Extract from the validation letter of macroeconomic forecasts, dated 25/9/2014: Assessment Due to the fact that the Fiscal Council was recently established at the beginning of June and finalized its staffing procedure early September (after the beginning of the European Semester), and because Cyprus has agreed to enter into an Economic Adjustment Program (Memorandum of Understanding) with its partners (Troika), it was decided that the assessment of the Fiscal Council will be based on the comparison of macro-economic forecasts that were used in the preparation of the State Budget 2015, with the corresponding estimates of other institutions or bodies. Additionally, the latest available statistical data and surveys were considered in order to establish whether the general economic outlook supports these estimates. The following information was taken into account, in order to justify the estimates: 1. The macroeconomic aggregate estimates for 2015 as regards the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment figures, inflation rate, Fiscal Deficit and Gross Debt of the General Government sector and the current account balance. The main sources of information were the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Working Groups of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Cyprus and the Troika. Moreover, relevant information was obtained from the Economic Outlook, July 2014 release, which is issued by the Economic Research Centre, University of Cyprus. 2. The latest statistical information concerning key sectors of the economy (e.g. tourism, car registrations, construction etc). 3. Economic indicators prepared by the Economic Research Centre, University of Cyprus. In comparison with the initial predictions for 2014, the economic growth rate for 2014 remained at a higher level, due to better performance of private consumption expenditure than initially estimated, thus having a positive impact on public finance aggregates. A reservation is expressed whether this phenomenon will be maintained in the upcoming years. In relation to the initial estimates the Economic Adjustment Program (Table 1) and despite the improved economic performance, the economy is not expected recover in the short term horizon. Table 1: MoU forecasts for GDP growth rates at constant prices Reference Year 2013 MoU April 2013 -8,7% Projections after the 5th Review Mission of Troika -5,4% 2014 -3,9% -4,2% 2015 1,1% 0,4% 2016 1,9% 1,6% The better than expected economic performance in 2013 and 2014, as exhibited on Table 1, compared to the initial projections, are also largely reflected in the primary fiscal balance. The figures are presented below on Table 2. Table 2: MoU forecasts for the primary fiscal balance of the General Government sector Reference Year Projections after the 1st Review Mission of Troika (May 2013) Projections after the 5th Review Mission of Troika (July 2014) 2013 -4,20% -2,00% 2014 -4,25% -1,30% 2015 -2,10% -1,60% 2016 1,20% 1,20% Budget 2015: Macroeconomic Forecasts -Tables Macroeconomic Forecasts Percentage % State Budget 2015 Troika projections after 5th review, Working groups of Central Bank, MoF and IMF From Economic outlook July EBRD 2014, Economic Research Centre UCY To 2014 Growth rate (% GDP) -4,8 -4,2 -2,6 Unemployment (%) 19,8 14,8 17,6 1,0 0,0 0,0 Government balance (% GDP) -7,1 -4,7 -2,5 Primary balance (% of GDP) -3,1 -1,3 0,8 HICP inflation (%) -2,7 -3,5 N/A Ν/Α Public debt (% GDP) 124,4 117,4 120,7 0,4 0,4 0,5 17,0 14,8 16,1 0,9 0,7 0,9 Government balance (% GDP) -5,2 -5,2 -1,7 Primary balance (% of GDP) -1,6 -1,0 1,9 126,1 123,9 126,1 1,6 1,5 1,6 15,8 14,8 15,8 1,3 1,3 1,3 -2,2 1,2 -1,3 1,2 0,9 2,4 122,5 122,5 123,1 2015 Growth rate (% GDP) Unemployment (%) HICP inflation (%) Public debt (% GDP) -0,7 0.0 N/A Ν/Α 2016 Growth rate (% GDP) Unemployment (%) HICP inflation (%) 0.0 N/A Government balance (% GDP) Primary balance (% of GDP) Public debt (% GDP) Ν/Α