Desert Oasis Elementary School CIP

Desert Oasis Elementary CIP
School Improvement Plan 2013-2014
Goal 1: Continuous Improvement
Desert Oasis Elementary school will improve our Total Points (Composite + Growth Scores) from 124 to
130 Total Points as measured by the A-F Letter Grade released by ADE for the 2013-2014 school
IMP1-The Desert Oasis Elementary leadership team will formulate a Data Team.
Gather all relevant data points (AIMS, SAT10, Galileo, STAR, DIBELS Next, and
Accelerated Reader) for analysis to accomplish goal 1.
IMP2- The Desert Oasis Elementary data team will use focused interventions.
Lowest performing students (bottom 25%) to earn FFB Rate Additional Points.
IMP3- Desert Oasis Elementary will continue use of Grade and Band Level teams.
K-2, 3-5, 6-8 to data mine, disaggregate data and implement interventions.
IMP4- Desert Oasis Elementary will continue use of a Data Room.
Display, review, track and monitor data point interventions to maintain 97% reading for
IMP5- Desert Oasis Elementary leadership team will review results of CIP goals with the Site
Provide a cohesive Professional Development plan aligned with achieving goal 1.
Utilize Survey Data to review, revise, modify, and/or implement best practices.
Goal 2: LEA Leadership
Desert Oasis Elementary will establish a leadership cadre to analyze data points implement
interventions and formulate a professional development plan to increase academic achievement across
all subjects and grade levels as measured by the A-F Letter Grade released by ADE for the 2013-2014
school year.
L1- Desert Oasis Elementary leadership will utilize the REIL LOI to improve teacher effectiveness.
Teachers will achieve and maintain a minimum proficiency level of 3.
L2- Desert Oasis Elementary leadership will ensure that teachers will use with fidelity the Beyond
Textbooks curriculum framework in Math.
Teachers will follow the Math pacing guide/curriculum calendar without deviation.
L3- Desert Oasis Elementary will establish a safe and secure campus.
Implement Positive Behavior Interventions System campus wide for 2014 - 2015
Reduce the number of law enforcement visits to campus
Conduct monthly fire drills
Conduct quarterly lock down drills
Implementation of the new District Discipline Policies and Procedures.
Guidance Counselor will provide character counts educational classes.
L4- Desert Oasis Elementary will establish Professional Learning Communities.
A PLC cadre for Math.
A PLC cadre for ELA.
Goal 3- Curriculum and Instruction
Desert Oasis Elementary will use with fidelity the Beyond Textbooks Math Framework for the 2013 –
2014 academic school year to establish a math achievement level benchmark for the 2013-2014 school
C1- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize the BT Math Framework.
Teachers will follow the day-for-day as laid out in the curriculum calendar/pacing guide.
C2- Desert Oasis Elementary will follow the district wide rigorous hiring process.
We will actively seek to recruit and retain the best and brightest staff.
C3- Desert Oasis Elementary leadership team will monitor program and materials.
Grade/Band level meetings will be used to provide feedback and status.
C4- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize REIL Grant Professional Development to improve
Professional development will be provided aligned to weakest LOI rubric scores.
Continuous training for Beyond Textbooks throughout the school year.
C5- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize the REIL Grant LOI to evaluate teachers.
Teachers will actively participate in five rigorous evaluations.
Goal 4- Supplemental Supports and Intervention Services
Desert Oasis Elementary will provide supplemental supports and intervention services to increase
student academic growth rates in math and reading as measured by the Arizona Report Card for the
SSIS1- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize Title I Reading and Math Paraprofessionals.
Paraprofessionals will focus on students identified for additional supports.
Reading and Math Paraprofessionals will be HQ as determined by ADE.
SSIS2- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize the following benchmark tools for academic support.
IXL Math
Study Island
Accelerated Reader
Journey’s Reading
SS13-Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize re-teach and enrichment strategies and monitor
Focused mandatory tutoring for the bottom 25%
DIBELS Next progress monitoring
Goal 5- Data, Assessment, and Evaluation
Desert Oasis Elementary will use data driven decision making to align instructional practices to achieve
increased student growth as measured by the Arizona Report Card for the 2013-2014 school year.
D1- Desert Oasis Elementary teachers will participate in the REIL LOI.
Teachers will score 3 or better on all elements of the REIL LOI.
D2- Desert Oasis Elementary will use Galileo and Beyond Textbooks formative assessments.
Teachers will create weekly benchmark assessments and participate in all Galileo
Teachers will follow the Beyond Textbooks curriculum map/pacing guide with fidelity.
D3- Desert Oasis Elementary teachers will utilize Grade and Band Level Meetings and
Professional Learning Communities.
Teachers will meet monthly in Grade/Band level meetings to discuss, analyze and share
strategies to increase student academic achievement.
Teachers will participate in Math and ELA PLC’s to implement best teaching practices to
increase student achievement.
D4- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize Master Educators/Coaches.
Teachers will utilize our master educators in technology, professional development,
master teacher and coaches for best practice support in all phases of academic achievement and
curriculum implementation.
Goal 6- Stakeholder Relations
Desert Oasis Elementary will develop purposeful and meaningful relationships and increase participation
at school events with all school stakeholders during the 2013-2014 school year.
SR1- Desert Oasis Elementary will utilize the Site Council.
Shared decision making, budget approval and allocation, policy revision.
Review student growth/achievement data for comment.
Review school survey data for comment, review, and revisions.
SR2- Desert Oasis Elementary PTSA will support campus initiative.
PTSA will provide monthly meetings, activity nights, and student recognition.
SR3- Desert Oasis Elementary will increase communications with stakeholder groups.
Desert Oasis Elementary will utilized newsletters, websites, grade books, My Big
Campus, teacher web pages, Blogs, and ROBO calls to increase communications.
SR4- Desert Oasis Elementary will provide campus events for all stakeholders.
Desert Oasis Elementary will hold the following meetings/events during the 2013 – 2014
school year.
Leadership Meetings
Site Council Meetings
Host PTSA meetings
Monthly grade level meetings
Band level meetings
PLC meetings
Host Community events
Math Night
Technology Night
Science Night
Curriculum Night
Read Across America
Red Ribbon Week
Talent Show
Boy Scout Jamboree
Provide community space for
Local Law enforcement (Surprise PD)
Girl Scouts
Civic Organizations