Lunch Money by Andrew Clements Reader’s Rally Questions by James Brown Bethesda Elementary School 1. In the book, Lunch Money, What is the name of the first hero of Chunky Comics? Creon, p. 27 2. In the book, Lunch Money, How many troll dolls did Greg buy? one hundred forty-four (144), p. 20 3. In the book, Lunch Money, What is the name of Maura's book? The Lost Unicorn, p. 37 4. In the book, Lunch Money, where did Mrs. Davenport's parents read aloud to the kids? on long trips in the car, p. 204 5. In the book, Lunch Money, for how much did Maura sell one potholder to Mrs. Kenton? three dollars ($3), p. 54 6. In the book, Lunch Money, how many troll dolls did Greg sell? all 144, p. 20 7. In the book, Lunch Money, what was the name of Greg’s comic book? Chunky Comics, p. 27 8. In the book, Lunch Money, how much profit did Greg earn from selling the troll dolls? Twenty four dollars ($24), p. 20 9. In the book, Lunch Money, what was Greg’s greatest talent? Understanding money, p. 1 10. In the book, Lunch Money, What job does Mr. Z take? a faculty advisor, p. 183 11. In the book, Lunch Money, how were the Last Unicorn Comics made? by hand, all were handmade, p. 70 12. In the book, Lunch Money, who was Greg’s greatest rival? Maura Shaw, p. 42 13. In the book, Lunch Money, what is Mr. Z’s greatest passion? Math, p. 58 14. In the book, Lunch Money, What is the name of the principal of Crenshaw Middle School? Mrs. Davenport, p. 21 15. In the book, Lunch Money, who gave Greg a boldly nose? Maura p. 64 16. In the book, Lunch Money, what percent of the profits did Greg earn from Maura’s comics? Twenty five percent (25%), P. 133 17. In the book, Lunch Money, What job did Greg have for "The Lost Unicorn"? Inking, p. 149 18. In the book, Lunch Money, what percent profit did Maura earn from the sale of her selling Last Unicorn comics? Seventy five percent (75%), p. 133. 19. In the book, Lunch Money, What subject does Mr. Z teach? math, p. 58 20. In the book, Lunch Money, why did Greg and Maura attend the school committee meeting? To sell comics the same as the book club, p. 174 21. In the book, Lunch Money, What was the cost of the order that Greg placed for the trolls? Twelve dollars ($12), p. 20 22. In the book, Lunch Money, what school did Greg and Maura attend? Ashworth Intermediate School, p. 57 23. In the book, Lunch Money, what was the name of Maura’s comic book? The Lost Unicorn, p. 63 24. In the book, Lunch Money, who became faint when Maura gave Greg a bloody nose? Mr. Zenotopoulous, p. 89 25. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Greg realize about why Maura got angry when he tore up her book? Each book was original artwork, that is, hand drawn; Maura did not know how to mass produce her books, p. 70 26. In the book, Lunch Money, who is the school nurse at Ashworth Intermediate School? Mrs. Emmett, p. 66 27. In the book, Lunch Money, where did the kids see advertising banners at school? In the cafeteria, p. 208 28. In the book, Lunch Money, how much money do American students in grades Kindergarten through sixth spend each year? 13 Billion, p. 209 29. In the book, Lunch Money, how many mini comic pages printed on a single piece of paper? sixteen, p. 34 30. In the book, Lunch Money, how much did Greg estimate the cost of each Chunky comic? Less than two cents, p. 36 31. In the book, Lunch Money, for how much did Greg sell his comics? A quarter (.25), p. 36 32. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Maura call her comic book brand? An Eentsy Beentsy Book, p. 38 33. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Greg tell Mrs. Emmett when she asked how he got a bloody nose? An accident, p. 66 34. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Mr. Z tell Greg he had to do after the fuss in 6th period math class? Apologize to Maura and to Mr. Zenotopoulous, p. 83 35. In the book, Lunch Money, why did Maura think that Greg wrote “boy” Books? Greg’s comics were about cavemen and hunting, p. 77 36. In the book, Lunch Money, why did Maura think that her comics were “girl” books? Maura’s comics were about princesses’ and unicorns, p. 77 37. In the book, Lunch Money, where did Greg’s nose start to bleed for the second time in one day? Mr. Z’s classroom in the meeting with Mr. Z and Maura, p. 84 38. In the book, Lunch Money, who came to help Greg and Mr. Z at the after school meeting? Mrs. Davenport, p. 89 39. In the book, Lunch Money, what theory did Mr. Z explain to Greg to explain why he thought Greg and Maura were always fighting? Just alike and too stubborn to take a step toward being friends, p. 89 40. In the book, Lunch Money, how can 6th grade teachers tell which boys girls like? They’re the boys that the girls are always fighting with (etc.), P. 95 41. In the book, Lunch Money, who called Greg to tell him the math homework and warn him about a possible quiz? Maura, p. 100 42. In the book, Lunch Money, who passed Greg a note in Mrs. Sanborn’s class? Maura, p. 106 43. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Maura Shaw show Greg in the hall? panels from her comic book and a book called “Understanding Comics”, p. 112 44. In the book, Lunch Money, what was Greg’s last name? Kenton, p. 116 45. In the book, Lunch Money, what did Mrs. Davenport do to Greg and Maura at the meeting about their fighting? Change Greg and Maura’ classes to separate the kids, p. 119 46. In the book, Lunch Money, who decided what could be sold in the schools? The town School Committee, p. 166 47. In the book, Lunch Money, what made Maura think about getting approval to sell Chunky Comics in school after Mrs. Davenport said “no”? Book club flyer, p. 171 48. In the book, Lunch Money, who confronted Mr. Zenotoupoulous about advising the Comic Book club? Ms. Davenport, p. 183 49. In the book, Lunch Money, what percentage of the profits did Greg offer to pay the school store? 50%, p. 213 50. In the book, Lunch Money, who did Mrs. Davenport give the box of comics to after the Town School Committee meeting? Greg, p. 214