Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) Placer County Water Agency Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) STREAMFLOW AND RESERVOIR ELEVATION GAGING PLAN Placer County Water Agency P.O. Box 6570 Auburn, CA 95604 August 2011 August 2011 Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 SREGP Objective ................................................................................................... 1 Instream Flow and Reservoir Elevation Gages ....................................................... 1 Operations and Maintenance of Gages .................................................................. 1 Reporting ................................................................................................................ 1 Literature Cited ....................................................................................................... 2 August 2011 i Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) List of Tables SREGP Table 1. SREGP Table 2. Project Gages. . Project Gage Descriptions. List of Maps SREGP Map 1. Gage Locations. List of Appendices Appendix A. Surface Water Quality Assurance Plan for the California District of the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report 96-618. List of Acronyms CDFG Commission FERC SREGP MFP OFR PCWA Project QA/QC Rec Plan SCADA State Water Board USDA-FS USGS August 2011 California Department of Fish and Game Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Flow and Reservoir Monitoring Plan Middle Fork American River Project Open-File Report Placer County Water Agency Middle Fork American River Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Recreation Plan supervisory control and data acquisition State Water Resources Control Board United States Department of Agriculture-Forest Service United States Geological Survey ii Alternative Condition No. 31 1.0 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) INTRODUCTION This Streamflow and Reservoir Elevation Gage Plan (SREGP) was developed for the Placer County Water Agency’s (PCWA) Middle Fork American River Project (MFP) located on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada range primarily in Placer County, California. The plan describes the following: Gages that will be used to document compliance with instream flow and reservoir level requirements and dissemination of real-time flow information to the public; Operation and maintenance of the gages; and Reporting of compliance with instream flow and reservoir elevation requirements. 2.0 SREGP OBJECTIVE The objective of the SREGP is to identify and describe the gages and define the monitoring approach for documenting compliance with instream flow and reservoir minimum pool requirements. This plan also describes gages used for real-time flow information dissemination to the public. 3.0 INSTREAM FLOW AND RESERVOIR ELEVATION GAGES The gages used to document compliance with instream flow and reservoir elevation requirements are identified in SREGP Table 1. This table also identifies the gages that will be used for the dissemination of real-time flow information to the public. Descriptions of each of the gages are provided in SREGP Table 2. The locations of the compliance gages and real-time flow information gages are depicted on SREGP Map 1. 4.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF GAGES All the gages will record 15-minute flow data. Data will be downloaded manually and all gages will be equipped with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) back up. All gages will be maintained and operated by PCWA consistent with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) protocols provided in Appendix A (USGS Open-File Report [OFR] 96-618 - Surface Water Quality Assurance Plan for the California District of the U.S. Geological Survey) or any successor USGS protocols. The type and frequency of maintenance activity and the methods and frequency used to calibrate the flow measuring devices depends on the type of flow monitoring equipment. These quality assurance requirements are identified in the USGS protocols (USGS 1996). 5.0 REPORTING PCWA will prepare a brief annual report to document compliance with instream flow and reservoir elevation requirements for each calendar year. The report will also summarize the dissemination of real-time flow information to the public. The annual report will be filed with the FERC within the first quarter of each year and distributed to the USDA-FS, State Water Board, and CDFG. Upon completion of the QA/QC process and upon August 2011 1 Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) request, 15-minute data will be provided to FERC, USDA-FS, State Water Board, and CDFG. The instream flow releases and reservoir water surface elevations data will be available in readily accessible formats (e.g., Microsoft Excel or .txt). 6.0 LITERATURE CITED United States Geological Society (USGS). 1996. Surface Water Quality Assurance Plan for the California District of the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report (OFR) 96-618. Available at: August 2011 2 Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) TABLES August 2011 Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) MAPS August 2011 Alternative Condition No. 31 Middle Fork American River Project (FERC Project No. 2079) APPENDIX A Surface Water Quality Assurance Plan for the California District of the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report 96-618. August 2011