On motion of ___________, seconded by __________, the following ordinance was offered: SUMMARY NO. 24273 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Chapter 33 Unified Development Code and Chapter 40 Zoning of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, with the intent of facilitating unified development regulations by adding existing standards in Chapter 40 to Chapter 33; reorganizing, reformatting, and revising articles and sections pertaining to administration, procedures, zoning, development standards, and supplemental conditions; providing for cross-references between related provisions that are necessary to efficiently administer land development regulations in Jefferson Parish; and providing for related matters. (Parishwide) WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 21939, which adopted the Comprehensive Plan on August 6, 2003, requested and authorized the Planning Department to draft and submit to the Parish Council those amendments to the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, including all chapters, codes, regulations, policies, procedures and plans that are needed to implement and administer the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan identified the revision of the Parish’s development regulations, particularly zoning and subdivision, as essential to address the specific policies highlighted in the Plan and to resolve a wide variety of other deficiencies in code organization, procedures, standards, and definitions; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan also specified that the Parish consolidate all of its development regulations into one Unified Development Code (UDC), for more efficient and effective code administration; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 23243 adopted on February 13, 2008 created an organizational structure for the Unified Development Code in Chapter 33 of the Code of Ordinances, and placed the revised subdivision regulations into Chapter 33 and included this language in Article 3 Zoning, “The intent of the Parish Council is to move all of its zoning regulations to Chapter 33”; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 23881 adopted on September 22, 2010 created three mixed-use zoning districts for the Fat City area, which were the first zoning district regulations added to the Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, the UDC currently establishes many, but not all, standards and procedures for development, and includes headings for regulations that are located in other chapters of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances as well as a reference to zoning provisions in Chapter 40 Zoning for supplemental text during the transition between chapters; and WHEREAS, additions to the UDC and related modifications to the organization and hierarchal outline to include divisions and subdivisions of articles and subsections, will improve consistency, clarity, usability, and enforceability of development regulations; and WHEREAS, further refinement of the UDC will be necessary from time to time to fulfil the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the intent of the Council to improve the effectiveness of development regulations and the efficiency of their administration; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director of this Parish has caused to be duly advertised as prescribed by law, a public hearing in connection with the UDC Housekeeping text amendments; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Advisory Board in accordance with law. Now, therefore, THE JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 1. Administration is hereby amended, by reformatting and renumbering, clarifying existing regulations, and adding provisions and references to read as follows: Sec. 33-1.1. Title. This Chapter of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances shall be known as the Jefferson Parish Unified Development Code, hereinafter referred to as the “UDC” or this Chapter. Sec. 33-1.2. Authority. The authority to establish this UDC is done, at the option of the Jefferson Parish Council, in accordance with State law. Sec. 33-1.3. Effective date. As provided by state and local laws and the Parish Charter, this UDC shall be in full force and effect pursuant to its adoption on February 13, 2008 by Ordinance No. 23243, which established the effective date as ninety (90) days after adoption. Sec. 33-1.4. Purpose. In accordance with State law, and the Parish’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, the purpose of this UDC is to: A. Promote public health, safety, comfort, order, and general welfare; B. Achieve the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; C. Protect or enhance property values parishwide; D. Protect private property rights; E. Promote safe, orderly development and use of land and natural resources; and F. Facilitate safe and economical provision of adequate streets, water, wastewater, stormwater, schools, parks and other public facilities. Sec. 33-1.5. Jurisdiction. The Parish shall enforce these regulations governing planning, zoning, subdivision, and building throughout the unincorporated areas of the parish, as authorized by State law. Sec. 33-1.6. Applicability. This UDC shall be applicable in the following circumstances: A. All buildings, structures, lands, and uses shall be subject to the procedures and requirements of this UDC. B. All divisions or subdivisions of land into two (2) or more parcels or lots or the combination of lots shall be subject to the procedures and requirements of this UDC. C. No subdivision plat, as defined in this UDC, shall be filed for record or recorded in the office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court unless and until the approval of the Parish Council or Planning Director, as applicable, is endorsed thereon. D. No parcel of land in a subdivision created after August 28, 1958 shall be transferred, sold, or offered for sale; nor shall a building permit be issued for any structure thereon until a plat of subdivision has been approved by the Parish Council or Planning Director, as applicable, and recorded with the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court in accordance with this UDC. Sec. 33-1.7. Rules of interpretation. A. Generally. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this UDC, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety, health, convenience, comfort, prosperity, or general welfare. This UDC is not intended to interfere with or abrogate or annul any servitudes, covenants, or other agreements between parties; provided, however, that where this UDC imposes a greater restriction upon development, the provisions of this UDC shall govern. Minimum values in this UDC are thresholds and are not intended to be target values. B. Rules of language. For the purpose of interpretation of the UDC, the following rules of language shall apply: 1. The specific controls the general; 2. In case of difference of meaning or implication between the text of the UDC and the captions for each section, the text shall control; 3. The word "shall" is always mandatory; the word "may" is permissive and is at the discretion of the Parish Council, the Jefferson Parish Planning Advisory Board (“PAB”), the Planning Director, or other decision-maker, as the context may establish; 4. Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular include the plural; and words of one (1) gender include all other genders, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary within the time frame subject to extensions provided herein; 5. All words, terms and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall be given their usual and customary meaning, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning was intended. C. Graphics. Illustrations are provided for the convenience of the user and in case of a conflict with the text of this UDC, the text shall control. D. Computation of time. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the timeframes specified for actions shall begin on the business day following the submittal of an application or the preceding action, and shall count by business days. Specified timeframes shall not include Saturdays, Sundays, or Parish-recognized holidays. All acts must be completed within the time frame subject to extensions. E. Time limits. Applications submitted pursuant to this UDC may be scheduled for a public hearing before the PAB or Old Metairie Commission (OMC), provided all information required by this UDC has been submitted, and staff has made a determination regarding conformance with all requirements of this UDC. Except as otherwise provided, no application shall be deemed approved due to the failure of Parish staff or officials to act within any timelines established within this UDC. Extensions requested by the applicant or delays due to applicant‘s failure to respond to requests for additional information shall not constitute failures to act by Parish staff or officials. The Parish will endeavor to process all applications as expeditiously as is reasonable. Any applicable application that does not receive approval of the Parish Council within one hundred twenty-six (126) days of opening of the PAB public hearing shall be deemed denied. See Article 2 of this UDC for additional procedural guidance. Sec. 33-1.8. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. This UDC is intended to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the Jefferson Parish Comprehensive Plan and is hereby deemed to be consistent with and in accordance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan (the “Plan”). Any amendment to this UDC and all land use actions pursuant to this UDC shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the following provisions: A. An amendment or land use action shall be consistent with the Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, public improvements, and other aspects of development permitted by such amendment or proposed by such action are compatible with and further the goals, objectives, policies, land uses, densities or intensities, and standards in the Plan. B. Before the Parish Council amends this UDC or takes any land use action, and before the Planning Advisory Board or Old Metairie Commission makes any recommendation to the Parish Council regarding an amendment or land use action, the Planning Department, or other department responsible for providing findings, recommendations, papers, correspondence, and records related to the proposed amendment or action shall provide a written recommendation to the Council, Planning Advisory Board and, as appropriate, the Old Metairie Commission, regarding consistency with the Plan. The written recommendation, which shall be advisory to the Council, Planning Advisory Board, or Old Metairie Commission, shall state whether, in the opinion of the Planning Department or other department, the proposed amendment or land use action is consistent with the Plan, as well as whether to approve, deny, or revise the amendment or land use action. C. Before the Planning Director takes any ministerial land use action, she shall make the written finding that the proposed land use action is consistent with the Plan. D. The Planning Department or other department shall find that the amendment or land use action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan when the proposed amendment or land use action: 1. Furthers, or at least does not interfere with, the goals, objectives, and policies, as well as the vision statements and strategies contained in the Plan or any applicable neighborhood, subarea, or strategic plan adopted by reference in the Plan; and 2. Is compatible with the future land uses and densities and/or intensities contained in the Plan; or 3. Is compatible with the Thoroughfare Plan and carries out, as applicable, any specific proposals for transportation facilities that are contained in the Plan; or 4. Carries out specific public actions, or actions proposed by nonprofit and forprofit organizations that are contained in the Plan. E. If the Planning Department or other department determines that the proposed amendment or land use action is not consistent with the Plan: 1. It shall state in the written recommendation any changes or revisions in the proposed amendment or land use action necessary to make it consistent; 2. It may state in the written recommendation any amendments to the Plan that are necessary to eliminate any inconsistency between the Plan and the proposed amendment or land use action; and 3. Concurrent with a proposed land use action, the Planning Director may initiate a future land use map amendment that is necessary to eliminate an inconsistency between the Plan and the official zoning map, and the Council may review and act upon the land use action and map change concurrently. Concurrent approval shall be by ordinance. F. The Parish Council, Planning Advisory Board or Old Metairie Commission shall, upon receipt of the written recommendation as outlined above, review the recommendation, giving the recommendation due regard in its deliberations, findings and decisions. If the Council, Planning Advisory Board or Old Metairie Commission rejects the recommendation in its deliberations, findings or decisions: 1. It shall state whether the proposed amendment or land use action is consistent with the Plan; 2. If the Council, Planning Advisory Board, or Old Metairie Commission determines that the proposed amendment or land use action is not consistent with the Plan: a. It shall state any changes or revisions in the amendment or land use action necessary to make it consistent; and b. It may state any amendments to the Plan that may be necessary to eliminate any inconsistency between the Plan and the amendment or land use action. Sec. 33-1.9. Relationship to other regulations. The use of buildings and land within the Parish shall be subject to all other applicable provisions of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances as well as this UDC, whether or not such other provisions of the Code are specifically cross-referenced herein. Cross-references to other provisions of this Code and other applicable rules and regulations are for the convenience of the reader; lack of a cross-reference should not be construed as an indication that other provisions do not apply. A. Conflicts. Whenever any provision of this UDC or any other applicable law, rule, contract, resolution or regulation of the Parish, State or Federal Government contains certain standards covering the same subject matter, the more restrictive requirements or higher standards shall govern, unless otherwise provided. B. Development under prior regulations. Any application found to be complete by the applicable reviewer prior to the effective date of this UDC shall be processed under the prior regulations unless the plat or plan has not been recorded within six (6) months of the effective date of this UDC. C. Relationship to private agreements. This UDC is not intended to abrogate, annul, or otherwise interfere with any servitude, covenant, or any other private agreement or legal relationship; provided, however, that where the regulations of the UDC are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements than such servitude, covenant, or other private agreement, the regulations of this UDC shall govern. D. Relationship to other regulations and codes. This UDC establishes many, but not all of the standards and procedures for development. Other portions of this Code, as well as other standards, shall apply to development, including, but not limited to adopted zoning codes, building codes, fire codes, utility, street and drainage design, and construction standards. This UDC includes headings for regulations that are located in other chapters of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. The intent of the Parish Council is to move these provisions to this UDC as they are reviewed and updated. Sec. 33-1.10. Appendix. The Appendix of this UDC shall include, but not be limited to, the application forms with submittal requirements; the application fee schedules; the information required on the drawings—plans, elevations, details—for site plan review; the landscape and buffer planting and maintenance specifications, the Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual; and street improvements plans. These documents are not set out herein, but are available for download from the Parish’s website address or for inspection by hard copy in the following offices: the Planning Department for application forms, fee schedules, site plan submittal requirements, landscaping specifications, and street improvements plans; or the Department of Engineering for the Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sect. 33-1.11. Fees. A. Fee required. Any application for action pursuant to this UDC shall be subject to the required fee. B. Amount of fee. The amount of fees for development permits and applications shall be as established by resolution of the Parish Council and as shown in the Appendix of this UDC. C. Payment. All fees shall accompany the application, shall be made payable to the Parish and shall be submitted to the applicable official. D. Exemptions. Except for notification and recordation costs, no fee is required for an application filed for a publicly owned facility. E. Fee refunds. All fees are non-refundable. Sec. 33-1.12. Responsibilities for application of UDC. Sec. 33-1.12.1. Parish Council. Any action of the Parish Council shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of the entire Parish Council. Specific responsibilities assigned by this UDC include the following: A. Decide on all Comprehensive Plan or zoning text or map amendments; B. Decide on all special permitted use or conditional use permits; C. Decide on all major subdivisions, including preliminary and final plat applications; D. Authorize development agreements; E. Decide on certain waivers or variances to this UDC; F. Decide on certain exceptions to the requirements of this UDC; G. Consider and adopt fees and authorize waivers to fees; and H. Other responsibilities assigned by State law and the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. Sec. 33-1.12.2. Planning Advisory Board (PAB). The PAB shall be established in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Charter, this Code, and State law. The Planning Director shall provide written recommendations to the Board. A. Responsibilities. The PAB shall act in an advisory capacity to the Parish Council in conformance with the Parish Charter, this Code, and State law. In addition to the powers enumerated in this Code, these responsibilities shall include the following activities: 1. Conduct public hearings and recommend action on Comprehensive Plan or zoning text or map amendments, special permitted use or conditional use permits, major subdivisions and certain waivers or variances from this UDC; 2. Make recommendations upon all other items referred to it by the Parish Council; and 3. File copies of the minutes of its proceedings in the office of the Planning Director for the public record. B. PAB action. The affirmative vote of the majority of the Board members shall be required before the Board shall act. C. Written recommendations. The PAB shall, upon receipt of the written recommendation of the Planning Department, the Public Works Department, or other department responsible for related findings, review the recommendation, giving the recommendation due regard in its deliberations, findings, and decisions. If the PAB rejects the recommendation in its deliberations, findings, or decisions: 1. It shall state whether the proposed amendment or land use action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements of this UDC. 2. If the PAB determines that the proposed amendment or land use action is not consistent with this UDC, it shall state any changes or revisions in the proposed amendment or land use action necessary to make it consistent; and it may state any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that may be necessary to eliminate any inconsistency between the Plan and the amendment or land use action Sec. 33-1.12.3. Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA). The BZA shall be established in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Charter, this Code, and State law. The Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall provide written findings to the Board. The responsibilities and procedures of the BZA are pursuant to Article XLII Board of Zoning Adjustments in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-1.12.4. Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA). The BSA shall be established in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Charter, this Code, and State law. The Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall provide written findings to the Board. The responsibilities and procedures of the BSA are pursuant to Sec. 8-2.105 Board of Standards and Appeals in Chapter 8 Buildings and Building Regulations of this Code. Sec. 33-1.12.5. Old Metairie Commission (OMC) (reserved). Sec. 33-1.12.6. Land Use Review Technical Committee (LURTC). A. Membership. Membership of the Land Use Review Technical Committee (LURTC) shall consist of the following persons or their designees: 1. Planning Director; 2. Public Works Director; 3. Parish Attorney; 4. Engineering Director; 5. Inspection & Code Enforcement Director; 6. Traffic Engineering Division Supervisor; 7. East Bank Consolidated Fire Department representative; 8. West Bank Volunteer Fire Departments representative; 9. Environmental Affairs Director; and 10. Other agencies and department representatives that may be invited to participate. B. Responsibilities. The LURTC shall review and make recommendations on zoning and subdivision applications submitted under this UDC, unless otherwise provided in this UDC. C. Meetings. The LURTC shall communicate to develop written findings and recommendations from all represented departments on all matters before the Committee. Failure to provide comments shall be construed as having no objection to the application. The LURTC shall meet as needed to discuss means to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its development tracking system. D. Record keeping. Unless otherwise provided in this Code, the Planning Director shall serve as the recorder of the LURTC, shall maintain records of all written findings and recommendations, and shall forward these findings to applicable recommending and decision-making entities. Sec. 33-1.12.7. Planning Director. In addition to the responsibilities established in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, the Planning Director shall have the responsibility and authority to administer and enforce certain provisions of this UDC, as stated herein, including, but not limited to, the following powers and duties: A. Provide written reports and recommendations to the Parish Council, PAB, and Old Metairie Commission stating whether the proposed plan amendment or land use action requiring council approval is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and conforms with this UDC. B. Act as a liaison to other agencies and organizations in UDC matters under the authority of the Planning Director. C. Where meaning or applicability is unclear, render interpretations to provisions of this UDC related to the Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use Map, the Zoning Map, subdivisions, conditional use permits, site plans where required by a zoning district, and landscaping standards applicable to private property, except those responsibilities assigned to the Public Works Director, Inspection and Code Enforcement Director, or Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director. D. Keep a record of all transactions, correspondence, and actions pertaining to the administration of provisions of this UDC under the authority of the Planning Director. E. Waive information requirements of this UDC under the authority of the Planning Director if the provisions can be accomplished without such information, or require additional information if it is reasonable and necessary for a recommendation or decision. F. Review rezonings; conditional uses; concept, development, or site plans; preliminary and final subdivision plats; and any other matters before the LURTC for conformance with this UDC; make written recommendations to the LURTC; and make written findings and recommendations that incorporate all LURTC recommendations to the OMC, PAB and Parish Council, if council approval is required. G. Review, approve, and record minor subdivisions and site, building, and landscaping plans or elevations required by zoning district standards or this UDC that permit ministerial discretion and approval for conformance with this UDC after considering LURTC recommendations. H. Review and approve conveyances and plat or plan adjustments or corrections for conformance with this UDC after considering LURTC recommendations. I. Make determinations of the official zoning, future land use, or lot designation of properties within the unincorporated areas of the Parish. J. Make such surveys, analyses, researches, inquiries, special studies, text or map studies, and reports as are authorized or requested by the Parish Council, Administration, or Planning Advisory Board or initiated by the Planning Director. K. Administer and enforce the landscaping provisions of this UDC. L. Facilitate and assist in the activities of the Planning Advisory Board and Old Metairie Commission and provide technical recommendations to these boards. M. If the Planning Director finds that any provision of this UDC under her authority is being violated, the Planning Director shall notify in writing the person responsible for such violation, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering action necessary to correct it. N. To remedy a violation of this UDC, the Planning Director shall: 1. Order the discontinuance of the illegal activity; and 2. Take any other action authorized by this UDC, this Code, or the Parish Council to ensure compliance and to prevent violation of its provisions, including action pursuant to Chapter 2.5 Administrative Adjudication of Public Health, Housing, Fire Code, Environmental and Historic District Violations of this Code. O. Other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Parish Council or Administration. Sec. 33-1.12.8. Public Works Director. In addition to the responsibilities established in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, the Public Works Director or directors under his authority shall have the responsibility and authority to administer and enforce certain provisions of this UDC and this Code, as stated herein, and including, but not limited to, the following powers and duties: A. Assist the Planning Director, Inspection and Code Enforcement Director, and LURTC with development review responsibilities. B. Review subdivisions; revocations, vacations or abandonment of streets; servitudes; rights-of-way; public facilities; conditional uses; concept, development or site plans; and preliminary and final plats before the LURTC for conformance with this UDC and make written recommendations to the LURTC. C. Administer and enforce environmental provisions of this Code and state or federal laws related to floodplain management and the quality of air, water, and land. D. Review environmental matters before the LURTC for conformance with federal, state, and local laws and make written recommendations to the LURTC. E. Where meaning or applicability is unclear, render interpretations to provisions of this Code regarding adequate public facilities, public utilities, and standards applicable to public rights-of-way. F. Review development agreements for conformance with this UDC and determine the amount of the letter of credit, cash escrow or surety bond required for the construction of public improvements. G. Review and approve, approve with conditions, or deny applications for construction plans in conformance with this UDC. Sec. 33-1.12.9. Inspection and Code Enforcement Director. In addition to the responsibilities established in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall have the responsibility and authority to administer and enforce certain provisions of this UDC and this Code, as stated herein, and including, but not limited to, the following powers and duties: A. Administer and enforce codes mandated by state and local laws, including, but not limited to, residential, building, mechanical, fuel gas, plumbing, and electrical codes. B. Review and approve building permits, sign permits, and other permits under the authority of the Code Enforcement Director, for conformance with this UDC. C. Issue certificates of completion. D. Facilitate and assist in the activities of the Board of Standards and Appeals and the Board of Zoning Adjustments and provide technical support to these boards. E. Act as liaison to other agencies and organizations in UDC matters under the authority of the Code Enforcement Director. F. Where meaning or applicability is unclear, render interpretations to provisions of this UDC regarding building regulations, zoning text, supplemental conditions, and development standards, except those responsibilities assigned to the Public Works Director, Planning Director, or Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director. G. Keep a record of all transactions, correspondence, and actions pertaining to the administration of this UDC under the authority of the Code Enforcement Director. H. Waive information requirements of this UDC under the authority of the Code Enforcement Director if the provisions can be accomplished without such information, or require additional information if it is reasonable and necessary for a recommendation or decision. I. Review rezonings; conditional uses; concept, development, or site plans; preliminary and final subdivision plats; and any other matters before the LURTC for conformance with this UDC or Code and make written recommendations to the LURTC. J. Make determinations of the authorized use of properties within the unincorporated areas of the Parish. K. Other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Parish Council or Administration. L. If the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director finds that any provision of this UDC under her authority is being violated, the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall notify in writing the person responsible for such violation, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering action necessary to correct it. M. To remedy a violation of this UDC, the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall: 1. Order the discontinuance of the illegal activity; and 2. Take any other action authorized by this UDC, this Code, or the Parish Council to ensure compliance and to prevent violation of its provisions, including action pursuant to Chapter 2.5 Administrative Adjudication of Public Health, Housing, Fire Code, Environmental and Historic District Violations of this Code. Sec. Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director. In addition to the responsibilities established in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, the Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director shall have the responsibility to administer and enforce certain provisions of this UDC and this Code, as stated herein, but not limited to, the following powers and duties: A. Inspect privately-owned property and structures and enforce this UDC and the Code regarding quality of life matters and the use and maintenance of privatelyowned properties and structures; B. If the Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director finds that any provision of this UDC under her authority is being violated, the Property Maintenance/Quality of Life Director shall notify in writing the person responsible for such violation, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering action necessary to correct it. C. To remedy a violation of this UDC or Code, the Property Maintenance Zoning/Quality of Life Director shall: 1. Order the discontinuance of the illegal activity; and 2. Take any other action authorized by this UDC, this Code, or the Parish Council to ensure compliance and to prevent violation of its provisions, including action pursuant to Chapter 2.5 Administrative Adjudication of Public Health, Housing, Fire Code, Environmental and Historic District Violations of this Code. D. Other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Parish Council or Administration. Sec. 33-1.13. Severability. It hereby is declared to be the intent of Jefferson Parish that the provisions of this UDC shall be severable. If any provision is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that: A. Decisions limited. The effect of such decision shall be limited to the provision or provisions that are expressly stated in the decision to be invalid; and B. Remainder stays in effect. Such decision shall not affect, impair or nullify this UDC as a whole or any other part thereof, but the rest of the UDC shall continue in full force and effect. Sec. 33-1.14. Enforcement. A. Violations. The remedies provided in this Section for violations of any provision of this UDC, whether civil or criminal, shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to any other remedy provided by law. Except as otherwise provided in this UDC, any development or use initiated after adoption of this UDC, or maintained in violation of this UDC, which is not in compliance with the provisions of this UDC is prohibited and shall be punishable as such. Any of the following shall be a violation of this UDC and shall be subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in this UDC; including, but not limited to: 1. Activities inconsistent with this UDC. To engage in development or subdivision of any land in contravention of any regulation of this UDC. 2. Activities without permit or approval. To engage in any subdividing, development, construction, or other activity of any nature upon land that is subject to this UDC without all of the approvals required by this UDC. 3. Activities inconsistent with permit. To engage in any development, use, construction, or other activity of any nature in any way inconsistent with the terms and conditions of any permit, approval, certificate or other form of authorization required by this UDC to engage in such activity. 4. Activities inconsistent with conditions. To violate, by act or omission, any term, condition, or qualification placed by a decision-making body upon any permit or other form of authorization granted pursuant to this UDC. 5. Removing or defacing required notice. To remove, deface, obscure or otherwise interfere with any notice required by this UDC. B. Separate offenses may be charged. Each day that a violation remains uncorrected shall constitute a separate violation of this UDC, with such violations beginning ten (10) days after the property owner has been notified in writing of such violation by the Parish. C. Civil remedies and enforcement powers. In case any development activity occurs in violation of this UDC, the Parish, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful development activity, to restrain, correct, or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure, or land or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or use in or about such premises. The following remedies and enforcement powers may be used to administer and enforce this UDC. 1. Withhold permit. The Parish may deny or withhold all permits, certificates, approvals, or other forms of authorization on any land, structure, or improvements thereon upon which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances or of a condition or qualification of a permit, certificate, approval, or other authorization previously granted by the Parish. This enforcement provision shall apply regardless of whether the current owner or applicant is responsible for the violation in question. 2. Permits approved with conditions. Instead of withholding or denying a permit or other authorization, the Parish may grant such authorization subject to the condition that the violation be corrected. 3. Revoke permits. Any development permit or other form of authorization required under this UDC may be revoked when the Parish determines that: a. There is departure from the plans, specifications, or conditions as required under terms of the permit; b. The development permit was procured by false representation or was issued by mistake; or c. Any of the provisions of this UDC are being violated. Written notice of such revocation shall be served upon the owner, the owner’s agent or contractor, or upon any person employed on the building or structure for which such permit was issued, or shall be posted in a prominent location; and, thereafter, no such construction shall proceed. 4. Stop work. With or without revoking permits, the Parish may stop work on any development activity on any land on which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this UDC or of a permit or other form of authorization issued hereunder. 5. Revoke plan or other approval. Where a violation of this UDC involves a failure to comply with approved plans or conditions to which the approval of such plans was made subject, the Parish may, upon notice to the applicant and other known parties in interest (including any holders of building permits affected) and after a public hearing, revoke the approval or condition its continuance on strict compliance with this UDC, the provision of security to ensure that construction is completed in compliance with approved plans, or such other conditions as the Parish may reasonably impose. 6. Injunction and abatement. The Parish, through its authorized agents, may initiate injunction or abatement proceedings or other appropriate action in the District Court against any person who fails to comply with any provision of this UDC, or any requirement or condition imposed pursuant to this UDC, to prevent, enjoin, abate, or terminate violations. The Parish may seek a court order in the nature of mandamus, abatement, injunction, or other action for proceeding to abate or remove a violation or to otherwise restore the premises in question to the condition in which they existed prior to the violation. D. Penalty. 1. Whoever, being the owner or agent of the owner of any land located within a subdivision, transfers or sells or agrees to transfer or sell any land by reference to or exhibition of or by other use of a plat of a subdivision or a plan for the land, before such plat or plan has been approved and recorded or filed with the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court, shall make the instrument of transfer subject to compliance with laws, ordinances, and regulations relative to the development of subdivisions. 2. Whoever, being the owner or agent of the owner of any land located within a subdivision, transfers or sells or agrees to transfer or sell any land by reference to or exhibition of or by other use of a plat of a subdivision or a plan for the land, before such plat or plan has been approved and recorded or filed with the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court, without making the instrument of transfer subject to compliance with laws, ordinances, and regulations relative to the development of subdivisions or land, shall be prohibited from obtaining a permit, certificate, approval, or other form of authorization until the instrument of transfer is rectified. The description of such lot or parcel by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the transaction from such penalties or from the remedies herein provided. The Parish may enjoin such transfer or sale or agreement by suit for injunction brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Notification procedures. Whenever a violation of this UDC occurs, the Parish shall give written notice of such violation either personally or by First-Class United States mail to the owner(s) of the property and the person(s) responsible for the violation, if known. Unless otherwise provided in this Code, the letter shall direct that within ten (10) days following the mailing or the personal receipt of the written notice, the violation shall be abated. If after such time the violation continues, the Parish may issue a citation. If the violation is abated, but occurs again at a later date, the Parish may issue citation directly without providing the owner(s) or the violator(s) any further notice, unless otherwise provided in this Code. SECTION II. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 2. Procedures is hereby amended by creating five divisions and reformatting, renumbering, clarifying existing regulations, and adding provisions and references, to read as follows: Sec. 33-2.1. Purpose. The purposes of this Article are to consolidate the procedures for filing and processing applications for development approval and to allow users to ascertain the steps involved in obtaining development approval—from filing of an application, Amendment to Text of Comprehensive Plan or to this UDC Amendment to the Zoning or Future Land Use Map Conditional Use (Special Permitted Use) Site Plan: CPZ or MUC with Zoning Variance CPZ or MUC without Zoning Variance FC, OBM, U-1S ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ Code Enforceme nt Director (M) Planning Director (M) BZA/Planni ng Director (Q, M) BZA/ Code Enforceme nt Director (Q, M) BSA/Code Enforceme nt Director (Q, M) Type of Amendment or Application Council/PA B (L) reviewing for completeness and compliance with standards and requirements, and through holding of a public hearing if required. The provisions of this Article are designed to implement the Parish’s Comprehensive Plan. DIVISION 1. COMMON PROCEDURES Sec. 33-2.2. Generally. Any proposed land use or development shall comply with the procedures of this UDC. Development approvals are required for all development, unless otherwise excepted, to ensure compliance with adopted codes, standards, and regulations, and to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and policies of the Parish. This Division describes procedures that are common to multiple types of applications. Reference is made to the appropriate section of this Code when procedures and requirements of a particular application are addressed elsewhere. Generally, the procedures for all applications have five (5) common elements: A. Submittal of a complete application, including required fee payment and appropriate information; B. Determination of the category of development approval and review of the submittal by appropriate staff, agencies, and boards; C. A recommendation, if applicable, and a decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application; D. If necessary, amending or appealing the decision; and E. Recording the decision. Sec. 33-2.3. Categories of development approvals. Pursuant to this Article and as described in Table 33-2.3-1, development approvals comprise three (3) basic categories: legislative (L), quasi-judicial (Q), and ministerial (M). A. A legislative development approval requires action by the Parish Council and includes, but is not limited to, a UDC or zoning text amendment, rezoning, conditional use permit, or major subdivision, all of which require a public hearing. B. A quasi-judicial development approval, which requires a public hearing and entails procedural due process requirements, involves the application of a discretionary standard required by this Code. An example is a variance granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. C. A ministerial development approval involves the application of the standards of this Code by an administrative official. A public hearing is not required, or, if required, has already been conducted and the development approval application ensures that the proposed use complies with the previously approved plat, plan, or zoning amendment. An example is the issuance of a building permit by the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement. Administrative officials include, but are not limited to, the Directors of Planning and Inspection and Code Enforcement. Table 33-2.3-1: Categories of Development Approvals with Zoning Variance FC, OBM, U-1S without Zoning Variance Subdivision: Minor Major Building Permit: Without Variance or Appeal With Zoning Variance With Appeal or Variance to the Technical Codes Certificate of Completeness Code Enforceme nt Director (M) Planning Director (M) BZA/Planni ng Director (Q, M) BZA/ Code Enforceme nt Director (Q, M) BSA/Code Enforceme nt Director (Q, M) Council/PA B (L) Type of Amendment or Application ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ Sec. 33-2.4. Pre-application conferences. Unless required in this UDC for a specific application type, applicants are encouraged to meet with staff prior to filing an application to discuss the nature of the proposed application, application submittal requirements, the procedure for action, and the standards for evaluation of the application. At the pre-application conference, the Planning Director, Public Works Director, Inspection and Code Enforcement Director, or other administrative director may determine that additional information is necessary to provide for an adequate assessment of the project. At any time during the processing of any application, additional information may be required by the decisionmaker to ensure compliance with this UDC. Sec. 33-2.5. Application and completeness review. A. Applications. Current application materials shall be made available in the office of the director responsible for the development approval. Such applications shall be filed in advance of any public hearing required pursuant to this Code. The director may establish a schedule for filing any application for development approval that may require quasi-judicial or legislative action, which schedule shall provide adequate time for notice and/or publication consistent with State law or other applicable requirements. Completed applications shall be filed and processed according to the schedule. B. Completeness and staff review. Within three (3) days of the submittal of an application for development approval, the applicable administrative director shall make a formal determination of completeness. If the application is incomplete or submitted prematurely, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the determination. C. The applicable administrative department shall review applications for compliance with all applicable regulations and with the processes described in this UDC or other applicable provisions of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. This review shall include a determination of the category of development approval applicable to the application. Regardless of the development approval process required, the applicant must comply with all applicable submission, procedural, and substantive provisions of this Code. Sec. 33-2.6. Notice. A. Notice of public hearings for the Old Metairie Commission and the Board of Zoning Adjustments shall be provided pursuant to the applicable sections of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Except as otherwise provided, the following notices shall be provided for PAB public hearings. Parish Council hearing notice shall be provided by the Jefferson Parish Council Clerk in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances: 1. Published notice. Notice setting forth the date, time, place, and purpose of the public hearing, a general description of the proposal, and location of the subject property shall be published at least three (3) consecutive times in the Official Journal of Jefferson Parish. Notice shall be published not more than twenty (20) business days before the public hearing and at least ten (10) business days shall lapse between the first publication and the public hearing. 2. Mailed notice. Notice setting forth the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing, a general description of the proposal, and location of the subject property shall be mailed to the applicant and all property owners within three hundred (300) feet, measured radially from the lot lines of the subject property, at least ten (10) business days before the public hearing. Mailed notice of a public hearing shall be sent at the applicant’s cost and the applicant shall provide the Planning Director with a notarized list of names and addresses of the property owners to be notified, as listed in the official records of the Parish Assessor. Figure 33-2.6-1: Mailed Notice Radius. * * * 3. Posted Notice. At least one (1) sign shall be posted on the subject property, visible from the nearest public street right of way, a minimum of ten (10) business days before the public hearing. The sign(s) shall remain posted on the property until after final action, and shall be removed within ten (10) business days thereof. The Planning Director shall determine sign content. 4. No other mandatory types of notice shall be required; however, the Planning Advisory Board or Planning Director, by rule, may provide for additional discretionary forms of notice. B. Defective notice; validity. No amendment, supplement, or change to this UDC; or denial by the Council of any application, petition or other matter requiring notice shall be declared invalid by reason of any defect in: 1. The publication of the notice of the purpose or subject matter and the time and place of the hearing if the published notice gives reasonable notice of its purpose, subject matter, substance or intent. 2. The posting or display of the notification sign if proof of the installation by the appropriate Parish agency is presented; routine work orders or other such documents of the department shall be prima facie evidence of the installation. 3. The mailing or receipt of the notice if sent within the established time period. Failure to strictly adhere to the discretionary forms of notification shall not form a basis for declaring invalid any ordinance or council action on any matter. C. Substitute, alternative or modified proposal. Notice of the original proposal on the docket of the Planning Advisory Board in accordance with this section shall also constitute notice of any substitute, alternative, or modified amendment, supplement, or change that may be adopted by the Council, or recommended by the Planning Director, other department director, Old Metairie Commission, or the Planning Advisory Board following the public hearing if the said substitute, alternative, or modified proposal meets the following criteria: 1. Zoning Reclassification and/or Future land Use Map Amendment. a. If the original proposal is more restrictive than the present classification and the substitute, alternative or modified proposal is less restrictive than the original proposal but more restrictive than the present classification; or b. If the original proposal is less restrictive than the present classification and the substitute, alternative or modified proposal is more restrictive than the original proposal but less than the present classification. 2. Text Amendment. If the substitute, alternative or modified proposal is within reasonable limits of the purpose or subject matter of the original proposal. Sec. 33-2.7. Public hearing. A. Purpose of hearing. The purpose of a public hearing is to allow the applicant and all other interested parties the opportunity to be heard, to present evidence relevant to the application, and to rebut evidence presented by others. B. Conduct of hearing. Public hearings shall be conducted in conformance with State and local laws. C. Record of proceedings. The proceedings of all public hearings shall be recorded in conformance with the provisions of State law. D. Applicant not present. Subject to established time limits, if the applicant is not present at the public hearing or if the applicant makes a request, then the BZA, OMC, PAB, or Parish Council may elect to take no action on the application and place the item on a future agenda. E. Granting a continuance. Subject to established time limits, the BZA, OMC, PAB or Parish Council may grant a continuance of proceedings to a future meeting at any time for good cause shown. All motions to grant a continuance shall state the date on which the matter is to be heard. A majority vote of those members in attendance shall be required to grant a continuance. The record shall indicate any stipulations or conditions placed upon the continuance. F. Action on applications requiring notice. The decision-maker may take any action on an application that is consistent with the notice given, including approval of the application, conditional approval of the application, or denial of the application. The decision-maker may allow amendments to the application if the effect of the amendments is to reduce the density or intensity of the original application, reduce the impact of the development, or reduce the amount of land involved from that indicated in the notice of the hearing. An amendment shall not include a greater variance than that requested on the application and placed on the notice given. G. Notice of final determination. Within ten (10) days of the final determination on the development application, the administrative director may mail written notification of the decision to the applicant, stating the action taken and including all conditions imposed and times established for satisfaction of such conditions, if any. Sec. 33-2.8. Resolution of code violations. Subject to the provisions of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances (nonconforming situations), the Parish may require the remedy of code violations as a condition of approval of any development application. When the Parish council is charged with acting on the application, it may authorize the use of a development agreement to ensure that code violations will be remedied. Sec. 33-2.9. Post-decision proceedings. Any person or persons or any officer, department, commission, board, district, or any other agency jointly or severally aggrieved by the decision of the Jefferson Parish Council may file Writs of Certiorari or other appropriate legal proceedings to review said decision to the Twenty-Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Jefferson, within a maximum time period of thirty (30) days after the decision of the Council. The actions of the Council in denying a request for development approval or amendment, supplement, or change to the regulations, restrictions, zoning district, land use category, or boundaries shall be subject to review on the grounds of abuse of discretion, unreasonable exercise of police powers, an excessive use of powers granted to the Council, or the denial of the right of due process. The right of judicial review of ordinances enacted by the Council shall not be limited to the foregoing grounds. Sec. 33-2.10. Expiration of development approval (reserved). Sec. 33-2.11. Revocation of permit approval (reserved). Sec. 33-2.12. Transfer of land; building permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.13. Parish initiated requests (reserved). Sec. 33-2.14. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.15. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.16. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.17. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.18. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.19. Reserved. DIVISION 2. ZONING Sec. 33-2.20. Comprehensive Plan amendments. For amendments to the text, future land use map, or other official map of the Comprehensive Plan, see Sec. 25-430 Amendment in Article VI, Comprehensive Plan of Chapter 25, Planning and Development, of this Code. Sec. 33-2.21. UDC text, zoning map, or concurrent zoning/future land use map amendments. Sec. 33-2.21.1. Purpose. The Jefferson Parish Council may amend the text and official maps of this UDC from time to time to address changing conditions, implement the Comprehensive Plan, or promote the public necessity, convenience, general welfare, or good planning practice. Sec. 33-2.21.2. Initiation. The amendment process may be initiated: A. Upon recommendation for amendment by the Planning Director or the Planning Advisory Board to the Council, after determination by the Planning Director or the Planning Advisory Board, that the amendment should be considered. Prior to the recommendation, the Planning Advisory Board or Planning Director may initiate a study to prepare an amendment to this UDC; B. By written request of an owner of real property in unincorporated Jefferson Parish or the owner’s authorized agent. Such a request shall be submitted to the Planning Director for evaluation by administrative staff and the Planning Advisory Board prior to introduction of the requested amendment to the Council; C. By resolution of the Council directing the preparation of a study of the text or map; or D. By introduction of an ordinance by the Council. Sec. 33-2.21.3. Public hearing. A public hearing for each proposed amendment shall be conducted by and before the Planning Advisory Board, at which time all interested parties and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Each proposed amendment shall be allotted a case or docket number and scheduled for public hearing. During the public hearing, the Planning Director or her designee shall be called upon for presentation of analysis and a technical recommendation for the proposed amendment. The Planning Advisory Board may, in its rules of procedure, include provisions for the order of presentation during public hearings. Sec. 33-2.21.4. Decision makers. A. Planning Director action. Prior to the public hearing, the Planning Director shall submit the Planning Department’s findings and technical recommendation related to the proposed amendment for consideration by the Planning Advisory Board. B. Planning Advisory Board action. After considering public testimony and the findings and technical recommendation of the Planning Director, the Planning Advisory Board may recommend adoption of the proposed amendment as presented, adoption of the amendment with modifications, or disapproval of the amendment. C. Recommendations to Council. After the Planning Advisory Board makes its recommendation, the Planning Director shall forward her findings and technical recommendation, the Planning Advisor Board’s recommendation, and the minutes of public testimony to the Parish Council. D. Parish Council action. 1. Upon receipt of the above referenced findings, recommendations, and testimony, the Council may take official action. The Council shall consider the findings, recommendations, and testimony prior to making a decision. If no findings, recommendations, and testimony are received by the Council within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Planning Advisory Board public hearing, the Council may take official action upon the proposed amendment without this record. 2. No amendment shall become effective unless and until: a. There has been a public hearing, and b. The Council takes a final vote on the proposed amendment within one hundred and twenty-six (126) calendar days from the date of the Planning Advisory Board public hearing. However, in the event that the deadline falls on a holiday or a meeting that has been cancelled by the Council, the deadline will be extended automatically to the next regular Council meeting. E. Approval criteria. In determining whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove a proposed amendment, the Council shall consider the following matters: 1. Whether the proposed change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, other adopted plans and policies, or other Parish regulations and guidelines. 2. Whether the proposed change is consistent with the purpose and intent of this UDC. 3. Whether the proposed change will benefit the public health, safety, and welfare within the Parish. Sec. 33-2.21.5. Approvals pending ordinance amendments; moratorium. A. Upon adoption of a resolution or introduction of an ordinance, the Council may call for moratorium on development approvals affected by the proposed amendment or adopt interim development standards. Such moratorium or interim development standards shall be in effect from the date that a resolution is adopted or an ordinance is placed in summary for up to one (1) year or until the effective date of the ordinance, whichever occurs first. The Council action shall not affect action on completed applications submitted prior to the resolution or ordinance, but may affect subsequent applications for the same project. When calling a study or invoking a moratorium, the Council may establish interim development standards providing for reasonable approval conditions or exemptions for certain types of development applications that would otherwise be affected by the study or moratorium. Introduction of an ordinance that conveys the substantial intent of the Planning Director’s findings and recommendations for the final disposition of a study shall extend a moratorium or interim zoning regulations for an additional period not to exceed six (6) months or the effective date of final Council action, whichever comes first. B. The expiration of a moratorium or interim development standards shall not result in the expiration of a study. The Planning Director shall notify the Council ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of a moratorium. At any time during the ninety (90) day period the Council may extend the moratorium or interim development regulations by resolution or ordinance for no more than one (1) additional period not to exceed six (6) months. Upon the expiration of the moratorium no identical moratorium shall be imposed for a two (2) year period from the final expiration date of the expired moratorium. Sec. 33-2.21.6. Subsequent applications. Whenever a petition or application is filed requesting or proposing a change in or amendment to this ordinance and said petition of application has been finally acted upon by the Council in accordance with the above procedure or when said petition or application has received no action on the part of the Council within one hundred twenty-six (126) calendar days, or when said petition or application has been allotted a docket number and officially advertised for public hearing but has subsequently been withdrawn either before or after said public hearing has been held, then the Council shall not consider any further petition or application requesting or proposing such change or amendments for the same property within two (2) calendar years from the date of the Council's final legal action on said petition or application, or from the expiration of the aforesaid one hundred twenty-six-day period in case no action has been taken by the Council, or from the date of withdrawal of said petition or application providing, however, that said petition or application has been allotted a docket number and officially advertised. A change in ownership of property or any interests therein, or the addition or deletion of property to the application which does not substantially change the request shall not override the restrictions of this paragraph. However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in cases where the Council, Planning Director or Planning Advisory Board wish to consider a comprehensive zoning or future land use map revision of an area of more than twenty (20) acres. Sec. 33-2.22. Planned developments (reserved). Sec. 33-2.22.1. Preliminary development plan and rezoning (reserved). Sec. 33-2.22.2. Final development plan (reserved). Sec. 33-2.23. Special use permit (reserved) Sec. 33-2.24. Conditional use permit. This section applies to certain uses, that because of unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent and nearby land uses, are not permitted as a matter of right but which may, under appropriate standards and factors, be approved. Compliance with the generally applicable requirements may not be sufficient, and additional measures and conditions may be necessary to mitigate the impact of the proposed development. These uses shall be permitted through the issuance of a conditional use permit (CUP) within a site plan approved by the Parish Council after ensuring that the use can be appropriately accommodated on the specific property; that it will conform to the Comprehensive Plan; that it can be constructed and operated in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding land uses and overall character of the community; and that the public interest, health, safety, and general welfare will be promoted. For purposes of this Code, a special permitted use is the same as a conditional use. A. Applicability. The provisions of this section apply to any application for approval of a conditional use enumerated by a “C” in the applicable use matrix. Conditional uses are those uses that may be compatible with the land uses permitted by right but that require individual review of their location, design, and configuration, and the imposition of conditions or mitigations in order to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location within the zoning district. B. Initiation. An owner of real property in unincorporated Jefferson Parish or the owner’s authorized applicant may apply for a CUP for that property by filing an application with the Planning Department. The application shall include the material required for a site plan in the Appendix of this UDC and shall provide substantial competent evidence in the form of data, reports, or impact assessments to support findings related to the suitability of the use. C. Procedure and approval. When the Planning Director has determined that the application is complete, she shall forward the application to the LURTC for review and comment. After LURTC review, the Planning Director shall make findings and a technical recommendation regarding approval of the CUP and submit her findings and recommendation to the PAB and Council in accordance with the procedures of subsections A, B, C, and D of Sec. 33-2.21.4 Decision makers of this Division. Pursuant to these procedures, a CUP shall require a public hearing. The Planning Director and PAB may concurrently process and review the CUP and its site plan with a concept plan, rezoning, or subdivision application for the same property. The Council shall make the final decision regarding approval of the CUP and may concurrently take action on related applications for concept plan, rezoning, or subdivision. D. Conditions. In approving any CUP, the Council may: 1. Impose such reasonable standards, conditions, or requirements, in addition to or that supersede any standard specified in this Code, or within federal or state regulations and standards if federal or state provisions allow additional or stricter application, as the Council may deem necessary to protect the public interest and welfare. Such additional standards may include, but are not be limited to: a. Availability and financing of adequate public facilities; b. Dedication or reservation of land; c. Impact fees; d. Creation of special assessment districts; e. Creation of restrictive covenants, easements, or servitudes; f. Special setbacks, yard or area requirements; g. Increased screening, landscaping, or buffering requirements; h. Development phasing; i. Standards pertaining to traffic, circulation, lighting, hours of operation, vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas, or other performance-related impact, or protection of environmentally sensitive areas and similar characteristics; and j. Provision of sustainable features; 2. Require that a performance guarantee be posted and a development agreement be entered into by the applicant to ensure continued compliance with all conditions and requirements as may be specified, in accordance with Article 2 Procedures, Division 4 Development agreements of this UDC. E. Approval criteria. A conditional use is permitted only if the applicant demonstrates that: 1. The proposed use shall comply with all applicable regulations of this Code; 2. The proposed use shall promote a high quality of development and will be compatible with existing development and development anticipated in the future, including recreational uses, public facilities, and open space resources. 3. The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the proposed use shall not have adverse impacts on the health, safety, comfort, or general welfare of persons living or working in the area, and shall not be injurious to property or improvements in the area. In making such a determination, consideration shall be given to: a. The location, type, and height of buildings, structures, or facilities; b. The type and extent of landscaping, screening, and buffering on the site; and c. Whether the proposed use is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, or future land use or development patterns of the comprehensive plan for the area, especially ones that encourage mixed uses or densities; 4. The proposed use shall not be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, or gas; 5. Adequate public facilities shall be provided as set forth in Article 7, Adequate public facilities required of this UDC; 6. Adequate measures shall be taken to provide ingress, egress, and interior circulation so designed as to minimize traffic hazards and congestion on the public streets and facilitate safe and convenient multi-modal transportation for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists; 7. The proposed use shall not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding property or the area; 8. The public interest and welfare supporting the proposed use shall be sufficient to outweigh the individual interests that may be adversely affected by the establishment of the proposed use. F. Subsequent applications. An application for CUP may be withdrawn at any time. If the application has been advertised for public hearing in compliance with the procedures of this UDC, an application requesting substantially the same use on all or part of the same described land shall not be reconsidered within one (1) year of withdrawal. No application for a CUP for any lot or parcel that requests the same use and same conditions shall be considered within one (1) year of a final decision denying the application. G. Amendments. An amendment is a request for any enlargement, expansion, increase in intensity or density, relocation, or modification of any condition of a previously approved and currently valid CUP. Unless otherwise provided, amendments shall be processed as follows: 1. Minor amendment. After review and comment from LURTC the Planning Director may approve a shift of five (5) percent or less, calculated cumulatively over what was approved in the initial CUP application, in the width, length, depth, or diameter of the location of a building, structure, or impervious surface to meet a foundation or similar study or accommodate a condition discovered during construction; or a five (5) percent or less increase in either building footprint, gross floor area, or impervious surface calculated cumulatively over what was approved in the initial CUP application; provided that such minor changes comply with the following criteria: a. No previous minor modification has been granted pursuant to this section; b. There will be no detrimental impact on any adjacent property caused by significant change in appearance or use of the property or any other contributing factor; c. The change does not involve the storage of hazardous, flammable, or toxic materials as determined by the Fire Director or Chief; d. Nothing in the currently valid CUP precludes or otherwise limits such expansion or enlargement; and e. The proposal conforms to the requirements of this UDC, complies with all regulations of this Code, and is in keeping with the intent of the comprehensive plan. 2. Major amendment. Any proposed amendment other than those provided in this section for minor amendment are considered a major amendment and shall be approved in the same manner and under the same procedures as are applicable to the issuance of the initial development approval. H. Nonconforming uses. For an existing and currently valid conditional use that is no longer allowed as a conditional use in the zoning district in which it is located, the Parish Council, upon receipt of an application forwarded by the Planning Director, may review and approve an amendment to said development approval, provided that such amendment does not allow the use to be enlarged, expanded, increased in intensity, relocated, or continued beyond any limitation specified in the existing use development approval or established in Chapter 40, Zoning, Article XXXVII Nonconforming uses of this Code. I. Recordation. A copy of all plans, agreements, ordinances, resolutions, or other documents associated with the authorization of a conditional use pursuant to this section shall be recorded at the expense of the applicant in the name of the property owner in the office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court, pursuant to the procedures of Sec. 33-2.25.4 Recordation of approved site plan of this UDC. J. Renewal. Unless excepted in a zoning district or specific use standard, or otherwise provided, a conditional use shall be renewed every two (2) years subject to the provisions of Sec. 40-764 Renewal of Special Permitted Use in Article XL. Special Permitted Uses of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-2.25. Site plan. Sec. 33-2.25.1. Purpose. Site plans are intended to provide detailed information about the location, design, and configuration of proposed buildings, parking, accessways, landscaping, yards, and other features of site development. This information is needed to demonstrate compliance with applicable requirements for the location and type of development and is vital to ensure the continued health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Recognizing that administrative staff is capable of evaluating site plans as a matter of course in the review of development permits, that the land development regulations are specific in terms of their requirements, including which uses are subject to site plan review and in which zoning districts site plan review shall occur, that the need for a public hearing is reduced for most projects, and in accordance with law, the Parish establishes a ministerial or staff procedure for site plan approval and provides a ministerial/quasi-judicial procedure and a legislative procedure for site plans that require a public hearing and action by the Board of Zoning Adjustments or the Parish Council. Sec. 33-2.25.2. Applicability. Site plans shall be required for development approvals as described in Table 332.25.2-1. and provided in the standards for each zoning district of this UDC or in this Code for a specific use, building type, or development pattern. In addition to establishing site plan applicability standards, zoning district standards may modify site plan review procedures and submittal requirements. Table 33-2.25.2-1: Development Approvals Requiring Site Plan Review, by District Zoning District New Development FC-1 FC-2 FC-3 ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ U-1S ļ¼ Change in Use Resulting in Increase in Required Parking ļ¼ Renovation Cost Exceeding 50% of Market Value ļ¼ Addition Exceeding 25% of Building Size ļ¼ All Changes With Exceptions Noted in District Regulations ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ Parking Lot ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ ļ¼ Sec. 33-2.25.3. Development review process. Unless otherwise provided in this Code, site plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The Planning Director shall forward the site plan to the LURTC for review and comment prior to action. Lack of findings from LURTC within ten (10) days shall be construed as no objection to approval. After evaluating LURTC comments and the site plan’s compliance with applicable development standards, the Planning Director shall render a decision: 1) the application qualifies for ministerial development approval; 2) the application qualifies for ministerial/quasijudicial development approval; or 3) the application is subject to legislative development approval. A. Ministerial development approval. Unless otherwise provided in this Code, the Planning Director shall approve the site plan if it fully complies with the criteria and standards set forth in the applicable zoning district and other applicable sections of this UDC, or Chapters of this Code. B. Ministerial/Quasi-judicial development approval. If the standards of the zoning district or in other applicable sections of this Code authorize the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) to grant a variance or exception for criteria and standards and the applicant requests this quasi-judicial action, the Planning Director shall forward the application with a recommendation regarding approval to the BZA and shall withhold approval of the site plan until the BZA takes final action. C. Legislative development approval. If the standards of the zoning district or in other applicable sections of this Code authorize the Parish Council to approve a concept or development plan, or grant a variance, waiver, or exception for criteria and standards and the applicant requests this legislative action, the Planning Director shall forward the application with a recommendation regarding approval to the Old Metairie Commission or the Planning Advisory Board, as applicable, for a public hearing and recommendation and to the Council for final action. E. Submittal requirements. The application for site plan review shall include the information listed in the Appendix of this UDC, unless additional information is required by the zoning district standards or other applicable sections of this Code, or the Planning Director finds, in writing, that specific information is not required or additional information is required to evaluate compliance with applicable development standards. F. Effect of approval. Final site plan approval, as indicated by the dated signature of the Council Chairman or Planning Director, as applicable, shall be valid for a period of one (1) year, except that a phasing plan approved by the Council or Planning Director, as applicable, may provide for approval of discreet project phases over a period of up to three (3) years. Site plan approvals of longer than three (3) years may be authorized through Parish Council approval of a development agreement as provided in Division 4, Development Agreements, in this Article. Sec. 33-2.25.4. Recordation of approved site plan. A. For ministerial approval of a site plan, the applicant shall submit one (1) original of the final site plan to the Planning Department for the Planning Director’s dated signature, which shall indicate final approval. Within three (3) days of the submittal of the plan, the Planning Department shall notify the applicant that the Director has signed the plan. The applicant shall return the original and five (5) copies of the signed site plan to the Planning Department. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the original and copies from the applicant, the Planning Director shall convey the approved site plan to the Clerk of Court for recordation and two (2) copies of the recorded plan to the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement. Recordation of the approved site plan shall be initiated by the Planning Department rather than the applicant, and shall be withheld until the requested number of site plans has been received by the Planning Department. B. When the Council approves the site plan, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department one (1) original and five (5) copies of the final site plan of the project as approved by the Council. After certification by the Planning Director that the submitted plans conform to the approval of the Council, as indicated by the dated signature of the Planning Director, the Planning Department shall submit the original and four (4) copies of the certified site plan to the Clerk of Council who shall submit the site plans to the Clerk of Court for recordation with the council ordinance or resolution that approved the project, within sixty (60) calendar days of the effective date of the ordinance, resolution, or certification by the Planning Director that the site plan conforms to the approval of the Council, whichever is later. After recordation, the Clerk of Council shall convey the original to the Planning Department and two (2) copies of the recorded site plan to the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement, and shall file one (1) copy of the recorded site plan with the Clerk of Court and one (1) copy with the Clerk of Council. C. The Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement shall not issue a building permit until it receives the recorded site plan from the Planning Department or Clerk of Council, as applicable. The site plan indicating the recordation shall be retained by the Clerk of Council, if applicable, and by the Planning Department and the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement, which shall flag properties subject to site plans in its records. If approval of the site plan lapses because no building permit has been issued or the building permit lapses and has not been reactivated, then the recorded site plan shall be deemed null and void. All approved site plans shall make reference to such conveyance cancellation on the plans prior to recordation. D. Upon notification in writing from the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement that site plan approval has lapsed for a property flagged for site plan approval, the Planning Director shall notify, if applicable, the Council in writing that an act of release with the Clerk of Court is necessary to provide inscription that releases the property from the recorded site plan. The Council shall authorize an act of release by resolution directing the Clerk of Council to file such act with the Clerk of Court. The Planning Director or Clerk of Council, as applicable, shall provide a copy of the recorded release to the Planning Department and the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement. E. Unless an act of release is filed, the recorded site plan shall thereafter be binding upon the applicants, their heirs, successors, and assigns; shall limit and control the issuance and validity of permits and certificates; and shall restrict and limit the use and operation of all land and structures within the area designated in the site plan and approval thereof. The initial application for site plan review shall include filing fees for recordation and release. Sec. 33-2.26. Zoning variances. For procedures of the Board of Zoning Adjustments for zoning variances under its purview, see Article XLII Board of Zoning Adjustments in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-2.27. Reserved Sec. 33-2.28. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.29. Reserved. DIVISION 3. SUBDIVISION Sec. 33-2.30. Exemptions. The following divisions of land shall be exempt from compliance with the subdivision procedures established in this UDC: A. Exceptions granted by State law; B. Any lot, parcel, or tract of land located within the area governed by these regulations that has been legally subdivided or re-subdivided by map, plat, or deed or other legal means prior to the adoption of these regulations; C. Cemetery lots; D. An interest in oil, gas, minerals, or building materials, which is now or hereafter severed from the surface ownership of real property; E. The creation of a leasehold for a space within a multi-occupant building or a commercial building site, provided that the property is a part of an approved subdivision or addition and regulated in accordance with the site plan requirements of the Parish; F. The creation of a leasehold for agricultural use of the subject property, provided that the use does not involve the construction of a building(s) to be used as a residence or for any purpose not directly related to agricultural use of the land or crops or livestock raised thereon; and G. Court approved subdivision or transfer of land by charitable gift or will, provided such gift or will has been recorded in the Office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court or ordered by a court of law, and further provided that the use, development, or transfer by sale of any land involved in a court approved subdivision or transferred by charitable gift or will shall be regulated by this Code. Sec. 33-2.31. Minor Subdivision Sec. 33-2.31.1.Purpose. The provision of adequate data concerning land use, utility requirements, traffic impact, streets, servitudes, and dedications is vital to ensure the continued health, safety, and welfare of the Parish’s residents. Recognizing that the significance of this data is reduced for small-scale projects that are most heavily impacted by cost of producing this data, that the need for a public hearing is reduced for most small projects, and in accordance with law, the Parish herein establishes a simplified procedure for minor subdivisions. Sec. 33-2.31.2.Applicability. Any subdivision meeting the criteria established in this section may be submitted to the Planning Director for ministerial review subject to the requirements of this section. Plats shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements listed in the Appendix of this UDC. A. The realignment or shifting of lot boundary lines including removal, addition, alignment, or shifting of interior lot boundary lines, or the designation or redesignation of lot numbers provided the application meets the following requirements: 1. Does not involve the creation of any new street, right-of-way in full ownership, or other public improvement but may provide for the dedication, acceptance, relocation, or deletion of public utility servitudes granted to Jefferson Parish, other than streets. 2. Does not involve more than two (2) acres of land or ten (10) lots of record. 3. Does not result in the creation of a lot that is below the minimum width, depth, and area requirements of this code, except when the new width, depth, or area increases conformance with the minimum width, depth, or area requirements of this code, without creating greater deficiency in any of these requirements. 4. Does not involve the creation of a subdivision with private street(s) as described in Sec. 33-7.5 Transportation of this UDC or the creation of a private or common driveway as described in Sec. 33-6.4 Block and Lot Standards (c) Single-family residential lots of this UDC. 5. Does not result in a lot of record that is designated with two (2) or more zoning districts, excluding overlay districts. 6. Does not result in the rear lot line of the new lot adjoining the side lot line of another lot or the side lot line of the new lot adjoining the rear lot line of another lot, when the property to be subdivided is within or abutting a residential zoning district, unless the following conditions are met: a. The adjacent lot(s) is under the same ownership as the subject lot; or b. The Planning Director receives no letter of objection after notifying abutting property owner(s) of the application for minor subdivision. The applicant shall provide the Planning Department with a notarized list of the names and addresses of the abutting property owners affected by the change in lot orientation as part of the application for minor subdivision, and the costs of certified mail shall be borne by the applicant. Any objection, which must comply with the following criteria, shall result in a major subdivision application: (1) Objection must be made in writing and signed by the abutting property owner(s) objecting to the minor subdivision; (2) Objection must be received in the Planning Department office within ten (10) days of the date of postage on the letter notifying the abutting property owner(s) of the application for minor subdivision; and (3) Objection to application shall be considered valid only if related to possible negative impact on neighboring properties if the minor subdivision is approved. A letter to the Planning Director objecting to the minor subdivision must detail the abutting property owner’s concerns regarding the specific impacts that the proposed minor subdivision may have on the abutting property. 7. Does not result in the creation of a through lot if the abutting lots are lots with single frontage when the property to be subdivided is within or abutting a residential zoning district. 8. Otherwise meets all the requirements of the subdivision and zoning ordinances, including Section 40-182 Application requirements and review procedures for Planning Department of Article X.5 Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District (MRTPD). B. Parcels of land where a portion has been expropriated or has been dedicated, sold, or otherwise transferred to the Parish, thereby leaving a severed portion of the original property that requires a re-designation of lot numbers and establishment of new lot boundary lines. C. If any of the following conditions are met, then the application shall be reviewed as a Major Subdivision: 1. The Planning Director determines that the proposed subdivision creates the need for off-site public infrastructure improvements that have not been funded by the Parish or on the Parish capital improvements program; and 2. The Planning Director determines that the proposed subdivision differs substantially from the neighborhood norm (as defined in this UDC). Sec. 33-2.31.3.Application and procedure. This application, with the information required in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director, who shall review and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. Lack of findings and recommendations from LURTC within five (5) days shall be construed as no objection to approval. If the processing of the minor subdivision application is not completed within six (6) months of application submittal, the application shall be deemed null and void and the planning director shall notify the applicant in writing that the application has been cancelled. Sec. 33-2.31.4. Review criteria. The minor subdivision shall comply with the criteria set forth for final plats. Sec. 33-2.31.5. Decision-maker. The Planning Director shall approve or send the application to the PAB and Council in conformance with the requirements for major subdivisions. Sec. 33-2.31.6. Process to record plat. A. Filing and recordation generally. All subdivision plats approved by this administrative procedure shall designate such fact on the plats and the plats shall be recorded in the conveyance records of the parish. Within ten (10) days of the planning director’s dated signature, which shall indicate final approval, the planning director shall convey the approved plat to the clerk of court for recordation. Any plat so approved shall have the same force and effect and legal status of a subdivision application approved by council ordinance. B. Recordation pending sale. If a lot, parcel or tract of land for which an applicant has requested a subdivision is the subject of a purchase agreement and the sale of the lot, parcel or tract of land is predicated on approval of the subdivision, then the applicant shall provide written statement of such fact in the application. Within sixty (60) days of the dated signature of the planning director for a minor subdivision, the applicant shall submit to the planning director a copy of the recorded act of sale that executed the sale of the subject lot, parcel, or tract of land. The Planning Director shall notify the applicant in writing of the impending deadline if receipt is not timely. If the applicant fails to submit a copy of the act of sale within sixty (60) days then the planning director shall file an act of release, on a form approved by the parish attorney’s office, with the clerk of court to provide inscription that releases the property from the recorded plat. Sec. 33-2.32. Major Subdivisions. Sec. 33-2.32.1.Concept plan. A. Purpose and applicability. The concept plan is intended to ensure that proposed land uses, intensities, and street layouts are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or applicable regulations. The concept plan is optional unless the applicant chooses to plat or develop contiguous land holdings in multiple phases. The concept plan is intended to provide assurance to the applicant and the Parish that proposed land uses, development intensities, and street layouts are acceptable prior to or in conjunction with action on a preliminary plat. The concept plan also establishes a schedule for completion of multi-phased development. B. Application and procedures. 1. The application process overview is shown in Figure 33-2.32.1-1. 2. The application, with all materials and information required in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director, who shall review the application for completeness and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. 3. The application for concept plan approval may be filed, processed, and heard concurrently with the preliminary plat for all or a portion of the land shown within the concept plan. If the entire concept plan area is included in the preliminary plat, then the concept plan and preliminary plat shall be approved through the same ordinance. If the preliminary plat includes only a portion of the concept plan area, then the concept plan shall be approved by resolution and the preliminary plan shall be approved by ordinance. 4. Notice shall be mailed, published, and posted in conformance with common procedures of this UDC. 5. The Planning Director shall incorporate the LURTC findings and recommendations with that of staff and forward one recommendation to the PAB, which shall conduct a public hearing. The Planning Director shall forward his findings and recommendations and those of the PAB to the Parish Council. 6. Parish Council shall, after considering the findings and recommendations of the PAB and Planning Director, approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application by resolution. Figure 33-2.32.1-1: Concept Plan Review Process. * * * C. Review criteria. The following criteria shall be considered when reviewing the concept plan: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents; 2. Consistency with existing or proposed zoning of the property; 3. Existing or proposed availability of adequate facilities and services; 4. Suitability of the site for the proposed development; 5. Compatibility of the proposed development with the neighborhood norm (as defined in this UDC), and 6. Compatibility of development with existing and planned land use patterns. D. Approval. 1. Unless specifically stated in the resolution of the Parish Council, approval of the concept plan shall constitute consent to proceed with the subdivision process subject to the conditions of approval, which should address the mix and intensity of proposed land uses, the general street layout, general drainage patterns, and the phasing of development shown within the concept plan. 2. Unless specifically stated in the resolution of the Parish Council, the concept plan approval shall lapse two (2) years after approval by the Parish Council if the applicant has not recorded a plat for the first phase of development, or, at any time during the two (2) year period, when development lags one (1) year behind the approved phasing plan. 3. Prior to lapse of approval, the applicant may file a written request with the Planning Director to make adjustments to the phasing plan, which shall be reviewed by the LURTC and acted on by resolution of the Parish Council. The Parish Council may direct the PAB to conduct a public hearing when changes to the phasing plan will affect property owners other than the applicant. 4. Re-approval of a lapsed concept plan shall follow the same procedure as the initial approval of a concept plan. 5. Adjustments to the concept plan may be authorized concurrently with subsequent preliminary plat submittals. Sec. 33-2.32.2. Preliminary plat. A. Purpose and applicability. The preliminary plat is intended to ensure that proposed divisions of land are consistent with adopted plans, policies, and regulations for land use, public facilities, and public services. preliminary plat approval shall be required prior to approval of the final plat for any major subdivision. If there are no public improvements required, the preliminary and final plats may be processed concurrently. B. Application and procedure. 1. The application process overview is shown in Figure 33-2.32.2-2. 2. The application, with all materials and information required in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director, who shall review and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. When applicable, the Planning Director shall also forward copies of the application to relevant agencies not represented on the LURTC. Agency comments shall be advisory and do not constitute approval or denial of the application. However, the Parish Council may address agency comments in its conditions of approval. 3. If the preliminary plat does not cover all contiguous land holdings of the applicant, then the applicant must submit a concept plan. 4. Notice shall be mailed, published, and posted in accordance with common procedures of this UDC. 5. The Planning Director shall forward a recommendation that incorporates the LURTC findings to the PAB, which shall conduct a public hearing. The Planning Director shall forward his findings and recommendations and those of the PAB to the Parish Council. 6. The Parish Council shall conduct a public hearing and, after considering the findings and recommendations of the PAB and Planning Director, as well as the testimony at the public hearings, shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the preliminary plat application by ordinance. Figure 33-2.32.2-2. Preliminary Plat Review Process. * * * C. Review criteria. The following review criteria shall be considered when reviewing the preliminary plat: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents; 2. Consistency with existing or proposed zoning of the property; 3. Existing or proposed availability of adequate facilities and services; 4. Suitability of the site for the proposed development; 5. Compatibility of development with existing and planned land use patterns; 6. Compatibility of the development with the neighborhood norm (as defined in this UDC); 7. Whether the proposed development is premature as evidenced by: the lack of adequate public facilities within a reasonable distance to the site; or extraordinary service delivery costs due to the remote location or poor access to the site; 8. Whether proposed lots and blocks are consistent with adopted design standards; 9. Whether proposed rights-of-way and servitudes are adequate to serve the property and are consistent with adopted plans; and 10. Whether the traffic impacts from the proposed development can be adequately mitigated in accordance with a traffic impact analysis, if required; and 11. Whether the proposed development is consistent with an applicable concept plan approval. D. Approval. 1. Unless specifically stated in the ordinance of the Parish Council, approval of the preliminary plat shall constitute consent to proceed with the subdivision process subject to the conditions of approval, which should address the subdivision lot design, street, and right-of-way arrangement, servitudes, common areas, and other subdivision design issues. If adequate information is available the ordinance may address on- and off-site improvement responsibilities. 2. Unless specifically stated in the ordinance of the Parish Council or a previous action on a phasing plan, the preliminary plat approval shall lapse one (1) year after approval by the Parish Council. 3. Prior to lapse of approval, the applicant may file a written request with the Planning Director for one (1) extension to the preliminary plat for a period not to exceed one (1) year. After considering the LURTC recommendation, the Parish Council may grant the request by resolution. Re-approval of a lapsed preliminary plat shall follow the same procedure as the initial approval of the preliminary plat. 4. Minor amendments to the preliminary plat may be approved by the Parish Council at the time of action on the final plat. Minor amendments may include any of the following changes: a. Changes to lot line locations that do not increase the number or change the orientation of lots and do not create any lots or blocks that fail to conform to subdivision or zoning design standards; b. Adjustments in rights-of-way and servitudes that do not substantially relocate a facility, do not create any unusable parcels, and do not create a substandard right-of-way or servitude; c. Reconfiguration of open space and common areas, provided that the change does not reduce the usability or area of common open space or reduce the effectiveness of the open space in buffering adjacent property; and d. Changes in internal circulation patterns of local streets that do not affect external or through traffic patterns. 5. Major amendments to the preliminary plat shall follow the same procedure as the initial approval of the preliminary plat. Sec. 33-2.32.3. Construction plans. A. Purpose and applicability. Construction plans document the design, location, materials and construction standards to be followed when making public improvements required to serve new development. Construction plan approval shall be required prior to approval of any final plat requiring construction or modification of water, sewer, stormwater or street improvements. B. Plan submittal and tracking. The applicant shall submit construction plans, prepared in conformance with the requirements listed in the Appendix of this UDC, to the Public Works Director. The plans shall, at a minimum, include complete plans and specifications for all servitudes, streets, traffic control devices, street lights, street signs, sanitary sewers, storm water facilities, water system facilities, and sidewalks to be provided to each lot within the subdivision together with other improvements required by these regulations. The status of construction plans and subsequent public improvements shall be recorded in the LURTC tracking system. C. Public agency reviews. The Public Works Director shall review and act on all construction plans within twenty-two (22) days of submittal of a complete set of plans. The Public Works Director shall review and act upon up to two (2) amended submittals within fifteen (15) days for each amended submittal. If a third amended submittal is required, it shall be treated as a new application for construction plan approval. Prior to approving the construction plans, the Public Works Director shall forward the plans to applicable local reviewing agencies and public utility companies that will service the subdivision and the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development if the subdivision abuts or requires a road connection to any State route. The Public Works Director, after written notice to the applicant, may seek consultation in the review of plans and the applicant shall pay the costs of such consultations. D. Construction plan requirements. All improvements required pursuant to these regulations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the design standards and plan requirements of these regulations, the standards and specifications of the Parish and, where applicable, the requirements and authorization of the appropriate state agency, utility company, or local franchisee. E. Approval. Following agency and utility approvals, the Public Works Director shall review the plans and specifications for minimum improvements and shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the construction plans, and record the action in the LURTC tracking system. The Public Works Director shall determine whether the construction plans and specifications comply with the adopted standards and procedures for subdivision improvements, and shall determine the amount of bond or other instrument of financial guarantee, if required. Sec. 33-2.32.4. Final plat. A. Purpose and applicability. The final plat is intended to ensure that proposed subdivisions of land are consistent with adopted plans, policies, and regulations for land use, public facilities, and public services and the approved preliminary plat. Final plat approval shall be required prior to recording a major subdivision. B. Application and procedures. 1. The application process overview is shown in Figure 33-2.33.4-3. 2. The application, with all materials and information required in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director, who shall review and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. The Planning Director shall forward copies of the application to relevant agencies not represented on the LURTC. Agency comments shall be advisory and do not constitute approval or denial of the application. However, the Parish Council may address agency comments in its conditions of approval. 3. If the final plat does not cover all contiguous land holdings of the applicant, then the applicant must submit a concept plan prior to review and action on the final plat unless a phasing plan was approved as part of the preliminary plat application for all contiguous land holdings. 4. The Planning Director shall forward a recommendation that incorporates LURTC findings to the Parish Council. After considering the findings and recommendations of the LURTC, and other agencies, the Parish Council shall, by resolution, approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final plat application. 5. If no public improvements are required, the Council may review and act upon the preliminary and final plat applications concurrently. Concurrent approval shall be by ordinance. Figure 33-2.32.4-3: Final Plat Review Process. * * * C. Review criteria. The following review criteria shall be considered when reviewing the final plat: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents; 2. Consistency with existing or proposed zoning of the property; 3. Existing or proposed availability of adequate facilities and services; 4. Consistency with the approved preliminary plat, including the resolution of any conditions established at the time of preliminary plat and applicable concept plan approval. D. The final plat may necessitate minor amendments to the preliminary plat, which may include any of the following changes: 1. Changes to lot line locations that do not increase the number or change the orientation of lots and do not create any lots or blocks that fail to conform to subdivision or zoning design standards; 2. Adjustments in rights-of-way and servitudes that do not substantially relocate a facility, do not create any unusable parcels, and do not create a substandard right-of-way or servitude; 3. Reconfiguration of open space and common areas, provided that the change does not reduce the usability or area of common open space or reduce the effectiveness of the open space in buffering adjacent property; and 4. Changes in internal circulation patterns of local streets that do not affect external or through traffic patterns. E. Approval. The Parish Council resolution approving the final plat shall include: 1. Acceptance of improvements or acceptance of guarantees for completion of improvements; 2. Authorization of the Parish Council Chair to sign a development agreement, if applicable; 3. Approval of minor amendments to preliminary plat; and 4. Authorization to record the plat. F. Approval of the final plat shall constitute consent to record the final plat subject to the conditions of approval. Sec. 33-2.32.5. Inspection and acceptance of improvements. A. Guarantees required. Prior to recording a final plat approval, the applicant shall complete all required public improvements shown in the construction plans to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director or enter into a development agreement guaranteeing the completion of required public improvements. B. Construction of improvements. 1. Timing. Construction may begin after the applicant has received construction plan approval from the Public Works Director and secured all required permits and other approvals. 2. Filing of plans. Approved construction plans shall be retained in the office of the Public Works Director. 3. Survey monuments. All subdivision boundary corners shall be marked with survey monuments in conformance with the requirements in State law. If survey monuments are removed during construction, a registered land surveyor shall replace them before the final plat is approved and/or before the Parish accepts improvements. 4. Guarantees. Prior to initiating construction, the applicant shall submit financial guarantees, approved by the Parish Attorney, in the amount of onehundred ten percent (110%) percent of the public improvement costs. This guarantee may be released in phases, or in whole upon certification by the Public Works Director that improvements have been inspected and found to comply with approved construction plans. C. Modification of construction plans. Installation of improvements and construction shall conform to the approved construction plans. If the applicant makes minor modifications in design and/or specifications during construction, such changes shall be made at the applicant's own risk, unless approved in writing prior to construction. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Public Works Director in advance of any changes to be made to the approved plans. After completion of construction, the applicant shall submit to the Public Works Director “As-Built” plans prepared by a registered professional engineer with a statement by the engineer to the effect that the installed improvements conform to the approved construction plans with any exceptions noted. When the applicant deviates from the construction plans, the Parish may take such other actions as may be deemed appropriate including, but not limited to, revocation of construction plan approval and/or permits already issued and/or withholding of future approvals and permits. D. Inspection required. All improvements required by this UDC shall be inspected by the Public Works Director, except for improvements made under the jurisdiction of other public agencies or by an independent engineer as authorized in a written agreement with the Parish. In these cases, engineers or inspectors of such agency will make the necessary inspections. Where inspections are E. F. G. H. I. J. made by other agencies, the applicant shall provide the Parish with written reports of each final inspection. Inspection schedule. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Public Works Director in writing of the commencement of construction of improvements forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. Inspections shall be required at each of the following stages of construction or as otherwise determined through an owner contract or development agreement: 1. Site grading/erosion control completion. 2. Start and completion of each phase of underground utility construction, including, but not limited to, all underground water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities. 3. Subgrade preparation prior to aggregate base installation. 4. Aggregate base compaction. 5. Concrete curb and gutter installation. 6. Prior to paving streets. 7. Upon completion of each improvement. Compliance with standards. The applicant and the bonded construction contractor shall bear full and final responsibility for the installation and construction of all required improvements according to the provisions of these regulations and the standards and specifications of other public agencies. Acceptance. 1. Approval of the installation and construction of improvements by the Public Works Director shall not constitute acceptance by the Parish of the improvement for dedication purposes. 2. The Parish shall not have any responsibility with respect to any street or other improvement, notwithstanding the use of the same by the public, unless the street or other improvements have been accepted by resolution of the Parish Council upon recommendation of the Public Works Director. 3. The Parish shall not accept any improvements without the provision by the developer of a one (1) year warranty with surety equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the total cost of improvements to ensure that any failures occurring within the warranty period will be properly repaired. This warranty shall be in a form approved by the Parish Attorney. Site clean-up. The applicant shall be responsible for removal of all equipment, material, and general construction debris from the subdivision and from any lot, street, public way or property therein or adjacent thereto. Dumping of such debris into sewers, onto adjacent property, or onto other land in the Parish, other than an approved landfill, is prohibited. Failure to complete improvements. If a development agreement has been executed and security has been posted and required public improvements are not installed pursuant to the terms of the agreement, the Parish may: 1. Declare the development to be in default and require that all public improvements be installed within six (6) months, regardless of the extent of completion of the development at the time the agreement is declared to be in default; 2. Accept the applicant’s vacation of the recorded plat; 3. Obtain funds pursuant to the surety and complete the public improvements by itself or through a third party; 4. Assign its right to receive funds pursuant to the surety in whole or in part to any third party, including a subsequent owner of the subdivision or addition for whom the public improvements were not constructed, in exchange for the subsequent development agreement ensuring the completion of the required public improvements; and/or 5. Exercise any other rights available under the law. Release of construction surety upon completion of public improvements. Upon a satisfactory inspection of public improvements and acceptance by the Public Works Director, the Parish Council shall adopt a resolution accepting improvements and releasing the surety in the affected subdivision plat. The surety for construction shall not be released until the Parish has accepted a warranty for maintenance of improvements. Upon written request of the applicant, the Jefferson Parish Council Clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the applicant and the company providing the guarantees. Sec. 33-2.32.6. Process to record plat. A. Filing and recordation generally. After the parish council chairman, or in his absence, the vice-chairman, has signed the plat and the Planning Director has determined that all other certifications and instruments required for recordation are in order, the Planning Director shall forward a copy of the plat and related documents to the Jefferson Parish Council Clerk for recordation within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the ordinance that approved the concurrent preliminary and final plat or the resolution that approved the final plat. B. Recordation pending sale. If a lot, parcel or tract of land for which an applicant has requested a subdivision is the subject of a purchase agreement and the sale of the lot, parcel or tract of land is predicated on approval of the subdivision, then the applicant shall provide written statement of such fact in the application. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the ordinance that approved the concurrent preliminary and final plat, or the resolution that approved the final plat, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director a copy of the recorded act of sale that executed the sale of the subject lot, parcel or tract of land. The planning director shall notify the applicant in writing of the impending deadline if receipt is not timely. If the applicant fails to submit a copy of the act of sale within sixty (60) days then the Planning Director shall submit an ordinance to the council that rescinds the ordinance that approved the plat Sec. 33-2.33. Plat corrections. A. Purpose and applicability. The following short form approval process may be used to correct a plat error, including the correction of any other type of formal, non-substantive, clerical error, or omission by the Parish Council; such errors and omissions may include, but are not limited to: lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent recorded Plats. B. Application and procedure. This application, with the information required in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director, who shall review and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. Lack of findings and recommendations from LURTC within five (5) days shall be construed as no objection to approval. C. Review criteria. Each of the following criteria shall be satisfied prior to approval of the plat correction: 1. All resultant parcels shall comply with the minimum standards required by this UDC; 2. No reduction in street right-of-way width or reduction of servitude width shall occur; and 3. The action shall not adversely affect the character of the previously recorded Plat or the character of the area. D. Decision-maker. The Planning Director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny all applications for plat corrections or adjustments after receiving and considering the LURTC findings and recommendations. The Planning Director shall be the final decision-maker except that the applicant may appeal the decision of the Planning Director to the Parish Council through the major subdivision process. If the plat correction is not recorded within six (6) months of application submittal, the application shall be deemed null and void. Sec. 33-2.34. Abandonments. A. Purpose. When deemed to be in the public interest, and where no private rights will be injured or endangered and neither the public nor abutting property owners will suffer significant loss or inconvenience thereby, all or a portion of any street, alley, or public reservation, including, but not limited to, public utility or drainage servitudes, dedicated building setback lines and access control, or subdivision plat may be vacated, in conformance with State law. Applications for abandonment of any street, alley or a public reservation or subdivision plat may be made by the Parish or by any owner of property on which the street, alley, or public reservation lies or adjoins. B. Applicability. A street or servitude may be vacated if the street, alley, or public reservation, or servitude is not necessary for the public safety or convenience and meets the review criteria set forth below. A plat may be abandoned if it has not been developed or has been partially developed and the owner desires to abandon the undeveloped portion thereof. C. Application and procedure. Any street, alley, or public reservation, or portion thereof, certain public rights-of-way, or subdivision plat may be abandoned by ordinance adopted by the Parish Council. An application for abandonment shall be filed with the Parish Attorney, who shall review and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations. The Parish Attorney shall forward copies of the application to relevant agencies not represented on the LURTC. Agency comments shall be advisory and do not constitute approval or denial of the application. However, the Parish Council may address agency comments in its conditions of approval. Following the adoption of any ordinance abandoning any street, alley, or public reservation, or portion thereof, or subdivision plat, the Parish Clerk shall file a copy thereof for recording. Any abandonment of right-ofway, reservation or servitude occurring on a recorded plat shall be noted on the Plat. D. Reservation of servitudes. In abandoning any street, alley, or public reservation, or portion thereof, either by plat or by ordinance, the Parish Council may reserve such rights-of-way and other servitudes as in the judgment of the Council are necessary or desirable for public service. E. Reversion of land abandoned. Streets, alleys or other public reservations that have been abandoned shall be sold or shall revert to the owners of adjoining properties as provided by State law and any amendments thereto. F. Review criteria. 1. The proposal is in conformance with State law. 2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan, and other adopted plans and policies of the Parish; 3. The proposal shall not create any parcel of land without Parish-approved access to public right-of-way; 4. The proposal shall not restrict access to any parcel so that such access is unreasonable, economically prohibitive, or devalues any property affected by the proposed vacation; 5. The proposal shall have no adverse impacts on the health, safety, and/or welfare of the general community, and shall not reduce the quality of public services provided to any parcel of land; and 6. There is evidence that the right-of-way, reservation, or servitude or subdivision plat is no longer needed by any of the parties having an interest in same. G. Decision-maker. The Parish Council shall review the application in the same manner as a Plat at a public hearing and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. Sec 33-2.35. Subdivision waivers. A. Purpose. Subdivision waivers provide a mechanism for relief for property owners when strict application of this UDC would result in practical difficulties or a particular hardship to a property owner due to unique conditions of a property proposed to be subdivided. Waivers may be granted for lot dimensions and setbacks at the time of preliminary plat approval. The waiver granted shall be the minimum necessary to permit reasonable use of the land. B. Applicability. Subdivision waivers to the provisions of this UDC may be requested when an applicant can demonstrate that the unique parcel shape, size, configuration or other conditions preclude compliance with this UDC. C. Application and procedure. The application, with the required information as listed in the Appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director. Subdivision waiver requests shall be requested in writing along with a plat application and processed concurrently with a Preliminary Plat application. D. Required findings. A waiver is not a right. In conformance with State law, a waiver may be granted only upon finding that: 1. The property cannot be developed reasonably under the provisions of this UDC; 2. The requested waiver will not conflict with the purposes of this UDC or the Comprehensive Plan; 3. The hardship does not generally apply to other properties in the Parish. Reasons for hardship may relate to the particular property, because of size, shape, topography, or other physical conditions, rather than personal circumstances; 4. If the applicant complies strictly with the provisions of this UDC, then the applicant will be unable to make reasonable use of the affected property; 5. The hardship does not exist because of conditions created by the owner or previous owners of the property; 6. Granting the requested waiver will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this UDC to other lands that are similarly situated and configured; 7. The granting of the waiver will not be contrary to the public interest, will not adversely affect property values, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity, and will be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this UDC; and 8. The waiver requested is the minimum modification to this UDC necessary to alleviate the hardship. E. Decision maker. Decisions on subdivision waivers to this UDC shall be made by the Parish Council. When a waiver to this UDC constitutes a waiver to multiple sections of this UDC, separate actions shall not be required to modify the provisions of each section. However, each waiver shall be cited in the ordinance approving the preliminary plat and shall be noted on the final plat. Sec. 33-2.36. Appeals from staff interpretations (reserved). Sec. 33-2.37. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.38. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.39. Reserved. DIVISION 4. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Sec. 33-2.40. Purpose. The purpose of a development agreement is to ensure completion of public improvements and facilities, to assign responsibility for construction and funding of on and off-site improvements, to provide assurances to the applicant that the development may proceed under the terms of the development agreement, and to document all agreements between the Parish and the applicant relating to a development. Sec. 33-2.41. Applicability. Except as provided below, before a subdivision plat is recorded or the department of inspection and code enforcement issues the final certificate of compliance or completion on the building permit for a site plan approved by the Planning Director or Council, all applicants shall be required to complete, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, all street, sanitary, and other public improvements required by this UDC. The required improvements shall be those specified in the approved construction plans or site plans. Sec. 33-2.42. Conditions. If the applicant chooses not to complete all required on and off-site public improvements prior to final plat approval or issuance of the final certificate of compliance or completion, the applicant shall provide financial guarantees in favor of the Parish to assure the construction of on- and off-site public improvements identified in the final plat or site plan approval and documented in the development agreement. This surety shall remain in effect for the duration of the agreement or until the Parish has accepted all improvements. In the event the applicant is unable to complete the required improvements, and such improvements are deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health and safety, the Parish may use the guarantee to complete the improvements as required or pursue other remedies authorized by State law. Sec. 33-2.43. Guarantee of completion of public improvements. The Parish Council may defer the requirement for the completion of required improvements if the applicant enters into a development agreement by which the applicant guarantees completion of all required public improvements no later than two (2) years following the date upon which the council approves the final plat or the department of Inspection and Code Enforcement issues the final certificate of compliance or completion on the building permit for a site plan approved by the Planning Director or Council. The Parish Council may authorize an agreement providing for multi-phase development over a longer period of time, provided that the agreement includes a phasing schedule and that provisions are made for guaranteeing completion of improvements required to serve each phase as it is subdivided or, in the case of a site plan, developed. The Council may require the applicant to complete and/or dedicate some required public improvements, rights-of-way, or servitudes for subsequent development phases prior to approval of the final plat or issuance of the final certificate of compliance or completion for a site plan for any phase of a multi- phase development. For public improvements serving multiple developments the Council may accept a pro rata contribution towards the funding of required public improvements. The Parish Attorney’s approval of the form and legality of any development agreement is required prior to its execution. The Public Works Director shall verify that improvement costs provided by the applicant reasonably reflect the costs of required improvements prior to execution of the development agreement. Sec. 33-2.44. Covenants to run with the land. The development agreement shall provide that the covenants contained therein shall run with the land and bind all successors, heirs, and assignees of the applicant. The development agreement shall be recorded with the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court in conjunction with the applicable final plat or site plan. Applicants shall be required to have all existing lien holders subordinate their liens to the covenants contained in the development agreement. Sec. 33-2.45. Performance security. A. Security required. Whenever the Parish Council permits an applicant to enter into a development agreement under this section, the applicant shall be required to provide sufficient security to ensure completion of the required public improvements. The security shall be in the form of performance bond, a trust agreement, a letter of credit, cash escrow, or a surety bond acceptable to the Parish and naming the Parish as the beneficiary and guaranteeing construction of subject improvements. B. Amount of security. The performance bond, trust agreement, letter of credit, cash escrow, or surety bond shall be in an amount estimated by the Public Works Director as reflecting one-hundred ten percent (110%) of the cost of the improvements in the approved construction plan or site plan as calculated using prevailing wage rates, and shall be sufficient to cover all promises and conditions contained in the development agreement. C. Performance bond. In addition to all other security, when the Parish participates in the cost of an improvement, the applicant shall provide a performance bond from the contractor, with the Parish as a co-obligee. D. Any performance or surety bond written for a project under this Section shall be written by a surety or insurance company currently on the U.S. Department of Treasury Financial Management Service list of approved bonding companies which is published annually in the Federal Register, or by a Louisiana domiciled insurance company with at least an A rating in the latest printing of the A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide to write individual bonds up to ten percent of policyholder’s surplus as shown in the A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide. E. No Surety Company will be accepted as bondsman that does not have a permanent agent or representative in the State of Louisiana upon whom notices may be served. Service of notice on said agent or representative in the State of Louisiana shall be equal to service of notice on the president of the surety company or such other officer as may be concerned. F. Should the applicant’s surety, even though approved and accepted by Jefferson Parish, subsequently remove its agency or representative from the State of Louisiana or terminate its residency or license in this state or become insolvent, bankrupt, or otherwise fail, the applicant shall furnish a new bond by another company approved by Jefferson Parish at no cost to Jefferson Parish. The new bond shall be executed under the same terms and conditions as the original bond. Sec. 33-2.46. Escrow agent. If security is provided in the form of a cash escrow, the applicant shall deposit with the Parish Clerk of Council a cash amount or certified check endorsed to the escrow agent for a face value in an amount not less than the amount specified by the Public Works Director. Sec. 33-2.47. Accrual. The performance bond, trust agreement, letter of credit, surety bond or cash escrow account shall accrue to the Parish for administering the construction, operation, and maintenance of the improvements. Sec. 33-2.48. Reimbursement. Where oversized facilities are required, the development agreement shall establish the amounts and terms of any reimbursements to be granted to the applicant. Sec. 33-2.49. Temporary improvements. The applicant shall construct and pay for all costs of temporary improvements required by the Parish and shall maintain said temporary improvements for the period specified. Sec. 33-2.50. Governmental units. Governmental units to which these improvement and security provisions apply may file, in lieu of the Agreement and security, a contract by the officers or officials authorized to act on their behalf, agreeing to comply fully with all applicable provisions of these regulations. Sec. 33-2.51. Decision-maker. The Parish Council shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the development agreement through the resolution approving a final plat or the ordinance approving a preliminary plat or granting a rezoning. For a development agreement associated with a site plan approved by the planning director or council, the council shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the development agreement through an ordinance. Sec. 33-2.52. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.53. Reserved. Sec. 33-2-54. Reserved. DIVISION 5. BUILDING, USE, AND OCCUPANCY Sec. 33-2.55. Generally. The ministerial development approvals described in this Division typically occur late in the development approval process and authorize construction of a structure, improvement of land, or establishment of land use. No land shall be disturbed and no building or structure shall be erected, added to, or structurally altered until a development approval has been issued by the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement. All development approvals shall comply with the requirements of this Code. No development approval, building permit, certificate of completeness or occupancy shall be issued for any building, structure, or activity where said construction, addition, alteration, or use violates any provision of this Code. Sec. 33-2.56. Building permit. See Chapter 8 of this Code. Sec. 33-2.57. Certificate of occupancy (reserved). Sec. 33-2.58. Sign permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.59. Temporary use permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.60. Home occupancy permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.61. Floodplain development permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.62. Right-of-way construction permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.63. Access permit (reserved). Sec. 33-2.64. Major development applications (reserved). Sec. 33-2.65. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.66. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.67. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.68. Reserved. Sec. 33-2.69. Reserved. SECTION III. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 3, Zoning, is hereby amended by creating six divisions and reformatting, renumbering, clarifying existing regulations, and adding provisions and references to read as follows: DIVISION 1. INTRODUCTION Sec. 33-3.1. Purpose. A. The intent of the Parish Council is to move all of its zoning regulations to Chapter 33. During the transition, the zoning provisions of this Chapter and in Chapter 40 of this Code supplement each other. To the extent that this chapter lacks provisions and standards common to all districts and procedures for applying, administering and enforcing its regulations, the provisions, standards, and procedures of Chapter 40 shall apply; to the extent that the provisions of this chapter conflict with the provisions of Chapter 40, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. All references to the UDC refer to Chapter 33 of this Code. B. Pursuant to State law, the Parish Charter, and the Comprehensive Plan in Article VI, Chapter 25 Planning and Development of this Code, the regulations of this Article have the purposes of Sec. 33-1.4 of this UDC and further are designed to: 1. Lessen congestion in the streets; 2. Promote safety from fire, flooding, and other dangers; 3. Provide adequate light and air; 4. Prevent the overcrowding of land; 5. Distribute land uses to meet the physical, social, cultural, and economic needs of present and future populations; 6. Ensure that new development is compatible with surrounding development in use, character, and size; 7. Provide for land uses that serve important public needs; 8. Promote mixed-use buildings and mixed-use neighborhoods at appropriate locations; 9. Promote residential development infill housing while enhancing the quality of residential neighborhoods; 10. Encourage retail development along major transportation corridors and in regional, community, and neighborhood centers; 11. Promote employment generators and the commercial and industrial land uses that comprise their core; 12. Protect and preserve places and areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance; and 13. Protect natural resources. C. In accordance with the foregoing purposes, this Article establishes regulations governing the following: 1. The location and use of buildings, other structures, and land for residential, commercial, industrial, or other purposes; 2. The height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures; 3. The percentage of a lot that may be occupied; 4. The size of yards and other open spaces; and 5. Population density. Sec. 33-3.2. General requirements. Pursuant to this Article and Sec. 40-46 Restriction on land, buildings, and structures of Article III General Provisions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code, no land shall be used or occupied and no building or structure shall be designed, erected, moved, altered, enlarged, occupied, or used or intended to be used except in conformity with all regulations, compliance with all standards, and upon performance of all conditions associated with any special or conditional use permit, variance, appeal, rezoning, planned development, or site plan approval. Sec. 33-3.3. Establishment of zoning districts. In order to regulate, classify, and provide a framework for the location and use of land, buildings, and structures; the height and size of buildings; the area of yards and other open spaces; and the density and intensity of land development, this Article establishes base zoning districts, overlay zoning districts, and floating zones. Sec. 33-3.3.1. Base zoning districts. The unincorporated areas of Jefferson Parish are divided into the following base zoning districts: A. Conventional base zoning districts that promote a single use or permit a limited variety of use types. 1. B-1 Batture District. 2. S-1 Suburban District. 3. R-1D Rural Residential District. 4. R-1C Rural Residential District. 5. R-1B Suburban Residential District. 6. R-1A Single-Family Residential District. 7. R-1MH Manufactured Home District. 8. R-2 Two-Family Residential District. 9. RR-3 Three- and Four-Family Residential District. 10. R-1TH Townhouse District. 11. R-1CO Condominium District. 12. CD-R Core District-Residential District. 13. R-3 Multiple-Family Residential District. 14. GO-2 General Office District. 15. GO-1 General Office District. 16. H-1 Medical Service District. 17. H-2 Medical Service District. 18. BC-1 Business Core District. 19. C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 20. BC-2 Business Core District. 21. C-2 General Commercial District. 22. OW-1 Office Warehouse District. 23. MUCD Mixed-Use Corridor District. 24. M-1 Industrial District. 25. M-2 Industrial District. 26. M-3 Industrial District. 27. M-4 Industrial District. B. Districts that promote a mix of uses. 1. OBM-1 Old Bucktown Mixed-Use Residential District. 2. OBM-2 Old Bucktown Mixed-Use Commercial District. 3. FC-1 Fat City Pedestrian-Core District. 4. FC-2 Fat City Residential Mixed-Use District. 5. FC-3 Fat City Commercial Mixed-Use District. 6. U-1S Unrestricted Suburban District. 7. U-1R Unrestricted Rural District. Sec. 33-3.3.2. Overlay zoning districts. The following overlay zoning districts are established for unincorporated Jefferson Parish. These districts impose additional requirements on certain properties within one or more underlying base zoning districts: A. CPZ Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone is an overlay district which may be superimposed on any zoning district and may be approved as a modified proposal for any requested zoning change in compliance with the zoning procedures of this Chapter. B. OMNCD Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District is an overlay district with boundaries defined in Article X Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. C. MRTPD Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District is an overlay district with boundaries defined in Article X.5 Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-3.3.3 Floating zones. The following floating zones are established for unincorporated Jefferson Parish in order to establish procedures and standards for the siting of uses that have unique neighborhood, environmental, or design impacts and have not been previously identified on the official zoning map, and that require individual, legislative approval to establish appropriate standards. A. GED Gaming and Entertainment District. B. P-1 Penal and Criminal Correctional Institution District. Sec. 33-3.3.4. Official zoning map. The maps delineating the boundaries of the zoning districts, together with all matters and information shown on these maps, collectively constitute the official zoning map. The official zoning map, available from electronic records of the Geographic Information System (GIS) of Jefferson Parish and kept current by the Jefferson Parish Planning Department, is hereby adopted, approved, and made a part of this Chapter, and all of this map including legends, notations, references, and other information set forth thereon shall form a part of this Chapter as if all the matter and information set forth on the map were fully described and copied herein. The official zoning map contained in said electronic records is based on the paper official zoning maps dated and adopted January 27, 1966, and as amended thereafter. Sec. 33-3.3.5. Interpretation of boundaries and classification. When uncertainty exists as to the boundaries shown on the official zoning map, the following rules shall apply: A. Boundaries indicated as following or approximately parallel to the right-of-way lines or centerlines of streets, alleys, and other roadways; platted lot lines, parish limits, and other boundary lines; the boundaries or centerlines of canals, the river, lakes, other water courses, and other natural topographic features, shall be construed to be such lines or boundaries or construed as parallel at a distance indicated by dimension or scale of the official zoning map; B. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the main tracks; C. In unsubdivided property or tracts, where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundaries shall be determined by use of the dimensions or scale of the official zoning map; D. Whenever any street, alley, or public way not subject to zoning regulations is vacated by official action of Jefferson Parish or the State of Louisiana, the zoning district line adjoining each side of such street, alley, or other public way shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all areas so involved shall then be subject to all regulations of the extended districts; and E. Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground vary from those shown on the official zoning map, or in case any further uncertainty exists, the Planning Director shall determine the location of boundaries. Sec. 33-3.4. Master Use matrix. Sec. 33-3.4.1. Interpretation. Table 33-3.4.3-1. Master Use Matrix lists the principal uses allowed by right within zoning districts as well as uses that may be authorized subject to supplemental conditions or approval of a conditional use permit. Function and structure codes of the Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) of the American Planning Association (APA) correspond to the authorized uses and shall be used to define uses. (Table 33-3.4.1-1) The function code refers to the economic function or type of establishment. The structure code refers to the type of structure or building. In the land use matrices, the structure code is sometimes provided to augment the function with a structural or building characteristic. All uses are subject to the standards and regulations within this Code. Table 33-3.4.1-1. LBCS Level 1 Classifications. LBCS Function Classification LBCS Structure Classification Code (Level 1) (Level 1) RESIDENCE OR ACCOMMODATION FUNCTIONS RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS GENERAL SALES OR SERVICES COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND OTHER SPECIALIZED STRUCTURES 2000 MANUFACTURING PUBLIC ASSEMBLY STRUCTURES 3000 TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION, AND UTILITIES INSTITUTIONAL OR COMMUNITY FACILITIES ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, RECREATION TRANSPORTATION-RELATED FACILITY EDUCATION, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, HEALTH CARE UTILITY AND OTHER NONBUILDING STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIZED MILITARY STRUCTURES 7000 MINING & EXTRACTION SHEDS, FARM BUILDINGS, OR AGRICULTURAL FACILITIES 8000 1000 4000 5000 6000 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, SUBSURFACE OR NO 9000 FISHING & HUNTING STRUCTURE A. LBCS hierarchy. 1. No entry. The LBCS function codes establish a four-digit hierarchy of uses with digits to the right expressing greater specificity. Where no entry appears in the zoning district columns of Table 33-3.4.3-1 (for example 1000, 1100 and 1110), the uses described more specifically in the rows below (1111 and 1112 in the above example) indicate whether or not a specific use is authorized. 2. Entry. Where an entry appears in the zoning district columns of Table 333.4.3-1 for a general use (for example 2520) and also for a more specific use (for example 2521) within the same classification, the more specific code and its entry shall govern. B. Entries for permitted uses. 1. A "P" indicates the listed use is allowed by right within the respective zoning district. 2. An "S" indicates that the listed use is allowed subject to the supplemental use regulations established in the zoning district standards, in Article 5 of this UDC, or elsewhere in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. C. Entry for conditional uses. A "C" indicates the listed use is allowed within the respective zoning district only after review and approval of a conditional use permit by the Parish Council in accordance with Sec. 33-2.24 Conditional Use Permit of this UDC. For purposes of this UDC, a special permitted use is the same as a conditional use. Note that supplementary conditions for some of these uses are established in Article 5 of this UDC and within regulations for specific zoning districts. D. Entry for prohibited uses. An "X" indicates the listed use is not allowed within the respective zoning district, unless otherwise expressly allowed within this UDC. Sec. 33-3.4.2. Uses not specifically listed. In the case where a use is not listed in the Master Use Matrix (Table 33-3.4.3-1), and such use is not otherwise prohibited by law, the Planning Director and the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall determine whether a substantially similar use exists in the use matrix. If the Directors determine that a substantially similar use exists, then the regulations governing that use shall apply to the particular use not listed. If the Directors determine that a substantially similar use does not exist, the Planning Director shall refer to the following documents and rules of construction to address the matter: A. LBCS Tables, American Planning Association, LBCS Project, 07-Oct-09 or latest edition B. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), United States, 2007 or latest edition. C. If the Planning Director determines that the LBCS Tables do not address the use at the appropriate level of specificity, then she shall refer to the NAICS for guidance. If a use is listed for a general classification while a more specific classification within the same industry classification is also listed, the specific classification shall govern. D. In referring to the NAICS, the Planning Director shall consider the industry description and illustrative examples of the most specific NAICS classification that may apply to the use, and shall compare uses across similar levels of specificity within the same NAICS classification and between NAICS and LBCS classifications. E. If all nine (9) LBCS codes within a classification are populated with uses to the fourth or most specific digit, then the Planning Director shall determine the most appropriate location among existing codes for a use not specifically listed, based on the NAICS and LBCS descriptions and illustrative examples. F. If LBCS has unpopulated codes within a classification and none of the listed codes are appropriate for the unlisted use, then the Planning Director shall assign a new LBCS code based on the national standardization of the NAICS and LBCS descriptions and the Parish's needs for zoning and land use classification. G. If the Planning Director determines that a new LBCS code is needed in the use matrix (Table 33-3.4.3-1), then she shall call a text study of the use matrix in accordance with section 33-2.23 to establish a specific listing for the use and the appropriate district or districts where such use shall be allowed. H. If, when seeking periodic ratification of interpretations through text amendment to this Code, the Planning Director's or Inspection and Code Enforcement Director’s interpretation is reversed by action of the Council, then decisions regarding a development application made in reliance on the Director's interpretation shall be valid, except that nonconforming use regulations of this Code shall apply. Sec. 33-3.4.3. Master Use matrix. Table 33-3.4.3-1. Master Use Matrix LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code RESIDENCE OR ACCOMMODATIO N FUNCTIONS 1000 Homes, apartments, housing for the elderly, and hotels Private Dwelling 1100 Single-family homes, doubles, apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, townhouses; excludes households with special provisions Single family 1110 1100 single family detached 1111 1110 Typical single-family dwelling single family attached (townhouse) 1112 1140 Each unit on a separate lot; fire wall may protrude from roof or roofs may be staggered single family manufactured home 1113 1150 Two family (double or duplex) 1120 two family detached 1121 1130 Secondary or accessory dwelling unit two family attached 1122 1121 Two attached dwelling units on a single lot Three family (triplex) 1130 three family detached 1131 three family attached 1132 Three attached dwelling units on a single lot Four family (quadruplex) 1140 Four attached dwelling units on a single lot Multi-family 1150 1200 Description Five or more units 1200 Housing and custodial services for those who cannot care for themselves, such as the elderly. The subcategories reflect four common patterns of housing for the elderly and relate to the level of dependence on the care provider Retirement housing services 1210 Housing with minimal convenience services, but focus on attracting elderly residents so as to provide a social support system among the residents Congregate living services 1220 Housing with convenience services such as meals, housekeeping, transportation, recreational programs 1230 Adult care, group homes, board and care; services include daily activity assistance such as dressing, grooming, bathing, etc. Housing Services Assisted-living board and care and adult care group homes LBCS Classification board and care home LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 1231 See definition in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code Continuing care retirement center 1240 Retirement centers to which residents turn over some or all of their assets in exchange for housing, personal care, convenience care, and some health care. Also called endowment facilities, founders care facilities, continuing care retirement centers, etc. Nursing or convalescent home 1250 Nursing homes and convalescent hospitals providing 24-hour skilled nursing care Hotels, Motels, or Other Accommodation Services 1300 Lodging and short-term accommodation for travelers, may offer wide range of services Bed and breakfast inn 1310 Operate primarily in private homes and small buildings Rooming and boarding 1320 Dormitory, fraternity or sorority house or other specific group membership, providing temporary accommodations and may offer housekeeping, meals, and laundry services barracks 1321 dormitory 1322 1310 Primarily associated with uniformed services (police, military, etc.) 1320 Primarily associated with an institution that provides sleeping units and communal dining facilities (college and universities) 1330 Hotels that do not have gambling services but may offer food services, recreational services, convention hosting services, laundry services, etc.; includes extended-stay hotels Hotel or motel 1330 Hotel 1331 See definition in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code Motel 1332 See definition in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code Casino hotel 1340 Functions like a resort or hotel in addition to the gambling operations in the casino portions of the premises providing services packaged to serve gambling, sports betting, slot machines, food services, conference or convention facilities, and recreational amenities like spas Other traveler accommodations 1350 Guest houses, youth hostels and similar short-term lodging LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2000 Comprises the vast majority of nonresidential uses associated with commercial land use; establishments engaged in retailing merchandise generally without transformation, in small quantities, and to the general public, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise 2100 Non-residential uses with displays of merchandise sold to the general public and other businesses, or after-sales services such as repair or installation Automobile sales or service 2110 Motor vehicle and parts and accessories dealers including repair and maintenance, may have showrooms or open lots for selling vehicles car dealer 2111 Retail new or used automobiles and light trucks such as SUV's bus, truck, mobile homes, or large vehicles 2112 Retail new or used larger vehicles not included in car dealers category such as buses, RV's, and trucks; motorcycle, atv 2113 Retail new or used motorcycles, motorbikes, motor scooters, mopeds, and off-road all-terrain vehicles boat or marine craft dealer 2114 Retail new or used boats, personal watercraft, outboard motors, boat trailers, related marine equipment supplies parts, accessories, or tires 2115 Automotive parts and supply stores, automotive stereo stores, tire and tube shops 2116 Primarily retail automotive fuels with or without convenience stores or food marts and may provide automotive repair, automotive oils, and replacement parts and accessories GENERAL SALES OR SERVICES Retail Sales or Service and Repair gasoline service 2270 2117 Automotive repair garages, maintenance and tune-up shops, body and paint shops, oil change and lubrication shops, detail shop, car wash 2118 Primarily retailing fuels to trucks often in combination with activities such as providing repair or food services; See definition in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code car wash 2119 Primarily engaged in cleaning, washing, and/or waxing automotive vehicles such as passenger cars, trucks, vans, and trailers; includes automotive detail shops Heavy consumer goods sales or service 2120 Heavy or durable goods sales or services automotive repair and maintenance truck stop LBCS Classification furniture or home furnishings hardware, home center lawn and garden supplies department store, warehouse club, or superstore LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2121 Furniture (household, outdoor, office), flooring, bedding, window treatment; may be sold in combination with major appliances or home electronics, or in combination with installation and repair services 2122 Retail home building and repair supplies, may sell other products, such as lumber, plumbing and electrical goods, tools, housewares, hardware, lawn and garden supplies, paint and wallpaper store 2592 2123 Retail nursery and garden products predominantly grown elsewhere, outdoor power equipment sales or services, pool supply 2124 Retail large variety of goods, may include apparel, furniture, appliances and home furnishings, paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewelry, toys, sporting goods, and groceries in combination with general merchandise; no single line of merchandise predominating 2240, 2250 electronics and appliances 2125 Retail household-type appliances, tv's, stereos, cameras, cell phones , may sell computer hardware and software along with other lines of merchandise and may include trained repair persons to handle maintenance and repair; however, businesses primarily selling computer hardware, software and services or camera equipment and services are classified in separate categories lumber yard and building materials 2126 Lumber yards and heavy building materials retailing establishments 2127 Heating and plumbing equipment retailers; for heating and plumbing contractors who install or service, use the appropriate construction category 2130 Retail wide range of product lines such as apparel, appliances and home furnishings, paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewelry, toys, sporting goods, automotive parts, and dry goods. computer and software 2131 Retail computers, computer peripherals, and prepackaged software without other electronic or office equipment; may also provide repair, support, and training camera and photographic supplies 2132 Primarily retail cameras and photographic supplies or retail with repair and film developing heating and plumbing equipment Durable consumer goods sales and service LBCS Classification clothing, footwear, jewelry, silverware, watches and clocks, luggage and leather goods, sewing supplies LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2133 Included is retailing in combination with repair and lapidary work; for standalone tailor, use LBCS Function Code 2624 2134 Primarily retailing bicycles and bicycle parts, camping equipment, exercise and fitness equipment, trophies, athletic uniforms, specialty sports footwear, toys, games, hobby, craft, musical instruments, books, magazines, music, stationery 2135 Primarily retailing books, newspapers, magazines, stationery, school and office supplies, gift and novelty merchandise, souvenirs, greeting cards and candles, seasonal and holiday decorations, curios, sheet music, prerecorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs and similar products Consumer goods, other 2140 Retail merchandise (except groceries or health items) not included in preceding codes florist 2141 Retail cut flowers, floral arrangements, and potted plants purchased from others art dealer, supplies, sales and service 2142 Retail original and limited edition art works and may offer art supplies and services; Included in this category are establishments displaying works of art for retail sale in art galleries tobacco sales or tobacconist 2143 Retail cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, pipes, and other tobacco supplies mail order sales or direct selling 2144 Retailing other than in stores, offer services through sales staff that may go to the customer’s location or may utilize mail or electronic media, includes businesses retailing from catalogue showrooms of mail-order houses antique shop, flea market, thrift stores 2145 Primarily retail a general line of used goods Grocery, food, beverage, dairy 2150 Retail food and beverage merchandise from fixed point-of-sale locations 2151 Retail a general line of food, includes meat and seafood markets, delicatessens, and businesses retailing baked goods made on- or off-premises and not principally for immediate consumption 2152 Excludes those with fuel pumps; primarily retail a limited line of goods that generally includes milk, bread, soda, and snacks sporting goods, toy and hobby, and musical instruments grocery store, supermarket, or bakery convenience store 2591 LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2153 Primarily retail specialty food items such as packaged coffee, tea, confectionery products, nuts, spices, and gourmet foods fruit and vegetable store 2154 Primarily retail fresh fruits and vegetables either as stand-alone business or larger collection of shops such as common with farmers’ markets and roadside grocery stands beer, wine, and liquor store 2155 Primarily retail packaged alcoholic beverages 2160 Retail health and personal care merchandise from fixed point-of-sale locations; may have specialized staff trained in dealing with the products, such as pharmacists and opticians pharmacy or drug store 2161 Primarily retail prescription or nonprescription drugs; often include general line of products common to a convenience store cosmetic and beauty supplies and personal grooming products 2162 Primarily retail cosmetics, perfumes, toiletries, and personal grooming products optical and contact lenses 2163 Retail prescription or nonprescription eyeglasses and contact lenses; includes customer fitting or lens grinding 2164 Retail prescription or nonprescription health and convalescent aids; includes customer fitting 2165 Primarily retail food supplement products such as vitamins, nutrition supplements, and body enhancing supplements Finance and Insurance 2200 Businesses engaged in financial transactions that create, liquidate, or change ownership of financial assets; also pool financial risks by underwriting insurance and annuities or support employee benefits programs Bank, credit union, or savings institution 2210 Perform central banking functions and accept deposits or lend funds from these deposits drive-thru bank or credit union 2211 specialty food store Health and personal care convalescent supply, prosthetic, hearing aid store health food supplement store 2110 Includes drive-through banking services to patrons LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description Credit and finance businesses 2220 Extend credit or lend funds raised by credit market borrowing, such as issuing commercial paper or other debt instruments or by borrowing from other financial intermediaries; also include credit card, sales financing, unsecured consumer lending, real estate credit, international trade financing, and secondary market financing pawn shop and retail loan 2221 Consumer cash lending secured by personal property; retail unsecured loan operations 2230 Securities underwriting, brokering, exchange services, managing portfolios, providing investment advice and trust, fiduciary, and custody services 2240 Insurance and annuity underwriting, selling insurance and employee-benefit related services 2250 Pool assets, such as funds and trusts, on behalf of shareholders or beneficiaries; act as principals in buying or selling financial contracts, and provide related investment services 2300 Establishments that rent or lease and may sell assets, which can be tangible such as real estate or equipment or intangible such as patents and trademarks 2310 Establishments that lease real estate (except buildings) such as manufactured home sites and vacant lots; includes real estate appraisers and other establishments performing real estate related services while not leasing buildings 2320 Manage real property for others; management includes services associated with overall operation of property such as collecting rents, overseeing maintenance, security and trash removal commercial property-related, mini- or selfstorage 2321 Lease buildings not used as residences; includes mini-warehouses and selfstorage units which provide space where clients store and retrieve goods rental housingrelated 2322 Investment banking, securities, and brokerages Insurance-related businesses Fund, trust, or other financial businesses Real Estate, and Rental and Leasing Real estate services Property management services 2700 Establishments that rent or lease buildings used as residences LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description Rental and leasing 2330 Establishments that rent or lease tangible goods such as consumer goods and mechanical equipment to customers; excludes businesses primarily renting equipment with operators Car rental and leasing 2331 Rent or lease passenger cars without drivers leasing trucks, trailers, rv's, buses, aircraft, tugboats, etc. 2332 Rent or lease trucks, tractors, buses, semi-trailers, utility trailers, RVs, or offhighway transportation equipment such as aircraft, railroad cars, steamships, or tugboats; drivers or operators not provided recreational goods rental 2333 Rent skis, canoes, bicycles, sailboats, motorcycles 2334 Rent or lease office machinery and equipment, heavy equipment without operators for construction, well-drilling, forestry, agriculture, telecommunications, manufacturing, metalworking, institutional furniture, motion picture, or theatrical equipment 2335 Rent personal and household-type goods and a range of consumer, commercial, and industrial equipment geared toward consumers, often operate from a retail-like or store-front facility; rental items include home health equipment, consumer electronics, formal wear, costumes, furniture and party supplies 2336 Establishments that assign patents, trademarks, brand names, and franchise agreements 2400 Establishments that perform professional, scientific, and technical services that require a high degree of expertise and training; often operate from an office 2410 Establishments that sell expertise and perform professional scientific, and technical services, which depend on worker skills and knowledge rather than equipment; employees tend to be highly specialized 2411 Title abstract and settlement offices, lawyers, notaries, and other legal service establishments leasing commercial, industrial machinery and equipment consumer goods rental intellectual property rental Business, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Professional services legal services LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2412 Accounting-related establishments that provide services such as auditing accounting records, designing accounting systems, preparing financial statements, developing budgets, preparing tax returns, processing payrolls, bookkeeping, billing 2413 Architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, drafting, building inspection, surveying and mapping, and laboratory testing (except medical, veterinary, or auto emission) such as acoustics, calibration, electronic, mechanical 2414 Provide specialized design services that include interior, industrial, and graphic design, includes commercial studios with artists that generate illustrations requiring technical accuracy or interpretative skills consulting services (management, environmental technical) 2415 Advise and assist businesses and other organizations on management, scientific, and technological issues; includes establishments that provide expertise in information technologies scientific research and development services 2416 Conduct research or analyze in the physical, engineering, cognitive, or life sciences 2417 Advertising, public relations, media buying agencies, direct mail advertisers, market research, translation providers, commercial and consumer photography and ideography studios; translation and interpretation providers 2418 Establishments with licensed practitioners of veterinary medicine, dentistry or surgery for animals, testing services for licensed veterinary practitioners, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals 2420 Typical office uses in any business area, provide a variety of standard administrative services; the default assignment for most office buildings 2421 Office providing administrative services such as billing, record keeping, personnel, organizational planning; use this classification for stand-alone establishments which, although they may be part of a larger company, are separate from the actual goods or services producing facilities accounting, tax, bookkeeping, payroll services architectural, engineering, surveying and related services graphic, industrial, interior design services advertising, media, and photography services veterinary services Administrative services office administrative services LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2422 Office providing operating staff for support services within a client's facilities, including janitorial, security, maintenance, laundry services, trash disposal, and mail reception 2423 Office providing employee placement, temporary help, and employee leasing services 2424 Establishments that provide document preparation, telephone answering, telemarketing, mailing (except direct mailing advertising), court reporting, steno typing, facsimiles, word processing, on-site PC rental, may operate copy centers which provide photocopying, duplicating, blueprinting 2425 Collect payments, compile credit and employment information, repossess tangible assets 2430 Office promoting or selling travel, tour, or accommodation services, includes convention and visitors' bureaus and wholesale tour operators 2440 Office providing investigation, detective, guard and patrol services, picking up and delivery of money or valuable items with protection while in transit, selling of security systems along with installation, repair or monitoring, remote monitoring of security systems, locksmiths 2450 Office providing pest control, janitorial services, landscaping, carpet and upholstery cleaning, and other services for buildings and dwellings 2451 Exterminate and control birds, mosquitoes, rodents, termites and other insects and pests (except for crop and forestry production), includes businesses that provide fumigation services 2452 Clean building interiors, interiors of transportation equipment, windows, swimming pools, drains or gutters landscaping 2453 Office providing landscape maintenance, and tree, shrub, plant, lawn, or garden installation, may design landscape plans or construct walkways, retaining walls, decks, fences, ponds, or similar structures; for nurseries, see 2121 (retail) or 9140 (agricultural) carpet and upholstery cleaning 2454 Establishments that clean and dye used rugs, carpets, and upholstery facilities support services employment agency copy center, private mail center, other business support services collection agency Travel arrangement and reservation services Investigation and security services Services to buildings and dwellings extermination and pest control janitorial LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description packing, crating, and convention and trade show 2455 Establishments that package client owned materials, organize, promote, and manage events such as business and trade shows, conventions, conferences, with or without staff, float building and decorating; use this code for standalone conference and convention facilities Food Services 2500 Prepare meals, snacks, and beverages for immediate consumption 2510 Provide food services to patrons who order and are served while seated and pay after eating, may provide this service in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing takeout services, or presenting live nontheatrical entertainment 2520 Provide food services to patrons who order or select items and pay before eating; may be consumed on premises, taken out, or delivered, includes deli, pizza delivery, cafeterias which use cafeteria-style serving equipment, a refrigerated area, and self-service beverage dispensing equipment, and which display food and drink items in a continuous cafeteria line 2521 Provides drive-in, drive-through or driveup food service to patrons; includes most fast-food restaurants 2530 Prepare and serve specialty snacks, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, cookies, and other baked goods, and nonalcoholic beverages such as coffee, tea, juice or sodas for consumption on or near the premises; snowball stand 2531 Provides drive-in, drive-through or driveup food service to patrons; limited to restaurants that prepare and serve specialty snacks, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, cookies, and nonalcoholic beverages 2540 Bars, taverns, nightclubs primarily serving alcoholic beverages for immediate consumption; may provide limited food and entertainment 2541 Provides drive-in, drive-through or driveup sale of alcoholic beverages to patrons; includes drive-thru daiquiri shops Full-service restaurant Cafeteria or limited service restaurant drive-through restaurants Snack or nonalcoholic bar drive-through snack or nonalcoholic bar Bar or drinking place drive-through alcoholic beverage service LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2550 Prepare and serve meals and snacks for immediate consumption from a motorized vehicle, cart, stand, or table; the use is the central location from which the services are provided, not each vehicle, cart, stand, or table; the land used as the primary site for the business’ sales 2560 Provide single event-based food services via transport of food to events or preparation of food at an off-premise site for a restaurant, includes banquet halls with catering for wedding receptions, etc. 2570 Provide food services at institutional, governmental, commercial, or industrial locations based on contracts for a specified period of time Vending machine operator 2580 Establishments that retail merchandise through vending machines that they service, not primarily engaged in warehousing or wholesale distribution of machines and equipment Personal Services 2600 Catch-all category for all personal service establishments; provided to individuals rather than to businesses Personal care 2610 Hair, nail, and skin care and related personal care hair, nail, and cosmetic skin care 2611 Barber or beauty shop, nail, facial, or cosmetology salon, hair stylist shop dieting and weight reducing 2612 Provides nonmedical services to assist clients in attaining or maintaining a desired weight, services include individual and group counseling, menu and exercise planning, and weight and body measurement monitoring tanning salon 2614 depilatory or electrolysis (i.e., hair removal), hair weaving or replacement (except by offices of physicians), ear piercing 2616 Dry cleaning and laundry 2620 Mobile food services Caterer, banquet hall Food service contractor coin-operated laundromat 2621 Primarily engaged in operating facilities with coin-operated or similar self-service laundry equipment for customer use on the premises LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 2622 Provide dry-cleaning and laundering services (except coin-operated), drop-off and pickup sites for laundries/drycleaners, specialty cleaning services for special types of garments 2623 Primarily engaged in supplying, on a rental or contract basis, laundered items such as uniforms, gowns and coats, table linens, bed linens, clean room apparel, and treated mop or shop towels tailor, alterationist 2624 Primarily engaged in altering personal clothing items purchased elsewhere to fit individual customers; for Textiles, see LBCS Function Code 3130 Photofinishing 2630 Primarily engaged in developing film or making slides, prints and enlargements Parking lot and parking garage 2640 Primarily engaged in providing parking for motor vehicles, usually on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis, may provide valet parking services parking lot 2641 Use this code for stand-along parking lots only parking garage 2642 Use this code for stand-alone parking garages only Adult use 2650 See definition in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code massage parlor 2651 tattoo parlor 2652 adult establishment 2653 adult cabaret 2654 dry cleaning and laundry linen and uniform supply Pet and Animal Sales or Service (except Veterinary) 2700 Establishments that retail pets and other animals (except for farming purposes) and pet supplies, provide animal services such as grooming, training, and care taking Pet or pet supply store 2710 Retail pets, pet foods, pet supplies 2720 Provide animal and pet care services (except veterinary services and horse boarding), such as boarding, grooming, sitting, and training Animal and pet services and kennels LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE TRADE 3000 Are located in plants, factories or mills and employ power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment but may employ workers who create new products by hand; these establishments process products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining as well as products of other manufacturing uses. When captive services such as accounting are provided by a separate business, they are classified in the appropriate function code and not in manufacturing Foods, Textiles, and Related Products 3100 Primarily produce food, tobacco, textiles, and leather products 3110 Transform livestock and produce into products for intermediate or final consumption typically sold to wholesalers or retailers; manufacture beverages as nonalcoholic and fermented and distilled alcoholic beverages; includes principally wholesale bakery and candy producers for later consumption and ice manufacturing animal slaughtering and processing 3116 Establishments that slaughter animals, prepare processed meats and meat byproducts, and render or refine animal fat, bones, and meat scraps Tobacco manufacturing 3120 Redry and stem tobacco or manufacture cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products 3130 Textile mills, textile product mills, apparel manufacturers, includes uses that work with materials owned by others and those that manufacture custom garments for individual clients; for tailors and alterationists only, use LBCS Function Code 2624 3140 Manufacture products for final consumption from leather and leather substitutes such as rubber, plastics, or textiles. Rubber footwear, textile luggage, and plastic purses are examples. 3161 Establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: tanning, currying, and finishing hides and skins; having others process hides and skins on a contract basis; dyeing or dressing furs Food and beverages Textiles Leather and leather substitute products leather and hide tanning and finishing LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 3200 Manufacture wood and paper products, such as lumber, furniture, wood building products, mobile homes, and paper products; some perform related services such a printing and bookbinding 3210 Manufacture wood products, except furniture, such as lumber, plywood, veneers, wood containers, wood flooring, wood trusses, mobile homes, and prefabricated wood buildings; may include sawing, planning, shaping, laminating, or assembling wood products Paper and printing materials 3220 Manufacture paper and offer printingrelated products that include newspapers, books, periodicals, and greeting cards; may perform support activities such as bookbinding, platemaking and data imaging; does not include publishers of printed products or those that both print and publish pulp, paper, and paperboard mills 3221 Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pulp, paper, or paperboard 3222 Establishments that do not manufacture the stock that they print; for publishers and publishers that also print, use publishing or information codes 3230 Manufactures furniture and related articles such as mattresses, window blinds, cabinets, fixtures; for manufacturers of transportation equipment seats and furniture, use the transportation manufacturing category; for manufacturers of medical-type furniture, use the miscellaneous manufacturing category 3300 Transform or refine chemicals or metals, and manufacture products from chemicals or metals; establishments working with base materials (such as iron ore) are classified by the input material, while establishments creating more finished products (such as machinery) are classified by the finished product 3310 Transform crude petroleum and coal into usable products through petroleum refining, including establishments that primarily further refine into products such as asphalt, asphalt materials, and lubricating oils Wood, Paper, and Printing Products Wood products printing and related support activities Furniture and related products Chemicals, and Metals, Machinery, and Electronics Manufacturing Petroleum and coal products LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 3320 Process and transform organic and inorganic raw materials, plastics and rubber, and form products by chemical processes basic chemical manufacturing 3321 Establishments engaged in the manufacture of chemicals using basic processes, such as thermal cracking and distillation; includes petrochemical hydrocarbons, industrial gas, dyes, alkalis and chlorine, ethyl alcohol, acids resin, synthetic rubber 3322 Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic resins, plastics materials, and related products 3323 Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nitrogenous or phosphatic fertilizer materials, fertilizers from sewage, animal waste, or other mixed ingredients, and agricultural and household pest control chemicals 3324 Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing adhesives, glues, and caulking compounds 3325 Establishments primarily engaged in the manufacture of explosives or pyrotechnics 3330 Transform, mine, and quarry nonmetallic minerals, such as sand, gravel, stone, clay, and refractory materials, into bricks, refractories, ceramics, glass, cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, abrasives, ceramic plumbing fixtures, statuary, cut stone products, and mineral wool 3340 Smelt or refine metals and transform metal into basic metal products, such as bars, rods, wires, and castings or finished products other than machinery, electronics, computers or furniture 3341 Establishments engaged in one or more of the following: direct reduction or iron ore; manufacturing pig iron in molten or solid form; converting pig iron into steel; manufacturing ferroalloys; making steel; making steel and manufacturing shapes, and making steel and forming tube and pipe Chemicals, plastics, and rubber products pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemicals adhesive explosives and pyrotechnics Nonmetallic mineral products Primary metal manufacturing iron and steel mills; foundries LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 3342 Establishments engaged in one or more of the following: refining alumina; making aluminum from alumina; recovering aluminum from scrap or dross; alloying purchased aluminum; manufacturing aluminum primary forms; smelting copper ore; and refining and alloying of copper 3343 Establishments primarily engaged in heat treating metals and metal products; enameling, lacquering, and varnishing metals and metal products; hot dip galvanizing or powder coating metals; electroplating, plating, anodizing, and other metal surfacing services 3344 Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ammunition (except small arms), includes bombs, depth charges, rockets, grenades, mines, torpedoes 3350 Make machinery for particular applications, such as construction, ventilation, heating and cooling; create products that apply mechanical force; processes include forging, stamping, bending, forming, machining, welding, and assembling; design considerations are inherent Electrical equipment, appliance, and components manufacturing 3360 Manufacture computers, communication equipment, lighting equipment, batteries, motors, appliances, computer peripherals and other products that generate, distribute, and use electrical power Transportation equipment 3370 Establishments that provide equipment for transporting people and goods Miscellaneous Manufacturing 3400 Use for manufacturing uses not classified elsewhere; subcategories below reflect common establishment types which do not have special categories in other manufacturing types Jewelry and silverware 3410 Dolls, toys, games, and musical instruments 3420 Includes electronic games Office supplies, inks, etc. 3430 Manufacture pens, pencils, markers, crayons, chalk, staplers, inked ribbons and similar products, except paper Signs 3440 Manufacture signs and related displays of all materials except printing paper or paperboard alumina or copper refining, production, smelting, and alloying; foundries coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities ammunition Machinery manufacturing LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 3500 Normally operate from a warehouse or office, selling or arranging the purchase of goods to other businesses and having little or no display of merchandise 3510 Sell or arrange the purchase or sale of capital or durable goods to other businesses, products include motor vehicles, furniture, construction materials, machinery and equipment, sporting goods, toys and hobby goods, recyclable materials 3520 Sell or arrange the purchase or sale of nondurable goods to other businesses, products include paper products, chemicals, drugs, textiles, apparel, footwear, groceries, farm products, petroleum products, alcoholic beverages, books, magazines, newspapers, flowers, and tobacco products Warehousing and Storage Services 3600 Establishments that operate warehouse and storage facilities for general merchandise, refrigerated goods, and other warehouse products, provide the facilities to store goods but do not sell the goods they handle and may provide a range of services related to distribution, such as labeling, breaking bulk, inventory control, light assembly, packaging, and transportation arrangement Office and warehousing 3610 Warehousing 3620 Wholesale Trade Durable goods Nondurable goods Tankfarm 3630 2700 2780 Tanks that primarily store fuel, oil, and other liquid products (except water); includes the bulk storage of petroleum or flammable and combustible liquids TRANSPORTATIO N, COMMUNICATION , INFORMATION, AND UTILITIES 4000 Transportation, communication, and utilities for essential facilities; cannot be distinguished by a single physical location but in most cases the type of use is deduced from the type of structures and activities on the land Transportation Services 4100 Facilities that serve passengers and cargo movements, grouped by modes of transportation 4110 Provide air transportation for passengers or cargo using aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters; includes scenic and sightseeing air transportation uses but excludes air courier (see 4160) Air transportation facility 5600 LBCS Classification air passenger transportation LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 4111 3920 Provide scheduled and nonscheduled air transportation for passengers 4112 Provide scheduled and nonscheduled air transportation of cargo without transporting passengers; uses primarily providing scheduled air transportation of mail on a contract basis are included in this class airport and support uses 4113 Provide air traffic control, operate airports or public flying fields or support airport operations such as rental of hangar space and cargo handling services; uses that provide specialty air transportation or flying services aircraft and accessories 4114 Aircraft maintenance, repair, and testing (except factory conversions) 4115 Operate for scenic or sightseeing purposes, hot air balloon rides, helicopter rides, aerial tram and cable cars 4120 5700 Establishments that provide passenger and freight transportation and rail transportation support 3940 For passengers only; operate over long distances between metropolitan areas; for systems within local areas only, use the appropriate local transit system classification air freight transportation other air transportation Rail transportation facility rail passenger transportation 4121 rail freight transportation 4122 For freight systems only; may operate over long distances, or within local areas only rail transportation support uses 4123 Provide specialized services such as repair, maintenance, loading and unloading rail cars; operate independent terminals Road, ground passenger, and transit transportation 4130 Establishments that operate urban transit systems, charter and school bus transportation, taxis local transit systems--bus, special needs, and other motor vehicles 4133 Single-mode local transit systems other than rail, included are shuttle services and special needs transportation non-local and charter bus 4134 Non-local passenger buses for charter or for special needs transportation for elderly, infirm, or handicapped school and employee bus transportation 4135 Provide buses and other motor vehicles to transport pupils or employees sightseeing 4136 Scenic or sightseeing land transportation LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 4137 Provide passenger transportation by automobile or van, includes taxicab owners and operators, taxicab fleet operators, taxicab organizations, and limousine and luxury sedan businesses 4138 Tow light and heavy motor vehicles, both local and long distance; may provide incidental services, such as storage and emergency repair services 4140 Establishments that provide over-theroad transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and tractor trailers 4141 Provide local general freight trucking, usually within a metropolitan area which may cross state lines; most trips are same-day return 4142 Provide long-distance freight trucking, usually between metropolitan areas which may cross country borders Marine and water transportation facility 4150 Establishments that provide transportation of passengers and cargo using watercraft, such as ships, barges, tankers, or refrigerated trailers marine and sightseeing transportation 4151 Provide water transportation, including scenic and sightseeing, for passengers marine freight transportation 4152 Provide water transportation for cargo marine port and harbor operations 4153 Operate ports, harbors, or canals 4154 Provide stevedoring and other marine cargo handling services except warehousing 4155 Arrange for transportation of freight between shippers and carriers and provide navigational and other shipping services not included in other classes; include shipping agents, customs brokers, freight forwarders, and salvage uses Courier and messenger services 4160 Establishments that provide air, surface, or combined courier delivery services of parcels and messages, may form a network including local and point-to-point pick-up and delivery; for retail business or copy center, see LBCS Function Code 2424 Postal services 4170 Operate the national postal service, including businesses that sort, route, and deliver on a contract basis national post office 4171 taxi and limousine service towing and other road and ground services Truck and freight transportation services general freight trucking, local general freight trucking, longdistance marine cargo handling and dry dock services marine navigational and other services 3950 LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 4180 Use transmission pipelines to transport products, such as crude oil, natural gas, or refined petroleum; transportation of natural gas includes the storage of natural gas 4200 These establishments produce or distribute information and pertain to those that transform information into a commodity information into a commodity 4210 Issue copies of works for which they usually possess copyright; may publish works originally created by others for which they have obtained the rights or works that they have created in-house 4211 Publish newspapers, magazines, books, databases, greeting cards, calendars, maps, and similar works 4212 Publish and reproduce computer software, including designing, providing documentation, assisting in installation, and providing support services to software purchasers Motion pictures and sound recording 4220 Produce and distribute motion pictures and sound recordings; activities include contracting with performers, creating the film or sound content and producing technical postproduction services; does not include wholesaling video and sound recordings motion picture and video production, publishing, and distribution 4221 Produce or distribute motion pictures, videos, television programs, or commercials motion picture viewing and exhibition services 4222 Operate movie theaters, drive-ins, film festival exhibitions; this category does not include movie-theaters; for movietheaters, see Function Code 5170 sound recording, production, publishing 4223 Produce, distribute, or publish music and musical recordings or provide sound recording Telecommunication s and broadcasting 4230 Provide point-to-point communications and related services; if multiple services are shared between the same facilities, use this general category radio and television broadcasting 4231 Operate broadcasting studios and facilities for over the air or satellite delivery of radio and television programs cable networks and distribution 4232 Operate studios and facilities or cable systems, direct-to-home satellite systems Pipeline transportation Communications and Information Publishing newspapers, books, periodicals, etc. software publisher LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description wireless telecommunication s 4233 Operate, maintain or provide access to facilities for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, or full motion picture video; cell towers telephone and other wired telecommunication s 4234 Operate telephone networks Information services and data processing industries 4240 News syndicates and information and data processing services; may supply information to the news media or provide electronic data processing services online information services 4241 Internet access and service providers library or archive 4242 Provide library or archive services news syndicate 4243 Supply information such as news reports, articles, pictures and features to the news media data processing, hosting and related services 4244 Provide web hosting, computer data storage, optical scanning, computer input preparation, microfilm imaging 4300 Provide utility services such as electric power, gas, water and sewage removal; not included are waste management services, which collect, treat, and dispose of waste materials, and do not directly use or operate utilities Electric power 4310 Provide electric power generation, transmission, control, and distribution; include electric power transmission and control systems (including lines and transformer stations), and distribution systems (i.e., lines, poles, meters, and wiring) hydroelectric power generation 4311 Operate hydroelectric power generation facilities by using water power to drive a turbine and produce electric power fossil fuel electric power generation 4312 Operate fossil fuel electric power generation by using coal, oil, gas or other fossil fuels in internal combustion or combustion turbine conventional steam process to produce electric power nuclear power generation 4313 Operate nuclear electric power generation facilities 4314 Convert other forms of energy such as solar, wind, or tidal power into electric power; does not include establishments that manufacture, install, or repair equipment used for wind and solar energy Utilities and Utility Services alternative energy sources LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 4320 Operate gas distribution systems, gas marketers, gas brokers, transmit and distribute gas to final customers Water, steam, air conditioning supply 4330 Public and private utility establishments that offer drinking water, water treatment, water supply, irrigation, steam supply, or hot or cool air supply drinking water 4331 Operate water treatment plants, filtration plants, pumping stations for drinking water only irrigation and industrial water supply 4332 Operate water treatment plants and water supply systems for irrigation and industrial supply only air conditioning and steam supply 4333 Provide steam, heated air, or cooled air 4340 Collect, treat, and dispose of waste materials; locally haul waste materials; operate materials recovery facilities; provide remediation services; operate sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities; or provide septic pumping or other miscellaneous waste management services; establishments that primarily haul over long distances are classified in transportation 4341 Operate treatment and disposal facilities for hazardous waste; combine, collect, or haul hazardous waste materials within a local area while operating treatment or disposal facilities Natural gas, petroleum, fuels Sewer, solid waste, and related services hazardous waste collection hazardous waste treatment and disposal solid waste collection solid waste combustor or incinerator solid waste landfill 6340 4342 Remediate and clean contaminated buildings, soil, or ground water; abate asbestos, lead paint and other toxic materials 4343 Collect or haul hazardous waste, nonhazardous waste, or recyclable materials within a local area; operate waste transfer stations 4344 6330 Operate combustors and incinerators for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste, includes compost dumps; may produce byproducts such as electricity and may locally collect or haul nonhazardous waste materials along with the operation of facilities; compost dumps 6320 Operate landfills for the disposal of nonhazardous solid wastes; may locally collect or haul nonhazardous waste materials along with landfill operation; also manage recycling and resource recovery facilities that operate in conjunction with landfills 4345 LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description waste treatment and disposal 4346 Operate facilities for separating and sorting recyclable materials from nonhazardous waste streams septic tank and related services 4347 Pump septic tanks and cesspools, rent or service portable toilets sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities 4348 Establishments operating sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities that collect, treat, and dispose of waste ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATION 5000 Establishments that operate facilities or provide services for a variety of cultural, entertainment, and recreational functions Performing Arts or Supporting Uses 5100 Produce or organize and promote live presentations, excludes nightclubs Theater, dance or music use 5110 Companies, groups, or theaters that produce theatrical presentations and dance, dinner theaters, and live musical entertainment performance theater 5111 3110 Includes concert halls and other structures with fixed seats typically arranged on a sloped or stepped floor amphitheater 5112 3130 Primarily open air; modern versions have fixed seating under a roof (but no walls) Sports team or club 5120 Professional or semi-professional sports teams or clubs participating in live sporting events 5121 A facility used for the typically private activities of a professional or semiprofessional sports team; primarily includes practice facilities as well as management offices sports stadium or arena 5122 A large facility seating spectators of sporting events like football, baseball, and basketball; also house circuses, ice shows, horse shows, music concerts and other entertainment Racetrack 5130 Operate racetracks for events such as auto, dog, and horse races Promoter of sports, performing arts, similar events 5140 Organize, promote, and manage performances, events; may operate their own facilities or rent to other promoters from an office within the facility or a separate office use Agent for management services 5150 Agents representing artists, athletes, entertainers, and other public figures typically from and office use sports training or operation facility 3300 LBCS Classification Independent artist, writer, or performer Movie theater LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 5160 Studio of independent individual(s) engaged in performing in artistic productions, in creating artistic and cultural works or productions, or in providing technical expertise necessary for these productions 5170 3120 Specialized theater for showing movies or motion pictures; includes cineplexes and megaplexes which are grouped in a manner that allows them to share box or ticket offices, parking facilities, lobby areas, restrooms, concession stands, signs and marquee displays, and other service and maintenance facilities drive-in theater 5171 3140 A form of cinema consisting of a large outdoor movie screen, a projection booth, a concession stand and a large parking area for automobiles from which customers can view movies; may include multiple screens Museums and Other Special Purpose Recreational Institutions 5200 4400 Public and private museums, historical sites, zoos, and similar uses Museum 5210 4410, 4420 Preserve and exhibit objects of historical, cultural, or educational value; includes art museums, halls of fame, planetariums, science or technology museums, wax museums Historical or archeological institution 5220 4410, 4440 Archeological sites, battlefields, historical ships, and pioneer villages Zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, arboreta 5230 4430, 4440, 4450 Preserve and exhibit live plant and animal life displays, including those in natural areas or settings 5300 Operate facilities offering activities such as sports, recreation, amusement, or gambling, and provide services such as facilitating amusement in places operated by others, operating recreational sports groups, and guiding tours; for establishments using transportation equipment, such as sightseeing buses, dinner boats, or helicopters, use the appropriate transportation category Amusement or theme park 5310 Operate a variety of attractions such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits, refreshment stands, and picnic grounds Games arcade 5320 Operate arcades and parlors, except gambling, billiard, or pool Amusement, Sports, or Recreation Uses LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code Casino or gambling 5330 Gaming 5331 Off-track wagering 5332 Bingo 5333 LBCS Structur e Code Description Uses that operate gambling facilities (except casino hotels), includes riverboat casinos, bingo halls, and video gaming terminals, or provide services such as lotteries or off-track wagering 5340 Operate golf courses (except miniature) or primarily operate golf courses along with dining facilities and other recreational facilities or country clubs that often provide food and beverage services, equipment rental services, and golf instruction services 5360 Operate docking and storage facilities for pleasure craft owners, may retail fuel and marine supplies, and may repair, maintain, or rent pleasure boats 5370 Operate fitness and recreational sports facilities or provide services for fitness or recreational sports teams, clubs, or individual activities Fitness and recreational sports center 5371 Aerobic dance or exercise center, gymnasium, physical fitness center, health and athletic club, indoor handball, racquetball, volleyball, tennis, or swimming facilities Miniature golf courses, archery or shooting ranges, outdoor volleyball, tennis, or swimming facilities, recreational ball parks and courts 5372 Recreational day camp (except instructional), recreational or youth sports teams and leagues not operating facilities, boating clubs (without marinas), dance halls 5373 Stable, horseback riding 5374 8240 Use this code for recreational establishments only, for others see LBCS Function Code 9372 Bowling, billiards, pool 5380 3200 Establishments that