University of Science and Technology of China 96 Jinzhai Road

University of Science and Technology of China
96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei Anhui 230026,The People’s Republic of China
Faculty Position for Experimental Particle Physics
The Center of Particle Science and Technology (CPST) at the University of Science
and Technology of China (USTC) invites applications for two faculty positions. We
anticipate filling these positions at the associate and full professor level. Candidates
whose research and professional accomplishments advance the university’s mission
and meet established USTC academy criteria would be supported by either the
National Thousand Talents Program of China or the Hundred Talents Program of the
Chinese Academia of Sciences (CAS), depending on their achievement and academy
The successful applicant should have a Ph.D. in physics, a demonstrated record of
accomplishment in research as evidenced by an ongoing research program, and a
publication record that provides evidence of outstanding creativity. Successful
candidates will enjoy a newly renovated space, highly collegial and interactive
environment, and a generous startup funding. Salaries will be commensurate with
experiences and qualifications of the candidates.
CPST at USTC is one of the leading research centers in China for experimental
nuclear and particle physics. The center consists of nuclear theory, particle physics
phenomenology, experimental nuclear and particle physics, electronics for nuclear
and particle physics. We have the National Key Laboratory for Particle Detection and
Electronics that supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Our
research programs include both domestic projects in China and several large
international collaborative projects. These projects are the BESIII experiment at the
Beijing Electron Positron Collider; The neutrino experiment with Dayabay nuclear
reactors; the search for dark matter in space DAMPE; the ATLAS experiment at the
LHC; the BELLE experiment at KEK; the D0 experiment at FNAL, the STAR
experiment at BNL and the JLAB 12 GeV upgrade program. We are also actively
performing R&D of the particle detection for future accelerator and non-accelerator
based experiments. Applications from candidates with research interests that are
directly relevant to these efforts or lie in related fields are encouraged. We are
particularly interested in seeking candidates with experience on hardware, such as
design and construction of detector for radiation detection, electronics design and data
acquisition. Further inquiries concerning this search should be sent to and