A WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We are happy you have chosen to worship with us. The next meeting will be after the Ten Days of Prayer. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: BIBLE STUDY meets Wednesdays, 10 am at the church. They are studying Prophecies of Daniel Made Simple. We are especially pleased to welcome Jennifer LaMountain and look forward to her inspirational music and focus on Christ. Jan. 27-Feb. 6: The Ten Days of Prayer will be led by our elder group 7-8 pm each evening. This will be a refreshing time of spiritual fellowship, a renewed consecration to the Lord and an enriched prayer life. “’Abide in Me, and I in you.’ Abiding in Christ means a constant receiving of His Spirit and a life of unreserved surrender to His service. The channel of communication must be open continually between man and his God. As the vine branch constantly draws sap from the living vine, so are we to cling to Jesus, and receive from Him by faith the strength and perfection of His own character” (The Desire of Ages, p. 676). LADIES’ SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS - MARCH 11 & 12: John McVay, President of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY SABBATH: Next Walla Walla University will meet with us Friday evening, 7 pm and during our 11:00 worship service Sabbath morning. We look forward to a special Sabbath blessing. TAX RECEIPTS: Please pick up your 2015 tax receipts in the lobby. If they are not picked up today, they will be mailed. Please share who you are and how we can serve you by filling out a pew holder Connection Card and give it to the pastor or a deacon. YOU ARE VALUED: LADIES BOOK CLUB will meet Jan. 26, 6:30 pm at Park Meadows Sweet Tomatoes to discuss the book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, and Spy. All ladies welcome. Join us for Bible Study! The following classes meet on Sabbath from 10:00-11:00 am: Honoring God in Worship January 23 -- 11:00 am Countdown Welcome and Offering Pastor Bruce Aalborg Rocky Mt. Conference Education Women are invited to attend the Promises-- Offertory presentation by Sherry Farmer Jan. 25, 6:30 pm at Brighton Church. Meal to be served. Reservations at 720-980-9006 by Jan. 18. Child care by reservation only. Prayer WOMEN OF SPIRIT: gospel concert and testimony Sabbath the offering will help support our most precious freedom—religious liberty. Our General Conference President, Ted N.C. Wilson says: “We serve a wonderful and mighty God who cherishes religious liberty and grants each individual the right to believe or not to believe in harmony with the dictates of their own conscience.” Your support is needed to ensure this freedom. Janice Huston Message in Song Jennifer LaMountain The Forest/Cradle Roll Main floor Forest room (ages birth-3) The Meadow/Kindergarten (ages 4-6) Ground floor Meadow Room Highground/Primary (ages 7-9) Main Floor – Highground Campground The Adventure Trail/Junior (ages 10 & 11) Ground Floor Adventure Trail Room The Cliff/Earliteen Ground floor Cliff room (ages 12-14) Youth (ages 15-college) Ground floor Youth room Pastor Bruce Aalborg Back of Sanctuary Warner Ground floor in Seminar room Azuogu/Donga Ground floor in Prayer room Ladies Bible Study Ground floor in Purple Room You are welcome to join any of our Adult Sabbath School classes or the prayer group. Please ask the greeters for further assistance on finding the right Bible study for you! RMC FUTURE YOUTH EVENTS 2016: Hot Spot-Once a month Youth Rally Feb. 27-Winterfest: Silverthorn, CO April 29-May-Teen Girls Retreat, Glacier View Ranch (GVR) GVR Teen Summer Camp Dates.(Feb. 18Registration opens) o July 3-10–Teen Outpost: o July 10-17 --Teen Camp may purchase Copper Mt. Lift tickets for the 2015-2016 season through RMC Youth Dept. For more information, go to: rmcyouth.org/tickets or call: 303 282-3664. No blackout dates. RMC YOUTH PRAYER REQUESTS may be made by filling out a Prayer Request or Connection form and placing it in the box on the Welcome Center Desk. During the week you may also call or email the church office. SEVERE WEATHER SHELTERING : This past week, there were several expressions from our homeless guests that touched hearts: “I can’t believe there are still caring people in the world.” And, “Thank you for letting me stay. Thank you.” As unto the least of these. Thanks volunteers for caring. LOST AND FOUND: Please check the lost and found basket above the coat rack in the foyer. There are some nice items looking for an owner. Parents please let Ami Warner know ASAP whether you would like your child to receive Sabbath School papers. KID’S SABBATH SCHOOL PAPERS: MHA KINDERGARTEN VISITATION DAY is Jan. 27 from 8 am – 12 pm. If you have a child ready for Kindergarten now or in the fall, this is a great opportunity to experience the fun of learning and interacting with potential classmates. For questions call 303-744-1069. Directory Bruce Aalborg, Pastor Bruce Cell: (303) 915-6010 Linda Cell: (303) 915-1862 E-Mail: bruce.aalborg@gmail.com Janice Huston, Church Secretary Office: (303) 798-5648 E-Mail: littletonsda@gmail.com Kristi Gardner, Church Clerk Home: (303) 791-1558 E-Mail: tomkris@q.com Office: (303) 798-5648 Church Fax: (303) 798-1686 E-Mail: littletonsda@gmail.com Gerard Seton, Governance Board Chairman E-Mail: gfseton@hotmail.com Prayer Coordinator E-Mail: Littletonsda@gmail.com Mindy Philpott, Treasurer Home: (303) 683-8166 Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Sunset Tonight 5:08 pm | Next Friday 5:15 pm Financials Church Budget $13,000 Received through Jan.16 $8,246 YTD Balance $446 Tithe Needed in Jan. $25,000 Received through Jan. 16 $10,247 YTD Shortage ($4,753)