PS Project Form – AFOLU V1.0 Project Type: Forestation and Vegetation Increase (F-V) TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project July 2012 Winrock International – TSERING Program INSTRUCTIONS: Font: All items in cover page shall completed using: English and numbers- Times New Roman 24pt, black, regular (non-italic) font; Chinese- SongTi 24pt, black, regular (non-italic) font. The main content of this document shall completed using: English and numbers- Times New Roman 11pt, black, regular (non-italic) font;Chinese- SongTi 4th pt, black, regular (non-italic) font. Instructions for completing the methodology template can be found in blue track mixed in the document. Please delete all instructions, including this introductory text, from the final document. Version Version number of this Project Form, Ver. 1.0 Date of Permit Day-Month-Year of this version of the document permitted by PSA Panda Standard Association 3 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Table of Contents _Toc325654459 Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Project Title................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Project Type and Project Activity ................................................................................................. 4 1.3. Temporal Definition...................................................................................................................... 4 1.4. Project Boundary .......................................................................................................................... 4 1.5. Project Description........................................................................................................................ 4 1.6. Ex-ante Estimation of Net Emission Reductions/Removals ......................................................... 6 1.7. Project Parties ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.8. Offset Title and PS Credit Ownership .......................................................................................... 6 Section 2: APPLICATION OF APPROVED METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 7 2.1. Applied Methodology ................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Methodology Justification............................................................................................................. 7 2.3. Identification of GHG Pools and Sources ..................................................................................... 7 Section 3: ADDITIONALITY ................................................................................................................... 9 3.1. Regulatory Conformity Test ......................................................................................................... 9 3.2. Common Practice Test .................................................................................................................. 9 3.3. Implementation Barriers Test........................................................................................................ 9 3.4. Performance Standard Test ........................................................................................................... 9 Section 4: NET EMISSION REDUCTIONS/REMOVALS .................................................................... 10 4.1. Baseline Scenario(s).................................................................................................................... 10 4.2. Net Baseline Scenario GHG Emission Reductions/Removals .................................................... 10 4.3. Net Project Activity Scenario GHG Emission Reductions/Removals ........................................ 11 4.4. Leakage ....................................................................................................................................... 13 4.5. Uncertainty.................................................................................................................................. 14 4.6. Net GHG Emission Reductions/Removals ................................................................................. 14 Section 5: PERMANENCE AND RISK MITIGATION ......................................................................... 16 5.1. Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.2. Risk Mitigation ........................................................................................................................... 16 5.3. Monitoring Frequency................................................................................................................. 16 5.4. Monitoring of Project Implementation ....................................................................................... 16 5.5. Sampling Design and Stratification ............................................................................................ 16 5.6. Monitoring of Net Baseline Scenario Emission Reductions/Removals ...................................... 16 5.7. Monitoring of Net Project Activity Scenario Emission Reductions/Removals .......................... 16 5.8. Monitoring of Leakage................................................................................................................ 17 Section 6: ANCILLARY BENEFITS ...................................................................................................... 18 6.1. Poverty Alleviation Impacts (Optional) ...................................................................................... 18 6.2. Community Impacts .................................................................................................................... 19 6.3. Environment Impacts .................................................................................................................. 