. CSS shall be running in the standard
ESS operative system.
Functions for supervisory controls and batch operations shall be
running in the EPICS process controller and implemented in SNL for a
fully automated operation of the plant.
The EPICS IOC shall be running in an ESS standard control box. All
the Process Variables shall be time stamped in the IOC. The IOC
shall be properly configured with an appropriate time provider.
Local PLCs shall be used for all functions with substantial
technical safety requirements and deterministic sequence programs.
Each PLC shall have an interface to the EPICS process controller
(IOC). This interface shall be implemented with the appropriate
EPICS driver for the used PLCs.
Sensors and actuators shall be connected through PROFIBUS or
PROFINET, while the communication between PLC shall be solved with
Temperature measurement
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PT-100 to monitor representative main pump flange temperature
(prevent freezing of rubber o-ring / metal gasket)
Cernox sensor for temperature of the impeller housing
Revolutional speed
Rotational speed pick-up of pump shaft
Power demand
Power demand of electric drive (shaft power) / frequency
Accelerometer to monitor the relevant pump impeller/shaft
vibrations to prevent risk of pump failure
An interlock for too intense vibrations at the pump shaft/impeller
is foreseen at ESS. Other critical events, strategies how to prevent
a risk of total pump failure und required instrumentation shall be
proposed by previous experience with hydrogen pumps of the
The contractor shall provide full CE certification with all required
(sub-)directives for the specified device and parts.
All necessary tests to as far as reasonably achievable shall be
conducted to verify and proof the specified performance.
Using a surrogate fluid test instead of a test in actual (liquid)
hydrogen is accepted. The non-dimensional performance (i.e. a work
coefficient vs. flow coefficient curve) of a pump shall be
accurately quantified during a test program using a surrogate test
fluid and satisfying the following conditions:
1. The Reynolds Number (Re) of the surrogate fluid test conditions
shall be close to those of the actual fluid conditions, or both
the test fluid and the actual fluid Reynolds Numbers are
sufficiently high so as to preclude (eliminate) any low
Reynolds Number effects,
2. Holding fixed values of the flow coefficient used will tend to
produce similar velocities at all points in the flow path. This
can be assumed for incompressible media such as the (liquid)
hydrogen and the proposed surrogate liquid nitrogen,
The compressibility of liquid hydrogen is small enough that it
usually does not produce appreciable errors in testing with a
surrogate fluid such as liquid nitrogen. The change in density
of the (liquid) hydrogen should be evaluated to ensure that it
will not produce unacceptable errors in the correlation of
tested to actual performance. Usually the density change of
(liquid) hydrogen between inlet and exit is less than a couple
of percent, and can be ignored with minimal error,
3. The effects on the pump operating clearances due to testing the
pump at a different temperature than at the actual conditions
shall not be significant Bearing design analysis and clearance
shall be conducted to cope with differences between the
surrogate test fluid and the actual specified (liquid) hydrogen
A separate offer shall be provided based on the full-scale test
specification with liquid hydrogen which can be found in the
A high degree of quality consciousness is necessary for the
manufacture of ESS CMS hydrogen pumps. Therefore, the contractor is
obligated to use a suitable quality management (QM) system. The EN
ISO 9001 standard shall be the basis for all quality assurance
For execution of this contractor, the contractor shall have a
documented and supervised QM system described in a QM handbook. This
contains the quality policy of the contractor, the definition of
responsibilities, and the processes, procedures and means for
quality assurance.
During the execution of the contractor, the contractor shall pay
special attention to the following points, which are to be
implemented in his QM plan:
11.1. General requirements
Quality assurance shall be independent of any business interests of
the contractor’s involved department. Organizationally, it shall be
subordinated to the managing direction.
The quality management officer assigned by the managing direction,
who shall be named in the QM plan, shall possess all necessary
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competence. If required, he/she shall be authorized to interrupt the
production process in order to initiate corrective measures and to
supervise and evaluate the implementation and results of these
The contractor agrees to system, process and/or product audits
carried out by FZJ throughout the duration of the contractor,
depending on the respective contractual content.
The suitability of production, test and assembly procedures for
which there are no previous experience or established regulations
shall be verified and documented by means of a qualification
procedure in co-ordination with FZJ.
11.2. Quality assurance in design
The plans shall
organizational and
contribute to the
The execution of
describe the different design and engineering
technical interfaces between various groups that
design process. The plan shall be submitted to
11.3. Quality assurance in procurement
The procurement documents for third-party parts and services shall
include all required information, such as:
Product specification;
Product requirements;
Conditions of acceptance;
Quality certificates and reports to be submitted;
Descriptions of functions and operating manuals;
11.4. Quality assurance in production
Production shall take place in compliance with the requirements of
this technical specification. The contractor shall master the
procedures and processes applied The contractor shall fulfil the
following tasks and requirements in the production preparation stage
as well as during production:
Recognize critical
particular care;
Take special measures, such as separate inspections in order to
ensure compliance with the quality requirements;
Prepare a test plan and a test sequence plan specifying the
testing processes used and to what extent, in addition to when,
how, where and by whom;
Take suitable corrective measures in case of defects and faults
and verify the suitability and effectiveness of such measures;
Prevent recurrence of known faults.
11.4.1. Preparation for production
Production documents
The production documents for the hydrogen pumps shall include at
least the following documents and any other documents that may be
needed for the production processes:
Planning documents with schedules, including exact information on
all work processes with a duration of more than one week, as well
as the regulation of mutual influences resulting from dependencies
Description of the necessary preliminary tests for the production;
Description of all production processes;
Description of welding work and welding inspections;
Workshop drawings and parts lists;
Quality plans for production and inspection with processes and
work instruction;
 Necessary forms (measuring reports, process reports etc.).