operate bowling, billiards, or pool centers Golf course and country club Marina or yachting club facility operators Fitness, recreational sports, gym, athletic club LBCS Classification Skating rink, roller skating LBCS Functio n Code 5390 LBCS Structur e Code 3200 Description Establishments that operate skating rinks; may offer skating products and services Camps, Camping, and Related Uses Such as RV Parks 5400 Operate sites to accommodate campers, travelers, and their equipment, including tents, tent trailers, travel trailers, and recreational vehicles; provide overnight recreational camps, such as children’s camps, family vacation camps, hunting and fishing camps and outdoor adventure retreats; may provide cabins, food services, washrooms, recreational facilities; trailer parks Natural and Other Recreational Parks 5500 All parks without special economic functions EDUCATION, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION , HEALTH CARE, AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS 6000 Educational Services 6100 Offer teaching and learning Nursery, preschool, or kindergarten 6110 Includes child care center as defined in Sec. 40-3 Definitions in Chapter 40, Zoning of this Code Grade school 6120 Comprises all public, private, and specialty schools between the preschool and university level Elementary 6121 4210 Middle or junior 6122 4210 Senior or high 6123 4210 Special needs education services 6125 Adult education services 6126 Offer specialized services such as for the physically or mentally disabled College or university 6130 4220 Comprise junior colleges, universities, and professional schools furnishing academic or technical courses and granting degrees, certificates, or diplomas at the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate levels Technical, trade, or other specialty school 6140 4230 Offer vocational and technical training; often leads to job-specific certification beauty schools 6141 Train in barbering, hair styling, or cosmetic arts 6142 Offer courses in office procedures, secretarial skills, basic office skills, office machine operation, reception and communication business management LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 6143 Conduct computer training in computer repair and programming, software packages, computerized business systems, computer electronics technology, computer operations, local network management; includes other electronic equipment driving education 6144 All driver education establishments, including mandatory public drivers education, truck drivers education, and operation, and operation of public transit motor vehicles fine and performing arts education 6145 Offer instruction in dance, art, drama, and music including graphic arts, photography and modeling flight training 6146 Offer vocational or recreational aviation and flight training 6147 Offer instruction in athletic activities, includes overnight and day sports camps that primarily instruct 6148 Offer vocational training in medical, dental, veterinary, pharmacy, or nursing assisting; for nursing or other training with academic degrees, see LBCS code 6130 College or university 6149 Offer foreign language instruction, including sign language, public speaking training, academic tutoring, speed reading, and exam preparation services Public Administration 6200 All government functions, includes federal, state and local government agencies that administer, oversee, and manage programs and have executive, legislative, or judicial authority; however, use the appropriate category if the government agency is engaged in a function (selling maps or operating a convention center, e.g.) similar to private businesses Legislative and executive functions 6210 Government and public administrative offices Judicial functions 6220 Civilian courts of law and correctional institutions 6221 Civilian courts, courts of law, and sheriff’s offices conducting court functions only 6222 Facilities for the confinement, correction, and rehabilitation of offenders sentenced by a court computer or electronic equipment training sports and recreation education medical, dental, veterinary, nursing (except academic) assistance langrage and tutoring court correctional institution or jail Other Government Functions 6300 4600 Use this category for government owned uses not classified elsewhere such as defense and national guard facilities LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description Armed Forces, including Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, and military police and courts facilities Military and national security 6310 Space research and technology 6320 Administer and operate space flights, space research, and space exploration Public Safety 6400 Government-owned facilities providing fire and rescue, police, and emergency response services Fire and rescue 6410 4510 Includes combined fire and ambulance or rescue services Police 6420 4520 Includes combined police and fire departments Emergency response 6430 4530 Provide ground or air transportation for medical relief Health and Human Services 6500 Provide health care, social assistance, and associated services Ambulatory or outpatient care services 6510 Offer health care services directly to patients without providing inpatient services clinic 6511 Offices of physicians; dentists; chiropractors; optometrists; mental health specialists; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; audiologists; podiatrists; licensed massage therapists; and other health practitioners family planning or outpatient care clinic 6512 Provide outpatient family planning services and outpatient care medical or diagnostic laboratory 6513 Provide analytic or diagnostic services including medical imaging blood or organ bank 6514 Collect, store, or distribute blood and organs Nursing, supervision and other rehabilitative services 6520 Provide inpatient nursing and rehabilitative services and can accommodate patients for extended care, includes convalescent homes or hospitals, nursing homes and rest homes with nursing care, inpatient care hospices Hospital 6530 Health care facility 6540 Maximum of 25 beds for overnight care Social assistance, welfare, and charitable services 6560 Provide social assistance directly to individuals, do not offer residential or accommodation services child and youth services 6561 Offer services such as adoption, foster care, drug prevention services, and lifeskills training 7000 4110 LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description child daycare 6562 Provide care for infants and preschool children as part of a social services program, often offer pre-kindergarten education programs community food services 6563 Collect, prepare, and deliver food for the needy, food banks, meal delivery programs and soup kitchens emergency and relief services 6564 Provide food, shelter, clothing, medical relief, resettlement and counseling to disaster victims other family services 6565 Hotline centers, suicide crisis centers, self-help organizations, etc. services for elderly and disabled 6566 Provide group support, companionship, day care, homemaker services to the elderly and persons with disabilities; does not include housing for the elderly veterans affairs 6567 Provide health and human services for veterans vocational rehabilitation 6568 Provide job counseling, job training, and other vocational services Religious Institution 6600 Death Care Services 6700 Funeral home and services 6710 4800 Includes funeral homes combined with crematories Cemetery or cremation services 6720 4700, 4800 Operate sites or structures reserved for the internment of human or animal remains, or for cremating the dead 3500 Churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, etc. Funeral homes, crematories, cemeteries Associations, NonProfit Organizations, Clubs 6800 Includes grant making, civic, professional, and similar organizations, promote the interests of their members or a particular cause, may publish newsletters, books and periodicals for distribution to their membership Labor or political organization 6810 Promote the interests of labor unions, political groups, and political fund-raising groups Business association or professional membership 6820 Promote the business interests of their members organization or of their profession 6830 Promote the interests of their members or a particular cause; may provide grantmaking foundations or charitable trusts, raise funds for social welfare activities or solicit contributions and offer memberships Civic, social, or fraternal organization LBCS Classification CONSTRUCTIONRELATED BUSINESSES Building, Developing, and General Contracting Machinery Related Special Trade Contractor Carpentry, floor, and tile contractor Concrete contractor LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 7000 Build or demolish buildings and structures, or perform additions, alterations, reconstruction, installation, and repairs; test drilling, landfill, leveling, earthmoving, excavating, land drainage, and other land preparation; should reflect the location of the use and not where it is performing its services; engaged primarily in on-site heavy equipment and material storage 7100 Custom builders, engineer-constructors, general contractors, developers, land subdividers, and construction management firms; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7200 Contractors that install or utilize specialized machinery not generally used by other contractors, building equipment and machinery installation, excavation, wrecking and demolition, structural steel erection contractors; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7300 Specialize in construction activities such as plumbing, painting and electrical work; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7310 Provide framing, carpentry, finishing work, floor laying and miscellaneous floor installation and tiling services; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7320 Use concrete, asphalt and other materials to produce parking areas, building foundations, structures, retaining walls, patios, driveways and walks; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 7330 Perform on-site electrical work, equipment service and installation and may sell electrical equipment along with installation; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7340 Install and tint glass, excludes automotive glass businesses; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7350 Provide masonry, stone setting, drywall, plaster and other stone and building insulation work; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7360 Provide exterior painting and interior wall covering; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services 7370 Install or service plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning equipment, may sell equipment along with installation; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services Roofing, siding, or sheet metal contractor 7380 Provide installation and services for roofing, siding, sheet metal, and roof drainage equipment; if engaged primarily in administration and management without on-site heavy equipment and material storage, see LBCS code 2421 office administrative services Heavy Construction 7400 Provide heavy nonbuilding construction Highway and street construction 7410 Highway, street, road, or airport runway construction Bridge and tunnel construction 7420 Bridge, viaduct, elevated highway, or tunnel construction 7430 Water main, sewer, drain, gas main, natural gas pumping station, oil and gas pipeline construction Electrical contractor Glass and glazing contractor Masonry and drywall contractor Painting and wall covering Plumbing, heating, and air conditioning Water, sewer, and pipeline construction LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description 7440 Electric power and communication transmission line and tower, radio and television tower, and cable television line construction, cable laying, 7450 Heavy industrial or other nonbuilding construction such as chemical complexes, cement plants, industrial incinerators, docks, golf courses, canals, sewage or water treatment plants 8000 Extract natural mineral solids (coal and ores), liquid minerals (crude petroleum), and gases (natural gas); mining includes quarrying, well operations, beneficiating, and other preparations customarily performed at the mine site or as a part of mining activity 8100 Operate and develop oil and gas field properties; activities include exploration, drilling and equipping wells, operation AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING, AND HUNTING 9000 Grow crops, raise animals, harvest timber, and harvest fish and other animals, may be described as farms, greenhouses, nurseries, or hatcheries Crop Production 9100 Grain and oilseed 9110 Vegetable farming or growing 9120 Fruits and trees 9130 Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture 9140 All other crops 9150 Power lines, communication and transmission lines Industrial and other non-building construction MINING AND EXTRACTION Oil and Natural Gas 8500 Grow crops under cover, nursery stock, and flowers Support Functions for Agriculture 9200 Perform activities associated with production and distribution of forest and agricultural products, includes dusting, spraying, fertilizing Animal Production 9300 Keep, graze, breed or feed animals in farms or feedlots Cattle ranch 9310 8320 Dairy cattle and milk production 9320 8210 Hog farm 9330 Poultry and egg production 9340 Sheep and goat farm 9350 Fish hatchery, fishery, aquaculture 9360 8600 8600 Farm raise finfish, shellfish, or any other kind of animal aquaculture LBCS Classification LBCS Functio n Code LBCS Structur e Code Description All other animal production 9370 Raises other animals and insects for sale or product production bees 9371 8800 horse and equine 9372 8240 fur-bearing 9373 Support function for animal production 9380 Provide services such as animal breeding, pedigree records, horse boarding, livestock spraying Forestry and Logging 9400 Grow and harvest timber on long production cycles, or specialize in reforestation, seeding and similar activities Fishing, Hunting and Trapping, Game Preserves 9500 Commercially harvest fish and other wild animals from their natural habitats Fishing 9510 Commercially catch or take finfish, shellfish, or marine products from a natural habitat Hunting and trapping, game retreats, game and fishing preserves 9520 Commercially hunt and trap or operate commercial or recreational game or hunting preserves Unclassifiable or Temporary placeholder until a code can 9900 No Function be assigned Sec. 33-3.5. Dimensional regulations (reserved). Sec. 33-3.6. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.7. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.8. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.9. Reserved. DIVISION 2. BASE ZONING DISTRICTS Subdivision 1. Residential Zoning Districts Sec. 33-3.10. Residential Zoning Districts Use Matrix (reserved). Sec. 33-3.11. Suburban (S-1). See Chapter 40, Article V of this Code. Sec. 33-3.12. Rural Residential (R-1D). See Chapter 40, Article IX of this Code. Sec. 33-3.13. Rural Residential (R-1C). See Chapter 40, Article VIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.14. Suburban Residential (R-1B). See Chapter 40, Article VII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.15. Single-Family Residential (R-1A). See Chapter 40, Article VI of this Code. Sec. 33-3.16. Manufactured Home (R-1MH). See Chapter 40, Article XI of this Code. Sec. 33-3.17. Two-Family Residential (R-2). See Chapter 40, Article XII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.18. Three- and Four-Family Residential (RR-3). See Chapter 40, Article XIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.19. Multiple Family Residential (R-3). See Chapter 40, Article XIV of this Code. Sec. 33-3.20.Townhouses (R-1TH). See Chapter 40, Article XV of this Code. Sec. 33-3.21. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.22. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.23. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.24. Reserved. Subdivision 2. Commercial Zoning Districts. Sec. 33-3.25. Commercial Zoning Districts Use Matrix (reserved). Sec. 33-3.26. Medical Services (H-1). See Chapter 40, Article XVII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.27. Medical Services (H-2). See Chapter 40, Article XVIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.28. Neighborhood Commercial (C-1). See Chapter 40, Article XIX of this Code. Sec. 33-3.29. General Offices (GO-2). See Chapter 40, Article XXI of this Code. Sec. 33-3.30. General Offices (GO-1). See Chapter 40, Article XX of this Code. Sec. 33-3.31. Core District Residential (CD-R). See Chapter 40, Article XXII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.32. Business Core (BC-1). See Chapter 40, Article XXIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.33. Business Core (BC-2). See Chapter 40, Article XXIV of this Code. Sec. 33-3.34. Mixed Use Corridor (MUC). See Chapter 40, Article XXV of this Code. Sec. 33-3.35. General Commercial (C-2). See Chapter 40, Article XXVIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.36. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.37. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.38. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.39. Reserved. Subdivision 3. Industrial Zoning Districts. Sec. 33-3.40. Industrial Zoning Districts Use Matrix (reserved). Sec. 33-3.41. Office Warehouse (OW-1). See Chapter 40, Article XXIX of this Code. Sec. 33-3.42. Industrial (M-1). See Chapter 40, Article XXX of this Code. Sec. 33-3.43. Industrial (M-2). See Chapter 40, Article XXXI of this Code. Sec. 33-3.44. Industrial (M-3). See Chapter 40, Article XXXII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.45. Industrial (M-4). See Chapter 40, Article XXXII.5 of this Code. Sec. 33-3.46. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.47. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.48. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.49. Reserved. DIVISION 3. MIXED-USE BASE ZONING DISTRICTS. Sec. 33-3.50. Mixed-Use Base Zoning Districts Use Matrix. A. In General. Table 33-3.50-1. Authorized Land Uses for Mixed-Use Base Zoning Districts lists the principal uses, as described in Sec. 33-3.4.3. Master Use Matrix, allowed by right within the mixed-use base zoning districts as well as uses that may be authorized subject to supplemental conditions or approval of a conditional use permit. B. Interpretation. 1. LBCS hierarchy. a. No entry. The LBCS function codes establish a four-digit hierarchy of uses with digits to the right expressing greater specificity. Where no entry appears in the zoning district columns of Table 33-3.4.3-1 (for example 1000, 1100 and 1110), the uses described more specifically in the rows below (1111 and 1112 in the above example) indicate whether or not a specific use is authorized. RESIDENCE OR ACCOMMODATION FUNCTIONS Private Dwelling Single family single family detached single family attached (townhouse) single family manufactured home Two family (double or duplex) two family detached two family attached Three family (triplex) three family detached three family attached Four family (quadruplex) Multi-family Housing Services Retirement housing services Congregate living services Assisted-living board and care and adult care group homes board and care home Continuing care retirement center 1000 1100 1110 1100 1111 1110 X X X 1112 1140 X S X 1113 1150 X X X 1130 1121 X X X X X X 1131 X X X 1132 X X X 1140 X P X X P X 1210 X P X 1220 X P X 1230 X P X 1231 X C X 1240 X P X 1120 1121 1122 1130 1150 1200 1200 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 b. Entry. Where an entry appears in the zoning district columns of Table 333.4.3-1 for a general use (for example 2520) and also for a more specific use (for example 2521) within the same classification, the more specific code and its entry shall govern. 2. Entries for permitted uses. a. A "P" indicates the listed use is allowed by-right within the respective zoning district. b. An "S" indicates that the listed use is allowed subject to the supplemental use regulations established in the zoning district standards, in Article 5 of this UDC, or elsewhere in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. 3. Entry for conditional uses. A "C" indicates the listed use is allowed within the respective zoning district only after review and approval of a conditional use permit by the Parish Council in accordance with Sec. 33-2.24 Conditional Use Permit. For purposes of this UDC, a special permitted use is the same as a conditional use. Note that supplementary conditions for some of these uses are established in Article 5 of this UDC and within regulations for specific zoning districts. 4. Entry for prohibited uses. An "X" indicates the listed use is not allowed within the respective zoning district, unless otherwise expressly allowed within this UDC. Table 33-3.50-1. Authorized Land Uses for Mixed-Use Base Zoning Districts Nursing or convalescent home Hotels, Motels, or Other Accommodation Services Bed and breakfast inn Rooming and boarding barracks dormitory Hotel or motel Hotel Motel Casino hotel Other traveler accommodations GENERAL SALES OR SERVICES Retail Sales or Service and Repair Automobile sales or service car dealer bus, truck, mobile homes, or large vehicles motorcycle, atv boat or marine craft dealer parts, accessories, or tires gasoline service automotive repair and maintenance truck stop car wash Heavy consumer goods sales or service furniture or home furnishings hardware, home center lawn and garden supplies department store, warehouse club, or superstore electronics and appliances lumber yard and building materials 1250 X X X 1310 X X X 1320 X X X X X X X X P P X X X X X P X X X X X 2111 X X X 2112 X X X 2113 X X X 2114 X X X 2115 X X P X X P 2117 X X X 2118 X X X 2119 X X S X X P X X P X X P X X P 2125 X X X 2126 X X X 1300 1321 1322 1330 1331 1332 1340 1310 1320 1330 1350 2000 2100 2110 2116 2270 2120 2121 2122 2592 2123 2124 2240, 2250 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code heating and plumbing equipment Durable consumer goods sales and service computer and software camera and photographic supplies clothing, footwear, jewelry, silverware, watches and clocks, luggage and leather goods, sewing supplies sporting goods, toy and hobby, and musical instruments books, magazines, music, stationery Consumer goods, other florist art dealer, supplies, sales and service tobacco sales or tobacconist mail order sales or direct selling antique shop, flea market, thrift stores Grocery, food, beverage, dairy grocery store, supermarket, or bakery convenience store specialty food store fruit and vegetable store beer, wine, and liquor store Health and personal care pharmacy or drug store cosmetic and beauty supplies and personal grooming products optical and contact lenses convalescent supply, prosthetic, hearing aid store 2127 X X X 2131 P P P 2132 P P P 2133 P P P 2134 P P P 2135 P P P 2141 P P P 2142 P P P 2143 P P P 2144 P P P 2145 P X P P X P P P X P P P 2154 P X P 2155 P X P 2161 P P P 2162 P P P 2163 P P P 2164 P P P 2130 2140 2150 2151 2152 2153 2591 2160 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code health food supplement store Finance and Insurance Bank, credit union, or savings institution drive-through bank or credit union Credit and finance businesses pawn shop and retail loan Investment banking, securities, and brokerages Insurance-related businesses Fund, trust, or other financial businesses Real Estate, and Rental and Leasing Real estate services Property management services commercial propertyrelated, mini- or selfstorage rental housingrelated Rental and leasing cars rental and leasing leasing trucks, trailers, rv's, buses, aircraft, tugboats, etc. recreational goods rental leasing commercial, industrial machinery and equipment consumer goods rental intellectual property rental Business, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Professional services legal services accounting, tax, bookkeeping, payroll services 2165 P P P P X P X X P 2220 P X P 2221 X X X 2230 P X P 2240 P X P 2250 P X P P X P X X X P P P 2331 X X X 2332 X X X 2333 X X X 2334 X X X 2335 X X P 2336 P P P 2410 2411 P P P 2412 P P P 2200 2210 2211 2110 2300 2310 2320 2321 2322 2700 2330 2400 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code architectural, engineering, surveying and related services graphic, industrial, interior design services consulting services (management, environmental technical) scientific research and development services advertising, media, and photography services veterinary services Administrative services office administrative services facilities support services employment agency copy center, private mail center, other business support services collection agency Travel arrangement and reservation services Investigation and security services Services to buildings and dwellings extermination and pest control janitorial landscaping carpet and upholstery cleaning packing, crating, and convention and trade show Food Services Full-service restaurant Cafeteria or limited service restaurant drive-through restaurants Snack or nonalcoholic bar 2413 P P P 2414 P P P 2415 P P P 2416 P X P 2417 P P P 2418 X X S 2421 P P P 2422 P X P 2423 P X P 2424 P X P 2425 X X P 2430 P X P 2440 X X P 2451 X X P 2452 2453 X X X X X P 2454 X X P 2455 X X P 2510 P X P 2520 P X P 2521 X X S 2530 P P P 2420 2450 2500 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code FC-3 §33-3.55 X X S 2540 X X X 2541 X X X 2550 2560 S P S X S P 2570 X X P 2580 X X P 2611 P P P 2612 P X P 2614 P X P 2616 P P P 2621 X X P 2622 X X P 2623 X X X 2624 2630 P P P X P P S S S S S S X X X X X X X X X X X X 2710 X X P 2720 X X S 2600 2610 2620 2640 2641 2642 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2700 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-2 §33-3.54 drive-through snack or nonalcoholic bar Bar or drinking place drive-through alcoholic beverage service Mobile food services Caterer, banquet hall Food service contractor Vending machine operator Personal Services Personal care hair, nail, and cosmetic skin care dieting and weight reducing tanning salon depilatory or electrolysis (i.e., hair removal), hair weaving or replacement (except by offices of physicians), ear piercing Dry cleaning and laundry coin-operated laundromat dry cleaning and laundry linen and uniform supply tailor, alterationist Photofinishing Parking lot and parking garage parking lot parking garage Adult use massage parlor tattoo parlor adult establishment adult cabaret Pet and Animal Sales or Service (except Veterinary) Pet or pet supply store Animal and pet services and kennels OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 2531 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE TRADE Foods, Textiles, and Related Products Food and beverages animal slaughtering and processing Tobacco manufacturing Textiles Leather and leather substitute products leather and hide tanning and finishing Wood, Paper, and Printing Products Wood products Paper and printing materials pulp, paper, and paperboard mills printing and related support activities Furniture and related products Chemicals, and Metals, Machinery, and Electronics Manufacturing Petroleum and coal products: refineries, asphalt materials Chemicals manufacturing basic chemical manufacturing resin, synthetic rubber pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemicals adhesive explosives and pyrotechnics Nonmetallic mineral products Primary metal manufacturing iron and steel mills; foundries alumina or cooper refining, production, smelting, and alloying; foundries 3000 3100 3110 X X X 3116 X X X 3120 X X X 3130 X X X 3140 X X X 3161 X X X 3210 X X X 3220 X X X 3221 X X X 3222 X X P 3230 X X X 3300 X X X 3310 X X X 3320 X X X 3321 X X X 3322 X X X 3323 X X X 3324 X X X 3325 X X X 3330 X X X 3340 X X X 3341 X X X 3342 X X X 3200 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities ammunition Machinery manufacturing Electrical equipment, appliance, and components manufacturing Transportation equipment Miscellaneous Manufacturing Jewelry and silverware Dolls, toys, games, and musical instruments Office supplies, inks, etc. Signs Wholesale Trade Durable goods Nondurable goods Warehousing and Storage Services Office and warehousing Warehousing Tankfarm TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION, AND UTILITIES Transportation Services Air transportation facility air passenger transportation air freight transportation airport and support uses aircraft and accessories other air transportation Rail transportation facility rail passenger transportation rail freight transportation 3343 X X X 3344 X X X 3350 X X X 3360 X X X 3370 X X X 3410 X X X 3420 X X X 3430 X X X 3440 3500 3510 3520 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4112 X X X 4113 X X X 4114 X X X 4115 X X X X X X X X X 3400 3600 3610 3620 3630 2700 2780 4000 4100 4110 5600 4111 3920 4120 5700 4121 3940 4122 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code rail transportation support uses Road, ground passenger, and transit transportation local transit systems-bus, special needs, and other motor vehicles non-local and charter bus school and employee bus transportation sightseeing taxi and limousine service towing and other road and ground services Truck and freight transportation services general freight trucking, local general freight trucking, longdistance Marine and water transportation facility marine and sightseeing transportation marine freight transportation marine port and harbor operations marine cargo handling and dry dock services marine navigational and other services Courier and messenger services Postal services national post office Pipeline transportation Communications and Information Publishing newspapers, books, periodicals, etc. software publisher Motion pictures and sound recording 4123 X X X 4133 X X X 4134 X X X 4135 X X X 4136 X X X 4137 X X X 4138 X X X 4140 X X X 4141 X X X 4142 X X X 4151 X X X 4152 X X X 4153 X X X 4154 X X X 4155 X X X 4160 P P P 4170 4171 X X P 4180 X X X 4211 X X P 4212 P X P 4130 4150 3950 4200 4210 4220 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code motion picture and video production, publishing, and distribution motion picture viewing and exhibition services sound recording, production, publishing Telecommunications and broadcasting radio and television broadcasting cable networks and distribution wireless telecommunications telephone and other wired telecommunications Information services and data processing industries online information services library or archive news syndicate data processing, hosting and related services Utilities and Utility Services Electric power hydroelectric power generation fossil fuel electric power generation nuclear power generation alternative energy sources Natural gas, petroleum, fuels Water, steam, air conditioning supply drinking water irrigation and industrial water supply air conditioning and steam supply Sewer, solid waste, and related services hazardous waste collection 4221 X X X 4222 X X P 4223 X X P 4231 X X X 4232 X X X 4233 X X X 4234 X X X 4241 X X P 4242 4243 P X P X P P 4244 X X P 4311 X X X 4312 X X S 4313 X X X 4314 X X X 4320 X X X 4331 X X X 4332 X X X 4333 X X X X X X 4230 4240 4300 4310 4330 4340 4341 6340 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code hazardous waste treatment and disposal solid waste collection solid waste combustor or incinerator solid waste landfill waste treatment and disposal septic tank and related services sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATION Performing Arts or Supporting Uses Theater, dance or music use [11-6-13] performance theater amphitheater Sports team or club sports training or operation facility sports stadium or arena Racetrack Promoter of sports, performing arts, similar events Agent for management services Independent artist, writer, or performer Movie theater drive-in theater Museums and Other Special Purpose Recreational Institutions Museum Historical or archeological institution Zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, arboreta Amusement, Sports, or Recreation Uses Amusement or theme park 4342 X X X 4343 X X X 4344 6330 X X X 4345 6320 X X X 4346 X X X 4347 X X X 4348 X X X S X S S S X X X X S S X 5130 X X X 5140 P X P 5150 P X P 5160 P P P S X X X S X 5000 5100 5110 5111 5112 5120 3110 3130 5121 5122 3300 5170 5171 3120 3140 5200 4400, 4420 5210 4410 P X P 5220 4410, 4440 P P P 5230 4430, 4440, 4450 X X X X X X 5300 5310 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code Games arcade Casino or gambling Golf course and country club Marina or yachting club facility operators Fitness, recreational sports, gym, athletic club Fitness and recreational sports center Miniature golf courses, archery or shooting ranges, outdoor volleyball, tennis, or swimming facilities, recreational ball parks and courts Recreational day camp (except instructional), recreational or youth sports teams and leagues not operating facilities, boating clubs (without marinas), dance halls Stable, horseback riding, pools Bowling, billiards, pool Skating rink, roller skating Camps, Camping, and Related Uses Such as RV Parks Natural and Other Recreational Parks EDUCATION, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, HEALTH CARE, AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS Educational Services Nursery, preschool, or kindergarten Grade school 5320 5330 X X X X P X 5340 X X X 5360 X X X 5371 X P P 5372 X X X 5373 X X P Elementary 6121 Middle or junior 6122 5370 5374 8240 X X X 5380 3200 X X P 5390 3200 X X P 5400 X X X 5500 P P P X P P 4210 X X X 4210 X X X 6000 6100 6110 6120 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code Senior or high Special needs education services Adult education services College or university Technical, trade, or other specialty school beauty schools business management computer or electronic equipment training driving education fine and performing arts education [11-613] flight training sports and recreation education medical, dental, veterinary, nursing (except academic) assistance language and tutoring Public Administration Legislative and executive functions Judicial functions court correctional institution or jail Other Government Functions Military and national security Space research and technology Public Safety Fire and rescue Police Emergency response Health and Human Services Ambulatory or outpatient care services Clinic family planning or outpatient care clinic 6123 4210 X X X 6125 X X P 6126 X X P X X P 6141 X X P 6142 X X P 6143 X X P 6144 X X X 6145 S X P 6146 X X X 6147 X X X 6148 X X P 6149 X X P 6210 P P P 6220 6221 P P P 4600 X X X 7000 X X P P P P X P X X P X P P P 6511 X X P 6512 X X P 6130 4220 6140 4230 6200 6222 6300 6310 6320 6400 6410 6420 6430 4510 4520 4530 6500 6510 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code medical or diagnostic laboratory blood or organ bank Nursing, supervision and other rehabilitative services Hospital Health care facility Social assistance, welfare, and charitable services child and youth services child daycare community food services emergency and relief services other family services services for elderly and disabled veterans affairs vocational rehabilitation 6513 X X P 6514 X X X 6520 X X X X X X X X X 6561 X X P 6562 X P P 6563 X X X 6564 X X X 6565 X X P 6566 X X P 6567 X X P 6568 X X P 3500 X X P 6710 4800 X X X 6720 4700, 4800 X X X 6810 P X P 6820 P X P 6830 S X S 7100 X X X 7200 X X X X X X 6530 6540 4110 6560 Religious Institution 6600 Death Care Services Funeral home and services Cemetery or cremation services Associations, NonProfit Organizations, Clubs Labor or political organization Business association or professional membership Civic, social, or fraternal organization CONSTRUCTIONRELATED BUSINESSES Building, Developing, and General Contracting Machinery Related Special Trade Contractor Carpentry, floor, and tile contractor 6700 6800 7000 7300 7310 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code Concrete contractor Electrical contractor Glass and glazing contractor Masonry and drywall contractor Painting and wall covering Plumbing, heating, and air conditioning Roofing, siding, or sheet metal contractor Heavy Construction Highway and street construction Bridge and tunnel construction Water, sewer, and pipeline construction Power lines, communication and transmission lines Industrial and other non-building construction MINING AND EXTRACTION Oil and Natural Gas AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING, AND HUNTING Crop Production Grain and oilseed Vegetable farming or growing Fruits and trees Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture All other crops Support Functions for Agriculture Animal Production Cattle ranch Dairy cattle and milk production Hog farm Poultry and egg production Sheep and goat farm Fish hatchery, fishery, aquaculture All other animal production 7320 7330 X X X X X X 7340 X X X 7350 X X X 7360 X X X 7370 X X X 7380 X X X 7410 X X X 7420 X X X 7430 X X X 7440 X X X 7450 X X X X X X 9100 9110 X X X X X X 9120 X X X 9130 X X X X X X 9150 X X X 9200 X X X 7400 8000 8100 9000 9140 8500 9300 9310 8320 X X X 9320 8210 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9330 9340 8600 9350 9360 9370 8600 U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code U-1S (reserved) U-1R (reserved) FC-3 §33-3.55 FC-2 §33-3.54 OBM-1 (reserved) OBM-2 (reserved) FC-1 §33-3.53 LBCS LBCS LBCS Classification Function Structure Code Code bees 9371 8800 X X X horse and equine 9372 8240 X X X fur-bearing 9373 X X X Support function for 9380 X X X animal production Forestry and Logging 9400 X X X Fishing, Hunting and Trapping, Game 9500 Preserves Fishing 9510 X X X Hunting and trapping, game 9520 X X X retreats, game and fishing preserves Unclassifiable or No 9900 Function Sec. 33-3.51. Old Bucktown Mixed-Use Residential (OBM-1). See Chapter 40, Article XXVI.5 of this Code. Sec. 33-3.52. Old Bucktown Mixed-Use Commercial (OBM-2). See Chapter 40, Article XXVIII.5 of this Code. Sec. 33-3.53. Pedestrian-Core District (FC-1). Sec.33-3.53.1. Purpose. This district is intended to create a walkable mixed-use neighborhood that attracts adults and families to shop and eat. Capitalizing on proximity to the Lakeside Shopping Center, this district, which is centered on the 18 th Street Corridor, will be the heart of a vibrant lifestyle center. Upper floors of mixed-use buildings will provide attractive locations for a mix of offices, lodging, and residences. Uses at street level will include restaurants, specialty retail, and entertainment venues. Sec. 33-3.53.2. Authorized uses. Uses shall be authorized as provided in Section 33-3.50 of this UDC. Sec. 33-3.53.3. Supplemental use regulations. A. No drive-in, drive-up, or drive-through facilities or outdoor speakers except as authorized by the Council through a special event permit, shall be allowed. B. Except hotels, nonresidential uses shall not exceed twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet of ground floor area. Buildings with more than 25,000 square feet of ground floor area that accommodate multiple nonresidential uses are allowed, provided that the following standards are met: 1. The building is divided into distinct modules that incorporate visible changes in the street-facing façade elevation through the use of wall plane projections, piers, columns, colonnades, or similar architectural features that create a distinctive façade elevation; 2. Each module shall have separate street entrances; 3. Each module for a single continuous façade shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in width; and 4. The applicant for approval of a building with more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of ground floor area shall submit a traffic mitigation plan that provides a vehicular connection between two north-south streets unless LURTC determines that existing connections are adequate. The Planning Director may approve alternative traffic circulation enhancements that improve east-west movement of traffic after considering the recommendations of the LURTC, or may forward the mitigation plan to the Council for approval if the enhancements comprise a major subdivision or involve traffic improvements that require a development agreement. C. No residential uses shall be allowed on ground floors. D. No outdoor storage, display, or operations shall be allowed, except outdoor customer seating for restaurants and snack bars. E. Bars and holding bars shall be allowed as accessory uses to a hotel or restaurant, provided the following standards are met: 1. Size. The total floor area of all bars shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the ground floor area up to a maximum area of 600 square feet of the hotel or restaurant. 2. External entrance. The bar shall not have a separate external entrance other than emergency exits required by this Code. 3. Hours of operation. a. An accessory or holding bar to a hotel shall not be open between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 11:00 a.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights it may remain open until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings (See Figure 33-3.53.3-1). By special event permit issued by the Council, a bar may be allowed to operate for not more than one (1) additional hour each day. Such bars may not be open when the primary use is not in operation. The Sheriff’s Office shall enforce hours of operation. Figure 33-3.53.3-1. Accessory or holding bar to a hotel or a nonconforming bar. Hours of Operation Weekday 12 AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Period when alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, consumed, or dispensed Period when alcoholic beverages may be sold, consumed, and dispensed 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. b. Restaurants that contain a holding or accessory bar shall comply with the standards for hours of operation for food services in Section 33-3.53.3(H). Litter control. Each day, the owner or operator of the bar shall collect all litter and trash originating from the bar and deposited on the site of the bar and public property within two hundred (200) feet of any boundary of the property upon which the bar is located. Soundproofing. The owner or operator of the bar shall install soundproofing so that sound from the bar does not exceed 60 dba measured at the property line after 10:00 p.m. Soundproofing methods shall be approved by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement. Outdoor speakers shall be prohibited. Readings shall be taken by Sheriff’s Office. Three (3) readings at thirty second intervals will be taken and the mean of these readings will determine the actual decibel level. Readings will be taken using the A scale of the sound meter on slow response or other methods that the Sheriff’s Office determines provide equal or greater sound protection for neighboring properties. Security cameras. The owner or operator of the bar shall install and properly maintain twenty-four hour time-lapse security cameras inside and outside the building to provide complete coverage of all patron, entry, and parking areas, or at other locations recommended by the Sheriff’s Office in writing. All criminal and suspicious activities recorded on required surveillance equipment must be reported to local law enforcement, and to the extent allowed by law, the bar’s owner or operator shall provide any tapes or other recording media from the security cameras to the Sheriff’s Office. Loitering. The owner or operator of the bar shall discourage loiterers and ask persons loitering longer than fifteen (15) minutes to leave the area, and shall contact the Sheriff’s Office for enforcement of applicable trespassing and loitering laws if persons requested to leave fail to leave.8. Compliance. Such bars shall comply with above provisions by March 31, 2011. The Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement may approve up to an additional ninety (90) calendar days for installation of the soundproofing if a building permit has been issued, work has been commenced, and the owner or operator has a contract for completion of the work. Non-compliance. Failure to comply with the conditions of paragraphs E.1. through E.7. within the time frames established in paragraph F.8. of this Section, or the commission of acts listed in Chapter 4 of this Code shall be grounds for revocation of an alcoholic beverage permit in accordance with Chapter 4 of this Code. F. Stand-alone bars or drinking places and drive-through alcoholic beverage service are prohibited and existing stand-alone bars or nightclubs are considered nonconforming. Nonconforming bars shall comply with the following standards: 1. Hours of operation. Except as authorized by the Council through a special event permit, the bar shall not be open between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 11:00 a.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights bars and holding bars may remain open until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings (See Figure 33-3.53.3-1). By special event permit a bar may be allowed to operate for not more than one (1) additional hour each day. The Sheriff’s Office shall enforce hours of operation. [2-11-15] 2. Graffiti removal. The owner or operator of the bar shall remove all graffiti from the walls, fences, pavement, buildings, or other structures associated with the bar within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery of its appearance on the property. 3. Litter control. Each day, the owner or operator of the bar shall collect all litter and trash originating from the bar and deposited on the site of the bar and public property within two hundred (200) feet of any boundary of the property upon which the bar is located. For failure to maintain a litter-free environment, the owner or operator may be required to locate permanent, non-flammable trash receptacles, sixty (60) gallons or less in size, at convenient locations, appropriately screened from view from the street, outside the bar and in the bar’s parking area. The owner or operator of the bar shall remove all trash from these receptacles on a daily basis, or more frequently if needed to maintain a litter-free environment, and from the sidewalk and public right-of-way adjacent to the property upon which the bar is located. 4. Soundproofing. The owner or operator of the bar shall install soundproofing so that sound from the bar does not exceed 60 dba measured at the property line after 10:00 p.m. Soundproofing methods shall be approved by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement. Outdoor speakers shall be prohibited. Readings shall be taken by the sheriff’s office. Three (3) readings at thirty second intervals will be taken and the mean of these readings will determine the actual decibel level. Readings will be taken using the A scale of the sound meter on slow response or other methods that the Sheriff’s Office determines provide equal or greater sound protection for neighboring properties. 5. Security cameras. The owner or operator of the bar shall install and properly maintain twenty-four hour time-lapse security cameras inside and outside the building to provide complete coverage of all patron, entry, and parking areas, or at locations recommended by the sheriff’s office in writing. All criminal and suspicious activities recorded on required surveillance equipment must be reported to local law enforcement, and to the extent allowed by law, the bar’s owner or operator shall provide any tapes or other recording media from the security cameras to the Sheriff’s Office. 6.Vegetation. No exterior vegetation shall be planted or maintained that could be used as a hiding place for persons on the premises. Exterior vegetation shall be planted and maintained in a manner that minimizes its use as a hiding place. No hedge on the premises of a stand-alone bar shall be taller than two and one-half (2.5) feet. 7. Loitering. The owner or operator of the bar shall discourage loiterers and ask persons loitering longer than fifteen (15) minutes to leave the area, and shall contact the Sheriff’s Office for enforcement of applicable trespassing and loitering laws if persons requested to leave fail to leave. 8. Compliance. Nonconforming bars shall comply with the above provisions by March 31, 2011, provided that the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement may approve up to an additional ninety (90) calendar days for installation of the soundproofing if a building permit has been issued, work has been commenced, and the owner or operator has a contract for completion of the work. 9. Revocation of nonconforming status. Failure to comply with the conditions of paragraphs F.1. through F.7. within the time frames established in paragraph F.8. of this Section or the commission of acts listed in Chapter 4, Article II, Section 4-32 of this Code shall be grounds for revocation of nonconforming status. The Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement shall notify the property owner and operator of the bar of the revocation of nonconforming status by certified mail. The notice shall cite the reasons for the revocation. Either the property owner or the operator of the bar may file an appeal to the revocation with the Parish Council within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that the notification is mailed in accordance with Chapter 40 of this Code. Before deciding on the validity of the action, the council shall conduct a public hearing and consider evidence of whether the bar has operated in compliance with all of the requirements of this Section and with the conditions established in Chapter 4, Article II, Section 4-32 of this Code, as the effectiveness of efforts to remedy violations. G. A business that conducts retail sales or services (see Table 33-3.4.5-1 LBCS function codes 2100 et seq.) shall not sell beer or other alcoholic beverages between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 7:00 a.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights a business may sell alcoholic beverages until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings (See Figure 33-3.53.3-2). The Sheriff's Office shall enforce hours of operation. Failure to comply with hours of operation or the commission of acts listed in Chapter 4 of this Code shall be grounds for revocation of an alcoholic beverage permit in accordance with Chapter 4 of this Code. Figure 33-3.53.3-2. Businesses conducting retail sales or services. [2-11-15] Hours of Operation Weekday 12 AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Period when alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, consumed, or dispensed Period when alcoholic beverages may be sold, consumed, and dispensed H. A business that has an alcoholic beverage permit and provides food services (see Table 33-3.4.5-1 LBCS function codes 2500 et seq., excluding a bar or drinking place and a drive-through alcoholic beverage service which are subject to the provisions established in Section 33-3.53.3.(E) of this Chapter) or provides arts, entertainment, or recreation services (see Table 33-3.4.5-1 LBCS function codes 5000 et seq.,) shall comply with the following standards: 1. Hours of operation. a. No sale or dispensing of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights alcoholic beverages may be sold or dispensed until 12:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings (See Figure 33-3.53.3-3).; b. No sale, dispensing, or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed between 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 7:00 a.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings (See Figure 33-3.53.3-3); Figure 33-3.53.3-3. Businesses that have an alcoholic beverage permit and provide food services or arts, entertainment, and recreation services. Hours of Operation Weekday 12 AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Period when only the consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed Period when alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, consumed, or dispensed Period when alcoholic beverages may be sold, consumed, and dispensed c. A business which uses a separate room from the restaurant section as an accessory bar must keep the separate room locked during the period when alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, consumed, or dispensed; and d. No opened or sealed containers containing alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed, or dispensed anywhere on the licensed premises or property, including parking lots and other outdoor spaces, during the period when alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, consumed, or dispensed. 2. Enforcement. The Sheriff's Office shall enforce hours of operation. Failure to comply with hours of operation or the commission of acts listed in Chapter 4 of this Code shall be grounds for revocation of an alcoholic beverage permit in accordance with Chapter 4 of this Code. I. Not more than two (2) service vehicles shall be parked in a required parking space at any time. All vehicles parked or stored on-site shall be operational and have current registration and licensing. J. Accessory or support buildings and structures customarily incidental to the primary use shall be allowed on the same lot as the primary use, provided that the support building or structure is used or operated by the owner or a tenant in the principle structure, and that the structure or building complies with the standards established in Section 33-3.6 of this UDC and Chapter 40 of this Code. K. Parking, whether a primary use or accessory use, shall not access 18 th Street. Access via any street intersecting 18th Street shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from the 18th Street right-of way (see Figure 33-3.53.3-4). A single driveway shall be granted by the Planning Director for interior lots along 18 th street if the LURTC finds that all of the following conditions have been met: 1. The driveway is part of a development that requires site plan approval; 2. Site constraints preclude access to the parking structure or rear parking area from side streets; 3. The applicant provides rear access connections to abutting parking areas and shall grant common access through the driveway from 18 th St. and across the parking areas of the site. The common access shall be secured by a common access servitude shown on the site plan, or shared access agreement recorded with the site plan; 4. Not more than one other driveway has been approved along the same block face since adoption of these regulations; and 5. The driveway: a. Does not exceed twenty (20) feet in width; b. Provides access to a parking structure or the rear of the site; and c. Shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from the projected intersection of curb lines of any street intersection. Figure 33-3.53.3-4: Driveway or Garage Separation from 18th Street L. Mixed use buildings shall comply with the standards established in Section 333.56.1. M. Club for the purposes of the FC-1 zoning district shall mean buildings and facilities owned and operated by a corporation, association, person, or persons for social, educational or recreational purpose, but not for profit, or not to render a service that is normally carried on as a business or that excludes minors. Clubs shall not provide services that are the functional equivalent of adult uses or stand-alone bars. Clubs that provide food and alcoholic beverages to members shall operate subject to the same FC-1 and FC-3 zoning district requirements as restaurants with accessory bars that are open to the public. N. Theaters shall comply with the following standards: 1. Prohibition. Theaters shall not function as adult uses as defined in Chapter 40 of this Code; however, nothing contained in these regulations shall be construed to limit the exhibition, presentation, showing, or performance of any play, ballet, drama, or motion picture in any theater, which is primarily devoted to such exhibitions, presentations, shows, or performances as a form of expression of opinion, communication, speech, ideas, information, drama, or art, as differentiated from commercial or business advertising, promotion or exploitation of nudity, or obscene live conduct for the purpose of advertising, promoting, selling or serving products or services or otherwise advancing the economic welfare of a commercial business or business enterprise such as a hotel, motel, bar, nightclub, restaurant, tavern, or dance hall. 2. Capacity. Theaters shall be limited to a maximum total capacity of two hundred (200) persons and to a single-screen for motion picture films. 3. Accessory uses. a. Food services. The sale of food and beverages for consumption on the premises shall be allowed. b. Alcoholic beverages. Holding bars shall be allowed, provided the bar meets the regulations for size and external entrance in Sec. and meets the regulations for hours of operation for food services in Sec. c. Fine and performing arts education. Fine and performing arts education shall be allowed provided class size does not exceed fifteen (15) students and no more than two (2) classes are conducted simultaneously. 4. Nuisances. a. All doors and windows shall be closed while a performance or presentation is in progress. b. Unless the Parish Council issues a special event permit, the production of music shall not be allowed outside the theater building. c. Theaters shall comply with provisions for litter control and soundproofing as provided in Section 33-3.53.3(E). O. Mobile food services shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 22, Article III of this Code, with the following modifications: 1. Special Event Permit required. A Special Event Permit approved by the Jefferson Parish Council is required for a mobile food service event, and the permit is subject to the following requirements: a. Must be requested by and issued to a non-profit organization which shall include with the application the current lease or letter of permission from the owner, lessor, or sub-lessor of the private property upon which the mobile food services will be conducted; b. Shall be limited to one mobile food service event per month; and c. Shall not be conducted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 2. Site criteria. a. The mobile food service site shall be privately-owned property; b. Sales shall not be conducted on any area of the private property within ten (10) feet of a property line abutting any public right–of-way which is used for vehicular traffic; c. Street furniture such as tables, chairs, and temporary shade structures for customers of the mobile food services shall be allowed on privately-owned property, including within ten (10) feet of the property line; and d. Individual mobile food service vehicles, carts, stands, or tables on site shall: (1) Provide a trash receptacle located within fifteen (15) feet of the vehicle, cart, stand, or table; (2) Not be subject to zoning requirements for parking or loading; (3) Not be required to have one or more permanent restroom facilities; and (4) Not be required to have electrical, water, and sewer connections in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Code. 3. Individual mobile food service vendors permit. Prior to the conducting of sales, a mobile food service vendor shall obtain a permit in accordance with Chapter 22, Article III of this Code with the following modifications: a. The permit shall be obtained from the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement instead of the Sheriff’s Office; b. Each mobile food service vendor shall provide the latest inspection report completed by the state health officer and the valid permit issued by the State health officer for the food vehicle, cart, stand, or table and for the required commissary, depot, or processing plant, which may be located outside of Jefferson Parish; c. Each vendor shall pay the annual permit fee required by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement; d. The Parish’s permit shall be valid for the period that the permit from the state health officer is valid, and the vendor shall renew the Parish permit concurrent with renewal of the State permit; and e. Any vendor who secures a permit under the regulations of this Chapter but otherwise fails to abide by applicable state regulations, this Chapter, and Chapter 22, Article III of this Code as excepted herein, shall be subject to suspension and/or revocation of the permit. Sec. 33-3.53.4. Building setbacks. A. Front. The minimum and maximum setback shall be five (5) feet. Minimum and maximum setbacks shall be the minimum and maximum distances between the property line and the building line. A portion of the building may be setback to accommodate an outdoor seating area as permitted below. 1. After reviewing a site plan application and considering the recommendation of LURTC, the planning director may approve the establishment of an outdoor seating area, plaza, or courtyard at ground level between the building and the property line provided that the area: a. Shall adjoin the sidewalk and shall not be wider than the greater of fifty (50) feet or fifty (50) percent of the development site width and not deeper than two-hundred (200) feet. b. Shall have a minimum floor area of 200 sq. ft. and a maximum floor area of 1,000 sq. ft. c. Shall be constructed of a durable outdoor surface that is compatible with parish-approved sidewalk material. d. If elevated, shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches above the level of the abutting sidewalk. 2. On 18th Street, the entire area between the property line and the building line shall be paved with parish-approved sidewalk material and be an extension of the sidewalk. On other streets, the entire setback area shall be landscaping except for driveways, walkways, or outdoor seating areas. 3. Awnings, canopies, balconies, or the upper floors of a building that create an arcade or gallery are encouraged. Said structures provide public benefits, including visual interest and shade, and promote the vision of a traditional, pedestrian-friendly, and vibrant main street. Awnings, canopies, balconies, or the upper floors of a building that create an arcade or gallery may be established subject to the following conditions: a. Balconies and awnings may project to the back of the curb line subject to Parish Attorney approval of an agreement allowing use of public right-ofway and indemnifying the Parish for any balcony or awning that extends into a public right-of-way. b. Arcades formed by the projection of buildings to the back of the curb-line are permitted where on-street parking is provided and the building does not project into public right-of-way. To provide pleasant, usable space that connects with surrounding properties, an arcade shall be well-lit and shall not terminate at dead ends at the side of adjacent buildings. c. A minimum width of eight (8) feet of pedestrian and frontage zones, or sidewalk, complying with ADA standards shall be provided between the first floor façade and any posts or columns supporting the awning, canopy, balcony, or building overhang. Such posts or columns may be located in the furniture zone but shall not be located within the pedestrian zone or within eighteen (18) inches of the face of the curb; d. At least fourteen (14) feet of clearance shall be provided between the sidewalk and the bottom of the balcony or arcade ceiling; e. At least nine (9) feet of clearance shall be provided between the sidewalk and the bottom of the awning. The height of awnings, measured vertically from the lowest to the highest point, shall not exceed four (4) feet; and f. At least ten (10) feet of clearance shall be provided between the awning, canopy, balcony, or building overhang and any potential hazards (e.g., power or telecommunications lines). B. Side setback. No minimum or maximum, subject to building and fire code requirements. C. Rear setback. No minimum or maximum, subject to building and fire code requirements. D. Exterior side setback for corner lots. Setbacks from each street shall comply with front setbacks. E. No variances or exceptions to building setbacks shall be permitted in the FC-1 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board, or Commission, except that the Planning Director, after considering LURTC comments, may make the following modifications: 1. The minimum or maximum front or corner lot side setbacks by up to five (5) feet to facilitate transitions between buildings, establish a more functional pedestrian environment, or meet requirements for parking, landscaping, or clear vision area. 2. Outdoor surface materials including hardscape and softscape. 3. Setbacks for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to facilitate transitions between raised buildings and sidewalks or vehicular use areas. Sec. 33-3.53.5. Maximum building height. A. No building or structure shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. Chapter 40, Section 40-737 of this Code shall not apply to any building or structure in this district. B. Buildings shall not be less than three (3) stories on corner lots or less than two (2) stories in other portions of the district. C. First floor ceiling heights shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet or more than twenty (20) feet. D. No variances or exceptions to maximum or minimum height or stories shall be permitted in the FC-1 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission. Sec. 33-3.53.6. Openings. A. On the ground floor, the following standards shall apply: 1. A minimum of seventy (70) percent of the street-facing building façades between the elevations of two (2) feet and ten (10) feet above the first finished floor shall be comprised of doors or transparent windows that provide a view of the interior area within three (3) feet of the opening. 2. Transparent shall mean that the window is constructed of non-reflective clear or lightly tinted glass. Non-reflective opaque glass and darkly tinted glass are not considered to be transparent and are prohibited. 3. The Planning Director may approve decorative or stained glass or the use of a material allowed for above-ground floors if a retail use demonstrates that this material is necessary for additional display space and does not detract from the design of the facade. B. On upper or above-ground floors, the following standards shall apply: 1. A minimum of thirty (30) percent of the street-facing walls of all structures, including parking garages, above the first floor shall be comprised of windows, or for parking structures other openings approved by the Planning Director. 2. Windows may be constructed of spandrel; mirrored, frosted, or decorative glass; or glass block. 