19 6.4. Stakeholder Comments ............................................................................................................... 19 Panda Standard Association 4 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1. Project Title Project title:TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Version: 0.1 (since this is only a partially completed Project Form, submitted along with the F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land) Date of the document:23 May 2012 1.2. Project Type and Project Activity Forestation and Vegetation Increase (F-V) Planned project activity: Planting grasses (Elymus sibiricus Linn., Elymus nutans Griseb. and Lolium multiflorum) and woody vegetation resulting in vegetation structure below the CDM People’s Republic of China (PRC) definition of forest on degraded lands 1.3. Temporal Definition Project start date: April 2011. The Project Start Date, defined in PS-AFOLU as the date by which the Project Proponent began the Project Activity on Project lands, is here the date of planting or site preparation. Crediting period: 30 years (to be confirmed) Crediting period start date: April 2011 Project term: The Project Term, per PS-AFOLU, is at minimum 30 years for Projects generating net carbon sequestration or GHG removals: here March 2011 through March 2041. 1.4. Project Boundary Planting has and will take place in Ruo’ergai County, Sichuan Province, Aba Prefecture, on multiple small parcels. Specific planting parcels are being identified at this time. All planting parcels will be assessed to confirm that they meet the eligibility and applicability conditions of the F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land. Each parcel will be assigned a unique geographic identifier, to be included in the Project Form. 1.5. Project Description The TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project (hereafter “Project”) aims to restore degraded grasslands in Sichuan Province through active planting and maintenance of grasses and woody vegetation, applying a Panda Standard methodology to quantify and verify carbon sequestration and register credits on the Panda Standard Registry. Carbon project registration provides a mechanism to Panda Standard Association 5 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project mobilize financial resources from Chinese companies and individuals interested in offsetting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and transfer these resources to China’s rural areas where they can promote environmental improvements and alleviate poverty. The Project goals are to restore degraded lands, combat ongoing desertification, generate forage for livestock, and alleviate poverty by creating a new source of income and employment for poor rural households. As a pilot project, the objective is to learn lessons and create a model that can be replicated both elsewhere in Sichuan Province and in other parts of China with similar degraded grasslands. Nationwide, China has almost 350 million hectares of shrub and grassland, much of which is relatively sparse and degraded, on which activities similar to the Project could improve grassland productivity and generate carbon credits. The Project will provide the first opportunity to pilot-test the Panda Standard F-V Methodology Revegetation of Degraded Land1. The latter will be used to assess poverty alleviation benefits of Project activities in both quantitative and qualitative terms that can be verified. The Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset project will work with poor households in Ruo’ergai County, Sichuan Province to restore grasses and woody vegetation on degraded grassland. This project will be implemented by TSERING and most likely be done in collaboration with the Sichuan Pastoral Area Development Research Center. Technical measures include fencing, grass planting (mix of Elymus sibiricus Linn., Elymus nutans Griseb. and Lolium multiflorum)., tree planting (mainly Salix haoana), and application of organic fertilizer. Trees will be planted in heavily desertified land, at 2 meter spacing; while grasses will be planted over the whole project area. In order to create verified carbon offsets that can be registered and transacted on the Panda Standard Registry, it is necessary to meet requirements of an approved Panda Standard sectoral specification, apply an approved Panda Standard methodology, and secure validation and verification by an approved Panda Standard third-party Auditor. The Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project falls under the PS-AFOLU project category Forestation and Vegetation Increase (F-V), defined as activities that increase carbon stocks in non-forested degraded lands through direct planting of seeds or seedlings or human-assisted natural regeneration, resulting in vegetation structure either above or below the CDM People’s Republic of China (PRC) definition of forest. Winrock has also completed a Panda Standard F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land, incorporating review comments by the Panda Standard Technical Committee, which is currently under review. The methodology provides applicability conditions; criteria to determine GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs included in the project boundary; procedures to demonstrate additionality; procedures to characterize the baseline scenario; equations to calculate baseline net GHG emissions/removals, project net GHG emissions/removals, leakage, and net GHG emission reductions; and monitoring requirements. The proposed Project timeline is to complete the Panda Standard Project Form, conduct baseline measurements, and undergo the initial validation by an approved Panda Standard third-party Auditor before the end of 2012. 