Table S1. Table S1a. Mean difference between xeric and montane rainforest contrast sets in units of pooled within-site standard deviation preceded by probability from contrast ANOVA. MF is a two way contrast ANOVA using both sexes, while M and F are one way contrast ANOVAs of males and females respectively; nc no comparison, - lower values in montane, + higher value in montane. Northern Anolis bimaculatus series Basse Terre, Guadeloupe, A.marmoratus (data set A), and Dominica, A. oculatus (data set B, see Tables S1b, S1c for separate results for NW & SW Dominica). Southern roquet series: Northwest Martinique A. roquet (data sets C and D); Central Martinique, A. roquet (data sets C and D); St Lucia, A. luciae (data set E); St Vincent small species, A. trinitatis (data set F); Grenada large species, A. richardii (data set G); and Grenada small species, A. aeneus (data set H). Table S1a Basse Terre Dominica series species bimaculatus marmoratus bimaculatus oculatus 4/36 nc 0.0000/-3.155 nc nc 0.0000/+2.155 nc nc 30/301 15/151 15/150 0.0008/-0.404 Groups/N Red Trunk6 Green Trunk6,7 Blue Trunk6 Grey Trunk6,8 Chevron9,10 Ventral scales11 Dorsal scales12 Circum-trunk scales11 Lamellae13 Snout-vent length14 Jaw length15 Head length15 Head depth15 Head width15 Upper leg length15 Lower leg length15 Toe length16 Dewlap size16 MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F MF M F 1 nc nc 0.0000/-3.075 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 0.0003/-1.395 nc nc 0.0000/+2.045 nc nc 0.0001/+1.535 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 1 nc nc nc nc nc 1 nc nc 0.0355/+0.752 nc nc 0.0171/+0.862 nc Basse Terre 1 0.0000/-1.085 0.0000/+1.095 0.0184/+0.405 0.0000/+2.155 0.0000/-0.755 0.0008/-0.644 0.0000/-0.875 0.0000/-0.875 0.0000/-0.725 0.0000/-1.035 nc nc nc 0.0022/-0.364 1 0.0104/-0.433 nc nc nc 0.0000/-2.295 0.0000/-2.155 0.0000/-2.465 0.0000/+0.585 0.0115/+0.433 0.0000/+0.765 0.0000/+0.815 0.0000/+0.935 0.0001/+0.675 Northwest Martinique roquet NW lineage roquet complex - [12/60] 8/76 [6/30] - [6/30] nc 0.0000/+1.385 nc nc 0.0000/+5.075 nc nc 0.0000/-4.925 nc nc 0.0000/-4.775 nc nc 0.0000/-2.635 nc nc 0.0000/+1.675 nc nc 0.0000/+1.715 nc 0.0000/-2.985 0.0000/-2.245 0.0000/-3.635 0.0000/-1.845 0.0001/-1.755 0.0000/-1.945 Central Martinique St Lucia roquet Central lineage roquet complex - [12/56] 4/40 [6/26] -[6/30] nc 0.0117/+0.852 nc nc 0.0000/+3.555 nc nc 0.0000/-2.835 nc nc 0.0000/-2.825 nc nc 0.0000/-6.175 nc 0.0000/+1.385 0.0039/+1.543 0.0020/+1.274 nc + nc 0.0000/-1.725 0.0000/-2.825 roquet luciae 1 20/100 10/50 10/50 0.0045/-0.603 0.0202/-0.702 1 0.0000/+1.865 0.0000/+2.595 0.0149/+0.732 0.0000/-1.085 0.0000/-2.225 1 0.0014/-0.674 0.0027/-0.923 1 0.0083/-1.043 0.0000/-1.555 1 St Vincent Small species roquet trinitatus Grenada Large species roquet richardii Grenada Small species roquet aeneus 8/101 4/57 4/44 0.0000/-2.005 0.0000/-2.365 0.0000/-1.685 0.0000/+4.805 0.0000/+5.175 0.0000/+4.505 0.0000/-2.095 0.0000/-1.835 0.0000/-2.285 0.0000/-2.275 0.0000/-2.165 0.0000/-2.585 nc nc nc 8/112 4/41 4/71 0.0030/-0.733 0.0019/-1.064 8/99 4/57 4/42 0.0000/-1.215 0.0013/-0.964 0.0001/-1.345 0.0000/+2.555 0.0000/+2.425 0.0000/+2.715 0.0019/-0.674 0.0255/-0.662 0.0320/-0.702 0.0000/-1.005 0.0000/-1.285 0.0299/-0.742 0.0000/-1.56/5 0.0000/-1.99/5 0.0000/-1.23/5 0.0414/-0.423 