3. Openings shall be horizontally aligned with openings on adjacent buildings, vertically aligned, or proportionate with openings on the ground floor of the building. C. Calculations for openings and window transparency shall be independently computed for and applied to each street-facing building façade and shall not include building facades that are both visible from and perpendicular to a street (See Figure 33-3.53.6-1). D. The Planning Director may adjust requirements for openings for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to accommodate BFE. Figure 33-3.53.6-1: Street Facing Building Facades Sec. 33-3.53.7. Entries. Buildings must have a customer entrance door facing each abutting street. For corner buildings facing two (2) streets, a corner entrance door shall be allowed. Sec. 33-3.53.8. Garage doors/loading docks. No garage door or loading dock shall face a public street except as authorized pursuant to Section 33-3.60 of this UDC. The planning director may approve a garage door for a restaurant with an outdoor seating area if a minimum of seventyfive (75) percent of the garage door is comprised of windows constructed of nonreflective clear or lightly tinted transparent glass. Sec. 33-3.53.9. Building materials. Building facades shall comply with the following standards for materials: A. At least eighty (80) percent of each building façade visible from the street, excluding window and door area, shall be clad in brick, stone, stucco, textured masonry, wood, or architectural pre-cast concrete. This requirement shall be independently computed for and applied to each applicable building façade. B. Applicable facades shall include street-facing building facades and facades both visible from and perpendicular to the street (See Figure 33-3.53.6-1), subject to the following conditions: 1. When the façade of a new building or addition to an existing building is both visible from and perpendicular to the street, the entire façade area shall comply with these requirements for exterior wall materials; however, this façade is not required to be clad in material identical to the front façade. 2. The façades perpendicular to the street of an existing building shall be maintained in a condition consistent with that of the front façade, and shall comply with all Parish property maintenance codes. C. At the request of the applicant through the site plan review process, the Planning Director, upon consideration of LURTC comments, may approve the use of alternative building materials with the exception of the following prohibited building materials: 1. Plain concrete block 2. Exposed aggregate (rough finish) concrete wall panels 3. Exterior insulating finish systems (EIFS) or synthetic stucco 4. Plastic 5. Vinyl 6. Metal with exposed fasteners Sec. 33-3.53.10. Fences. A. Wood fences, ornamental fences, or fences of substantially similar appearance not to exceed eight (8) feet in height may be erected along interior side or rear lot lines, around side or rear yards, or in a side or rear yard when placed behind or in alignment with the front building line, or the side building line on a corner lot, and connecting the building with a fence on or along an interior side or a rear lot line subject to the following provisions: 1. Front yards shall not be fenced, except an ornamental fence not taller than forty-two (42) inches tall measured from sidewalk elevation may be used to enclose allowed customer areas along street frontages. 2. Fences facing streets shall be constructed of wrought or cast metal or a similar durable material approved by the Planning Director and may include a masonry wall a maximum height of two and one-half (2.5) feet; however, a fence facing a street that is set back at least twenty (20) feet from the front property line, or side property line in the case of a corner lot, may be constructed of decorative capped vertical or horizontal wood board provided that all boards are painted, stained, or treated with preservative and are located on the outside of the posts and facing the street. B. See Sec. 33-3.56.4(D) for additional regulations concerning fencing for a parking lot. Sec. 33-3.53.11. Sidewalks. Eleven (11) feet of streetscape zone shall be provided between the building and the back-of-curb; this area shall contain the pedestrian and frontage zones with a sidewalk complying with ADA standards and parish specifications, and the furniture zone, with a width of five (5) feet. Street lights or other street furniture to Parish specifications may be required in the furniture zone as determined during site plan review. Where at least three (3) feet of frontage zone is covered by a canopy, arcade, awning or gallery, a restaurant or snack bar may establish a customer dining area, provided that tables and chairs do not extend into the pedestrian zone and that the tables and chairs are moved indoors when the restaurant or snack bar is closed. Sec. 33-3.53.12. Signs. Signs shall be established in accordance with the following conditions: [11-6-13] A. Generally. The General Sign Regulations of Chapter 40 of this Code shall apply for any standards that are not provided in this Section. B. Wall, awning, projecting, or hanging. Each business having a direct entry to a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level may have one (1) wall, awning, projecting, or hanging sign attached to the building, subject to the following conditions: 1. A wall sign shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet, except a wall sign on a building set back at least twenty (20) feet from a public street and constructed before the adoption of Ordinance No. 23881 on September 22, 2010 shall not be larger than fifty (50) square feet. 2. A projecting or awning sign shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet and shall be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign or awning to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. Projecting signs shall not extend more than four (4) feet from the building façade, except that where lots do not abut 17th or 18th street a projecting sign may extend up to ten (10) feet from a building but not beyond the pedestrian zone. 3. Instead of a projecting sign, a hanging sign limited in area to six (6) square feet shall be allowed hanging from the underside of a balcony or arcade as an accessory sign and shall not be included in computation of sign area. Hanging signs must be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. 4. Businesses located on a corner lot or within a corner unit fronting on Severn Avenue may have a total of two (2) wall, awning, or projecting signs provided that the total area of both of the wall, awning, or projecting signs on a new building shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet and neither sign shall exceed twenty (20) square feet. The total area of both the wall, awning, or projecting signs on an existing building shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet, and only one (1) wall, awning, or projecting sign shall be located on each street-facing building façade. C. Window. Window signs may be etched in the glass or hung inside the building, provided that no window sign shall occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of a window opening. Any sign etched into, applied to, or hung within four (4) feet of the inside pane of a window shall be considered a window sign. D. Building directory. For buildings with multiple businesses lacking direct entry from a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level, a single building directory sign not larger than six (6) square feet in area may be attached to a wall within eight (8) feet of the building’s primary entry. E. Address and building name. Addresses shall comply with Chapter 8 of this Code and shall not be considered part of a sign unless the address is a portion of a business name. The name of a building may be built into or attached to the wall of the building or may be a part of the monument sign, but not both wall and monument, and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area, which shall not be included in computation of sign area. F. Directional. Directional signs, limited in area to six (6) square feet each, giving directions to motorists, bicyclists, or pedestrians regarding the location of parking areas, access, or ingress and egress, shall be allowed as accessory signs and not included in any computation of sign area. A free-standing directional sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. G. Monument. 1. One (1) monument sign complying with the sign standards for the FC-3 district may be established on the east side of development sites abutting Severn Avenue. 2. A monument sign may be established on other sites subject to the following criteria: a. The monument sign shall replace an existing detached pole sign that was a legal sign before the adoption of Ordinance No. 23881 on September 22, 2010. b. One (1) monument sign is allowed for each site and the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height. c. The monument sign shall be removed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a new building that replaces the building in which business was conducted or product was sold as advertised by the sign. 3. All monument signs shall be located within a landscaped area of one hundred (100) square feet, except that the Planning Director may reduce this area to meet requirements for parking or clear vision area. H. Menu. A single portable menu sign measuring four (4) square feet or less may be placed in approved courtyards behind the front setback line or in the furniture or frontage zone for a restaurant or snack bar. I. Mural. Upon review by the Planning Department, murals may be allowed on building walls and masonry fences or enclosures subject to the following criteria: 1. The area of a mural, as defined in section 33-10.1, shall not be included in the computation of total sign area. Any portion of a painted or applied sign containing advertising, commercial messages, or logos shall be considered a wall sign, and shall be included in the computation of total sign area. 2. A mural shall not extend more than six (6) inches from the surface on which it is applied, shall not extend beyond the height of the structure on which it is applied, and shall not include moving or protruding elements. 3. A mural may feature the name of the artist(s) of the mural and date of completion in the form of a plaque or notation not to exceed the lesser of five (5) percent of the mural area or six (6) square feet. The plaque or notation bearing the name of the artist(s) must be located in a lower corner of the mural area. 4. Murals must be applied in a durable material or paint finish that can withstand five (5) years of regular wear and weathering. 5. Murals may be externally illuminated, but may not consist of internally illuminated elements. 6. The regulations for murals shall not conflict with requirements for openings, and murals shall not obscure required openings. J. .Prohibited signs. All other sign types, including, but not limited to, off-premise advertising signs and projector, animated, or electronic variable message signs, except as part of an allowed monument sign on Severn Avenue, are prohibited. K. .Sign placement. No sign shall be placed upon a balcony, roof, door, or window, an accessory building, or placed in any manner whatsoever so as to conceal any window, door, balcony, awning or cornice of a building. L. Sign illumination. A wall, projecting, hanging, or window sign may be illuminated internally, and all signs may be illuminated externally except that a sign shall not be illuminated both internally and externally. Illumination shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses or adjoining uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. Illumination of the sign face shall not exceed fifty (50) lumens per square foot and flashing, blinking, or scintillating lights are prohibited. M. Sign variances. No variances or exceptions to signs shall be permitted in the FC-1 district by the parish council, or any parish board or commission. Sec. 33-3.53.13. Outdoor lighting. Outdoor illumination of any building, seating area, plaza, courtyard, landscaping, or similar purpose shall not be aimed, directed, or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. The installation of any mercury-vapor fixture or lamp for use as outdoor lighting is prohibited. If any luminaire is aimed, directed, reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways, the luminaire shall be redirected or relocated, its height remounted, or its light output and illumination levels controlled as necessary and determined by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement to eliminate such conditions. Sec. 33-3.53.14.Landscaping. At least one (1) medium tree, in accordance with tree standards on file with the Planning Department, shall be established for every thirty (30) feet of frontage, or fraction thereof. Street trees may be located within the right-of-way in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 37 of this Code. Tree selections shall be consistent with the planting list in the Planning Department and shall be approved by the Planning Director after considering LURTC recommendations. A. The Planning Director may approve the substitution of other permanent landscaping materials or of street furniture for the trees when an awning, canopy, balcony, or the upper floors of a building are allowed to project into the landscaping area, or the location of utilities prevents the planting of trees. If no substitution for the trees is appropriate or feasible, the property owner may provide the monetary value of the required tree(s), as determined by the Parish Arborist. Payments in lieu of required trees shall be paid to the Parish Department of Parkways and shall be placed in an account dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on public property within the Fat City zoning districts. B. The owner, tenant, or their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This maintenance shall include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, and other such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Dead plant materials shall be replaced with similar healthy plant materials. Sec. 33-3.53.15.Parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with section 33-3.6 of this UDC and Chapter 40 of this Code. No variances or exceptions to parking shall be permitted in the FC-1 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board, or Commission except that the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant a variance for one (1) required parking space to accommodate a monument sign under the following conditions: A. Visibility of the monument sign from the roadway is more than fifty (50) percent obstructed by a vehicle parked in the required parking space, and B. Due to constraints of the site, no other reasonable location is available for the monument sign, as determined by the director of inspection and code enforcement or the Planning Director, as applicable. Sec. 33-3.53.16. Loading. On-site loading zones shall be located behind the front building line and loading bays shall not face 18th Street. With the exception of postal services, deliveries shall be limited to 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on weekdays and from 7:30 am to 11:30 am on weekend days and holidays. Sec. 33-3.53.17. Dumpsters. The use of dumpsters shall be prohibited and shall be removed from the FC-1 district when the first of the following occurs: a site plan is required pursuant to Section 33-3.60 of this UDC; a new business license is issued for a use in a single use building; an existing dumpster service contract expires; or June 30, 2014. A food service operation (FSO), as defined in Sec. 27-143 of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson, is authorized to use a dumpster by right, under the following conditions: A. Dumpsters shall be subject to the location and screening requirements of Chapter 16, Garbage and Other Solid Waste, and Sec. 33-3.56.6(C) of the Fat City regulations, including the hardship provision of these requirements. B. If granted a hardship for location, a dumpster enclosure located between the property line and the building line shall be constructed of concrete block and clad in the same materials as the principal building with a landscape buffer of two and one-half (2.5) feet on all sides excluding the service entrance to the dumpster enclosure. Sec. 33-3.53.18. Trash receptacles. Trash receptacles shall not be located between the front or side building line and the street between the hours of 6:00 AM and midnight. Sec. 33-3.53.19. Mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment, electrical meter and service components, and similar utility devices, whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened from view at the front property line as well as the side property line on the corner side if a corner lot. Exterior screening materials shall be the same as the predominant exterior materials of the principal building. Above-ground public utilities with the exception of utility poles shall be screened by a continuous hedge of no less than three (3) feet in height if surrounded by at least three (3) feet of exposed soil or grass. A setback of no less than one and one-half (1½) feet must be provided around the equipment to allow for proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Sec. 33-3.54. Residential Mixed Use District (FC-2). Sec. 33-3.54.1. Purpose. This residential district is intended to create a walkable residential neighborhood with live-work alternatives and neighborhood service uses. Capitalizing on proximity to the Fat City Pedestrian Core District and the Lakeside Shopping Center, this district will be an attractive residential area for young adults and empty nesters, with a mix of residential, office, and neighborhood services at street level and residences on upper levels. For purposes of zoning compatibility standards, FC-2 shall be considered a residential zoning district. Sec. 33-3.54.2. Authorized uses. Uses shall be authorized as provided in Sec. 33-3.50 of this UDC. Sec. 33-3.54.3. Supplemental use regulations. A. No drive-in, drive-up, or drive-through facilities or outdoor speakers shall be allowed. B. Non-residential uses shall be limited to the first floor and shall not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in floor area. Uses accessory to residential uses (e.g., recreational facilities) may be established on any floor. C. No outdoor storage, display, or operations shall be allowed, except outdoor customer seating for restaurants, snack bars, or other uses where alcoholic beverages are not served. D. Accessory or support buildings and structures customarily incidental to the primary use shall be allowed on the same lot as the primary use, provided that the support building or structure is used or operated by the owner or a tenant in the principle structure, and that the structure or building complies with the standards established in this UDC and Chapter 40 of this Code. E. Townhome development shall comply with the following standards: 1. Building design. No fewer than five (5) and no more than ten (10) dwelling units shall be contiguous. No contiguous group of townhouse dwellings shall exceed 180 feet in length and each group shall incorporate wall plane projections, recesses, or articulated facades combined with window and door placements that create a multi-faceted exterior form and attractive architectural design. Front entryways shall face the street. 2. Building setbacks. a. Lot width. Minimum of eighteen (18) feet for the lot on which each unit is located. b. Front. No minimum or maximum, subject to building code requirements. Any yard provided between the front lot line and building line, or on a corner lot between the side lot line and building line, shall form a contiguous open area consisting of lawn, landscaped areas, or walkways and shall not include parking, driveways, or other impervious surfaces other than walkways. c. Side. Minimum of five (5) feet for corner dwelling units. d. Rear. No minimum or maximum, except that an alley or driveway having a minimum width of eighteen (18) feet of paved roadway that is used to provide rear ingress and egress to each lot shall be required. The alley shall be considered a private drive and may be subject to a Parishapproved maintenance plan. 3. Off-street parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for residential units of this UDC. Parking may be grouped in bays, either adjacent to a street or in the interior of the development site, but shall not be located in the front yard of a lot or the side yard of a corner lot on which a dwelling unit is located. Grouped parking adjacent to a street shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of this UDC. 4. Maintenance of common areas. Maintenance, repair, and decisions affecting the required alley or driveway, grouped parking, and any other areas held in common ownership shall be the responsibility of an association of homeowners in accordance with Section. 33-6.9 of this UDC. a. Any use, including retail sales, food services, or arts, entertainment and recreation services, that sells, dispenses, or provides for the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall comply with the applicable provisions established for the FC-1 district in Section 33-3.53 of this Chapter. b. Mobile food services with the criteria listed in Chapter 33-3.53.3(O). Sec. 33-3.54.4. Building setbacks. A. Front. The minimum setback shall be five (5) feet and the entire setback area shall be landscaping except for driveways, walkways, or outdoor seating areas. B. Side. Minimum of five (5) feet. C. Rear. Subject to building and fire code requirements. D. Exterior side setbacks for corner lots. A minimum of five (5) feet and a maximum of ten (10) feet. E. No variances or exceptions to building setbacks shall be permitted in the FC-2 by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board, or Commission, except that the Planning Director, after considering LURTC comments, may make the following modifications: 1. The minimum front or corner lot side setbacks by up to five (5) feet to facilitate transitions between buildings, establish a more functional pedestrian environment, or meet requirements for parking, landscaping, or clear vision area. 2. Setbacks for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to facilitate transitions between raised buildings and sidewalks or vehicular use areas. Sec. 33-3.54.5. Maximum building height. No building or structure shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height, except as provided in this paragraph. First floor ceiling heights for non-residential uses shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet nor more than twenty (20) feet. Maximum building height may be increased by one (1) foot over sixty-five (65) feet in height for every one (1) foot setback beyond a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the FC1 or a residential zoning district, up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, subject to submittal of a site plan in compliance with this UDC and the following conditions: A. The footprint of the portion of the building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall not be greater than seventy-five (75) percent of the footprint of the portion of the building at grade; B. The portion of the building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall be set back at least twenty (20) feet behind the front of the building at grade (see Figure 33-3.54.5-1); C. The portion of the building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet from the boundaries of the FC-1 or a residential zoning district (see Figure 33-3.54.5-2); D Prior to establishing a building taller than sixty-five (65) feet in height, the applicant shall: 1. Submit a traffic mitigation plan that provides a vehicular connection between two (2) north-south streets unless LURTC determines that existing connections are adequate. The Planning Director may approve alternative traffic circulation enhancements that improve east-west movement of traffic after considering the recommendations of the LURTC, or may forward the mitigation plan to the Council for approval if the enhancements comprise a major subdivision or involve public improvements that require a development agreement; and 2. Provide enhanced pedestrian improvements in the streetscape zone, which may include expanded streetscape improvements, arcade, or gallery measuring at least eight (8) feet in width across the front of the property. E. No variances or exceptions to height shall be permitted in the FC-2 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission. Sec. 40-737 of this Code shall not apply to any building or structure in this district. Figure 33-3.54.5-1: FC-2 Building Above Podium Figure 33-3.54.5-2: FC-2 Maximum Building Height Sec. 33-3.54.6. Openings. A. On the ground floor of non-residential uses, the following standards shall apply. 1. A minimum of sixty (60) percent of each street-facing building façade between the elevations of two (2) feet and ten (10) feet above the first finished floor shall be comprised of doors or transparent windows providing a view of the area within three (3) feet of the opening. 2. Transparent shall mean that the window is constructed of non-reflective, clear, or lightly tinted glass. Non-reflective opaque glass and darkly tinted glass are not considered to be transparent and are prohibited. 3. The Planning Director may approve the use of decorative or stained glass, or the use of material allowed for above-ground floors if a retail use demonstrates that this material is necessary for additional display space or is located within a building that is set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the public right-of-way and does not detract from the design of the façade. B On upper or above-ground floors, the following standards shall apply: 1. A minimum of twenty (20) percent of the street-facing walls of all structures, including parking garages, above the first floor shall be comprised of windows, or, for parking structures, other openings approved by the planning director. 2. Windows may be constructed of spandrel; mirrored, frosted, or decorative glass; or glass block. 3. Openings shall be horizontally aligned with openings on adjacent buildings and vertically aligned, or proportionate with openings on the ground floor of the building. C. Calculations for openings and window transparency shall be independently computed for and applied to each street-facing building façade and shall not include building facades that are both visible from and perpendicular to a street (See Figure 33-3.53.6-1.) D. The Planning Director may adjust opening requirements for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to accommodate BFE. Sec. 33-3.54.7. Entries. Non-residential uses must have a primary entrance door facing each abutting street. For buildings facing two (2) streets, a corner entrance door shall be allowed. Sec. 33-3.54.8. Garage doors/loading docks. No garage door or loading dock shall face a public street except as authorized pursuant to Section 33-3.60 of this UDC. The Planning Director may approve a garage door for a restaurant with an outdoor seating area if a minimum of seventyfive (75) percent of the garage door is comprised of windows constructed of nonreflective clear or lightly tinted transparent glass. Sec. 33-3.54.9.Building materials. Building facades shall comply with the following standards for materials: A. At least eighty (80) percent of each building façade visible from the street, excluding window and door area, shall be clad in brick, stone, stucco, textured masonry, wood, or architectural pre-cast concrete. This requirement shall be independently computed for and applied to each building façade. B. Applicable facades shall include street-facing building facades and facades both visible from and perpendicular to the street (See Figure 33-3.5(a)-2), subject to the following conditions: 1. When the façade of a new building or addition to an existing building is both visible from and perpendicular to the street, the entire façade area shall comply with these requirements for exterior wall materials; however this façade is not required to be clad in material identical to the front façade. 2. The facades perpendicular to the street of an existing building shall be maintained in a condition consistent with that of the front façade, and shall comply with all Parish property maintenance codes. C. At the request of the applicant through the site plan review process, the Planning Director, upon consideration of LURTC comments, may approve the use of alternative building materials with the exception of the following prohibited building materials: 1. Plain concrete block 2. Exposed aggregate (rough finish) concrete wall panels 3. Exterior insulating finish systems (EIFS) or synthetic stucco 4. Plastic 5. Vinyl 6. Metal with exposed fasteners Sec. 33-3.54.10. Fences. A. Wood fences, ornamental fences, or fences of substantially similar appearance not to exceed eight (8) feet in height may be erected along interior side or rear lot lines, around side or rear yards, or in a side or rear yard when placed behind or in alignment with the front building line, or the side building line on a corner lot, and connecting the building with a fence on or along a side or a rear lot line, subject to the following provisions: 1. Front yards shall not be fenced, except an ornamental fence not taller than forty-two (42) inches measured from sidewalk elevation may be used to enclose allowed customer areas along street frontages. 2. Fences facing streets shall be constructed of wrought or cast metal or a similar durable material approved by the Planning Director, and may include a masonry wall of a maximum height of two and one-half (2.5) feet; however, a fence facing a street that is set back at least twenty (20) feet from the front property line, or side property line in the case of a corner lot, may be constructed of decorative, capped vertical or horizontal wood board, provided that all boards are painted, stained, or treated with preservative and are located on the outside of the posts and facing the street. B. See Sec. 33-3.56.4(D) for additional regulations concerning fencing for a parking lot. Sec. 33-3.54.11. Sidewalks. In accordance with the Fat City Street Improvements Plan in the appendix of this UDC, a streetscape zone, consisting of an ADA and Parish compliant pedestrian zone, including a sidewalk,, as well as a furniture zone with the required landscaping, shall be provided. Street lights or other street furniture to parish specifications may be required in the furniture zone as determined during site plan review. For purposes of this section and any other references to streets without specific cross sections in the Fat City Street Improvements Plan, those streets shall comply with the standards for the Edenborn and Hessmer street sections. When all or a portion of the streetscape zone are located on private property, on-street parking provided shall be counted towards minimum parking requirements; each space with at least fifty (50) percent of its length or width along the curb line being located between the side property lines shall be counted. Sec. 33-3.54.12. Signs. Signs shall be established in accordance with the following conditions: A. Generally. The General Sign Regulations of Chapter 40 of this Code shall apply for any standards that are not provided in this section. B. Wall, awning, projecting, or hanging. Each business having a direct entry to a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level may have one (1) wall, awning, projecting, or hanging sign attached to the building, subject to the following conditions: 1. A wall sign shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet, except a wall sign on a building set back at least twenty (20) feet from a public street and constructed before the adoption of Ordinance No. 23881 on September 22, 2010, shall not be larger than fifty (50) square feet. 2. A projecting or awning sign shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet and shall be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign or awning to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. Projecting signs shall not extend more than four (4) feet from the building façade, except that where lots do not abut 17th or 18th street a projecting sign may extend up to ten (10) feet from a building but not beyond the pedestrian zone. 3. Instead of a projecting sign, a hanging sign limited in area to six (6) square feet shall be allowed hanging from the underside of a balcony or arcade as an accessory sign and shall not be included in computation of sign area. Hanging signs must be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. C. Window. Window signs may be etched in the glass or hung inside the building, provided that no window sign shall occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. a window opening. Any sign etched into, applied to, or hung within four (4) feet of the inside pane of a window shall be considered a window sign. Building directory. For buildings with multiple businesses lacking direct entry from a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level, a single building directory sign not larger than six (6) square feet in area may be attached to a wall within eight (8) feet of the building’s primary entry. Address and building name. Addresses shall comply with Chapter 8 of this Code and shall not be considered part of a sign unless the address is a portion of a business name. The name of a building may be built into or attached to the wall of the building or may be a part of the monument sign, but not both wall and monument, and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area, which shall not be included in computation of sign area. Directional. Directional signs, limited in area to six (6) square feet each, giving directions to motorists, bicyclists, or pedestrians regarding the location of parking areas, access, or ingress and egress, shall be allowed as accessory signs and not included in any computation of sign area. A free-standing directional sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. Monument. One (1) monument sign is allowed for each development site and the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height. All monument signs shall be located within a landscape area of one hundred (100) square feet, except that the planning director may reduce this area to meet requirements for parking or clear vision area. Menu. A single portable menu sign measuring four (4) square feet or less may be placed in approved courtyards behind the front setback line or in the furniture or frontage zone for a restaurant or snack bar. Mural. Upon review by the Planning Department, murals may be allowed on building walls and masonry fences or enclosures subject to the following criteria: 1. The area of a mural, as defined in Section 33-10.1, shall not be included in the computation of total sign area. Any portion of a painted or applied sign containing advertising, commercial messages, or logos shall be considered a wall sign, and shall be included in the computation of total sign area. 2. A mural shall not extend more than six (6) inches from the surface on which it is applied, shall not extend beyond the height of the structure on which it is applied, and shall not include moving or protruding elements. 3. A mural may feature the name of the artist(s) of the mural and date of completion in the form of a plaque or notation not to exceed the lesser of five (5) percent of the mural area or six (6) square feet. The plaque or notation bearing the name of the artist(s) must be located in a lower corner of the mural area. 4. Murals must be applied in a durable material or paint finish that can withstand five (5) years of regular wear and weathering. 5. Murals may be externally illuminated, but may not consist of internally illuminated elements. 6. The regulations for murals shall not conflict with requirements for openings, and murals shall not obscure required openings. Prohibited signs. All other sign types, including, but not limited to, off-premise advertising signs and projector, animated, or electronic variable message signs are prohibited. Sign placement. No sign shall be placed upon a balcony, roof, door, or window, an accessory building, or placed in any manner whatsoever so as to conceal any window, door, balcony, awning or cornice of a building. Sign illumination. A wall, projecting, hanging, or window sign may be illuminated internally, and all signs may be illuminated externally except that a sign shall not be illuminated both internally and externally. Illumination shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses or adjoining uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. Illumination of the sign face shall not exceed fifty (50) lumens per square foot and flashing, blinking, or scintillating lights are prohibited. Sign variances. No variances or exceptions to signs shall be permitted in the FC-2 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission. Sec. 33-3.54.13. Outdoor lighting. Outdoor illumination of any building, seating area, plaza, courtyard, landscaping, or similar purpose shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. The installation of any mercury-vapor fixture or lamp for use as outdoor lighting is prohibited. If any luminaire is aimed, directed, reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways, the luminaire shall be redirected or relocated, its height remounted, or its light output and illumination levels controlled as necessary and determined by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement to eliminate such conditions. Sec. 33-3.54.14. Landscaping. At least one (1) medium tree, in accordance with tree standards on file with the Planning Department, shall be established for every thirty (30) feet of frontage, or fraction thereof. Street trees may be located within the right-of-way in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 37 of this Code. Tree selections shall be consistent with the planting list in the Planning Department and shall be approved by the Planning Director after considering LURTC recommendations. A. The Planning Director may approve the substitution of other permanent landscaping materials for the trees when an awning, canopy, balcony, or the upper floors of a building are allowed to project into the landscaping area, or the location of utilities prevents the planting of trees either on the development site or within the right-of-way. If no substitution for the trees is appropriate or feasible, the property owner may provide the monetary value of the required tree(s), as determined by the Parish Arborist. Payments in lieu of required trees shall be paid to the Parish Department of Parkways and shall be placed in an account fund dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on public property within the Fat City zoning districts. B. The owner, tenant or their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds, and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Dead plant materials shall be replaced with similar healthy plant materials. Sec. 33-3.54.15. Parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with section 33-3.6 of this UDC and Chapter 40 of this Code. No variances or exceptions to parking shall be permitted in the FC-2 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission, except that the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant a variance for one (1) required parking space to accommodate a monument sign under the following conditions: A. Visibility of the monument sign from the roadway is more than fifty (50) percent obstructed by a vehicle parked in the required parking space, and B. Due to constraints of the site, no other reasonable location is available for the monument sign, as determined by the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement or the Planning Director, as applicable. Sec. 33-3.54.16. Loading. On-site loading zones shall be located behind the front building line and loading bays shall not face 18th Street. With the exception of postal services, deliveries shall be limited to 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on weekdays and from 7:30 am to 11:30 am on weekend days and holidays. Sec. 33-3.54.17. Dumpsters. Dumpsters shall be located behind the front building line, or side building line on a corner lot, and be in accordance with all other provisions of Chapter 16 of this Code, including the hardship provision of those requirements. Sec. 33-3.54.18. Mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment, electrical meter and service components, and similar utility devices, whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened from view at the front property line, and side property line on the corner side if a corner lot. Exterior screening materials shall be the same as the predominant exterior materials of the principal building. Above-ground public utilities, with the exception of utility poles, shall be screened by a continuous hedge of no less than three (3) feet in height if surrounded by at least three (3) feet of exposed soil or grass. A setback of no less than one and one-half (1½) feet must be provided around the equipment to allow for proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Sec. 33-3.55. Commercial Mixed Use District (FC-3). Sec. 33-3.55.1. Purpose. This district will allow a wider variety of non-residential uses, some of which will be more automobile-oriented than the uses allowed in the other Fat City districts. While providing pedestrian amenities and allowing residential uses on upper floors of buildings, this district will be primarily non-residential in character. Sec. 33-3.55.2. Authorized uses. Uses shall be authorized as provided in Sec. 33-3.50 of this UDC. Sec. 33-3.55.3. Supplemental use regulations. A. No outdoor storage, display or operations shall be allowed, except outdoor customer seating for restaurants or snack bars, and in enclosed and screened rear yard areas. B. Bars may be allowed as accessory uses to a hotel or restaurant, subject to the requirements for the FC-1 district established in section 33-3.53.3 of this UDC. C. Stand-alone bars or drinking places and drive-through alcoholic beverage service are prohibited and existing stand-alone bars or nightclubs are considered nonconforming. Nonconforming bars in the FC-3 district are subject to all of the provisions established for the FC-1 district in Section 33-3.53.3 of this Chapter. D. Any use including retail sales, food services, or arts, entertainment and recreation services, that sells, dispenses, or provides for the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall comply with the applicable provisions established for the FC-1 district in Section 33-3.53.3 of this Chapter. [2-11-15] E. Accessory or support buildings and structures customarily incidental to the primary use shall be allowed on the same lot as the primary use, provided that the support building or structure is used or operated by the owner or a tenant in the principle structure, and that the structure or building complies with the standards established in Section 33-3.60 of this UDC. F. Mixed-use buildings shall be allowed, provided that no residential units shall be located on the ground floor. Parking areas shall not be included in floor area calculations. G. Any commercial structure in which animals are boarded overnight shall be located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structural wall of the structure to the closest property line of the residential zoning district and comply with the following standards: 1. All areas where animals are housed shall be totally contained within an interior space of the hospital. 2. There shall be no exercise runs, yards, pens or other facilities for the care or housing of animals in any exterior space. 3. The structure where animals are kept or housed shall be insulated or soundproofed, including windows and doors, in order to minimize or reduce as much as practically possible sounds emanating from within the structure and shall comply with Chapter 20, of this Code. 4. There shall be no openings facing adjacent residentially zoned property other than the main entrance to the hospital. 5. There shall be an air ventilation system capable of filtering out objectionable odors associated with an animal hospital. Such filtered air shall be vented into the atmosphere above the roofline or parapet. 6. Overnight boarding of animals is permitted for veterinary care and as an accessory use for non-veterinary purposes, provided that in no case shall the area used for boarding exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the primary structure. 7. The maximum area of the structure or structures in which the animal hospital or veterinary clinic is located shall be twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet. 8. For animal hospitals and veterinary clinics not meeting the criteria outlined above due to site related or other hardships, council approval of a special permitted use pursuant to Chapter 40 of this Code, with the exception of Section 40-764 of that Chapter, H. Not more than two (2) service vehicles shall be parked in a required parking space at any time. All vehicles parked or stored on-site shall be operational and have current registration and licensing. I. No outdoor speaker shall be allowed within one hundred (100) feet measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the speaker to the closest property line of the residential zoning district. All regulations of this Code regarding noise shall be met. In addition, any public address system located on site shall be oriented to minimize sound intrusion onto abutting properties. J. Drive-through restaurants shall be limited to sites having direct access to West Esplanade Avenue or Severn Avenue. K. Public utility structures shall comply with the provisions of Section 40-748. Regulations for public utility structures, and the provisions of this Chapter. For the purpose of compliance, the FC-3 shall be considered more restrictive than the BC-2 Business Core District. When the provisions of Section 40-748 and the provisions of this Chapter are in conflict, the more restrictive shall apply. L. Clubs, for the purposes of the FC-3 zoning district, shall be defined and subject to the requirements of the FC-1 district established in Section 33-3.53.3 of this UDC. [2-11-15]M. Within the FC-3 district, existing residential structures may be maintained, improved, or expanded by up to twenty (20) percent of floor area. N. Theaters shall be subject to the requirements of the FC-1 district established in section 33-3.53.3 of this UDC for theaters; however, standards limiting their capacity and class size for fine and performing arts education shall not apply in the FC-3 district. O. Mobile food services shall comply with the criteria listed in Sec. 33-3.53.3(O). Sec. 33-3.55.4. Building setbacks. A. Front. The minimum setback shall be five (5) feet except along West Esplanade where the minimum setbacks shall be ten (10) feet. The entire setback area shall be landscaped except for driveway, walkways, or outdoor seating areas. B. Side. No minimum or maximum, subject to building and fire code requirements. C. Rear. No minimum or maximum, subject to building and fire code requirements. D. Exterior side setbacks for corner lots. A minimum of five (5) feet and a maximum of ten (10) feet. E. No variances or exceptions to building setbacks shall be permitted in the FC-3 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board, or Commission except that the Planning Director, after considering LURTC comments, may make the following modifications: 1. The minimum or maximum front or corner lot side setbacks by up to five (5) feet to facilitate transitions between buildings, establish a more functional pedestrian environment, or meet requirements for parking, landscaping, or clear vision area. 2. Setbacks for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to facilitate transitions between raised buildings and sidewalks or vehicular use areas. Sec. 33-3.55.5. Maximum building height. No building or structure shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet, except as provided in this paragraph. First floor ceiling heights for non-residential uses shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet nor more than twenty (20) feet. South of 18th Street, maximum building height may be increased by one (1) foot over sixty-five (65) feet in height for every one (foot) setback beyond a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the FC-1 or a residential zoning district, subject to compliance with the following conditions (see Figure 33-3.55.5-1): A. The footprint of the portion of the building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall not be greater than seventy-five (75) percent of the footprint of the portion of the building at grade; B. The portion of the building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall be set back at least twenty (20) feet behind the front of the building at grade; C. The nearest portion of a building exceeding sixty-five (65) feet in height shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet from the boundaries of the FC-1 zoning district; D. Prior to establishing a building taller than sixty-five (65) feet in height, the applicant shall: 1. Submit a traffic mitigation plan that provides a vehicular connection between two (2) north-south streets unless LURTC determines that existing connections are adequate. The Planning Director may approve alternative traffic circulation enhancements that improve east-west movement of traffic after considering the recommendations of the LURTC, or may forward the mitigation plan to the Council for approval if the enhancements comprise a major subdivision or involve public improvements that require a development agreement; and 2. Provide enhanced pedestrian improvements in the streetscape zone along the street, which may include expanded streetscape improvements, arcade, or gallery measuring at least eight (8) feet in width across the front of the property. Figure 33-3.55.5-1: FC-3 Building Height E. No variances or exceptions to height shall be permitted in the FC-3 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission. Chapter 40, Sec. 40-737 of this Code shall not apply to any building or structure in this district. Sec. 33-3.55.6. Openings. A. On the ground floor, the following standards shall apply: 1. A minimum of thirty (30) percent of the street facing building façades between the heights of two (2) feet and ten (10) feet above the first finished floor shall be comprised of doors or transparent windows that provide a view of the interior area within three (3) feet of the opening. 2. Transparent shall mean that the window is constructed of non-reflective clear or lightly tinted glass. Non-reflective opaque glass and darkly tinted glass are not considered to be transparent and are prohibited. 3. The Planning Director may approve decorative or stained glass or the use of a material allowed for above-ground floors if a retail use demonstrates that this material is necessary for additional display space and does not detract from the design of the facade. B. On upper or above-ground floors, the following standards shall apply: 1. A minimum of thirty (30) percent of the street-facing walls of all structures, including parking garages, above the first floor shall be comprised of windows, or for parking structures other openings approved by the planning director. 2. Windows may be constructed of spandrel; mirrored, frosted, or decorative glass; or glass block. 3. Openings shall be horizontally aligned with openings on adjacent buildings, vertically aligned, or proportionate with openings on the ground floor of the building. C. Calculations for openings and window transparency shall be independently computed for and applied to each street-facing building façade and shall not include building facades that are both visible from and perpendicular to a street (See Figure 33-3.53.6-1). D. The Planning Director may adjust requirements for openings for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum amount needed to accommodate BFE. Sec. 33-3.55.7. Entries. Buildings must have a customer entrance door facing each abutting street. For buildings facing two (2) streets, a corner entrance shall be allowed. Sec. 33-3.55.8. Building materials. Building facades shall comply with the following standards for materials: A. At least eighty (80) percent of each building façade visible from the street, excluding window and door area, shall be clad in brick, stone, stucco, textured masonry, wood, or architectural pre-cast concrete. This requirement shall be independently computed for and applied to each building façade. B. Applicable facades shall include street-facing building facades and facades both visible from and perpendicular to the street (See Figure 33-3.53.6-1), subject to the following conditions: 1. When the façade of a new building or addition to an existing building is both visible from and perpendicular to the street, the entire façade area shall comply with these requirements for exterior wall materials; however this façade is not required to be clad in material identical to the front façade. 2. The facades perpendicular to the street of an existing building shall be maintained in a condition consistent with that of the front façade, and shall comply with all Parish property maintenance codes. C. At the request of the applicant through the site plan review process, the Planning Director, upon consideration of LURTC comments, may approve the use of alternative building materials with the exception of the following prohibited building materials: 1. Plain concrete block 2. Exposed aggregate (rough finish) concrete wall panels 3. Exterior insulating finish systems (EIFS) or synthetic stucco 4. Plastic 5. Vinyl 6. Metal with exposed fasteners Sec. 33-3.55.9. Fences. A. Wood fences, ornamental fences, or fences of substantially similar appearance not to exceed eight (8) feet in height may be erected along interior side or rear lot lines, around side or rear yards, or in a side or rear yard when placed behind or in alignment with the front building line, or the side building line on a corner lot, and connecting the building with a fence on or along an interior side or a rear lot line, subject to the following provisions: 1. Front yards shall not be fenced, except an ornamental fence not taller than forty-two (42) inches measured from sidewalk elevation may be used to enclose allowed customer areas along street frontages. 2. Fences facing streets shall be constructed of wrought or cast metal or a similar durable material approved by the Planning Director, and may include a masonry wall a maximum height of two and one-half (2.5) feet; however, a fence facing a street that is set back at least twenty (20) feet from the front property line, or side property line in the case of a corner lot, may be constructed of decorative capped vertical or horizontal wood board, provided that all boards are painted, stained, or treated with preservative and are located on the outside of the posts and facing the street. B. Chain link security fencing may be established in side and rear yards that do not face a street if located behind the front building line and provided that barbed and razor wire shall not be permitted. C. See Section 33-3.6(b)(6) for additional regulations concerning fencing for a parking lot. Sec. 33-3.55.10. Sidewalks. In accordance with the Fat City Street Improvements Plan in the Appendix of this UDC, a streetscape zone shall be provided that contains the pedestrian zone with a sidewalk complying with ADA standards and Parish specifications, and the furniture zone with the required landscaping. Street lights or other street furniture to Parish specifications may be required in the furniture zone as determined during site plan review. For purposes of this section and any other references to streets without specific cross sections in the Fat City Street Improvements Plan, those streets shall comply with the standards for Edenborn and Hessmer street sections. When all or a portion of the streetscape zone are located on private property, on-street parking shall be counted towards minimum parking requirements. Each space with at least fifty (50) percent of its length or width along the curb line being located between the side property lines shall be counted. Sec. 33-3.55.11. Signs. Signs shall be established in accordance with the following conditions: A. Generally. The General Sign Regulations of Chapter 40 of this Code shall apply for any standards that are not provided in this Section. B. Wall, awning, projecting, or hanging. Each business having a direct entry to a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level may have one (1) wall, awning, projecting, or hanging sign attached to the building, subject to the following conditions: 1. A wall or projecting sign shall not exceed a total of one and one-half (1.5) square feet per linear foot of building width along a street frontage per development site, but shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet of sign area; except that for buildings that are ten (10) or more stories, additional wall signage of five hundred (500) square feet per street frontage shall be allowed if placed at least one hundred (100) feet above grade. Projecting signs may extend up to ten (10) feet from a building but not beyond the pedestrian zone. 2. An awning sign shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet and shall be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign or awning to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. Where an awning sign is used in place of a wall or projecting sign, the awning sign area shall not exceed the lesser of the allowable wall or projecting sign area, or forty (40) percent of the vertical area of the awning on which the sign is located. 3. Instead of a projecting sign, a hanging sign limited in area to six (6) square feet shall be allowed hanging from the underside of a balcony or arcade as an accessory sign and shall not be included in computation of sign area. Hanging signs must be located at least eight (8) feet above ground level measured from the bottom of the sign to the surface of the sidewalk or exterior walkway. 4. Businesses located on a corner lot or within a corner unit fronting on Severn Avenue or West Esplanade Avenue may have a total of two (2) wall, awning, or projecting signs provided that: a. The total area of all wall or projecting signs shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) percent of the permitted sign area measured along the building face that contains the main entrance of the business. b. No more than one (1) wall or projecting sign shall be located on each street-facing building façade. c. Neither sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet of total sign area. d. When the main entrance of the building is located on a building corner, the permitted sign area shall be measured along the building face associated with the business address. C. Canopy. One (1) canopy sign not larger than twenty (20) square feet shall be allowed on each canopy side facing a street. D. Window. Window signs may be etched in the glass or hung inside the building, provided that no window sign shall occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of a window opening. Any sign etched into, applied to, or hung within four (4) feet of the inside pane of a window shall be considered a window sign. E. Building directory. For buildings with multiple businesses lacking direct entry from a sidewalk or exterior walkway at ground level, a single building directory F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. sign not larger than six (6) square feet in area may be attached to a wall within eight (8) feet of the building’s primary entry. Address and building name. Addresses shall comply with Chapter 8 of this Code and shall not be considered part of a sign unless the address is a portion of a business name. The name of a building may be built into or attached to the wall of the building or may be a part of the monument sign, but not both wall and monument, and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area, which shall not be included in computation of sign area. Directional. Directional signs, limited in area to six (6) square feet each, giving directions to motorists, bicyclists, or pedestrians regarding the location of parking areas, access, or ingress and egress, shall be allowed as accessory signs and not included in any computation of sign area. A free-standing directional sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. Monument. 1. One (1) monument sign not exceeding twelve (12) feet in height and one and one-half (1.5) square feet per linear foot of street frontage up to a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet in area per development site shall be allowed along West Esplanade Avenue. On other streets, monument signs shall be limited to one (1) sign not exceeding ten (10) feet in height and fifty (50) square feet in area per development site. 2. As part of a monument sign, an electronic variable message (EVM) sign in accordance with Section 40-681 of this Code is allowed under the following conditions: a. The development site has frontage on and the sign is oriented to traffic on Severn Avenue or West Esplanade Avenue; and B. The portion of the sign that employs EVM technology shall have a maximum area of twenty-five (25) square feet. 3. All monument signs shall be located within a landscape area of one hundred (100) square feet, except that the Planning Director may reduce this area to meet requirements for parking or clear vision area. Menu. A single portable menu sign measuring four (4) square feet or less may be placed in approved courtyards behind the front setback line or in the furniture or frontage zone for a restaurant or snack bar. Mural. Upon review by the Planning Department, murals may be allowed on building walls and masonry fences or enclosures subject to the following criteria: 1. The area of a mural, as defined in Section 33-10.1, shall not be included in the computation of total sign area. Any portion of a painted or applied sign containing advertising, commercial messages, or logos shall be considered a wall sign, and shall be included in the computation of total sign area. 2. A mural shall not extend more than six (6) inches from the surface on which it is applied, shall not extend beyond the height of the structure on which it is applied, and shall not include moving or protruding elements. 3. A mural may feature the name of the artist(s) of the mural and date of completion in the form of a plaque or notation not to exceed the lesser of five (5) percent of the mural area or six (6) square feet. The plaque or notation bearing the name of the artist(s) must be located in a lower corner of the mural area. 4. Murals must be applied in a durable material or paint finish that can withstand five (5) years of regular wear and weathering. 5. Murals may be externally illuminated, but may not consist of internally illuminated elements. 6. The regulations for murals shall not conflict with requirements for openings, and murals shall not obscure required openings. Prohibited signs. All other sign types, including, but not limited to, off-premise advertising signs and projector, animated, or electronic variable message signs, except as part of an allowed monument sign on Severn Avenue and West Esplanade Avenue, are prohibited. Sign placement. No sign shall be placed upon a balcony, roof, door, or window, an accessory building, or placed in any manner whatsoever so as to conceal any window, door, balcony, awning or cornice of a building. Sign illumination. A wall, projecting, hanging, or window sign may be illuminated internally, and all signs may be illuminated externally except that a sign shall not be illuminated both internally and externally. Illumination shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses or adjoining uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. Illumination of the sign face shall not exceed fifty (50) lumens per square foot and flashing, blinking, or scintillating lights are prohibited. N. Sign variances. No variances or exceptions to signs shall be permitted in the FC-3 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Board or Commission. Sec. 33-3.55.12. Outdoor lighting. Outdoor illumination of any building, seating area, plaza, courtyard, landscaping, or similar purpose shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. The installation of any mercury-vapor fixture or lamp for use as outdoor lighting is prohibited. If any luminaire is aimed, directed, reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways, the luminaire shall be redirected or relocated, its height remounted, or its light output and illumination levels controlled as necessary and determined by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement to eliminate such conditions. Sec. 33-3.55.13.Landscaping. At least one (1) medium tree, in accordance with tree standards on file with the Planning Department, shall be established for every thirty (30) feet of frontage, or fraction thereof. Street trees may be located within the right-of-way in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 37 of this Code. Tree selections shall be consistent with the planting list in the Planning Department and shall be approved by the Planning Director after considering LURTC recommendations. A. The Planning Director may approve the substitution of other permanent landscaping materials for the trees when an awning, canopy, balcony, or the upper floors of a building are allowed to project into the landscaping area, or the location of utilities prevents the planting of trees either on the development site or within the right-of-way. If no substitution for the trees is appropriate or feasible, the property owner may provide the monetary value of the required tree(s), as determined by the Parish Arborist. Payments in lieu of required trees shall be paid to the Parish Department of Parkways and shall be placed in an account fund dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on public property within the Fat City zoning districts. B. The owner, tenant or their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Dead plant materials shall be replaced with similar healthy plant materials. Sec. 33-3.55.14. Parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 33-3.60 of this UDC. No variances or exceptions to parking shall be permitted in the FC-3 district by the Parish Council, or any Parish Agency, Board, or Commission, except that the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant a variance for one (1) required parking space to locate a monument sign under the following conditions: A. Visibility of the monument sign from the roadway is more than fifty (50) percent obstructed by a vehicle parked in the required parking space, and B. Due to constraints of the site, no other reasonable location is available for the monument sign, as determined by the director of inspection and code enforcement or the Planning Director, as applicable. Sec. 33-3.55.15. Loading. On-site loading zones shall be located behind the front building line and loading bays shall not face 18th Street. With the exception of postal services, deliveries shall be limited to 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on weekdays and from 7:30 am to 11:30 am on weekend days and holidays. Sec. 33-3.55.16. Dumpsters. Dumpsters shall be located behind the front building line, or the side building line on a corner lot, and be in accordance with all other provisions of Chapter 16 of this Code, including the hardship provision of these requirements. Sec. 33-3.55.17. Mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment, electrical meter and service components, and similar utility devices, whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened from view at the front property line, and side property line on the corner side if a corner lot. Exterior screening materials shall be the same as the predominant exterior materials of the principal building. Above-ground public utilities with the exception of utility poles shall be screened by a continuous hedge of no less than three (3) feet in height if surrounded by at least three (3) feet of exposed soil or grass. A setback of no less than one and one-half (1.5) feet must be provided around the equipment to allow for proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Sec. 33-3.56. Fat City special zoning district standards Sec. 33-3.56.1. Mixed use development standards. The following standards shall apply to mixed use buildings in the Fat City mixed use districts (FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3). Residential uses shall be prohibited on the first floor within the FC-1 and FC-3 districts. Non-residential uses in the FC-2 district shall be limited to the first floor in accordance with district standards. Mixed use buildings include any structure with a mix of at least two (2) of the following uses in addition to any other use of the building: office, retail, services, restaurant, lodging or residential units; and provided that not more than fifty (50) percent of the floor area is used for restaurants. A. Separate ingress and egress shall be provided for the residential dwellings and the non-residential use; however, the residential and non-residential uses may share a common lobby, hallway, or similar shared space that provides separate access. For buildings with a common lobby, elevators requiring an electronic or mechanical pass device shall be considered separate ingress and egress points. B. The storage, use or sales of hazardous materials as classified in Chapter 13 of this Code is prohibited. C. In the FC-2 district, non-residential floor space shall comprise at least eight hundred (800) square feet or twenty (20) percent of the ground floor area of mixed use structures, whichever is greater, but not more than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. D. Subject to zoning district regulations, mixed-use buildings may be used for any use authorized in the applicable zoning district, including residential units in any FC district. Sec. 33-3.56.2. Streets, off-street parking and loading, and clear vision area regulations generally. Unless otherwise established below, the requirements of Chapter 40 of this Code shall apply to each of the Fat City Mixed Use districts (FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3). Sec. 33-3.56.3. Streets. A. Roll over curbs prohibited. Roll-over curbs are prohibited except when not opposed by the Department of Public Works to facilitate emergency and large vehicle turning movements. B. On-street parking. Along Fat City streets, on-street parking or additional right-ofway or sidewalk widths may be approved by the Planning Director if, after considering the LURTC recommendations, the Planning Director finds that adequate servitudes or rights-of-way are dedicated, that the modification covers not less than one-half (0.5) the length of a block, that the modification will not create a discontinuous pedestrian zone, and that the on-street parking will not create excessive burdens for the Parish. Sec. 33-3.56.4. Off-street parking and loading. A. Residential parking. At least eighty (80) percent of required parking for residential units in a mixed use building shall be reserved by signage for residents and located on the same development site as the mixed use building or on an abutting lot in accordance with the shared parking provisions of this UDC. B. Number of required spaces. Except as follows, parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 40 of this Code. 1. Residential units: a. One (1) space for efficiency and one (1) bedroom units. b. One and one-half (1.5) spaces for two (2) bedroom units. c. Two (2) spaces for three (3) or more bedroom units. 2. Mixed use buildings. One space per four hundred (400) square feet of nonresidential floor area plus the required parking for residential units listed in paragraph 1. above. C. Shared parking. 1. Generally. Parking spaces required under this Section may be provided cooperatively for two or more uses in a development or for two or more individual uses, subject to the requirements of this Section. The Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement will maintain all records of cooperative parking agreements.2. .Cooperative or off-site parking. Off-street parking requirements of a given use may be met with off-site, off-street parking facilities of another use or on an off-site parking facility when and if all of the following conditions are met: a. The off-site, off-street parking facilities are within six hundred (600) feet of the property; b. The parking demands of the individual uses, based upon minimum offstreet parking requirements, are such that the total parking demand of all the uses at any one time is less than or equal to the total parking spaces required; c. A written agreement between the owners and lessees is executed for a minimum of twenty (20) years, approved by the parish attorney as provided herein. The agreement shall be recorded and a copy maintained in the project file. Should the lease expire or otherwise terminate, any and all approvals shall be subject to revocation. Continuation or expansion of the use shall be prohibited unless the use is brought into compliance with the parking regulations of this Section; d. The owners of all parking areas subject to the cooperative parking agreement shall provide signed affidavits that the spaces are not encumbered by other uses or agreements and that the spaces will be retained pursuant to the agreement; e. Cross access agreements shall be provided between abutting parking lots. The off-site parking areas shall be connected to the use they serve by a continuous sidewalk or other pedestrian connection approved by the Planning Director after considering comments from LURTC; f. An application for approval of a cooperative parking plan involving site plan approval shall be filed with the Planning Director. An application not requiring site plan approval shall be filed with the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement. Applications shall be signed by the owners of all parcels to be included within the cooperative parking plan, the owner or owners of all structures then existing on such land area, and all parties having a legal interest in such land area and structures. Sufficient evidence to establish the status of applicants as owners of parties in interest shall be provided. The application shall include plans showing the location of the uses or structures for which off-street parking facilities are required, the location of the off-street parking facilities, and the schedule of times used by those sharing parking in common; g. Reference to the recorded agreement for off-site parking shall be documented on the site plan; h. Pursuant to the same procedure and subject to the same limitations and requirements by which the cooperative parking plan was approved and registered, any such plan may be amended or withdrawn, either partially or completely, if all land and structures remaining under such plan comply with all the conditions and limitations of the plan, and all land and structures withdrawn from such plan comply with the regulations of this Section; and i. The owner of the off-site parking area shall provide annual affidavits to the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement stating that the off-site parking agreement is valid and no change in use of the affected properties has occurred. 3. Shared parking calculation. A mix of uses may reduce the amount of required parking in accordance with the following methodology subject to parking location requirement: a. Determine the minimum parking requirements in accordance with Table 33-3.56.4-1 for each land use as if it were a separate use; b. Multiply each amount by the corresponding percentages for each of the five (5) time periods set forth in Columns (B) through (F) of Table 333.56.4-1; c. Calculate the total for each time period; and d. Select the total with the highest value as the required minimum number of parking spaces. Table 33-3.56.4-1: Shared Parking Standards Weekday Weekend (A) Land Use (B) Daytime (9 AM – 4 PM) (C) Evening (6 PM – midnight) (D) Daytime (9 AM – 4 PM) (E) Evenings (6 PM – midnight) (F) Nighttime (Midnight – 6 PM) Office/ industrial 100% 10% 19% 5% 5% Retail 60% 90% 100% 70% 5% Hotel 75% 100% 75% 100% 75% Restaurant 50% 100% 100% 100% 10% Entertainmen t/ commercial 40% 100% 80% 100% 10% Residential 70% 100% 80% 100% 100% D. Parking location and design. When provided on the development site, required parking shall be located behind the front building line. 1. Parking lots shall be set back at least five (5) feet from the public street right of way, build to line, or pedestrian zone. If wheel stops are used, this area shall be increased to seven (7) feet to accommodate the overhang. a. This setback area shall comply with one (1) of the following screening options: (1) One-hundred percent (100%) landscaping meeting the landscaping requirements for parking lot setbacks. (2) A wrought or cast metal fence between the heights of three (3) and one-half (3.5) feet and seven (7) feet maximum with required landscaping. (3) An opaque masonry wall no higher than three and one-half (3.5) feet in height with required landscaping.(4) A combination of wrought or cast metal and masonry between the heights of three and one-half (3.5) feet and seven (7) feet maximum with required landscaping. The masonry portion shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the overall height of the fence. b. Required landscaping for parking lot setbacks shall comprise a combination of the following materials to be determined during site plan review: (1) One medium or two small trees for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof; (2) A single hedge row with one shrub every thirty-six (36) inches on center spaced linearly. The shrubs must measure a minimum of twenty-four inches at planting and a minimum of thirty (30) inches to a maximum of thirty-six inches in height at maturity; (3) A minimum of forty (40) square feet as annuals, perennials, ornamental grasses, or any combination thereof; (4) Groundcover; lawn or turf. 2. Double-loaded multi-aisle parking lots shall contain planting strips that separate parking bays. Each planting strip shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet wide and shall include end cap islands a minimum of three and one-half (3.5) feet wide and two (2) parking spaces long. The planting strip shall contain continuous ground cover and one (1) tree every thirty (30) feet or fraction thereof. Trees planted in interior planting strips may be a species that are easily transplantable such as palm or other varieties adapted to zone 9 climate ranges as well as small to medium ornamental trees of this climate zone. 3. Small to medium shade trees are encouraged on provided perimeter buffer strips and interior parking islands when a surface parking lot is accessory to a building on the lot. E. Parking abutting residences. Where a parking lot abuts a residential or mixeduse building with residences, one (1) large tree, in accordance with tree standards on file with the planning department, shall be planted every thirty-five (35) feet, or fraction thereof, or one (1) medium tree shall be planted every twenty (20) feet, or fraction thereof, along the common property line in a continuous planting strip that measures at least five (5) feet in width. Additionally, an opaque seven (7) feet high masonry, vinyl or wood fence shall be provided along the common property line. Tree selections shall be consistent with the planting list in the planning department and shall be approved by the planning director after considering LURTC recommendations. F. Parking structures. 1. Parking within or under a structure shall be considered a parking structure and subject to the provisions of this Section (8). Parking structures in the FC1 and FC-3 districts shall have retail, service or restaurant uses with a minimum depth of thirty (30) feet along the ground floor of all buildings within fifty (50) feet of a street intersection. Along 17th and 18th Streets, parking may be located behind a ground floor building façade in segments of up to one hundred (100) linear feet and shall meet the FC-1 district standards for openings and building materials. When one or more segments of parking structures are established along a block face on 17th or 18th Street without a ground floor use other than the parking between the sidewalk and structured parking, the segments shall be separated by a building entrance foyer measuring at least twenty-five (25) feet wide and at least twenty (20) feet deep (including space for elevators and steps). 2. Garage entries shall not be more than twenty-four (24) feet in width and shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from the projected intersection of curb lines of any street intersection. Garage entries shall be open or secured by decorative garage doors or security gates that complement the building’s architecture. 3. Building design and materials. Parking structures shall comply with building material and other building design requirements for the applicable district. 4. Design of upper floors. No less than forty (40) percent of the upper floors of any parking garage wall facing a public right-of-way shall consist of exposed openings. All parking structures shall have a minimum forty-two (42) inch tall wall to screen headlights. The opening shall be designed with one or more of the following treatments, shown below: a. Landscaped opening. Planter boxes shall be installed into the openings (see Figure 33-3.56.4-1). Planter boxes shall be maintained with live plants and automatic irrigation systems. A lattice may be installed to cover the opening. Figure 33-3.56.4-1: Landscaped Opening * * * b. Windowed opening. The openings shall be framed and mullions added to give the appearance of large windows (see Figure 33-3.56.4-2). Figure 33-3.56.4-2: Windowed Opening * * * G. Parking mitigation. 1. Purpose. The Parish finds that adequate parking is important for the economic success of Fat City. Many properties in Fat City will be unable to accommodate required parking due to their smaller lot size. Dispersing parking off-site in a way that serves multiple properties provides a more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable way to serve Fat City’s parking needs. The Parish finds that, at the time of new development, redevelopment or change of use requiring site plan approval, a proportionate capital contribution to construct additional public parking is a fair and equitable method of apportioning the cost of such additional parking among all property within the FC districts without unreasonably burdening vacant lands or existing development that is not undergoing new development, redevelopment or change of use. Accordingly, this sub-section allows property owners to substitute payments toward off-site parking for on-site parking. 2. Mitigation authorized. Required parking spaces for non-residential uses may be mitigated through pro-rata contributions to the Fat City Parking Mitigation Fund. The amount of parking mitigated through this Section shall not exceed the amounts in Table 33-3.56.4-2. Mitigation is not allowed for residential uses. Table 33-3.56.4-2: Maximum Percentage of Parking Subject to Mitigation * * * 3. Amount. Pro rata contributions shall be based on the capital costs of providing parking spaces in parking structures. The per-stall fee shall be eighteen thousand four hundred dollars ($18,400.00) in 2010 dollars and shall be adjusted annually in November of each year based on the “Engineering News Record” Construction Cost Index 20-City average ((ENR CCI) for November. The actual fee-in-lieu amount shall be established at the time of payment and approved by the Parish Attorney. 4. Payment. No certificate of completion shall be issued until complete payment has been received by the Parish or the Parish Council has: a. Approved an agreement providing for a phased payment plan. In no case shall payments be deferred for more than two (2) years; b. Approved an agreement providing for the deferred construction or occupancy of floor space for which parking has not been mitigated; or c. Approved other arrangements providing for required parking to serve the proposed use within twelve (12) months of the application. In no case shall arrangements include a parking variance. 5. Parking fund created. The Parish shall contribute the payments to a parking fund specifically set aside to provide public parking serving the FC Districts. All monies received as fees imposed by this Section shall be deposited and held, together with interest thereon, in a public parking mitigation fund hereby created, and shall be expended from that fund only for the purpose of creating new public parking. The cost of creating public parking shall include all costs related to land acquisition, design, permitting, drainage, mitigation, and construction of lighted and paved public parking, including engineering, legal, consulting and internal overhead costs. 6. Credits. The imposition or payment of any such payments does not bar the subsequent imposition of any special assessment upon the new development, redevelopment or change of use of any premises for which such fees have been previously imposed or paid. However, any special assessment for similar or like purposes takes into consideration such prior imposition and payment and provides the then current owner of the premises with an equitable credit for the fee actually paid for such similar or like purposes. 7. All proposed parking mitigation contributions shall be approved by the Parish Attorney and shall be placed in the Parking Mitigation Fund which shall be used exclusively to establish parking to serve non-residential uses in the Fat City overlay zoning districts. 8. The moneys in the parking fund may be allowed to accumulate from year to year until the Parish Council determines to expend the moneys in the fund for the purposes specified. 9. The payments shall be expended in all cases within five (5) years of collection. Any payment not expended shall be refunded to the property owner of record at the time of the refund. H. Nonconforming parking. Where a change in use of an existing structure to a non-residential use is being requested and that new use increases parking requirements, the applicant may request the director of inspection and code enforcement to authorize the reduction in the required number of on-site parking spaces subject to the applicant’s voluntary mitigation of the parking deficiency in accordance with paragraph G of this Section. Sec. 33-3.56.5. Clear vision areas. Clear vision areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 40-665 of this Code. Sec. 33-3.56.6. Accessory or support structures and buildings standards. The following standards shall apply to accessory or support structures and buildings in each of the Fat City mixed use districts (FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3). A. No accessory or support building or structure shall be located any closer to the side street than the principal building. B. Service bays and drives, trash receptacles and dumpster areas, and accessory or support buildings and structures shall not be located on the same side of the development site as residential development or structures unless a continuous fully landscaped buffer strip is located between the service area and the common lot line of the residential development or structures, and shall consist of a minimum width of five (5) feet. One (1) large tree, as defined in the Fat City Street Improvements Plan, shall be provided for every thirty-five (35) feet, or fraction thereof, or one (1) medium tree, as defined in the street improvement plan, shall be provided for every twenty (20) feet, or fraction thereof, of the buffer strip. Additionally, an opaque seven (7)-foot-high masonry, vinyl or wood fence shall be provided along the common property line. Tree selections shall be consistent with the planting list in the Fat City Street Improvements Plan and shall be approved by the Planning Director after considering LURTC comments. A larger buffer strip area planted with additional shrubs and groundcover may be required, depending on the size and intensity of the service area. C. All dumpsters and dumpster areas shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 16 of this Code. In situations where the regulations of that Chapter and the regulations of this Article are in conflict, the more restrictive shall apply. D. Any part of an accessory or support building visible from street right-of-way that is not screened by fencing or landscaping that meets the district requirements shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building. E. Any part of an accessory or support structure that is not a building, other than playground equipment accessory to permitted uses in the FC districts, or those structures used for drive-up service (e.g. gas pumps, vacuum stations and ATMs) visible from street right-of-way shall be screened by a fence with a minimum height of seven (7) feet and consisting of wood, brick or masonry. Sec. 33-3.56.7. Mixed use development approval process. A. Site plan required. On any lot within the FC-1, FC-2 or FC-3 zoning district, a site plan demonstrating compliance with applicable zoning requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for action prior to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of use and occupancy for development as applicable. The complete site plan application shall be reviewed and acted upon in accordance with Sec. 33-2.25. Prior to acting on the site plan application, the Planning Director shall submit the site plan to the LURTC for review and recommendations. B. Site plan review not required. The following activities shall not be subject to site plan review by the Planning Department: 1. Interior renovations; 2. Any routine exterior maintenance as determined by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement, including excavating, filling, or grading; 3. Change of use that does not increase required parking. 4. Sign permits for signs meeting all requirements of the applicable Fat City zoning district. C. Site plan contents. In addition to the contents established in Sec. 33-2.25 of this UDC, the site plan for any building taller than sixty-five (65) feet or larger than forty thousand (40,000) square feet shall include a traffic impact analysis and traffic mitigation plan in accordance with Sec. 33-7.5.10 of this UDC. Signage plans must be submitted with all site plan applications. D. Additions and renovations. 1. Additions or exterior renovations of existing buildings shall result in greater compliance with the FC-1, FC-2 or FC-3 regulations to the maximum extent practical given the type and extent of the addition or exterior renovation and the constraints of the site. 2. For additions that require site plan approval, the application shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the applicable FC district requirements for the addition. 3. For renovations that require site plan approval, and changes of use that increase the parking requirement, the application shall demonstrate compliance with applicable FC district requirements to the greatest extent practical as determined by the Planning Director after considering LURTC comments. 4. Subject to LURTC comments, the Planning Director may approve the following deviations for additions and renovations: a. If existing signs are non-conforming because they exceed width, height or area dimensions by ten (10) percent or less, the sign may be reused; b. Relocation of streetscape plantings and temporary realignment of sidewalks to accommodate existing structures. In cases where head-in parking is the only option for providing parking to enable the reuse of a site, head-in parking may be approved if a sidewalk and servitude, if necessary, are provided to establish a continuous walkway and clear vision is not compromised; and c. Minimum or maximum setbacks may be modified where any additions bring the project into greater conformity with the applicable district standards.5. Existing impervious surfaces shall be removed and replaced with pervious surfaces or landscaping as determined by the Planning Director, where the impervious surface is not needed to meet parking or pedestrian circulation requirements and is not completely obstructed from view of a public right-ofway by a building gate. Sec. 33-3.56.8. Variances. A. All requests for variances from the standards of these regulations shall be submitted to the Planning Director, and after review by LURTC shall be heard by the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 40 of this Code provided the following additional criteria are met: 1. The variance is consistent with the general provisions and intent of the zoning district. 2. The variance is harmonious and compatible with adjacent land uses. 3. Special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to land, structures or buildings which are not applicable to other land, structures or buildings in the same district and which a site related hardship can be demonstrated. 4. The need for the variance was not created by the applicant; 5. The variance is the minimum amount needed to relieve a hardship that is unique to the property; and 6. The variance does not grant relief to height, building setbacks, parking requirements, or sign requirements in any of the FC zoning districts, except as provided for parking related to the location of monument signs in the FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3 districts. B. Variances may be granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments for the following design factors in the FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3 zoning districts: 1. One (1) parking space for a monument sign; however, the variance shall be applicable only to the approved site plan for which the variance was originally granted and subsequent amendments thereto; a new site plan request shall require a new variance request. 2. Dimensions of openings, entries, and garage doors; 3. Parking lot buffering excluding the required screening along the setback closest to the street; and 4. The location and screening of mechanical equipment. Sec. 33-3.56.9. Development agreements. In the FC zoning districts, development agreements may be used to phase or mitigate parking, streetscape improvements, or other public improvements; to phase large-scale development projects; or to coordinate joint public/private development projects. However, development agreements in FC zoning districts shall not be used to provide relief from compliance with FC zoning district use or design standards. Sec. 33-3.56.10. Amortization of signs. The following regulations and amortization provisions shall apply to each of the Fat City Mixed Use Districts (FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3): A. Findings and purpose: 1. The Parish Council finds that nonconforming signs that do not conform with the provisions of the FC-1, FC-2 and FC-3 district, as applicable, threaten the public health, safety and welfare because they: 1. Create traffic safety hazards; 2. Create pedestrian safety hazards; 3. Decrease property values; 4. Increase the potential for blight; and/or 5. Discourage reinvestment in residential and nonresidential property that is essential to for the implementation of the Strategic Implementation Plan. 2. The purposes of this Chapter are to: 1. Recognize that the eventual elimination of existing signs that are not in conformity with the provisions of this Section is as important as is the prohibition of new signs that would violate these regulations. 2. Establish a fair and equitable process for the elimination of nonconforming signs that will facilitate implementation of the Strategic Implementation Plan. B. Immediate removal of certain signs. The following nonconforming signs shall be removed immediately: 1. Any sign not established as a legal nonconforming sign prior to the adoption of these regulations; 2. Any sign erected or maintained upon any parish highway, right-of-way, servitude, street, public building or Parish property without a resolution from the Parish Council authorizing such sign or for which the resolution is not posted in a visible location on the premises; 3. Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted, or a product sold, on the premises where such sign is located. C. Limits on nonconforming signs. 1. Change of business or use. Any single-use nonconforming sign advertising, identifying, or pertaining to a business on the premises on which it is located shall be removed upon any change in the business name or change in the use advertised by the sign. A multi-tenant nonconforming sign that advertises, identifies, or pertains to more than one business or use located on the premises, may remain until December 31, 2015 if the change is the replacement of a sign face for a change in the business name or use, is not the replacement, alteration, extension, or enlargement of the sign structure, and does not increase sign height, width, depth or area. 2. A nonconforming sign may not be: a. Changed to another nonconforming sign; b. Structurally altered to extend its useful life; c. Expanded in height, width, depth or weight; d. Reestablished after a business is discontinued for sixty (60) days; e. Reestablished after damage or destruction of more than fifty (50) percent of its value, as determined by the Director of Inspections and Code Enforcement. 3. No new sign shall be approved for a site, structure, building or use that contains nonconforming signs unless such nonconforming signs are removed or modified to conform with the provisions of this Article. 4. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to exclude routine maintenance, repair, or renovation which does not extend, increase, or enlarge the nonconforming sign. 5. No building permit shall be issued for any structures, building expansions or new building construction on a site which contains nonconforming signs, unless all signs on the site are brought into conformance with this title. This does not include interior alterations which do not substantially change the character or intensity of the site. D. Amortization. Legally nonconforming signs erected prior to the effective date of this ordinance may continue to be maintained until December 31, 2015. Thereafter, unless such signs conform to the provisions of this Article, they shall be removed. 1. Signs that are nonconforming due to exceeding the permitted height, width or area by ten (10) percent or less shall not be subject to removal under this Section. 2. Signs approved after September 22, 2010, when Ordinance No. 23881 was approved by Parish Council, prior to any subsequent amendment shall not be subject to removal under this Section. E. A determination of sign conformance shall be provided by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement. F. Removal. Nonconforming signs that require removal under the regulations in this Section shall be taken down, or removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure upon which such sign may be found within sixty (60) days after written notification from the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement and, upon failure to comply with such notice or file an appeal within the time specified in such order, the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign and collect the cost, therefore, in accordance with Article III, Chapter 19 of this Code. Sec. 33-3.57. Accessory uses (reserved). Sec. 33-3.58. Unrestricted Suburban (U-1S) (reserved). Sec. 33-3.59. Unrestricted Rural (U-1R) See Chapter 40, Article XXXIV of this Code. Sec. 33-3.60. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.61. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.62. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.63. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.64. Reserved. DIVISION 4. OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS Sec. 33-3.65. Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District (OMNCD). See Chapter 40, Article X of this Code. Sec. 33-3.66. Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District (MRTPD). See Chapter 40, Article X.5 of this Code Sec. 33-3.67. Commercial Parkway Pedestrian (CPZ-Ped) (reserved). Sec. 33-3.68. Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone (CPZ). See Chapter 40, Article XXVI of this Code Sec. 33-3.69. Fairfield Overlay (FOD) (reserved). Sec. 33-3.70. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.71. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.72. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.73. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.74. Reserved. DIVISION 5. FLOATING ZONES Sec. 33-3.75. Gaming and Entertainment (GED). See Chapter 40, Article XXVII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.76. Penal and Criminal Correctional Institution (P-1) See Chapter 40, Article XXXIII of this Code. Sec. 33-3.77. Planned Development (reserved). Sec. 33-3.78. Reserved. Sec. 33-3.79. Reserved. DIVISION 6. FLEXIBLE ZONING (reserved) SECTION IV. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 4. NonConforming Situations is hereby amended by renaming it as Article 4. Non-Conforming Situations/Vested Rights, creating two divisions, and adding provisions to read as follows: Sec. 33-4.1. Purpose (reserved). DIVISION 1. NONCONFORMITIES See Chapter 40, Article XXXVII of this Code. Sec. 33-4.2. Continuation/ Completion of Non-Conforming Projects (reserved). Sec. 33-4.3. Non-Conforming Lots of Record and Uses (reserved). Sec. 33-4.4. Expansion, Improvement, Restoration and Maintenance of NonConformity (reserved). Sec. 33-4.5. Certificate of Non-Conformity (reserved). Sec. 33-4.6. Change in Use (reserved). Sec. 33-4.7. Non-Conforming Parking (reserved). Sec. 33-4.8. Non-Conforming Signs (reserved). Sec. 33-4.9. Abandonment and Discontinuance of Non-Conforming Rights (reserved). Sec. 33-4.10. Exceptions (reserved). Sec. 33-4.11. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.12. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.13. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.14. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.15. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.16. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.17. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.18. Reserved. Sec. 33-4.19. Reserved. DIVISION 2. VESTED RIGHTS Sec. 33-4.20. Vested rights for new applications. Sec. 33-4.20.1. Purpose. To assure applicants that development applications will be processed in accordance with the rules in effect at the time of submittal of a completed application unless the Parish Council finds that the change in rules is essential to the protection of the public health or safety. Sec. 33-4.20.2. Applicability. These provisions shall apply to all applications submitted pursuant to and after the adoption of this UDC. Sec. 33-4.20.3 Terms. A. Preliminary application vesting means an application has been found by the Planning Director to be complete enough to begin processing, but that additional information will be required before action can be taken on the application. B. Final application vesting means an application has been found by the Planning Director to include all information required to act on the application. Sec. 33-4.20.4. Procedures. A. The Planning Director shall have three (3) business days from the date an application is submitted beginning on the next business day after receipt of the application to determine whether the application meets the minimum requirements to begin reviewing the application as established in this section. If the Director finds that these minimum requirements have been met, then the application shall receive preliminary application vesting status in the LURTC tracking system with the submittal date indicated as the preliminary application vesting date. If the Planning Director finds that the application does not meet the minimum requirements to begin reviewing the application, the application shall be returned to the applicant with a written list of missing information. B. If an application does not meet the complete submittal requirements listed in the appendix of this UDC when initially submitted, the applicant will have a period of ten (10) days established from the application submittal date in which to complete the application. The complete application certification date will be logged into the LURTC tracking system and designated as the final application vesting certification date. C. Should the information required for final application vesting not be submitted within ten (10) days, the application shall be terminated and failure of vesting shall result. A new application must be submitted. Sec. 33-4.20.5. Minimum submittal requirements to begin reviewing an application. The following information, as applicable to the type of application, must be submitted before the Planning Director may find that an application is complete to begin reviewing and receive preliminary application vesting status: A. Application summary sheet; B. Ownership affidavit; C. Campaign contribution disclosure affidavit; D. Survey; E. Subdivision plat or plan; F. Site plan, floor plan, building elevations, landscaping plan, and sign package including sign details and elevations; G. Fees. Sec. 33-4.20.6. Pending rule/ordinance. If a new rule or ordinance has been adopted by the Council, but does not go into effect at the time the application was submitted, the applicant's rights vest under the pending rule or ordinance, and not the rule or ordinance in effect when the application was submitted. Sec. 33-4.20.7. Validity. A. The vesting of a development application assures the applicant that the rules will not be changed for the processing of the subject development application unless the Parish Council finds that the change in rules is essential to the protection of the public health or safety. B. Vested rights for new applications shall be valid until action is taken on the application. C. If the application is approved, the vested rights shall be valid as long as the approved application is valid and subsequent actions by the applicant meet established deadlines, are approved by the Parish and do not result in the lapse or revocation of an approval. If the application is denied by the final decisionmaker the vested rights shall expire upon the later of the date of denial by the final decision-maker or the failure of an appeal to the final decision, provided that the appeal is made within thirty (30) days of the final decision. SECTION XIV. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 5. Supplementary Conditions for Specific Uses is hereby amended by renaming it as Article 5, Supplemental Conditions, creating two divisions, and adding provisions to read as follows: ARTICLE 5. SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS Sec. 33-5.1. Purpose. This Article provides supplemental conditions, standards, or criteria for certain uses, structures, facilities, or alternative forms of development to achieve the following purposes: A. Protect surrounding property values and uses: B. Produce a distinct pattern of development; C. Protect the public health, safety, and general welfare; and D. Implement the comprehensive plan. Sec. 33-5.2. General conditions. The regulations of this Article shall supplement the requirements of the zoning district, overlay, if applicable, and other standards of this Code. They are in addition to, and do not replace, other development standards unless otherwise provided. To the extent that a conflict exists between a standard in another Article of the UDC or Code and a standard in this Article, the standard of this Article shall govern unless otherwise indicated. No conditional use or use subject to supplemental conditions may be initiated, established, or maintained unless it complies with the standards set forth for such use in this Article. In some cases, these standards apply to uses allowed by right in the zoning districts subject to the supplemental standards, as indicated by an “S” in the applicable use table. In other cases, the supplemental regulations address the unique challenges of certain uses and structures or the distinct pattern of certain development whether permitted as a conditional use, as indicated by a “C” in the applicable use table, or allowed by right in the supplemental use regulations of the zoning district or overlay. DIVISION 1. SPECIFIC USE STANDARDS Sec. 33-5.3. Specific Use Standards. Sec. 33-5.3.1. Accessory uses in a dwelling. In the zoning districts listed in Table 33-5.3-1, the following uses may be established as a subordinate use of a dwelling, clearly incidental to the principal residential use, and, unless otherwise permitted, conducted in the principal residential building, subject to the criteria or conditions listed below. A site plan, floor plan, sign drawing, or elevation drawing, as applicable, shall be required for these accessory uses, which shall be reviewed in accordance with the applicable development approval procedure indicated in Tables 33-2.3-1 & 2 and provided in Article 2 Procedures of this UDC. Table 33-5.3-1: Development Approval for Accessory Uses in a Dwelling. Zoning District Development Approval Accessory Use Permitted Procedure Ceramic article R1A, OBM1 Site plan manufacture Family day care R1A, OBM1 Site plan Hair care R1A, OBM1 Conditional use Nursery school R1A, OBM1 Conditional use Secondary culinary facility R1A, OBM1 Conditional use Sec.33- Accessory ceramic article manufacture or similar arts and crafts. A. Ceramic articles or similar arts and crafts may only be and accessory use to a single-family dwelling; B. The person engaged in the manufacture of ceramic articles or similar arts and crafts shall furnish to the director of inspection and code enforcement an affidavit renewable each twelve (12) months stating that such manufacture is in compliance with the following criteria: 1. No products or services of any kind are sold from the premises; 2. All activities in connection with the manufacture of ceramic articles or similar arts and crafts are conducted only in an enclosed building; 3. The maximum kiln size is eight (8) cubic feet and maximum electric or gas consumption intake is fifty thousand (50,000) BTU’s or British Thermal Units; and 4. No signs of any type are displayed on the premises. Sec. 33- Accessory family day care. A. As shown on the required site plan, the family day care shall have a play area of at least one thousand (1,000) square feet, enclosed by a fence with a height of at least four (4) high but not more than six (6) feet, on the same lot as the principal residential building; B. A member of the family residing in the dwelling shall operate the family day care, and no person not a resident of the premises shall be an employee of the family day care home; and C. As shown on the required floor plan, not more than fifteen (15) percent of the floor area of the dwelling shall be used for the family day care. Sec. 33- Accessory hair care. A. All accessory hair care services shall be considered conditional uses in all of the zoning districts in which they are authorized; requests for approval of such services shall be processed pursuant to Sec. 33-2.24. Conditional use in Article 2 Procedures of this UDC; and the two-year renewal requirement shall apply; B. At the time of conditional use application, the applicant shall show proof that all applicable state licenses have been applied for or obtained, and the operator shall maintain such licenses for the duration of the use; C. As shown on the required floor plan and building elevation drawing if an exterior wall sign is provided, the hair care service shall: 1. Not be located in any detached or attached accessory building or structure; 2. Comprise no more than fifteen (15) percent of the total floor area of the dwelling unit, not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet; 3. Have only one (1) station or main chair; and 4. Not have exterior indication of the hair care service except one (1) flat sign not to exceed two (2) square feet. D. Only one (1) family member residing in the dwelling unit shall be employed in the hair care service; E. As shown on the required site plan, one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for the hair care service in addition to the off-street parking required for the principal residential use. The additional off-street parking shall be located on the same lot as the building to be served and shall not be located in the required front yard; and F. The Board of Zoning Adjustments shall not grant variances to these criteria, including the off-street parking requirements. Sec. 33- Accessory nursery school, pre-school, or kindergarten. A. All accessory nursery schools, pre-schools, or kindergartens shall be considered conditional uses in all of the zoning districts in which they are authorized; requests for approval of such schools shall be processed pursuant to Sec. 332.24. Conditional use in Article 2 Procedures of this UDC; and the two-year renewal requirement shall apply; B. At the time of conditional use application, the applicant shall show proof that all applicable state and Parish licenses have been applied for or obtained, and the operator shall maintain such licenses for the duration of the use; C. An accessory nursery school, pre-school, or kindergarten shall be permitted only in a single-family dwelling; D. A member of the family residing in the dwelling shall operate the nursery school, pre-school, or kindergarten, and no person not a resident of the premises shall be an employee of the school; E. As shown on the required floor plan, not more than fifteen (15) percent of the floor area of the dwelling shall be used for the school; F. As shown on the required site plan, the site shall: 1. Comprise a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet; and 2. Include a play area with at least two hundred (200) square feet for each child and the play area shall be enclosed by a fence with a height of not less than four (4) feet and not more than six (6) feet. G. No exterior indication that the building is being used as a nursery school, preschool, or kindergarten shall be displayed except for a nameplate of not more than two (2) square feet as shown on the required building elevation drawing if this wall sign is provided. Sec. 33- Accessory second culinary facility. A. All accessory second culinary facilities shall be considered conditional uses in all of the zoning districts in which they are authorized; requests for approval of such facilities shall be processed pursuant to Sec. 33-2.24. Conditional use in Article 2 Procedures of this UDC; and the two-year renewal requirement shall apply; B. As shown on the required site plan and floor plan, the second culinary facility shall: 1. Be permitted only in the principal structure of a single-family dwelling; 2. Not be greater than twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the principal structure; 3. Be accessible only through the principal structure; and 4. Not protrude into required yards. C. The second culinary facility shall only be granted to the owner or occupant of the principal structure and shall not be transferable; and D. It shall comply with all Parish codes and ordinances and require a building permit. Sec. 33-5.3.2. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses. Except as otherwise provided in this Code: A. Any accessory building that is not a part of the principal building may be built in a required side yard, provided that such accessory building is not less than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line, and not less than three (3) feet from the nearest interior side lot line. On through lots an accessory building may be built in a required side yard if not part of such accessory building is less than three (3) feet from the nearest interior side lot line and no portion of such building is located in either front yard. B. Accessory buildings may be built in a required rear yard but such accessory buildings shall not occupy more than forty (40) percent of the required rear yard, provided, in any case where accessory buildings are not built on the side or rear lot lines, and in residential districts, such accessory buildings shall not be located less than three (3) feet from either side or rear lot line. C. On a corner lot where a side yard is required, there shall be a minimum distance between any accessory building and the side street equivalent to the width of the required side yard on the side of the lot abutting on the side street. Where a lot in the rear of the corner lot fronts on the side street, no part of any accessory building on the corner lot within twenty-five (25) feet of the common lot line shall project beyond the prolongation of the front yard line of the lot in the rear, provided, however, that the limitation shall not reduce the buildable length of an accessory building to less than twenty (20) feet. D. Accessory buildings or structures permitted in a required rear or side yard shall not exceed thirteen (13) feet in height. E. The combined gross area of all accessory buildings or portions thereof located in side and rear yards shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the required rear yard area, nor shall more than one (1) accessory building cover any part of a required side yard. F. An accessory building may be attached to a dwelling provided that: G. The connection or attachment shall be less than six (6) feet in width; H. The connection or attachment shall be made by a common wall, an extension of the main roof designed as an integral part of the building, or other substantial attachment or connection as determined by the department of inspection and code enforcement. I. Private garages. The following regulations shall apply to all private garages accessory to single-, two-, three-, four-family dwellings, including manufactured homes and townhouses and shall supersede any conflicting regulations applicable to accessory structures: 1. Location. a. Attached garages shall comply with the side yard setback requirements of the principal structure and shall not be closer to the rear lot line than the side yard setback of the principal structure; b. If located in front of the principal structure, a detached garage shall comply with the side yard setback requirements of the principal structure and shall not be less than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line. 2. Garage doors. a. Garage doors shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height; b. Garage doors on street-facing attached garages shall not comprise more than fifty (50) percent of the total width of the street-facing principal structure façade; c. The portion of the garage doors viewable from the street on street-facing detached garages shall not comprise more than fifty (50) percent of the total combined width of the facades of the principal structure and portion of street-facing garage structure viewable from the street; d. On corner lots, only the front street-facing garage door shall comply with subsections (b) and (c). Sec. 33-5.3.3. Auto-oriented development. Sec. 33- Purpose. Auto-oriented development includes uses that are inherently dependent on vehicular access. These uses, properly located and designed, fulfill the public and market needs for vehicles, particularly automobiles, automobile maintenance, and services that depend on automobile access. It is the intent of these development standards to accommodate auto-oriented building forms with site layouts that provide safe and efficient vehicular circulation, minimize traffic, noise, and other nuisances, and promote design practices that blend these uses more effectively into their locations. Sec. 33- Car washes. A. Car wash structures within one hundred (100) feet of the following residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and Four-Family Residential District (RR3), Townhouses (R1TH), Condominiums (R1CO), Core District-Residential (CDR), and Multiple-Family Residential (R3), as measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structural wall of the car wash facility to the closest lot line of the residential zoning district; shall meet the following additional criteria: 1. No car wash structure shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned lot. 2. No openings of automatic or full service car wash bays, other than stationary windows, shall face any residentially zoned lot. 3. Equipment accessory to car washes including but not limited to air compressors and vacuums, shall not be located on any side of a development abutting a residential zoning district or shall not be closer than fifty (50) feet from any residential zoning district. B. Noise: 1. All regulations of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances regarding noise shall be met. 2. Two (2) signs per car wash bay, no less than four (4) square feet or greater than six (6) square feet in area each, informing patrons of the noise ordinance shall be conspicuously posted around the site. 3. Any violation of Sec. 20-102 Noise in Chapter 20 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions of this Code involving the mechanical operation of a car wash is subject to the penalties of Sec. 19-61 Penalties in Chapter 19 Nuisances of this Code. C. Outdoor illumination shall not be aimed, directed or reflected, focused, or mounted to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential uses or adjoining uses, or to create up light, spill light, or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways D. Access to car washes shall be located on a major or minor arterial, or a collector or neighborhood collector street as shown on the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. E. No variances or exceptions to this section shall be permitted by the parish council, or any parish agency, board, or commission. Sec. 33-5.3.4. Club, private or service. A. Lot area shall be a minimum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet; B. Clubs with recreational uses such as tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses, but not to include stadiums or athletic fields, shall have a minimum lot area of five (5) acres; C. The required setback of all buildings shall be a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet, measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest exterior structural wall of the building to the lot line when abutting property zoned residentially; D. Clubs approved under this provision shall be recognized as conforming uses. Sec. 33-5.3.5. Home occupations. Sec. 33- Purposes. A. Permit and regulate the conduct of home occupations as a secondary use to a dwelling unit, whether owner- or renter-occupied, but with the property owner’s consent; B. Ensure that home occupations are compatible with, and do not have a harmful effect on nearby residential properties and uses; C. Adequately protect existing residential neighborhoods from dust, odors, noise, traffic, or other potentially adverse effects of home occupations; D. Allow residents of the community to use their homes as a work place and a source of livelihood, under certain specified standards, conditions, and criteria; E. Enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these home occupation regulations; and F. Promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Sec. 33- Applicability. The home occupations permitted in Sec. 33- below are allowed in any dwelling unit. Home occupations include any permitted occupation within a dwelling unit, clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes, and carried on by a member of the family residing in the dwelling unit. Sec. 33- Standards. A. Only residents of the premises shall be employed; B. No more than fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation; C. The occupation shall be conducted entirely within the interior of the residence; D. Storage of goods and materials shall be inside and shall not include flammable, combustible, or explosive materials; E. No generation of dust, odors, noise, vibration, or electrical interference or fluctuation shall be perceptible beyond the property line; F. Electronically amplified sounds from the occupation shall not be audible from adjacent properties or public streets; G. No mechanical equipment shall be used except equipment normally used for family, domestic, or household purposes; H. Deliveries and pickups shall be those normally associated with residential services and occurring during normal residential hours and shall not block traffic circulation; I. One (1) parking space shall be provided for the home occupation in addition to the parking required for the residential use; J. No exterior indication of the occupation shall be perceptible except one (1) nonilluminated sign or nameplate limited to no more than two (2) square feet mounted flush against the wall of the dwelling unit. Sec. 33- Permitted home occupations. The following home occupations are allowed subject to the standards established in this Sec. 33- A. Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services (LBCS function code 2412); B. Advertising, media, and photography services (LBCS function code 2417); C. Architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, drafting, and related services (LBCS function code 2413); D. Artist, writer, or performer (LBCS function code 5160); E. Computer training (limited to no more than one (1) student at a time; LBCS function code 6143); F. Consulting services (LBCS function code 2415); G. Diet, weight reduction, and exercise services (limited to no more than one (1) client at a time; LBCS code 2612); H. Events promotion or agent services (LBCS function codes 5140 and 5150); I. Graphic and interior design services (LBCS function code 2414); J. Financial planning and investment services (LBCS function code 2250); K. Information and data processing services (LBCS function code 4240); L. Insurance sales (LBCS function code 2240); M. Legal services (LBCS function code 2411); N. Mail-order business (limited to order taking only; no stock in trade allowed; LBCS function code 2144); O. Music, art, craft, and similar lessons (limited to no more than one (1) pupil at a time; LBCS function code 6145); P. Professional, scientific, or technical services (LBCS function code 2420); Q. Real estate or property management agent (LBCS function codes 2310 and 2320); R. Tailoring (e.g., dressmaking and alterations) services (LBCS function code 3131); S. Travel arrangement and reservation services (LBCS function code 2430). Sec. 33- Prohibited home occupations. The following uses are prohibited as home occupations: A. Band instrument group instruction; B. Convalescent home; C. Dancing instruction; D. Mortuary establishment; E. Physician or dentist office in which mechanical equipment is used; F. Real estate office; G. Tearoom; H. Tourist home; I. Trades; J. Stores; or K. Business of any kind not herein prohibited. Sec. Off-Track Wagering. A. The distance between any off-track wagering facility and the following residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and Four-Family Residential District (RR3), Townhouses (R1TH), Condominiums (R1CO), Core District Residential (CDR), and Multiple-Family Residential (R3); or between any off-track wagering facility and a dwelling, school, child care center, religious institution, park, recreational area, museum, community center or public library shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) feet, measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structural wall of the off-track wagering facility to the closest property line of the residential zoning district or dwelling, school, child care center, religious institution, park or recreational area, or museum, community center or public library. B. The facility shall be subject to the regulations and requirements of this Code for height, yards, signs, off-street parking, clear vision area, and loading; and to the landscape, buffer and general design standards of Sec. 40-446 and 40-447 in Article XXV, Mixed-Use Corridor District (MUCD), Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Only the Parish Council may grant variances to these development regulations and requirements. If the site is overlaid with the Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone (CPZ), the MUCD standards shall prevail for landscaping, buffering, and general design, and the stricter of the CPZ or the underlying zoning shall prevail for all other standards. C. In the C-2 General Commercial, OW-1 Office Warehouse, U-1S Unrestricted Suburban, and the Fairfield Overlay (FOD) districts, primary access to the offtrack wagering facility shall be located on a major or minor arterial as shown on the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan; secondary access may be located on a collector street if the access is located within two hundred (200) feet of the street providing primary access to the site, measured in a straight line from the lot line at the primary street frontage, along the lot line where the secondary access is proposed. D. In the M-1 Industrial, M-2 Industrial, M-3 Industrial, and U-1R Unrestricted districts, primary access to the off-track wagering facility shall be located on a major arterial, minor arterial, collector, or neighborhood collector as show in the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. E. A Traffic Impact Analysis in accordance with Sec.33-7.5.10 in Article 7, Adequate Public Facilities Required, of this UDC may be required by the Planning Director, Public Works Director, or Parish Traffic Engineer when it is determined that such report is necessary to determine needed road improvements or that no unsafe or hazardous conditions will be created by the development as proposed. F. The off-track wagering facility shall be subject to the development review procedures of Sec. 40-449 in Article XXV Mixed Use Corridor District (MUCD), of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-5.3.7. Religious uses. Religious uses shall have a minimum lot area of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. Sec. 33-5.3.8. Residential dwelling units. Sec. 33- General criteria (reserved). Sec. 33- Townhouses. A. Townhouses allowed in the R-2, RR-3, and R-3 zoning districts are subject to the dimensional standards outlined in Table 33-5.8.2-1, which supersedes the requirements for lot area, width, and depth in the applicable zoning district. Table 33-5.8.2-1: Dimensional Standards for Townhouses. Zoning District R-2 RR-3 R-3 3,00 2,00 Lot Size (minimum, square feet) 1,350 0 0 Lot Width (minimum, feet) 18 18 18 Lot Depth (minimum, feet) 90 90 75 Grouped Dwelling Units 2 4 10 (maximum) B. Setback requirements are the same as the applicable zoning district; however, interior dwelling units are not subject to the side setback requirements of the zoning district. C. Where a lot containing a townhouse abuts a detached single-family dwelling unit located in a residential zoning district, the abutting yard shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet. D. The facades of dwelling units in townhouses shall have variations in materials and design and be varied by changed front yards of not less than two (2) feet so that no more than two (2) abutting units have the same front yard depth. E. Non-public area for the common use and enjoyment of the occupants of townhouses and not in individual ownership by the occupants shall be maintained in a satisfactory manner without expense to the general taxpayers. A homeowners’ association shall be required for such maintenance in accordance with Sec. 33-6.3, Maintenance of common areas, in Article 6, General Development Standards, of this UDC. F. A townhouse dwelling and the individual lot it occupies may be sold separately if separate utilities systems are provided and if separate lots for each dwelling unit in a group are lots of record. Sec. 33- Manufactured homes. See Article XXXVIII Manufactured homes and mobile homes in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33- Zero lot line (reserved). Sec. 33-5.3.9. Schools, elementary, junior high, or high. A. Lot area shall be a minimum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. B. The required setback of all buildings shall be a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet, measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest exterior structural wall of the building to the lot line when abutting property zoned residentially, and twenty-five (25) feet to the lot line when abutting a right-of-way or property zoned nonresidentially. C. Notwithstanding the regulations regarding nonconforming uses, any school in existence on January 10, 2007 shall not be required to meet the above setback criteria for new construction, additions, or alterations to the buildings on campus. Instead, new construction, additions, or alterations shall meet the setbacks required by the zoning district. D. Athletic fields and stadiums shall meet applicable additional criteria established in Sec. 40-747 Regulations for stadiums and athletic fields in Article XXXIX Exceptions and modifications of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-5.3.10. Stadiums and athletic fields. See Sec. 40-747 Regulations for stadiums and athletic fields in Article XXXIX of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-5.3.11. Temporary uses (reserved). Sec. 33-5.3.12. Truck stops. A. All truck stops shall be considered conditional uses in all of the zoning districts in which they are authorized; requests for approval of such uses shall be processed pursuant to Sec. 33-2.24 Conditional use permit in Article 2 Procedures of this UDC, except that the two-year renewal requirement shall not apply. B. As shown on the required site plan, landscape plan, or floor plan, the truck stop shall: 1. Consist of at least ten (10) developed contiguous acres and sell fuel, lubricating oil, and other vehicular merchandise, such as batteries, tires, or vehicle parts of eighteen-wheel tractor trailers; 2. Be located adjacent to a major state highway or interstate highway; 3. Be located a minimum of five hundred (500) feet from any residential zoning district or use, school, church, park, or recreation area, as measured radially from the property line of the truck stop site; 4. Have an on-site restaurant with all of the following features: a. Seating for at least fifty (50) patrons; b. Full table service for sit-down meals; c. Twenty-four hours a day operation; and d. A varied menu. 5. Have a stable parking area of at least one hundred seventy thousand (170,000) square feet, providing at least one hundred (100) eighteen-wheel tractor-trailer parking stalls. Such parking shall adhere to the following: a. Standard truck parking space size shall be fifteen (15) feet by seventy (70) feet with a seventy-foot travel aisle; b. Ten (10) percent of the truck parking spaces shall be fifteen (15) feet by seventy-five (75) feet with a seventy-foot travel aisle; c. The parking and vehicular use area shall be of sufficient size to allow for safe ingress and egress with a minimum access of eighty (80) feet at the roadway intersection; d. Truck parking and access to truck parking must be separated from all other vehicular uses; e. Parking areas located around business entrance ways and exits shall not constitute parking areas for eighteen-wheelers; f. Lighting must be provided in parking areas and access ways to buildings. Parking area lighting must be oriented inward so not to intrude on abutting property. Sixty feet is the maximum height for lighting. All parking areas and all parts of parking areas must be fully illuminated; and g. The proper number of off-street parking spaces for the land uses included in the development shall be provided in accordance with Article XXXV, Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Clear Vision Area Regulations in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code, in addition to the required truck parking; 6. Have diesel and gasoline fuel facilities that meet all building codes and fire safety codes; 7. Have on-site repair service facilities for eighteen-wheel tractor-trailers; 8. Be owned or leased by a person with a Class A general retail permit or a Class A restaurant permit to serve or sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption; 9. Have four (4) of the following amenities: a. A separate trucker's lounge; b. A full-service laundry facility located in a convenient area for trucker's use; c. Private showers for men and women located in an area that is not open to general public restroom facilities; d. A travel store with items commonly referred to as truckers supplies; e. Truck scales; f. Separate truckers' telephones; or g. Permanent storage facilities for fuel; 10. Provide a twenty-foot setback from all property lines for parking and vehicular use areas and all structures except fences; 11. Have a traffic plan showing egress and ingress approved by Public Works traffic engineering. C. The sign regulations shall be the same as those set in Sec. 40-477. Sign Regulations in Article XXVI, Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone, of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code; and D. Landscape, buffer, and general design standards shall be the same as those set in Sec. 40-446 and Sec. 40-447, in Article XXV, Mixed Use Corridor District (MUCD), in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. MUCD requirements for parking islands shall not apply to truck parking areas. Sec. 33-5.3.13. Utility structures. See Sec. 40-748 Regulations for public utility structures in Article XXXIX Exceptions and modifications of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-5.3.14. Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals. A. All areas where animals are housed shall be totally contained within an interior space of the hospital. B. There shall be no exercise runs, yards, pens or other facilities for the care or housing of animals in any exterior space. C. The structure where animals are kept or housed shall be insulated or soundproofed, including windows and doors, in order to minimize or reduce as much as practically possible sounds emanating from within the structure and shall comply with Section 20-102, Noise, in Article V. Offenses against public peace, of Chapter 20 Offenses and miscellaneous provisions, of this Code. D. There shall be no openings facing adjacent residentially zoned property other than the main entrance to the hospital. E. There shall be an air ventilation system capable of filtering out objectionable odors associated with an animal hospital. Such filtered air shall be vented into the atmosphere above the roofline or parapet. F. Overnight boarding of animals is permitted for veterinary care and as an accessory use for non-veterinary purposes, provided that in no case shall the area used for boarding exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the primary structure. G. The maximum area of the structure or structures in which the animal hospital or veterinary clinic is located shall be twenty-five (25,000) square feet. H. The site shall be landscaped in conformance with the requirements of Article XXVI, Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone (CPZ), section Section 40-476, Landscape and Buffer Requirements. I. For animal hospitals and veterinary clinics not meeting the criteria outlined above due to site related or other hardships, Council approval shall be required as per Article XL, Special Permitted Uses, with the exception of section Section 40-764, Renewal of Special Permitted Uses. Sec. 33-5.3.15. Wireless communications facilities (reserved). Sec. 33-5.4. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.5. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.6. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.7. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.8. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.9. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.10. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.11. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.12. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.13. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.14. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.15. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.16. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.17. Reserved. Sec. 33-5.18. Reserved. DIVISION 2. DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS Sec. 33-5.19. Purpose (reserved). Sec. 33-5.20. Mixed-use buildings. This section establishes standards for mixed-use development where the building is allowed in a zoning district, and provides flexible parking standards to recognize internal vehicular trip capture from mixed uses. Sec. 33-5.20.1. Distribution and mix of uses. The distribution and mix of uses are subject to the criteria described in Table 335.20-1 for the applicable zoning district. Table 33-5.20-1: Mixed-use Buildings, Distribution of Uses By Floor. Uses Permitted Uses Permitted on Uses Permitted on Zoning District Above Second First Floor Second Floor Floor Nonresidential, OBM-1 Residential Residential residential Nonresidential, Nonresidential, OBM-2 Nonresidential residential residential Nonresidential, Nonresidential, FC-1 Nonresidential residential residential Nonresidential, FC-2 Residential Residential residential Nonresidential, Nonresidential, FC-3 Nonresidential residential residential Nonresidential, Nonresidential, U-1S Nonresidential residential residential A. When multiple family dwelling units are allowed above the ground floor the following criteria shall apply: 1. Nonresidential uses permitted in the zoning district shall comprise a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the ground floor of the structure. For the purpose of this provision, uses or areas accessory to the dwelling units exclusively for the use of the residents of the dwellings and located in the structure, such as lobby, management office, mail or laundry room, multipurpose room, health club, or parking shall be considered as residential uses. 2. At least one (1) main entrance shall provide direct public access to the ground floor nonresidential uses. 3. Except as provided in the bulk plane and yard requirements in Sec. 33-5.21, Mid-rise to high-rise building, of this Article for exceptions to the maximum height allowed by right, any portion of the building that contains any dwelling units shall be located a minimum of three (3) feet from the side and rear lot lines except where the lot abuts a residential zoning district in which case the more restrictive side and rear yard requirements of the zoning district shall apply. Sec. 33-5.20.2. Parking. To encourage mixed-use buildings where the building is allowed in a zoning district, the minimum number of required parking spaces for nonresidential uses may be reduced by fifty (50) percent. Residential uses shall provide the following minimum number of parking spaces: one (1) space for efficiency and one (1) bedroom units; one and one-half (1.5) spaces for two (2) bedroom units; and two (2) spaces for three (3) or more bedrooms. At least eighty (80) percent of required parking for residential units shall be reserved by signage for residents and located on the same development site as the mixed-use building or on an abutting lot in accordance with the shared parking provisions of this UDC. All parking spaces shall be located to the rear or side of the principal building not to extend in front of the front building line closest to the street or the side building line closest to the street on a corner lot. Sec. 33-5.21. Mid-rise to high-rise building. Sec. 33-5.21.1. Purpose. These standards are designed to: A. Promote urban development at appropriate locations; B. Recognize the scarcity of land by accommodating vertical construction; C. Take advantage of waterfront locations and view corridors; D. Promote a variety of housing types; E. Protect adjacent and nearby residential neighborhoods; F. Provide an orderly development pattern; G. Facilitate traffic circulation and prevent traffic congestion; and H. Provide economic development opportunities. Sec. 33-5.21.2. Applicability. Unless otherwise specified in this UDC, this section applies to a building in a zoning district that allows this exception to the maximum height allowed by right for mid-rise to high-rise buildings as shown in Table 33-5.20.2-1. No building is allowed to exceed the height allowed by right except in accordance with the standards and development review process of this section. Table 33-5.21.2-1: Applicability and Dimensional Standards – Mid-rise to High-rise Buildings Building setbacks From Applicabilit Building height nearest lot Zoning y (specific (maximum, feet) line of district use or any nearest use of residential building) zoning district From property line of lot (feet) By right R-3 R-1CO H-2 OBM-2 C-1 GO-1 CD-R BC-1 BC-2 C-2 MUC U-1S Multiple family dwelling Multiple family dwelling Multiple family dwelling Any building Building with multiple dwelling units Multiple family dwelling Multiple family dwelling Multiple family dwelling Any building Building with multiple dwelling units, 5+ Units 1.0 X front rightofway width, no great er than 60 1.0 X front rightofway width, no great er than 60 With exceptio n Location Distance (minimum, feet) 1.5 X front right-ofway width, no greater than 90 N/A All yards 20 1.5 X front right-ofway width, no greater than 90 N/A All yards 20 75 100 N/A All yards 20 45 70 N/A All yards 20 45 70 N/A All yards 20 65 90 N/A All yards 20 60 90 N/A All yards 20 60 110 N/A All yards 20 No limit Maximum height of building to 200 65 65 Multiple family dwelling, 50+ units 65 Any building 65 No limit No limit No limit Maximum building height to 200 Maximum height of building to 200 Maximum Yard abutting residential district Other yards Yard abutting residential Other yards Yard abutting residential district Other yards Yard 20 Same as district 20 Same as district 20 Same as district 20 Building setbacks Zoning district Applicabilit y (specific use or any use of building) Building height (maximum, feet) By right From nearest lot line of nearest residential zoning district (feet) With exceptio n From property line of lot Location height of building to 200 Distance (minimum, feet) abutting residential district Other Same as yards district Table 33-5.21.2-2: Bulk Plane Requirements – Mid-rise to High-rise Buildings Location of Bulk Plane Front façade Front façade plus plus any all facades if lot Applicability Zoning façade abuts or is (specific use or any District abutting a across a ROW of All facades use of building) zoning 50 ft. or less from residential a residential district zoning district R-3 Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling R-1CO Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling H-2 Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling ļ¼ OBM-2 Any building C-1 Building with multiple ļ¼ dwelling units GO-1 Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling CD-R Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling BC-1 Multiple family ļ¼ dwelling BC-2 Any building N/A N/A N/A C-2 Building with multiple N/A N/A N/A dwelling units MUC Multiple family N/A N/A N/A dwelling, 50+ units U-1S Building with multiple N/A N/A N/A dwelling units Sec. 33-5.21.3. Development review process. A. Generally. A site plan is required in accordance with Sec. 33-2.26 Site Plan in Article 2 of this UDC. 1. Administrative development approval shall apply if the Planning Director determines that the standards of this section and the applicable zoning district are fully met. 2. Legislative approval shall apply if the Planning Director determines that the standards are not fully met and the applicant requests a variance as authorized in this section. B. Submittal requirements. 1. The applicant shall submit an application for site plan review in accordance with Sec. 33-2.26 Site plan in Article 2 of this UDC. 2. Before submittal of the application for site plan review, a pre-application conference is required in accordance with Sec. 33-2.4 Pre-application conferences in Article 2 of this UDC. 3. At the time of application, the applicant may request phasing of the development. An application that includes phasing shall require legislative approval and a development agreement in accordance with Division 4. Development Agreements in Article 2 of this UDC. The Parish Council may authorize an agreement providing for multi-phase development over a longer period of time, provided that the development complies with the requirements of this UDC and the following criteria: a. Necessary off-site improvements shall be completed first; b. Each phase can function and can be utilized independently of subsequent phases; c. At the time of application, the applicant submits a phasing schedule containing: (1) The number of phases in which the development will be built; (2) The dates when construction of each phase will begin and be completed. The beginning or initiation of construction of a development shall be the date on which a building permit is issued for the development or phase of the development and the completion of a development shall be the date on which a certificate of occupancy or completion is issued for the development or phase of a development; and (3) The infrastructure and on-site improvements to be included in each phase. d. If no phasing schedule is provided at the time of the application, the applicant shall complete the development as a single phase including all on-site improvements as required by this Code and as delineated in the site plan submittal. C. Time limitations. 1. Multiphase development. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit for at least one (1) phase of a multiple-phase development within one (1) year of site plan approval. The applicant shall have a maximum of five (5) years from the date the building permit is issued to complete all phases of the development unless the Parish Council or Planning Director approves an extension for the development. 2. Single phase development. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit within one (1) year of site plan approval. The applicant shall have a maximum of two (2) years from the date the building permit is issued to complete the development unless the Parish Council or Planning Director approves an extension for the development. 3. Failure to meet time limitations. Approval shall be vacated and site plan approval shall become null and void if a building permit has not been issued for single phase and multiphase development within the time limits prescribed above, including any extension(s), and no request for extension is pending. No building permits shall be issued for site plans that have been declared null and void. Nevertheless, such site plans may be submitted as a new application for review, and must conform to all site plan and review requirements in effect at the time of the later application. D. Extensions. 1. Standards for extension. Upon a finding that unforeseen circumstances prevented completion within the approved time limitation, the Planning Director may grant an extension for a period not to exceed six (6) months. If the Planning Director denies a request for an extension, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Parish Council. The Parish Council may grant extensions for periods greater than six (6) months subject to the following provisions: a. Single phase development. An extension for a single phase development may be granted by council resolution and shall not exceed a period of three (3) years. b. Multiphase development. An extension for a multiphase development shall be granted by ordinance, as an amendment to the development agreement, for a period at the discretion of the Council. If the Council approves an extension the applicant shall submit a revised phasing schedule to the planning department for approval by the Planning Director. 2. Requests for extension. The applicant shall request an extension for the beginning of construction or completion of construction. The request, including information which explains the need for the extension, shall be made in writing to the Planning Director and must be received by the planning department within the original term to complete the development. Requests that require Council action shall be processed in accordance with the procedures in Article XLVIII Changes and Amendments of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. The recommendations to the Parish Council for extension shall be based on a finding from the Planning Department and the Planning Advisory Board that unforeseen circumstances prevented completion within the approved time limitation. Sec. 33-5.21.4. Development standards. A. Maximum height. Maximum height shall not exceed the height referenced in Table 33-5.20.2-1 and each zoning district that allows this exception. B. Bulk plane. A building exceeding the maximum height allowed by right shall use bulk planes on the façades of the building as indicated in Table 33-5.20.2-2. 1. Residential zoning districts mean the following one-, two-, three-, or fourfamily residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and FourFamily Residential District (RR3), and Townhouses (R1TH). 2. The bulk plane(s) shall begin at a horizontal line located directly above the line(s) created by the setback at a height of forty-five (45) feet, rising over the lot upward at a forty-five-degree angle equal to a pitch or slope of one (1) foot of vertical distance for each one (1) foot of horizontal distance. See Figure 40.238.1, Bulk plane (1:1). No structure or portion of any structure shall be permitted to protrude through any bulk plane. C. Yards. Yards are required in accordance with Table 33-5.20.2-1. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet, and side and rear yards each having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet, and shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of this section. D. Location. The development site shall front only on a collector street or a major or minor arterial as indicated in the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. E. Frontage. In a multi-frontage development site, for purposes of this section and in accordance with the relevant provisions in this section, any frontage that permits a height greater than the maximum height allowed by right shall qualify the building(s) on that site to be of a height greater than the maximum height allowed by right. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Code regarding required yards for corner lots and through lots, the only required front yard for all other purposes related to such a development site shall be located on the frontage that permits a height that exceeds the maximum height allowed by right. F. Access. Primary access to the development site shall be provided only from a collector street, or a major or minor arterial as indicated in the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan; however, secondary access from a local street or neighborhood collector shall be permitted if the access point is not located across from any of the following one-, two-, three-, or four-family residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and Four-Family Residential District (RR3), and Townhouses (R1TH), and is located within two hundred (200) feet of the street providing primary access to the development site, measured in a straight line from the lot line at the primary street frontage, along the lot line where the secondary access is proposed. G. Traffic impact analysis and adequate public facilities. To ensure adequate transportation access and to minimize impacts on the transportation network, the applicant shall provide to the Parish: 1) a traffic impact analysis for any development comprised of thirty (30) or more units or any development that H. I. J. K. L. meets the threshold requirements in accordance with Sec. 33-7.5.10 of Article 7 of this UDC; and 2) any improvements reasonably necessary to meet the needs of the development which are clearly and substantially related to the development. The Parish shall be the final arbiter of which improvements are reasonably necessary to meet the needs of the development. The development shall not be approved unless and until adequate transportation facilities exist or provision has been made for essential transportation facilities as determined by the Parish. Public works impact analysis and adequate public facilities. To ensure adequate public infrastructure and to minimize impacts on the public works systems, the applicant shall provide to the Parish a public works impact analysis for the development and shall provide any improvements reasonably necessary to meet the needs of the development which are clearly and substantially related to the development. The Parish shall be the final arbiter of which infrastructure improvements are reasonably necessary to meet the needs of the development. The development shall not be approved unless and until adequate public facilities exist or provision has been made for the following essential public facilities, in accordance with the threshold or service level requirements of Parish policy in effect at the time of application: water, sewerage, drainage, streets, fire protection and any other provisions for public facilities as determined by the Parish. Levee impact. Federal, state, and Parish agencies regulate the type and location of improvements for flood and hurricane protection and work within various distances from the river, lakes, levees, and floodwalls in the Parish. To avoid adverse impacts on the flood and hurricane protection systems and to ensure continuous and uninterrupted access for maintenance and monitoring, the applicant shall obtain all permits or other types of authorizations required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ("the Corps"), the appropriate state agencies including the appropriate Levee District(s), and Jefferson Parish in accordance with the regulations of these agencies for any project proposed within the areas regulated by such agencies. Landscaping. 1. All required yards shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 40-446 Landscape and buffer standards in Article XXV, Mixed-Use Corridor District of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. For required yards abutting the following one-, two-, three-, or four-family residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and Four-Family Residential District (RR3), and Townhouses (R1TH), the entire twenty (20) feet of yard abutting such zoning district shall be landscaped in a manner consistent with the MUCD landscaping requirements for the perimeter of lots adjacent to public rights-ofway. 2. The landscape and buffer standards of Sec. 40-446 in Article XXV, MixedUse Corridor District of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code the requirement that the entire twenty (20) feet of yard abutting a one- to four-family residential zoning district, as defined above, be landscaped or any other landscaping and buffer standards of this Code shall not be required of any yard adjacent to and parallel with the line of the visible toe of any levee or floodwall or to any area of the applicant's development site that comprises a levee or floodwall. 3. These landscaping requirements shall supersede the landscaping requirements of any overlay district including, but not limited to, the Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone (CPZ). Lighting. The maximum height for any light fixture is forty (40) feet, except on the side or sides of a development abutting a one- to four-family residential district, in which case the maximum height of twenty-five (25) feet shall be allowed. All light structures shall be shaded or hooded and oriented inward so as to prevent intrusion into surrounding areas. Signs. Signs shall conform to Sec. 40-448 Sign regulations in Article XXV Mixed Use Corridor District of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code or the sign regulations of M N. O. P. the district, whichever is more restrictive. Parking. Parking shall be provided as set forth in Article XXXV, Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Clear Vision Area Regulations of Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Service bays and drives. To mitigate the negative effect of service areas such as noise, odor, refuse, and visual pollution, the following criteria shall apply: 1. Service bays, service drives, and trash receptacle and dumpster areas shall not be located on any side of the development abutting one-, two-, three-, or four-family residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S1), Single-Family Residential District (R1A), Suburban Residential District (R1B), Rural Residential District (R1C), Rural Residential District (R1D), Manufactured Home District (R1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R2), Three- and FourFamily Residential District (RR3), and Townhouses (R1TH). In such cases where this is not possible, an additional five-foot landscaping and buffer strip shall be required in addition to the yard requirements for development that exceeds the height allowed by right in this district. 2. Service bays and drives and trash receptacle and dumpster areas shall be oriented in such a way that in the process of loading and unloading, no vehicle will block the passage of other vehicles on the service drive or extend into any other public or private street. 3. All service bays, loading and unloading areas, trash receptacles and dumpster areas must be screened on all sides by a fence with a minimum height of seven (7) feet and consisting of wood, brick or masonry. Sidewalks. Continuous sidewalks connecting any existing sidewalks shall be provided along public rights-of-way. Fire department vehicle access, water supply, and communications. To provide access for emergency fire suppression response vehicles and to ensure adequate water supply the following criteria shall be met in addition to the currently adopted National Fire Code, International Building Code, and Life Safety Code standards. The Jefferson Parish Fire Department shall review the submitted site plan for compliance with all applicable fire regulations. 1. Access. The following minimum criteria for emergency fire suppression response vehicle access shall be required: a. Two (2) hard-surfaced fire vehicle access roads with twenty-foot minimum width for one-way traffic and twenty-four-foot minimum width for two-way traffic installed on two (2) adjoining sides of all buildings that exceed the height permitted by right, located at a minimum distance of ten (10) feet from the building and a maximum distance of thirty (30) feet from the building as measured from the nearest exterior building wall to the edge of roadway nearest to the building wall. b. Fire vehicle access roads shall be located so that at least seventy-five (75) percent of the two (2) adjoining sides of the building that exceeds the height permitted by right are accessible from the road. c. All fire vehicle access roads shall be connected to and accessible from the main vehicle entrance to the development site. d. A parking lot drive aisle shall be considered part of a fire vehicle access road if it meets all required criteria. e. A street shall be considered a fire vehicle access road if it meets all required criteria. 2. Water supply. The following minimum criteria for adequate water supply shall be required: a. Two (2) fire hydrants capable of supplying not less than twenty-five hundred (2,500) gallons per minute (gpm) of water located within fifty (50) feet of all buildings that exceed the height permitted by right, and b. Additional fire hydrants capable of supplying not less than twenty-five hundred (2,500) gallons per minute (gpm) of water shall be located so that all portions of the exterior walls of all buildings that exceed the height permitted by right are no more than four hundred (400) feet from any fire hydrant. 3. Communications. The following minimum criteria for adequate emergency fire communications shall be required: a. A radio repeater shall be required for buildings that exceed one hundred (100) feet in height. b. Multiple radio repeaters shall be required for buildings that exceed two hundred (200) feet in height. Sec. 33-5.21.5. Variances. A. The Council may grant variances to the requirements in this section for access, landscaping, project completion time limits and sidewalks and may grant limited variances to requirements in this section for signs and yards. Variances to the development requirements of this section shall be approved by the Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article XLVIII, Changes and Amendments, provided the following criteria are met: 1. The variance is consistent with the general provisions and intent of the zoning district; 2. The variance is harmonious and compatible with adjacent land uses; and 3. Special conditions and circumstances exist peculiar to land, structures or buildings which are not applicable to other land, structures or buildings in the same district and which a site related hardship can be demonstrated. B. Neither the Parish Council, nor any Parish board, commission, department or administrative agency shall grant a variance to the prohibition against moving, rotating, flashing, blinking, or fluctuating signs or to the requirements for yards that abut a one- to four-family residential district as defined in bulk plane below. Neither the Parish Council, nor any Parish board, commission, department or administrative agency shall grant a variance to any other development regulation in this section, including but not limited to the maximum height requirement Sec. 33-5.22. Conservation subdivision (reserved). Sec. 33-5.23. Small single-family lot patterns (reserved). Sec. 33-5.24. Traditional neighborhood development (reserved). Sec. 33-5.25. Employment center patterns (reserved). SECTION VI. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 6, General Development Standards is hereby amended by adding four divisions, reformatting and adding provisions to read as follows: ARTICLE 6. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 1. GENERALLY. Sec. 33-6.1. Applicability. This Article applies to any application for development approval, except as otherwise provided. Sec. 33-6.2. Variances. Where authorized in the zoning district regulations or elsewhere in this Code, an applicant may seek a variance from these development standards pursuant to Article XLII Board of Zoning Adjustments in Chapter 40 Zoning in the case of zoning development approvals, or Sec. 33-2.31 Subdivision waivers of this UDC in the case of subdivision plats. Sec. 33-6.3. Maintenance of common areas. The owner of parking lots, parking garages, landscape areas, frontage zones and other areas or improvements held in common ownership shall be responsible for raising all monies required for operations, maintenance or physical improvements through annual dues, special assessments or other arrangements approved by the parish attorney. A copy of binding covenants or other arrangement providing for ongoing maintenance shall be a condition of development approval and recorded and a copy shall be provided to the parish attorney. In the event that the association or any successor organization shall fail to maintain the area in reasonable order and condition in accordance with the approved plan or agreement, the parish attorney may serve written notice upon the owner of record, setting forth the manner in which the owner of record has failed to maintain the area in reasonable condition. Failure to adequately maintain common areas or improvements in reasonable order and condition constitutes a violation of this section. The parish attorney is hereby authorized to give notice, by United States mail, to the owner or occupant, as the case may be, of any violation, and directing the owner to remedy the same within thirty (30) days. If a homeowner’s or property owner’s association assumes ownership, its by-laws shall provide as follows: A. The association shall be authorized under its bylaws to place liens on the property of residents who fall delinquent in payment of such dues or assessments. B. Should any bill or bills for maintenance of common areas or improvements by the parish be unpaid by November 1 of each year, a late fee of fifteen (15) percent shall be added to such bills and a lien shall be filed against the property in the same manner as other parish claims. Sec. 33-6.4. Reserved. DIVISION 2. DESIGN STANDARDS. Sec. 33-6.5. Block standards. A. Adequate building sites required. Provisions of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of land use (residential, commercial or other) proposed for development shall comply with the minimum standards established in the Parish Zoning Ordinance. B. Remnants not allowed. Minimum lot sizes and dimensions for the applicable zoning district shall be accommodated without creating unusable lot remnants. C. Block depth. The depth of the blocks shall be arranged to allow two (2) tiers of lots with utility servitudes, except where a single row of lots backs up to an interstate or arterial street, canal, river or railroad right-of-way. D. Block lengths. No residential block shall be longer than one thousand feet (1,000’), unless it abuts the Mississippi River, an interstate or major arterial, the hurricane protection levee or some other feature that prohibits street connectivity. Sec. 33-6.6. Lot Standards. Sec. 33-6.6.1. Lots generally. A. Buildings to be on a lot. Except as permitted elsewhere in this Chapter, every building or structure shall be located on a single lot of record. No more than one (1) principal building is permitted on a lot; except that more than one (1) institutional, public or semi-public, multiple-family, commercial, or industrial building may be located on a lot, provided that the building or portion thereof shall not be located outside the buildable area of the lot. Except for fences, no building or structure shall be built across lot lines. B. Lot area. Lots shall comply with the minimum dimensions established in this Code. Where no minimum dimensions are established, all lots or development sites shall have a minimum width at the front line of fifty (50) feet and shall not be less than five thousand (5,000) square feet in area. C. Lot arrangement. The lot arrangement and design shall be such that all lots will provide satisfactory and desirable building sites, properly related to topography and to the character of surrounding development. D. Lot frontage. All lots shall front on a public street or private street improved to standards established in the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. E. Variation in front yard. Where the average depth of existing front yards on lots improved with buildings located within one hundred (100) feet of either side of such lot, and within the same block and zoning district, and fronting on the same street as such lot, is less than the minimum required front yard, the front yard may be the average of the existing front yards. F. Lot Lines. All lots, so far as practical, shall have side lot lines at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines. Unusual or odd-shaped lots having boundary lines that intersect at extreme angles shall be avoided. G. Lot orientation: 1. Generally. For interior lots, the lot line common to the street right-of-way line shall be the front line. All lots shall be arranged so that the rear line does not abut the side of an adjacent lot. 2. Corner lots. The lot frontage having the shortest distance shall be the front line for setback purposes, and shall bear the official municipal address in accordance with provisions for survey and street address in Chapter 8 of this Code. 3. Through lots. Both lot frontages shall be front lines for setback purposes. The Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement shall determine which frontage must bear the official municipal address, and the address shall be posted on the building elevation that corresponds to the frontage that is assigned the official address, in accordance with provisions for survey and street address in Chapter 8 of this Code. H. Lot remnants. No lot or parcel shall be created that fails to meet the minimum standards of the applicable zoning district and this UDC, except pursuant to a PUD or Planned Development that provides for the perpetual maintenance of such remnants. Sec. 33-6.6.2. Single-family residential lots. A. Single-family lots less than two (2) acres. Single family lots smaller than two (2) acres shall have a depth to width ratio not greater than three-to-one (3:1) unless the Parish Council finds that physical constraints or ownership patterns require a greater ratio and the resulting lots can be used for their intended purpose. B. Cul-de-sac lots. Cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet at the street line and a minimum width that complies with applicable zoning requirements at the front building line. C. Flag lots. Flag lots may be allowed for residential development provided that each lot has a minimum of fifty (50) feet of frontage and it complies with other single family residential lot requirements; D. Exception for long, narrow parcels. In instances where a lot or tract of land cannot be feasibly developed without subdivision, such lot or tract of land, due to its location and/or physical limitations, the Parish Council may authorize, by an ordinance, the re-subdivision of such lot or tract of land (to front on a common driveway), provided the proposed re-subdivision meets the following: 1. This provision shall apply only to zoning districts of single family dwellings, and other districts that permit same. 2. The number of lots proposed shall not exceed five (5). 3. Each proposed lot shall not be less than the lot area, lot depth and lot frontage required in the zoning district in which the property is situated. 4. A private or common driveway of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in width and not more than four hundred (400) in depth (measured from the nearest public street right-of-way intersection) shall be provided as a servitude of access in favor of all lots. 5. Such private or common driveway shall be hard surfaced, constructed in accordance with the parish requirements, including the fire hydrants, grade and elevation, as specified by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. 6. Such private or common driveway shall contain a turning circle (cul-de-sac) of not less than thirty (30) feet in radius, and it shall be identified by name at its intersection with the nearest public street right-of-way. 7. Such private or common driveway shall provide frontage to the lots created, and building setback shall be measured from the edge of such private driveway. 8. Every lot fronting on such private common driveway shall have a lot depth of not less than one hundred (100) feet, measured from the immediate edge of the driveway. 9. In addition to driveway construction requirements, the Public Works Director shall review and approve all utilities (drainage, water, sewer, etc.), and adequate private servitudes shall be provided to accommodate said utilities, including power and telephone lines. 10. No building permit shall be issued to erect any structures on the lots until said driveway has been constructed to the required standards and all utilities have been installed by the property owner(s). 11. Such private or common driveway approved pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall not be maintained, reconstructed or resurfaced by the Parish of Jefferson. 12. Each dwelling shall be located within fifty feet (50’) of the common drive. E. Fire protection. Each single family residence within a subdivision shall be located within two-hundred feet (200’) of a street right-of-way or three-hundred feet (300’) of a fire hydrant or shall have an internal sprinkler system for fire suppression. F. Through lots. Through lots, or double-frontage lots shall be prohibited in residentially zoned areas, except when the rear of the lot abuts an arterial street and no access to that street is allowed. When a through lot is allowed, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets. Sec. 33-6.6.3. Corner lots. A. Dimensions. Corner lots shall have a width sufficient to permit the establishment of required building lines on both sides of the adjoining streets B. Access. Corner lots adjacent to streets of unequal classification shall access the street of the lesser classification (e.g., designed for the least capacity), based upon traffic volume. Sec. 33-6.6.4. Neighborhood norm. The Parish Council, to maintain the stability and uniqueness of residential neighborhoods, may consider neighborhood norm as defined in this section, in granting or denying the request for subdivision approval where the lot(s) to be created are not in conformity with the characteristics of the existing lots in the immediate area. The Planning Director shall determine "neighborhood norm" based on the following factors: A. The immediate area is the area that consists of two (2) street blocks on either or both sides of a street and not less than six hundred (600) feet from subject property. B. The neighborhood is an area possessing identifiable characteristics that are common to the properties or lots within a subdivision or portion thereof, that may be demarcated by a street, highway, canal or water course. C. General purpose or intent of the original lot layout within the subdivision in general, and in particular, within the immediate area of subject property. D. The predominant front footage (lot width) within the immediate area of subject property. E. The predominant square footage (lot area) of the lots within the immediate area of subject property. F. The average lot area and/or lot frontage within the immediate area of subject property. G. The predominant lot depth within the immediate area of subject property. H. The orientation of lots within the immediate area of the property. I. Neighborhood stability relative to the frequency of re-subdivision of lots within the immediate area of subject property. Sec. 33-6.7. Building height. Sec.33-6.7.1. Generally. Building height shall conform to the requirements of the applicable zoning district regulations, unless otherwise provided. Sec. 33-6.7.2. Measurement. Building height shall be measured as provided in Sec. 40-3 Definitions for Building, height of in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-6.7.3. Height exceptions. The height limits for the various zoning districts shall not apply to the uses specified in Sec. 40-737 Exceptions to height requirements in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-6.8. Building design. Sec. 33-6.8.1. Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to provide criteria so that new buildings blend into the architectural framework of Jefferson Parish and provide a satisfactory visual appearance. These standards: A. Provide a more pleasant living environment by preventing garages from dominating the views of the neighborhood; B. Ensure compatibility among housing types while permitting diversity in the types of housing communities; and C. Enhance public safety. Sec. 33-6.8.2. Residential dwellings. Unless otherwise specified, this section shall apply to single-family, two-family, three-family, and four-family dwellings. Sec. 33-6.8.3. Private garages. The following regulations shall apply to all private garages accessory to single-, two-, three-, and four-family dwellings, including manufactured homes and townhouses and shall supersede any conflicting regulations applicable to accessory structures. A. Location. 1. Attached garages shall comply with the side yard setback requirements of the principal structure and shall not be closer to the rear lot line than the side yard setback of the principal structure. [5-26-10] 2. If located in front of the principal structure, a detached garage shall comply with the side yard setback requirements of the principal structure and shall not be less than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line. [5-26-10] B. Garage doors. 1. Garage doors shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height, except when modified to accommodate existing one- or two-family dwellings, including townhouses, elevated to reduce potential flood damage. [5-26-10, 11-5-14] 2. Garage doors on street-facing attached garages shall not comprise more than fifty (50) percent of the total width of the street-facing principal structure façade. [5-26-10] 3. The portion of garage doors viewable from the street on street-facing detached garages shall not comprise more than fifty (50) percent of the total combined width of the facades of the principal structure and portion of streetfacing garage structure viewable from the street. [5-26-10] 4. On corner lots, only the front street-facing garage door shall comply with subsections (b) and (c). [5-26-10] C. Variance. In accordance with Article XLII, Board of Zoning Adjustments in Chapter 40, Zoning of this Code, the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant a variance to the height of a private garage subject to the following criteria: [10-1310, 3-28-12] 1. The entire structure shall be set back from the side and rear lot lines an additional one (1) foot for every additional one (1) foot or fraction thereof in height over thirteen (13) feet, but shall not exceed the minimum side or rear yard setback requirement of the principal structure and in no case shall exceed nineteen (19) feet in height in a required yard; and 2. The garage shall not contain a second or higher floor used as a place of habitation or a living room, kitchen, dining room, parlor, bedroom, or library. Sec. 33- Exterior wall materials. A. Compatibility. The exterior wall material(s) of the principal structure of a one-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling, excluding manufactured and mobile homes, shall be compatible with the existing residential development of the parish. For the purposes of this chapter, compatibility shall mean construction using materials including, but not limited to, brick, stone, architectural block, stucco, glass, wood, fiber-cement siding and/or vinyl siding, and shall specifically exclude the use of prefabricated or corrugated metal panels and mirrored glass. [3-24-10, 3-28-12] B. Variance. In accordance with Article XLII, Board of Zoning Adjustments in Chapter 40, Zoning of this Code, the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant a variance to exterior wall materials subject to the following requirements: 1. A set of scaled drawings, including dimensioned site plan and elevations of all exterior views noting the exterior wall materials proposed to be used and their dimensions, shall be submitted with the application for variance; and 2. If the BZA grants a variance to the exterior wall materials of a one-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling, prohibited materials shall occupy less than fifty (50) percent of the total surface area, excluding openings, of any single wall, as documented by the required drawings. Sec. 33-6.9. Manufactured homes. Manufactured homes shall conform to the requirements of Article XXXVIII Manufactured and Mobile Homes in Chapter 40, Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-6.10. Commercial buildings (reserved). Sec. 33-6.10.1. Applicability (reserved). Sec. 33-6.10.2. Large-scale commercial retail development (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11. Building structure (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11.1. Façade size (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11.2. Ground-floor design (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11.3. Street wall (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11.4. Windows and entryways (reserved). Sec. 33-6.11.5. Mechanical equipment (reserved). Sec. 33-6.12. Fences and walls. See Sec. 40-743.5 Regulations for fences in Chapter 40 Zoning of this Code. Sec. 33-6.13. Lighting (reserved). Sec. 33-6.14. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.15. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.16. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.17. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.18. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.19. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.20. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.21. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.22. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.23. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.24. Reserved. DIVISION 3. GREENSPACE (LANDSCAPING, BUFFERING AND SCREENING, TREE PRESERVATION) (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25. Landscaping buffering and screening (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.1. Applicability (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.2. Generally (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.3. Interpretation of terms (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.4. Landscape plan (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.5. Acceptable landscape materials (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.6. Protection of plant areas (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.7. Maintenance (reserved). Sec. 33-6.25.8. Irrigation (reserved). Sec. 33-6.26. Buffers and screening (reserved). Sec. 33-6.27. Streetscape landscaping (reserved). Sec. 33-6.28. Building landscaping (reserved). Sec. 33-6.29. Parking lot landscaping (reserved). Sec. 33-6.30. Entrance landscaping (reserved). Sec. 33-6.31. Tree preservation (reserved). Sec. 33-6.32. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.33. Reserved. Sec. 33-6.34. Reserved. DIVISION 4. PARKING AND STORAGE STANDARDS. Sec. 33-6.35. Parking, loading, and clear vision. See Article XXXV in Chapter 40 of this Code. Sec. 33-6.36. Outdoor storage (reserved). SECTION VII. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 7, Adequate Public Facilities Required, is hereby amended by reformatting and renumbering, to read as follows: Sec. 33-7.1. Generally. This Article establishes standards for water, wastewater, stormwater management, streets, and other utilities and facilities, whether provided by Jefferson Parish or some other entity. These standards are supplemented by the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual and the Fire Prevention Code for the Parish of Jefferson, which provide details necessary for infrastructure design. Sec. 33-7.1.1. Purpose. A. The purpose of these regulations is to promote development that is served by public facilities at the levels of service established by Jefferson Parish, which are adequate to support and service the area of the proposed development. Land shall not be approved for development unless and until adequate public facilities exist or provision has been made for the following essential public facilities: water service, wastewater treatment and disposal, stormwater management, electrical service, and street facilities. B. New development shall provide adequate facilities and services, including required servitudes, to accommodate demands from proposed development in conformance with the minimum standards established in this UDC and other design and improvement standards adopted by the Parish. C. Unconstructed improvements shall be guaranteed prior to the recording of the final plat. D. New development shall be phased at a pace that will ensure the provision of adequate community facilities and services for proposed and future development. E. Each development project shall be designed so that the project is capable of functioning effectively and independently at completion of each phase. F. Adequate on-site roadway facilities and access to the proposed development shall be provided concurrently with the demands created by new development and shall be designed and constructed in conformance with applicable State and Parish standards. G. All Essential Public Facilities shall be inspected, approved, and accepted by the Parish prior to: 1. Recording of the plat if the applicant chooses to build rather than guarantee improvements; or 2. Release of improvement guarantee if the applicant chooses to guarantee improvements, or 3. Issuance of a Building Permit unless the Public Works Director finds that improvements are substantially complete. In no case shall a Certificate of Occupancy be granted prior to acceptance of Adequate Public Facilities. Sec. 33-7.1.2. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan required. Proposed public improvements shall conform to and be consistent with the Jefferson Parish Comprehensive Plan and applicable capital improvements plans. Sec. 33-7.1.3. Water. All habitable buildings and buildable lots shall be connected to a public or private water system capable of providing water for health and emergency purposes, including adequate fire protection. Sec. 33-7.1.4. Wastewater. All habitable buildings and buildable lots shall be served by an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment. Sec. 33-7.1.5. Stormwater management. Drainage improvements shall accommodate potential runoff from the entire upstream drainage area and shall be designed to prevent increases in rate and velocity of existing runoff to avoid increases in downstream flooding. The Parish shall require the use of control methods such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of on-site and off-site drainage improvements to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development. Sec. 33-7.1.6. Streets. Proposed streets shall provide a safe, convenient and functional system for vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation; shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as well as adopted transportation plans; and shall be appropriate for the particular traffic characteristics of each proposed development. Adequate street capacity and street design and construction shall conform to all applicable Parish Codes. New development shall construct on-site transportation facilities needed to meet the demands attributable to the development and provide safe access to the property. Such roadways shall be provided concurrently with new development. The subdivider shall provide the grading of the entire street right-ofway, alley or public place and pave the streets. Dedication of rights-of-way and other access servitudes necessary for needed transportation facilities for current and future phases shall be required of new development. Sec. 33-7.1.7. Parks and open space (reserved). Sec. 33-7.1.8. Location of utilities. All utilities provided as new installations within a subdivision shall be placed in the right-of-way or in servitudes and shall be provided underground unless a waiver has been granted by the Parish Council. This provision shall not apply to development in an industrial zoning district. Sec. 33-7.1.9. Extension and oversizing policies. A. All public improvements and required servitudes shall be extended through the parcel on which new development is proposed. Streets, water lines, wastewater systems and drainage facilities shall be constructed through new development to promote the logical extension of public infrastructure to serve future growth. B. The Parish may require the applicant of a subdivision to extend off-site improvements to reach the subdivision or to oversize required public facilities to serve anticipated future development as a condition of plat or plan approval. C. The Parish shall have the option to establish a public improvement district that will reimburse the developer for excess improvements costs, to use an “excess capacity” sharing arrangement between the applicant and subsequent developers of adjacent property benefiting from the oversized facilities or to directly reimburse the developer for excess land and facility costs. D. For the purposes of this section, excess improvements costs shall be the costs required in excess of the applicant’s proportionate share of the public improvement based on the demands generated by the proposed development, but excess costs shall not include any of the following: 1. The costs of installing up to an eight (8) inch water line, including necessary system loop, and connections to the nearest water main; 2. The costs of installing up to an eight (8) inch sewer line and connections it to the nearest sewer main; 3. The costs of retaining or detaining on-site all increases in stormwater run-off; 4. The cost of building a collector street, or, if the collector follows the property line, the cost of dedicating land and building a local street along the property line. Sec. 33-7.1.10. Phasing. All development that occurs in multiple phases shall be subject to development agreements coordinating the timing and funding of needed infrastructure with demands for the infrastructure. Sec. 33-7.1.11. Servitudes/rights-of-way. Except as otherwise provided in this UDC, an applicant for a development approval shall ensure that adequate on-site and off-site servitudes are provided for future roadways, water, wastewater and other public utilities. A. The property owner shall grant adequate utility servitudes for all public and private utilities as required by the Public Works Director or private utility provider. Minimum servitude widths shall be a total of twenty (20) feet along side or rear property lines for water and sewer utilities, which may straddle a property line. Utility servitudes shall be shown on the plat and dedicated in conjunction with recordation of the Plat. B. Servitudes shall be dedicated outside and along street rights-of-way as determined by the Public Works Director or private utility provider to be necessary for utilities and storm sewers. Unless otherwise authorized or required by the Public Works Director, utilities within or adjacent to street rightsof-way shall be scheduled consistent with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. C. Wherever practical, servitudes shall be located along lot lines. No buildings or structures, except as necessary for utilities, shall be permitted within or on servitudes. Fences or walls may be constructed in public servitudes, except rights-of-way, at the risk of the property owner. The Parish bears no responsibility for replacement of structures damaged through authorized activities within a servitude. D. The applicant shall provide adequate on-site rights-of-way for anticipated traffic demands in a manner consistent with this UDC, the Comprehensive Plan and project specific Traffic Impact Analysis (“TIA”), if applicable. If a TIA shows that a proposed development creates the need for additional off-site right-of-way, the applicant shall be required to provide or fund acquisition of required right-of-way prior to development approval. Funding for off-site improvements shall be limited to the developer’s proportional share of the costs that are attributable to demands projected to be generated by the proposed development. E. Whenever any canal is located in a proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall provide a thirty-five (35) feet servitude from the top of the bank of each side of the canal and a fifteen (15) feet servitude from the top of the bank along each side of the ditch for the purpose of widening, deepening, sloping, improving, maintaining or protecting the canal or ditch, and such servitude shall be dedicated to the Parish or other appropriate public agency. F. Whenever any subsurface drain line is located in a proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall provide a servitude equal to the total of half the diameter of the pipe plus ten (10) feet on each side of the center line of the drain line for the purpose of maintenance or improvement. Sec. 33-7.1.12. Construction and materials. Except as otherwise provided in this UDC, the construction and material specifications of all public improvements shall comply with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.1.13. Inspections/acceptance. The Parish or its authorized agent shall inspect public improvements to ensure such improvements are constructed to Parish standards and specifications. Parish acceptance of required improvements shall be required prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, except as otherwise provided herein. Sec. 33-7.1.14. Maintenance. The Parish shall require maintenance guarantees for all public improvements as a condition of accepting such improvement. Sec. 33-7.1.15. Scheduling utilities and streets. The Public Works Director shall approve the locations and designs of all public improvements. Utilities within or adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be arranged in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.1.16. Mitigation. When adequate facilities are not available, the Parish may allow the phasing of development, reductions in demands, advancement of needed facilities or other measures to ensure that facilities are available when needed to meet the demands from new development. Sec. 33-7.2. Water. Centralized water service required to provide for normal and emergency flows. Sec. 33-7.2.1. Generally. Where a subdivision is located within the Parish, each lot therein shall be provided with a connection to the Parish water system. Fire hydrants shall also be installed in all subdivisions within the Parish. The water supply system shall be designed and constructed under the direction and control of the Parish and shall conform to the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual and applicable provisions of the adopted Fire Prevention Code for the Parish of Jefferson. The applicant shall pay all applicable fees as a condition of extension of water service. Individual service connections within single-family residential subdivisions shall be extended from the main to each lot, and clearly marked. The installation shall conform to standards and requirements and be subject to the approval of appropriate Parish and State authorities. Sec. 33-7.2.2. Design. Designs shall conform to the Jefferson Parish Public Works Improvement Standards. A. Size. The minimum size for water mains shall be eight (8) inches. However, the Engineering Director may require a larger diameter for approved dead-end mains to facilitate maintenance. B. Loops. The Parish may require looping of lines to provide adequate flow and system circulation. C. Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be located to meet adopted fire code requirements. The Parish may require any residence set back more than twohundred fifty (250) feet from a street right-of-way to be sprinkled unless a fire hydrant is located within three-hundred (300) feet of the residence. Sec. 33-7.2.3. Construction and materials. Water systems shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.2.4. Off-site improvements. The developer shall provide for on-site and off-site improvements required to adequately serve a proposed development. In no event shall approval be granted to allow occupancy prior to connection to an adequate public water supply. Sec. 33-7.2.5. Extension/oversizing. Water mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter unless otherwise approved by the Engineering Director. The Parish Council may require that water mains be oversized and be phased in coordination with the pace of new development to ensure the development will be adequately served by community facilities and services. The subdivider shall be required to provide water systems with adequate capacity to serve the subdivision. Water systems shall be extended to the boundaries of the subdivision when required to facilitate future extensions of such systems. When oversizing of a water main in excess of the design standards of these regulations is required by the Parish Council to facilitate system expansion, the Parish may provide for reimbursement of excess construction costs. Sec. 33-7.2.6. Water system servitudes. The applicant shall dedicate servitudes required to accommodate all water system facilities to serve new development, except individual service lines. The Public Works Director shall approve the location and dimensions of required servitudes. Servitudes shall follow property lines to the greatest extent possible. Sec. 33-7.3. Wastewater. Centralized sewer service required within the Hurricane Protection Levee (HPL) except as provided in this section of the UDC. Sec. 33-7.3.1. Generally. All habitable buildings and buildable lots shall be served by an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment as described herein. A. Each lot shall be provided with a connection to a sanitary sewer. B. The applicant shall pay appropriate fees as a condition of connection to the public sanitary sewer system. C. Centralized sewer collection systems shall be used only for sewage disposal; flow from gutters or other extraneous sources shall not be directed to the wastewater system. Sec. 33-7.3.2. Sewerage facilities. A. Connections. Sewer connections shall extend to each lot. All connections between the Parish sewer system and the subdivision sewer system shall comply with the applicable adopted ordinance of the Parish pertaining to sewers and all construction of the system shall be subject to the direction and approval of the Public Works Director. B. Facilities required. All lots shall be individually sewered with the grades and sizes as required by the Public Works Director. Sec. 33-7.3.3. Design criteria. Wastewater systems shall be designed to comply with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual and applicable state regulations. These design standards are not intended to cover extraordinary situations. Deviations will be allowed and may be required in those instances where recommended by the Public Works Director. Sec. 33-7.3.4. Construction and materials. Wastewater systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.3.5. Off-site improvements. The developer of a parcel shall provide for on-site and off-site improvements required to adequately serve the proposed development, provided, however, that the Public Works Director may authorize development to proceed if the service provider certifies that the necessary capital improvements have been funded for construction within two (2) years of recordation of the final plat. In no event shall approval be granted to allow occupancy prior to connection to an approved wastewater system unless the Council has approved an interim service plan and has received a performance bond. Sec. 33-7.3.6. Extension/oversizing. The Council may require that wastewater systems and water lines be over-sized to accommodate future development. The subdivider shall be required to provide wastewater systems with adequate capacity to serve the subdivision. Wastewater systems shall be extended to the boundaries of the subdivision when required to facilitate future extensions of such systems. When oversizing of a sewer main in excess of the design standards of these regulations is required by the Parish Council for system expansion, the Parish may provide for the reimbursement of excess construction costs. Sec. 33-7.3.7. Wastewater system servitudes. The developer shall dedicate adequate servitudes to accommodate all wastewater system facilities required to serve new development, except individual service lines. The Public Works Director shall approve the location and dimensions of required servitudes. Servitudes should follow property lines to the greatest extent possible. Where other utility lines are placed adjacent to the sewer, additional servitudes shall be required. Sec. 33-7.3.8. On-site wastewater systems (reserved). A. Generally (reserved). B. Permit required (reserved). C. Failure to comply with stop work order (reserved). D. One (1) residence per individual on-site system(reserved). E. Private waste treatment system, public nuisance not permitted (reserved). F. Private waste treatment, issuance of permit (reserved). G. Private wastewater treatment, standards (reserved). H. Sewage treatment, alternative method (reserved). Sec. 33-7.4. Stormwater. Sec. 33-7.4.1. Purpose. Development shall be laid out to provide proper drainage of the area being subdivided, including facilities such as curb and gutter, catch basins, canals, culverts, bridges and natural waterways. Drainage improvements shall accommodate potential runoff from the entire upstream drainage area and shall be designed to reduce or prevent increases in downstream flooding. Stormwater drainage systems shall be separate and independent of any sanitary sewer system whether public or private. The Parish shall require the use of control methods such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of off-site drainage improvements to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development to achieve these purposes. Sec. 33-7.4.2. Design standards. The design of the storm drainage system shall be done in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. The Public Works Director must grant exceptions to these requirements in writing. A. On-site stormwater detention or retention basins shall be required where needed to protect public or private property from increased volumes or velocity of stormwater runoff. B. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be required during and after new construction as needed to prevent increased erosion or increased deposits of material downstream from the development. C. Stormwater systems shall be designed to minimize future operational and maintenance expenses. All stormwater facilities shall be underground unless the Engineering Director determines that open facilities are more appropriate. Sec. 33-7.4.3. Construction and materials. Stormwater improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.4.4. Assessment of adequacy. A. For all proposed developments, other than single-family residential, totaling ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more (all phases), and all single family residential developments totaling five (5) acres or more (all phases), the ten (10) year storm event post-development rate of run-off shall not exceed the ten (10) year storm event pre-development rate of run-off. To insure that the postdevelopment rate of run-off does not exceed the pre-development rate of run-off, on-site detention will be required in a manner approved by the Jefferson Parish Public Works Department. The detention system cannot release water from the site at a rate greater than the pre-development rate of run-off. B. The design concepts for detention facilities and determination of storm run-off shall be consistent with sound hydrological and hydraulic engineering principles and practices, and the provisions of the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. The Public Works Director shall approve any and all modifications to the drainage manuals. C. The developer shall submit drainage design calculations including a drainage map along with engineering plans to the Public Works Department for approval by the Engineering Director. The drainage map shall include a line diagram reflecting the existing drainage system from the outfall end of the proposed development to the receiving outfall canal, reflected in the applicable current master drainage plan. The developer shall also submit calculations showing the impacts to the detention facility from a one hundred (100) year storm event. D. Drainage calculations shall consider all relevant information that would affect the hydraulics of the drainage system including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Drainage basin characteristics; 2. System hydraulics; and 3. Other external influences upstream and downstream from the drainage system that may impact or be impacted by the proposed system. E. Drainage calculations shall consist of: 1. Ten (10) year pre-development flow; 2. Ten (10) year post-development flow; 3. Description of release facility and volume of release versus depth of storage in detention facility for ten (10) year and one hundred (100) year storm events; 4. Maximum depth of water in the detention facility for design storms; 5. Description of impact to the proposed facility resulting from increased depth of storage; and 6. The description of how the system will be maintained. F. Unless unstable or highly erosive soil conditions indicate a lower design velocity is desirable, or unless ditch paving at the outlet is provided, the maximum velocity for culvert design shall adhere to the criteria in the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. G. The Public Works Director shall review for approval each proposed development covered by this section prior to the issuance of permits to proceed with said development. Any decision in which the Public Works Director denies a request or which requires a waiver shall be submitted to the Citizens’ Drainage Advisory Board for review and recommendation. Decisions of the Citizens’ Drainage Advisory Board recommending approval of a waiver shall be submitted for final approval by the Parish Council. H. Any denial of a waiver request by the Citizens’ Drainage Advisory Board may be appealed to the Parish Council for final resolution. Sec. 33-7.5.Transportation. Sec. 33-7.5.1. Streets, generally. A. Full capacity. All development shall be provided with safe and adequate access via street or driveway, designed in accordance with appropriate Parish and State requirements to accommodate development at maximum planned densities unless the applicant restricts future subdivision through deed restrictions. Street systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this Section. B. Required level of service. No development shall be approved if such development, at full occupancy, will result in an increase of traffic on a street above adopted standards. The applicant may propose and construct approved traffic mitigation measures to provide adequate roadway capacity for the proposed development. The applicant may be required by the Parish to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), as applicable. C. Conformance to existing plans. Arterials and collector streets shall follow routes consistent with those established in the Comprehensive Plan, Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan and other adopted Parish plans. D. Commercial and industrial developments. In commercial and industrial developments, the streets and other accessways shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, location of rail facilities, and the provision of alleys, truck loading and maneuvering areas, and sidewalks and parking areas to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of traffic, including pedestrian. Sec. 33-7.5.2. Street design standards. A. Street design, generally. The standards established by this Section shall apply to all public and private streets in Jefferson Parish. The Comprehensive Plan and Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan shall be used to determine the location and design of future arterial and collector streets. Street and sidewalk design and construction, including off-site improvements and drainage, shall be in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Exceptions to the requirements of this section shall be obtained in writing from the Engineering Director. B. Street classification. All streets shall be classified as in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. Any existing street that is not already classified in the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan shall be considered to be a local street, unless otherwise designated by the Planning Director in consultation with the Public Works Director and subject to confirmation by the Parish Council. In classifying streets, the Parish shall consider projected traffic demands after twenty (20) years of development. C. Street cross-section standards: 1. All street improvements intended to be accepted for maintenance by the Parish shall be designed according to the standards established in the D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan and in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. 2. Local streets shall have a minimum right-of-way of at least fifty (50) feet in width and shall be paved for a width of twenty-six (26) feet, measured from back of curb to back of curb. Where the Parish Council finds that a hardship exists, a minimum right-of-way of no less than forty (40) feet may be accepted, subject to the provision of servitudes on each side of the street measuring at least five (5) feet in width and minimum setbacks of thirty (30) feet for front loading garage doors. Alignment. Local streets shall maintain connectivity, but shall be aligned to discourage use by through traffic. Arterial and collector streets shall establish continuous routes. Street extensions. Proposed streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless the Parish Council determines that such extension is not feasible. Traffic calming. The Parish may require traffic calming in accordance with the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan for neighborhood collector or local streets through residential neighborhoods, within one-quarter (1/4) mile of a park or school, or any other location where the Parish finds the need to abate traffic speed to promote a safer pedestrian environment. Adequate traffic circulation. Neighborhood collector and local streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic, but shall be designed to safely convey all anticipated traffic. Lot access. Every lot shall have approved access to a public right-of-way or private street designed in conformance with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Driveways shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director. Street connections. Streets shall connect with those already dedicated in adjoining or adjacent subdivisions and provide for future connections to adjoining unsubdivided tracts whenever feasible. New development shall, at a minimum, meet the following access and connectivity standards: 1. Any collector or arterial street connection shown in the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan shall be extended through the subdivision and connect to existing or planned extensions of the street. 2. Except where a subdivision abuts a canal, river, railroad, interstate or major arterial, at least one (1) street connection per one thousand (1,000) feet shall be provided to the abutting property along the subdivision perimeter. 3. For gated communities with private streets, the parish council may modify the standards of paragraph 2 (above) after addressing connectivity needs for emergency access, traffic patterns in the vicinity of the subdivision and bicycle/ pedestrian needs. Dead-end streets. Permanent dead-end streets are prohibited. Except as authorized by the Parish Council, all proposed streets must be extended to the property line. The Council may require the construction of a temporary turnaround having a minimum radius as provided in the following paragraph, or other design approved by the Fire Department. Any dead-end street more than six-hundred (600) feet long shall be provided with a turn-around at the closed end at least sixty (60) feet in radius. Temporary dead-end streets. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must temporarily be a dead-end street, the right-of-way shall be extended to the property line. A temporary cul-de-sac, T- or L-shaped turnabout shall be provided on all temporary dead-end streets, with the notation on the subdivision plat that land outside the normal street right-of-way shall revert to abutting property owners whenever the street is continued. The Parish may limit the length of temporary dead-end streets in accordance with these regulations. Corrections/jogs. Offset streets shall be avoided where possible. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one-hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall not be permitted, except where the intersected street has divided lanes without median breaks. Intersection of streets. The angle of intersection between streets shall not vary by more than ten (10) degrees from a right angle unless the intersection is configured as a traffic circle. N. Minimum curb radius. At the intersection of two (2) local streets, the minimum curb radii shall be a least twelve (12) feet. At an intersection involving a collector or arterial street, the minimum curb radii shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet. Alley intersections and abrupt changes in alignment within a block shall have the corners cut off in accordance with standard engineering practice to permit safe vehicular movement. O. Cul-de-sac streets. Cul-de-sacs and courts shall be no longer than six-hundred (600) feet measured from the intersection of the centerlines of the cul-de-sac and the street from which it begins to the farthest curb face. The Parish may require a pedestrian crosswalk located in a fifteen (15) feet wide servitude to connect the cul-de-sac with adjacent development. The minimum dimensions for the pavement width and right-of-way width shall be as shown in Table 33-7.5.21. Table 33-7.5.2-1: Cul-de-sac Standards Cul-de-sac length Minimum pavement Minimum right-of-way radius radius Less than 300 ft 38 feet 50 feet 300 ft or more 60 feet 72 feet P. Pedestrian walkways. Where blocks are over six-hundred (600) feet in length, the Parish may require a pedestrian crosswalk located in a fifteen (15) feet wide servitude near the center of the block. Q. Alleys. Alleys with a twenty (20) feet wide right-of-way and eighteen (18) feet of paved roadway may be required in commercial areas, in the rear lots of multiple family districts unless other adequate provisions are made for service and deliveries, and where justified by special conditions such as the continuation of an existing alley in the same block. Alleys are not required in residential districts. Dead-end alleys are prohibited. R. Half streets. Half streets are prohibited, except where an existing platted half street abuts the subdivision. Where a platted half street exists, the other half street shall be required to be completed by the applicant. S. Street names. Streets in alignment with existing streets shall bear the names of the existing streets. Proposed street names that are in conflict with existing street names shall not be approved. T. Street dedication. No street shall be accepted by the Parish unless it meets the design standards established by this UDC. U. Reserve strips. Where streets approach a property line of a tract being subdivided, the right-of-way shall extend to the edge of the property to allow for connectivity between abutting properties. Reserve or spite strips are prohibited. Sec. 33-7.5.3. Street construction standards. Streets shall be designed and constructed to comply with the Jefferson Parish Subdivision Public Improvements Standards Manual. Sec. 33-7.5.4. Alleys. Alleys may only be approved as part of a PUD or Planned Development and shall be considered private drives that are subject to a Parish approved maintenance program. Sec. 33-7.5.5. Reserved. Sec. 33-7.5.6. Traffic control. Traffic control devices shall be provided for new development pursuant to standards adopted by the Parish or State, as applicable. Sec. 33-7.5.7. Access standards. A. Purpose. The purpose of regulating the amount and nature of vehicular access points is to balance the need for providing access to individual private properties with the need to preserve an adequate level of capacity on the streets providing access. Vehicular access restrictions may be required to be shown on subdivision plats. B. Access to arterials. Where a residential subdivision borders on or contains an existing or proposed arterial, the Parish may require that access to such streets be limited by one of the following means: 1. Lots shall back onto the arterial and front onto a parallel collector or local street; no access shall be provided from the arterial; or 2. A series of cul-de-sacs, U-shaped streets, or short loops entered from and designed generally at right angles to the arterial; or C. D. E. F. 3. A marginal access or service road separated from the arterial by a ten (10) feet wide planting strip and having access at suitable points. 4. Secondary access. For public safety and convenience, secondary access shall be provided for any single family residential development with thirty (30) or more homes, or any other development projected to generate more than three-hundred (300) trips per day, or any development that derives its sole access from a street projected to carry more than three-hundred (300) trips per day. Railroads, interstates or major arterials: Railroad rights-of-way, interstates, and major arterials, where so located as to affect the subdivision of adjoining lands, shall be treated as follows: 1 In residential zoning districts, buffers shall be provided adjacent to the railroad right-of-way, interstate or major arterial. Buffers shall measure at least fifty (50) feet in width and shall include at least one tree every thirty-five (35) feet and a combination of fencing, walls, berms and/or landscaping necessary to establish a six (6) feet tall opaque buffer within two (2) years of plat approval. This strip shall be part of the platted lots and shall be designated on the plat. 2. In districts zoned for business, commercial or industrial uses, wherever practicable, the nearest street extending parallel or approximately parallel to the railroad right-of-way shall be at a sufficient distance from the railroad right-of-way to ensure suitable depth for commercial or industrial sites. 3. When streets parallel to the railroad right-of-way intersect a street that crosses the railroad right-of-way at grade, they shall, to the extent practicable, be at a distance of at least one-hundred fifty (150) feet from the railroad rightof-way. Such distance shall be determined with due consideration of the minimum distance required for future separation of grades by means of appropriate approach gradients. Driveway permits. A driveway permit, issued by the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director shall be required for all single family residences and any multiple family development encompassing five (5) or more dwelling units. Driveway permits for all other uses shall be obtained from the Public Works Director prior to the construction of any new access point. When a traffic study is required, no driveway permit will be issued until the traffic study process has been completed. For the purposes of evaluating driveway permit requests, the boundary of the site is considered to be all contiguous parcels under the same ownership on the date of adoption of this provision. Any non-residential change in use resulting in the following will require a new driveway permit: 1. An increase of greater than fifty (50) peak hour trips, or 2. A ten (10) percent increase in average daily trips of an existing nonresidential or multi-family development, or 3. Over ten (10) additional daily vehicle trips made by vehicles exceeding thirtythousand (30,000) pounds gross vehicle weight. Driveway design standards: 1. Dimensions. Unless required for emergency access, the minimum driveway width shall be twelve (12) feet for residential and fifteen (15) feet for nonresidential land uses, and the maximum driveway width shall be twenty-five (25) feet for residential and thirty-five (35) feet for non-residential land uses. The minimum thickness shall comply with adopted improvement standards. 2. Approach. The driveways adjacent to paved roads shall provide a concrete driveway approach from the property line to the roadbed edge. Substandard access. Where access standards or design objectives of this UDC cannot be met, the Public Works Director shall be guided by the following process in determining whether substandard access may be permitted. 1. The Public Works Director shall first determine whether alternate access to another street exists that meets the standards of the Code. 2. Where alternate access opportunities are determined not to exist, the Public Works Director may grant a reduction in spacing standards of up to twenty (20) percent. 3. If after considering alternatives subject to subsections a. and b. above, the Public Works Director determines that no feasible alternatives exist, a substandard access permit may be granted as a subdivision waiver subject to the following findings: a. Conditions or circumstances exist which limit the strict application of the requirements of this UDC, including the lack of a secondary access to another public street, the inability to use joint access, and the lack of engineering or construction solutions that can be applied to mitigate the condition; b. The proposed access will not result in undue delay or congestion or be detrimental to the safety of motoring public using the roadway; and c. The limiting access will create an exceptional and undue hardship on the applicant and that the permit issued will allow a reasonable use of the property. Sec. 33-7.5.8. Oversizing streets. A. Responsibility. Where a designated street, according to the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan, runs through the proposed subdivision, the applicant shall be responsible for the costs of construction of such street to a collector street standard unless the development generates sufficient traffic to justify construction of an arterial street. B. Reimbursement and costs. If the designated street exceeds the collector standard, the applicant shall be required to construct the designated street subject to reimbursement by the Parish for the construction cost of the difference between the collector street and arterial street. Should reimbursement funds by the Parish not be available, the applicant’s responsibility for construction shall be limited to a collector standard; however, the development and street design shall be modified to facilitate future expansion of such street. The plat shall identify anticipated future right-of-way required for compliance with the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan and no buildings may encroach into future right-of-way. The maximum allowable density or intensity of development on the site shall be calculated based on the area of the property prior to the dedication of the additional right-of-way. Sec. 33-7.5.9. Other improvements. A. Sidewalks and pedestrian paths standards: 1. Required. Sidewalks or pedestrian paths shall be required along all parish streets. 2. Design. Walkways shall be designed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, provided that the Council may approve a different standard for walkways across private property. 3. Location. All required walkways shall be located within a dedicated right-ofway or access servitude. A median strip of grass or landscaped area at least three (3) feet wide shall separate all sidewalks from adjacent curbs unless approved by the Public Works Director. 4. Servitudes. Sidewalk and path servitudes shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width if adjacent to a public street or land. The minimum width of the sidewalk/path servitude between the rear or side lot lines of a parcel shall be fifteen (15) feet, unless approved otherwise by the Parish Council. B. Street signs. All streets, including private streets, shall be identified with street signs properly named. The applicant shall deposit with the local government at the time of final subdivision approval the set fee for each street sign required by the Public Works Director. The Parish shall install all street signs before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any residence on the streets approved. Street name signs shall be placed at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision, the type and location of which shall be approved by the Public Works Director. C. Street lighting. Installation of street lights shall be required in accordance with design and specification standards approved by the Public Works Director. D. Utilities: 1. Location. All utility facilities including, but not limited to, gas, electric power, telephone and CATV cables shall be located underground throughout the subdivision. All utility facilities existing and proposed throughout the subdivision shall be shown on the preliminary plat. 2. Servitudes. Servitude widths shall be established between the subdivider and the applicable utility companies for the establishment of utility servitudes established in adjoining properties. Sec. 33-7.5.10. Traffic impact analysis. The intent of this Section is to provide the information necessary to allow decision-makers to assess the transportation implications of traffic associated with a proposed development, to address the transportation-related issues associated with development proposals that may be of concern to neighboring residents, business owners and property owners, and to provide a basis for negotiation regarding improvements and funding participation in conjunction with an application for development. This Section establishes requirements for the TIA and evaluation of transportation impacts associated with proposed developments. A. Purpose. A Traffic Impact Analysis (“TIA”) will be required for certain permitted and Special Permitted Uses, Major Subdivisions and Site Plans exceeding specific trip generation thresholds. The purpose of a Traffic Impact Analysis will be to: 1. Evaluate traffic operations and impacts at site access points under projected peak period traffic loads; 2. Evaluate the impact of site-generated traffic on affected intersections in the vicinity of the development site; 3. Evaluate the impact of site-generated traffic on the quality of traffic flow within a reasonable distance of the site of development; 4. Evaluate the impact of the proposed development on neighborhood collector or local streets in the vicinity of the site; 5. Ensure that site access and other improvements needed to mitigate the traffic impact of the development meet commonly accepted engineering design standards; 6. Ensure that adequate facilities for pedestrians, transit users and bicyclists have been provided; 7. Identify transportation infrastructure needs and related costs created by the development and cost sharing on needed improvements. B. Applicability. Traffic Impact Analysis shall be required for any amendments to the official zoning map or future land use map, subdivision review, special permitted use, or site plan under the following described conditions; or as otherwise required in the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances: 1. The proposed use will generate seven-hundred fifty (750) or more average daily trips, according to most current versions of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (“ITE”) Trip Generation Informational Report or comparable research data published by a public agency or institution; or 2. The proposed development will concentrate one-thousand five-hundred (1,500) or more trips per day through a single access point; or 3. The proposed development will include thirty (30) or more dwelling units taking sole access from an existing or planned neighborhood collector or local street; or 4. The proposed development will include a drive-through facility or structural parking lot entrance that will result in traffic spillover onto a public street, when eight (8) or more vehicles are queued at the facility; or 5. Any residential project accessing an arterial street; or 6. Any development that is subject to a state requirement for a traffic impact study. [8-31-2011] C. Waiver. The requirements of this section for a TIA may be waived by the Planning Director, Public Works Director and Parish Traffic Engineer when it is determined that such report is not necessary to determine needed road improvements or that no unsafe or hazardous conditions will be created by the development as proposed. D. Preparation. The TIA shall be prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer or AICP certified planner with qualifications and no less than five (5) years experience in the preparation of traffic analyses. E. Traffic service standards. The standards for traffic service that shall be used to evaluate the findings of traffic impact studies are: 1. Level of service. For collector or local streets, a level of service (“LOS”) “C” or better shall be maintained. On any arterial or higher order street a LOS “D” or better shall be maintained. Where the existing LOS is below these standards, the TIA shall identify those improvements required to ensure that development related traffic demands result in no net reduction in LOS, and identify additional improvements needed to raise the level of service to the standards on the arterial or higher order street to the adopted LOS standard. 2. Number of access points. The spacing of access points shall comply with applicable Parish, State and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (“AASHTO”) standards. 3. Neighborhood collector or local street impact. Average Daily Traffic (“ADT”) on neighborhood collector or local streets shall be within the ranges spelled out in the Thoroughfare Plan for the class of street involved. No nonresidential development shall increase the traffic on a neighborhood collector or local street with at least three-hundred (300) average daily trips by more than twenty-five (25) percent. 4. Internal circulation. On-site vehicle circulation and parking patterns shall be designed so as not to interfere with the flow of traffic on any public street and shall accommodate all anticipated types of site traffic. 5. Safety. Access points shall be designed to provide for adequate sight distance and appropriate facilities to accommodate acceleration and deceleration of site traffic. 6. Curb space use plan. Details shall be provided on curb space use on public streets along the edge of the development site when it is intended that such areas be used for parking, parking space access, delivery and loading zones, passenger zones, taxi cab stands, bus stops, fire zones and/or other official/emergency zones. This review shall include a description of existing conditions prior to development, and proposed changes resulting from the development, including a description of any loss or gain in curb space use by the activities intended. F. Contents. A TIA shall contain information addressing the factors listed below. 1. Site description. The TIA shall contain illustrations and narrative that describe the characteristics of the site and adjacent land uses as well as expected development in the vicinity which will influence future traffic conditions. A description of the proposed development including access plans, staging plans and an indication of land use and intensity, shall be provided. 2. Study area. The TIA shall identify the geographic area under study and identify the roadway segments, critical intersections and access points to be analyzed. The study shall include all intersections and access points to the development and with all arterial and collector streets and/or all arterial and collector street intersections located on the approaches within one-half (1/2) mile of the site. If no arterial street intersection is so located, the study area may be extended to the nearest arterial street intersection if the proposed development is projected to contribute at least five (5) percent of the traffic at that intersection at the time of development, unless determined otherwise by the Planning Director and Parish Traffic Engineer. 3. Existing traffic conditions. The TIA shall contain a summary of the data used in the analysis of existing traffic conditions, including: a. Traffic count and turning movement information, including the source of and date when traffic count information was collected; b. Correction factors that were used to convert collected traffic data into representative design hour traffic volumes; c. Roadway characteristics, including the design configuration of existing or proposed roadways, existing traffic control measures (speed limits, traffic signals, etc.) and existing driveways and turning movement conflicts in the vicinity of the site; and d. The existing LOS for roadways and intersections without project development traffic using methods documented in the Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual or latest edition, published by the Transportation Research Board, or comparable accepted methods of evaluation. LOS shall be calculated for the weekday peak hour and, in the case of uses generating high levels of weekend traffic, the Saturday or Sunday peak hour as determined by the Parish Traffic Engineer or Planning Director. 4. Horizon year(s) and background traffic growth. The report shall identify the horizon year(s) that were analyzed in the study, the background traffic growth factors for each horizon year, and the method and assumptions used to develop the background traffic growth. Unless otherwise approved by the Parish Traffic Engineer or Planning Director, the impact of development shall be analyzed for the year after the development is expected to be at full occupancy. 5. Traffic assignment. The report shall identify projected design hour traffic volumes for roadway segments, intersections or driveways in the study area, with and without the proposed development, for the horizon year(s) of the study, including: a. Traffic count and turning movement information; b. Correction factors that were used to convert collected traffic data into representative design hour traffic volumes; c. Roadway characteristics, including the design configuration of existing or proposed roadways, existing and proposed traffic control measures (speed limits, traffic signals, etc.) and existing and proposed driveways and turning movement conflicts in the vicinity of the site; and d. The existing and proposed LOS for roadways and intersections without project development traffic using methods documented in the Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual or latest edition, published by the Transportation Research Board, or comparable accepted methods of evaluation. LOS shall be calculated for the weekday peak hour and, in the case of uses generating high levels of weekend traffic, the Saturday or Sunday peak hour as determined by the Parish Traffic Engineer or Planning Director. 6. Mitigation/alternatives. In situations where the traffic level of service standards are exceeded, the report shall evaluate each of the following alternatives for achieving the traffic service standards: a. Identify where additional right-of-way is needed to implement mitigation strategies; b. Identify suggested phasing of street or intersection improvements where needed to maintain compliance with traffic service standards; and c. Identify the anticipated cost of recommended improvements. G. Process for the review and preparation of a TIA. The following steps provide an outline of the steps to be included in the preparation and review of a TIA: 1. The Public Works Director, Parish Traffic Engineer and Planning Director shall be consulted for assistance in determining whether a traffic impact study needs to be prepared for a proposed development application; 2. The Public Works Director, Parish Traffic Engineer and Planning Director shall meet with applicants to identify study issues, assumptions, horizon years and time periods to be analyzed, analysis procedures, available sources of data, past and related studies, report requirements and other topics relevant to study requirements. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (“LDOTD”) District 02 Traffic Engineer or designated representative shall be contacted and coordinates with as appropriate when the TIA includes State or Federal highways as points of access for a development; 3. Following initial completion of a Traffic Impact Analysis, the TIA shall be submitted to the Planning Director for distribution to the staff of all jurisdictions involved in the construction and maintenance of public roadways serving the development; 4. Within ten (10) working days, staff shall complete an initial review to determine the completeness of the TIA and shall provide a written summary to the applicant outlining the need for any supplemental study or analysis to adequately address any deficiencies. A meeting to discuss the contents and findings of the TIA and the need for additional study may be requested by the applicant; 5. Following a determination that the technical analysis is complete, staff shall prepare a report outlining recommendations that have been developed to address the findings and conclusions included in the study regarding the proposed development’s access needs and impacts on the transportation system. Depending on the type of application, the recommendations may be presented to the PAB and/or Parish Council. 6. In the case of a Traffic Impact Analysis showing deficiencies requiring mitigation within the public right-of-way, negotiations based on the conclusions and findings resulting from the traffic study shall be held with the Public Works Director, Parish Traffic Engineer, Planning Director and Parish Attorney. A development agreement, detailing the applicant’s responsibilities and the Parish’s responsibilities for implementing identified mitigation measures, shall be prepared following the negotiations for final action by Parish Council and the applicant. H. Report findings. If staff finds that the proposed development will not meet applicable service level standards, staff shall recommend one or more of the following actions by the public or the applicant: 1. Reduce the size, scale, scope or density of the development to reduce traffic generation; 2. Divide the project into phases and authorize only one (1) phase at a time until traffic capacity is adequate for the next phase of development; 3. Dedicate right-of-way for street improvements; 4. Construct new streets and intersection improvements; 5. Expand the capacity of existing streets; 6. Redesign ingress and egress to the project to reduce traffic conflicts; 7. Alter the use and type of development to reduce peak hour traffic; 8. Reduce background (existing) traffic; 9. Eliminate the potential for additional traffic generation from undeveloped properties in the vicinity of the proposed development; 10. Integrate non-vehicular design components (e.g., pedestrian and bicycle paths or transit improvements) to reduce trip generation; 11. Recommend approval of the development contingent upon making improvements or addressing items required to mitigate traffic and access issues and impacts; 12. Recommend denial of the application for development for which the traffic study is submitted. Sec. 33-7.5.11. Private streets. Private streets may be permitted subject to the provisions of this UDC. A. Applicability. The provisions provided by this section shall apply to all newly created subdivisions with private streets. B. General. 1. A notation shall be affixed to the subdivision plan which clearly indicates that all streets are private and not dedicated for public use. The Section of this UDC and the COB/Folio at which it is recorded in the office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court shall be cited on the notation. 2. All private streets and sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with all Parish requirements and shall be inspected for compliance. A certificate of compliance shall be issued to the developer by the appropriate Parish agency or department. 3. The proposed streets shall not interfere with or obstruct any public interstate, arterial, or collector street (proposed or existing), shall not interfere with traffic circulation outside the boundaries of the subdivision, shall not cause a sudden end to an existing public street (being protruded for future street), and shall not prevent an extension of an existing street that would otherwise enhance the traffic flow in the area. C. Emergency access. Within the confines of a private subdivision, means of access for fire department apparatus shall consist of fire lanes, private drives or streets, streets, parking lot lanes or a combination thereof. 1. A servitude of passage shall be granted by the association of homeowners to Jefferson Parish solely for the use by personnel of the Jefferson Parish Public Works Department, Fire Department and the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement while acting in their official capacity so as to provide services to the residents within the subdivision and/or to maintain public utilities located within the subdivision and, in addition, to all local, State or Federal law enforcement officers while acting in their official capacity. 2. Means of access for fire department apparatus shall be constructed of a hard, all-weather-surface or roadway adequately designed to support the heaviest piece of fire apparatus likely to be operated on the fire lane, private street or drive, street or parking lot lane. D. Gated streets. Electrical, motorized, remote, manual, guard or any other entrance gates to subdivisions with private streets may be permitted, subject to the following emergency response requirements: 1. The homeowner's association shall be responsible for notifying, in writing, applicable law enforcement, fire and emergency medical agencies required to respond to areas within a subdivision with private streets, a universal code for the use by all emergency response agencies for ingress and egress to the subdivision with private streets and shall maintain and update said information in writing when and where applicable. All motorized or electrically operated gate systems shall be provided with an emergency KNOX or similar box for emergency crews in addition to a universal code(s). 2. A standard method of addressing and/or identifying properties within the gated community shall be developed by the Inspection and Code Enforcement Director and applied accordingly. Said addressing methodology and/or assigned addresses to any specific gated community shall be maintained and forwarded to the respective emergency response agencies by the homeowner’s association. 3. The homeowner's association shall be responsible for providing continuous (twenty-four hour, seven day per week, three hundred sixty-five day per year) operation of all gate systems in subdivisions with private streets. a. The homeowner's association shall be responsible to keep all gate systems in good working order and protected from vandalism and/or adverse weather conditions. b. The homeowner's association shall be responsible for the installation, periodic testing of, repairing of and routine maintenance checks of all parts and components of all such motorized or electrical gate assemblies at each of their respective locations. 4. All motorized or electrically operated gate systems shall provide a battery backup and a manual override in the event of a power failure that will provide for easy access to open said gates automatically and remain in the open position until normal power is restored. 5. All motorized or electrically operated gated systems shall provide each homeowner with a remote method of opening said entrance and/or exit gate from every residence for emergency response access in addition to the universal code(s) provided and the KNOX or similar box. 6. The homeowner's association shall indemnify Jefferson Parish, the 911 Communication District, its members, employees, agencies, and/or law enforcement, medical, fire and/or other emergency response groups for any action, damage or delay as a result of malfunctioning gates caused by any reason, including, but not limited to, inoperable gates, the lack of emergency codes and/or any required information necessary to ensure ingress or egress to the subdivision with private streets. E. Utilities. 1. All utilities, public and private, shall be maintained by the respective agencies where it is determined by the Public Works Director that these utilities may be tied to, or may be a continuation of, utility lines outside the boundaries of the subdivision. Otherwise, utilities within the subdivision shall be self-contained without reliance on or relationship to the utility lines located outside the boundaries of the subdivision. 2. Water supply systems not publicly owned and installed shall meet the requirements of Jefferson Parish Public Works Department and shall include fire hydrants where required or requested. 3. Adequate servitudes and access shall be provided by dedication to Jefferson Parish (and identified on the plan) for every utility, drainage canal or water course that is publicly owned and maintained within the private subdivision as determined by the Public Works Department, in addition to any private utility companies. F. Homeowner's association. 1. An association of homeowners (which shall require one hundred (100) percent participation) shall be formed and incorporated as a legal entity to be responsible for maintenance, repairs and decisions affecting the private streets. Property owned by the Parish, public utilities and public franchises shall be excluded from participation in the homeowners' association. 2. The articles of incorporation shall clearly outline the responsibilities of individual home/property owners and said article, prior to the Parish Council approval of the subdivision request, shall be reviewed and approved by the Parish attorney to insure that all requirements of this section have been satisfied. 3. The subdivision developer or applicant shall prepare a disclosure document which details the responsibilities and financial obligations of all homeowners regarding maintenance of the private streets. 4. All private streets approved pursuant to this section and any street transferred to a homeowner’s association shall not be maintained, constructed, reconstructed, resurfaced, etc., by Jefferson Parish, but shall be owned maintained, constructed, reconstructed, resurfaced, etc., solely by an association of homeowners. Cost of such shall be borne by the private organization or association responsible for maintaining the streets if the utilities are private. If the Parish, its agents, employees or contractors damage the private street or drive during any repair of a public utility, the Parish shall be responsible for repair of such damage. 5. The homeowner's association shall be responsible for maintenance, repairs and decisions on mail and other parcel deliveries, garbage collection, grass cutting, tree trimming, etc., relative to the street. Sec. 33-7.5.12. Conversion of public streets. Conversion of public streets to private streets may be permitted subject to the provisions of this UDC. A. Applicability. 1. An ordinance shall be adopted in which the street or road shall be deemed no longer needed for a public purpose by the Jefferson Parish Council and transferred to the adjacent owners pursuant to State law by declaration of revocation contemporaneous with the execution by the owners adjacent to the revoked street of an act of donation to the homeowners' association which has made application for the conversion of that existing public street or road to privately-owned and maintained road. All acts of revocation of public streets will include a declaration by destination of the Parish reserving a servitude for all existing subsurface public utilities. 2. At the time of application, an affidavit shall be submitted to the Planning Department certifying that: a. Each property owner whose lot has access to the street sought to be declared no longer needed for public purpose supports the revocation of the entire portion of street as described in the application; b. Each owner of the lots provided access by the street sought to be revoked in the application supports and is willing to accept the responsibility of maintenance of said portion of street or roadway through participation in the homeowner's association making the application; c. Each property owner whose lot has legal access to the road sought to be converted by the application shall certify that they will assign all right, title and interest to the portion of previously dedicated street adjacent to their lot of record which may be revoked under provision of state law by the Parish Council to the homeowner's association submitting the application for reversion of the public street or roadway. 3. The Planning Advisory Board shall review and conduct a public hearing on each application to convert publicly-owned street to a privately-owned and maintained street. 4. Provisions of this UDC dealing with utilities and emergency access shall also apply where an existing public street is intended to become privately owned and maintained. 5. Provisions of this UDC dealing with gated streets shall also apply where an existing public street is intended to become privately owned and maintained. B. Generally. Public streets may be converted to private streets, provided that: 1. The street is privately owned and maintained. 2. The street shall have been built in accordance with the standards required by the Parish Codes for rights-of-way width and construction. 3. All off-site improvements shall have been installed in accordance with Parish Code requirements. 4. The street shall not interfere with or obstruct any public interstate, arterial, or collector street (proposed or existing); shall not cause an existing interstate, arterial, or collector street to be diverted resulting in the disruption of traffic circulation adjacent to such street or subdivision; shall not cause a sudden end to an existing public street (being protruded for a future street), and shall not prevent an extension of an existing street that would otherwise enhance the traffic flow in the area. 5. The zoning and land use provisions of the district within the street is located shall apply; and all zoning, land use, and building code provisions of such district shall apply without prejudice. Sec. 33-7.6. Adequate public facilities waivers. Sec. 33-7.6.1. Purpose. Adequate public facilities waivers provide a mechanism for relief for property owners when strict application of this UDC would result in practical difficulties. Waivers may be granted for adequate public facilities requirements at the time of preliminary plat approval. The waiver granted shall be the minimum necessary to permit reasonable subdivision of land. Sec. 33-7.6.2. Applicability. Adequate public facilities waivers to the provisions of this UDC may be requested when an applicant can demonstrate that one of the following situations apply: A. Connection to the parish’s sanitary sewer system will require unreasonable expenditure when compared with other methods of sewage disposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. The lot, parcel or tract of land is located on the unprotected side of the West Bank and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Levee; 2. The Public Works director finds that the cost of connecting to the parish’s sanitary sewer system would be unreasonable given the inadequacy or inexistence of connecting facilities; and 3. The State of Louisiana approves the alternative sewage disposal system at the building permit stage; or B. Provision of adequate public facilities will require unreasonable expenditure, subject to the following conditions: 1. The subdivision is for the purpose of inheritance, sale or similar act without intention of development within five (5) years; 2. Each lot, parcel or tract of land included in the application is undeveloped, is at least ten (10) acres, and has frontage on a publicly dedicated and constructed street; 3. If the resubdivision results in any lot, parcel, or tract of land that is less than ten (10) acres, the lot, parcel or tract of land shall meet the adequate public facilities requirements or the applicant shall make provision for adequate public facilities through a development agreement in accordance with the requirements of this UDC; 4. The number of lots, parcels, or tracts of land created in one (1) application does not exceed ten (10); and 5. The subdivision does not involve the creation of any new street, right-of-way in full ownership, or other public improvement but as determined by the public works director may provide for the dedication, acceptance, relocation, or deletion of public utility servitudes granted to Jefferson Parish, other than streets. Sec. 33-7.6.3. Application and procedure. The application, with the required information as listed in the appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the Planning Director. Requests for adequate public facilities waivers shall be made in writing along with the reasons for the waiver expressly made with a plat application, and processed concurrently with a preliminary plat application. Sec. 33-7.6.4. Required findings. A waiver is not a right. In conformance with state law, a waiver may be granted only upon finding that: A. The requested waiver will not conflict with the purposes of this UDC or the Comprehensive Plan; B. Granting the requested waiver will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this UDC to other lands that are similarly situated and configured; C. The granting of the waiver will not be contrary to the public interest, will not adversely affect property values, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity, and will be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this UDC; and D. The waiver requested is the minimum modification to this UDC necessary to accommodate the situation. Sec. 33-7.6.5. Decision-maker. Decisions on adequate public facilities waivers to this UDC shall be made by the Parish Council. When a waiver to this UDC constitutes a waiver to multiple sections of this UDC, separate actions shall not be required to modify the provisions of each section. However, each waiver shall be cited in the ordinance approving the preliminary plat and shall be noted on the final plat. SECTION VIII. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 8, Sign Regulations is hereby amended by reformatting and renumbering to read as follows: ARTICLE 8. SIGN REGULATIONS Sec. 33-8.1. Purpose (reserved). Sec. 33-8.2. Applicability, effect (reserved). Sec 33-8.2.1. Sign permits required (reserved). Sec 33-8.2.2. Prohibited signs (reserved). Sec 33-8.2.3. Exempt signs (reserved). Sec 33-8.2.4. Flags (reserved). Sec. 33-8.3. Measurements (reserved). Sec. 33-8.4. Permitted sign standards (reserved). Sec. 33-8.5. Master or common signage plan (reserved). Sec. 33-8.6. Temporary signs (reserved). Sec. 33-8.7. Nonconforming signs (reserved). Sec. 33-8.8. Sign maintenance (reserved). SECTION IX. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 9. Administration and Enforcement is hereby amended by reformatting provisions to read as follows: ARTICLE 9. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT Sec. 33-9.1. Violation and penalties (reserved). Sec. 33-9.2. Separate offenses may be charged (reserved). Sec. 33-9.3. Civil remedies and enforcement powers (reserved). Sec. 33-9.4. Notification procedures (reserved). Sec. 33-9.5. Right of entry (reserved). SECTION X. That Chapter 33, Unified Development Code, Article 10, Definitions, Sec. 33-10.1. Definitions is hereby amended by reformatting or adding definitions and the title of Figure 33-10.1-1. Streetscape Zone, to read as follows: * * * Development Agreement shall mean an agreement between Jefferson Parish and developer through which the Parish agrees to vest development use or intensity or refrain from interfering with subsequent phases of development through new legislation in exchange for the provision of public facilities or amenities by the developer. * * * Floor Area – A. Commercial, Business and Industrial shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls, or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings but not including: 1. Attic space providing less than seven feet (7’) of headroom. 2. Cellar space not used for retailing. 3. Outside stairs or fire escapes, roof overhangs and balconies. 4. Accessory water towers or cooling towers. 5. Accessory off-street parking spaces. 6. Accessory off-street loading area. B. Residential shall mean the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the dwelling exclusive of garages, cellars and open porches, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls of a dwelling. * * * Land use action shall mean site plan review, exception and modification, special permitted use, development agreement, zoning or land use text and map amendment, zoning or land use determination, subdivision, resubdivision, or certificate of use and occupancy. * * * Sign definitions: A. Monument sign shall mean a freestanding sign with the entire length in contact with the ground or a pedestal that rests upon the ground. The pedestals of all monument signs shall extend from the monument sign to the ground and shall be at between one hundred (100) and one hundred twenty (120) percent as wide and deep as the sign. The pedestal shall not be calculated as part of the sign area; however, the height of a monument sign shall be measured from the ground to the top of the sign including the pedestal. B. Mural shall mean a work of graphic art painted or applied to a building wall which does not contain advertising, commercial messages, or logos. C. Projector sign shall mean a sign using a projector to display content on a screen or faŅ«ade of a building. D. Wall sign shall mean a sign painted upon or affixed to the wall of a building and not extending more than twelve (12) inches from the wall. Street shall mean the entire width between the boundary lines of the right-of-way, public way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, including roadways, bridges, causeways, tunnels, viaducts, ferries, bicycle paths, as well as any other public way or parts thereof, including medians, neutral grounds, roadways, roadsides, shoulders for the purposes of vehicular traffic, and pedestrian islands, esplanades and sidewalks for purposes of pedestrian traffic; the term shall be construed to embrace streets, avenues, boulevards, parkways, roads, roadways, thoroughfares, alleys, lanes, public servitudes and all other public ways or parts thereof, intended for vehicular, pedestrian or bicycle travel ways. Street classifications (in hierarchical order) A. Interstate (freeway) shall mean a federal route that is state-maintained and designated for high speed and limited access and is part of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. These corridors may also contain service roads. Access to these corridors is highly controlled. No direct property access is provided to these corridors. Their primary function is to move high volumes of traffic between cities, parishes and states with no traffic signals and grade separated interchanges. Also called an interstate highway, limited access highway, or thruway, and is identified as interstate (freeway) upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. B. Major arterial shall mean a street primarily designed to move traffic between cities or parishes. These streets have traffic signals at intersection with other arterials, collectors, driveways or local streets, and may be designated for limited access. These streets may be higher speed, provide access to the interstate highway network within cities, may run through downtown areas, and may contain service roads. On-street parking, loading and unloading of vehicles is generally to be discouraged along these streets. Identified as a major arterial upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. C. Minor arterial shall mean a street primarily designed to move traffic from neighborhoods through an area. These streets have traffic signals at intersections with other minor arterials, collectors, large driveways or local streets. These streets occasionally form boundaries for neighborhood areas. In some locations, these streets may have on-street parking, loading, or unloading areas. Identified as a minor arterial upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. D. Collector street shall mean a street which moves traffic between neighborhoods or from the core of the neighborhood to its edge. In a typical suburban area, these streets may carry some through traffic if located adjacent to a community facility (school, park, library, community center, fire station). These streets generally have no traffic signals, and may have either stop sign or signal control. Signals may be found at an intersection with a minor or major arterial. Identified as a collector street upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. E. Neighborhood collector shall mean a street which provides access to residences, public facilities such as schools, recreational centers, fire and police stations, and parks located within neighborhoods. Identified as a neighborhood collector upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. F. Local street shall mean a street constructed to established standards, as specified in the parish's subdivision regulations, and intended primarily to provide direct property access and serving local, as distinct from through, traffic, with on-street parking generally permitted. Identified as a local street upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan. * * * Streetscape or streetscape zone shall mean the area that extends between the back of curb or curb zone and the front, or side in the case of a corner lot, building façade or build to line, and is composed of the frontage zone, furniture zone, and pedestrian zone as defined below and illustrated in Figure 33-10.1-1: A. Frontage zone shall mean an area located between the pedestrian zone and the front, or side in the case of a corner lot, building façade or build to line, designated for entering and exiting buildings without creating conflicts with other pedestrian traffic. B. Furniture zone shall mean an area located between the pedestrian zone and the back of curb designated for street furniture; lighting; trees with grates; box planters; regulatory, warning, or guide signs; pedestal, controller box, or similar traffic control devices; and the columns or posts that support awnings, canopies, balconies, or building overhangs. C. Pedestrian zone shall mean an area located between the furniture zone and the frontage zone designated for pedestrian circulation and able to accommodate a wheelchair and walking companion side by side. Figure 33-10.1-1: Streetscape Zone. * * * Vesting, Failure of shall mean a development application receiving preliminary application vesting rights must become complete within the time period specified in this policy. Failure to provide all information to the Planning Department required for a complete application as stated on Planning Department application requirement forms within the designated time period shall result in loss of vesting rights. SECTION XI. That Chapter 40, Zoning, Article V, SUBURBAN DISTRICT S-1, Sec. 40-84, Landscaping standards, is hereby amended by modifying a reference to Chapter 33, to read as follows: * * * (g) Compliance with landscaping requirements shall be shown on a site plan submitted to the Planning Department for approval by the Planning Director in accordance with Sec. 33-2.25 Site Plan in Article 2, Procedures, of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code; however, if the nonresidential use requires the approval of the Parish Council, then these landscaping requirements and any other applicable requirements must be shown on a site plan for Council approval. * * * SECTION XII. That Chapter 40, Zoning, Article X, OLD METAIRIE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT (OMNCD), Sec. 40-171, Review procedures, is hereby amended by modifying a reference to Chapter 33, to read as follows: * * * (m) Compliance with approved site plans and elevations. Construction shall conform to the approved site plans and elevations. Adjustments, alterations, or amendments to an approved plan or elevation drawing shall follow the same procedure as the initial approval. If the property owner or applicant deviates from the approved plan or elevations without the approve of the Planning Director, Inspection and Code Enforcement Director, Old Metairie Commission, or Council, as applicable, the Parish may take any action as may be deemed appropriate in accordance with the remedies and penalties of Sec. 33-1.14, Enforcement, in Article 1, Administration, of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code, including, but not limited to, the withholding or denying of the certificate of occupancy or completeness for structures not built in accordance with the approved plans or elevations, or for development activities without permit or inconsistent with any permit or any term, condition, or qualification place upon any permit. * * * SECTION XIII. That Chapter 40, Zoning, Article XXV, MIXED USE CORIDOR DISTRICT, Sec. 40-449, Development review procedures in the Mixed Use Corridor District, is hereby amended by modifying a reference to Chapter 33, to read as follows: * * * (e) Vested rights for new applications. To assure applicants that development applications will be processed in accordance with the rules in effect at the time of submittal of a completed application, Sec. 33-4.20, Vested rights for new applications, in Article 4, NON-CONFORMING SITUATIONS/VESTED RIGHTS of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code, shall apply to MUCD applications for site plan review. * * * SECTION XIV. That Chapter 40, Zoning, Article XXVI, COMMERCIAL PARKWAY OVERLAY ZONE, Sec. 40-480, Site plan review, is hereby amended by modifying a reference to Chapter 33, to read as follows: * * * (d) Site plan review procedures. * * * (7)Vested rights for new applications. To assure applicants that development applications will be processed in accordance with the rules in effect at the time of submittal of a completed application, Sec. 33-4.20, Vested rights for new applications, in Article 4, NON-CONFORMING SITUATIONS/VESTED RIGHTS of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code. * * * SECTION XV. That Chapter 40, Zoning, Article XLII, BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS, Sec. 40-792, Powers of the board, is hereby amended by modifying a reference to Chapter 33, to read as follows: * * * (3) Variances. In accordance with standards, hereafter prescribed, to grant variances from the provisions of Chapter 40, Zoning in the following instances: * * * f. Permit a variance to the Fat City zoning district regulations in accordance with Sec. 33-3.56. Fat City special zoning district standards in Article 3, Zoning, of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code. * * * SECTION XVI. That Municode is hereby authorized to re-letter, renumber, or otherwise reformat to make corrections necessary to maintain proper sequencing of articles, sections, subsections, tables, and figures, according to an organizational structure that maintains up to four digits for section numbers, e.g., Sec. 33-, and up to four digits for subsections, i.e. A.1.a.i. The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: The ordinance was declared to be adopted on this the ________________________, and shall become effective as follows, if signed by the Parish President, ten (10) days after adoption; thereafter, upon the signature by the Parish President, or, if not signed by the Parish President, upon expiration of the time for ordinances to be considered finally adopted without the signature of the Parish President, as provided in Section 2.07 of the Charter. If vetoed by the Parish President and subsequently approved by the Council, this ordinance shall become effective on the day of such approval.