Energy-efficient, site-specific planning DLA. Tamás Perényi, BUTE Department of Residential Building Design DLA. József Kolossa, BUTE Department of Residential Building Design András Weiszkopf PhD. Róbert Mészáros, ELU Department of Meteorology Zoárd Mangel Lilla Árkovics Annamária Babos Anita Bazsik Dániel Csöndes Petra Horogh Gergő Kápolnás Viktor Kiss Éva Kovács Lea Szabó Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energy-efficient, site-specific planning by DLA. Tamás Perényi by DLA. József Kolossa, András Weiszkopf, PhD. Róbert Mészáros, Zoárd Mangel, Lilla Árkovics, Annamária Babos, Anita Bazsik, Dániel Csöndes, Petra Horogh, Gergő Kápolnás, Viktor Kiss, Éva Kovács, and Lea Szabó programming of the docbook format, and animations: Péter Brenyó collection of data: Dorka Garay, Dávid Kohout, Zsófia Lukács Publication date 2013 Copyright © 2013 BUTE Department of Residential Building Design, , , Abstract Currently 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emission in the European Union is on account of to the operation of buildings, a low extent efficiency improvement could already result in significant economic savings. Building energy dimensioning today in Hungary happens by the existing regulation and its sections. The fundamental aim of the regulation is to make buildings comparable regarding energetics. By reason of comparability it makes buildings comply with building energy requirements using projected average data from over the country. To get a more precise prediction about the buildings’ energy consumption, we have to take into account that the inhabitants’ demands and the environmental effects impacting the building do change both in time and space. In response to the previous thoughts, the Residential Building Design Department of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics started a research. The result was a patented invention, a newly designed measuring equipment and software system, called: DROID. By measuring site-specific environmental effects the developed unit creates location and building geometry-specific data and organizes them into databases. This curriculum, created by the Residential Building Design Department, would like to draw attention to the afore mentioned issue. Building energetics is the complex analysis of energies entering the building (energy gain), the energy consumption to produce the necessary comfort level inside the building, and energies leaving the building (energy loss). Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... vi 1. Energetics and function .................................................................................................................. 1 1. 1.1. Definitions related to comfort level .............................................................................. 19 1.1. 1.1.1. The concept of heat sensation ....................................................................... 19 1.2. 1.1.2. The human body’s heat transfer, heat exchange and the effecting factors .... 20 1.3. 1.1.3. The thermal equilibrium of the human body ................................................ 20 1.4. 1.1.4. Determination of the expected subjective heat sensation ............................. 21 1.5. 1.1.5. Local discomfort factors ............................................................................... 22 1.6. 1.1.6. The interior air quality .................................................................................. 22 1.7. 1.1.7. The „Sick Building Syndrome” .................................................................... 23 2. Historical review of air conditions of living spaces ...................................................................... 25 3. Energetics and Climatic Conditions ............................................................................................. 66 1. 3.1. The definition of the climate ........................................................................................ 66 2. 3.2. The classification of the climatic conditions ................................................................ 66 2.1. 3.2.1. Climatic classification: ................................................................................. 67 4. Energetics and location ............................................................................................................... 173 5. The DROID and its history ......................................................................................................... 195 1. 5.1. The invented measuring system and its three components: ........................................ 195 1.1. 5.1.1. The measuring device: ................................................................................ 195 1.2. 5.1.2. The evaluating algorithm: ........................................................................... 195 1.3. 5.1.3. The visualization software: ......................................................................... 195 6. About the project ........................................................................................................................ 196 1. Test Exercise ..................................................................................................................... 196 7. Bibliography and Recommended Literature: .............................................................................. 197 8. Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 198 9. Test Questions on the curricula .................................................................................................. 199 iii Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. List of Figures 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 3.1. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 5.1. ................................................................................................................................................... 21 ................................................................................................................................................... 22 ................................................................................................................................................... 23 ................................................................................................................................................... 24 ................................................................................................................................................... 66 ................................................................................................................................................. 173 ................................................................................................................................................. 173 ................................................................................................................................................. 174 ................................................................................................................................................. 192 ................................................................................................................................................. 193 ................................................................................................................................................. 195 iv Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. List of Tables 1.1. Table No 4. 2.1. Table No 2. 3.1. Table No 3. 4.1. Table No 4. .................................................................................................................................. 1 ................................................................................................................................ 25 ................................................................................................................................ 68 .............................................................................................................................. 175 v Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Introduction Dear Readers! Building energetics is the complex analysis of energies entering the building (energy gain), the energy consumption to produce the necessary comfort level inside the building, and energies leaving the building (energy loss). Building energy dimensioning today in Hungary happens by the existing regulation TNM 7/2006. (V.24.) and its sections. The fundamental aim of the regulation is to make buildings comparable regarding energetics. By reason of comparability it makes buildings comply with building energy requirements using projected average data from over the country. In the course of the calculation, the regulation determines the value of outside temperature without reference to the local circumstances, using a projected average data from over the country. The method of calculation simplifies the radiation heat gain, assumes homogeneous inside heat load, and does not take the local climate effects of the area, like the wind, the shading and the surface radiation into account. Planning and constructing economical buildings in respect of energetics is becoming more and more important. In its 2020 strategy the EU has set the target to reduce its energy consumption by 20%. Since 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emission is on account of to the operation of buildings, a low extent efficiency improvement could already result in significant economic savings. By using the current dimensioning system we end up getting a fake image about the buildings’ energy consumption. Standardized data used by the regulation, can result in great differences on local levels. To get a more precise prediction about the buildings’ energy consumption, we have to take into account that the inhabitants’ demands and the environmental effects impacting the building do change both in time and space. In response to the previous thoughts, the Residential Building Design Department of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics started a research, connecting to the BUTE program called „Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME" (Project ID: TÁMOP-4.2.1/B09/1/KMR-2010-0002), supported by project New Széchenyi Plan. The result of this research was a patented invention, a newly designed measuring equipment and software system, called: DROID. By measuring the sitespecific environmental effects the developed unit creates location and building geometry-specific data and organizes them into databases. The research clearly demonstrated, that the energy balance of a building is significantly affected by local environmental effects. Video 1.- The Research This curriculum, created by the Residential Building Design Department, supported by a curriculum developing tender, called: TÁMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1-2011-0055 - „Tananyagfejlesztés a lakóépületek tervezése tárgykörben, különös tekintettel a fenntartható és energiatudatos szemléletmódra” would like to draw attention to the afore mentioned issue. The chapters of this curriculum present different aspects of the topic of energy efficient design: One chapter presents the modern people’s demands regarding comfort level in different residential spaces. Another chapter presents the change in user’s demands through time and space on different examples from periods in the Hungarian history. Yet another chapters show how influential the global and local climatic conditions are to the energy usage of buildings. Finally the curriculum brings on a case study including a complex approach, that shows the possibilities of the site-specific architectural design methodology. We believe that the assumptions presented in this curriculum can support the reform of building energy dimensioning methodology in the long-term, and can provide aggregates to public opinion on the matter. Budapest, November 2013. The ESP Team vi Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 1. Energetics and function To approach the topic of this curriculum – energy-efficient, site-specific planning - it is imperative to understand the basics of building energetics and comfort theory. Building energetics is the complex analysis of energies entering the building (energy gain), the energy consumption to produce the necessary comfort level inside the building, and energies leaving the building (energy loss). Several well useable curricula and textbooks were made in the subject by the BUTE Faculty of Architecture Department of Building Energetics and Building Services, therefore this study does not discuss these particularly – it leans on them. In regard of comfort theory this study builds on the book of László Bánhidi – László Kajtár: Komfortelmélet, Budapest, Műegyetemi Kiadó (2000). Human needs on residential environments are considered to be satisfied, when the residential environment ensures comfort of its inhabitants. Comfort is a subjective relation between a person and the surrounding closed space. Amongst others, building energetics deals with the human needs on residential environments, which studies the energy consumption to produce the necessary comfort level inside the building, besides studying the energies entering the building, and the energies leaving the building. The factors primarily affecting the comfort level – the temperature, the humidity, the motion of air, the noise and the lighting – all have direct effect on humans. The moderately influential factors of comfort level are sun radiation, ionization and vibrations, that occur less and more periodic. The human organism’s conformation to a specific environment is a complex process, the single factors apply combined as well as in interference, and the human organism reacts to this collective effect. In a generic case the first three of the comfort level manipulating factors, the temperature, the humidity and the motion of air are closely related to building energetics. Table 1. - The needs on accommodations shows chosen factors’ specific values based on the present Hungarian people’s general needs on residential environments. Separating an ordinary residential environment into diversely functioning spaces, the differences between the needs may be observed. Table 1.1. Table No 4. local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 1 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate mountain peak, plateau, hilltop environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by the greatest amount of solar radiation; typically a warm area, dependin g on the altitude (0,5-0,7 °C temperatu re decrease per 100 meters), also dependin g on the material of the ground surface durable Zafimanir structures y wooden due to houses high wind speeds; possible need of outside shading due to the high amount of solar radiation www.flic copepodo http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb OGgcT st/501007 56804/v23zafimanir yfahazakzafimanir yteruletek 2 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 3 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 4 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 5 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Daniel Coulaud Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1998 Energetics and function local climate slope southern slope environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by the greatest amount of solar radiation; typically a warm area same as the mountain peak, plateau, hilltop area; radiation reception of southern slopes is grater than that of the plains possible need of outside shading due to the high amounts of solar radiation Ema house http://ww Andrea http://goo http://habi w.seasite. K. .gl/maps/ tatio000.b Molnar/ ym847 logspot.h asttimor/ Northern u/2012/07 Illinois /emaUniversit umay kozepDepartme timornt of indonezia Anthropol .html?utm ogy and _source= Center for BP_recen Southeast t Asian Studies May 2005 6 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate northern slope environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by a smaller amount of solar radiation, than the mountain peak, plateau, hilltop are, souther slope area; lower mean temperatu res; lower radiation reception than on the southern slopes or plains possible Tamberm need for a thicker (Batamm structures aliba) with good house heatinsulating properties www.flic 7 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nicolo Boggio http://habi tatio000.b logspot.h u/2012/07 /tamberm abatammal iba-haztogo.html ?utm_sou rce=BP_r ecent Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 8 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate built enviroment environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate thermal surplus compared to open spaces, warmest areas are the densly built city environm ents, a phase delay can be observed in the daily warm up, compared to open spaces: usually it is colder in them morning and warmer in the evening, the phenome na occurs due to the thermal inertia and the own wind systems of the built environm ents dense Gurunsi layout of earth buildings; houses temperatu re surplus due to the change in the Earth's surface, no need for thick outer perimeter structures due to the higher temperatu res, need for structures with good thermal storage capacity, and outer shadings, due to warm and solar radiation intense summers www.flic 9 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Rita http://goo http://habi Willaert .