NZSL LEVEL 1 COURSE The Disability Resource Service is offering a NZSL Level 1 Certificate course for students and staff over terms 2, 3 and 4 starting on Thursday, 30th April. The course will give you a NZSL Teachers Association recognised certificate and is taught by NZSLTA teacher Josje Lelijveld. This is the first time the University of Canterbury offers a recognised qualification in NZSL. You will start by learning the finger-spelling alphabet and basic phrases, some university specific vocabulary and basic grammar. No previous NZSL experience is required. However, for those who have attended past beginners’ courses at the University of Canterbury, this course will refresh and build nicely on your learning. Please note this is a not-for-credit course. The course will only run if there are sufficient registrations. LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand and use NZSL in simple conversations on familiar topics Understand and use basic grammatical structures of NZSL in simple sentences or questions. Appropriately use visual conversational behaviours in NZSL. Show basic understanding and awareness of the Deaf culture and community in New Zealand. Course materials are supplied, including self-assessment checklists to monitor progress. You can complete these in class time. There is no formal assessment, however, multiple choice type tests (approx. 30 min) will be held at the completion of each unit of study. COST Student/staff: Discounted rate of $190.00; non-refundable once course is confirmed HOW TO REGISTER Please select the appropriate payment form and take it with your payment to Student Finance, Level 2, Matariki building: Payment form for students and staff Department payment instructions Final date to register is 10 April. COURSE DATES AND CONTENT Term 2 Thursday Times Units – see below for further information 30 April 5.00 to 7.00 Meeting and greeting 7 May 5.00 to 8.00 Meeting and greeting 14 May 5.00 to 7.00 Our class/university 21 May 5.00 to 8.00 Our class/university 28 May 5.00 to 7.00 Needs and wants 4 June 5.00 to 8.00 Needs and wants 16 July 5.00 to 7.00 Family and friends 23 July 5.00 to 8.00 Family and friends 30 July 5.00 to 7.00 Everyday activities 6 August 5.00 to 8.00 Everyday activities 13 August 5.00 to 7.00 Small talk 20 August 5.00 to 8.00 Small talk 10 September 5.00 to 7.00 Community and work 17 September 5.00 to 8.00 Community and work 24 September 5.00 to 7.00 My place 1 October 5.00 to 8.00 My place 8 October 5.00 to 7.00 Events and celebrations 15 October 5.00 to 8.00 Events and celebrations Term 3 Thursday Term 4 Thursday UNIT CONTENT Unit 1 Unit name Learning outcomes Meeting and greeting Learners will: exchange greetings and make introductions understand simple class instructions learn about the role of facial expression in NZSL Our class Learners will: 2 Needs and wants 3 4 5 Small talk Community and work 7 tell about immediate family/whānau and relationships (e.g. friends, colleagues) give and ask personal information about self and others such as where one lives and their pets use numbers for counting, age, ranking Learners will: communicate about simple home and leisure daily routines and activities express feelings about activities use calendar and clock time phrases Learners will: 6 name common food and drink items make and respond to requests and offers for basic wants and needs ask and tell locations of familiar objects and locations in the immediate environment express likes and dislikes understand basic signs about emergency exit procedures Learners will: Everyday activities identify people in the class name language(s) they are learning give and follow simple instructions and action commands ask for clarification, correction and confirmation ask and tell where something is in the class use appropriate phrases for arriving and leaving class use numbers for counting (0-20) and simple time phrases in relation to class activities Learners will: Family and friends learn to get, and give, eyegaze before signing (requirements for visual attention) learn numbers 1-10 learn the fingerspelling alphabet, spell their own name, and ask for repetition start conversations with known and unknown people make compliments (e.g. appearance, clothing) and congratulations ask and tell about general wellbeing, health and everyday life discuss the weather close a conversation Learners will: communicate about essential services and locations in their community (e.g. doctor, bank, library) describe occupations, tasks and transport in relation to work and community activities negotiate appointments and bookings discuss prices on use of services and purchases, and ways of payment My place Learners will: 8 Events and celebrations invite others, accept and decline invitations to their home give and ask for addresses and contact details (e.g. email, mobile number) describe identifying features of their home (e.g. two storey, brick, white fence) understand and give simple directions to their homes identify rooms in the house name essential household items relevant for visitors (e.g. meals, toilet paper) Learners will: 9 communicate about events, celebrations and holidays talk about destinations (places) and modes of travel describe and discuss plans make interruptions (e.g. to ask a third person for information or suggest a different idea) GRAMMAR This course will introduce basic grammar and sentence structures in NZSL: Personal, possessive and plural pronouns Plain statements, negated statements, topic-comment statements Yes/No questions, Wh questions Use of agreement and spatial verbs Contrastive structure, listing and ranking Basic classifiers Number forms (cardinal, time, age, ordinal, money) LINKS NZSLTA - Deaf Aotearoa -