1 Developed by Winrock International and submitted to the Panda Standard Technical Committee for approval. Panda Standard Association 6 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project 1.6. Ex-ante Estimation of Net Emission Reductions/Removals Crediting Year Estimation of net Baseline Scenario GHG emission reductions/removals (tonnes of CO2 e) Estimation of net Project Activity Scenario GHG emission reductions/removals (tonnes of CO2e) Estimation of Estimation of net leakage(tonnes of GHG emission CO2e) reductions/removals (tonnes of CO2e) Roles and responsibilities Function Crediting year1 Crediting year2 Crediting year3 Year … Total (tonnes CO2e) 1.7. of Project Parties Entity Contact Information Brief description Winrock International Room 505, 5F, Unit B, Winera Plaza, No. 7 Xinxiwang Road Chengdu, Sichuan, 610042, P.R. China Phone: +86.28.8523 0105 Non-governmental organization implementing USAID-funded TSERING Program 1.8. Offset Title and PS Credit Ownership project participant Panda Standard Association 7 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 2: APPLICATION OF APPROVED METHODOLOGY 2.1. Applied Methodology F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land 2.2. Methodology Justification All parcels selected for planting will meet the applicability and eligibility conditions of the F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land, as follows: 2.3. Planting will occur on lands where the most likely baseline land management is the continuation of the existing or historical baseline land management; The number of grazing days per animal in the project area is monitored. Planting will occur on degraded lands that are expected to remain degraded or to continue to degrade in the absence of the project, and are not expected to revert to a non-degraded state without human intervention. The CDM A/R “Tool for the identification of degraded or degrading lands for consideration in implementing CDM A/R project activities” shall be applied for demonstrating that lands are degraded or degrading; If any planting takes place on organic soils, drainage of these soils will not occur and not more than 10% of their area will be disturbed as result of soil preparation for planting; Project lands will not fall into the wetland2 category; Flooding irrigation will not be used; Existing vegetation included in the Project parcels will be demonstrated to be below the forest thresholds (tree crown cover or equivalent stocking level, tree height at maturity in situ, minimum land area) adopted for the definition of forest by PRC. Any areas exceeding these thresholds will be delineated and excluded from the Project boundary; All young natural stands and all plantations on the land are not expected to reach the minimum crown cover and minimum height chosen by PRC to define forest; Planting areas are not temporarily unstocked, as a result of human intervention such as harvesting or natural causes. Identification of GHG Pools and Sources The Project GHG assessment boundary will be as shown in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1: Carbon pools accounted for in project boundary Carbon pools Above-ground Tree biomass 2 Accounted for Yes Justification / Explanation Major carbon pool subjected to project activity “Wetlands”, “settlements”, “cropland” and “grassland” are land categories as defined in the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (IPCC, 2003). Panda Standard Association 8 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Accounted for Carbon pools Justification / Explanation Below-ground Tree biomass Yes Major carbon pool subjected to project activity Above-ground Non-Tree biomass Yes Major carbon pool subjected to project activity Below-ground Non-Tree biomass Yes Below-ground biomass is expected to increase due to the implementation of the project activity Dead wood No No trees to be planted. Carbon stocks in dead wood in the baseline scenario can be expected to decrease more or increase less, relative to the project scenario. Forest floor (litter) No No trees to be planted. Carbon stocks in dead wood in the baseline scenario can be expected to decrease more or increase less, relative to the project scenario. Soil organic carbon (SOC) Yes Under applicability conditions of this methodology, carbon stocks in this pool are likely to increase in the project compared to the baseline. However, the methodology also provides the conservative choice of not accounting for changes in carbon stock in the pool. Harvested Wood Products No No trees to be harvested. Table 2: Emission sources and GHGs included or excluded from accounting Included/ excluded Justification/Explanation N2O Included Application of fertilizers can lead to significant levels of nitrous oxide emissions. Fertilizer will be used when planting grasses (tentatively 10 kg/mu urea and 10 kg/mu compound fertilizer). Fossil Fuel Combustion CO2 Included Use of machinery in the project can lead to significant levels of carbon dioxide emissions. Mechanized equipment will be used for land scarification prior to planting. Water Inundation Excluded Under the applicability conditions of this methodology, methane emissions from flooding irrigation are not expected to increase. Sources Fertilizer emissions Gas CH4 Panda Standard Association 9 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 3: ADDITIONALITY 3.1. Regulatory Conformity Test 3.2. Common Practice Test 3.3. Implementation Barriers Test 3.4. Performance Standard Test Panda Standard Association 10 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 4: NET EMISSION REDUCTIONS/REMOVALS 4.1. Baseline Scenario(s) Per the methodology, the baseline scenario will be determined using the latest version of the CDM ‘Combined Tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality in project activities’ . This tool provides steps to identify