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb DZHWN st/449316 69487/v18gurunsifoldhazak -gurunsiteruletburkina Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate www.flic Norbert Schoenau er forest a lower mean temperatu re in forest areas, possible need for thicker structures with good heat- Mayan house www.flic 10 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Dennis Jarvis http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb 3P7Cu st/422076 17442/ma ja Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate then in insulating open properties spaces, due to the shading and the vegetatio n itself; temperatu re fluctuatio n is te greatest on the canopy level www.flic Plant Design Online travelpict uresbyjim oliver.wo m Jim Oliver 11 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 12 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. González Claverán Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1997 Energetics and function local climate plain area environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by a great amount of solar radiation, more then on southern slopes, but less than on northern ones; due to the lack of natural shadings high temperatu re values can be typical, lower temperatu res in shadow; temperatu res can vary in areas cultivated by man due to the changes in the structure of the soil surface wall structures with no or little openings, outside shading structures , due to the high temperatu res and the lack of natural shadings Xingu maloka ikpeng.or Christian http://goo http://habi g Knepper .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb xIx9l st/413552 62711/v08-xingumalokaxinguteruletbrazilia ikpeng.or g 13 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Mari Corrêa Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate pib.socioa Eduardo mbiental. Biral org 14 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 15 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Hamilton Botelho Malhano Cambridg e Universit y Press Energetics and function local climate waterfront environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate the waterfron t wind phenome na effects the temparatu re, during daytime it cools the air down, during nighttime it heats the air up daytime Wewewa and house nighttime temperatu res close to each other, no need for thick struckture s with great heatinsulating properties ; residentia l spaces raised form the ground level, due to the often variing water levels Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1995 http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb yymVN st/535147 82811/v35wewewahazwewewateruleteknyugatwww.flic nao sumba nishimiya 16 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Joanna Mross Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate www.flic christoph e_cerisier 17 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate valley environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate due to the vally wind phenome na, cold air is getting into the valley during daytime, and hot air during nighttime; tipically more percipitati on steep Manggara pitched i Mbaru roofs due Niang to the great amount of percipitati on; durable, thick, multilayered structures with good heatinsulating properties due to the high speeds of wind, and cold temperatu res Aga Khan http://goo http://habi Award .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb for 0EShv Architect st/519685 ure 62236/vCourtesy 33of manggara Architect i-mbaruniangteruletwae-rebo 18 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate apakabard Rumah Asuh / Yori Antar Video 2. - Contemporary Comfort Regarding the indoor temperature, there are differences between the values expected in summer and winter (the favorable temperature in summer is an average of 24-26 ˙C, while in winter it is 20-22˙C), therefore they have to be studied apart. The expected level of humidity is described in the table as the relative air humidity. The allowed rate of air motion in dwellings’ interior spaces is 0,2 m/s, but usually it does not even reach 0,1 m/s. It is important to note, that the level of comfort is a subjective human demand. Therefore the data shown in the table are general values which, in reality vary by person to person. The different needs could be affected by the environment, the cultural background as well as age. For example, the little children and the elderly people feel comfortable in warmer temperated residential spaces than usual and it’s more difficult for them to conform themselves to the changes of air conditions. 1. 1.1. Definitions related to comfort level 1.1. 1.1.1. The concept of heat sensation The comfort level factor related to environment heat is called heat sensation factor. The emergence of this subjective sensation is mainly affected by the following six parameters: • air temperature, its distribution and change in space and time, • radiational temperature of the surrounding surfaces, • relative humidity of the air, and the partial pressure of steam within the air, • speed of airflow, • the human body’s heat production, heat transfer, and heat regulation, • the heat insulating ability of clothing, its affect on evaporation. The first four are physical parameters, while the latter two are related to the human organism’s adaptability. The subjective heat sensation is fixed by standards in some countries, namely the so called comfortable heat sensation, which, according to ASHRAE (1981) 55-81 standard is the following: The comfortable heat sensation is the mental condition, which expresses the satisfaction related to thermal environment. The question is how this „comfortably subjective” sensation could become quantified, generally applicable. For this, the so called subjective heat sensation scales are applied, the following 7 point scale is the most widespread today: 19 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function hot +3 warm +2 comfortably warm +1 neutral 0 comfortably cold -1 cool -2 cold -3 Within this scale, the +1, 0, -1 range is the so called comfortable zone. The subjective heat sensation scale shows, that in an ordinary Hungarian person’s living room, decreasing the 21˙C winter time temperature expected by them with 2˙C causes a cold heat sensation while leaving the comfortable zone. 1.2. 1.1.2. The human body’s heat transfer, heat exchange and the effecting factors The human body can transfer the heat developing inside it in four ways: • through radiation • through convection • through evaporation • through conducting In engineering practice and during the calculations, in the range of comfort parameters out of the total heat transfer: • the radiational heat transfer is 42-44% • the conventional heat transfer is 32-35% • the evaporative heat transfer is 21-26% The change of atmospheric conditions reviewed before cause greatly differing deviations of values, and determines which kind of heat transfer predominates. The air temperature decreases due to an increase of the speed of airflow. Since the general rules of thermodynamics also apply in the human body – the rate of conventional heat transfer increases, over 30-34˙C and the organism takes on heat with convection. Sweating starts at 28-29˙C environmental temperature. Over the 34˙C value, the evaporation and the sweating are the only possible kind of heat transfer of the organism. With the decrease of the terminal surfaces’ temperature, according to the radiational heat exchange law, the transfer of radiational heat rises. But if the air is more humid, it absolves relatively more from the body’s radiation. The measure of evaporative heat transfer depends on the relative humidity. 1.3. 1.1.3. The thermal equilibrium of the human body The heat generated in the human body, and the heat emitted or absorbed in different ways moves towards a equilibrium state. This state is the state of thermal equilibrium, that is affected by various conditions. It is clear, that the human body’s heat exchange conditions are affected by clothing, and its heat insulation ability. To determine the clothing’s heat insulation ability, the so called „clo” unit is used: 1 clo = 0,155 m2C/W”9. Specific clothes „clo” values (ASHRAE 1985) long sleeved shirt 0,22 thick trousers 0,32 pullover 0,37 light skirt 0,1 20 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function vest 0,06 jacket 0,49 blouse 0,20 stockings 0,01 The clothing has an impact on the comfort level, because it effects the thermal equilibrium, therefore it can effect the performance. Some work places by periodically loosening on their dress code – for example they do not require stockings or ties on hot summer days – increase on the comfort level of employees’ comfort sensation and therefore on their performance. 1.4. 1.1.4. Determination of the expected subjective heat sensation P. Ole Fanger worked out a principle, or rather practical method, according to which by knowing several parameters, a predicted mean vote could be determined in specific points of a closed space. This is the so called PMV value, the Predicted Mean Vote, and the PPD value, which is the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied. Knowing about the concept of these two indicators is essential. Figure 1.1. Working out the PMV value, Fanger started from the heat balance equation, and from ASHRAE psychophysiologycally subjective heat sensation scale, as showed in the paragraph ’The concept of heat sensation’ After collecting many individual’s heat sensational values he assumed, that the average value of 0 should correspond to the case when the heat balance equation’s result is 0, and the heat production and the outer heat transfer is balanced. It’s a known fact, that the human organism can keep the thermal equilibrium between wide borders (chemical and physical heat regulation, sweating etc.), but in this wide range only a relatively narrow zone (PMV between -1 and +1 values) could be regarded as the comfortable heat sensation range, the comfort zone. Fanger supposed with reason, that the higher the discomfort rate is, the higher conformation for the maintenance of heat balance is needed by the heat controlling mechanism. He supposed, that – on a specific activity level – the human heat sensation is related to the heat load. This heat load was defined as the difference of the indoor heat load and the heat quantity transferred towards the environment, which is 0 amongst comfort terms. 21 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function Fanger taking the heat balance equations created by himself into account and PMV-PPD values invented by himself, worked out the so called comfort diagrams. These are directly able to be used for the heat sensational dimensioning of closed places. 1.5. 1.1.5. Local discomfort factors In recent years it has become evident, that there can be discrete points inside closed places dimensioned with the most up-to-date methods, where a person being there has heat comfort complaints. These are called local discomfort factors, because of the nature of their occurrence. By this notion we mean those parameters, which: • only shows up on specific points of a closed place, • their effect does usually not refer to the whole human body, but only to certain parts of it. From the aspect of subjective heat sensation, and the human heat exchange, we currently track two kinds: • asymmetric radiation and • the draft effect. By asymmetric radiation we understand the phenomenon when a person being in a closed space has radiation heat exchange between his specific body parts and it is at relatively higher or lower temperated surfaces, so the body part is effected by heat radiation, or radiative heat transfer is toward these surfaces. A human’s sensibility to air motion depends on the air temperature and the effects of the air flow. Illustration 2. - Permissible airflow speed values based on environmental temperature shows the values of permissible air speed based on the values of environmental temperature. It must be concluded, that in point A of the curve at a 25˙C temperature, the airflow speed of around 0,3 m/s is still comfortable, while in point B at 18˙C, 0,1 m/s is already disturbing. Body parts sensible to draft are neck and ankle. Figure 1.2. 1.6. 1.1.6. The interior air quality 22 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function By the interior air quality (IAQ) we mean every non thermal characteristics of the comfort spaces’ air, which effect a human’s welfare. The contaminations affecting interior air quality: • gas and steam • odor substances • aerosols • viruses • bacteria and their spores Illustration 3. - Sources of the interior air quality contaminations Figure 1.3. Fanger, based on his researches, worked out the method of rating the interior air quality. He invented a new unit for rating the air quality and determining the source intensity of contaminations. For reference he chose the human. The unit of the contamination’s source intensity is: 1 olf. According to the definition, 1 olf is the contamination source strength of an average human in a sitting position, in the physical state of rest, in an environment with heat balanced comfortable, with average personal hygiene conditions. The unit of sensible air quality is: 1 decipol. According to the definition, the air quality is 1 decipol in case of a perfect blend in the comfort zone, when 1 olf is the source intensity of the contamination and the ventilating air’s volumetric stream is 10 l/sec, or an equal 36 m3/h. 1.7. 1.1.7. The „Sick Building Syndrome” In recent decades the building technology, the building materials, just as the building service engineering systems have changed, and improved by much. Primarily the changes were brought by the increase in the number of office buildings, shopping centers with air conditioning. Modern architecture is now unimaginable without large outer glass surfaces and air conditioning systems. The „sick building syndrome” (SBS) contains the complaints of the people working in modern buildings. The most common complaints: • feeling draft • feeling drought • tiredness • headaches • noise 23 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and function • rheumatic complaints • complaints related to air quality It ensues from the non complete list, that the study of the problem concerns medical, medical hygienical, building service engineering etc. specialities. In recent years a lot of researchers have dealt with this subject. The studies contained subjective and objective measuring and researching methods. The subject has a wide international literature. Even so it can not be said, that the problem is completely solved. Figure 1.4. 24 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 2. Historical review of air conditions of living spaces The inhabitants’ comfort demands for the interior spaces of residential buildings are constantly changing. This chapter presents the differing air conditions on typical residential examples from the different periods of Hungarian history, organized into the Table 2. - Change of the Air Conditions in Historical Living Spaces. Throughout the history until the mid-20th century people only controlled temperature out of the possible characteristic features of interior air conditions, therefore the table only contains data on the interior air temperature in summer and winter. Table 2.1. Table No 2. Name of period I. Previ ous to histor y of archit ectur e in Hung ary (until then 10. Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses prim arily caves Archit , ecture primi of before tive Prehis the 1st tents toric centur and Age y huts and habit Bronz ation e Age s must provi Szelet a Cave (in the Bükk Monta ins); Baradl a Cave (Cave of Aggtel ek Karst) ; "Basin houses ", Vértes szőlős (appro x. 500 000 years ago) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer pit holes with a diam eter of 89 meter s; in the midd le the a firepla ces (diam eter: 40-60 centim eters); fueled by: wood and bones of animal cold; warme r in the imme diate surrou ndings of the fire, but farther away from in the basin s and at the entra nces of caves the temp eratu re was aroun 25 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Magy ar Régés zet Az Ezredf orduló n, Nemz eti Kultur ális Öröks ég Minis "Basin houses ", Vértes szőlős copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period centu ry) Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses de from rain, snow and wind contr olled use of fire Vértes szőlős "Basin houses " The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e clear area provi des the possi bility of escap e from enem ies or preda tors; sourr ound ed by lime tuff cliffs (a loose and poros e mater ial, good heat insul ation ) s - the bones gave a higher tempe rature and were glowi ng longer the fire the tempe rature quickl y got colder, inside the basins it was warme r than the averag e outsid e tempe rature; at the entran ces of caves the tempe rature was the same as outsid e, deeper inside the caves it was warme r, aroun d 0 to +5°C d the same as the daily avera ge outsi de temp eratu re, deep er in the caves it was a coole r, 812°C "Basin houses ", Vértes szőlős Anna mária Babos "Basin houses ", Vértes szőlős Anna mária Babos 26 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ztériu ma, Teleki L. Alapít vány, Budap est 2003 78-79. oldal Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses build ing of primi tive habit ats motte and bunke r houses , Százh alomb atta (Bron ze Age); Tiszaj enő Száraz rétpart (4. millen ium BC); Csany telek (4. millen ium BC) Nyíre gyház aMand aboko r scythi an house (7-4. centur y BC); motte and bunke r house, Százh alomb att (Bron ze Age) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e recta ngle shape d, semisubte rrane an hous e; walls made out of wow en wood sticks (watt le) and are plast ered with mud; roof struct ure supp orted by posts and piles; thatc h roof inside and outsid e kilns, smoul dering pits, gratin g kilns inside temep rature was an accept able 816°C becaus e of the open firepla ces and kilns, air qualit y depen ded on the air densit y of the buildi ng the temp eratu re was pleas ant in sum mer, due to the build ing being sunk into the grou nd; no overh eatin g in sum mer Motte, Százh alomb atta Anna mária Babos Motte, Százh alomb atta Anna mária Babos 27 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Magy ar Régés zet Az Ezredf orduló n, Nemz eti Kultur ális Öröks ég Minis ztériu ma, Teleki L. Alapít vány, Budap est 2003, - 152153, 180181.ol dal Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Endrő d and Szoln ok,ban k of the rifer Zagyv asemisubter ranean houses Bunke r house, Százh alomb atta 28 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Archit ecture of the Roma n Empir e in Hunga ry Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses betwe en the 1st and the 7th centur y archit ectur e of dwell inghous e is diver se (dwel linghous es with store s, crafts man hous es, Gorsiu m(Tác ), Palati um urban villa (3th centur y); Neme svámo s, Baláca puszta central buildi ng of Villa dwelli nghouse with ornam ental garden and store, Budap est, Aquin cum The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing devel opme nt in unbr oken rows, walls made out of stone s and brick s, stock brick s and hollo w brick Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng portab le smold er holder s, but the central ized underf loor heatin g is more signifi cant the aim is to heat the Inside condit ion of air in winte r the qualit y of doors and windo ws define d the inside tempe rature, the floor and wall heatin g provid ed a Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer in stone bulid ings with little wind ows the indis e temp eratu re follo wed the daily mean temp 29 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Hajnó czi Gyula Pannó nia Római Romja i, Műsza ki Könyv kiadó, Budap est 1987, - 2846.old al, Aquin copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Bunke r house, Százh alomb att Anna mária Babos South easter n part of Aquin cum with the dwelli ng house block plan, Budap est Gyula Hajnó Hajnó czi J. czi J. Gyula, forrás: Pannó nia Római Romja , Műsza ki Könyv kiadó, Budap est 1987 101. oldal 116. ábra Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses detac hed villas ); gener ic struct ures: wall made out of stone s and brick s, low angel ed pitch roofs, roofi ng with tile cover ing; flat ceilin g: plank , beam , reed struct ures, floor and wall heati ng rustica (2-3th centur y); Budap est, Aquin cum dwelli nghouses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e s; low angel ed pitch roof; roofi ng tiles; glaze d wind ows; flat ceilin g: plank , beam , reed layer order floor, princi ple of operat ion: heat transfe r throug h air flow (it consis ted of 3 parts: the fire makin g chamb er, the cellar like heatin g space under the premis es up, a hollo w syste m in the walls to help the ascend ing airflo wthis syste m high level of comfo rt, large faces of the walls and floors were alway s warm, the air tempe rature was betwe en 1416°C eratu re with a low fluct uatio n; no overh eatin g in sum mer Dwelli nghouse with ornam ental garden and shop premis es axono metric drawi ng, Aquin cum, Budap est Gyula Hajnó Hajnó czi J. czi J. Gyula, forrás: Pannó nia Római Romja , Műsza ki Könyv kiadó, Budap est 1987 113. oldal 141. ábra South easter n part of Aquin cum with the dwelli nghouse, Budap est Gabrie http:// lla Vid www. enyelv. hu/20 13-0728/mu targy mesek / 30 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. cum Polgár városa , Budap est Történ eti Múze um, Aquin cumi Múze uma, Budap est 1997, - 19, 37. oldal Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e as a result of the open firepla ce the tempe rature in winter was an accept able 412°C; air qualit y depen ded on the air densit y of the jurt was oberh eated in sum mer, due to its small ther mal inerti a Adagi http:// o hu.wik ipedia. org/wi ki/Jurt a reduce d the moistu re conde nsatio n in the faces of the walls) this heatin g syste m also helped in a better insulat ion of the rooms Archit betwe co- jurts jurts ecture en the occur and from of 7th ence tempo the Migrat and of rary Age of ion the mobi singel Settle Period 10th le space ment centur and houses of the y fixed Magy habit ars in ats Hunga ry (sampl e buildi ng in the EMES EArche ologic al Park) folda ble, trave rse hinge d wood en strut; fram ed door; rafter s; outer finish ing: rush mat, reed mat, skins open firepla ce in the center if the jurt; smoke hole above the firepla ce 31 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http://i stvand r.kisze ostorte net/03 0.html http:// hu.wik ipedia. org/wi ki/Jurt a Jurt, mong olian steppe Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng and felt Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer the buildi ng; farther away from the fire the tempe rature got colder 32 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. jurts from the Age of Settle ment of the Magy ars in Hunga ry, EMES EArche ologic al Park copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Sándo http:// r Rab hu.wik ipedia. org/wi ki/Jurt a Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Baskir jurt axono metric drawi ng 33 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Gyula http://i László stvand r.kisze ostorte net/03 0.html Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses II.Romanesq 1000- livin ue 1241 g in architecture two place s is chara cteris tic: sum mer shelt ers, tents; winte rsolid build ings, Mate rial in villag es and town s: reed (rarel y wood or stone ) typic al is the houses with wattle walls (Fony ód Bélate lep); log houses (Edelé ny borsod i földvá r); bunke r house (Kard oskút, Doboz Hajdúí rtás, Tiszal ökRázo m,Oro sháza) ; recons tructio ns of bunke r soil house from the Age of Árpád (sampl e buildi ng in the EMES EArche ologic al Park) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e semisubte rrane an hous e, cover ed by grou nd; small hous e (23 by 3-4 meter s); roun ded squar e or circle shape ; the lower part of the walls was the side of the exca vatio n, the upper open firepla ces in the center of the subter ranean house, the smoke left the house throug h the door and splits on the roof as a result of the open firepla ce and the thicke r wall structu re the tempe rature in winter was an accept able 816°C; air qualit y depen ded on the air densit y of the buildi ng the temp eratu re was pleas ant in sum mer, due to the build ing being sunk into the grou nd; no overh eatin g in sum mer László http:// Méri mek.o /0910 0/091 79/09 179.pd f 34 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Magy ar Régés zet Az Ezredf orduló n, Nemz eti Kultur ális Öröks ég Minis ztériu ma, Teleki L. Alapít vány, Budap est 2003, - 325326. oldal http:// mek.o /0910 0/091 79/09 179.pd f House s form the Age of Árpád drawi ngs Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses semisubte rrane an hous e houses can be found in the Ages of Árpád openair ethnog raphic museu mTiszaa lpár, Arche ologic al Park Szarva sgede and in the EMES EArche ologic The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer part was clay poac hed wick er (patic s) and soil, the roof struct ure was supp orted by an ear Earth house from the Age of Árpád, Emese Arche ologic al Park 35 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Sándo http:// r Rab www. panora m/pho to/510 98583 Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer al Park III. Gothi c archit ectur e (124 11536 ) Early 1241- the Gothic 1300 aim archite of cture Gothi c archit ectur e in Hung ary was not struct keep of the Lower castle, Visegr ád; castle of Diósg yőr. Diósg yőr; castle keep of Lower Castle, Visegr ád Salam on Tower (1258, rebuilt aroun d 1325 elong ated hexa gon shape d floor plan; the walls are 3,50 meter hearts on every storie in the northe rn wall od the keep in winter the keeps of the castles could not provid ea pleasa nt comfo due to the thick er walls made of stone , the temp eratu res in the 36 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Várépí tészet ünk, Főszer k: Gerő László , Műsza ki Könyv kiadó, Budap copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e House from the near of Debre cen drawi ngs Ecsedi http:// mek.o /0910 0/091 79/09 179.pd f156.ol dal Salam on tower - keep of Lower Castle, Visegr ád Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses ural devel opmn et, it was the takei ng ove of detail s from previ ews. Citiz enshi p stren ghten s, devel oping of of Árva, Árvav áralja (today : in Slova kia) ) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng s thick, in the corne rs 7 meter s; the build ing is 31 meter s high; it has 5 storie s; timbe r ceilin gs made out of Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e rt, regard ing the air tempe rature the semisubter ranean houses were better than the castles and towers ; temep arutre in winter was lower storie s was more pleas ant than the accep table temp eratu res of the highe r storie s; no overh eatin g storie s Anna mária Babos 37 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. est, Salam 1975, on 287- tower 291. - keep oldal of Lower Castle, Visegr ád Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses cities begin s. The build ing mater ials were prmit ive and low rise build ings were typic al in Hung ary. Rega rding resid ential hous es, the royal archit ectur e was signif icant. The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng oak beam s; an outho use tower belon ged to the north weste rn part of the tower ; wind ows were only place d on the weste rn and easte rn facad es Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer betwe en 0 and +10°C 38 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Salam on tower - keep of Lower Castle, Visegr ád Anna mária Babos Salam on tower - keep of Lower Castle, Visegr ád Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Mater 1300- typic Royal Castle and 1526 al archite of Late medi cture: Tata, Gothic eval Castle Tata archite cities of (1397cture appie Tata, 1409,1 red in Tata; 420 the keep, constr mater Nagyv uction and ázson s from late y; Age of gothi castle Zsigm c with ond , perio tower, aroun ds in Gyula; d 1460 Hung Civil ary; dwelli constr Roya ng- uction l houses s from archit : the Age of ectur Budap Mátyá e is est s) impo Castle rtant Hill in Tárno resid k ential street archit 14, ectur Orszá e, gház civil street archit 18-20; ectur Religi e and ous relig archite ous cture: archit Domi ectur nican castle with four tower s on its corne rs protr uding from the build ings wing s, recta ngula r yard nowa days only the south ern wing and the exca vated plint hs can be visite d "stove s from the age of Zsigm ond" threef old divide d stoves covere d with tiles the hearth s caused the advan camen t of inside tempe rature, but in the castles and fortifi ed castles the comfo rt was not good in winter , the temep erautr e was betwe en +4 +14°C the teme perat ure was accep table in sum mer; no overh eatin g in sum mer Várépí Castle tészet of ünk, Tata, Főszer Tata k: Gerő László , Műsza ki Könyv kiadó, Budap est, 1975, 276281.ol dal Anna mária Babos Castle of Tata, Tata Anna mária Babos 39 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses e also rise in impo rtanc e IV. Rena issan ce (145 81686 ) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Monas tery, Marga ret Island Budap est Early 1458- The Castle The and 1541 Rena of Royal High issan Simon Palace Renais ce in tornya , sance Hung - Old Visegr ary tower, ád first Simon (1477appie tornya 1485 red in ; rebuilt the Keep, ) court Sárosp of atak struct ures made out of stone , in the back yard of palac hearth s and "stove s from the age of Mátyá s" detaile d shapin g, as a result of the better hearth s and the "stove s from the age of Mátyá the teme perat ure was accep table in sum mer; no overh 40 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Castle of Tata, Tata Anna mária Babos Visegr The ád, Royal Király Palace i , palota Visegr ád Tájak Korok Múze umok kiskön yvtára Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses King Máty ás. In the early perio d of Rena issan ce a lot of gothi cal castle s and keeps were built, it is the time of palac es in (1541 renais sance rebuil dung); The Royal Palace , Visegr ád The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer e is covere s" the eatin 11, The two d with comfo g in Cartog Royal store tiles rt was sum raphia, Palace y pleasa mer Budap , cloist nt, the est, Visegr er; temep 1993 ád Herc rature ules in Fonta winter in in was the aroun midd d 15 le of °C the court ; livin g room s and bedro oms were on 41 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses archit ectur e The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer the secon d store y, with a lower inter nal heigh t with timbe r ceilin gs The Royal Palace , Visegr ád 42 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses Mater 1541- The Pipo and 1686 count fortifi Late ry ed Renais was castle, sance divid Ozora; ed Károl into y three Catle, parts, Füzérr and adván the y; resid Bethle ential n build manor ing house, evolv Bethle ed nszent differ miklós ently (Roma in all nia); of Sopro them. nkeres Some ztúr parts Nádas had dy the Manor typic House al , castle Sopro archit nkeres ectur ztúr e, (Austr other ia); parts Bethle are n famo Fortifi us for ed the Castle, mano Keres r d hous (Roma Nádas dy Manor House , Sopro nkeres ztúr (Austr ia, 1625) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer recta hearth stoves the ngle s and were amou shape stoves simila nt of d r to glass plan, stoves ed with in surfa a nowad ces large ays, gets inner these highe court provid r, the ; one ed the heat store highes load y, t grew with comfo in four rt until sum corne the mer; r 19but tower 20th no s, centur overh little y eatin wind (until g in ows the sum in appear mer great ance dista of nces central from ized each heatin other g syste ms); at first the perfor mance of the stoves was low, possib ly 43 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nádas dy Manor House , Sopro nkeres ztúr (Austr ia) copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses es, fortif ield castle s were typic al for the time. The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng nia); Manor House of Márku sfalva, Márku sfalva (Slova kia); Manor House of Pácin, Pácin; Rákóc zi Castle, Sárosp atak Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer becaus e the comfo rtlevel was compa red to the low comfo rtlevel s of the past 44 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nádas dy Manor House , Sopro nkeres ztúr (Austr ia) copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Nádas dy Manor House , Sopro nkeres ztúr (Austr ia) V. Islamic 1541During this period no significant residential Rados architecture 1686 building was built. New buildings were only built Jenő when no appropriate building was found, or when Magy a new type of function e.g.: minarett. ar építés zet történ et, Műsza ki Tankö nykiad ó, Budap est 45 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e VI. Early 1618- Betw Cottag Fabric ghoti Baro Baroq 1711 een e (the ius cal que ue 1630 oldest House style archit and cottag , elme ectur 1700 e in Sopro nts; e there the n devel (161 was a Carpat (17th opme 8Turki hian centur nt in 1795 sh Basin) y) unbr ) prese , oken nce Toroc rows; in kó build Hung (Roma ing ary. nia); with This Esterh 3 uncer ázy storie tain Manor s, situat House atriu ion , m; obstr Kisma walls ucted rton made the (Austr out wide ia); of sprea Fabric stock ding ius brick of House s baroq , tile ovens in the corner of the bedro oms the develo pment in unbro ken rows preven ted the quick coolin g down of the house; the heatin g of the buildi ng was easier; the stoves provid ed an the amou nt of glaze d surfa ces gets highe r, the heat load grew in sum mer beca use of this, but no overh eatin g in sum mer Anna mária Babos 46 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Sopro Fabric n, ius Fabríc House ius, ház - Sopro Tájak n Korok Múze umok kiskön yvtára, Cartog raphia, Budap est, 1980 Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng ue Sopro style. n Typi cal were late Rena issan ce style build ings, resid