1 1 1 0.0233/-0.682 nc nc nc 0.0023/-0.643 0.0368/+0.622 0.0000/-1.735 1 1 1 1 0.0016/-0.704 0.0240/-0.692 0.0280/-0.732 nc nc nc 1 0.0000/+3.515 0.0000/+3.185 0.0000/+3.995 0.0000/-1.365 0.0068/-0.913 0.0000/-1.815 0.0000/-1.305 0.0099/-0.872 0.0000/-1.755 nc nc nc 0.0000/+1.325 0.0001/+1.365 0.0000/+1.265 0.0000/+1.425 0.0000/+2.575 0.0015/+0.794 0.0182/+0.482 .0449/+0.662 1 1 1 1 0.0131/+0.713 1 1 1 1 1 nc nc nc 0.0003/-0.375 0.0172/-0.392 0.0148/-0.303 nc nc nc 0.0058/-0.583 0.0013/-0.964 0.0396/+0.632 0.0117/+1.312 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0424/+0.612 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000/+1.315 0.0091/+1.363 0.0000/+2.235 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0022/-0.334 0.0366/-0.352 0.0227/-0.382 0.0003/-0.445 0.0000/-0.885 0.0000/+2.295 0.0001/+0.945 0.0000/+2.195 0.0042/-0.773 0.0014/-0.754 1 1 0.0000/-1.035 0.0001/-1.155 0.0060/-0.893 1 1 1 1 0.0000/-0.965 0.0000/-1.435 0.0038/-0.493 0.0000/+0.675 0.0000/+0.755 0.0006/+0.595 0.0000/+0.945 0.0000/+1.105 0.0000/+0.785 0.0000/+1.395 0.0000/+1.335 0.0000/+1.455 0.0000/+0.565 0.0222/+0.382 0.0000/+0.725 Dominica 0.0018/-0.854 0.0013/-0.764 0.0040-0.483 0.0002/-0.395 0.0110/-0.423 0.0154/-0.302 0.0001/-0.415 0.0096/-0.433 0.0097/-0.323 0.0000/-0.645 0.0001/-0.685 0.0000/-0.535 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0050/+1.47 3 0.0231/+0.68 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0009/+1.024 0.0012/-1.004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0013/-1.004 0.0004/-0.764 1 1 1 1 1 0.0243/+0.472 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0056/+1.47 1 1 0.0000/-1.61 0.0018/-0.674 0.0273/-0.622 0.0286/-0.712 1 1 1` 1 1 1 1 0.0363/+1.082 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0038/+0.79 3 0.0004/+1.154 0.0078/+1.393 0.0115/+1.003 nc nc nc Central Mart 0.0030/-0.914 0.0000/+1.145 0.0000/+2.355 0.0003/+0.785 0.0033/+0.864 1 0.0103/+0.542 1 1 1 1 1 nc 0.0000/-1.285 nc St Lucia 1 0.0083/+0.323 0.0407/+0.212 1 0.0134+0.982 nc 1 nc NW Mart 3 1 5 0.0007/+0.724 0.0014/+0.954 1 1 1 1 1 St Vin Small Gren Large Gren Small Table S1a footnotes. Superscripts: 1-5 Contrast ANOVA probabilities. 1,2 respectively P>0.05, P<0.05 before Bonferroni correction, 3,4,5 respectively P <0.05, P<0.01, P< 0.001 after sequential Bonferroni correction by row. 6 Dorsal hue is recorded using colour charts for the marmoratus, oculatus and luciae and using digital images for the roquet complex, trinitatis, richardii, and aeneus. 7 Green is more pronounced in montane forms from south Dominica, particularly females, and is significant for M, F. See Table S1c below for statistics. 8A grey (achromatic) dorsal background is also found on anoles from the xeric, low altitude islands of Bonaire (A. bonairensis), and Blanquilla (A. blanquillanus). 9 On Martinique dorsal chevrons are also found on the adult male anoles from the xeric south, from the xeric eastern end of the Caravelle peninsular and some xeric eastern islets (eg., Chancel), and chevrons, similar in development to those on both sexes of xeric A. aeneus, Grenada, are also found on both anole sexes from the xeric low altitude island of Bonaire (A. bonairensis). On St Lucia chevron data was available for montane sites 35 and 40 and xeric site 41 (n = 35). Central Martinique and male St Lucia tests assumes inequality of variances. 