Memo of the Coordinator Meeting Date: Dec. 12, 2013 Participant

Memo of the Coordinator Meeting
Date: Dec. 12, 2013
Participant: Xiaoyan Shen, Jianping Ma, Shouhua Zhu, Haibo Li, Changzheng Yuan,
Haiping Peng, Zhengguo Zhao
Zhengguo reported what he did at USTC for exploring the feasibility study for the
physics at the electron positron collider with high luminosity, in consideration with
the possibility of a multi-purpose accelerator, namely a machine for both high
energy physics and synchrotron radiation facility. Zhengguo has organized at USTC
the experts for the project, including physics simulation; detector and accelerator
conceptual design. Following issues are discussed at today’s meeting
1. Meetings and workshops
A meeting will be held at 10:00-12:00 at UCAS for conveners and institution linkman
to discuss about the project.
We agreed to have three meeting in 2014.
Feb. 19 at Institute of Theoretical Physics (domestic)
June 3 at Institute of High Energy Physics (domestic)
Dec. 5-6 at Shang Dong University (international)
2. Plans
 Draft (framework) of CDR should be ready by the end of Feb. of 2014.
 Draft of CDR with full content should be ready in Nov. of 2014, and ready for
comments for the international workshop to be held in Dec. 5-6 of 2014.
 Jiangping and Shouhua are responsible for providing about 20 pages for the
CDR on physics at STCF.
 A mini workshop on “new physics in the tau-charm sector” will be held on
Dec. 25 of 2013 at USTC. Haiping and Haibo are the chairs of the workshop.
 Simulation group, led by Haiping Peng, Habo Li, Chanzheng Yuan, has been
setup with students and postdocs.
 A weber page for the project will be setup in one week or so.
3. Name of the project: A nice name that could help promote the project is
needed. We encourage all to think about it.