Kuswandono, E351080305 2010 Gap Analysis in Javan Hawk

Kuswandono, E351080305 2010
Gap Analysis in Javan Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) Conservation
This approach is quite different from existing conservation actions, which are site based and
fragmented. Research was conducted since December 2009 until February 2010 in GGPNP,
Telaga Warna NR and it’s surrounding forested areas. Aims of this study are : 1) to identify
stakeholder related to Javan Hawk-Eagle conservation, 2) to know the gaps in Javan Hawk-Eagle
and it’s habitat conservation (gap between group of stakeholder within conservation/protected
area and outside area, gap normative performance and implemented performance, also gap
performance among stakeholder within conservation/protected area, 3) to define criterias and
indicators in Javan Hawk-Eagle conservation, 4) to give opinion to solve the gap problem in
Javan Hawk-Eagle and it’s habitat conservation for decision maker. Primary data were collected
through snowball method. Secondary data collected through reference study. Analysis conducted
by spatial analysis, stakeholder identification and analysis, content analysis and gap analysis.
Research results recognized two conservation management approaches : 1) species level, and 2)
habitat level. These approaches will effectively conserve the existing fragmented and less
protected forest blocks as well as boost the participation and synergism of many stakeholders.
Further, by using this approach, a gap in conservation management among local conservation
agencies will also be discussed for the benefit of the hawk-eagle’s conservation in particular and
for biodiversity in general.