These documents shall be submitted to FZJ not later than fifteen
workdays before the production of the respective items starts.
Welding requirements
All welding work shall conform to the requirements in Section 9.
Before the production is started, the contractor shall submit to
Proof of qualification of the welders employed according to EN
287-1, proof of qualification of welding supervisor according to
EN ISO 14731 or persons with equivalent competence;
Fabrication inspection plans with production and test sequence
Welding instructions according to the relevant section of EN 288;
Documentation of preliminary tests conducted.
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Preliminary tests
If necessary, the contractor shall conduct all preliminary tests
necessary to fulfil the technical specification. The contractor is
responsible for planning and developing the test set-up, execution,
analysis and documentation of all preliminary tests necessary for
production of the components including, but not limited to, the
following potential problem areas:
Determination of material and definition of material properties
Welding procedures
Joint and connection technology
The following shall be defined in advance for all preliminary tests:
Goal and procedure;
Test setup and measuring equipment;
Test variables and precision;
Test certificates.
This information shall be submitted to FZJ for information purposes
before starting the respective preliminary test.
The results of the preliminary tests, including the relevant general
conditions, shall be documented. All documents on the preliminary
tests shall be submitted to FZJ in duplicate no later than fifteen
workdays before the production of the respective items starts.
The contractor is responsible for the design,
manufacture of all equipment required for the
including but not limited to the following:
Handling, storage, packing and transport.
construction and
following tasks,
The choice of the materials shall comply with the requirements in
section 9.
According to the requirements in the relevant regulations, material
certifications shall be enclosed to the documentation and submitted
to FZJ.
11.4.2. Execution of production
Production shall be executed under conditions that are appropriate
to the technical requirements of the respective production step. The
necessary standards of cleanliness shall be maintained. All
materials shall be clearly identified and stored so as to involve no
danger of confusion. Ferritic and non-ferritic materials shall be
stored and processed separately.
All employees in production shall be trained in the tasks that they
area to perform; there shall be proof of this. Special emphasis is
to be placed on problems in production steps affecting quality. This
applies in particular to personnel employed only temporarily in
The obligations of the contractor concerning production include, but
are not limited to, the following tasks:
Procurement of material and supplied parts;
Production of components;
Production of spare parts;
Assembly (production and assembly equipment);
Execution of inspection and tests;
Cleaning and packing.
11.4.3. Inspection during production
Intermediate inspections are required for critical production steps
and are to be defined by the contractor in a schedule. Acknowledged
inspection procedures shall be defined and followed for these
inspections. These inspection procedures are to be prepared by the
contractor and approved by FZJ.
The FZJ shall be notified in writing at least fifteen workdays in
advance of the first test, inspection or stopping point and at least
five workdays in advance of all other tests, inspections or stopping
points. FZJ shall notify the contractor in due time whether he will
be present at these events.
As a rule, the contractor and FZJ shall have fifteen workdays to
solve any problems that arise during an inspection. Continuation of
the work after the stopping point requires the written confirmation
of FZJ.
11.5. Tests
The obligations of the contractor concerning quality assurance for
this contract include, but are not limited to, the execution of all
inspections and tests as described in Chapter 7 of this technical
specification. If necessary, the contractor shall recommend and
agree upon with FZJ his own test procedures.
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All tests shall be conducted according to detailed written test
procedures, which shall be submitted to FZJ approval at least four
weeks before the first test.
The suitability of special tests procedures shall be verified and
documented on a qualification process base.
Forms are to be prepared for all tests, indicating the type and
extent of the tests (the specified values to be tested, the test
conditions and limiting values to be observed, test frequency,
extent, type, procedure, tests means used, evaluation criteria). The
test forms shall be submitted to FZJ at least fifteen workdays
before the first test.
All required documents and materials, such as pre-test documents,
drawings, reports, calibrations, specifications, test sequence
plans, work samples, etc. shall be made available by the contractor
for each test. The contractor is responsible for providing and
supervising suitable test means and test equipment.
FZJ assumes that all test means used comply with the relevant
standards, are in good working order and properly calibrated.
FZJ shall be notified in writing at least fifteen workdays in
advance of the first test and five workdays in advance of all other
tests. FZJ shall notify the contractor in due time whether he will
be present for a test.
The contractor shall submit a copy of the completed test form to FZJ
no later than two weeks after completion of a test.
If the result of a test does not fulfil the requirements of the
valid regulations and this technical specification, then the evident
deviations shall be eliminated and the affected component shall be
subjected to a new test at the expense of the contractor.
The execution of this contractor requires careful documentation
throughout the entire contract phase. Where possible and feasible,
the documents shall be prepared using MS office applications. All
drawings delivered to FZJ shall be CAD drawing (.stp for 3-D, .dxf
and .pdf for 2-D).
All documents shall be made available printed and electronically.
Three hard copies of all documents shall be provided for the
documents requiring FZJ approval, and the final documents.
All technical documents relevant to the contractor shall be in
English. The national language is permitted for documents intended
only for contractor’s internal use. Dimensions shall be indicated
using the SI system.
The document numbers shall be assigned by FZJ on request, but not
later than to the first examination of the respective document and
shall appear on each page of all further versions of the documents.
Independently of the documentation for FZJ, the contractor shall
maintain a list of all documents prepared, indicating the revision
All changes to valid documents shall be marked clearly to indicate
the revision status (index). In case of renewed changes, the
markings of the previous revision are to be removed.
Documents not conforming to this form will be rejected and deemed
not submitted.
The traceability of all documents shall be given.