10 Several other aspects of the adult male colour pattern are restricted to the A. roquet complex on Martinique and show parallel evolution in the northwest and central precursor island lineages. In xeric regions of both lineages chevron number is high (-3.77, -9.94, NW and central Martinique respectively), and the A mark on the dorsal neck is pronounced (-1.56, -6.15, NW and central respectively), while in the montane rainforest regions of both lineages the black dorsal reticulations (+4.10, +4.62, NW and central respectively) and large white non-UV spots (+3.87, +3.41, NW and central respectively) are pronounced. See Table S1d for statistics. 11 ventral scales. In Dominica overall there is a weak tendency for a decreasing ventral scale and circum-trunk scale number at higher elevations, but this masks differences between north and south Dominica. In the north there is a very strong decline in ventral scale number (-1.36, -1.40,-1.32, MF,M, F respectively) and circum-trunk scales (-4.29, -4.50, -4.07 for MF,M,F respectively) at higher elevations, while in the south there is a significant increase in ventral scales (+1.21, +1.47, +0.96 MF,M,F respectively) and circum-trunk scales (+1.04, +1.18, +0.89) with elevation (see Tables S1b, S1c). The recently invading Greater Antillean anole A. cristatellus (A. bimaculatus relative) shows an overall decrease in ventral scale and circum-trunk scale number with elevation parallel to overall Dominica. 12 There is a large positive value for central Martinique, but there were different recorders for xeric and montane habitats so the statistics are not given. For A. trinitatis this trait is based on the trunk excluding the neck. A comparison of xeric v montane anoles in Dominica, based on photographs, suggests lower dorsal scale number in montane habitats. 13 There is a large positive values for lamellae number for SW Dominica, see Table S1C. 14 Even though there are difficulties with assessing snout-vent length in organisms with slow asymptotic growth, anoles from montane habitats are clearly much larger in north Dominica (Table S1B). 15 Data set C is figured (Fig. 4) and tabled (Table S1a) for NW Martinique males for JL. HL, HD, HW ULL, LLG, DL, but largely supported by data set D data (+0.96, +2.40, -1.40, insignificant, insignificant, insignificant, insignificant, for these characters respectively) (Table S1e). 16 For NW Martinique toe length Data set D is figured (Fig. 4) Table S1e. Table S1b Northwest Dominica. Contrast analysis, probabilities and mean difference in units of pooled within-locality standard deviations. Xeric localities 1, 3, 5, 6 contrast with montane localities 2, 4 (Fig. 1). An ANOVA test for the difference in longitudinal dorsal scale number was carried out on xeric locality 5 and montane locality 4. The montane locality had 1.61 Sw fewer scales (P = 0.003, dfs 1, 17). Table S1b Red trunk Green trunk Blue trunk Grey trunk two-way Anova male, female P difference 0.0005 -0.69 0.0214 +0.45 insig insig one-way Anova male P difference insig insig insig insig one-way Anova female P difference 0.0000 -1.31 0.0004 +1.04 insig insig Ventral scales Circum trunk scales Lamellae 0.0000 0.0000 insig -1.36 -4.29 0.0000 0.0000 insig -1.40 -4.50 0.0000 0.0000 insig -1.32 -4.07 Snout vent length