BOURBON COUNTY FORMATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE EVALUATION FOR SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS Information completed on this form should be gathered from specific products and behaviors such as observations work samples, professional development activities, etc. Conferencing should occur with-in one week of observation. Evaluatee: ________________________________________ Position: _________________________________________ Evaluator: ______________________________________________ Position: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ School/Work Site: _______________________________________ 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Adheres to Professional Standards – The school psychologist is a professional who acts within legal and ethical guidelines to accomplish educational purposes. Adheres to professional code of ethics of the National Association of School Psychologists and the Code of Ethics adopted by the Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board. Adheres to federal and state laws and regulations related to educational child protection. Is responsible for ongoing professional development consistent with an individual professional growth plan. Acts in a role that clearly distinguishes him/her from any professional who administers disciplinary action. Is knowledgeable of the position statements of the National Association of School Psychologists and the Kentucky Association of Psychologists in the schools. Identifies activities that would be in conflict with the primary roles of the school psychologist and advocated for best practices of the profession. -Certified Personnel E3.18e 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Demonstrates Professional Leadership – The school psychologist provides professional leadership within the school, community and education profession to improve student learning and well being. Builds positive relationships within and between school and community Promotes leadership potential in students and colleagues. Participates in professional organizations and activities Writes and speaks effectively. Guides or assists in the development or curriculum and instructional materials. Participates in policy design and development at the local school, within professional organizations and/or within community organizations with educationally related activities. Initiates and develops educational projects and programs. Practices effective listening conflict resolution and group facilitation skills as a team member. Presents programs in a manner that reflects sensitivity to a multicultural and global perspective. Writes for publication, presents at conferences and provides professional development. Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Communicates Effectively – The school psychologist communicates effectively with all stakeholders including parents, students, administrators, teachers, school councils and community groups. Utilizes appropriate and correct oral and written communication. Presents ideas and information logically. Gives direction or information in a clear concise and reasonable manner. Uses a variety of verbal and nonverbal techniques. Elicits and responds to questions. Summarizes effectively. Uses active listening skills. -Certified Personnel 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 E3.18e Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Implements Programs Effectively – The school psychologist works to implement the programs and policies of the school district. Explains and discusses purposes of assessment, procedural safeguards, due process rules and regulations and other information for parents, students, staff and administrators. Provides helpful information to teachers, counselors and administrators for educational planning. Provides up to date information regarding issues based on sound research findings. Provides assistance in identifying useful resources. Follows district special education policies and procedures, including timelines for psychological evaluations. Follows school/district policies and procedures including employee time and attendance. Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating may be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Consultation/Collaboration - The school psychologist functions in a cooperative process to effectively meet the needs of students. Through consultation the school psychologist advocates for students. Integrates the curriculum so that students can make connections between knowledge and experiences. Consults with parents, faculty, staff, administrators and others to enhance their work with students. Interprets relevant information concerning the developmental needs of students. Reduces barriers to student learning through direct or referred services. Works with teachers and other support personnel to provide support for students in a crisis situation. Interacts with school councils, the school board, Family Resource Center/Youth Service Centers, Advisory Councils and other school or community committees. Facilitates successful communication between and among teachers, parents and students. Works with teachers and administrators relevant to behavior management to promote and support intervention strategies. Consults with external community and professional resources. -Certified Personnel- 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 E3.18e Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Provides Effective and Appropriate Assessment Services – The school psychologist utilizes a variety of assessment techniques and instruments to contribute to comprehensive assessment for students experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulty. Serves a member of the school’s multidisciplinary and problem solving teams. Suggests and helps implement strategies and interventions for students exhibiting learning/behavior difficulties. Participates in the development of a comprehensive evaluation plan. Completes relevant components of evaluation as specified in an evaluation plan, using appropriate assessment tools and diagnostic practices. Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating can be checked Growth Professional Growth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Individual/Small Group Counseling – The school psychologist uses short-term individual counseling and structured and unstructured small group counseling to address the mental, physical and emotional barriers to learning and to help each child learn at high levels. Provides a safe confidential setting in which students present their needs and concerns Promotes wellness Responds to crises. Communicates empathy and understanding. Utilizes a broad range of techniques and accepted theories appropriate to school counseling. Intervenes in problem/conflict situations and conduct follow-up sessions as needed. Respects and nurtures the uniqueness of each student. Mediates classroom and student conflict. Empower students, parents and colleagues to develop and use their resources. -Certified Personnel- 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 E3.18e Performance/Products/Portfolio Ratings More than one (1) rating may be checked Growth Professiona lGrowth STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Meets Needed Unsatisfactory Activities Discussed Use Technology Effectively – The school psychologist uses the technology available to him/her through the school district to enhance his/her professional practice. Uses word processing and data base programs to maintain files and reports as necessary. Communicates with staff and others through electronic mail. Uses the internet to stay abreast of new developments in the national and state professional organizations. Produces reports and Power Point presentations. Reviews and evaluates new software programs relevant to the practice of school psychology. __________________________________________________________ Evaluatee _______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________________ Evaluator _______________________________________________ Date -Certified Personnel E3.18e BOURBON COUNTY SCHOOLS SUMMATIVE EVALUATION FOR SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST Tenured _____ Non-Tenured _____ This summarizes all the evaluation data including formative data, products and performances, portfolio materials, professional development activities, conferences and other documentation. Evaluatee: _______________________________ Position: ______________________________________ Evaluator: _______________________________ Position: ______________________________________ School: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dates(s) of Conference(s) 1st _______________ 2nd ________________ 3rd _______________ 4th ________________ Ratings Administrator Standards: 1. Adheres to Professional Standards 2. Demonstrates Professional Leadership 3. Communicates Effectively 4. Implements Programs Effectively 5. Consultation/Collaboration 6. Provides Effective and Appropriate Assessment Services 7. Individual/Small Group Counseling 8. Uses Technology Effectively Overall Rating Meets __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Unsatisfactory __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Individual professional growth plan reflects a desire/need to acquire further knowledge/skills in the standard numbers checked below: 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ Evaluatee’s Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluator’s Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To Be Signed After All Information Above Has Been Completed and Discussed: Evaluatee: _____ Agree with the summative evaluation _____ Disagree with this summative evaluate ____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date Evaluator: ____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date (Opportunities for appeal process at both local and state levels are a part of Bourbon County School Evaluation Plan) Employment Recommendation to Central Office: _______ Meets Administrator Standards for Re-Employment _______ Does Not Meet Administrator Standards for Re-Employment Certified employees must make their appeals to this evaluation within time frames, mandated in 704KAR 3:345 Sections 7, 8, 9 & local district plan. *Any rating in the “does not meet” column requires the development of an Individual Corrective Action Plan.*