NURSING STUDENTS OF WASHINGTON STATE Nominations and Elections Committee 575 Andover Park West Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98188 Dear Reader, Nursing as a profession is still growing. As novice nurses, it is critical to learn about how local, state, and national organizations can help you grow with the profession. If you are reading this, you have already thought about what you can do to be part of the future of nursing. Congratulations! Not sure if you are a member? The Nursing Students of Washington State (NSWS) is the state branch of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). As such, if you are a member of the NSNA you automatically are a member of NSWS. If you are simply interested in learning more about these organizations please visit their respective websites: or Running for a position or committee seat is an important part of your professional development as a future nurse. It is not as intimidating as it sounds. You are being offered a learning opportunity. There are many benefits to becoming a member of the NSWS: ● Grow in a leadership position ● Network with fellow nursing students from across the state ● Attend national conventions ● Connect with seasoned RN’s ● Learn about convention planning ● Opportunities to attend conventions sponsored by the Washington State Nurses Association ● and so much more To become a candidate, please submit the following paperwork: ● Consent to serve form ● Statement of good standing from the Dean or an official representative ● Resume ● Brief purpose statement: what are your motivations We are an environmentally conscious organization, if possible save paper by submitting all your forms via e-mail. Otherwise, submit forms to your NSWS representative or mail to the address above. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please contact us at Good luck! Nominations and Elections Committee 1 CONSENT TO SERVE FORM NSWS Elected Offices and Committee Appointments APPLICANTS MUST BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING WITH NSWS and NSNA. MEMBER INFORMATION I consent to be a nominee for position(s) specified on page two of this form. __________ (initial) Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State:______ Zip:___________________ Home Telephone:____/_____-______ Work Telephone:____/_____-______ Birth Date (optional):_______________ E-mail Address:_______________________________________________________ Facsimile:____/_____-______ NURSING PREPARATION Please identify your current nursing education program and expected date of graduation: Associate Degree School:_______________________________Graduation: __/___/______________ Baccalaureate School:_______________________________Graduation: ___/___/_____________ NSWS INVOLVEMENT I have been an NSNA/NSWS member since _______ NSNA membership number: ___________________ Please check the office/position for which you would like to be considered. If you select more than one office/position, please prioritize your preference, i.e. 1st choice, 2nd choice. For more information, email BOARD POSITIONS & DESCRIPTIONS _____PRESIDENT: Presides at all meetings of this association; appoints special committees; represents NSWS in all matters to professional and student nursing organizations; responsible for seeing that directions given by the NSWS General Assembly and the actions of the Board are carried into effect; reports to the membership and Board on the affairs of NSWS; produces the agenda for meetings; represents NSWS at the WSNA Board of Directors meeting. _____PRESIDENT ELECT: Advances to role of President for the proceeding year; responsible for learning role of President and assisting and delegating tasks; responsible for maintaining NSWS website; responsible for revisions and recommendations for bylaws amendments; chairs the Bylaws Committee; presents the bylaws at the Convention. _____VICE PRESIDENT: Advisor to the President presiding at meetings in the president’s absence and assuming responsibility of that office if vacant; responsible for convention and workshop planning. 2 ____TREASURER: Serves as Chair of Budget Committee; submits financial reports to membership as directed by President; prepares monthly financial reports for Board of Directors meeting; prepares preliminary and final budgets for NSWS; keeps permanent record of all dues received from members and any other income disbursements; concurs with President regarding disbursement of funds before signing checks or distributing monetary funds; responsible for completing and submitting NSWS annual tax paper work. ____RECORDING SECRETARY: Records and distributes minutes of all NSWS meetings as directed by President; keeps on file permanent record of all reports, papers and documents submitted to Secretary; assist the President Elect with responsibilities regarding bylaws. ____CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Informs NSNA of all current programs and activities; provides minutes, current names and addresses of state and local officers to NSNA; reviews policies and responsible for recommendations of policy changes. ____DIRECTOR -AT-LARGE (pending bylaws approval): Two positions, each to represent eastern and western regions of the state. Nominee must attend school in respective region. Director-atlarge will coordinate and serve as a resource to board members and school liaisons in the respective region; coordinating statewide projects as proposed by the President; assisting other NSWS positions as needed with projects (Eastern Director-at-large will have travel expenses covered). ____CHAIR NOMINATING & ELECTIONS COMMITTEE: Responsible for managing annual NSWS nominations and elections; prepares a slate with qualified candidates; nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting of NSWS provided that eligibility of the individual nominated has been established and “Consent to Serve” form of such individual is secured in accordance with NSWS Bylaws. ____ CHAIR COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE: Identifies opportunities for NSWS and school association members to participate in one or more community service projects; networks with school associations to obtain updates regarding project activities and communicates such to NSWS membership; participates in evaluation of effectiveness of community projects and assists in development of potential resolutions for NSWS and NSNA. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS _____NOMINATING: (3 – 5 members; no more than 2 people can be appointed from same school) _____IMAGE OF NURSING: Works to promote image of nursing to the public and other professionals; develops new ways to promote nursing through media and/or other promotional efforts. _____BREAKTHROUGH TO NURSING: Promotes career opportunities in nursing for traditional, non-traditional and minority students; assists school constituents; provides presentations to schools _____MENTORING: Creates a mentoring network within Washington State connecting nursing 3 professional with student nurses and/or graduate nurses; maintains accurate and current listings of all NSWS mentor members; communicates with regions/chapters regarding membership _____COMMUNITY SERVICE: Assists with implementation of identified projects at local and state level CONSENT I consent to have my name considered for nomination to the aforementioned selected NSWS Office(s) and/or Committee(s). If elected, or appointed, to the NSWS Board of Directors or Committee, it is my obligation to attend meetings. If I am unable to fulfill this commitment, I will resign. I understand I am to submit a letter from my Dean or Director within the next two weeks stating I am a student in good standing. Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________ 4