LRE Plan 8-6

Distribution of School-age Students. Based on the review of LEA data, the percentage of
students receiving special education programming inside the regular education programming inside of
the regular class less than 40% of the day and in other settings (14.2%) is significantly greater than the
state percentage of 9.2%.
Data that needs to be noted: Over the course of 5 years the district has stopped placing students with
autism in out of district placements.
School Year
Total # of Students w/autism
# out of District
# in district
There is also data to support the reduction in out of district placements for students with multiple
disabilities (MD).
School Year
Total # of Students w/MD
# out of District
# in district
This is significant data and should be considered a part of the success that SEDELCO school district
demonstrated in its efforts to increase the number of children being educated in their neighborhood
schools alongside their non-disabled peers in the least restrictive environment. The district has
successfully dealt with the increase in students with severe disabilities by creating effective sustainable
programs in district. These programs have been developed within the regular school program and
provide for multiple opportunities for students in these classes to be educated with their non-disabled
Corrective Action Evidence of Change:
1. The LEA will provide staff development in the area of LRE calculation (see Attachments A & B).
a. Evidence of Change: The LEA will provide documentation of attendees and materials for
PDE review.
b. Timeline: this will be completed by 7/1/14
c. Resources: LEA, IU 25, PaTTAN and other staff as needed
2. The LEA will randomly select an IEP from each staff members’ caseload during the course of the
2013-2014 school year and document the LRE calculation and provide staff development if the
LRE is not calculated correctly.
a. Evidence of Change: Spread sheet to include staff name, student ID, LRE calculated
correctly (y/n), staff development needed (y/n) and if yes to staff development needed,
date and time. LEA will also provide documentation of staff development and plan of
action created for teacher in reference to LRE calculation (See attachment C).
b. Timeline: this will be completed by 7/1/14
c. Resources: LEA, IU 25, PaTTAN and other staff as needed
3. The LEA will increase the amount of time spent in the regular education program of students in
the district life skills program.
a. Evidence of Change: This will be a 3 year process. The first year the LEA will provide staff
development in the areas of inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities for the
middle school life skills support teacher, middle school learning support teachers,
related service personnel, middle school general education teachers and specialist
teachers. The training will include strategies for modifying and accommodating students
with intellectual disabilities in the general education classroom. The second year the
LEA will extend this plan down to the primary and intermediate levels. The plan will
duplicate what we did for the first year. The third year the LEA will extend the plan up
to the secondary level and will be a duplicate of what we did the first and second years.
The LEA will provide documentation of an action plan for each year, identifying the
teams to be developed, the materials used to develop the teams, and attendees of
development sessions.
b. Timelines: Middle Level will complete an action plan that includes a brief needs
assessment (similar to the original LRE needs assessment, see attachment D), plan of
action, responsible parties, progress monitoring, and completion report by 7/1/14. This
process will be duplicated for the elementary and primary levels and be completed by
7/1/15. This process will be duplicated for the secondary level and be completed by
c. Resources: LEA, IU 25, PaTTAN and other staff as needed.
4. The LEA will initiate a process of re-entry back to a less restrictive environment when IEP teams
request a more restrictive environment for a student with challenging needs. This plan will
include a needs assessment of what the student will need to be more successful in a less
restrictive environment. This needs assessment will be in the form of a Functional Behavior
Assessment (FBA). IEP teams will initiate an FBA at the time of determination that a student
needs a more restrictive environment. The FBA will be completed while the student is still in the
least restrictive environment. The data from the FBA will be used to develop an individual
positive behavior support plan within the IEP. The IEP team will identify the specific behaviors
the student needs to master in order to be successful in the least restrictive environment.
a. Evidence of change: The district will reduce the number of students in the “less than
40% of time in regular education” from 14.2% to 12%.
b. Resources: LEA, IEP teams
c. Timelines: 7/1/14
5. The high school will engage in the Best Buddies program. This program is designed to ensure
that people with intellectual disabilities are successfully integrated into the school environment.
The high school will begin by creating the Best Buddies Chapter at Academy Park and encourage
membership in the program within the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year. During the
second semester of the 2013-2014 school year, participants in the Best Buddies program will be
scheduled for electives with their best buddies. Then going forward, students enrolled in the
Best Buddies program will be scheduled for electives with their Best Buddies.
a. Evidence of Change: Documentation of acceptance into the Best Buddies Program as
provided by the organization, documentation of student participation, student
schedules and staff development for Best Buddies.
b. Resources: Training materials provided by Best Buddies, LEA, high school staff
c. Timelines: This process will be completed and permanently in place by 7/1/14.