mathematics department

The Mathematics Department currently consists of a team of eleven Mathematics specialists,
including the Subject Leader, Deputy Subject Leader, Key Stage 3 Mathematics Co-ordinator
and one member of the Senior Management Team.
All lessons are taught within one of the dedicated Mathematics rooms.
The department is well resourced and uses a variety of different texts as well as other
materials. All of our schemes of work are renewed continually in light of changes to the
National Curriculum and the National Numeracy Strategy. All members of the department
take on an active role in this review process.
Pupils in Key Stage 3 are taught in two or three parallel bands, each band setted on three
levels. Pupils have four 50 minute periods of Mathematics each week. The scheme of work
is based upon a series of topics which are revisited through the Key Stage. In Years 7 and 8
this consists of a series of two to three week units. The main resources for these are the
Collins Maths Frameworking scheme.
In Year 9 pupils again study a series of three to four week units. The main resource at
present is the Key Maths scheme though this is to be replaced by the Mathematics
Frameworking scheme.
Progress in KS3 is assessed using short (30 - 50 minute) tests every three units and additional
longer tests covering a greater range of topics.
Pupils in KS4 are setted across the year group and follow modular GCSE at a tier of entry
suited to their needs. The typical distribution of entry level is as follows:Set 1
- Higher Tier
Set 2
- Higher Tier
Set 3
- Higher Tier
Set 4
- Higher/Foundation Tier
Set 5
- Foundation Tier
Set 6
- Foundation Tier
Set 7
- Foundation Tier
Set 8
- Foundation Tier
The main resource for KS4 is the series of Heinemann texts for Edexcel Modular GCSE.
All pupils are entered for Edexcel modular exams consisting of 3 modules. Exams are sat in
November and June of Year 10 and June of Year 11 though modules are sometimes retaken
by students at other times as appropriate.
YEARS 12 & 13
We currently offer AS and A2's in Maths and Further Maths following the Edexcel course.
In addition we offer AS Use of Maths following the AQA course which incorporates Free
Standing Mathematics Qualifications (FSMQ).
Mathematics is a popular choice at 'A' level, currently there are two groups in each year as
well as a separate Further Mathematics group.
In Year 12 students take the C1, C2 and S1 modules to gain an AS in Mathematics. In Year
13 students take C3, C4 and M1 modules to gain an A2 in Mathematics.
Further Mathematics students study C1, C2, S1, M1, D1 and FP1 modules in Year 12 and go
on to study C3, C4, S2, M2, FP2 and D2 modules in Year 13.
Use of Maths students currently study the 'Algebraic and Graphical Techniques' and
'Modelling with Calculus' FSMQ's as part of the Use of Maths qualification.
The information given to students about current courses available at Key Stage 4 and 5 is
reproduced below.
Exam Board:
Why study Mathematics?
GCSE Mathematics is a qualification that is required by most employers and is often
compuslory for entry to further or higher education, and so it is an important subject to study.
Mathematics requires logical thinking and analytical skills that can be used in everyday life.
You will study:
* Number and Algebra;
* Shape, Space and Measures;
* Handling Data.
You will learn the following skills:
* Numeracy;
* Logical thinking;
* Problem-solving techniques;
* How to work independently.
There is a choice between two levels of entry: Foundation and Higher. The grades available
range from G to C at Foundation level and D to A* at Higher level. To study ‘A’ level
Mathematics we would expect students to have gained A*, A or B grade and have followed
the Higher Tier course. The entry tier will be decided by the Subject Leader after
consultation with class teachers. The majority of pupils will continue to study at the entry
tier recommended at the start of their GCSE course. However, individual performance will
be monitored and, if appropriate, pupils will move tiers.
The Maths GCSE is a modular course meaning that the students will sit exams in November
and June of Year 10 and a final exam in June of Year 11.
What will I study?
AS Year
Core Mathematics 1 - Indices and surds; Polynomials; Coordinate geometry and graphs;
Differentiation; Sequences and series; Integration.
Core Mathematics 2 - Trigonometry; Algebra; Factor theorem, Sine & cosine rule; Logs;
Probability and Statistics 1 - Representation of data; Probability; Discrete random variables
including uniform and normal distribution; Bivariate data including correlation and
A2 Year
Core Mathematics 3 - Algebra and functions; Trigonometry; Further differentiation and
integration; Numerical methods for solving problems.
