Los Angeles Valley College Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report Courses and Programs Discipline: Geography Program/Course: Geography 9 SLO Representative: D. Gauthier Department: Earth Science Semester/Year: Spring 2013 Department Chair: J. Hams I. Student Learning Outcome Assessed Demonstrate the ability to analyze data from diverse sources and create a presentation using GIS (or PowerPoint) that reflects comprehension of human impacts on some specific aspect of the environment. II. Description of Assessment Method Students were able to choose from three possible projects: A small group presentation describing a biome and relevant human impacts/changes, a paper focused on a particular biome and a single environmental challenge, or a paper focused on an single species or organism describing how its habitat/range have been impacted by human or natural changes. III. Description of Sampling Methodology a. One section offered, in the evening, one was assessed. a. Describe the assessment tool (e.g., student essay, performance, etc.) b. Describe how the data was analyzed (rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric if applicable. *** Please keep all data for at least 3 years. a. Course Sections - How many sections of this course were offered? b. One full-time faculty member taught and participated in the assessment. If there were more than one section offered – i) State if the sections were offered in the c. 48 students enrolled. 44 completed final assessment. morning /afternoon /evening/ online. ii) How many sections were assessed? iii) Describe how these sections represent the d. All students still enrolled were assessed. diversity of students represented in the course. b. Faculty - How many faculty (part-time and full-time) taught this course? How many faculty participated in the SLO assessment process? c. Students - How many students in total were enrolled? How many students were assessed? d. Sampling (If this course offered more than one section, at least 1/3 of the total # of students must be assessed) - How was the sampling process conducted? (e.g., chose every 3rd student from roster) IV. Collaborative Review a. Describe the norming process and how interrater reliability was achieved (if applicable). V. Assessment Results Not applicable. In general, students were successful in analyzing and presenting their data a. Describe the relevant findings according to and the salient points I was looking for regardless of the format they chose. the criteria set by the assessment tool. (e.g., Only about 10% of the class was deficient, around 50 % were adequate and report results according to rubric evaluation 40% were proficient on all three of the areas evaluated. The same evaluative criteria) criteria were used regardless of student choice of project type. A majority of students opted for the group project. Four completed papers. Prior learning including basic ecology concepts and terms contributed to student success. Group work was successful and only two students were singled out by their peers for failing to complete the tasks assigned to them by the group. VI. How Results were Used for a. I haven’t decided whether or not to use the group format because it was an Course/Program Improvement evening class and students found it challenging (but not impossible) to arrange a. Describe how the results are going to be used meeting times. I did allow students to meet in the room before class and for the improvement of teaching, learning, or encouraged them to find times to meet in the LARC. I was pleased overall institutional effectiveness based on the data with the level of integration of materials/content of the presentations. Each assessed. person took on a particular aspect of the biome and had 3-5 minutes to make b. List any additional resources necessary to their points. I found that other students began to ask questions of the groups implement the improvement plan. and I was pleased with that although we began to feel the time crunch. c. How do your assessment findings contribute to the achievement of your Program SLO’s? b. The lack of any GIS is a continuous challenge and this would enhance (To access the program SLO’s nearly all of our courses because it is an essential skill and tool for geography. http://lavc.edu/slo/programassessment.html/ We are frustrated by the failure of the college to cover this relatively small and/or contact your Department Chair for the expense (around $2000. /year). We were getting some support from the CTE Program Alignment Grid). Dean in previous years but our certificate program was not prospering due to d. Describe how results will be shared with others in the discipline/area. VII. Comparison to last SLOAC Cycle Results (if this is the first time the course was assessed, leave this section blank) many other factors. c. The assessment findings contribute to program SLO’s for reasoning and communication skills and global awareness. The assessments highlight student abilities to communicate, connect environmental change and the human role in that change, as well as the global aspects of the environment. d. Results will be shared with members of the discipline committee and the department. Not applicable. a. Please state the improvement plan that was included in the report from the previous SLOAC cycle. b. What changes were implemented from the previous SLOAC cycle’s improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made that were not included in the improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made to the assessment process? c. How are the results from this SLOAC cycle similar to or different from the results from the previous cycle? Insert Rubric or Assessment Tools below: next page Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Rubric – Geog. 9 PROFICIENT ADEQUATE DEFICIENT Demonstrates above average understanding of terms and conventions used in the study of the environment; clearly understands aspects of change fostered by humans and response of natural world. Demonstrates an adequate understanding terms and conventions, with minor or insignificant errors; has an adequate appreciation of the role of humans and the response of natural world. Demonstrates little understanding or comprehension of the terms and conventions; includes significant errors, non-scientific explanations or misconceptions of human impacts. Demonstrates a clear understanding of biomes and human impacts unique to those biomes; accurately describes the spatial aspects of human modification of the global environment. Demonstrates a basic understanding of biomes and phenomena related to human impacts ; describes spatial aspects of human modifications with only minor or insignificant errors. Demonstrates little understanding of the concept of concepts and geographic aspects of biomes; some description of changes and impact of globalization, though with significant errors and incomplete or inaccurate understanding Demonstrates unambiguous understanding of human impacts and offers correct explanations/ interpretations of significant aspects of human role in environmental change; uses written/film/slide analysis or presentations to accurately express biome characteristics and important role of humans in global change Shows a basic understanding of human role in changes to biomes; adequately interprets or explains the role of humans, though does not provide relevant details in explanation or significant elaboration. Captures some of the important aspects of environmental change through written/film/slide analysis but with some errors. Shows little understanding of biome change and natural responses to human modificaton; inability to interpret or explain relevant details or information; may include significant errors or inaccuracies. Failure to use written/film/slide analysis to capture or express the important role of humans; serious errors in presentation or analysis; Humans and Earth’s Ecosystems Understanding of terms and conventions in study of ecosystems, biomes and human impacts Description of biomes and role of humans in modifying the global environment Explanation/interpretation/analysis of global environmental change and the role of humans in transformation