ential build ings in cities , mano r hous es and cotta ges in Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer appro priate comfo rt in winter 47 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Fabric ius House , Sopro n copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer villag es. At the same time in villag es the devel opme nt of the Hung arian verna cular archit ectur e bega n. Fabric ius House , Sopro n 48 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses Mater 1711- In Manor and 1795 this houses Late perio : Baroq d Manor ue archit House ectur of e was Edelé mostl ny, y Edelé defin ny; ed by Szavol priva ya te Manor const House ructi , ons, Rácke little ve; amou Ráday nt of Manor resid House ential , build Pécel; ings Szévh were eny estab Manor lishe House d, , mostl Nagyc y enk; ariso Grassa cracy lkovic was h build Manor ing House their , palac Hatva es, n; castle Esterh s, ázy and Manor mano House Esterh ázy Manor House , Fetrőd Eszter háza (from 1720, presen t day buildi ng was built from 1762 to 1766) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e 3 storie s; large inter nal heigh t; detac hed devel opme nt; Ushape d build ing; walls made out of stock brick ; build ing articu lation s and orna ment s hearth s and tile stoves in the living rooms and the bedro oms the stoves provid ed the highes t comfo rt (accor ding to the deman ds of this period ) the amou nt of glaze d surfa ces gets highe r, the heat load grew in sum mer beca use of this, but no overh eatin g in sum mer Anna mária Babos 49 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http:// www. eszter haza.h u/kast ely/es zterha za Esterh ázy Manor House , Fetrőd Eszter háza Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses r hous es. At the same time we count the emer genc e of local verna cular archit ectur al style in Hung ary from this perio d. The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer , Fetrőd Eszter háza; Royal Manor House of Gödöl lő, Gödöl lő; Civil dwelli nghouses : Bécsi kapu square 5; Orszá gház street 44, the Budap est Esterh ázy Manor House , Fetrőd Eszter háza 50 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Castle Hill Esterh ázy Manor House , Fetrőd Eszter háza 51 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e VII. 1867- Resid tenem House Architecture 1914 ential ent s in of Historism build houses Weker and Turn of ings in le the century get Budap Housi bigge est ng r, (exam Settle tene ples: ment, ment Báthor Budap hous y est es street (1908 were 20, typic Bedő archite al in House ct: this , Kós perio Honvé Károl d, at d y) first street with .3); 3 House storie s in s, Weker later le with Housi eleva ng tors Settle 4-6 ment, storie Budap s. est; Typi villas cal in struct Budap ures: est iron (exam weig ple: ht- Baboc beari hay ng Villa ) build ings made out of stock brick, 3 types of build ings: tene ment hous e, tene ment hous e with bach elor flats and famil y hous es / terrac ed hous es and semidetac hed hous tile stoves ; gas conve ctor heatin g cerami c stoves provid ed the highes t comfo rt (accor ding to the deman ds of this period ), the specifi c of this stoves was the 810°C tempe rature gradie nt, and tempe rature fluctu ation was norma l usage of shadi ng struct ures on the facad e provi ded prote ction from overh eatin g http:// House wekerl s in etelep. Weker hu/dio le hejban Housi ng Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos House s in Weker le Housi ng Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos 52 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses struct ures, fram ewor k struct ures and reinf orced concr ete struct ures. The thick ness of the load beari ng walls are reduc ed. The facad es of the build ing do not show the struct ural syste The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer es 53 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e House s in Weker le Housi ng Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos House s in Weker le Housi ng Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer ms behin d them. The flats of the tene ment hous es had sever al room s, sun light, view s and orien tation were not aspec ts. VIII. 1914- Priva OTI OTI Architecture 1944 te Tene Tene Between the const ment ment Two World ructi House House Wars ons s, s with turne Budap 203 d est; flats, towar Budap Budap d the est est mode Georg (archit rn ia ects: desig House Árkay, n. (archit Farag grou p of tene ment hous es; 8 storie s high towar ds the squar distric t heatin g syste m, boiler house and a coal bunke r are in the spread of the central ized heatin g syste m was typical in this period ; solid fuel;, usage of shadi ng struct ures on the facad e provi ded prote 54 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http:// www. urb.b segedl et/sza kmern oki1/s zakdol gozato k_201 2/201 2_juni copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e House s in Weker le Housi ng Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos OTI Tene ment House s, Budap est Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses Typi cal build ings were the tene ment hous es, with indoo r stairc ases. Other types of hous es were villas and famil y hous es. ect: Baráth Béla, Novák Endre) , Budae pest; Villa in Lejtő street (archit ect: Molná r Farkas ), Budap est; Villa in Széher street (archit ect: Kósa Zoltán ), Budap est; Villa in Berke nye street (archit ect: ó, Fische r, Heysa, Ligeti, Molná r, Pogán y, Preisic h, Vadás z1934) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer e, 6 basem gravit ction us_26/ OTI storie ent ational from Ivanyi Tene s or overh Gyong ment high steam eatin yver2 House on he heated g 012.pd s, other syste f Budap side, ms; est the contro comp ling lete these srtuct syste ures ms is was supp hard, OTI orted but it Tene by a provid ment slab ed an House foun appro s, datio priate Budap n tempe est made rature; out the of tempe reinf rature orced fluctu concr ation ete was 2(80 3 °C centi meter s thick ); furna ce room and coal 55 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses Kozm a Lajos) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer bunk er were in the base ment OTI Tene ment House s, Budap est 56 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses IX. 1945- Short Architecture 1989 age of the of Socialism flats is the most impo rtant prebl em in this perio d. To solve this probl em preca ste build ing were built large panel struct ures and stand ard desig ns. The housi ng estate s Settle ments: József Attila Settle ment, Budap est distric t IX; Havan na Settle ment, Budap est distric t XVIII; Tene ment House s in Budap est: Úri street 32. (archit ect: Farkas dy Zoltán ); Úri street 26-28. (archit ect: József Attila Settle ment, Budap est (19571967 and 19791981) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer loose distric central the Rados layou t ized prote Jenő t of heatin heatin ction Magy build g g form ar ings, syste syste overh építés large m m, eatin zet green usuall g was történ surfa y with not et, ces; an provi Műsza 10 inappr ded, ki and 4 opriat peopl Tankö store e e did nykiad y setup, not ó, build the use Budap ings; tempe outsi est preca ratures de st of the shadi large dwelli ng panel ngs struct struct was ures ure differe nt, the syste m could not be contro led from the units, usuall y the lower sories were colder, the 57 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e József Attila Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos József Attila Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses show the conc eptiu al think ing of urban plann ing The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Horvá th Lajos KÖZT I); Lévay street 8. (archit ect: Varga Leven te) Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer higher sories were warme r than requir ed 58 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e József Attila Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos József Attila Settle ment, Budap est Anna mária Babos Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e X. Conve 1989- In the Famil Famil foun Cont ntiona conte y y datio empo l mpor House House ns: rary House ary , , concr archit s archit Piliscs Piliscs ete ectur ectru aba - aba - strip e re of Pest Pest foun resid Regio Regio datio ential n n n and hous (archit (2009) pad es the ect: footi archit Kolos ng, ectur sa ascen al József, ding intent Kolos struct ion sáné ures: and Bartha POR the Katali OTH funct n); ERM ional Guest 30, desig house, 38 n, are Pécs supp achie Baran ortin ved ya g single, combi ned gas equip ment; heat transfe r by sheet radiat or; netwo rk materi al is coated copper heatin g pipe; the equip ment is indivi dual, or central radiat or heatin g, the annual heatin g energy deman d is 150 kW/m 2 the bigge r amou nt of glaze d surfa ces and the highe r comf ort dema nds cause a dema nd for cooli ng; Tamás Bujno vszky 59 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Famil y House , Piliscs aba Pest Regio n Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses simul tanio usly and in regar d to the inhab itants needs . Regio n (archit ects: Ásztai Bálint and Kovác s Csaba ); Famil y House , Nagyk ovácsi , Pest Regio n (archit ects: Földes László and Balog h Csaba ); Famil y House , Budak eszi, Pest Regio n (archit ects: Bártfa The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng wall, reinf orced concr ete circul ar pillar s, slab: preca st beam s, with weig ht secon dary block s, and reinf orced concr ete, insul ation mater ial: in the roof struct ure 1720 centi meter s rock wool, contro lled by indoor therm ostat; therm ostatic radiat or valves are used in the kitche n and the bathro oms; backu p heatin g is provid ed by electri c heatin g syste m Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e outsi de shadi ng struct ures are not alwa ys appli ed Tamás Bujno vszky 60 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Famil y House , Piliscs aba Pest Regio n Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses iSzabó Gábor, Bártfa iSzabó Orsoly a); Apert ment house, Budap est, distric t II. (archit ect: Toma y Tamás ) The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer in the wall 6 centi meter s rock wool insul ation, facad e is made out of Wien erber ger VAL ERI AN facin g brick work, roof struct ure: conv entio nal wood fram ewor k, Antra cit colou red cera mic tile cover ing, wind ows and Famil y House , Piliscs aba Pest Regio n 61 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Tamás Bujno vszky Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Specif ic heatin g (and coolin g) power deman d: 14 kWh/ m2 year, Heat requir ed for heatin g: 12 W/m2, Power deman d of coolin g: 5 W/m2 the highes t indoor comfo rt, regard ing the air qualit y, the air tempe rature and the tempe rature gradie nt; the indoor comfo rt colud low amou nt of the heat loss, a great er need of attent ion on outsi de shadi ng struct ures; the dema nd of cooli Zsolt http:// Batár epites zforu minosi tettpasszi vhazbudao rson doors : 4-64 thick insul ative glazi ng Passiv 2009- low detach e energ ed House y passiv s dema e nd family hous house es; (concr the ete pleas structu ent re, insid with e air- insulat condi ion), tion Szada can - Pest be Regio provi n; ded detach witho ed ut an passiv activ e e family heati house ng Orosh Qualif ied passiv e house, Budaö rs Pest Regio n (2011) struct ures are perfe ctly insul ated, with an air dense and heatbridg e free build ing shell, 30 centi meter s graph ite heat 62 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http:// epites zforu minosi tettpasszi vhazbudao rson Qualif ied passiv e house, Budaö rs Pest Regio n Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses and cooli ng syste m; the term passi ve can be used; when a build ing is quali fied by the germ an Passi vhau s Instit ute and by the Passi vhau s Dien stleis tung Gmb h; the quail fied passi ve hous es have to comp ly with germ an stand ard; heati The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer áza, insul Engin not be ng Békés ation eering develo gets Regio is syste ped more n; moun ms: more impo semited heat (regar rtant detach on pump, ding ed the floor the air passiv prem tempe qualit e iter ring, y); house wall, low compa (concr 50 tempe red to ete centi rature the structu meter ceiling conve re, s of heatin ntiona with heat g and l insulat insul coolin houses ion, ation g; , the Fót on solar heatin Pest the panel g Regio upper for energy n; closi creatin deman passiv ng g d is e slab, domes less family 27 tic hot 1/10 ! house centi water (true (concr meter (DHW only ete s of ) for structu heat supply family re, insul with houses with ation buffer ) insulat under storag ion), the e, Páty floor; filled Pest the up by Regio formi heat n; ng of pump terrace the in sund build free house ing is period (stock comp s; brick act, power structu its supply re), orien conce Dunak tation pt of eszi is the Pest south house Regio ern, is n; it has based detach a on ed recta geothe 63 passiv Created by ngle rmalXSL-FO Converter. XMLmind e shape energy family d (airhouse plan; to- Qualif ied passiv e house, Budaö rs Pest Regio n copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Zsolt http:// Batár epites zforu minosi tettpasszi vhazbudao rson Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Name of period Perio Arch Chara The d of itect cterist analys time ural ic ed char buildi buildi acter ngs ng istics from , the struc perio tures d uses The struc tures of the anal ysed build ing Heati ng and coolin g syste m of the analys ed buildi ng Inside condit ion of air in winte r Insid Sourc descri code e e of ption of cond data of the the ition pictur pictu of air e re in sum mer Qualif ied passiv e house, Budaö rs Pest Regio n 64 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. copyri sourc ghts e of of the the pictur pictur e e Zsolt http:// Batár epites zforu minosi tettpasszi vhazbudao rson Historical review of air conditions of living spaces Studying the sample buildings from the different time periods, significant differences can be discovered through time regarding the condition of air in the interior. The research shows, that the interior spaces of the houses could be temperated more and more precisely throughout the history. For example 70 years ago 2-3 °C fluctuation in air temperature was considered normal in heating season, however, the temperature fluctuation nowadays is only 0,3 °C. The breakdown of eras in the book „Magyar építészettörténet” by Jenő Rados (History of Hungarian Architecture) was used as a basis for determining the chronological units to be studied. In order to be clear and complete this book handles the periods of the Hungarian history complete with the periods of the history of architecture, and demonstrates the most conspicuous characteristics of these periods with sample buildings. In contrast to the materials in the literatures used, this chapter only concentrates on the built residential buildings. The original subdivisions from the Rados-book have been changed due to the concentration on the residential function: the architecture of classicism, romanticism and eclecticism units can be found merged under the name ’Architecture of Historicism and Turn of the century’ in Table 2., because the sample buildings from these periods do not shows any differences regarding the condition of interior air. The other 9 periods stayed unchanged. The table does not contain any data from Islamic architecture, during this period there was no significant residential building built. The original chronological breakdown ending with the era Architecture of the Socialism, was complemented with the Period of Contemporary Architecture, which is relevant to the curriculum. All of the sub-periods from the table, and their general architectural characteristics, are presented with sample buildings. At each of the sub-periods, one typical sample building is detailed with information for an analysis. The structure, the heating system and the condition of air in summer and in winter time are detailed about this building in the table. We can follow the technological development in this table, and as a result the improvement of the condition of interior comfort. It is surprising, that when compared, the centralized heating system used between the Two World Wars was a much more comfortable solution then the heating system of the pre-fabricated panel buildings in the period of the Socialism. The configuration of the district heating system coming as a component with the large pre-fabricated panel system, was often constructed incorrectly. This caused a non-equable interior condition of air in parts of the building, and as a result of the lack of facade shadings the buildings were overheated in summer. An other curiosity is coming from the medieval ages when the members of higher social classes were living in keeps, where the temperatures were between 0 and 10 °C , at the same time in villages in the farmer’s bunker houses the condition of interior air was a more comfortable 20 to 22 °C. The table shows clearly: the comfort demands of the living spaces have changed throughout the history! In the past people often compensated the unpleasant temperatures in the living spaces with additional methods, for example with the use of wall carpets, thicker bed linens or layered clothing. Nowadays humans’ willingness to adapt to extreme values of air conditions is decreasing. In contrast to solutions from the past, people of today want to reach the comfortable temperature sensation for themselves by adjusting the exact extent of the heating or cooling, as opposed to for example wearing appropriately layered clothing in lower temperated situations. The change of habits is worth considering. In an average Hungarian dwelling-house during wintertime keeping the interior temperatures 1 °C lover than usual can result in a 10% reduction of energy usage for this time period. Video 3. - History of Comfort 65 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 3. Energetics and Climatic Conditions Interior areas are protected from the external environmental effects by the building’s outer shell. The external environmental effects are determined by the climatic conditions of the given areas. These climatic conditions have an impact on the energies entering a building. This chapter shows the relations between climatic conditions and their effects on the building’s energy use. The aim of this chapter is to draw attention to the influence of the climatic conditions on the possible energy gain of buildings and on the proper construction of the building structures and shells. Definitions of the meteorological terms are explained based on the book titled ’Éghajlattan’ written by György Péczely. 