credible alternative land use scenarios, evaluate applicable regulations, apply barrier analysis and/or investment analysis to all identified scenarios, and apply common practice analysis. This results in selection of the land use scenario that is credible, consistent with applicable enforced regulations, faces fewest barriers, is most financially attractive, and is consistent with common practice. Preliminarily, we assume that in the absence of the Project Activity, the baseline scenario will be the continuation of the existing or historical baseline land management, i.e. that project lands will remain degraded grasslands with little or no increase in carbon stocks. The baseline net GHG removals by sinks will be calculated as the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the selected carbon pools within the Project Boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the forestation and vegetation increase Project Activity. It is expected that the baseline non-woody aboveground and belowground vegetation, dead wood and litter carbon pools will not show a permanent net increase; it is therefore conservative to assume that the sum of the changes in the carbon stocks of non-woody aboveground and belowground non-woody vegetation, dead wood and litter carbon pools will be zero for all strata in the baseline scenario. Since carbon stock in soil organic carbon (SOC) is unlikely to increase in the baseline, the change in carbon stock in SOC is conservatively assumed to be zero for all strata in the baseline scenario. 4.2. Net Baseline Scenario GHG Emission Reductions/Removals Baseline net GHG removals by sinks shall be calculated as: t* C BSL CTREE _ BSL,t C NT W OODY _ BSL,t N 2 O fertilizer_ BSL,t CH 4,enteric _ BSL,t N 2 O grazing _ BSL,t t 1 (1) where: C BSL C TREE _ BSL,t C NT W OODY _ BSL,t ∆𝑁2 𝑂𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑟_𝐵𝑆𝐿,𝑡 CH 4,enteric _ BSL,t N 2 O grazing, BSL,t Baseline net GHG removals by sinks; t CO2-e Sum of the carbon stock changes in above-ground and below-ground biomass of trees in the baseline in year t; t CO2-e Sum of the carbon stock changes in above-ground and below-ground biomass of non-tree woody vegetation in baseline in year t; t CO2-e Sum of N2O emissions as a result of nitrogen application within project boundary in baseline in year t; t CO2-e Sum of CH4 emissions as a result of enteric fermentation within project boundary in the baseline in year t; t CO2-e Sum of N2O emissions as a result of manure and urine deposited on grassland soil Panda Standard Association 11 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project during grazing within the project boundary in the baseline, at year t; t CO2-e 1, 2, 3, … t* years elapsed since the start of the project activity T 4.3. Net Project Activity Scenario GHG Emission Reductions/Removals Actual net GHG removals by sinks shall be calculated as: C ACTUAL C P GHG E _ PROJ (2) where: C ACTUAL Actual net GHG removals by sinks; t CO2-e CP Sum of the changes the carbon stock in the selected carbon pools within the project boundary; t CO2-e GHG E _ PROJ Increase in non-CO2 GHG emissions within the project boundary as a result of the implementation of the project activity; t CO2-e With CP calculated for each of the included pools in Table 1, above, as follows: C P,t CTREE _ PROJ ,t C NT W oody_ PROJ ,t C HE _ PROJ ,t C DW _ PROJ ,t C LI , _ PROJt C SOC _ PROJ ,t CW P _ PROJ ,i (3) where: ∆CP,t Change in carbon stock in all selected carbon pools in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e CTREE _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in above-ground and below-ground biomass of trees in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e (zero since no trees planted) C NT W oody_ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in non-tree woody vegetation biomass in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e C HE _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in herbaceous vegetation biomass in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e C DW _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in the dead wood carbon pool in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e (zero since no trees planted) C LI _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in the litter carbon pool in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e (zero since no trees planted) C SOC _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in the soil organic carbon pool in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e CW P _ PROJ ,t Change in carbon stock in the wood products carbon pool in the project scenario, in year t; t CO2-e (zero since no trees planted nor harvest conducted) I 1, 2, 3, … MPS strata in the project scenario t 1, 2, 3, … t* years elapsed since the start of the project activity Panda Standard Association 12 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project CP in each of these pools will be calculated using the formulae provided in section 8.4.1 of the F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land, which are not repeated here. The increase in GHG emissions as a result of the implementation of the proposed project activity within the project boundary is estimated as: t* GHGE _ PROJ E BIOMASS _ BURN _ PROJ ,t N 2 O fertilizer_ PROJ ,t ETFC _ PROJ ,t CH 4,enteric_ PROJ ,t N 2Ograzing _ PROJ , t (4) t 1 where: GHG E _ PROJ E BIOMASS _ BURN _ PROJ ,t N 2 O fertilizer_ PROJ ,t ETFC _ PROJ ,t CH 4,enteric _ PROJ ,t N 2 O grazing, PROJ ,t t Increase in GHG emissions as a result of the implementation of the proposed project activity within the project boundary; t CO2-e Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from burning of biomass and forest fires within the project boundary, in year t; t CO2-e Annual N2O emissions as a result of nitrogen application in the project scenario time t; t CO2-e. yr-1 CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the project scenario, during the year t; t CO2-e Sum of CH4 emissions as a result of enteric fermentation within project boundary in the project scenario in year t; t CO2-e Sum of N2O emissions as a result of manure and urine deposited on grassland soil during grazing within the project boundary in the project scenario, at year t; t CO2-e 1, 2, 3, … t* years elapsed since the start of the project activity The CDM approved tool: “Estimation of non-CO2 emissions resulting from burning of biomass attributable to an A/R CDM project activity” is used to estimate emissions from biomass burning. E BIOMASS _ BURN _ PROJ ,t GHG E ,t E BIOMASS _ BURN _ PROJ ,t GHG E ,t (5) Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from burning of biomass and forest fires within the project boundary, in year t; t CO2-e CDM tool output parameter: Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from burning of biomass and forest fires within the project boundary, in year t; t CO2-e To estimate emission from fertilizer, emissions can be estimated using the Tool in the Annex: “Estimation of N2O emission from nitrogen fertilization Tool”. The CDM Tool: “Estimation of GHG emissions related to fossil fuel combustion in CDM AR project activities” is used to estimate fossil fuel emission. Fossil fuel combustion associated with the transport of inputs to the project site and implementation of project activities are included. As allowed by the CDM Tool, tor the estimation of GHG emissions related to transportation outside the project boundary only the distance up to the first point of commuting is taken into consideration. Panda Standard Association 13 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project M ETFC _ PROJ ,t ETFC ,i ,t (6) i ETFC _ PROJ ,t ETFC ,i ,t I t CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the project scenario during the year t; t CO2-e CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion resulting from stratum i during the year t; t CO2-e 1, 2, 3, … M strata in the baseline scenario 1, 2, 3, … t* years elapsed since the start of the project activity To estimate CH4 emissions as a result of enteric fermentation and N2O emissions as a result of manure and urine deposited on grassland soil during grazing Project Proponents shall use the tool in the Annex “CH4 emissions due to enteric fermentation and N2O from manure and urine deposited on grassland soils”. 4.4. Leakage Leakage may result from the displacement of pre-project agricultural or grazing activities. If significant, the methodology requires leakage to be calculated using the CDM AR Tool: “Estimation of the increase in GHG emissions attributable to displacement of pre-project agricultural activities in A/R CDM project activity”3. The following formula shall be applied: t* LK LK AGRIC,t LK CH 4,enteric,t LK N 2O , grazing,t (7) t 1 where: LK Total GHG emissions due to leakage; t CO2-e LK AGRIC,t Leakage due to the displacement of agricultural activities in year t, as calculated in the tool “Estimation of the increase in GHG emissions attributable to displacement of pre-project agricultural activities in A/R CDM project activity”; t CO2-e LKCH 4 , enteric, t Leakage emission from CH4 as a result of enteric fermentation, in year t; t CO2e LK N 2Ograzing, t Total leakage from N2O emissions as a result of manure and urine deposition, at year t; t CO2e However, preliminarily leakage is expected to be insignificant as the primary pre-project activity is grazing of livestock (yak), and the Project Activity will not result in any significant displacement of this activity. In fact, a key objective of the Project is to increase forage availability such that over time the level of goods and services provided in the project scenario should actually be greater than in the baseline scenario. With no reduction (and likely increase) in goods and services, there will be no leakage through displacement of pre-project activities and LK can be set equal to zero. 3 Panda Standard Association 14 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project 4.5. Uncertainty 4.6. Net GHG Emission Reductions/Removals The net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks will be calculated as actual net GHG removals by sinks minus baseline net GHG removals by sinks minus leakage, as follows: C FV PS C ACTUAL C BSL LK (5) where: C FV PS Net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks; t CO2-e C ACTUAL Actual net GHG removals by sinks; t CO2-e CBSL Baseline net GHG removals by sinks; t CO2-e LK Total GHG emissions due to leakage; t CO2-e, Uncertainty in the baseline scenario and uncertainty in the project scenario will be estimated using the formulae in section 8.7 of the F-V Methodology - Revegetation of Degraded Land, which are not repeated here. Panda Standard Credits for the monitoring period T = t2 –t1 shall be calculated as: PS t Adjusted _ Ct2 Adjusted _ Ct1 BufferTOTAL (6) where: PSt Number of PS Credits at time t = t2 - t1; PS Adjusted_Ct2 Cumulative total net GHG emissions reductions at time t2, adjusted to account for uncertainty; t CO2-e Adjusted_Ct1 Cumulative total net GHG emissions reductions at time t1, adjusted to account for uncertainty; t CO2-e BufferTOTAL Total permanence risk buffer withholding; t CO2-e If precision is calculated to be within ±15% of the mean at 95% confidence (across the entire Project Boundary and not only within a carbon pool, stratum, or Project Activity), then no adjustment is required and the final net emission reduction will be reported as the mean. If the 95% confidence interval is greater than 15% of the mean, the adjusted amounts above will include an uncertainty deduction equal to the