Proctoring Form – Bryan College Proctoring Coordinator: Samuel. J Youngs To Students and Instructors: In order to schedule a proctoring appointment, the information requested in the following form is required. It can be completed as a printed hard copy and brought to the appropriate office (Anderson Annex, Top Floor, Center Office) or mailed intramurally (Box 7808); it can also be completed digitally and emailed as an attachment, or the information can be sent directly in the body of an email message, which will be printed for records. Instructor and Course Information Examination Materials and Protocols By filling out this form, I hereby confirm that I am aware of the student’s proctoring request, and I approve of the Proctor’s administration of How long does the student have to take this exam? ___________ these examination materials. Can the student use any “helps” or materials other than a writing Instructor name: ______________________________________ implement in the course of this examination? If so, please specify in the space below: Instructor department: _________________________________ Course number & title: ________________________________ What is the latest date (as determined at instructor’s discretion) that the student in question is allowed to take the exam/quiz in question? ___________________________________________ Please list any additional instructions specific to this exam/quiz in the space below: How would the instructor prefer for the the exam to be returned to them? How will the examination materials be brought to the Proctor? (please (check below; if filling-out digitally, then italicize your preference) check below; if filling out digitally, bold your preference) 1) Mailed Intramurally? ☐ (Box #________) I will hand-deliver them to office ☐ 2) Dropped-Off to Office? ☐ (Office _______) I will email to ☐ (Note: Exam may be slid under door if instructor is outof-office when exam is returned.) I will mail intramurally to Box 7808 ☐ Student Information: Name: (Print)______________________________________________ (Sign)____________________________________________ Do you have ADA Accommodations? (circle) YES NO (If yes, what are the accommodations? __________________________) For what day/time have you scheduled your proctoring appointment with the Proctoring Coordinator? ________________________________ Proctoring Form – Bryan College Proctoring Coordinator: Samuel. J Youngs To Students and Instructors: In order to schedule a proctoring appointment, the information requested in the following form is required. It can be completed as a printed hard copy and brought to the appropriate office (Anderson Annex, Top Floor, Center Office) or mailed intramurally (Box 7808); it can also be completed digitally and emailed as an attachment, or the information can be sent directly in the body of an email message, which will be printed for records. Instructor and Course Information Examination Materials and Protocols By filling out this form, I hereby confirm that I am aware of the student’s proctoring request, and I approve of the Proctor’s administration of How long does the student have to take this exam? ___________ these examination materials. Can the student use any “helps” or materials other than a writing Instructor name: ______________________________________ implement in the course of this examination? If so, please specify in the space below: Instructor department: _________________________________ Course number & title: ________________________________ What is the latest date (as determined at instructor’s discretion) that the student in question is allowed to take the exam/quiz in question? ___________________________________________ Please list any additional instructions specific to this exam/quiz in the space below: How would the instructor prefer for the the exam to be returned to them? How will the examination materials be brought to the Proctor? (please (check below; if filling-out digitally, then italicize your preference) check below; if filling out digitally, bold your preference) 1) Mailed Intramurally? ☐ (Box #________) I will hand-deliver them to office ☐ 2) Dropped-Off to Office? ☐ (Office _______) I will email to ☐ (Note: Exam may be slid under door if instructor is outof-office when exam is returned.) I will mail intramurally to Box 7808 ☐ Student Information: Name: (Print)______________________________________________ (Sign)____________________________________________ Do you have ADA Accommodations? (circle) YES NO (If yes, what are the accommodations? __________________________) For what day/time have you scheduled your proctoring appointment with the Proctoring Coordinator? ________________________________