1. 3.1. The definition of the climate Climate is defined as an interactive system of physical properties and events of the atmosphere interacting with the environment and each other in a given area over a period of time (usually a few decades). Climatology is a discipline of climatic conditions. The factors that effect climate are: altitude, the distance from the Equator and the distance from seas. The incident angle of solar radiation depends on the distance from the equator, the amount of precipitation and the mitigation effect of large water surfaces depend on the distance from the seas. The altitude expresses the intensity of the effects of highland climates. 2. 3.2. The classification of the climatic conditions Even though climate is a complex phenomenon a demand for the systematization of different climates based on their similarities and the territorial distribution of the climatic types was revealed during the first period of the organized climatic data collection at the end of the 19th century. It’s obvious that climate classifications are only stereotyped versions of the reality. These classifications are limited to underline some of the most determinative factors and create a spatial distinction. The practical usability of the climatic classifications usually depends on the selected factors used to define the climatic types. The basis of every climatic classification is the thermal zonality and the climatic events based on this zonality. Different classifications list the same main climatic zones: 1. tropical, 2. subtropical, 3. temperate, 4. subarctic, 5. polar. Moreover it is reasonable to separate a highland climate zone in the area higher mountains, although highland climate is not an individual climatic zone, it is a special local version within the main climatic zones. The listed five main climatic zones can be divided into further climatic types according to the annual course of temperature, the typical extremes of the annual course of temperature, the annual precipitation amount and its seasonal distribution. György Péczely modified and improved the Trewartha climatic classification for it to be more like the real climatic conditions. This modified classification can be seen in the following: Figure 3.1. 66 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions 2.1. 3.2.1. Climatic classification: A) tropical climates A1.) tropical rainforest A2.) savanna A3) tropical dry savanna A4.) low latitudes A4a.) zonal deserts A4b.) cool coastal deserts near cold ocean currents B) subtropical climates B5.) subtropical steppe B6.) Mediterranean B6a.) hot-summer Mediterranean B6b.) cool-summer Mediterranean B7.) humid subtropical C) temperate climates C8.) maritime temperate C9.) humid continental climate with longer warm season C10.) humid continental climate with shorter warm season and cold winter C11.) temperate steppe C12.) temperate desert D) subarctic climates C13.) maritime subarctic C14.) continental subarctic E) polar climates E15.) tundra E16.) ice cap F) highland climates F17.) tropical highland F18.) temperate highland Table 3. - Climatic Conditions and their Effects presents – based on the modified Trewartha climatic classification by György Péczely – the characteristics of the different climatic types and their effects on the construction of building shells. In this table every climate type is described with representative factors e.g.: 67 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions average yearly precipitation sum, precipitation amount in summer and winter, wind (circulation) in summer and winter, temperature, mean temperature of the warmest and the coldest month. Moreover this table also reveals the effects of different climate types on the building energetics. Table 3.1. Table No 3. clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer A) 1.) ever prec trop tropical y ipita ical rainforest seas tion clim climate on max ates is imu wet, m aver occ age ur ann duri ual ng amo the unt time abo of ve the 150 high 0 est mm sun posi tion pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ever mostly ann n.a. abo heavy rain Kor sout insi y Inter ual ve and floods owa hwe de seas Tropical mea 18° decrease i ster the on Coinvereg n C the life tree n rain is ence Zone tem expectanc hou regi fore wet (ITCZ) pera y, thin se ons sts; and ture perimeter of woo equatorial at structures the d west wind least without isla hut zone 22 any heatnd loca °C, insulating of ted avar structure Ne on age due to a w the ann perennial Gui trun ual warm nea; ks fluct weather, Wes of uati no heating t tree on or cooling Iria s (8 und demand n - 25 er 5 prov met °C ince ers - and Indo sim nesi etim 68 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http: //w ww. geor gest ein met m/in dex. php Geo rg Stei nme tz http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 349 935 625 26/v -40koro waitree hou sekoro waiterul et Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by a es (Oc 50 eani met a) ers high ) due to the prot ecti on fro m floo ds; a hut is divi ded into 2 or 3 rect 69 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ang ular unit s 70 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 2.) aver sum wint savanna age mer er is climate ann is the ual the dry amo rain seas unt y on, bet seas the wee on, avar n the age 500 avar prec - age ipita 150 prec tion 0 ipita max mm tion imu max m is imu und m is er abo 20 ve mm 60 at mm least at in 3 least mon in 3 ths mon ths Inte r Tro pica l Coi nver ege nce Zon e (IT CZ) in the rain y seas on, equ atori al west win d is typi cal east win ds of the trad e win d zon e are typi ca in the dry seas on avar age ann ual fluct uati on bet wee n515 °C abo abo incr no We ve ve ease heat we 28° 18° d ing wa C C, cool dem hou nev ing and, se er dem inha goes and bita belo in nts w sum spen 12° mer, d C mat their erial time s outs with ide goo eve d n in ther wint mal er stor (e.g. age : capa coo city, k only outs a ide) few ope ning 71 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Wes t Sum ba Indo nesi a( Asia ) thre e stor ey hou se built on pile s; orga nic mat erial s (wo od, bam boo, lian e, gras s etc.) Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 Joan na Mro ss http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 535 147 828 11/v -35we we wahazwe we waterul etek nyu gatsum ba Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) (less than 8 mon ths) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by s or no ope ning s at all (sm all ope ning s near the grou nd caus ea fall in the indo or tem pera 72 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww w.fl ickr. com Nao Nis himi ya Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ture ), wat ertig ht stru ctur es due to bigg er amo unt of prec ipita tion 73 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chri stop he Ceri sier Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Gur unsi eart hho use 74 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Bur kina Fas o; Gha na (Afr ica) ado be bric k fro m soil mix ed with clay , stra w and cow man ure; woo den roof stuc ture; sma ll ope http: Rita http: //w Will //ha ww. aert bitat desi io.tu gnb mbl oom .co m/p m/ar ost/ chit 422 ectu 076 re/g 174 urun 42/ simaj eart a hhou sesofburk inafaso / Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ning s near the grou nd 75 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Scot t Wor thin gton Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Nor bert Sch oen auer : 600 0 Yea rs of Hou sing , Garl and STP M Pres s, 198 1 May Sout mix a h ed hou Mex buil se ico; ding Gua mat tem erial 76 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nor bert Sch oen auer ww Den http: w.fl nis //ha ickr. Jarv bitat com is io.tu mbl Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ala; Beli ze; El Salv ador ; west ern regi ons of Hon dura s (Ce ntral Am eric a) s; wall stru ctur es fro m woo den bea ms, ston es and soil infil l Plan t Desi gn Onli ne ww Jim 77 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. m/p ost/ 449 316 694 87/v -18guru nsifold haza kguru nsiterul etburk ina Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Oliv avel er pict ures byji moli ver. wor dpre ss.c om 78 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 79 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Gon zále z Cla verá n Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e 3.) aver a seve mostly avar tropical age shor ral part of the age dry ann t, 1 mon trade wind ann savanna ual or 2 ths zone,unde ual climate amo mon with r the fluct unt ths out influence uati bet long rain of Inter on wee wet Tropical bet n peri Coinvereg wee 200 oda ence Zone n 5 - shor (ITCZ) in 15 500 t, 1 summer °C mm, or 2 errat mon ic ths fluct long uati wet ons peri od mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by abo abo stru no Afar regi port ve ve ctur heat tent on able 28° 18° es ing of hut; C C, with dem the 1,6 nev goo and Dan 2,2 er d due akil met goes ther to a Des ers belo mal com ert: high w stor fort Djib and 12° age able outi; 15 C capa tem Sout m2; city prer h- fire and atur east plac few e in Eritr e ope wint ea; loca ning er Nort ted s or h- clos hot east e to air Ethi the per opia door mea (Afr port ble ica) able mat hut; erial 1,6 s 2,2 due met 80 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Eric http: w.fl Laff //ha ickr. orgu bitat com e io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 374 740 915 10/a fartent Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by to swel ters (so meti mes bet wee n 40° C and 50° C in the dayt ime ); prot ecti on agai nst sand stor m in the 81 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ers high and 15 m2; fire plac e loca ted clos e to the door Lin da De Vol der Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by dese rts 82 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Paul Fasi Oliv l er: Gior Enc ghis yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Ban diag ara esca rpm ent 83 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Mal i; Bur kina Fas o (Afr ica) villa ges are loca ted at the bott om of the cliff s; hou ses mad e of ston e and ado be ww Hui http: w.p b //ha anor Blo bitat ami m io.tu mbl m m/p ost/ 454 327 304 69/v -17ban diag araszik lala kaso kdog onterul etek Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 84 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 85 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Nor bert Sch oen auer : 600 0 Yea rs of Hou sing , Garl and STP M Pres s, 198 1 86 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nor bert Sch oen auer Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer 4.) clim ates of the low latit udes aver age ann ual amo unt und er 200 mm, mos t of this prec ipita tion amo unt is cous ed by infr equ no typical seasonal distributio n of rain 4a.) clim ate of zon al dese rts pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter under the influence of trade wind zone or subtropica l anticyclon e (high pressure area), western winds all year long tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter avar abo abo shading, age ve ve light ann 28° 12° admitting ual C C and fluct conveying uati structures; on protection bet against wee sandstorm n 5s caused 15° by strong C winds; demand for watertight structures due to infequent but intensive showers exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Bed uin blac k tent 87 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nort h Afri ca (Afr ica); Ara bian Peni nsul a (Asi a) air cov eyin g and shad ing thin peri met er wov en can vas fro m goat (so meti mes cam el or shee ww yeo http: w.fl wat //ha ickr. zup bitat com io2. blog spot .hu/ 201 1/03 /indi anfold haz. html Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ent sho wer s p) fur sup port ed by woo den pilla rs 88 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Joh n Gra vett Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by fvfa vo 89 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Nor bert Sch oen auer : 600 0 Yea rs of Hou sing , Garl and STP M Pres s, 198 1 90 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nor bert Sch oen auer Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Nav Ariz cirlc ajo ona, le or hog US ploy an A gon (No (dia rth met Am er eric 3-4 a) met ers); latti ce wor k sup port ing stru ctur e with parti al or 91 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http: //w ww. nor man kore m Nor man Kor en http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 415 640 382 65/v -25bed uinfeke tesato rbed uinterul etek Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by total grou nd cov erin g 92 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by http: //lin ks. man athemov ie.c om/ hog an.h tm 93 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Suz ann e Elts osie Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Asir Asir squa hou prov re; se ince thre e Sau stor di ey; Ara 10bia 12 (Asi met a) ers high buil ding with quar ryston e fund atio n, ston e plint 94 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Eric http: w.fl Laff //ha ickr. orgu bitat com e io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 514 174 404 28/v -28aszi rhazaszi rterul etaszi rtarto man Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by h, ado be wall s 95 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. y Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 96 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Jon F. Lav elle Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 97 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 4b.) clim ates of cool coas tal dese rts near cold ocea n curr ents ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter aver age ann ual amo unt und er 50 mm, pred omi nant ly fro m fog con dens atio n no typical seasonal distributio n of rain win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by easterly wind of the trade wind zone avar age ann ual fluct uati on bet wee n510 °C bet wee n 17 23° C bet wee n 12 16° C no cool ing or shad ing dem and due to a com fort able tem pera ture in sum mer thin, nonwat erthi ght peri met er stru ctur es due to a war m wint er and low amo unt of prec ipita tion all the year uninhabitad areas ( e.g.: Atacama Desert, Namib Desert ), at present there are a few settlements on the coast; sings of previous life can be found in the inner areas (e.g.: Atacama Desert/ Pukara de Quitor/ ruins of a previous fortress)uninha bitad areas ( e.g.: Atacama Desert, Namib Desert ), at present there are a few settlements on the coast; sings of previous life can be found in the inner areas (e.g.: Atacama Desert/ Pukara de Quitor/ ruins of a previous fortress) 98 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. - - - - Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by B) 5.) bet subt subtropica wee ropi l steppe n cal 200 clim ates 500 mm sum mer mon ths with out rain shor t, 1 or 2 mon ths long wet peri od dry trade n.a. aver bet wind zone age wee or abo n 6 subtropica ve 12° l high 28° C pressure C, zone most hot of the sum year, west mer wind zone in winter peri met er stru ctur e with goo d ther mal stor age capa city and sma ll win dow s due to a hot no heat ing dem and due to a war mer wint er; stru ctur e with goo d ther mal stor age capa city Tun isia n pit hou se 99 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Mat mat a regi on Tun isia (Afr ica) artif icial pit hou se dug into the smo oth, sand ston e mou ntai ns; irre gula r circl e pit as a pati o/ba ww w.fl ickr. com Mal col m Bott http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 508 539 619 14/v -26mud hifmoc