calculated % of the mean represented by the confidence interval minus the allowable 15%. The Buffer will be is determined by a risk assessment conducted using the Panda Standard Risk Analysis Tool. Panda Standard Association 15 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Crediting Year Estimation of net Baseline Scenario GHG emission reductions/removals (tonnes of CO2 e) Crediting year1 Crediting year2 Crediting year3 Year … Total (tonnes CO2e) of Estimation of netProject Activity Scenario GHG emission reductions/ removals (tonnes of CO2e) Estimation of Estimation of net leakage(tonnes of GHG emission CO2e) reductions/removals (tonnes of CO2e) Panda Standard Association 16 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 5: PERMANENCE AND RISK MITIGATION 5.1. Risk Assessment 5.2. Risk Mitigation MONITORING 5.3. Monitoring Frequency 5.4. Monitoring of Project Implementation 5.5. Sampling Design and Stratification 5.6. Monitoring of Net Baseline Scenario Emission Reductions/Removals Data/parameter monitored: Data unit: Used in equations: Description: Source of data: Measurement procedures (if any) : Monitoring frequency Data Uncertainty Comments: 5.7. Monitoring of Net Reductions/Removals Data/parameter monitored: Data unit: Project Activity Scenario Emission Panda Standard Association 17 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Used in equations: Description: Source of data: Measurement procedures (if any) : Monitoring frequency Data Uncertainty Comments: 5.8. Monitoring of Leakage Panda Standard Association 18 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Section 6: ANCILLARY BENEFITS 6.1. Poverty Alleviation Impacts (Optional) The Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project is designed to have significant poverty alleviation benefits by generating new income streams, increasing forage availability, and involving poor households in Project design and implementation. These benefits will be assessed by applying the Panda Standard Poverty Alleviation Criteria Tool, developed by a Chinese poverty expert under contract to Winrock International and now in the final stages of review and approval. The Poverty Alleviation Criteria Tool is a toolkit composed of poverty alleviation criteria, indicators, and methods of assessment and verification. It has been developed in close alignment with the “Outline for Development-Oriented Poverty Reduction for China’s Rural Areas (2011-2020),”4 also taking into account international norms of safeguards adopted by mainstream voluntary carbon offset programs. The Tool includes five poverty alleviation criteria and ten indicators, each assessed in a “gradational” format ranging from Basic Poverty Alleviation (Level 3), to Pro-Poor Development (Level 2), to Sustainable Development (Level 1). The five criteria are: 4 Refined poverty targeting criterion, addressing the successively more specific targeting of poverty alleviation impacts to nationally designed poor counties, to poor townships and villages, and finally to poor households. Good governance criterion, addressing opportunities and conditions provided by carbon projects to conduct stakeholder consultation, to enable project participants to exercise free, prior and informed consent, and to participate in project management. Livelihood improvement criterion, addressing minimally that carbon projects do not harm the food security, income, and access to natural resources among project participants and the affected communities, and/or make up any losses with equivalent compensatory measures; and further the degree to which projects bring about livelihood improvement among project participants, in particular, households and women in poverty. Human resources criterion, addressing the extent to which carbon projects enhance the capacity of poor households in self-development, self-management and self-organization, through program-related trainings (in particular for families and women in poverty); enhance capacities for self-management by participating in local village committees or cooperatives in collaboration with PS-AFOLU projects; and enhance the capacity of project participants, especially the poor, in accessing information or in bargaining with project proponents and other market agents. The “Outline for Development-oriented Poverty Reduction for China’s Rural Areas (2011-2020) was officially released by the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party and the State Council of the Chinese Government on December 1, 2011. The formal document can be accessed at http: // content/2011/content_2020905.htm. Panda Standard Association 19 TSERING Grassland Revegetation Carbon Offset Project Local culture criterion, addressing ways in which carbon projects located in ethnic minority regions respect the religion and custom of local ethnic communities, through for example safeguarding continued access to sacred or ancestral sites; ensuring that the technology and management system associated with the project does not have negative impacts on the traditional way of life or social organization among local ethnic communities; and extent to which the technology and management system strengthens the culture and identity of local ethnic communities through integration with the traditional knowledge system of local ethnic communities. For each of these criteria the Poverty Alleviation Criteria Tool provides proposed methods of assessment and verification to substantiate whether project achievement on that criterion meets Level 3, 2 or 1. Projects are then assessed against a final scoring system for the project to qualify as meeting the Basic Poverty Alleviation (Level 3), Pro-Poor Development (Level 2), or Sustainable Development (Level 1). 6.2. Community Impacts 6.3. Environment Impacts 6.4. Stakeholder Comments