PHOTO 22A: BLACK AND WHITE LARGE FORMAT FINE ARTS PHOTOGRAPHY INSTRUCTOR: EAMON CONKLIN Section: 5680 Spring 2013 Tuesday/ Thursday Units: 3 4:40pm-6:40pm E105 6:40pm-8:00pm E202 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Relationship between fine arts and commercial techniques in black and white photography. View camera, normal and wide-angle lenses; chemistry of black and white development, print retouching and toning. Fine arts and commercial assignments in large format photography including lighting techniques in the studio and environmental photography. There is a total of 36 hours lecture and 90 hours laboratory. Transfer credit: CSU; UC credit under review. PREREQUISITE: Photo 21 STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Show a working knowledge of the basic operations and techniques involved in the use of a large format view camera. Demonstrate varied lighting techniques in studio and environmental photography historically used in fine art and commercial photography. Produce negatives and prints correctly exposed with proper focus and contrast that exhibit artistic values through composition and design. Evaluate their personal work and the work of others using written and/or oral critique methods. ATTENDANCE POLICY (FROM DROPS-ABSENCE, IN PCC CATALOG PAGE 455): Students will be dropped from class for failure to attend the first meeting unless they have made prior arrangements with the instructor. Students who arrive late for first meeting of class may be dropped. Students will be dropped from a semester length class for continuous or cumulative absences that total the number of hours the class is scheduled to meet in a two-week period. Being late three times (or leaving class early three times) is considered the equivalent of one absence. For further information refer to the Drops-Absence section of the PCC Catalog. DISABILITY POLICY: If you have special needs please let the instructor know so that they can best accommodate you. All students with disabilities requiring accommodations are responsible for making arrangements by the second week of classes through the Disabled Student Program Services (DSP&S). The Disabled Student Programs & Services is designed to enable eligible students with a verified disability(s) to participate fully in all of Pasadena City College's academic and vocational programs. Those with learning, physical, developmental, visual, hearing, speech/language, other health impairments, and /or psychological disabilities may inquire about services by contacting The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. the DSP&S office. They are located in Room D209 and are open M 8AM – 4PM, T – W 8AM – 6:30 PM and TH – F 8AM – 4:30PM. The telephone number for DSP&S is 626.585.7127. The contact person at DSP&S is Kent Yamauchi. SUPPLIES 1 package (25 sheets) B&W 4x5 film. Additional packages will be purchased as need over the course of the semester. 2-3 boxes of B&W photo paper of your choice (8x10 or 11x14). 1 1-Gallon plastic photographic chemical storage jug. 1 package (to make 1 gallon) of Kodak D-76 developer. Additional packages will be purchased as need over the course of the semester. Notebook and/or journal to hold handouts and take notes. Can of compressed air (dust-off) and/or an Ilford anti static cloth. Photo Wipes are available in the stockroom for .05 each. 3 large manilas folders or envelopes to submit homework projects to the instructor for grading. Archival storage binder with rings to store you negatives and prints. Be sure the negative sleeves fit in this book before purchasing it. Around $20.00. $2.00 card from PCC bookstore to purchase materials from the stockroom. Materials to present a final project, mat board – 15 boards approx. buy as needed – available in bookstore for $1.06 each or buy in bulk, dry mount tissue (to be purchased from stockroom for .20 for 8 x 10 and .35 for 11 x 14) or mat cutter and artist tape. White in color and acid free. These will be purchased as needed over the course of the semester. 000 Sable brush (it can be synthetic). Two 8 x 10 black pieces of cardboard. Dodging and burning tools. Make them out of black board or purchase from photo supply store. SUPPLY RESOURCES LIST: Always bring your student ID and request a student discount. Alhambra Camera: 121 E. Main St., Alhambra: CA, 626 282 6365 Freestyle: 5124 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA, store: 323 660 3460 Samy’s Camera: 44 E. Walnut, Pasadena, CA, 626 796 3300 LOCKERS: Lockers are offered on a first come first serve basis. You will be asked to share the locker with another student. It is a $20 deposit to get the locker and key. The deposit will be returned to you – when you clear out the locker at the end of the semester and return the key. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: “Each student should be thoroughly familiar with the Standards of Student Conduct and with regulations of the College. Students attending the College are expected to maintain satisfactory standards of citizenship at all times on the campus and in the community. Satisfactory citizenship includes conduct, which respects the rights of all individuals, which avoids actions disruptive to the ongoing education program and which does not violate specific prohibitions outlined in the Education Code. When it is indicated that citizenship is unsatisfactory, the student may be subject to the following: reprimand, disciplinary probation, administrative class withdrawal, suspension or expulsion, as conditions warrant. Unsatisfactory citizenship includes, among other things, cheating, plagiarism, hazing and conduct disruptive to the teaching-learning process. In addition, falsification of The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. 2 information provided to the Admissions Office is basis for dismissal from a class or from the College. Individuals engaged in destructive activities involving any kind of physical or psychological mistreatment of students are subject to prosecution under the California State Law banning hazing and to dismissal from the College. Penalties for individuals, organizations and Institutions can be severe.” EXAMS AND CRITIQUES: The Mid-term exam is scheduled for week of 10/14/12 and the Final Exam is scheduled for the week of 12/10/12. Students must be present for the mid-term, final exam and all critiques unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. If you are absent for the mid-term, final exam please plan to verify the absence with a physicians note otherwise you will receive an F on the exam. Critiques will be graded for attendance and participation – and will be averaged into your final grade. Each time a student speaks up they will generate points. If a student is present and does not speak they will receive a D for critique participation. Cell phone use is prohibited during the critiques – students will be asked to leave if caught using their cell phone. The exams will be timed – if you show up late you will have the remaining time left to complete the exam. For example if the exam starts at 8 and you arrive at 8:10 you will have 35 minutes to complete the 45-minute exam. LATE ASSIGNMENT POLICY: Late assignments will not be accepted. LAB POLICY: No food or drink allowed in the classroom or photo lab. Cell phones must be turned off for the duration of class. If you have an emergency and need to have the phone on – speak with the instructor and set the phone to vibrate. If the phone rings in class you will be asked to leave. Computers must be turned off for the duration of the class. All students must obtain the PCC Photo Lab Manual of Instructions from the college bookstore. All students must have PCC student ID card and an email address. Student work left at the end of the semester is subject to removal after 30 days. OPEN LAB AND TO BE ARRANGED (TBA) HOURS: A total of 16.5 TBA hours are required for the semester. TBA hours can be acquitted anytime the lab is open and the area is not being used by another class. You are to keep a record of your own TBA by reporting them to the stockroom. If completed 5 points will be added to your final grade – if not 5 points will be deducted from your final grade. EMAIL POLICY: Students should email instructor if they are going to be late or miss a class before the class period. The instructor will not accept projects via email. Please use discretion when emailing the instructor – family emergencies, illness, camera difficulties are acceptable examples of when to email instructor. All other issues should be addressed in person during class time or office hours. SECURITY ESCORTS: The college police provide security for those in class after dark who would like to be escorted from the classroom to the parking lot. Call extension 7484. OFFICE HOURS: Students must email and make an appointment to meet with the Instructor during office hours. Office hours will be from 4:00pm to 4:30pm on the following dates in E105: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. 3 JAN 15, 29; FEB 5, 19, 26; MAR 12, 19, 26; APR 9, 16, 23, 30 CLASS SCHEDULE: Week 1 Tuesday - Jan. 8, 2012 Thursday - Jan. 10, 2012 Lecture Introduction to course, discussion Mixing developer, push/pull of course materials and developing, 4x5 development requirements. Introduction to 4x5 photography benefits and uses. Lab Demonstrations of equipment: 4x5 camera, tripods, film holders, lenses, loading film, dust, and light meters. Group portrait exercise Week 2 Tuesday - Jan. 15, 2012 Lecture Advertisement Photography: Intro/ Types. Demonstration tilt & swing. Discuss Assignment 1 Lab Demonstration of printing Thursday - Jan. 17, 2012 Advertisement Photography: Lighting and Framing Techniques Week 3 Tuesday - Jan. 22, 2012 Lecture Advertisement Photography: Lighting and Framing Techniques; Lab Print group exercise; Lighting demonstration Thursday - Jan. 24, 2012 Share results of group exercise Week 4 Tuesday - Jan. 29, 2012 Lecture Landscape Photography: Intro; Western Expansion Photography Discuss Assignment 2 Lab Print Assignment 1 Thursday - Jan. 31, 2012 Landscape Photography: Natural (Adams,Weston, Misrach, Baltz) Week 5 Tuesday - Feb. 5, 2012 Lecture Landscape Photography: Architectural (Shulman) Lab Outside lighting demonstration and panoramic Thursday - Feb. 7, 2012 Landscape Photography: Interiors (Divola) Print Assignment 2 Week 6 Tuesday - Feb. 12, 2012 Lecture Critique Assignment 1 Thursday - Feb. 14, 2012 Critique Assignment 1; Discuss Midterm Print Assignment 2 Lab Print Assignment 2 Print group exercise Print Assignment 1 Print Assignment 1 The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. 4 Week 7 Tuesday - Feb. 19, 2012 Lecture Advanced Techniques Lab Print Assignment 2 Thursday - Feb. 21, 2012 Discuss Final Project Print Assignment 2 Week 8 Tuesday - Feb. 26, 2012 Lecture Fine Art Photography: Intro; Discuss Assignment 3 Lab Midterm Thursday - Feb. 28, 2012 Individual Meetings/Lab Week 9 Tuesday - Mar. 5, 2012 Lecture SPRING BREAK Lab NO CLASS Thursday - Mar. 7, 2012 SPRING BREAK NO CLASS Week 10 Tuesday - Mar. 12, 2012 Lecture Critique Assignment 2 Lab Thursday - Mar. 14, 2012 Critique Assignment 2 Week 11 Tuesday - Mar. 19, 2012 Lecture Fine Art Photography: Show Movie “America and Lewis Hine.” Lab Print Assignment 3 Thursday - Mar. 21, 2012 Fine Art Photography: (Gursky, Crewdson) Print Assignment 3 Week 12 Tuesday - Mar. 26, 2012 Lecture Fine Art Photography: Discuss select artists. Lab Print Assignment 3/Final Thursday - Mar. 28, 2012 Fine Art Photography: Discuss select artists. Print Assignment 3/Final Week 13 Tuesday - Apr. 2, 2012 Lecture Written Description of Final Project Workshop Lab Print Assignment 3/Final Thursday - Apr. 4, 2012 Critique Assignment 3 Week 14 Tuesday - Apr. 16, 2012 Lecture Critique Assignment 3 Lab Print for Final Thursday – Apr. 18, 2012 Week 15 Tuesday - Apr. 23, 2012 Lecture Lab Print for Final Thursday – Apr. 25, 2012 Final Critique Final Critique Final Exam Individual Meetings/Lab Print for Final Print for Final Tuesday 3:15pm-5:15pm Final Critique The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. 5 DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMS: Assignment 1 - Advertisement Photography - Take and print 3 pictures showcasing a product of your choosing in 3 different ways: Photograph of product itself, person using product, and allude to product without showing it. Assignment 2 - Environmental Photography - Take and print 6 pictures demonstrating skills and concepts pertaining to environmental photography. Include 2 of each of the following: natural landscape, architectural exterior, and interior. Assignment 3 - Fine Art Photography – Create a cohesive set of images (3-6) that communicate an idea or theme of your choosing. Final Project Description: Create a body of work using any of the skills learned in this class. The work can be commercial or artistic in nature, but should display the clear and focused intention of the photographer (you). A written statement describing the project is required and must be no more than a single page. Extra Credit: Choose a photographer who uses 4x5 in his/her practice and give a 5-10 presentation (power point, lecture, video) to the class about his/her work. See instructor ahead of time about scheduling your presentation. POINTS AND GRADING Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Midterm 1 Final Project Participation Attendance Total 10 20 20 10 50 15 25 150 The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content (grading procedures, tests, etc.) as the situation dictates. The instructor will inform the students of any such changes via e-mail and/or class announcements. 6