Core Mathematics 4 - Algebra and graphs; Further differentiation and integration;
Differential equations; Vectors; Sequences & series.
Mechanics 1 - Vector quantities; Force; Equilibrium of particles; Kinematics of particle
motion in straight lines; Newton’s Laws of motion; Momentum.
How will I be assessed?
Each Module is externally assessed by a 1 hour 30 minute exam. Module exams take place in
January and June of each year.
Any special requirements?
To study Advanced Level subjects you will need a minimum of 5 A*-C GCSE grades,
including Maths and ideally English.
You will have to agree to resit if you have failed to gain a C grade or above in English.
You will need a GCSE grade B or above in Maths. A GCSE C grade would not
automatically exclude you, further consultation with the Sixth Form Pastoral Leader and
the Subject Leader would be required.
Next steps
A Level Mathematics can be a requirement for many degree courses eg Accountancy, all
fields of Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine and any Mathematics related subject.
Both AS and A2 are useful for many business, management and teaching courses.
What will I study?
AS Year
Further Pure Mathematics 1 - Summation of series; Differential equations; Mathematical
inequalities; Roots of polynomial equations; Complex numbers; Polar co-ordinates.
Decision Mathematics 1 - Algorithms: Graph Theory; Linear Programming; Critical path
analysis; Flows in networks.
Mechanics 1 - Vector quantities; Force; Equilibrium of particles; Kinematics of particle
motion in straight lines; Newton’s Laws of motion; Momentum.
(Students will study these three units alongside the three AS units from Mathematics A
A2 Year (The following is an example of what may be studied)
Further Pure Mathematics 2 - Co-ordinate systems; Hyperbolic functions; Differentiation
and integration.
Probability and Statistics 2 - Continuous random variables; The binomial distribution; The
Poisson distribution; Sampling and hypothesis tests.
Decision Mathematics 2 - Game Theory; Transportation problems; Matching and allocation
problems; Travelling salesman problems; Dynamic programming.
Mechanics 2 - Centre of Mass; Equilibrium of a rigid body; Motion of a projectile;
Projectiles; Coefficient of restitution and impulse; Energy, work and power.
(Students will study these units alongside the Core 3 and Core 4 units from Mathematics A
How will I be assessed?
Each module is externally assessed by a 1 hour 30 minute exam. Module exams take place in
January and June of each year.
Any special requirements?
To study Advanced Level subjects you will need a minimum of 5 A*-C GCSE grades,
including Maths and ideally English.
You will have to agree to resit if you have failed to gain a C grade or above in English.
You will need a GCSE grade B or above in Maths. A GCSE C grade would not
automatically exclude you, further consultation with the Sixth Form Pastoral Leader and
the Subject Leader would be required.
Students must also study Mathematics at A Level.
Next steps
Further Mathematics is an advantage for many university courses (including Oxbridge and
Cambridge). It is often a prerequisite for Mathematics degree courses.
AS only - one third of an AS level only
What will I study?
AS Year
You will study four areas of Pure Maths during 3 lessons a week. These areas are:
 Algebra including solving equations and inequalities, polynomials and binomial
 Co-ordinate Geometry including equation of a straight line and a circle
 Trigonometry including right angled triangles and the Sine and Cosine rule
 Calculus including differentiation and integration
Each of these is used to support a topic from a recognised branch of Applied Mathematics.
How will I be assessed?
The assessment is by a single 2 hour examination in May/June each year, with grades A, B,
C, D, E or U available. There is no coursework.
As an Advanced level FSMQ this qualification carries UCAS points (grade A 20 points,
grade B 17 points, grade C 13 points, grade D 10 points, grade E 7 points) equivalent to one
third of an AS level at the appropriate grade.
Any special requirements?
To study Advanced Level subjects you will need a minimum of 5 A*-C GCSE grades,
including Maths and ideally English.
You will have to agree to resit if you have failed to gain a C grade or above in English.
You will need a GCSE grade B or above in Maths. A GCSE C grade would not
automatically exclude you, further consultation with the Sixth Form Pastoral Leader and
the Subject Leader would be required.
The FSMQ is intended for those students who wish to continue to study Mathematics
beyond GCSE but do not wish, or feel able, to study A Level Mathematics. This
qualification would support A levels with a high Maths content such as Physics,
Chemistry and Engineering.
Next steps
A level 3 qualification in Mathematics is useful for many further education courses and
Departmental contact
Mrs A Mulrain (Acting Subject Leader)