sariarab mad anterul etek Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by sum mer 100 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ck yard artif icial pit hou se dug into the smo oth, sand ston e mou ntai ns; irre gula r circl e pit as a pati Patr ick Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by o/ba ck yard 101 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. __R ico_ _ Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww w.b uildi ngre enfu ture s.or g 102 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Gui do Mor etti Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Mu Cen reed dhif tral, hou Ha se mm on ar artif and icial Ha isla wiz nds eh mad mar e shes fro m Iraq mud (Asi and a) reed ; hou ses in diff eren t size s but with simi lar 103 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Nik http: w.le Wh //ha jour eele bitat nald r io.tu elap mbl hoto grap m/p hie. ost/ com 538 636 563 89/t une ziaigod orhaz Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by cons truct ions 104 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 105 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Ant hon y Qui ney Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e 6.) med iterr anea n aver age ann ual amo unt is bet wee n 500 100 0 mm sum mer is the dry seas on, at least in 3 mon ths the avar age prec ipita tion max imu m is und er 20 wint er is the rain y seas on, at least in 3 mon ths the avar age prec ipita tion max imu m is abo ve 60 und er the infl uen ce of subt ropi cal high pres sure zon e und er the infl uen ce of extr atro pica l west win d zon e ann abo abo oute no ual ve ve r nee mea 22° 4°C peri d of n C met thic tem er k pera stru heat ture ctur abo e insu ve with latin 14 goo g °C d peri ther met mal er stor stru age ctur capa es city due due to a to a war war mer m wint sum er mer 6a.) hotsum mer med iterr anea n clim ate mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Bee Iraq wall hive ; s hou Syri fro se a; m sout sun heas drie tern d or regi dou ons bed of ado Tur be key bric (Asi ks; a) dom es stan d on the grou nd in Syri a; dom 106 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww publ http: w.w ic //ha orld dom bitat kazt ain io.tu our. mbl kz m/p ost/ 519 862 545 72/v -24meh kasalak uhazterul etirak sziri a Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by mm mm es stan d on verti cal wall s in the sout heas tern regi ons of Tur key 107 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww FO w.fl Tra ickr. vel com Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Istv Istv ánfi ánfi Gyu Gyu la: la Ősk orNép i épít észe t, Ne mze ti Tan kön yvki adó, 200 0 108 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 6b.) cool sum mer med iterr anea n clim ate ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter aver age ann ual amo unt is bet wee n 500 100 0 mm freq uent fog for mati on wint er is the rain y seas on, at least in 3 mon ths the avar age prec ipita tion max imu m is abo ve 60 und er the infl uen ce of subt ropi cal high pres sure zon e, cold sea flow s und n.a. und abo thic no er er ve ker nee the 22° 4°C oute d of infl C, r thic uen relat peri k ce ivel met heat of y er extr cold stru insu atro ctur latin pica e g l due peri west to a met win cold er d er stru zon sum ctur e mer e due to a war mer wint er exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Pall oza ston eho uses 109 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Vill arell o, Xan tes, Don is, Pior ned o,M orei ra Spai n (Eur ope) circl e (ava rage dia met er: 1012 met ers), ellip tical or oval shap e; 2 met ers high and 1 met er ww w.p anor ami m mai scar gad ade bom bo http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 442 410 666 20/p aloz za Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by mm thic k wall s; woo den hip roof with stra w roof ing 110 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww n.a. w.d eco ncre te.or g 111 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer 7.) humid bet max subtropica wee imu l climate n m 100 prec 0 - ipita 150 tion 0 in mm sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter mini west wind mu zone, m monsoon prec effect ipita tion in wint er tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter ann abo abo shad no ual ve ve ing nee mea 22° 6°C stuc d of n C ture thic tem s or k pera narr heat ture ow abo win insu ve dow latin 14 s g °C due peri to met the er stro stru ng ctur suns e hine due , to a larg war e mer amo wint unt er exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Gas shostyl e min ka 112 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Shir aka wago and Gok aya ma villa ges cent ral regi on of the isla nd of Hon shu, latti ce wor k sup port ing stru ctur e; reed roof with 60° pitc h, indo or area divi ded into ww w.c om mon s.wi kim edia .org Ber nard Gag non http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 470 464 788 97/ min ka Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by of perc ipita tion will infl uen ce the peri met er stru ctur e 113 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Japa a n soil (Asi pav a) ed area and a rais ed woo den pav ed area - Bes seny ei Kris ztin a Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww Yas w.y upa asup a.w ordp ress. com 114 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww w.ta kay ama ryok an.j p 115 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Tos hika zu Tak ahas hi Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Fuji an Tul ou 116 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. sout heas tern regi ons of Fuji an prov ince Chi na (Asi a) 8-10 met ers high ; 6070 met ers in dia met er; 2 met ers tick wall fro m fluv ial ston es or gran ite until the 2nd met er in heig ww Joh http: w.fl n //ha ickr. Mec bitat com kley io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 374 736 183 96/t ulou chri stiea ndst eve Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 117 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ht; abo ve, 1m tick soil wall rein forc ed with a mixt ure of sand , clay and lime , verti call y stre nght end with bam boo stic ks ; loop hole ope ning s Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 Wu Qin gzh ou Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter C) 8.) bet homogene tem maritime wee ous pera temperate n annual te climate 600 distributio clim n, ates 200 precipitati 0 on mm minimum in spring, precipitati on maximum in fall win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by all time of the year under the influence of west wind and midlatitude cyclone ann ual mea n tem pera ture abo ve 8 °C, avar age ann ual fluct uati on und er 15 °C bet wee n 14 18° C bet impermea Hai wee ble da n 1 - stuctures hou 6°C and few se openings due to uniformly high precipitati on, heating demand in summer, no heating demand in winter 118 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Hai da Gw aii/ Que en Cha rlott e Isla nds Briti sh Col umb ia, Can ada; US A (No rth built out of the light , stro ng, not deca ying gian t thuj a; squa re shap ed buil ding ; dou Mus Bill http: eum Rei //ha of d bitat Ant io.tu hrop mbl olog y, m/p Uni ost/ vers 415 ity 538 of 935 Briti 98/h sh aida Col umb ia, Van cou ver Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Am ble eric pitc a) h roof is typi cal; the fire plac e is in a rece ssed mid dle indo or area http: Rai //int ner ellig Jens enttr s avel .nati onal geo grap hic. com / Paul Oliv er: Enc yclo pedi a of Ver nac 119 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Tara Mic hele Cah n Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 120 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Scot tish blac kho use 121 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Heb ride sScot land (Eur ope) 2m thic k ston e wall s with grou nd, truf and derb is infil l and with out mor tar; no tie bea ww w.fl ickr. com And rew Ben nett Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by m in the roof stuc ture; gras s and reef roof ing; natu ral light com es only thro ugh the door ;a fire plac 122 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 497 238 345 83/s kot Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by e in the mid dle of the livin groo m Istv Istv ánfi ánfi Gyu Gyu la: la Ősk orNép i épít észe t, Ne 123 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by mze ti Tan kön yvki adó, 200 0 9.) humid continenta l climate with longer warm season bet wee n 500 100 0 mm prec ipita tion max imu m in sum mer prec all the aver ipita year under age tion the ann mini influence ual mu of west fluct m in wind and uati wint midon er, laitude bet spri cyclone wee ng n 15 - 30 °C abo abo peri mai Wes ve ve - met nly tern 18 3 °C er thic Tra °C stru k nsda ctur oute nubi e r awith peri dwe goo met lling d er ther stru hou mal ctur se stor e age with 124 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Őrs ég regi onVas Cou nty, Hun gary ; Göc sej and roug hly face d log wall s mad e out of coni fero - Bab os Ann amá ria http: //sk anze /?fm =art icle &id =15 0 Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter capa city due to a sma llscal ed cool ing dem and goo d heat insu latin g prop ertie s and goo d exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 125 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Het és regi ons Zala Cou nty, Hun gary (Eur ope) us woo d on oak sole ; mud dou b and limy wall s; Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ther mal stor age capa city, nor mal heat ing dem and due to a mild er wint er, no extr eme effe cts of 126 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. reed roof ing Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by win d or perc ipita tion 127 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Mo Mo fold ngol ngol able ian ia and Yurt (Asi tran a); spor Car tabl path e ian stru Basi ctur n es; (Eur wall ope) s mad e out of strut s with felt cov erin g; dom 128 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Carl http: os //gal uter Barr eria. ia inde m /kul fold /201 3/08 /07/ ulan bato rt_u jra_ elle pik_ a_ju rtak/ Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by e shap ed roof stuc ture; cirlc e shap ed stru ctur e; mon goli an yurt look s like 'jurt a' used by 129 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by the Hun gari ans duri ng their sette lme nts time 130 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Fels őTisz a regi on dwe lling hou se 131 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Fels őTisz a regi on nort heas tern regi on of Hun gary (Eur ope) latti ce wor k wall stuc ture with clay poa che d wic ker; later fro m ado be bric ks - Bab os Ann amá ria http: //sk anze /?fm =art icle &id =14 6 Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 132 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 133 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 134 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Bala ton Upl ands dwe lling hou se 135 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Bak ony hills Bala ton Upl ands , Hun gary (Eur ope) dwe lling hou se with 3 or mor e roo ms; smo ky kitc hen; stac ked ston e wall s fro m yell ow or grey lime , dolo mit, red sand ston e or blac k basa lt; hard woo - Bab os Ann amá ria http: //sk anze /?fm =art icle &id =14 9 Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 136 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 137 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 138 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 10.) humid continenta l climate with shorter warm season and cold winter ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter bet wee n 400 800 mm sum mer prec ipita tion at max imu m wint er prec ipita tion at mini mu m extratropi cal west wind zone influence all of the year, periodical easterly wind zone effects in summer tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter avar abo und no mai age ve er cool nly ann 18° 0°C ing thic ual C dem k fluct and oute uati r on peri abo met ve er 30 stru °C ctur e with goo d heat insu latin g prop ertie s and exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Sete Aus hou sdal t- ses far Agd built mst er fro ead cou m nty coni - fero Nor us way woo (Eur d ope) bea ms; pre mis es: hall, cha mbe r and livin g roo m; a 139 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Gre http: w.fl g //ha ickr. Eme bitat com l io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 476 461 839 72/v -12sete sdal tany asete sdal terul et Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by goo d ther mal stor age capa city; stro nger heat ing dem and due to a cold er wint er; no extr eme effe 140 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. fire plac e is in the mid dle of the livin groo m ww w.n orsk folk emu seu m.n o Ann eLise Rei nsfe lt Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by cts of win d or prec ipita tion 141 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww w.di gital tmu seu m.n o Nor sk Folk emu seu m Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter 11.) bet prec prec extratropi temperate wee ipita ipita cal west steppe n tion tion wind zone climate 200 max mini influence - imu mu all of the 500 m in m in year, mm sum wint sometime mer er s or monsoon spri effect ng tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter avar abo bet no thic age ve wee cool ker, ann 22° n - ing oute ual C 5°C dem r fluct and and peri uati met on 25° er abo C stru ve ctur 30 e °C with goo d ther mal stor age capa city exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Teh uelc he told o 142 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Pata goni a (So uth Am eric a) sim ple tent with a sma ller indo or area (1015 m2) ; cov erin g fro m jack et; woo den pilla r sup port ele men ts und er the cov http: //w ww. uniak.a cult ure/ Uni v.Lekt . Prof . Erw in Mel char dt http: //ha bitat io2. blog spot .hu/ 201 1/04 /teh uelc hetold ml Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by erin g; one side of the tent is ope n 143 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 12.) temperate desert climate ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter und pred pred extratropi er omi omi cal west 200 nant nant wind zone mm ly ly dry dry tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by avar abo bet air thic Tur age ve wee con ker, kme ann 22° n 5 - veyi oute n ual C 30° ng r yurt fluct C mat peri uati erial met on s to er abo cool stru ve insi ctur 40 de e °C area with s goo d ther mal stor age capa city mad e out of mult iple laye rs of air con veyi ng mat erial s due to cold 144 er Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. wint ers Tur kme nist an; Afg hani stan ; Tur key; Iran , Paki stan (Asi a) popl ar or will ow skel eton ; woo l cov erin g is fixe d with rope s and belt s; the top of the roof can be ope ned to let the light in and let the smo ke outp ww w.w dl.o rg Serg ey Pro kudi nGor sky http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 404 355 291 47/v -29turk men jurta turk men terul etek Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 145 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 146 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Paul Paul Oliv Oliv er: er Dw ellin gs, Phai dron Pres s Lim ited, 200 3 147 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) D) 13.) bet suba maritime wee rctic subarctic n clim climate 600 ates 120 0 mm pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter homogene ous annual distributio n, precipitati on maximum in spring and fall pola r west win d zon e extr n.a. bet bet occa thic atro wee wee sion ker pica n 6 - n - al oute l 14° 10 - heat r west C 1°C ing peri win dem met d and er zon due stru e to a ctur cold e er with sum goo mer d ther mal stor age capa city due to a cold er wint exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Tra ditio nal Turf Hou ses 148 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Icel and e.g.: Gla umb aer ranc h (Eur ope) long hou se with a dou ble pitc h roof ; woo den and soil stuc ture s with icel andi c gras s ww *hel http: w.fl oise //ha ickr. bitat com io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 490 425 436 62/v -11izla ndigye pha zizla nditerul et103000 Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by er; stro ng heat ing dem and 149 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. cov erin g Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by And rea Car olfi 150 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww n.a. jodv eldi sbae 151 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 14.) continenta l subarctic climate ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by bet wee n 200 500 mm sum mer prec ipita tion is typi cal low amo unt of wint er prec ipita tion pola r west win d zon e extr atro pica l west win d zon e avar age ann ual fluct uati on abo ve 40 °C bet wee n 10 16° C bet wee n25° C and 50° C occa sion al heat ing dem and due to a cold er sum mer thic Sam Nor tent ker i way can oute lavv ; be r u Swe built peri den; up met Finn quic er, land kly; laye (Eur ears red ope) as heat ; sup nort port insu hern ing latin regi stuc g ons ture stru of s ctur Rus cov es sia ered due (Asi with to a a) jack cold et, er coar wint se er, wea stro ve ng line heat n or ing birc 152 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww publ http: w.w ic //ha ikip dom bitat edia ain io.tu .org mbl m/p ost/ 349 899 732 12/l avv u Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by dem and, inha bita nts usua lly slee p by the fire 153 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. hbar k; the top of the tent is ope n; pavi ng fro m bark or twig s; fire plac e in the mid dle tent can be ww And w.fl y ickr. Port com er Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 154 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. built up quic kly; ears as sup port ing stuc ture s cov ered with jack et, coar se wea ve line n or birc hbar k; the top of the tent is ope n; pavi ng fro m bark or twig Perc ita Ditt mar Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer E) pola r clim ates und er 250 mm sum n.a. pola extr n.a. bet abo occa thic mer r atro wee ut - sion ker prec west pica n 0 - 50° al oute ipita win l 10° C heat r tion d west C, ing peri is zon win the dem met typi e d mon and er cal zon thly due stru e mea to a ctur n cold e tem er with pera sum goo ture mer d is ther abo mal ve 0 stor °C age max capa imu city m in due a3 to a mon cold ths wint long er, peri stro od ng heat ing 15.) tundra climate pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Chu kchi valk aran 155 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. East Rus sia; Chu kotk aFar East ern Fed eral Dist rict, Rus sia (Asi a) sem isubt erra nea n dwe lling hou se cons truct ed fro m wha le jaws and ribs; cov ered with soil and gras s; ww Maj ik eno Imaj vina e .net Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by dem and 156 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. squa re shap ed buil ding ; dom e shap ed roof stru ctur e; pavi ng fro m bon es and twig s; fire plac e in the mid dles emisubt erra nea Stev en J. Kaz low ski http: //ha bitat io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 501 012 934 47/v -30csuk csvalk aran csuk csterul et Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by n dwe lling hou se cons truct ed fro m wha le jaws and ribs; cov ered with soil and gras s; squa re shap ed buil ding ; dom e shap ed 157 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by roof stru ctur e; pavi ng fro m bon es and twig s; fire plac e in the mid dle 158 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e 16.)ice cap climate ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by und accumulat all the n.a. und n.a. structure Inui US dom er ion of year under er with good t A; e 100 snow the 0°C thermal iglo Can shap mm progressiv influence storage o ada; ed ely of polar and heatnort shel becomes west wind insulating hern ters ice zone capacity regi mad due to a ons e perennial of out blanket of Gre of snow enla com nd pres (No sed rth sno Am w eric and a); ice Rus sia (Asi a) 159 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. http: //w ww. arcti cph oto. co.u k Bry an & Che rry Ale xan der http: //ha bitat io00 ogs pot. hu/2 011/ 02/i nuit iglu inuit iglo ml? utm _so urce =BP _rec ent Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 160 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by 161 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter F) 17.) n.a. snow line high tropical above land highland 4000 m clim climate ates win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter n.a. tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by dail und ann outer Dor Sout bam y er ual perimeter ze h boo fluct 10° mea structures hut Ethi or uati C n and the opia hard on tem heating (Afr woo gro pera demands ica) d ws ture depend on pilla with low the rs altit ers vertical knitt ude 0,5° location ed C/1 of the with 00 building; bam m basically boo strong watt heating les; demand is this typical in wall every stuc season; ture outer is perimeter insu structure late with a d good heatwith 162 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Fre http: w.fl BeB //ha ickr. os bitat com io.tu mbl m/p ost/ 374 745 078 75/d orze Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by insulating properties and a good thermal storage capacity 163 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. gras s and cov ered wild ban ana leav es; clay pavi ng Kev in Smi th Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ngai re laws on 164 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Paul Elia Oliv s er: Yitb Enc arek yclo pedi a of Ver nac ular Arc hite ctur e of the Wor ld, Ca mbr idge Uni vers ity Pres s, 199 7 165 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Maa Ken sma sai ya;T ll, hut anza inde nia finit (Afr e ica) shap ed, 1,5 met ers high , 3x5 met ers larg e; latti ce wor k sup port ing 166 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww Ron http: w.m Hay //ha ega bitat pixe io.tu ltrav mbl el.c om m/p ost/ 376 371 820 02/ mas zaj Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by stru ctur e with an infil l fro m mud , gras s, ash, cow man ure and twin gs 167 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. ww w.le ean dme lind avar ian. com Mel inda Ava rian Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by ww w.fl ickr. com Mau rits Ver meu len Paul Paul Oliv Oliv er: er Dw ellin gs, Phai dron Pres s 168 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by Lim ited, 200 3 18.) n.a. precipitati temperate on amount highland grows climate until a definite altitude, if the mountain is high enough the precipitati on amount lowers approachi ng the peak n.a. dail und ann y er ual fluct 10° mea uati C n on tem gro pera ws ture with low altit ers ude 0,5° C/1 00 m Vai nak h med ieva l tow er 169 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Che chn ya and Ingu shet ia Nort h Cau casi an Fed eral Dist rict, Rus sia (Eur ope) 6x6 met ers larg e, thre e or four stor ey dwe lling tow ers with ston e wall s and woo den slab ww Ilya http: w.w Varl //ha angf amo bitat olyo v io.tu .blo mbl gsp ot.h m/p u ost/ 431 664 785 90/v -27vain akhnem zets egitorn yokvain akh Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by s 170 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions clim climate atic type zon e ave rag e yea rly pre cipi tati on sum (m m) pre cipi tati on amo unt sum mer pre cipi tati on amo unt win ter win d (cir cula tion )sum mer win d (cir cula tion )win ter tem per atur e valu e mea n tem per atur e of the war mes t mo nth (°C) mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) / mea n tem per atur e of the cold est mo nth (°C) effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in sum mer effe cts of clim ate on buil din g ene rgy in win ter exa loca desc cod sou pict hab mpl tion ript e of rce ure itati e ion the of / o buil pict the dra link din ures pict win g ures g by The aim of the research was to find and study representative buildings from the different climatic areas. The contents of this chapter can be illustrated best by the examples of vernacular architecture of different climatic areas, due to the fact that vernacular architecture responds the most conspicuously to the external effects of the environment. It is interesting to observe how sensitively the vernacular architecture reacts - opposite to the contemporary mostly non site-specific, fashionist architecture - to the environment of their buildings. Hopefully this site-specific knowledge of the vernacular architecture, which could intuitively form a local cultural environment, can be revitalized by the methods of the site-specific planning. Based on the listed buildings, it can be defined how the different climatic conditions influence the energy use of the buildings in summer and winter. Moreover the different cultural backgrounds and local building materials also have an influence on the architectural characteristics of the presented buildings. During the research it has become clear that in the various climatic areas fundamental differences can be observed in the constructions of the buildings and the building’s outer shells. Video 4. - Climatic Conditions 171 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and Climatic Conditions The listed climatic types were correlated to the Hungarian conditions. The climate of Hungary is temperate, humid continental climate with a longer warm season, compared to the other climatic types medium temperature values are characteristic without extreme wind or precipitation conditions. There is at least one example from the local vernacular architecture to every climatic type. When there were more examples found, buildings built from different building materials can be studied and compared within a climatic type. Besides the location a general description of the main structures and building materials can be found in the table on the example buildings. It can be seen from the table that for example buildings built out of soil in the areas of the tropic, temperate or tundra climate differ from the adobe and soil structures used in the Hungarian vernacular architecture. From the interior temperature values of the presented buildings listed in the last two columns it can be seen that climatic conditions have a great effect on the users’ demands on the comfort requirements with the interior spaces. It is astonishing how many people in the other parts of the world live in extreme conditions compared to the listed characteristic of interior temperature values in Hungary. The various outer perimeter structures of the listed buildings demonstrate that climatic conditions not only influence the energies entering the building, they also have a huge impact on the outer shells and other structures of the buildings. Moreover, climatic conditions have an effect on the inhabitants’ demands on the requirements about their living environment. 172 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 4. Energetics and location The previous chapter showed, to what measure the climatic conditions of specific climates can effect the energies entering the building and the configuration of the buildings’ outer shells and other structures. This chapter deals with climate of smaller places within a climate zone. It gives insight into the different environmental effects on a building within a climate zone, and into what influence these different effects can have on a building configuration from the viewpoint of building engineering. Specifically scaled climatic phenomena can be matched to the extents of regions on Earth’s surface. The measure of extent counts both in the horizontal and in the vertical direction. There is no understanding amongst specialists in the determination of the spatial limits of climatic phenomena. The fundament of the study is the classification of Japanese researcher Masatoshi Yoshino, which shows the different climatic phenomena’s vertical and horizontal dimensions. This classification can be observed on Illustration 6. - Spatial dimensions of climatic events. Figure 4.1. Matching the climatic categories determined by Yoshino with spatial scales was accomplished by Hungarian professor György Koppány, on Illustration 7. - Spatial scales of clime categories. Within the global climate of Earth, three main categories exists related to the climatic phenomena’s spatial dimensions: macro-, meso- and microclimate. This curricula – because of its small extent – does not address the phenomena of microclimate. Figure 4.2. 173 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location The zonal climate discussed in the previous chapter belongs to the group of macro climates, which is the zonal order of climatic components. The characteristic of regional climate, which belongs into the class of macro climate is, that in addition to climate determining factors, it also takes the major separate surface units and the effects created by them into consideration. Showed in the 3. chapter, Péczely’s modified Trewartha climate classification regarding the zonal climate of Hungary determines two climate areas: most of the area of the country is in ’humid continental climate with longer warm season’ climate area, and only the north-eastern part of the country and the higher mountain areas with colder winters belong to ’humid continental climate with shorter warm season and cold winter’. György Péczely has already shown, if we applied the climate classification created for global systematization to the area of Hungary, it would be unable to reveal those relatively small, and yet well sensible climatic differences, that exist in the country. György Péczely set up a new system of viewpoints for the more precise determination of Hungarian areas’ climatic regions. He studied the different areas water- and heat balance, than made up 16 combinations from their degrees. In Hungary he observed 12 of them, and based on these, he determined Hungary’s climate areas. Illustration 8. - György Péczely’s clime classification in Hungary. This climatic classification is already more particular, takes the regional qualities into account, but then it still remains on the level of macroclimate. Figure 4.3. Towards even more site specific and precise data, the chapter discusses local- and topoclimate within mesoclimate. The local climate is a climate that periodically changes compared to its surroundings due to the effect of cities, lakes and topography. Topoclimate is a climate with even finer structural differences within the previous climate. We can define the notion of topoclimate, on the same spatial dimension as meso- and microclimate. Topoclimatology is a fast developing discipline of climatology. It denotes climate of small areas where climatic differences can constantly be revealed between these areas and their environment, therefore they have an individual climate. 174 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location Table 4. - Topoclimates and their Effects shows to what measure the macroclimatic conditions alter in different locations. The object of the study is the data related to temperature in different topographical situations – mountain peak, knoll, southern slope, northern slope, built environment, forest, plain area, waterfront and valley. It’s visible, how the different mesoclimate - influenced outdoor environmental effects can manipulate the energies entering the building, the building service engineering configuration and the building’s outer shell. These statements are supported by a Polish research. In a town near Krakow, they measured the different temperatures in different topographical situations. The data recorded in the research demonstrates by precise value the differences caused by mesoclimates. Table 4.1. Table No 4. local climate mountain peak, plateau, hilltop environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by the greatest amount of solar radiation; typically a warm area, dependin g on the altitude (0,5-0,7 °C temperatu re decrease per 100 meters), also dependin g on the material of the ground surface durable Zafimanir structures y wooden due to houses high wind speeds; possible need of outside shading due to the high amount of solar radiation www.flic copepodo http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb OGgcT st/501007 56804/v23zafimanir yfahazakzafimanir yteruletek 175 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 176 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 177 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 178 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Daniel Coulaud Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1998 Energetics and location local climate slope southern slope environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by the greatest amount of solar radiation; typically a warm area same as the mountain peak, plateau, hilltop area; radiation reception of southern slopes is grater than that of the plains possible need of outside shading due to the high amounts of solar radiation Ema house http://ww Andrea http://goo http://habi w.seasite. K. .gl/maps/ tatio000.b Molnar/ ym847 logspot.h asttimor/ Northern u/2012/07 Illinois /emaUniversit umay kozepDepartme timornt of indonezia Anthropol .html?utm ogy and _source= Center for BP_recen Southeast t Asian Studies May 2005 179 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate northern slope environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by a smaller amount of solar radiation, than the mountain peak, plateau, hilltop are, souther slope area; lower mean temperatu res; lower radiation reception than on the southern slopes or plains possible Tamberm need for a thicker (Batamm structures aliba) with good house heatinsulating properties www.flic 180 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Nicolo Boggio http://habi tatio000.b logspot.h u/2012/07 /tamberm abatammal iba-haztogo.html ?utm_sou rce=BP_r ecent Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate 181 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate built enviroment environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate thermal surplus compared to open spaces, warmest areas are the densly built city environm ents, a phase delay can be observed in the daily warm up, compared to open spaces: usually it is colder in them morning and warmer in the evening, the phenome na occurs due to the thermal inertia and the own wind systems of the built environm ents dense Gurunsi layout of earth buildings; houses temperatu re surplus due to the change in the Earth's surface, no need for thick outer perimeter structures due to the higher temperatu res, need for structures with good thermal storage capacity, and outer shadings, due to warm and solar radiation intense summers www.flic 182 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Rita http://goo http://habi Willaert .