CRANMER HALL and WESLEY STUDY CENTRE INDUCTION PROGRAMME, MICHAELMAS 2012 This programme lists everything that is happening over the first few days of term which are relevant to those beginning in Cranmer Hall, including new members of the Wesley Study Centre. Things can, and will, change but this gives you a good idea of what to expect. We have tried to indicate events you must attend by putting them in bold type. Everything else is optional. Please ask any of the returning students or a staff member if you need any clarification. This programme will be updated several times before you arrive in Durham – the updated document will be available on the website at: Time Event Venue (organised by Staff unless stated otherwise) Please note: students starting the MA in Theology and Ministry have two days of induction on Wednesday and Thursday 26th/27th September, details will be available on a separate timetable. TUESDAY 2nd OCTOBER 1200 Arrive at College 1230 Midday prayer – optional Chapel 1300 Lunch Bowes Dining Room 1330 – 1430 Introducing Cranmer Hall and Wesley Study Centre with the Warden and WSC Director (spouses welcome) Wallis Room 1500 – 1700 Housekeeping time – where to collect keys etc Introducing Cranmer Exec, Buddy System and meals system College Tour led by Discipleship Leaders (including College Library) (spouses and children welcome) Wallis Room (Exec) 1700 Intro to Cranmer for children 1730 Welcome meal for all students and families Updated 28/6/12 Leech Hall 1830 - 1930 Opening worship for new and continuing students, spouses, children and staff Leech Hall WEDNESDAY 3rd OCTOBER 0800 Breakfast Bowes Dining Room 0830 Morning Prayer Chapel 0900 – 0930 Introduction to St John’s College College Principal Wallis Room 0930 – 10.15 Common Worship – use in College services (Mark Tanner) Wallis Room 1030 – 1230 UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION DURHAM CATHEDRAL (new students) 1230 Lunch for all Cranmer and WSC Bowes Dining Room 1330 –1430 Introduction to Placements and Ministerial Practice (Andrew Lunn and David Goodhew) Wallis Room 1445 - 1545 Child Protection (Mark Bagnall) Wallis Room 1630 College matriculation (new students) Chapel 1700 Evening Prayer 1830 Dinner Bowes or Haughton Dining Room THURSDAY 4th OCTOBER 0800 Breakfast Bowes Dining Room 0830 Morning Prayer Chapel 0905 – 1025 The Theology and Ministry Courses Wallis Room Director of Studies (intro to Theo, essay submission etc) For Certificate, Diploma and BATM students only Including registration for first year 1025 –1045 Coffee 1045 – 1145 Study Skills & Returning to Study Wallis Room 1145 – 1230 Direct Entry students (Medi Volpe) Tristram Room 1230 Lunch Bowes Dining Room 1315 – 1630 Quiet afternoon in Durham Cathedral (spouses welcome) Holy Cross Chapel (wear warm clothes!) 1630 Evening Prayer Holy Cross Chapel Durham Cathedral 1730-1815 Drinks with Johns’ undergraduates (optional) Haughton lawn 1830 Dinner Bowes or Haughton Dining Room 0800 Breakfast Bowes Dining Room 0830 Morning Prayer Chapel FRIDAY 5th OCTOBER The Bible and the Spiritual Life Conference chaired by Richard Briggs Programme: 0900 Talk 1 David Wilkinson 1000 Rt Revd Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham. ‘Making Moral Decisions’ 1100 Coffee break 1100 Talk 2 (speaker to be confirmed) 1200 Reflection in small groups and prayer time 1230 Break for lunch Bookstall (to be confirmed) 1245 Lunch 13.45 Talk 3 (speaker to be confirmed) 1445 Closing Reflections and prayers 1500 End 1630 Evening Prayer Chapel 1830 Dinner Bowes Dining Room 1900 Meal for WSC students and spouses 55 The Avenue SATURDAY 6th OCTOBER 1000 – 1300 St John’s College Freshers Fair & Sports Fair (tbc) Leech Hall 1400 Fun afternoon for all students and families Brass Thill (ACCESS) 1600 Barbeque for all students SUNDAY 7th OCTOBER 1600 WSC Beginning of Year Service Carrville Methodist Church MONDAY 8th OCTOBER The normal daily programme begins: 0730 Holy Communion (Monday and Friday) (optional) 0800 Breakfast 0830 Morning Prayer (Wednesday – Discipleship Groups) 0900 Lectures begin 1045 Coffee (Infoslot every Monday) Bowes Dining Room 1115 Preparation for worship 1300 Lunch 1400 Discipleship Groups (Leech Hall for first Monday only) 1545 University Library Visit, Science Site (student led, first years) 1730 Evening Prayer (usually 1630) 1830 Dinner Please note the following additional events during this term: WEDNESDAY 10th OCTOBER 2000 Meeting with spouses of new students with Warden & WSC Director SCR THURSDAY 11th OCTOBER 1715 – 1755 Methodist Preaching Service SATURDAY 13TH OCTOBER Afternoon of Fun and Games – With Principal’s Ceilidh Leech Hall to be confirmed WEDNESDAY 17th OCTOBER 1930 –2100 Pilgrimage to Durham Cathedral for Cranmer/WSC freshers, hosted by Dean of Durham. For students and spouses. MONDAY 22nd OCTOBER 1900-2100 Meal for First Years Tristram Room/SCR/Ruth Etchells Room