Jaw length Head length Head depth Head width Upper leg length Lower leg length Toe length Dewlap size 0.0000 insig insig 0.0419 0.0010 0.0482 0.0001 0.0000 insig +1.16 0.0000 insig insig insig insig insig 0.0004 0.0000 insig +1.56 0.0376 insig insig 0.0347 0.0043 insig insig 0.0001 insig +0.58 +0.40 -0.65 +0.39 +0.77 +1.20 +1.02 +1.24 +0.59 -0.82 +1.16 Table S1c Southwest Dominica. Xeric localities 11, 12, 31, contrast with montane localities 30, 33 (Fig.1). Red trunk Green trunk Blue trunk Grey trunk two-way Anova male, female P difference insig 0.0000 +1.75 0.0000 -1.53 0.0000 -1.73 one-way Anova male P difference insig 0.0039 +0.87 0.0000 -1.30 0.0000 -1.37 one-way Anova female P difference 0.0008 -1.03 0.0000 +3.76 0.0000 -1.89 0.0000 -2.32 Ventral scales Circum trunk scales Lamellae 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 +1.21 +1.04 +4.34 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 +1.47 +1.18 +1.68 0.0018 0.0034 0.0000 Snout vent length Jaw length Head length Head depth Head width Upper leg length Lower leg length Toe length Dewlap size insig insig insig 0.0017 0.0002 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 -1.32 -1.60 +1.97 +1.56 +3.32 +1.89 insig insig insig 0.0001 0.0000 0.0017 0.0146 0.0001 0.0008 -1.20 -1.58 +0.95 +0.72 +1.25 +1.02 insig 0.0030 0.0479 insig insig 0.0009 0.0051 0.0000 0.0060 +0.96 +0.89 +2.68 +0.90 +0.59 +1.02 +0.84 +2.03 +0.88 Table S1d Northwest and Central Martinique colour pattern (data set C). Chevron number is distinct from chevron intensity in Fig. 4 and Table S1a. * unequal variance test implemented in SPSS. Chevron intensity Chevron number A mark on neck Black reticulations on trunk Non-UV white spots on trunk one-way Anova male Northwest Martinique P difference 0.0000 -2.63 0.0000 -3.77 0.0000 -1.56 0.0000 +4.10 one-way Anova male Central Martinique P difference 0.0000* -6.17 0.0000 -7.94 0.0000 -6.15 0.0000 +4.62 0.0000 0.0000 +3.87 +3.41 Table S1e Northwest Martinique. Data set D. Xeric localities 7, 8, 38, contrast with montane localities 47, 53, 54 (Appendix S1). two-way Anova male, female P difference one-way Anova male P difference one-way Anova female P difference Ventral scales Circum trunk scales Lamellae insig 0.0000 0.0000 insig 0.0000 0.0001 insig 0.0000 0.0000 Snout vent length Jaw length Head length Head depth Head width Upper leg length Lower leg length Toe length insig insig 0.0000 0.0042 0.0018 insig insig 0.0038 -2.98 -1.84 +2.29 -0.77 -0.85 +0.79 insig 0.0158 0.0000 0.0008 insig insig insig insig -2.24 -1.75 +0.96 +2.40 -1.40 insig insig 0.0000 insig 0.0040 insig insig 0.0134 -3.63 -1.94 +2.19 -0.49 +0.98 Table S1f Central Martinique. Data set D. Xeric localities 19, 37, 59, contrast with montane localities 12, 33, 55 (Appendix S1). two-way Anova male, female P difference one-way Anova male P difference one-way Anova female P difference Ventral scales Circum trunk scales Lamellae 0.0000 0.0000 0.0396 0.0039 0.0000 0.0117 0.0020 insig insig Snout vent length Jaw length Head length Head depth Head width Upper leg length Lower leg length Toe length insig insig insig insig 0.0018 insig insig 0.0005 +1.38 -1.72 +0.63 -0.99 +1.15 insig 0.0091 0.0050 insig insig 0.0056 0.0363 0.0078 +1.54 -2.82 +1.31 +1.36 +1.47 +1.47 +1.08 +1.39 insig insig insig insig 0.0003 insig insig 0.0115 +1.27 -1.53 +1.00