English improvement plan

Responsibility Area:
To continue to raise standards in English, particularly in writing and
attainment in reading
Strategic Lead: Sarah Geddis
Subject Leader: Sarah Geddis
Link Governor: Terry Shaw
Outcomes: What success will look like for pupils
Increased rate of progress in writing and reading in all year groups (greater than 4 points progress each year)
The teaching of writing uses texts and books that capture pupils’ imagination and increases enjoyment of subject
Boys close gap on girls by making accelerated progress to reach age related expectations (ARE) by the end of each year( focus on Y3 and EYFs )
Increased % of children achieving age related expectations at the end of KS1 at end of KS2 close to national average
Pupils will understand the purpose for writing, the intended audience and implement the school’s handwriting initiative
New English curriculum introduced across school from September 2015
KS1 and KS2 teaching staff are confident with the progression of spelling, punctuation and grammar for highly effective teaching and learning.
Staff confidence in teaching and learning of SPaG is increased and consistency of assessment improve
Staff model correct use of standard English across the school and recast to children and staff when incorrect English becomes evident
Target date
Monitoring & Evaluation
1. To improve the rate of progress in
writing for all pupils, ensuring that
more children (above 30% - national
average) make better than expected
progress by the end of KS2
1.1 Employ Dawn Robertson to lead fortnightly planning
delivery, team-teach and assessment sessions for every
SG to introduce books and key texts linked to planning for
each year group to analyse , retell, re-invent and explore
each term
1.2 Embed ‘new handwriting scheme across the school and
intensive sessions from autumn term to increase skills of
letter formation editing and excellent presentation. .
1.3 Curriculum team focus to be in teaching of writing to
ensure consistent approach to inspire pupils to write
1.4 Classroom environments to reflect the focus on writing
through working walls, interactive & dynamic displays and
plentiful evidence of writing of different genres and across
the curriculum on display in every room and around school.
1.5 Ensure that KS1 and KS2 teaching staff are confident
with the progression of spelling and grammar for highly
effective teaching and learning.
1.6 Staff CPD on ‘The Use of Standard English Across the
School’ – Emily Humphries 7/9/15
1.7 Staff CPD on ‘SPaG’ – Dawn Robertson 12/10/15
September 2015
Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of
intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
£1500 for books and
resources (DR)
Immediately and
PPG funding for D
Robertson support and
£1500 new handwriting
scheme, pupil work
books and CPD with
Martin Harvey
2. To close the gap in progress and
attainment between boys and girls in
writing (APS of boys in writing to be
comparable with girls)
3. To improve the standard,
presentation and flow of writing
through embedding cursive
handwriting across school
4. To raise the profile of poetry across
the school
2.1 Continue to use Project X in Years 2,3 & 4
2.2 Staff CPD on ‘Boys’ Writing’ – Dawn Robertson
2.3 Ensure boys see themselves as readers – Green Readers
Whole School Initiative
2.4 Ensure texts and visual stimuli appeals to boys and this
is consistent across the curriculum
2.5 boys club for Y3 –PP funding to buy in support for more
project X and Big maths resources/stimulus
2.6 Pm targets for EYFs and Y3 teachers to be based on
closing the gap with boys and girls in writing and reading.
September 2015
3.1 Introduce handwriting reward system to each class for
best formed, joined handwriting – WAGOLL
3.2 To embed the handwriting scheme in each class and for
it be monitored by Lit coordinator half termly
3.3To buy in more support for new teachers and support
staff to embed systems of cursive handwriting in Autumn
4.1 Staff CPD on ‘Teaching Poetry Across the School’ –
Sarah Geddis Aut 2
4.2 Teachers’ Poem Swop – Spring Term
4.3 Poet Visits every term and work displayed on website
and on KS1 KS2 eyfs displays
4.4 use of poetry linked into forest schools and outdoor
provision for al year groups.
Immediately and
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Monitoring with Governors
£1500 new handwriting
scheme, pupil work
books and CPD with
Martin Harvey
National Potery
Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of
intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Poet visits
October 2015
November 2016
January 2016
Spring term
Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of
intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Pm meetings