April 7, 2013 UNITED HEARTS PRAYER LINE PARISH The number to call for prayer requests, or if you wish to pray with us, is 622-2094. G.A.P. NIGHT April 7 will be the last GAP “gathering” for adolescents and parents at St. Anselm College. There will be Mass and a tour of the Abbey and church. Details will follow. MANY THANKS TO ALL I want to thank all of you for making the Lenten Season and the Triduum so meaningful. Your attendance at Mass during Lent enhanced the joy for me to celebrate Mass. I thank all of you who assisted in the Masses as lectors, servers, ministers of communion and as sacristans. Thanks, too, to those individuals and groups who made our “Three Holy Day” so beautiful and inspirational, our choirs and musicians. We had many visitors who commented on how welcomed they felt as they entered through the doors. My wish is that the spirit of Easter will continue to permeate our parish throughout the year! God bless you, Fr. Paul VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Save the date for a Rainforest Adventure for your children. Vacation Bible School will be held the week of July 22-26. Registration will begin in May. BABY SHOWER FOR “OUR PLACE” A baby shower to benefit Our Place will be held Saturday, April 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Parish of the Transfiguration. All are invited to bring new, unwrapped baby/toddler items. Currently there is a great need for baby wipes, diapers, shampoo, bath wash, and clothes. Brunch will be served. Call Lillian Coulon at 668-1039. SPRING VISITOR WEEKEND AT THE COLLEGE OF SAINT MARY MAGDALEN All high school students and recent graduates are invited to attend our Spring Visitor Weekend on April 11-14. Visitors will have the opportunity to attend classes, meet one on one with faculty and admissions representatives, stay in the student residences, attend Mass and participate in spiritual life on campus. and tour our campus. Reserve your place today! Contact the Admissions Office at admissions@magdalen.edu CD KIOSKS We have a lot of new CD titles located in kiosks at the main entrance and the parish hall. Take a moment to browse through and choose something that interests you in a challenging way. The cost is $3 each or 2 for $5. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR CHILDREN (RCIC) This is a program designed to provide the sacraments of Initiation, Baptism and Eucharist, for those children age 9 or older who have not previously received them. See the website for more information. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY PROGRAMS Every Sunday, during the 9 a.m. Mass, we offer children from 1-3 years old, playtime with a babysitter in the church hall. There are toys to play with and a snack to enjoy. The 4-5 year olds can join the Pre-CCD class for the duration of the Mass and spend the hour praying, making crafts, reading stories and learning about Jesus. For the children in grades 1-5, we offer the "Liturgy of the Word." They are dismissed after opening prayer and go downstairs to hear the Word of God. After the homily, the children return to Mass with their families. Although there is no fee, we do ask that parents register their children. Registration forms are in the church hall. RETROUVAILLE OF NEW ENGLAND Are you struggling in your marriage? You are not alone. Our peer ministry is led by couples who have lived through the honeymoon phase often followed by deep disillusionment before finally finding resurrection in their marriages using the tools taught in this program. Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille weekend. The next marriage renewal weekends will be held on April 5-7 and September 20-23. To register and for more information call 800-470-2230 or visit www.helpourmarriage.com ST. CATHERINE WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION APRIL MEETING The St. Catherine Women’s Organization will meet Tuesday, April 9 at 6 p.m. in the conference room at the school. This will be the first annual Heritage Dinner featuring foods representing the members’ nationality and culture. Following the dinner will be speakers from the Catholic Charities Immigration Services and from the International Center. All women in the parish are welcome to attend. For more information contact Kathy Proulx at 644-8138. MEN OF ST. JOSEPH JESUS WAS BORN IN A SHELTER Men of St. Joseph meet once a month on the 2nd Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. We’ll start off the morning with Mass and a rosary, followed by a full breakfast and a keynote presentation from a special guest speaker. Join us for our next meeting on April 13. Think of this as a short monthly retreat to help keep your faith and priorities in order. All men are invited. Visit “The Men of St. Joseph” on our website or call Rob Hayes at 785-8855. The box at the main entrance of the church is to collect items for those who live in shelters in Manchester. The needs for April: razors, toothbrushes for adults & kids, toothpaste, and Windex. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry. MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SATURDAY FIRST CORINTHIANS The office of Adult Faith Formation will offer a new six-part Bible study on the First Letter to the Corinthians starting on April 18. Join Nicholas Lebish as he teaches this course twice every Thursday, at 9:45 a.m. and at 7 p.m. Choose which time works for your schedule. To view the complete schedule, visit the “adult faith formation” page on our website or call 622-4160. SUNDAY APRIL 7 7:30 9:00 PARISHIONERS OF ST. CATHERINE DAN MUELLER by his family GILBERTE BOURGEOIS by M/M Robert LaPlante JOSHUA MICHAEL DUNN by his mother BEN ROY by his wife, Gloria (1st Anniv.) ALL SUFFERING FROM ALZHEIMERS & DIMENTIA DISEASES 11:00 CATHOLIC ONLINE SEMINARS Any time is the perfect time to enrich your knowledge of the Catholic Faith. CDU seminars travel easily as everything you need is online. Try experiencing CDU non-credit seminars for $30. Visit our website to access the CDU webpage, or take a pamphlet at each entrance. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING There is so much misunderstanding and confusion about what the Church actually teaches about marital relations and family planning and why. Please take advantage of this upcoming opportunity to learn more about Christ’s plan for marriage and the family. It can change your hearts and minds in surprising ways! This 3-part course is held once a month for three months starting on April 11 at 7 p.m. in the parish hall conference room. Contact Bill or Denise at 434-9584 for more details. MONDAY–FRIDAY Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. MONDAY APRIL 8 9:00 TUESDAY APRIL 9 9:00 FERN DOUCET by Rita Dubois WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 9:00 9:30–5 p.m. LUCILLE MONTMINY by Chuck & Rita ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT THURSDAY APRIL 11 SAINT STANISLAUS, bishop, martyr 9:00 SATURDAY 4:00 SUNDAY 7:30 9:00 11:00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT March 30/31 Checks: $11,212.00 Loose: $ 4,752.00 E-give: $ 1,405.00 Total: $17,369.00 Holy Land Collection: $1,982.00 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD MICHAEL BARBARITA by M/M Edward Klufts CATHOLIC SPEAKER LEAH DARROW St. Catherine Parish, together with several parishes in the diocese, is sponsoring a Catholic speaker, Leah Darrow from the hit reality TV show “America’s Next Top Model” on Sunday, April 7 at 4 p.m. in St. Joseph Cathedral. All are welcome, but participation is mandatory for Confirmation students. Students in the Edge program are welcome. Call 345-2288 if you need more information or see Leslie Goan. APRIL 6 ROBERT “BUDDY” LERICHE by the McClellan family DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE HASKAMP & LINK FAMILIES RAYMOND E. MAURIER by his wife & children 4:00 FRANCES STANIECKI APRIL 13 LUCILLE MONTMINY by Srs. Norma & Jeanne CORINNE LAFOND by her husband (7th Anniversary) MARY DELVECCHIO by the Bontatibus family EILEEN MCLAUGHLIN by the family ( 1st Anniversary) APRIL 14 EDWARD BIRON by Barbara& Bob Thinness VIRGINIA FLYNN, ROBERT FLYNN & JOHN LETVINCHUK by the family LORRAINE LAVIGNE by the Adult Choir CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS MARIE MARTEL AND DORA BEAULE OSCAR & RACHEL DURAND by Conrad & Vivian Moran JIM SHANAHAN by Kathleen Muldoon ELAINE FITZGERALD by M/M Edward Klufts ANTHONY & ALICE LATORRE by George & Connie Barbaro BIBLICAL POETRY DAY OF REFLECTION Join presenters Marilyn MacArthur and Sarah Yasin on Saturday, April 13 at Joseph House in Manchester from 10 a.m.–5p.m. Email 1.mhmcoffee@gmail.com for more information or to register. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI WOMEN'S SPRING RETREAT All women are welcome to join us on Saturday, April 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for our Women’s Spring Retreat at St. Francis of Assisi parish in Litchfield. Our theme will be “Year of Faith and the Sabbath.” We will explore the meaning of the Year of Faith and how we can celebrate it through the Sabbath. This half-day retreat will include a light potluck luncheon, prayer, presentation, learning, socializing and sharing. There will also be Reconciliation offered at 3 p.m. and Mass at 4 p.m. We hope you will be able to enjoy this day with us. For more information, call Peg at 424-3456 ext.208. COLLEGE OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN Once again, the College of Saint Mary Magdalen in Warner, NH is pleased to announce the dates for its Summer Program for high school students. The Collegiate Summer Program offers participants the opportunity to study theology, philosophy, literature and political science. During the summer program, students also attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips including hiking and canoeing. The program is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2013. It is also open to students who have just graduated high school. The Collegiate Summer Program is a two-week session that runs from Sunday, July 28 through Saturday, August 10. Register today at www.magdalen.edu. NEW PRAYERS ON OLD BEADS The Knights of Columbus are looking for your old, broken or new rosary beads that are no longer hearing your prayers. Other religious items such as bibles, medals, and prayer books are also accepted. These will be passed on to the Poor Sisters of St. Claire and other prayer groups, to be distributed to those who can use them. There is a receptacle at the handicap entrance of the church. Thank you for opening the door of prayer. SPRING VISITOR WEEKEND AT THE COLLEGE OF SAINT MARY MAGDALEN All high school students and recent graduates are invited to attend our Spring Visitor Weekend on April 11-14. Visitors will have the opportunity to attend classes, meet one on one with faculty and admissions representatives, stay in the student residences, attend Mass and participate in spiritual life on campus. and tour our campus. Reserve your place today! Contact the Admissions Office at admissions@magdalen.edu or call toll free: 877.498.1723. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US The Knights of Columbus Marian Council 5748 would like to thank everyone for their support of the 4th Annual Monsignor Hannigan Irish Supper. Proceeds from the supper will provide scholarships and additional support for three Seminarians, Ryan Brady, Jude Ukuwachi and Michael Sartori. The Knights and our Seminarians are very grateful to the support of this event. If you are interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus contact Brad Nichols at 644-8697. MASS FOR THE DECEASED The monthly Mass for the deceased will be celebrated in Saint Augustin Cemetery Chapel, South Beech Street on Saturday, April 27 at 9 a.m. WHITE MASS—ST. MARTIN DE PORRES AWARD On Thursday, April 18 at 6 p.m., Bishop Libasci will celebrate the White Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Manchester. The “White Mass” is held to ask God’s blessings for healthcare professionals and is a special opportunity to affirm the profound service that healthcare professionals provide to the sick according to the model of Jesus Christ. A reception will be held immediately following the White Mass at the New Hampshire Institute of Art at which Joan P. Ouellette, R.N., will receive the St. Martin de Porres Award, an award given by the Guild of Catholic Healthcare Professionals in New Hampshire to an individual who has exemplified the virtues of Catholic healthcare in her or his career as a Catholic healthcare professional. If you plan to attend the reception, please notify Beth Squeglia at bsqueglia@rcbm.org. SEPARATED OR DIVORCED SUPPORT Divorce and separation can be painful experiences. Support groups are available to those who are seeking healing, comfort, and empowerment. For more information, visit www.catholicnh.org/support for a listing of groups. Do you know someone who is going through a separation or divorce? Please consider passing this information along to them. CATHOLIC CITIZENSHIP NEWS The Diocese of Manchester has an initiative to inform Catholics about important public policy matters facing our elected officials. Catholic Citizenship News provides briefs on legislation as well as information about Catholic social teaching on some of today’s pressing issues. To read the current issue of Catholic Citizenship News and to subscribe, visit www.catholicnh.org/ccn.