Publications Books Cotton, M. (2014) Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics SAPERE (Springer, Berlin). Cotton, M. and Motta, B.H. (eds.) (2011) Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship (Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford). Journal articles Cotton, M., Rattle, I., and Van Alstine, J. (2014) “Shale gas policy in the United Kingdom: an argumentative discourse analysis. Energy Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.05.031 Cotton, M. (2014) Structure, agency and post-Fukushima nuclear policy: an alliance-context-actantiality model of political change in special issue: ‘Sociotechnical challenges of nuclear power production and waste management after Fukushima’. Journal of Risk Research DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2014.919512 Cotton, M. and Marhoos-Alsaiari, A. (2014) Key actor perspectives on stakeholder engagement in Omani EIA: an application of Q-methodology Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2013.847822 Cotton, M. (2014) Environmental justice challenges in UK infrastructure planning: lessons from a Welsh incinerator project Environmental Justice 7(2): 39-44. Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2013) Putting pylons into place: a UK case study of public perspectives on the impacts of high voltage overhead transmission lines Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56(8): 1225-1245. Cotton, M. (2013) Deliberating intergenerational environmental equity: a pragmatic, future studies approach Environmental Values 22(3): 317-337. Cotton, M. (2013) NIMBY or not? Integrating social factors into shale gas community engagements Natural Gas & Electricity 29(9): 8-12. Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2012) Making electricity networks ‘visible’: industry actor representations of ‘publics’ and public engagement in infrastructure planning Public Understanding of Science 21(1): 17-35. Cotton, M. (2012) Industry and stakeholder perspectives on the social and ethical aspects of radioactive waste management options Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 11(1): 8-26. Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2011) Discourses of energy infrastructure development: a Q-method study of electricity transmission line siting in the UK Environment and Planning A 43(4): 942-960. Cotton, M. (2010) Discourse, upstream public engagement and the governance of human life extension research Special issue on Technoscience and Technology Assessment. Poiesis & Praxis 7(1-2) pp.135-150. Cotton, M. (2009) Ethical assessment in radioactive waste management: a proposed reflective equilibrium-based deliberative approach Journal of Risk Research 12(5): 603-618. Cotton, M. (2009) Evaluating the ‘ethical matrix’ as a radioactive waste management deliberative decision-support tool Environmental Values 18(2): 153-176. Book chapters and refereed proceedings Cotton, M. (forthcoming) “Not in My Back Yard: place identity, environmental justice and the politics of scale” in Leonard, L., and Kedzior, S. (eds.) Occupy the Earth: Global Environmental Movements (Emerald Publishing, Bingley). Cotton, M. (2014) Ethical Matrix and Agriculture in Thompson, B., and Kaplan, D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics (Springer, Berlin). Cotton, M. (2011) Public engagement and community opposition to wind energy in the UK Tortoro, M. (ed.) Sustainable Systems and Energy Management at the Regional Level: Comparative Approaches (IGI Publishing, Hershay, PA): 310-327. Cotton, M. (2011) Public participation in UK infrastructure planning: Democracy, technology and environmental Justice in Cotton, M. and Motta, B.H. (eds.) Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship (Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford): 201-211. Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2010) NIMBYism and community consultation in electricity transmission network planning in Devine-Wright, P. (ed.) Renewable Energy and the Public: from NIMBY to Participation (Routledge, London): 115-128. Cotton, M. (2006) “Developing a deliberative process for ethically informed radioactive waste management decision-making. In Andersson, K. (ed.) VALDOR 2006 - Values in Decisions on Risk Proceedings (Informationsbolaget Nyberg & Co, Stockholm): 181-189. Cotton, M. (2005) The Problem of Moral Philosophy and Intergenerational Equity in a Potential Radioactive Waste Siting Process: An Ethical Conundrum with a Pragmatic Solution. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Washington D.C.): 2300-2306. Book reviews Cotton, M. (2012) Review of “Biotechnology and Public Engagement in Europe" by Hansen, J. Science Studies 25(1): 74-75 Cotton, M. (2008) Review of “Stakeholders: Theory and Practice” by Friedman A.L. and Miles, S. Journal of Risk Research 11(6): 841-843. Reports Cotton, M. et al., (ed). (2006) The social and ethical aspects of radioactive waste: A review of contemporary literature (UK Nirex Ltd, Harwell). Cotton, M. (2004) “Critical Evaluation of the ‘Ethical Matrix’ in Long -term Radioactive Waste Management” (UK Nirex Ltd, Harwell). Recent international conference papers (*invited) *Cotton, M. “Municipal radioactive waste management? An argument for ethical incrementalism” at Les industries nucleaires et le stockage des dechets: politiques publiques, debats publics et perceptions du(es) risque(s) (Nuclear industry and waste depositories: public policy, public debates and risk perception), Maison des sciences de l'Homme Lorraine, Nancy (18th-20th December 2013). Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. Connelly, S., Cotton, M., Molyneux-Hodgson, S., and Watson, M “New perspectives on understanding nuclear societies” at the Conference on STS Perspectives on Energy, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon (4th-5th November 2013). Cotton, M. (2013) “Radioactive waste management in the United Kingdom: paragon of deliberative democratic governance?” Asian Conference on Energy, Sustainability and Society”, International Academic Forum, Osaka (7 th -9 th June 2013) Cotton, M. (2012) “Ethics and participatory technology assessment: a reflective ethical mapping approach” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Copenhagen Business School, Copenhage n, (17 th -21 st October 2012). Cotton, M. “Public participation and environmental justice legislation in the UK: the Aarhus Convention and the Planning Act 2008” at the 9 th Global Conference on Citizenship and Global Environmental Justice, Mansfield College, Oxford University (11 th -13 th July 2010). Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2010) “Opposition and engagement in electricity network infrastructure planning” ‘Equality, Inclusion and Environmental Justice’ track of the UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference ‘Diversity and Convergence: Planning in a World of Change’, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford (7-9 April 2010). Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. (2009) “How electricity transmission and distribution network operators conceive and practice ‘customer ’, ‘stakeholder’ and ‘public’ engagement” Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, Manchester (26 th -28 th August, 2009). Cotton, M. (2006) “Ethical tools for radioactive waste management decision making” Value in Decisions on Risk Conference, Stockholm ( 14th–18th May, 2006). Recent national and local conferences, seminars, workshop papers and guest lectures (*invited) *Cotton, M. “Infrastructure planning for major energy projects: social and political challenges” RE-Arch 2014 Conference, Sheffield School of Architecture, (28th February, 2014) Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. Cotton, M. “Discourse Coalitions in UK Shale Gas Policy”, Department of Town and Regional Planning Seminar, University of Sheffield (May 2013) *Cotton, M. “Deliberative tools for ethical decision-making: building on Rawls and Habermas” Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied (IDEA) Centre seminar, Leeds (February 2013) Cotton, M. “A critical realist approach to understanding nuclear policy following the Fukushima disaster” Sustainability Research Institute seminar, University of Leeds (July 2012). Cotton, M. “Environmental justice and the governance of energy technology projects” Social and Political Dimensions of Sustainability seminar, University of Leeds (November 2011) *Cotton, M. “Public participation, design and sustainable development” Sustainable Urbanism guest lecture at the University of Manchester (March 2011) *Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. “Public engagement and electricity network planning: research findings” National Grid consultation workshop, Warwick (March 2010) (with Patrick Devine-Wright) Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. “Engaging the public with electricity network technologies” Supergen FlexNet Assembly, Manchester (21 st -22 nd May, 2009) *Cotton, M. and Devine-Wright, P. “Social scientific research into electricity network development” ‘National Grid 2030’ workshop, Warwick (27 th April 2009) *Cotton, M. “Intergenerational equity and environmental management” Environmental Politics and Management guest lecture, University of East Anglia, Norwich (March 2008) *Cotton, M. “The politics and ethics of environmental change” ‘Forbidden Dialogues’ public workshop, Norwich (January 2008) Cotton, M. “Pragmatism, ethics and stakeholder involvement in radioactive waste management.” Social science seminar series, University of East Anglia, Norwich (February 2007) Cotton, M. “Institutions and engagement” Citizen stakeholders, Agencies responsible for radioactive waste management, social science Research organizations and Licensing and regulatory authorities (CARL) workshop, Antwerp (November 30th- December 1st 2005) Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. Cotton, M. “Perspectives on intergenerational equity”, Centre for Environmental Risk seminar University of East Anglia, Norwich (July 2005) Dr Matthew Cotton Lecturer, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield.