8th Grade Ch 2 handout ans

Name: ___________________________________
Directions: Complete each question.
8th Handout Ch 2
1. Define Apostolic Succession. The leadership of the Bishops was firmly
established throughout the entire Church. Emphasis was placed on fact – that
these Bishops could trace their authority directly back to Jesus and His apostles.
This is called apostolic succession. This DIRECT link guaranteed the Church
was passing on the true teachings of the Church.
2. Define ‘Gnostics’. It means ‘knowledge’.
3. What conditions favored the growth of the Church during the first three centuries
of its life? The united Roman Empire’s peace and security, which in turn made
travel safe and easy, the spread of the Greek culture and language, the sense of
spiritual hunger, and the early Christians’ example contributed to the growth of
the Church during the first three centuries of its life.
4. How did the Council of Jerusalem contribute to the development of the early
Church? The Council of Jerusalem answered the question of Jewish-Christians:
“Do Gentiles have to become Jews before they become Christians?” The council
declared that Gentiles did not have to become Jews.
5. Why did the Roman Government persecute the early Church? The Roman
government persecuted the early Christians because they did not worship the
traditional gods on whose favor the safety of the empire was thought to depend.
Also, the Christians were on the verge of treason because they refused to honor
the emperor as a god.
6. Why were Gnostic beliefs so dangerous to the early Church? Gnostic beliefs
were dangerous because they had the effect of distorting the gospel message as
proclaimed by the apostles and their successors.
7. Why was apostolic succession so important? By early in the 2nd century,
apostolic succession was very important because it meant the bishops could trace
their authority directly back to Jesus and the apostles. This direct link guaranteed
that the Church was passing on the true teachings of Jesus.
8. Jesus said his followers would show that they were his disciples by their love for
one another. How can you do this today? Answers vary.