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb DZHWN st/449316 69487/v18gurunsifoldhazak -gurunsiteruletburkina Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate www.flic Norbert Schoenau er forest a lower mean temperatu re in forest areas, possible need for thicker structures with good heat- Mayan house www.flic 183 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Dennis Jarvis http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb 3P7Cu st/422076 17442/ma ja Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate then in insulating open properties spaces, due to the shading and the vegetatio n itself; temperatu re fluctuatio n is te greatest on the canopy level www.flic Plant Design Online travelpict uresbyjim oliver.wo m Jim Oliver 184 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 185 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. González Claverán Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1997 Energetics and location local climate plain area environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate effected by a great amount of solar radiation, more then on southern slopes, but less than on northern ones; due to the lack of natural shadings high temperatu re values can be typical, lower temperatu res in shadow; temperatu res can vary in areas cultivated by man due to the changes in the structure of the soil surface wall structures with no or little openings, outside shading structures , due to the high temperatu res and the lack of natural shadings Xingu maloka ikpeng.or Christian http://goo http://habi g Knepper .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb xIx9l st/413552 62711/v08-xingumalokaxinguteruletbrazilia ikpeng.or g 186 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Mari Corrêa Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate pib.socioa Eduardo mbiental. Biral org 187 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate Paul Oliver: Encyclop edia of Vernacula r Architect ure of the World 188 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Hamilton Botelho Malhano Cambridg e Universit y Press Energetics and location local climate waterfront environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate the waterfron t wind phenome na effects the temparatu re, during daytime it cools the air down, during nighttime it heats the air up daytime Wewewa and house nighttime temperatu res close to each other, no need for thick struckture s with great heatinsulating properties ; residentia l spaces raised form the ground level, due to the often variing water levels Cambridg e Universit y Press, 1995 http://goo http://habi .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb yymVN st/535147 82811/v35wewewahazwewewateruleteknyugatwww.flic nao sumba nishimiya 189 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Joanna Mross Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate www.flic christoph e_cerisier 190 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate valley environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate due to the vally wind phenome na, cold air is getting into the valley during daytime, and hot air during nighttime; tipically more percipitati on steep Manggara pitched i Mbaru roofs due Niang to the great amount of percipitati on; durable, thick, multilayered structures with good heatinsulating properties due to the high speeds of wind, and cold temperatu res Aga Khan http://goo http://habi Award .gl/maps/ tatio.tumb for 0EShv Architect st/519685 ure 62236/vCourtesy 33of manggara Architect i-mbaruniangteruletwae-rebo 191 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location local climate environm building examples code of source of picture/d map link habitatio ental energy of the the rawing link effects effects of vernacul pictures pictures by local ar climates architect ure on savannah climate apakabard Rumah Asuh / Yori Antar In vernacular architecture the different cultures reacted to the typical environmental effects that surrounded their houses according to their own limits of technical development. It’s important to note that compared to the vernacular architecture’s tools, today’s technologies do not limit the site-specific design. The example buildings in the table draw attention to the architecture references in different mesoclimates within ’savannah’ climate, which covers great areas on almost every continent on Earth. In addition to the basic differences showed in the table before, it’s important to mention the situations within the city. These situations are related to as topoclimates by climatology. A lot of researchers deal with the climate evolving within cities, where the temperature shows the most visible change compared to its environment, primarily temperature is growing, which manifests in city heat islands. The Illustration 9. - Schematic distribution of excessive temperature in town, its cross-sectional view and its horizontal structure in case of ideal weather conditions upgraded by János Unger shows the heat island effect. Figure 4.4. 192 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location In addition to the temperature factors studied in this chapter, from the viewpoint of building service engineering wind also can be determinative whose drying and cooling effect can cause temperature decrease. The wind can notonly appear in greatly dimensioned areas, but on quite small areas as well. These are the so called local winds. The shore wind appears on sea shores and lake shores, alternating direction within a single day. During daytime the land warms up quickly and intensively, thus it gets hotter than the surface of the lake or the sea. Therefore the air close to the surface streams from the high pressured water surface to the hotter, low pressured continent (lake wind, sea wind). Naturally, aloft the the circle closes, thus the air flows from the land towards the water. At night the situation is inverted, the sea, ocean cools down slower, therefore at night the water surface stays warmer and the air flows from the cooler continent to the warmer sea and aloft the circle closes (shore wind, continental wind). This phenomenon can be observed among others at lake Balaton. On sloping surfaces, an individual wind system, the so called mountain-valley wind comes about. At daytime on the better warming upper part of the slope the air pressure is low, thus convection evolves, which makes air motion upwards from the valley (valley wind). At night on the upper convex part of the slope, due to the high surface radiation, the air cools quicker. The cold air starts to flow down aside the slope towards the valley (mountain wind). In the valley a „cold air lake” can appear at this time. Figure 4.5. 193 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Energetics and location Along with the natural makings that determine topoclimate, the intervention of humans can also considerably effect the climatic conditions of a location. Heat islands typically appear in manmade cities. The lowering of this extra temperature coming with this phenomenon could be the task of urban designers. In case of Barcelona, during the design of the street network, the dominance of the cooling effect of the sea wind was an important feature to keep. In Barcelona urban designers wanted to moderate the expected extreme environmental effects by the use of the observed natural phenomena. Energy consumption of the cities can be made more efficient by measuring and using – on the contrary of today’s habit of ignoring or generalizing – site-specific data. 194 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 5. The DROID and its history Recognizing the significance of the presented and studied facts in the various chapters of the curriculum, the geometrical shape of a building and the building-energetical effects of the local environment, a patented interdisciplinary invention, a newly designed measuring equipment and software system came to life at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The system called DROID creates site and building geometry-specific data measured individually on the construction site and organizes them into a database. Information gathered from the database the individual building energetic conditions can be used already in the early phases of design. The result: significant energyand cost-savings, plus the local architectural character reappears! Video 6. – The Droid 1. 5.1. The invented measuring system and its three components: Figure 5.1. 1.1. 5.1.1. The measuring device: designed and built by the research team for measuring and processing building energetically significant environmental conditions on surfaces angeled typical of our buildings. For designing the shape of the measuring device the Department of Residential Building Design announced an ideas competition for students of architecture. The winning group of students became part of the designing team. 1.2. 5.1.2. The evaluating algorithm: The research team cooperating with building energy and meterology-measuring technology experts created and is still refining the connection of the data provided by the measuring system with the building energetic calculations to prepare a possible modification of the standards for future building energetic calculations. More precise data results in more precise dimensioning, which could lead to an approximate 20% energy-saving according to the prior calculations. 1.3. 5.1.3. The visualization software: developed by the research team, it performs simulations with data received from the measuring system and the model of the building’s concept made by the architect. This 3D software presents the future energetic behavior of the new building. So the architect can design energetically sensitive buildings even in the early concept making phases: economically optimal buildings come to life while adapting energetically and culturally to the local specificities. 195 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 6. About the project The first four chapters demonstrated that the inhabitants’ demands and the environmental effects impacting the building are significantly differing in time and space. In the following, a system of criteria will be presented for a building’s study, to be used in the future. We hope that based on this system of criteria, the present dimensioning - based on generalized data - and the result of a complex site-specific dimensioning methodology will be easy to compare. Besides general data the dimensioning also takes the specific characteristics of the site into consideration, thus approaching from the a bigger total to a smaller detail. Video 5. - Location of the Example Building 1. Test Exercise Make an analysis of an existing building in respect of site-specific planning! Method of analysis / solution of the excercise: The first step of the analysis is the evaluation of the data on the building in respect of the community of inhabitants and their demands regarding comfort levels. After this the energy dimensioning of the building is done according to the existing regulation, using the general data of the building and projected average meteorological data from over the country. Energy dimensioning used in this first step is not site-specific, as it is based only on average rough geometrical resolution weather data. As a result of the previous thoughts, this dimensioning can be applied only after the building is architecturally designed, it does not give any prior suggestion about the geometry and lay out of the building. The second phase of the dimensioning methodology applicable in the future – which shows the study of the building site – contains data about the local climate, orography and all kinds of data which could effect the more optimal lay-out, geometry and structural design of the building, the energetic map of the site is created. Students have to create a data sheet from a selected dwelling-house, considering the presented complex dimensioning methodology as scheme. Task sheet 1. – Scheme of the task The whole curriculum –including the data sheet – wants to draw attention to the lacks and mistakes of the existing dimensioning system, or rather to the importance and possibilities of the site-specific building design. The forming of the the site-specific approach and the reform of the building energy dimensioning methodology is a long process, the current status of this process is summarized in this curriculum. The DROID measuring system, the evaluation algorithm and the visualization software – keeping up with technology and changing needs - are under constant development and refinement. As a result, this curriculum is an always changing and expanding collection of information following the constant developments. 196 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 7. Bibliography and Recommended Literature: • Bánhidi László – Kajtár László (2000): Komfortelmélet, Budapest: Műegyetemi Kiadó • Debreceni Egyetem, Meteorológiai Tanszék, kiadott előadásanyag: • Debreceni Egyetem, Meteorológiai Tanszék, kiadott előadásanyag: • Glenn Thomas Trewartha (1968): An Introduction to Climate, New York: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company • Joanna Kopcińska, Barbara Skowera, Jakub Wojkowski (2011): The impact of relief and land use on the diversity oflocal climate. • Masatoshi Yoshino (1975) Climate in a Small Area: An Introduction to Local Meteorology, Columbia University Press • Unger János (2010): A városi hősziget jelenség néhány aspektusa. http://real- • Péczely György (1979): Éghajlattan, Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó • Péczely György (1984): A Föld éghajlata, Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó • Rados Jenő (1961): Magyar építészettörténet, Budapest: Műszaki Könyvkiadó • Dora Wiebenson and József Sisa (2002): The Architecture of Historic Hungary, MIT / Massachussets Institute of Technology 197 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 8. Appendix • Table 1. - The needs on accommodations [1] • Table 2. - Change of the Air Conditions in Historical Living Spaces [25] • Table 3. - Climatic Conditions and their Effects [68] • Table 4. - Topoclimates and their Effects [175] • Video 1.- The Research • Video 2. - Contemporary Comfort • Video 3. - History of Comfort • Video 4. - Climatic Conditions • Video 5. - Location of the Example Building • Video 6. – The Droid • Illustration 1. - Predicted Mean Vote graph • Illustration 2. - Permissible airflow speed values based on environmental temperature • Illustration 3. - Sources of the interior air quality contaminations • Illustration 4. - „Sick Building Syndrome” distribution of complains by typical illnesses • Illustration 5. – Interactive map of the György Péczely modified Trewartha climatic classification • Illustration 6. - Spatial dimensions of climatic events • Illustration 7. - Spatial scales of clime categories • Illustration 8. - György Péczely’s clime classification in Hungary • Illustration 9. - Schematic distribution of excessive temperature in town, its cross-sectional view and its horizontal structure in case of ideal weather conditions • Illustration 10. - Shore and mountain-valley winds • Illustration 11. – The DROID - Infographics on the operation of the invention • Task sheet 1. – Scheme of the task • Audio No. 1. - Introduction [vi] • Audio No. 2. - Energetics and function [1] • Audio No. 3. - Historical review of air conditions of living spaces [25] • Audio No. 4. - Energetics and climatic conditions [66] • Audio No. 5. - Energetics and location [173] • Audio No. 6. - The DROID and its history [195] 198 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 9. Test Questions on the curricula 9.1. Chapter 1.: Define comfort! Write down the current temerature in your room at home! What is the main medical complaint referring on the Sick Building Syndrome? 9.2. Chapter 2.: Select an architectural subperiod, and write down the typical heating methods of the example building! Select 2 architectural subperiods, and compare the comfort demands of the periods! How did people adapt to the unfavorable indoor temperature values in the past? 9.3. Chapter 3.: What are the factors effecting climate? Name the main climatic zones! What effects do climatic conditions have on buildings and their inhabitants? 9.4. Chapter 4.: Write down the three spatial dimensions of the climatic events! What is the definition of topoclimatology? How does wind effect the incoming building energies? 9.5. Chapter 5.: What is the DROID? What is the aim of the DROID measuring system? What are the parts of the DROID? 199 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.