ENR II Honors (6852) Job Shadow Project Objective: Students will shadow an environment and natural resources industry employee for no less than four hours. Upon completion of the job shadowing, students will create a virtual or traditional poster. There are a number of persons to interview and shadow in the environment and natural resources industry, including: soil and water conservationists, air quality technicians and engineers, solid waste management, wastewater management, hazardous materials team member, forester, environmental horticulturist, wildlife enforcement officer, biologist, naturalist, meteorologist, cartographer, mineral and fossil fuel worker, recycling center operator, compost technician, nature tour guide, and agricultural education teacher. ENR II 4.00, 23.00 Instructor will need to set up timelines but it is suggested that the Pre-Job Shadowing Questionnaire be completed by the end of the first half of the course and the Job Shadowing Poster be completed for the end of course. Pre-Job Shadowing Questionnaire Name of Student Name of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Name of Supervisor at Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Phone Number of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Address of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Web Site Address of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency One paragraph description of business and/or list of services offered Projected Date of Job Shadow Student Signature Parent Signature Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Supervisor Signature ENR II Instructor Signature Date Job Shadow was approved Before you begin your job shadow experience, you must fill this questionnaire out and give a copy to your instructor to keep on file. Job Shadowing Questionnaire Name of Student Name of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Name of Supervisor at Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency Name of the Person you are Job Shadowing (Employee) Job Title of the Employee Description of the Employee’s Job Brief Description of Look and Feel of Business 1st Half Visit (Bullets of what you observed or accomplished) 2nd Half Visit (Bullets or list of what you observed or accomplished) Remember to take several photographs to document your job shadowing experience. Take at least three photographs that include you in the picture. Take one picture with the employee that you job shadowed. Upon completion of your Job Shadow experience, turn this into your instructor. Job Shadowing Questionnaire Continued What did you enjoy about the job shadowing experience? What did you learn from the job shadowing experience? Would you consider this a career possibility for you? Why or why not? What is one question that you asked the person you job shadowed? What was the employee’s answer to your question? Date Job Shadow took place Signature of Environment and Natural Resources Business or Agency employee that you job shadowed. If you had the experience to do over again what would you differently and why? Would you suggest this company to someone looking for anEnvironment and Natural Resources Business or Agency company? Why or why not? What do you think this company or agency could do to make it better or more competitive in the agriculture industry? Job Shadowing Virtual or Traditional Poster Product Rubric Upon completion of Job Shadowing in the Environment and Natural Resources industry, students will create a virtual or traditional poster. Students can choose a program like Glogster or use a piece of poster board to make a professional illustration what was accomplished at the Job Shadowing. Name of Student Poster Item Photographs Captions Business Description Employee Description Layout 5 4 3 2 1 There are a minimum of three quality color photographs (with the student included in the photo) and two additional photographs of the facility and its routines. Under each of the photographs there are captions that are typed to illustrate what is taking place in the photograph. There are no grammatical errors and it is written at grade level. There is a one to two paragraph description of the business that was visited. There are no grammatical errors and it is written at grade level. The company’s graphic (logo) is included. A one-paragraph description of the lead employee job shadowed is included. The employee is named and an overview of his/her responsibilities are well illustrated. This is written at grade level with no grammatical errors. There is a professional layout enhanced with color, graphics, and creativity. Lines are clean and neat and there are no mistakes. There are a minimum of three photographs (with the student included in the photo) and two additional photographs of the facility and its routines. Under each of the photographs there are captions that are typed to illustrate what is taking place in the photograph. There are some grammatical errors and it is written at grade level. There is a one to two paragraph description of the business that was visited. There are few grammatical errors and it is written at grade level. There are a minimum of four color photographs of the student’s visit to the Environment and Natural Resources business that was visited. There are a minimum of three photographs of the student’s visit to the Environment and Natural Resources business that was visited. There are a minimum of two photographs of the student’s visit to the Environment and Natural Resources business that was visited. Under most of the photographs there are captions that are typed to illustrate what is taking place in the photograph. Under some of the photographs there are captions that are typed to illustrate what is taking place in the photograph. Under few of the photographs there are captions that are written to illustrate what is taking place in the photograph. There is a one to two paragraph description of the business that was visited. There are grammatical errors and it needs to be written at a higher grade level. There is a brief description of the business that was visited. There are several grammatical errors and there needs to be revisions to make this at grade level. There is a description of the business but it does not represent the company well and/or can be written below grade level. A one-paragraph description of the lead employee job shadowed is included. The employee is named and a brief overview of his/her responsibilities is included. This is written at grade level with few grammatical errors. There is a professional layout enhanced with color, graphics, and creativity. Lines are clean and neat and there are few mistakes. A one-paragraph description of the lead employee job shadowed is included. There are grammatical errors and it needs to be written at a higher grade level. A one-paragraph description of the lead employee job shadowed is included. There are several grammatical errors and there needs to be revisions to make this grade level paragraph. A description of the lead employee job shadowed is included. There are several revisions that would need to be made to make this a grade level paragraph. There is a somewhat professional layout enhanced with color and graphics. Lines are relatively clean and neat. The layout of photographs, captions, and descriptions have little color or artistic flair. The layout of photographs, captions and descriptions has no concrete organization and there is no additional color or creativity. Totals Final Score (multiply totals by 4)=